mm Ti CZZCCU CTATirriAlt Edssu Cra-sa. Tc.LrY I-'- 7 15, 1 : 1 1 :2 . ' 3 fm r-j 4 (( 1 1 ' - ------ ' - ------ v.-- v .;,-, j ,M.-U:':- f.,,. CUxin4 Adrertix Stzteszzza Classified Ads Call 9101 Three tnstrUu per linu 23c Sia truer tionj per n. One mnnta pet tin Minimum charge 23c; 3 It min imum 55c; 6 tt. min. 43c No refunds. '..' ;.. Copy tot thie par accepted un til 4 4 the twrnin before. pubUca boa-tor claeetttcalioa Cop re ceived after this Urn will be rua under the funding "Too Late to Classify The Statesman assumes no Bnan " cial responaibUty for errors wtucn may appear tn advertisements pub h&hed la its columns and tn eeaee where this paper U at -fault will reprint mat part ol aa advertise nent la which the typographical mmtake occuis. . .The Statesman reserves the right to. reject quesUonable sdvertuung It further reserves toe right to Place- all advertMtng wader ttie proper classifies tkm. . 5.. A "Bund" Ad an ad coa taming Statesman 00a number for aa ad dress is for tbe protection of toe advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. Tbe Statesman is not at LOerty to divulge tnfor (nation aa to tbe Identity of aa advertiser using, a Blind" ad- Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Beautiful large chestnut sorrel sad dle mare, a- years old. eery well train ed. : Six year old Apnokmsee geldtng, a real saddler. Also blocky Belgian orrel " mare. ' wt - about 1900. -with beautiful 1, months . old half -Per cbcr n colt at side. 85JeVy'w'--y ;,;.v,.: ' These fine horses mast be ' - aeest-so be appreciated, t E. B. HATFIELD Box 903. Salem.' 1 mile east of Fair grounds on Silverton. Highway. CAR LOAD OF v SADDLE HORSES Arrives Wednesday. Pintos, kid ponies, blotied stock, and Shetland. - -D. D. Delp, 442 Edgewater - t - TOR SALT: Sow and pigs, cheap. R. Welty.iRL 6, Box 427. ,- . JERSEY Cow. Rt. 1, Box 55. Salem, on King wood Heights. GOOD gentle saddle horse. 243 Oar den Rd. Ph. 8254. ' r : NKW Hampshire chickens.' -various ages. Rt a. Box 139. Salem. Ph. 242S. W AN TED: Beef' ano eanaer eowa bulls and veals. Will call at farm X. L Snethen, 3370 E. Turner Road Ph. r3iyhlam ' -ATT1-77ION Will remove dead A worthless stock In a moment's notice I 6AUCM-FERTILIZER & BY-PRODUCTS. Pb 4000 Collect iNo other Phone. ..... Auctions Baker Auction Barn Sate every Wed. by ralrgrownds at 10 M o'clock. Have listed cows, spring er heifers, yearling stock: and bulls, feeder pigs, chickens, rabbits, SO milk lng goats. GE port, radio. One -GUfilasi radio. Elect. Hoover sweeper. On Elect, air condition. One miter saw. 5 piece W E . Oleem: copper boiler; . Beet. iron. Man's bicycle, good. Other furniture and tools. - - . See me for furn. and farm sales. A. J. BAKER. SALEM. AUCTIONEER Help Wanted WANTED h i -2.000 Hop Pickers Harvest starts the latter nart at August. 400 acres of high trellis hops. Cool, shady camps with lights, wood shower baths and day . nursery -for children furnished free to pickers. urocery store, meat market- ano res taurant on grounds. Register la person at ranch office or writ us for tut! particulars. - E. CLEMENS HOKST CO. - INDEPENDENCE. ORE. : ARE You' Interested tn meat cutting as a profession? If you are and have had seine retail ''cutters experience or farm cutting experience, you- can secure- Immediate '- employment ' sa a steady position with, full opportunity to learn the business while ysu earn a good wage. : We - are - prepared" to teach you. Aa a retail - meat - cutter you will be rendering a genuine war time service to the community. Posi tions available both tn and out of Balesa, Apply Safeway Stores- District Office. Room 200. McGUchrist Build ing,. Salem . WE NEED: J ' Young man or woman to help with add lobs Sat. and Sun. - Waitresses. fuU time. Kitchen help. fuU time. ' ' Mickey's Sandwich Shop t. f Help 7anled Male. Workers now employed tn wax pro duction should not apply and will not bo considered for employment by em ployers advertising tat this ssctlust - LOGGERS Need 1 set fallen, 2 buckers. 1 second loader, 4 -choker setters. Top wages. Housing, board and room available. See Pops at-Talbot, tit K. Levens St, Dallas. Oregon, or pbooe . Dallas 224. At fortune see or write Mr, Peterson. Pope es Talbot. Cll N.W. rtont. Portland , Oregon. WANTED: Delivery boy. BaQoa and Wright. ;- . '. WANTED: Concrete mixer operator or laborer; 54 ar. wk, 11 per hr, timo as v over es nrs. saiem concrete Pipe at Products Co. Ph. SlOsor 2600. , WANTED: Married man ea - dairy xarm. fiM, nouse. nguts, potatoes and milk. Ph. 67F15. J. M. Nwhola, Rt 6. Box 141, Salem. - FURNITURE and appliance sales man. An opportunity to learn th busi ness while you earn a good wage. Permanent position. Hogg Bros tot State. WANTED: Warehouse Janitor. Willamette Grocery. Western AdvertJsInx RepresenUtivei; ' " ' ' Ward-Grlfflth Company. fae Ti? baa francisco Eastern Advertislcx . j ReprescntatlTes . , t r. Wsrd-Grlff Ith Companv, ' 'tne'X "Chicago. New York. Detroit. . ' Boston. Atlanta c1' v ' . 11 1 ' k'.., ' ; Entered et th Portofftee at Satem fVeoon as Second Class Matter. Pko t'shed everv morning except Monday business olce . fii South Commtr ctal Street. EUBSCTJPTTO:! RATES Ril Fuberpt"m Rate tn Advance? Wiihin Ore' on: Lui't and Sunday Mo n cents; mos t3 00.l year. t 00 i :?cwhere 3 cents pt mo. or $759 t.r 1 vir In advance rr copy S cents Tv c.ty C?mi-r,. 75. cent a nonth -1 J a j r l.i 1. ,-aacs 1'-. la aai .-icent eouiiUca. . ' Help Wanted Hale . DOORMAN. Good alerting salary YLNts Dr7 hand. ScblodteT ofu, oouta saiem. MECHANIC. Permanent position. eeUent pay. Herrall-Owens Cav Help .WantedFemale wrvbrssr i-u. . .... . . . .. wwco., HwD tenanco and laundry. Hillcrest School Af I1MSMN DV SblrVM a asasWa-iel - . V-j WOMAN to assist with housework lam Pael.klAA sw m . . , vuiburo lions. log- ITMKIeW DOsBTtl sStia -d aa sjeiW. : V - yaxicxy gin. uooa pay. Good hours. Capitol Variety. 1262 State help with . part timo housework. 475 ru. 3vjo, LAUNDRY help wanted. Apply Cap- iuu uiy unary, h suoadway. Situations Wanted Touna man available for moraine work, 8-12.00. Desire downtown em ployment which will enable eontlnu ance of full time Job afternoons , aV evenings, jaox 32. statesman. Chllrtren cared for days. Ph. K4S. PreScbool Playschool; ll Stats Ages a-s. Fart or an day. Ph. 1438. CHHJX31AJT Nursery Wt- pick op and deliver 1S9S Tradat Ph. XU2t . Money to Loan Quick Gash Loans! On any worthwhile secur ity-'Repayable in- 12 .months 'Company Is locally owned and ''..-Managed.' GENERAL FINANCET CORPORATION X40 . s. commercial St. PRIVATE MONET Auto And Truck Loans ; Contracts Refinanced Muaey for new -aasL. toed ' cart trucks regardless af asa. No', delay ennz car am cue ana get tn mooer You rata in pueaesstoo of veDicJs.. U ta 11 xoottii to reoav. After O-enxs obooe S3U sr Hia for . appouumens - ROY H. SBlMONS fotoiaacd bv state- ; 1M S Cornl &t Pbon ntt Uf 1S2I AUTO LOANS; .- Use your car as security. Piatnot prfvat service. $18.01 per ana. xepsys siev la a atoBtha. Come ta or phono ? Personal finance Co. Ream 123, Second Tto, New BUgb Bkta SIS Etata St. - Phou-. Salem X1M tte.-8-nj lWft aL Anrtsirson. Mar MONEY I. fc REAL rstatk loans ' FXSSQNAI. LOAMS '.".', . , - . CAR LOANS We buy Real Estate Mortgages 'v - v,t.-. and 'Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO Ue. 8-ilS U22a. v 212 Guardian Bids. Money to Loan WANTED. REAL ESTATE I ens city or farm proDorttee: ioaaa maae as smau as xjoq. sea at esout rmancang your present contract mortgage.. : . ., Leo N. Chflds, Inc. 344 State St. - Sea US FOR ' " 'Attractive Tana ONLY 4 INTEREST I 1 40 years and No Commissloa LEO N CHILDS, INC REALTORS 4 Stata St. .- Pb. S3S1 Auto' Loans. : Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOtr GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE M M tST. . Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS A. H- Duncan. Ladd ft Bush Bidg For Sale -Miscellaneous DISMANTLING 40 M SAWMILL . Fordsoa double drum pond donkey. s4" power set carriage. ' Double circular head-rig. Twin. 10x13 engine.- 200 Horsepower boiler. xS4 Edges . Complete electrified 6xlJ - Berlin planer with blower and good assort ment, of needs. , Aiso miscellaneous equipment Live mk. . tmuf rh,n s mtt- a saws, green chain, etc. '. - - asiu located six miles north of Dal las on Coast Hhway. . . , McCORMACK at HARRISON P.O. Box 1M : ' DaHas,'Ore. - BLACKCAPS: TJ pick, ' Sc B. Us mile N. W. Chemawa. Ed Sproed. Rt. J, Box 4038. - . v 7 BRASS fire-Set. Cooking utensils, dishes, other articles, 220S S, Church. 10x13 tent, almost sew. 394S Cherry. 41 GLIDER house trailer. T ml. West of Salem at Greenwood Crossing on Dallas Hiwhy. Anytime after a PJL GOOD rug txlOli. 2 chairs. Small wamui taQie. pn. 7305. -; NSW Apt. Elect. Range. Good bed ra. act. asisc . curnuure. ra. - Tsas. saw. Elect. i driiLcS concrete buggies. eon ere te vwrator. Ph. VsjS Eves. J WOOD stove, good condition, with coils. 30J. 269 S. 14th.r DAVENPORT at chair, pre-war, good cond. 1090 3rd SL - TRAILER Bouse. 1923 N. 4th. GOOD DM-snr n mnl ru rin for cash. Ph. 2211L - ) BLACKCAPS B D TT ni.k ls,-m- day.. Ph. 22901.: '... .. ,- 20 TONS ttalMl j1nm,k V Montandon, Rt .7, Bx 325. Ph 38F1! A KITCHEN mod mt fr nrMlUirf condition; vacuum sweeper sad all at- wenmenuL pn. swa. nit LaureLk. - AUTOMATIC gas water heater. . NELSON BROS. FURNirUBX N. Liberty,;,, FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P CS7 WILL BUY. far . n u guns, ammunition - at scooea. Don Madison. W0 No. High. , rack- 225.00. Smaller, one $5JM,' Fruit niiwu i.v.-u aaiyrta Ave. BOYSEN. Younv and nnhMiM r. EL Zielke :Phv 22571 eves only. FOR SALE: Baled ka ami vr4 hay. Also baled oats, vetch alfaUa hay. F. A. Muller. Rt. i. Box 0t&. Phone 23237 Salem. - V0 CRUEN watch S.T1 rraa hii springs & mattress. Ph. 5TI5 i. For Sade--IisceIIaneoTU YOUNG f and Boysen berries, rri gaard's Fruit Stand. 2330 N. rront. pa. eoao. g. -a r : . 1,.. .. : '' 1 '- PIANOS . ' . - See the" MltrApiaao - spinet styled wnn ioooc as t a siaoy - orano. f fyfc. Used.'1 recoaditioaed and rebuilt pianos TaUmaa'a 394 S. 12th. near SP depot. WRINGER Rolls for ad makes of washers. E, A. Ellis, manager of Nelson Bros. Furniture store, 315 N. Liberty St WX HAVE hoc wtre feactng snd light neroea wtro stack. Montgomery wara as co. -1 i - r I v ATM O HAYS OZONE, seB and rent H- C Pu-fh Pb 2-2452 pa Box 463 FRUIT Jars at Caps.; "Atlas Mason. Quarts TSq dor. Plate etc dos. at West ern Auto v supply company, Salem. 4 BLACKCAPS. TJ pick. Bring own containers. Sc. ml 2nd house on aatea Ha A. M. Wilson. MAN'S Elgin bicycle 273 Hollywood Ave.- uowara xiinsasw. Ul u I'l'a V , , LI . SnflS M . . I cl - -- .. . SELECT, free -ripe ? TQton canning apricots from The DaOea wilt be here about July 20 Open; untU 7 P. at. wees: days, tail day Sunday. Purttaa uaer worxs. ; n. mzs. BEAtJTirUL. 4 pet maple bdroora suite. Inner- spring mattress and ceil springs. Pre-wtr. $131.50. Wood range U7-X Wood ctrcolator 239.50. Bed. spring and mattress- 42.-30. Du Pram'a rum. store. : xjov rairgxouad Rd. Ph. ELEC MANGLE. Ph. 335.. GAS Ranffa Caod l rarviXHrm - ens state, sua agar noon or eveniagav UPRIGHT Piaao sioo. Oerasio-al chair 220. Swinr rocker 220. CaU Sua. as eves. r. "kiwi. , j .-. . . ; REBUILT ovrstu-et daeeaaart asd -o -er. s-a. j9o. -. .. . .... LBnWIT! tin Ivtt idukA mmuH. ttoo, $230. Overstuffed davenport, green w lrr asa -: n,ni m.&, - slicer and shredder and collander at menmesus tor Mix isaster. sis. sim plex mangle 43" roller $80. Household uinut re s-ue iirsna. rn, svaz., WantfJnellaneous I Wfi- Buv Fijrnitnrft TRADE WITH A FIRM OF J YEARS KSJ-UXATIUI OF BUSINESS CVTEG sin ih the wn.i.vrrrr vsurv i HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED 1 ! Pianos F urniture and Appliances HOGG BROS. ' I State St V MED. t Shut cash ijrsa-rter. CaniBnl vanery More, stale. nan xox -lerr-ars. 120 Fs-rhaven. iisei rux-crxuxR- pw WAMTED ta ftMt- W- Phone 4122. ' .-. - - " - sal-IRiXS for eanmlxie VH-k mtm or buy oa bushes. Ph. 703L WANTED: Gtrr bicyde. Pb. 681. WANTED! Abnt la nrrii aff stt-t CHHjys UrM - sl-(t rn1 .. r-.T1 2kiBv aV eves. Ph. S3C0. - - - , . - WArrr;- TO ftut J Use.caaera- toaes KcEwaa 4Ao no rbuUc CASH for used ntsno at other mu. stcsl instruments Call ' 4041 dava . ar 337 evenings ar send desert ntioa ta aquitn mushv Cew, uj a High. . WANTED: ' Poucta n nonner. mml type. Give , full particulars. Write G. C PlDckneyBox 2tL Oceanlake, Ore. flgM OA m tar iDBrwta ant-rt Stand pianos Oaooe S787. WANTED: Good-home for-ttma ren ages 3. . SL North end Saiem preferred. Will par well for rood care. SUtesmaxt Box 43. . CLEAN white rags Hogg Bros Wanted uroitirre CASH for used furnmire and honsa. hokl roods. -41$ Ferry. Mil rutOilY; - PH. .7441 "; WK fBTJYtr used furniture. Mcycles. BBS Snd electrical Muinnwnt W earrv- rood 1 nut uno i.t- Ws are bow located in the old Eppty urrocery mat- VKa, Block, on SUM SL Ph. T5M. s - - . BROOKS USED FURNITURE i ' VT U S ITT. (f Att- KmtnM . more for good furniture and appliances . .Rncht & Fckley 453 Court SL S -. Phono 7511 Miscellaneous Refrigeration and Air : f Conditioning . . Instruction. Male. Great need far men to- reoair and install Refrieera- tion and ; Ah Conditioning eruipmetit. Also excellent post-war opportunities for men interested in going, into own business. Trainings- will not hrterfere with present- Job. Previous experience not necessary. Industrialists' predict Doom via mis xieta ameo peace romaa Mechanically inclined -menwrito "for A .... It. VBM . - - . . . TesUtiUUes Inst. Box 91, States man. & ; - - , Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brm or Mall Your Plates for - RepeB DR HARRY REMLT.R. DENTIST Adoloh Bid Stale ComT-Ph S3 Septic Tanks. Cleaned State wide Guaranteed work. Ceae rite. Z Edge water. Ph 4745. STOVE Parts tt ReDatrtnr. Woodrv Auctipn Market. 1605 N Summer. i 1 For Rent Rooms- SLEXPING . Room. 754 Ferry. NICE Sleenins fm. 853 K. Histt. Ah bsmtl light housekeeping room -' w. TWO bice SlD. rooms, heated, hath. lots hot water, upstairs. Nice location, ihade trees. No drinking on premises. Must i work days. ,: 1 block bus. 4i5JM each per month. I5D4 So. Liberty. 4 ;, SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 4438. SL.irmu Prlv. home. Gd. Loc 21444 I Room, and Board pri. entrance. Single person or couple mw uuih vuicf xvunza iipsuurs.j t DTTCnrrcc . t - - . . room, breakfast dinner, garage, home convenience and privileges private uunuy. c,u .box M. v-.v For RentApartnienU , 2 RM." Furn. Act Adults, sacs u Capitol. ;. ft- .J . 2 RM, Furn. Apt 694 N. Cottage. FOR RENT' V hwt rnnm inaHm.nt rage.f Kingwood prive. $50. Cail 3iJ4. I RM. APT. 413 N. Winter. For UfnU-Apartments 1 KM. (urnisned fspsrtmet Adults. Near canheries 1375 N. Cbma-srcia., APTS. nd rooms. Ph. 2-1347.; 4621. state-sr. 1 . .,.t : .-.i - j. 1 -,; M PULLMAN Apt. with retrig. 40 N. win. ; I PULLMAN APT. Pb. 3842. i FURNISHED Apt Adults. CaU Sat- nruay- or i-unoay pja. er eveeings af ter C pjii. 330 Bellevuev 2 KM;- fura. apt $50 i Water. ! 2 R Fur one i lady; Refrigerator. Near t3th at State. $14-30. Ph. 2222. - For Rent-Houses 1 $ RM. furn house, from Jul-. 23 to Aug. 30.! South end of town near swimming pool and bus. Ret- requir ed., jrn. in. 1 . 1 . - 2 ACRES, small house, chicken bouse. -run; Bear saien Pb. mhj. Cabins at Neskowin. Ph. 4422 or 3877 Forj Rent GARA GES. Inquire 45J Stata St. rLOOH SANDEB- far rant Moot goaaery Ward.- j - -- -, TRUCKS tor- rent row drive. Ms Cuaa etLaveO. C2. Wanted lo Rent STATE employee and adutt. desire a aae ar two bed roora house in Salem or vtcimty.; Write Box FURNj or partJ furst S or 4 bdrsa. nouae m apt. us. av , FURN.' bouse by xamlryi of three. uw sactxnre, .jiemicsi tonstrucuoej Co. Ph. 1249. . , i-j' f "l"!-" " 1 ai-arwnrMTnrxrwi ifnjjijiiTjnrjxj r aUC? fun. apt. Pb. 4171. iXx.- 1 WANTED: I or1 rm. miturn. bouse, wired for range. Ph. 4445. Hit - WANTED: 2 bdrmj hotssa. lot a close tot bus line. Perm. Ph. S791. 2 or 4 RM. unfurn. house. No pets cnuaren. Perm. Ph. 1324. Feler- WANTED to-reat or lease: 4 bdrsn. oy Aug. 1. In or outsUe city. Ph. 945 ! -. i if MODERN 3 bdrm. house by local managir large aational organixation. Will pay good rental. Permanent. Pre fer Engiawood iKhoot dist but will consider other Ipcattona. Ph.! 4459. - 2 or $ BDRM. unfoxn. mod. house. Perm. Salem bus, man. Ph. 7332 or 5419 2- BDRM. ' house SUtesman, Box 54. bus line. Fof Sale Real Estate tsst rm j - tw rW'i rtw Nook.' oaxh. gar chicken house, large aa- iiiiiuau. aoaa-.sawojp. 'xerms ar- TBSsfsd.t tj-."- - -. TLarSTW HDMZ e. LOArl CO. ': - 5 Exchauve Listings i 144 fkk. !Conxwrcia h I Ph. 4442 BERT 9 RM. BUY tN4 SAIJCM 4 blk. -tretBiState buildej. large rms, -hardwood floors.- Dolled vp fa sn sopaa-Rses. oor lot. sszoo as tersaav - I OS SDSftaSXS-. ST. I mi medcia bunsalow. i Fireolaca. basement, furaaco at hardwood: fiooea. East front, IWio 41(X Da,' ' j ART MADSEIf 1224 STATS ST. Hi 4. ' CsrsU tnv fUs aTlrtctory not . est r tawnftiTy ifc 1 4 4mly. Extcs 1X25 per lias per I Accounting SmaQ Business at .Farm Accounting a Specialty. Cain's i Accountant Ser vice. 531 Court - Ph.; $344. hi Airplane Blodels KITS land SUPPLIES.- Cherry aty Model 1 Aircraft, 21st ; 4i Market Alterationi I" ALTERATIONS, sewing 180 N.j Commercial,; Room fur work Room: 24. - i 1 I -Art-Tae BATH Room, dram board, fireptaov or store front. Ph. 952L j j ; . , 1 - Auto Brakes! HERKALL-OWENS CO 139 S Cotnl Mike Panek. 27k 5. ConrX-Ph. 9141 Brake and wheel aligning speclanst . Anta and Truck Service HERRALL-OWENS CO, 235 S Coal Cicyeles fMCtCLES gar rent t49'So. Cburcb. BICTCIaTS '. flew. -ana .recondtttonen Harry: w Scott 147 S ceaVd P 45i4 " Dody &f Fender Repairs 'i ,HTKRA13.-)WXyS .CO,i23S S Coral Chiftiney Sweep Nortbbcss Imney threep Pb 4454 Fertilizer! Sadi. yardj load, looso 944 H Coml ! Florists Brettliaopt " 441 Court ij Phone 1195 ! Funeral Directors TerwfOlger funeral Ha Pb i - Hosiery J Beet SO Bonaiy Mtns, Ph 9T01 h. . Mrs m Mnseley. P Q Box 132 t Implement. Shairpenirg m.e n4 jfa, tV 1. lna4i1iM. sfisrn. ened43 bU...W. on Dallas iXlway. r , L-sifnraowcr , Sharpening' GUARANTEED ! WORK! Mon' special fsctory. ermders by Hsfrr W- Scott "Tbe Cycle Man 147 S Commercial St I Gifts THE Af EON Shop 479: N High SPANISH lit Hawiian Coitar. Mando lin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court Ph. 7564. Paihlir l Pepirhairs Palntcg and decanting only. Ph. IZZi For Sale -Heal Estate .14 BOOM house, suiuble for X fam ums or apartments, double- plumbing. asa nnuet, gas or Olectne vywiasj en sow zioors, ooubie garage. Newly redecorated. Price $4600.00. . Cood V rw mm ,1 .. k sleeptng porch. Large lot with shade w -. rroni graoe anoj Biga schools. Price $3200 with $1000 down. Immediate possession of a good 4 room housa with nnn rlt school, r $3350 with $500 down. v "" mooena noose at garage on approxlmateiy 1 acre- of land just 2 miles front KiUn fruit nut aica yard wttb shade- trees, outside weu wrta electric water system. Price 44300. OO acre farm. 7S acres la cultivation. 44 acres tn eron. S acres fir timber, family orchard, 5-roorn nouae-j wita electric water system, Urge barn. 2 chicken houses. -1 mile frsda .and high schools. Price R OSTEIN ac ADOLPH. INC. ' i llOVk N. Commercial St 1 Salem, Oregon 1TNE Ant i rsnrt r a .t - b down a for. apts. upstairs. Good location. Good Income; Good buy. v opienoia moaera 1 &. K. bouse. " mxnDonwaa at a gooa house sto buy. It is coed. Csna I at ; ttwo .. . bouses elnaa h m M rH,,. c Somethlne uttt whlW wtk A. road hlat hnn SM klk at i ik. We- have the cash waiting yon for soma good bouses. List them at be Sea U L. Thornton with J.'FUlrlch 1 rtsret BUf. i or BMM.lal:. XJVX irWnjTJ vmta nwv arm THIS S S nnut WITH van a km VXRY FINE KITCHEN at BATH. DOUBLE GARAGE. ALL THIS AND assvsi t Til aTfnfl flf 1 r SOUTH. $754 CASH WILL HANDLE i-AW AiUtAttU XHa. TERMS LIKE RENT. - rstvUl tmun . w . ...m to rrr your- indivxduax. needs Al ATSSAUS PiUfXS. - .. avVaUN REALTY CO. 21 North High St Paooa 4014 ksssajarfOasaMesssi $4250. 4 bedrsa With. Book- tiaas incase tot rear tuchaaond acbooL Tf008' bedrm, bse, bwd. flrx. iuiiMim t nearly, sew. 40400. N. E. a bedrm. modern bee, witn unnnished attic, hwd. fln. Built in furn asii - . $4500. N. E. 2 bedrm, kwd. Brs-'V. buads. firepiaee, aato, oil -fur. esse. n.w. neater. - -. $3444. 2 ant. East of city limits, 4 rm. $3544. E. 4 bedrm. hae. Larre lot sttraha. Sasy walking distaaea from $4400. 4 bedrm. hse. hwd. firs. bsamX. OMto. ott fur, fireplace. Nice awn nnm, SSOOl M. R. EneUch tnm has . bedrm, baamt, fur, idy. trays. : OLSON At REEVE - . 445 ft CatnX Ph. 4540. Eve. MOD. home N. EL. leas than 4 wars 01a. a oarBML, nvmg m, ire. kitchen, bsnrt. furnace, laundry trays. Good lot. 'garage. Possession- tn 2 weeks. Priced to seB. $4800, Mr. Byrkit with -! BURT PIGHA. REALTORS . 237 N. High . . . .,- Ph. 3210 1 RM. dwvlUnr. SAvtsa Int wlH. garden included. Some fruit. $2300. J - Best, pa. Km, wtth - ; H. P. Grant, Realtor 529 Court St ' Phono 4744 25 A. rood land fea cult t house. barn, team. cow. foerss, arasv SStoQ. S3 A. 4 m. from .Telsm. sprtngy Cr fruit. bldEi. Est. 1409 est wood, 43404. $4 A. E. 25 in: cult, km two. Bidgs. -r- aprmg. wts nmoer. fasoa. .Hag-A. N. Salesa. X hows $42041. Fine IS A. farm, all fine land, mod. aiags, sBonep snaxer. 41x00. Terms on these pains. Also others. BV B. PERRTNE. 274 State St Ph. 9479 Painting' A Paperlianging EXPERT Wefkmanshlp. phono 4325 Painting PAINTING at ZecoratUtg. Ph. 7552 Spray painting contractor. Ph. 4244. Plumbing Harry E. Parton. Plumhinr and Heal. lng. repair work. Pn. 8341. 935 Spruce St . NO Jab too big; no Job too asaall. enn rnner. pb, 301. - A. L. SKEWTS 4k CO. Plumbiag acaunav m . cugn. m. BO WEN BROS, Plumbing and Heat tag, 253 N. Com! Ph. 7215. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets avqgiama noons or any asnd of print mg. can -rne statesman Printing ercial Ti De- partroent zip b phone 910L . Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4X4 I - Sand and Gravel SAND, gravel, crushed . rock, ready mixed concrete. . Walling Sand . and uraveL Pa. 4541 .s- -z - Septic Tanks . Cleaned - GET my prices before baving work done. Ph. 4454. Permanent residetit of W. Salem. Kenneth Bamel. 1143 4th St PERM." RES. Kenneth Bamet . 1143 ElEbtb SU West SaJem Pb. 4C39 Shoe Repairing Srubblefield Shoe Repatrtng. J8J State. Shoes shines, cleaned 4t dyed. . . Transfer D -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn ,197 8 Ltfaerty Ph 906? FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT trsnfes stersK. burner oil. bctouets frocks kv Portland daUy Agent Pierce Aato rreignt. inciuamg r-ai!i points Transfer Co Ph 2LiL . i Used Furniture DurRADTS USED furniture. Pa 170 I Upholstery Cleaning ; RUGS and opboL cleaned. Pb CSS Vaccrna Qeaner Serrice CERTIFIED GUAR Serv. AO makes Vlnce's Electric. 151 Lib Tel 4282 FREE mspecon m your nome. An thortred Hoover semce We senrtro at) makes cleaners Hogg Bros. Pb 414f Watch dock Repairing Decker. Taylor's camp. State Street Window Gearis-: City window cleaners P 21454 Floor walls, woodwork. Work guaranteed, ' ALL work guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned f loors waxed Insured workmen Prc' Clean mg Service fa 4CL Directory For SaleHeal Estate EEEGENCT This S-room modern borne must be sold at once. Located on East front, corner lot ta South Salem near grade and Junior High. Bus stops at the door. We have the key and will show tt at yew convenience, it's worth tbe price rwflo, part eaah. . ANOTHER. ONE near business dist rict. South. Weil built noose, needs paper and paint Owner ill. offers low price of $34ie. Ask Mrs. Elhs with LX N. CHILDS. INC REALTORS , i 244 State St Ph. 9201 NEW 9 Rms. Hdw. firs.! Wired for re. Ox. heater lacluded. $4000. -4 Rms. North. ' (Tbmwmh jf " titm slon.) $2400 cash. . 4 Sffli. Fine condition. ' Wired for range. Trees. Nicely furn, utcrudmg elee. -ranee, . rugs, overstuffed, eto. $4500. Willamette Real Estate, 172 S. 1-oerty. Pa, 1113. - -v !-f " BY OWNER: Approx, 54 Aj: Keizer River Bottom. 8 rm. hreb 20 A. suit able subdivision. Box 55. Statesman. $1804 buys this older type 4 tn. bso. N. Salem. Nice lawn .with fruit trees. Near school and bus.' r .. i .'lOmnN a. biu - . 449 S. Coml. SL Ph. 4o49. Eve 9994 s"sss,s,sSisaWi 4 RM. house. Cbeapl Lot' 150x40. Sec 1 11 1 e A NICE noma with an income. A beat, room horn,. nll,i,il ihnuuS. Out. ha.l mi lit btv tran m.,k A apt. Corner let 50x120. Dooblo garage. s-racv N9 ..-. . 402 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4404 . 94904. Completely turn. Lrrtng rm, 2 bdrms, dining rm, kitchen with elect stove. Ice box. rugs, curtains, lamps, bvii Huff d cnaiss, evenpatt, end tables, chest- of drawers, sewtng machine. Larre Jot. : j : BURT PICHA, REALTORS J 937 N. High s Pn. 3214 A 4 ROOM house near Center street with fireplace, bwd. floors.' floored attic, baa am ant farnaea. Idy. trays, wired for eleetric range; not water tank, trash burner. Immediate P costs sion. Garage, Price $5500. A 3 bed room noma tn Englewood district with a lovely fireplace, hwd. Boors, basement furaaeev kty. trays. In excellent condition. Price- $7300. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 1 402 Guardian Bldg.; j Phono 489$ --v - i- - : CLOSE Df i .. .-. Tbreo bed room home. Immediate eaxion. Price fsrsa. see Mrs. Need--or Louis Bach tel. 341 State. Rm. 4. Smon bun . m mewiA imMm Kama near nouywooa xneatre. t W. U. JU1USXSK. &EALTDB 147 N. ComX t Phone 472$ GOOD 7 rm. home.- near bua a. school, bsmt, furn, fireplace.- extra largo crees jot, only $3,000, See MR. liwuwui wtui 1 Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Pb. 4104. Realtors. After 4. Ph. 4719 8 RM. hse. By owner. ;1714 S. High. 9 RM. hse. ta North Salem, naved streets and cement walks. Owner leav ing .saiem. Price $2250. i . W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 14T N. Com. i . Phone 4724 lSmV S vm Iioiiu mmrmmm. , 1 Hani wood Sxsl. new inlaid . HmUnm newiy oernraata. pavea St. mm jiHuia as, w. saiem. 4 KM. HOME SOME FURNITURE ktost sell mis weak. N. Coml. St nwe. some gooa rurairure. S3440. 2 RM. ZW HOME WITH ACRE North of unaerpass. Needs some fln hnur faaside. 422044700. Dn. Ac S2SO0 snonthly. i ART MADSEN 1324 STATE ST. A HOME at the edre of tha elrv limits with 2 lots, A-, 4 room house with hwd. floors, utility room. -Garage, uose to ous 11 n. mat. price stooo, P-. H. BELL, REALTOR 402 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4894 IT YOU like boatlnx At flaaine seo this modern home. 1 acre with 884 n. ox river frontage. Oa South: River aora. ' i OLSON aV REKVK 945 S. Com'L St Ph. 4500, Eve. 8524 CHARMING 2 bed room mod. home. Lovely creek location, i For appoint ment write P.O. Box 487, Salem. . For Sale Farms 100 ACRES 4 MILES FROM SALEM Polk Co. On navemcnt. Lara old house, barn at milk house. 2 wells & creek. $8308. 1LOJL.C. loan of $4000 on place pays .nut at- $250.00 annually inclusive ot - int. t SI ACRES OF TIMBER IS Rules North on highway, all level ar -mostly oia or. $5500.' ART MADSEN 1324 STATE ST. - Ph. 4580 ;.- LESS THAN $100 PER ACRE I One of Marion Countv's better farms. 223 A, 150 A. cult, part of wtucn is irrigated, irrigation equip ment 4t water right gees. Ladino clov er, aub. clover. Alta faacue at alfalfa. Largo bouse, electricity.' pressure wat- temNsone. CJrado B dairy barn. 2 silos, milk house, calf barn, sheep sneos. nog nouses, nrnooi on piace. high, school bua available. Sickness reason for Belling. Most be seen to be appreciated, possession 1 Oct 1st SEE MR. McMXLLuf - Wttb r j . , Hawkins & Roberts,' Inc. Ph. 4104 I-Realtors FOR SALE - i 44 Acres. 4 mi. West of Silverton ta Howell Prairie. Highly "unproved with good house, barn and .chicken house. 4 acres berries. Price 1 only $300 per acre, see At -xoaay. t;aii Mrs, euis with . LEO N. CmTJlS. INC, REALTORS 44 state st 1 . pb. szsi MOD. Plastered 9 room house on lTft A. Frnrt and dairr. Terms. Phone Anmsvillo 444, Acreage 4 ' A. Modern 4 rms, bath. Live spring. S A. raspberries. I A. cherries. Lg. chicken house. $7500. S adjoining ea tor 41000 extra if oasired.1 Wil lamette Real Bstate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 1118. - ! ':-:'. . ssasSsakaakanasaassssnassssw VA ACRES tn good location in the eea, , on a paved road.; City' water. Can be cut op into building sites. 11 miles from Salem. Price $654 .04. - . - G. E, VOSBURGH Phone 3564 - 1045 Cascade Dr. S ACRES of the best soil, sad 4 rm. home, water pressure system, 1 small bdrm., garage, excellent neighborhood, 1 mile to school, $1,400, baL $20 per mo. See MR. McMILLIN with Hawkins S Roberts, Inc. Pb, 4108 ' - . - ' ' -.-Realtors - A REAL BUY -$8759. 20 A. 4 mi. S. on 99 Hwy. bdrm. - hse. - BssemLi fur, elec. w. syra. Good barn. Fruit and nuts. Well located for auto camp- or subdivision. : - OLSON - at REEVE 949 S. ComX Ph. 4590. Eve. 9534 V 4fc ACRE NORTH- ON 99 -Little, new 2 rm. boose, with H . Some - cherries At " tosana. . 42200 $700 Da. $?5 60 monthly. . v v, VERY GOOD BUY S Rm. bunralow 4 blks. from State buildgs. Haiti wood - firs. Nice eor. lot with cherries, nuts- At Bowers. $4200 f-00 Dn. - r- - .- ART MADSEN 132$ STATE ST. -'-.-. ' Ph. SX0 ... '- 9 ACRES of black son. has a live creek, six room modern house, large barn, chicken house - 4t hog house. There are 250 laying hens. 11 . hogs at z cows. lurniture, S trailer, gooa yarden e all crops included with place. Price $7. 3. - - - i i . See Jack Henninn - STATE1 FINANCE CO , KEALT0F.3 2i2 Guariao L-Ii . I - Ph. 4121 1 ACRE North. 4 rms, plastered. basem. 2 chicken bouses, elec. water system, shade Ac lawn, orchard, ber ries. $5000. Some terms. Out Portland Rd. to Kapphans Winery, turn ieit 1st hse. across tracks on left Acreage . ACREAGE ' 4 A., all eW runntit lake water, fishing, etc. Modern 3 BR. w m, nwc, ou. out. rruit, soruos, etc E. WeU. And priced to sell. Who is first? .. ... J . -.T 2V4 A. all clear. 4 R. new bouse, no bneesnent Bath, toilet 2 big chicken houses. Double garage. E. Pump. At 4- Corners. Again, .who hi first See L. L. Thornton with J. F. Ulrkb Co, 202 Pearce Bklx. ; - or Phone 9343 . A. so 99E. I mt No vaderpass. Taxidermy bldg. on prop: beautiful bldg. site, trees, creek, deep well, etc Write Artistic Taxkierane SMln ins N. E. Union Aval Portland. Ore. . Suhurhan - . PaMEDIATX POSSESSION Suburban A. 4 rms. Elec Trees, flowers. Small bam' and bldg. to be made into garage, $1800 cash. Bus service. Willamette Real Estate, in S. Liberty. Ph. nil v -- FOR tovely homo sites in Salem's besutiful acenle iMni tHetrit n. Kingwood Drive and Cascade Drive, i luniimn opu ano cascade Terraces; eauy terms; sea owner. Ph wlnPa ' ..j' v '' - - V::'-. " Wanted Real Estate .- SALES SERVICE :i WE HAVE INQUIRIES FOR CITY A SUBURBAN HOMES. APARTMENT HOUSES. MERCANTILE ELDGS. BUNGALOW COURTS. IF YOU WISH TO sxu CAU. SEVERIN REALTY CO. YOU WILL RECEIVE PROMPT COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE, . SEVERIN REALTY CO. - Senator Hotel Bldg. Ph. 4414 -Sevarin listed .in Severtn Said. WANT X or 2 B. f!00$ to $3004 cash. Ph. 7113. MOTICK: IT your propel ty a tsc sala, rent or exchanga, Ust tt with as We hare at kinds cash boyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS. ; SU Guardian Bids. . Biuinesa Opportunities ATTBACTrVat BUY in- a apartment bouse- of 7, units, about IS rooms in alL Class to; choice East front Jot 45x144 ft With trees, base ment, furnace and lanndry trays. With some-repairs will furnish good home and Income. Immediate possession. Price only 47000. See This Today. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS , 244 State St , Ph. 4241- CROC STORE WANTED. One doing bout $3004 per mo. gross. Vera Lory, Gen. Del, Salem. , . . 'GOOD teeomc, atrto camp, store, 2 pump station, 9-rm. modern noma. 4 Pft trade. P. O. Box 297. Kelso, Wash. . ' - FOR Quick sals because of poor health: 4 turn court apts. and service station. Income $210 per mo. Contact at 2414 Court St or Ph 4154 For Sale Used Can "YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A BETTER CAR AND BLAKE A BETTER DEAL' L0DERBR0S. 44 Center St Tnana-'4I31 Our lfitb Year to fialem. Oregon' - tairlimstiile Bales and aervice" -Hont of Good Used Cars" " . WE BUY WE SELL Good Used Cars ' HERllAlX-OWENS CO. 435 S. ComX Phone 3149 LINCOLN TOURING CAR Good tires Orixtaal namt Just aver- nauieo. uas nao exceuent aare. Pn 9101 days, 7450 eves and Sundays. 28 MOD. T. Cpe. 1499 S. -Winter. 192P- MODEL A coma. A aood 1272 Frankhn.. 3S FORD dump truck. 2 speed rear end. to motor. - good mechanicauy 100 raimew Ave. 1937 TERRAPLANB sedan. New paint very good tires, low milesga. This is really a . good car. 894 No. High Ph. 4442. .. . Motorcycles FOR SALE: 1944 model HarleT-Dav idson. motor rust overhauled. Good rubber. Price $650. Aba Ediger, 709 ijourt st, uaiias, ura. Wanted-Used Can Bonis Prices FOR CLEAN CARS THIS EXTRA IS Dt ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CARS SEE US AND GET YOUR PRICK. - - NASH USED CAR LOT 240 CENTER , PHONE 2134 Top Gash Price Paid for LATE MODEL USED GARS ORVAIS USED CARS CENTER AT CHURCH ' PEL' 4702 WE PAY TOPS I Get every dime your ear t Cash on the ' BarreVHead SALEM'S oldest -Mependent used ant dealer. HJ Curner Cburcb it Cbcra Ph 1922 "44 or '44 CHEV. or Pontiae, 4 pass. Cpev or.Sdn. Jie deaiers..Ph. som PRIVATE party will pay cash ? for iste model ; car . in good UKKi-tion. Buick preferred Call 21729 or ..352. Personal MEN. WOMEN f WANT VTM? Stimu lants in Ostrex Tonic TableUr pep- up bodies lacking Iron. Vitamin El, Cal cium. Trial sixe costs little. Save REAL money, get 41 sire. Askr a boot bir money -saving 'Economy" size. At ail drug stores everywhere. TrzrsporLstioa r- DRIVING to Ashland soon? 2 women wish to share expense. Ph. 7772. WOMAN and 4 children want ride to aa Jose, Call. 4.3 S. Cotss. For Sale Wood WOOD. Order now. IT green slab and edginrs. Approx. S cords or more to load. 414 a toad. Pfe lTi sr . rwii.. Ore. ; Write Paul Anderson. 714 Jci- MILLWOOD tor kitchen stoves - and heater. SSa ilnrW 1a,m H.t.u. $12. Oregon Fuel Ca. pa. 8533. 14 tH MILL wood fan. Del Pb 4CS3L 14 0 O FIX H ft Meharoa. FRESH cut sawdust SS-5S tor 2 units. Summer fill-op rates. Pa. 4623. , GREEN old prompt delivery 14 tn. Phone 4444. FRESH CUt Sawdust S n mrmm ilih Part dry. and green mill wood, rm 48SX v ; l- - - Lost and Found LOST: S raflnn lwvilr. Mm a w.nt. and Elroy Carlisle. 73 Hansen Aval LOST: Cold rfniKl, ttmmr UW.W Pin. i Valuable. Husband ererseas. 444 Johnson. Mrs. Albert Kraft . LOST: Downtuwa. Beulah on It Reward. Ph. 4497. LOST: Hun tine An mala r Mint., Liver colored head, body nearly ail -u. ' bvu. - aewara. . Legal Notice DfjTnE ciKcurr court or TTflE STATE OF ORXGON FOR -j , MARION TOUNTX , ; ' In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Har riett M. Durkheimer, deceased. NOTICE OF EXTCUTOB'S SALE t. Or REAL PROPERTY ; Notice Is hereby given that Dur- suant to an Order of the Honor able Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the Irt day of July, -44. In the matter of the Last Win and Testament and Estate of Harriet M. Durkheimer, deceased, the undersigned executor of said estate will, on and after the 15th day of August, 1944, at the Ladd and Bush Branch of the United States National Bank of Portland, Salem. Oregon, offer for sale and sell, in one parcel, at private sale, to t the highest and best bidder. lor casn in hand, subject to con- nxmation of said Court, all of the following; described real property belonging- to said estate and situ ated in Marion County. State tf Oregon, to-wit: ' . . , Commening at the northeast comer ot Lot 8. in Block 31, in University Addition to Sa lem, Oregon; running- thence . southerly along: the east line; , of said Lot 8. (the same be ing the west line of Fifteenth Street in said City) 50 feet; thence westerly at right ang- . les with said east fine of Lot 8. and parallel with ttie north line of Ferry street, 109.30 : feet to the east line of the land, .isold by L. Myrtle King anrf Will R, King to Metvin L; Hamilton, et ux; thence north j along said Hamilton's east i line SO feet to the. south line of the ality nuunngr through f said Block 31 thence easterly ! along the said' alley to the 1 place of beginning. Said property to be sold sub4 ject to the lien of any and all taxes standing against said pro4 perry.'-. , CHARLES F. MAfT Executor of the Last Will 'and Testament and Estate of Harriet m. Lmrknelmer deseased. Jly 11-18-25 A. 1-8 Today's Pattern 4B65 SIZES . 2-10 Little girls look sweet and cool in this sundress with its ruffles and bonnet Pattern includes easy-to-make dress with tiny cap sleeves, j V.':; :;, I Pattern 4865 comes in little girls' sizes: 2, 4, , 8 and 10. Size 8, fundress and bonnet, takes 2 yds. 35-inch fabric Scad rtXTEEN CENTS tn corns 4or tola pattern to The - Oregon Statesman, Pattern Dept.. Salem. Ore. Writs plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER, TEN CENTS mere brines our 1944 Anna Adams Spring Pattern Book. New eaiy-to-tnake styles Free Pat nrtated tn Independence Car - Owners Minus Stamp . INDEPENDENCE " Internal revenue men from the Salem of fice were in Independence Wed nesday and caught many automo bile owners without the federal use tax stickers, Lbcle3 paclfle - Lodce No. 50. AT. St AM.. M. M. Derree Tues day. July 18th, 7 PJL -v SALEM LODGE No. 4. ATI At ic: Wednesday, July Uih. degree, 7iJ P.M. : k