The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 18, 1944, Page 8, Image 8

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    " ' " ' ' "" ' ' " ' '
. IMlACHlllf
PilusO'Kaioiien Rematch Headlines 'Hp Railing Card at Armory Tonight
garden 1 punch pit tonight for
chapter! four of their bristling
. brawls. Last week It was Piluso,
popular as r they come in the
northwest circuit, who flattened
. -Now official! that W6odburn' big-enough-to-shave Legion kids
are all 'legitimate" baUgamerscertainly not thought so by a few of
the village fans after seeing Coach Pete DeGuire's behemoths smother
the' Capital Posters. State American Legion Athletic, Officer J. Earl
Stanley, one of those guilty of taking tne state tournament zrom
- Woodburn in favor of Portland -'this
year, incidentally certified
DeGuire's entry list as okeh, all
players being under the 17-year-
A Kmit -" WnA Irvr ToTlllir
-next semester, however, for also
'listed with Stanley's announce
;ment are the respective ages a'
the Woodburn kids, and not ont
"of DeGuire's present fht-string-ers
will be eligible a year hence.
'Joe Bielemeier, 7AI Olsen, Ken
' "Babe"; Reed, Dick Twenge, Clar
ence "Charlie" Sauvain, Walt
Faulhaber, John Garren, Harold
McKee, Al Superman" Zuber
all are playing their "now or nev
er season in Legion ball . . . Via
Ethan (Irant, Pendleton's pet play
boy since hitting the road for the
state's unemployment outfit, comes
tidings - that Lawrence f'Squee"
Kitchen, topnotcher in Just about everything he took a hand at in ath
letics around' the town not too many years ago, is now drawing pay
- from ; a , Milton-Freewater cannery and works alongside some 750
German prisoners of war. Grant insists Kitchen was wearing clothes
with no "PW" on same, however . . . Make way for another ball team
In the village at first we, had none, now we have scads. This one
- brand new and looking for a sponsor a dozen of Willamette's V-12'ers
who can play only during their free hours. Included in same is Ray
blowup V. 2 And speaking of ball teams, the Salem "No-Stars" en-
I llll . S 11 m m . m -
visionea oj uei oniae ampneu ana to consist or oidtimers wno
should know better, has reached the Vt total. Claude "Sheets' O'
Connell, red-headed Senators outergardener In -'42 and last winter
one of the highlights on the Albina Hellships hoop squad, is back' in
town and is said to be available for "No-Star" duties. O'Connell would
swell the total to enough to get started on . v .
Picture Proves He Was Out a 'Mile"
Pictures don't lie dept.: Most of the customers who' sent up the
howl in the Cannoneers-Greys ball game at Waters week ago Sunday
when Cpl. Bill Welch of the GI's was called out at the plate on a
double steal play early in the game, might ike to know that' spread
nrnci thiAA nn1nmn fit Camn AHnfo Rawiti'iF locf . m nl 1 1 1 tr a y!
ture showing Greys Catcher M Wflhunson assuming a "hold-that- to three taes. The igeon-
lin-" nositinn In front of thp Wish anrf awaifin Welsh in slid inin eers PUt together tWO Singles and
him from at least fouPfeet out. Williamson has the ball, too, and from
the looks of his stance only a freight train could have dented the
rubber safely. Pictures can always enlighten things so
For those who have asked, that was Big Roy Helper's 12th win of
the season Sunday, when he edged San Francisco, 2-1. The former
Senator fireballer has lost eight And according to Lair Gregory's
mathematics, Helser has notched five shutouts so far, three in his
last five starts, and up until the Seals scored off him in the sixth in
ning Sunday Roy had pitched 23 consecutively scoreless innings.
. . . Not bad at all for the portsider they all gave up on a few years
ago. But Roy's paying for it in another way and affords food for
They'll Do It Every Time? topic: Now that he's going so well on
the hillock, his usually potent hit wand has fallen asleep. He's fallen
from far above .300 to below the .250 mark not good for Roy. Helser.'
j As ior Charley Peterson, his shipyarding-by-day-ballplaying-by-night
routine is catching up with him finally with the result that Pete
has slipped badly with the willow. "Player of the year" with San
Francisco last season and one of the most dangerous rappers in the
Expected to be .no - wanner rules Infraction tn title belt out-
than either of the two preliml- inrs and therein proved himself
nary scuffles, and both of those . one of the most rurred eon-
will have to be strictly on the . tenders for the crown in the! cir-
. . . Mm - A .. ' a K muii.i A - - . .
sizzuna; kiue u mcy ro w cej .
op with the main heat, Coast
Champion Paavo ; "King Kong" '
Katonen and Port lander Ernie '
Piloso return to the Ferry street !
euit. : Tonisht . they - come back.
but op until last;niht there had
been no word frpm Matchmaker
Don Owen tellinc that he had
at last argnea jvaionen into pat- m
ting up the bell for fthe Tillage
rematch. Most fans ! feel that
since Katonen has been held to
so many draws ind has dropped
non-title matches here and there
the nnllked cbamp in a bruiser, , in the past weeks, hei really Isn't
and finally after two previous --: champion exceptinr on Inslrnifl-
tries.: Before- Tuesday the Ital- v cant technicalities. But cham
lan smoothie had held Katonen pionshlp : match! or inot,. Pfiaso
te a draw and ; lost ta hint en "Informed yesterday he was! Mgo-
;; . ! H
1 A
I' ! - i
' ing to shoot the works' tonirht
- and - then. If - victorious, would
lay offkiat claim to "the title bV
appealing to the national assocl-
ation. Other -grapters who have
; defeated the rugred Finn are
said to feel that same way.-S
, unless Katonen comes ; throngh . pull. Unlike either of the ether
meanie tactics, goes against "Si
lent", Rattan, the, bald pated deaf
mute with the la r g e bag , of
' tricks. Clever, -SCent", will off
; set one ef Morelll's pet pranks
in that hell have no hair for
the ex-Olympic Games hero to
with a decisive win. tonight his"
days as champion in the circuit
may be numbered, technicalities
or no.; . .'"
Either of the two prelims are
apt to steal as much thunder as
the main go. At 8:30 p. nt Big
Tony . M o r e 1 1 1 y the" Gotham
strongman who has chucked his
hilarious "windop" hold for the
more deliberate and unpopular
two sessions, the semi-windup
will no doubt offer an all-clean
match. Ivan "Muscles" Jones,
coming fast In ' the ' lightheavy
, ranks since trading his referee
tag dnds for tights, tackles Herb
"Pinky. Parks, .the blond Ca
' nadlan ' quickie. It's sure to-be
: a catch-as-catch-ean scientific
-affair, always well accepted by
' the: customers. . " '
Marines Edge
t .' .. .... ,; ... i ......
Leathernecks Tally
Winner in Tenth;
' " K- f . I
The all-Gi ball battle of the
summer in Geo; E. Waters park
turned out to be a dinger last
night, the Marine Airmen from
Corvallis, sprinkled here and there
with former professionals, count
ing a run in theiiop half tof the
tenth frame to nose out the Salem
Air Base Pigeoneers, 4-3. Hardly
anyone there to iee'it, but had the
customers know what a sparkling
hurling duel wa in store for them,
they'd have lined the, pits for sure.
Lefty Ed Dunlap for the Pigeon
eers, a fastballer with an'off-the-table-top
curve,' faced Righthand
er. Pete Jock of Ithe Leathernecks,
the latter -diminutive curvlst
with" sufficient ton his fait one.
Dunlap ; doled only , six hits
throughout, Jock Iseven. -1 -r
The Marines started off In great
style by counting once in the first
frame and twice in the fsecond
sans a hit in either. Wildness by
Dunlap at the outstart made pos-
an error in the; fourth to get one !
back, but from then until the bot-1
torn half of the eighth Jock and
Dunlap went at it nip and tuck.
Then In this eighth the first two
Salem GEs went J out Gelormine
bounced to second - sackef John
son with what! might have been
easily the third, but Johnson
kicked it. "Up sprang the Pigeon-1
eers with the break, Dorer slam
ming a long triple against the
right-field fence to count Gelor
mine and ; then scoring himself
with the tieing rim when Burke
beat out a hit to short h
Back to duelling went Jock and l
Dunlap until the tenth. Center
1 , ' ;
V-jS'er Allison. Scores in Sunday Junior Game
Portland in Fifth'
After Sunday Wins
Former Stars
Bobbing Sack
In Big Show
Culd Supply Punch
Tor Pennant Snatch
In Hot Amerk Race
NEW YORK, July 17-iP- War
plants, farms and services are re
turning to baseball such standout
major leaguers as Frank Croset
ti of the Yankees, Lou Finney of
the Red Sox. Harlond Clift of the
Senators and Dick Wakefield of
the Tigers who' today hold the
balance of power in the tight
American league pennant chase..
, As the majors enjoyed a fourth
successive Monday open date be
fore, resuming intersectional com
petition tomorrow, the : American
race was still wide open with St
Louis, New York and Boston in
the front row but "none of the
others outdistanced.
iLuke SeweU's Brownies, with"
W I. Pet. W L Pet.
Oakland .S3 4 345 Portland 90 SO MO I
seatti si 4 jio HoiiTwd 49 m am only 22 movt road dates, ana a
San rran si 49 Jioisacramn 43 S4 .465 1 two-game lead held - the. advan-
schedule, sends all eastern teams
Sunday results: At Portland S-l. San
Francisco 3-1. At Seattla 4-S. Holly
wood 1-5. At Los Angeles 3-4, Sacra
mento At , Oakland. S-4, San
Diegq 0-3.' -'- .;-
By the Awociated Press .1
Portland's Pacific' Coast league
baseball Beavers,' still seeking to
regain a what' was their's a few
weeks ago, leadership In the cir
cuit open a 7-game series, with the
Bollywood Stars tonight The Bea
vers, by virtue of their two wins
over -San r Francisco Sunday,
climbed to fifth place in the stand
ings with a JOft percentage. Three
and a half games, separate Port
land from first place and four and
a half from last i ,; f . ;
Ad Liska and Roy Helser pitched
the Portland wins, the former 5-2
over Tom Seats, the , latter 2-1
over Ray Harrell in one extra in
ning. Meanwhile, Oakland turned
back. San Diego twice, . 3-0 and
6-3, to strengthen its league lead.
C(S lfallVA 4? a1 1 Sir4) V1tAA T Aa
It's a race between Dick AUison, third sacker for Valley Motor V-8s and the ball (shown , Just behind I Anfelea tonned Sacramento. S-l
isica as c luuauu viKacr tvo bcuwmh tus mi wmubi ir ui uinwi auiwb wwb uia avurcu uw i 4-3, to take undisputed pos
session of second place. It was the
first series Ices for Sacramento in
the last six. Seattle took two from
Hollywood, 4-1 and 6-5 to hold
third place tie with San Francis
co. Hollywood is now half a game
beneath San Diego in seventh
This week Seattle hosts San
Francisco, Oakland goes to Los
V-t's first ef two rims for the game. To no avail, however, as Funland : finally won, 7-2. Umpire
Stanley Smith watches the play and Allison lis getting some top-hand support from' his 'mates' ba
the background. The Funland win placed them atop the Janlor league standings. Y-I's slipped Into a
second place tie with Cnrly's Dairy (Statesman Sports photo.) - ' r. .
Funlarid Nips J'89 Rules Junior "A" League ;
Roost; Gurlyi S Upset; f!B" Derby Deadlocked
into the west in the final, two
weeks 'of the season. The Browne -and
Yanks, who might be fighting
it out wind up the campaign in
St Louis October I. , v . -
Although Chetiaabs and Mike
Chartak . rejoined . the club, . the
Browns continued to bank on the ,
lineup that kept them on top most
of the season. Crosetti, Just re
leased from a San Francisco ship
yard, .was expected w 'take his
place in the New York infield as
soon as he. tells Joe McCarthy
he's ready, but whether hell re
place Mike Mflosevich at short or
play third was still undecided.
Outfielder! Herschel Martin had
given the team big lift since he
was acquired, from Milwaukee. r
Boston's pitching troubles still
held back the club despite its hit
ting power. Joe Cronin picked up
Red Barrett capable relief man
from Columbus,' but still leaned
heavily on Tex Hughson. Lou
(Continued on page 9) :
i Musial-Walker
Duel Tightens
Funland's .. well-balanced i- entry
e art e - i y . . x l.
aner aui eigne uuui souk turns t
Geo. E. Waters Park Sunday in the
loop's sixth round. With Big Ed
Ball, the Turner curvlst holding
the Valley Motor V-ts at bay with
a no-hitter, the! Funlanders came
lokian scored hfm all the way from
first when bis bunt 'hit was
Waterman "Marlins" OuUhoot-jz:
Pekar "Coys" on Salem Links
the best pitching perfomances of
the season and allowed Cnrly's but
four hits, walked four and fanned
1. Wilkes was touched for five
blows, fanned nine and walked
two. The winning runs were scored
Bosox Corner
AL Swat Derby
' - :i : , .... "
Confined to the par pits at Salem golf course instead of the moun
tains: and using unexplosive type shoo tin irons. But Waterman's
"Martins' outshot Millard Pekars "Coyi" in the Mens club best ball
twosome fued Sunday, 20 to 16,
and then merged with the enemy
to indulge ; in a first-rate turkey
dinner paid for by the losing Pekar
packv '' . . .y
Twenty-four teams hooked up
in the 18 -hole battle," and as it
should have been. Captain Water
man and 'mate Bill Stacey paced
the Martins' , victory; by polishing
off Captain Pekar and pal Bill
Clark, 3-0. Best low gross round
of the outing was turned in by Leo
Estey of the winners. He put to
gether a 39 and a 37 for a four-
over-par 78. John Emlen salvaged
low net honors for the losers with
his 38-3977 round minus 10 for
handicap and a net 67,
i In the afternoon two-ball mixed
fpursome play, Mrs. Ere Kay and
partner Vic Convey led a field of
36 home with a net 74 score. A
stroke behind was the duet of Mrs.
Bill ; Stacey and Bill Clark.
Here's how the best ball two
some teams scored against each
Bustck-Thoman. va Dvnpt-Thrsh tb
Huntcr-Kunn s va. Guexaroy-seara -1
Goodwln-Marr l1,! vs. Hamn-Hawks l1;
McLghln-Kiggtm vs.- Copck-Hauk
Lentren-gtter 1 vs. Painter-Powell
OusUsnBaldock 1 -vs. HUl-AUey ,4
ConYeyArmprest ",i vs. Knyn-Pthr S'i
McAUstr-Arebrt H vs. Bnstel-Eyre 1
GilstraD-Earle 34 vs. Xlmml-Johnan V
Klng-H. Clark S va. Baxter-McCrary
stvnson-LAucu e vs. Ennn-scnrner
Stacey-Watrmn S va. B. Blrk-Pekar
ToUU h SO Totals H
Detroit; Topped
17 -(ff)- The Detroit Tigers drop
ped an 8 to 4 decision to the Bat
tle Creek All Stars, a team com
posed of sandlot league players
and soldiers from nearby Fort
. Custer, in a twilight exhibition
game tonight before 10,000 spec
tators. ;
double play ended the inning
finally, but only 'after the 'one big
and winning run had counted. The
Pigeoneers went down in order in
their half it was frightfully dark
for baseballing at that time.
Not only was it a pitchers' battle
almost throughout, tne tilt was
n.H. I AAAA. IUWa, I ; ,j. IJrt-kBi! i
plays and particularly in the out-1 Haulers si .TJOiEUstom'a i
field.. f i
Marines AB K H
Plgeoa'rs AB K B
Krebea. as 4 I
Johmton lb 4 18
Aberle. lb S tf
Karens. -3b SSI
CHICAGO, July 17-(ff)Three Bickw.u. ef s s
of the top four spoU in the Ame- KVer rf a
rican lea tu e battine race were ITlccony, c 4
A VUU TfAA V. A v J .1 I lTA m
at that thlrr!-n1nr RAstrm HtA
n . ... . . lot a is h
2ox, wiin r iy-naser reie rox .Batted for Gosaeiin in 7th.
taking over the lead from team- Marine M-i ?$2 S2 ri ! I
Pigeoneers , l..J0 100 020 0-3 7 3
Gclrmne Sb
Dorer. Jb S
Burke, rf S
Costeuo. cf a
Callahan. If 4
rrentzkor e a
Goaselln. lb S
Jurek, as 4
Dunlap, p .4
Cardweu, 1
Irish, lb. 1
Totals i S7
rcmom leagvk standings
Major DivWoa: 5 1
W L Pet. 8 - W L Pet
Punland S 1 J33!Shrocks S S MO
V-S'a 4 t- 47 Redwood 4 J33
Curly'a 4 3 jm Eagles 3 J33
Mayfloer 4 3 X47Uon'a I .000
S 54
C-Barrck 3 1 .790 Yeater'a 13 JSO
Sunday results: Majors At run-
land 7, Valley Motor 1 At Curly'a 2.
Shrock'e S. At Lion's i 0. Redwood 13.
At Eagles 8. Mayflower 13 Minors
At Yeater'a f. Heavy : Haulers is.
Elfstrom's 7, Oopgh-Barrick f.
a I - t i ;
to life in the ;ofurth frame ' and
went on to win 7j-2. The V-8s,
minus their ace pitcher Bud Craig
for half the gkmej scored twice
on Ball's wildness and ! infield
babbles. Ball fanned 11 and walked
Errors: Dorer; 3, Baker. Karageanis, s- His mates! nac-ed bv Short
Khelokian. Johnston 3. Dunlap. Runs - aieSj pacea oyanort-
Batting averages generally were Dorer.! Burke. .Two baa hit: Costeiio. thj- whacked! seven hits off V-S
I'hvaat : raiaa ntTi iinreiT' 2Kin n nsftM! i ' :r it
Johnston, Gelormine. Kheiakian. Bak- Starter Case and Cfaig.
the league heajj all alone, the loss
on the decline during the week,
Fox dropping four points as Doerr
fell off 13 points to .327 for sec
ond place. Thurman Tucker of
the White Sox, the ex-leader who
drew a bench assignment over
the weekend in Detroit his only
reprieve from that status being a
pinch-hitting call in V which he
failed to connect extending his
slump to one hit In his last 38
times at bat was third in the
standings with .320.
- - Tucker waa followed by Bob
Johnson, Boston outfielder, with
.313 and Dick Siebert, Philadel
phia, .314.
it Tear
Notches Tenth
CHICAGO, July K-f-Cal-umet
farm's little fdy, Twilight
Tear, ran te her ltth straight
vfctery today before a ladies
day crowd ef 17,500 at Wash-
; lngton park, taking s length
win ever Pensive, the Derby
Freshness champion, with an
official mile of 1:3 15.
- The victory Increased Twi
light Tear's total winnings fat
two years ever the $100,009
mark. . -
le Dlayi
on balls: Off Jock 2. off Dunlay a.
Strike outs: By Jock 7. by Dunlay S.
Umpires: Stanley Smith and De
Smith. 1 f
Junior League
Meeting Called
Sponsors, coacnes, managers,
etc, of both divisions ef the
Salem Jnnier baseball league
are ree.ested by President Oli
ver Hastoa convene at a spe
cial and Important meeting
Wednesday night at I o'clock
la the Willamette room ef the
chamber ef commerce. It Is
urged by Hasten that all teams
. be represented. ,f
Amongst many topics p for
suseusslon is the proposal that
the : major league start charg
ing admission prices far games
played at Gee E. Waters park,
dropping Valley Motor I Into .! a
three-way tie for second place with
Curly'a Dairy ajid Mayflower Milk.
Curly's helped Jtoss ,the derby into
a dogfight by going down before
an off-and-ox Shrock'a ) Motors
nine and Righthander Joe "Cow
boy" Carroll, f 5-2. The ; tightest
I tussle of the day saw the Shrock's
tally three times in the final inning
for a victory after Carroll .and
Lefty Stan Wilkes duelled on even
terms. Carroll, turned in one j of
UDM SBii j :
In Baseball i ;
By the Appelated Pre i
(Three leaders: ta each league) : t
Player. Clwb 1 ' OS AB at H Pet.
Mueial. Cardinals 19 80S SO 108 jJS4
i waucer, uoagera av w iwi
Weintraub, Gianfta es; 327'
rox, Red Sox 46l 249
Doerr. Bed Sox as 311
41 T7
33 83
60 102
3S 73
Benefit Game Set
tnnn vnHTf - T..1- 11 rm tu. 1 Tucker. White Sox 6S. 32S
flaniuo,'ui.f.i-vrrus . Kuna batted in: American league
New, xorr liianis wui , mcei ue siepnena, wowna oo: iwerr, nea box
Pittsburgh Pirates In their 1944 cTan
War ! relief " game Under the Polo Walker. Dodgers S3: Nicholson, . Cuba
1 j i T.. S3. Home runs: : Metheny. Yankees 11:
Prom axcugnw weouwuaj, -uijr cuUentm- Indians 11; Hayes. Atn-
28, according to Secretary Eddie uucs io; JohMon, Red Sox io-, Doerr.
. ? i . - , - Red Sox 10; Ott GianU 30; Nicholson.
i . i - ilAlDS is: avurowski. fttrOB 12. . i
Many Military Rejectees Might Be Overly Physical - t?ipieshed
r KT'.7 TOSS, July 17-(ff)
There 1j tznch concern ever the
; fact tLat rifirly 5,C03.C39 young
xssn la tL!s country have been
:-. f cuaJ u-::t for the armed serv-
Ices, and plans are under way
; ta remedy physical conditioning.
V.v five rrJ::':a rrta are a lot
, tf ma, but personally 'I we
iTtcr'I't ett t3 alarmed ever
tl 9 f. . s v-l we knew last
ry s r were turned
Z ' zi I; we'd Uie to see;
'.-"r.v3 cf ll.i tzzzzz tit
'1 tie.
t : d
nz- t:
Jast because a man Is turned
down by the examining physi
cians dees not mean he hasn't
taken care ef his physical being
" and Is suffering from lack ef
exercise, for some ef our best
athletes have been rejected. A '
program ef exercise isn't . going
te fix a punctured ear&rma r
i a pepping knee, for instance, and '
great many men have been
tarned dawn for Just such rea
ssns rtxscns that f might t
traced to violent physical exer-
Ilaybe a doctor coclj ga ia
fhere wiLh a sUering Iren "'arj
tlx cp tie ear Cram, er Ci
::::! wtiiiiag ea tie knee, tf
the trouble was discovered In
tune, bnt the fact remains such
rejections Scant be blamed en
the apathy cf .the rejected man
toward exercise. The armed
services are well sprinkled with
clerks and ether more or less
sedentary citizens who all their
lives had a Cttlltl aversion to
exercise: ta tay ; fornv,. sacked '
like chimneys, took i drink
when they felt 12:e It and ether
wise livel ci tzillizM. i-.y. :-yy
; r Tet they i-zt tie r!id service
; rtcIrtntztSi .trtSal nur d
titlr" extrc' rT',brt '.Isn Lave ;
ta tzz .l C.-.--3. r.r tLjt r:i
Si3 It wc-'I tt in"! t C : : t-
er the percentage .ef rejectees
who were turned; down for rea
sons net related to exercise be
fore becoming alarmed at ; the
idea that we are a nation ef
pampered souls. : Therefore,! In
farming a plan te Insure a low
er percentage ef rejectees in the
next war - beaten forbid -j-ti
mlxbt be a good (Ja te Cnd ect
first how many youngsters real
ly can be helped by exerciser As
It la, ssas tt tzt irsrj eta
Lave -been ever-exercised . rtii
t2t:i areb:J b tjcrti tz
tliy artn't ccmllereJ giy:'. : 1-
ly e i-ii te "titlxi nea-txtrt!. '
- trs.-itrs. -. s. ...
B021 Scores
(Salem Junior League)
on two hits, two ' Curly's errors
and a hit batsman. Catcher Al
Russell of the winners was the
only player to hit safely twice
and Bob McRlnhey, Curly's out
fielder got the "only ,;:extra-base
knock, a hustle-double In the sixth.
Tall Rod Province put his Red
wood Nurseries nine back in' the
win groove with another sparkling
NEW YORK, July 17 -JP) Stan
Musial's batting lead shrunk td
Angeles and San Diego goes home 1 three points in. the National lea
to play Sacramento.
Pep Outslugs
Manual Ortiz;
Va AB K H PsuUaad AB St H
Allison. Sb 1 3 OINelsndr. All)
Wenser. US 0 numrc. lb 3 0 0
Bogga, ss 18 8 Schwrtx, e 3 11
Hammock, e 3 OlCroaa, as ; 3 1 3
Hill, lb 1 I Yutr, lb 1.1 1
Satter. rf a 0 OiFteming. Kill
Boatman 3b 3 0 Kepngr, f 118
Morgalai. cf 1 8 0 Phillips, rf 3 11
Case, p 1 8 0 Bail, p 3 0 8
Schaefer. et o stark, u e e
Johnson. (11 0 0 ICumngs, 3b 1 8 1
Suing. 3b e 8 8 .
Craig, p 1 0
Cooney, II 9 I V
I Totals 30 3 0 Totals 33 1 T
Valley Motor --OB1 Ooo 13 8 3
Punland I UX 333 7 4
Errors: Case. Cross 3. satter, mil.
Y eager, ritonavir ice. Runa batted In:
Cross, JVeager. Fleming. Cummings.
Two baae tut: x eager, aioien Dases:
Cross 3. Double play: Hammock to
Boatman. Bases on balls: Off Case 1.
off Craig 1, off Ball 6. Strike outs: By
Case 4. by Craig 3. by Ball 11. Um
pire: Stanley Smith, i'
Sarocks AB H H Cwlya ABB R H
Glrod. Sb 8 OlAldrmn. sa 118
u Maim in, a
0 Dalke. lb 4
liStaaU. 2b 3
3 Hagedorn e 1
llCharltn, rf 3
0; McKlney, If 3
lfuay, so
gue's most exciting race today as
Dixie Walker ot Brooklyn checked
his slump and moved to within
one hit of the Cardinal ball hawk's
.554 average. . ?,"coU mf
Including games played July la,
Musial and Wolker had been at
bat SOS times, but the 1943 champ
from St Louis had nudged out one
more hit, 108 to 187, in the first
IS weeks of the season. , i
Musial slipped off 12 points
Lowe. If 4
Kerber. cf 1
Strode, id a
Russell, 41 3
Carroll, p 3
Williams, ss 3
Harp. Sb -i.1
Headrick. H I
Zurlindn, Sb; 1
Keene. ci li
Bairey. If 1 1
wakes, p
Brandt. .
OIGraen, rf
Totals ,;,..,Z 3 4
Batted oc WUkea In 7th.
Shrock's ., ..000 300 38 S 3
Curly's :..L.10O 010 03 3
Errors: Kuaseu a. strode, Araerman.
Staata. Runs , batted In: SUats. Car
roll. William 3. Bairey, Glrod. Two
base bit: MeKinney. Stolen bases: Mal
min 3. Alderman. Carroll, WUkea; Me
Kinney. zurtinden. Bairey. tiacrvuee:
Hagedorn. Basea on balls: Off Carroll
4. off WUkea 3. Strike outs: By Car
roll 11. by Wilkes 8. Umpires: Stearns
Cushine and Elmore Hill.
teawoee as si bl uoaa as
W.Valdez. as 3 1 t Mace. 3b - 3 8 1
BOSTON. July 17 -6P- The
rnound performance in the tMrd I hichlr polished Willie Pep .of
game, and after doling only i two Hartford, Conn, left-Jabbed and during the all-star game week and
hits blanked the winless lion's hooked himself intd a clear-cut Walker lost only one, but Pha
dub, 3-0. Lefthander Schroeder decision over Manuel Ortis of El Weintraub of the Giants closed In
gave up only iwir 7 r" I Centro, Calif, i in L' the 10-round on the leaders by picking up four
WOOd, but one ; came Withj the nftntf , Soiit waared bv those mrkr lo hit iffhl nointa
sacks Jammed to do the daJhage. champIoM tonight before a 10,000 ahead of teammate Joe Med wick.
uatcner .Apimgwa , w. w jwau- afXWtl at Braves field. Pep, at Roy Hughes of the Cubs registered
wooos wno go two u ivu niy. had a quarter pound mar- the biggest gain among the leaders
cum inreunn im uui - w. Mexican rivaL i , when he came up eight degrees
Province lannea 11, cnroeaer u. - . v-nt-wJ-ht tm seventh, place to fifth at J30.
Th final clash was a wild and Ortiz, undisputed bantamweignt - - . -
wooley affair which saw May- cpiwaged jan Wf e t ,
flower Milk outlast Eagle's LXxlge, strnggle Jronv itert to finish but KlchardS'LiODS
12-8. Errors and wild base-running bis fractic efforts seldom made AU,iuii7 Vr
studded the game. Andy Zahare of even the, slightest impression on g Al T! A
the Eagles was touched for seven the more, skillful Pep, recognized VyOllillH 1116
hits, ; three by Pete Valdez, and the in New York as the featherweight ) -7
..... w I AlAliA WT T T A 9 I Tm1Imm 4., I . . . . . . . M
Eagles got eigne on &.en uucas. uuisw tue nuuu iiuui - ialuma, JUiy 1 1 ty- uor
Zahare was wild and walked nine, cated left hand, which deflected don Richards of Seattle Broad
The win elevated Mayflowei into most of Ortm bull-like rushes, moor course won the Pacific
a tie for second and the loss drop- earned him seven of the rounds, northwest professional golfers' ti-
ped the Eagles into a tie for sixth. I Qrtlx staggered Pep with a right tie today with a 3 over par 145, in
The minor league remained to o the head as the latter bicycled 1 the PGA sectional tournament at
a two-way deadlock after fourth- away eari m the eighth and then, the Tircrest dub.
rounders Sunday, both Salem whfle pressing that - advantage. He put together rounds of 71
Heavy Haulers and CloughhBar- with heavy body hooks, and 72 to finish one stroke ahead
ricks winning to keep tied at top But pep regained mastery in the Nettl Christian, Spokane, and
with three wins and one loss. At ,v th Mexican Chuck Congdon, Tacoma. .
LesUe the Haulers smacked. Yea-1 ...w. ir, H,.r. Christian led the field at the
ters Appliance l-4 and at Ollnger . " . . . f halfway mark by a stroke, with his
m u t-w " aaA Kla
surging R. L. Elfstrom's 9-7J Dyle
Fussell pitched his third win for
Soafleld. ef, 1
Province, pi 3
Helbert, lb 3
ApUngton, e 3
Ackeraon SO I
Naah. 3b U-3
Lucas. If 1-3
Faanocht, rf I
Harbousb If '
...... '.(.
Totals -Uo
1 l
8 8
Ward. U 3
jUnruh, as 3
Foot, rr a
Seamstr. 3b 3
8 Bartlett, lb 3
llFTuke. cf 1
eiDavtes. 1
OiSchrodr. p 3
0 Bain. If 1
Roblneon rf 8
Knight. 3b 8
Beach. Cf 1
4 ToUls 31
-300 0013 4 3
-000 0004 3 3
Errors: Da vies. ADlineton. Seamater.
Province. Runa batted In: Aplington 3,
Naah. Two base hit: ApUngton. Three
base hit; Naah. Stolen basea: Valdes
3, Boat, .Aplinrton. Ackeraon 3. Unruh.
Double play: Bartlett unassisted. Bases
on balls: Off Province 3, off Schroe
der S -Strike outs: By Province U, by
Schroeder 10. Umpire: Stearns Cushinf .
Mayfloer AB St H Eagles AB t H
Etner. 3b Li 1 HCoker. U 1
s (jomstoc, rz b
3 Ford, lb 1
1 Hendrie. sa 3
Dasch, c 3
1 Brandt, Cf 3
1 Reid. 3b 3
8 Hoppea. 3b 3
0 Zahare, p 3
0 Harp. ,rf 3
ONolan. lb 3
IPaulus. If 1
t Totals 23
210 S3 12 7 3
301 84 8 8 1
Phlppe, b 3
Valdes, I 3
Patterson ss 1
Lucas, 9 m a
Pfau. cf 4
Sproule. If 4
Schroder, lb 8
Juza, 3b j
Simmons. 3b 1
Donovan, tf 0
Totals 4-3413
Ear lea
mirrors: Woppea, zahare. Harp, Keia.
Valdez. Hendrie, Luter. Piau. Runs
batted in; Valdes X Dasch S. Brandt
3. Etner, Patterson, Lucas. Two base
fclt: Eproule. Stolen . bases: Pbippa,
Valdez, Brandt.- Schroeder, Patterson,
Lucas. Basea on bails: Off Lucas , S.
off Eahar 8. Strike outs: By Lucas
S. ty i-hre T. Umpires: Stanely
5 i ar't Don Hendrie. -I
utCl Ln.i.JN - . - i -
eavy Laulera ... 714 3318 IS 4
ettra (iU 10 4 8 4
ljf'l' ani Howards, Cumr 'rgs;
j" i Cox and I.-l)"-i 1,
f V; mck 11 11 S 3
-"i a JJIJ T8
1 i-itttr;-r; i.oc, Caley
Fussell pitched his third win xor sk-ar Til .
the Haulers, a 5-hiiter end teamed ? KlllTIS rlflStGr
with Bud Duval to pace tne natung ' -
attack with three hits each, indud- YTn nrmTY 0"
ing homers. Nash. Nelson and Cox V CUltUUV CJ. Cj,
took turns saving ud IS blows for
Yeater's. Ralph "Chink Blakely, WOODBURN Scoring almost
ace C-B moundsman, fanned 12 at will and in every, inning but
and Hallowed seven hits in beating two, Coach Pete DeGuire's Wood-
Elfstrom'a and it was clutch, hit- burn American Legion Juniors
ting by Ivan Steuslpff and! Jerry walloped the Vancouver, Wash,
Kelfev which decided the victorv. visitors here Sunday, 25-0. Twen-
w- a A fL.fa.- - MM AV. L! TIT J
Don Reppond and Rode smacked r-wo m w f Bl wu
trtnb fnr th Elfatrom kid, hut to I ur a w ucij wm-Jue
par 71, but he slipped to a 75 in
the afternoon for 148. Congdon
shot two 73 rounds.
Kilziniller Back
After 26 Months
PORTLAND,' July 17-ff-Capt,
John Kitzmiller, former Univer
sity of Oregon all-America half
back, is back in Oregon after 2t
months in India. He said the army
has placed him on the inactive
list and that he will return to his
no avail. Rock and Caley gave op
only five hits to the C-Bs.
How Thev
o o
wmciif tjf Antra !
W L Prt. W X, Pet.
St LouSs 48 St 65'aeveand 88 44 474
New Yik 43 SS .544 Detroit to 44 ,4's
Boston 41 40 16 Chleaeo 3S 41 AM
Washing 41 41 iOO.Phlladel 37 43 Ail
(No games Monday) J I
fiufwliv remits; . 1 'I"
At . New York T. Boston 1.! (Second
Same pottponed rain.) - J i
At Washinirton 8-4. PhlladeTtJhla 4-3.
At Cleve. ..J 7-1, Li. Loils 8-3 l-ota
games 12 i.:"'";!)
At rvtroit 1-7. C'Vf9 T-3. t
KATIvja'AI, I F.A(,t.j
- W L Prt. V t Pet.
FL Lcti'a 54 It irr.::adel 43 A 1
Pitti -irt 41 ' -"0- J14t . 1
Cincu ".l 44 il i -w..yB 34 4S A 0
New rk IJ 41 ... .on IX 47 ..5
. San ' y xtr :
At I ton 8-S. ErWyn 4-3.
At !t Lm'i 4-2. Ci-fuinatt 3-3.
, At I ""a- ;-i.:a 8-3. I ew ork 3-S.
At.C a. K'I....uijxK
bats to help compile the
football-like score and Al Olsen I former war job In Dallas.
and Joe "Red" Bielemeier divided
chores , in ; holding .Vancouver to
two hits, one off each pitcher.
. Catcher Babe Reed paced the
barrage with five hits in six times
up. Al Zuber, ' Woodburn third
sacker, . and Dick - Twenge ? and
Bielemeier also -contributed. Zu
ber with homer and Twenge
and Bielemeier with, triples.. It
was Woodburn's lSth straight win.
Vancouver .609 009 IC9- 12)
Woodburn JtO 405 2Sx-25 22
j G. Downing, A. Downing (t)
. end Johnson; Olsen, lUelemeier
(I) and Reed.
tX inctaH!a a
frrrr3 cf xrsi ss: kZ,
wtk I. p.
Hines Gains PGA Bertli
AMSTERDAM, NT, July 17-01
Jizmy Illnes, test pro at the Am
sterdam ciunicipsl ; golf . cour:
and Steve Savel, Iroquois, Schen-
nectady, qualified today as north-
tzzizm. New Ycri -.cltrict. en
trants in .the r.stlcrsl FGA chsia-
flcn:l!p at Epclttza, 7aih . Ce
week . cf Aur-ist 11. llines shot
72-C3 for 141 and Cavel posted
74-C3 fcra 113totaL "
eeyyiaaj mobot. Dea't tide m
-a brfee. Estey Caean an ... ,
BtetnHila ... v ---
: Car:::s.sf:c: .,:l
Tire Information Head quarters
f d. p. Goodrich
in: ti. Ccr ;src!;l - Tl:z9 till
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