5 " ' 4. ... : 1 , i i i: j j I! If: I 1 I 1 f 1: 3 If .... y.U': V Mrs. Ridgley Mill r and three-yedrold twin, daughters, Kristine. (center) and . . .i . is.uumue.- ney are visiung in caiem ai tne nome ot Mrs Miller s par-. . , . f ents, Mr. jcmd Mrs. Ray London.' Captain Miller, with thi army air forces -was ' here earlier during the visit, but has now returned to his base 'at Hobbs, New - I Mexico. " MrsMiller and the girls will return to Hobbs later in the months (Jes- - " ten-MUler). ' l ; Vacationing Here and . There .; . . ' . " , Mrs George A. Alden, now, a California resident, but .formerly -of Salem, who is a sum- mer guest in the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. i and Mrs. Rodney Alden, of j Wbodburn, was a Salem visitor Thursday afternoon.' 'In the capital' city she called on Mrs. j Mary Johnson and Miss Lelia Johnson.- Mrs. Alden- plans' to stop a few days here before .returning south, y . ' ' : ; f ; j Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Herrall and daughter, Linda, left Saturday for Neskowin, where f fhey plan to remain for two weeks. r . , ? . s i Visiting Here i . n Uuest in the home of Mrs. George E.. Allen is Mrs. EleanorJL Irons, Seattle, teacher of Spanish in Queen Anne high school. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Irons were college mates. The Washington resident has spent a portion of the past -week- at the beach, returning to Salem lor this weekend. t is i j Mrs. George R. Barnes and small daughter; George, Anne; left Friday with Mrs. Barnes's sister, Mrs. R. E Am of Corvallis, for Colorado Springs to spend a fortnight with their par- enis, voi. ana Mrs. a. j, xouart. ; i s Come From Portland K : - - . ! 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Eari'Snell "are1 visiting their? rxrrents. Governor and Mrs. Earl Snell and Mr. and Mrs.. Dan J. Fry, this veekend.-: Mr. Snell is in the; United States naval medical reserve and is Studying at-'the Oregon State Medical school in Portland. Mrs; Snell Is the former Marylee Fry.: r '-f 'f - ' " , f ' f r Miss-Laura Ross will arrive this weekend, from' Oakland for h6r vacation, which she will spend with her sisters. Miss Ada Ross and Mrs. Leah Hogue. Among the affairs arran-f ged for the visitor -during her holiday here is . a dinner party being given by Dr. Helen Pearce: . and Miss Dorothy Pearce at their home on North Winter street, on Tuesday night f 7 ere for the Weekend ! Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. H. A. Cornoyer are Dr. and Mrs. T. Redrich of Vancouver, Washington, formerly of Salem. I a I i l : j . I Mrs. Albert -Currey and Mrs. Leonard Robertson and the larler's daughter are spending the week af the John Heltzel cottage at Neskowin. This weekend they were Joined by Miss . Barbara Compton and Mrs. William Spears. - I .- ' i f i Dr. and Mrs. John Ramage will arrive in Salem on Monday with ; their children, Linda and Bruce, as guests of Mrs. L. M. Ramage. They plan to remain here for two weeks, while Dr. Ramage is on leave from the marine hospital at San Francisco.! I I Visitors 'Are Honored. I Mrs. F, James and Mrs. L S. Covert were hostesses Thursday afternoon at Mrs. James's home complimenting Mrs. -George W. Huey and Miss Frances Huey, who are guests froni Arizona of their sister and aunt, Mrs. Milo E. Taylor. I s ! .:. ' . . ' " .i -ii, ,:. . .1 - , 4 Mixed bouquets were used on mantle and serving table. . t " - I vj Mrs. James entertained with several musical numbers including pianologues and mu sic of yesteryears.' - i - . ! Guests were Mrs. Huey and Miss Huey, Mrs. M. E. Taylor, Mrs. J. C. Harrison, Mrs. W. S. Marsters and her mother, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. J. D.Foley, Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mrs. B. F. Wil liams, Mrs. Claire Lake and Mrs. E. B. Millard. i Married All Over Again. . . : Sixty guests from Portland, Salem and McMinnville have beerf bidden to an al fresco dinner for which Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Burch will be host and hostess at their State street home, this" afternoon in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary; ! : j Among the guests will be members of their wedding party, who will'reenact with .them the ceremony which was performed in McMinnville on July 20, 1919. i t Mrs. Burch's niece, Mrs. Robert Rankin, will come from Portland once again to serve as .Rawer girl, while Mrs. Clarence Hendershott. McMinnville, sister of the bride ,? will be matron - " 'of honor, and Mr. Hendershott will again stand beside the groom. I f I : ! Other Incidents Repeated ! . The re-enactment will be only one of a series of dramatic interludes by which the story of (he live3 of the couple is to be toldqnd even prophesied. ; , I I i Miss Dorothy Tate and Mr. Alfred Lxrue will appear in the roles of the young couple plighting their troth.' with June Ixrue as flower girl. Mr. and Mrs.'FJlmare HUI will represent ' the Burches as they were on their 15th anniversary and Mrs.i Don Renfroe, Mrs. Burch's sis- ler, will be flower girL 1 . " . I ' , - l j When the 50th anniversary scene is staged. Mrs. . Margaret : Wagner of McMinnvilU, " mother of Mrs. Burch, and Mr. John Burch. father of the groom, will " dramatize the coming event, with Mrs. Clarence Roseheim as Uower girl. ' Careful Choice ; V , j : " Selection of the flower girl for the brief skits which will precede each course of the din rier was as careful as the choice of the wedding couples, according to Mrs. Burch, whose memories of her wedding day always include the small auburn-haired girl who scattered pet- als on the bridal path. - ' j , - j ' - Oscar D. Olson will be- narrator. 1 - Guest3 will dine at small tables, and pink and white Jlowers will be used in the decora-: tions. ; x - ; v . ' - Mrs. Eurch has taught in Salem schools for 21 years, first at Richmond and now at Par-r'-h Juki'or high schooL Burch during that period has been employed in -the freight de T..T17C th3 Southern Pacific..- : . Society : Clubs ' Musia .1 SEG 1 QN 'i::' : ::r ' .-. ' 4 t 1'- I i rs. William J. Rawlins, the former Janice j s Judson) who was married in Williams- burg, Va, June 16. The bride, daughter of " Mrs. Lee. Nicholson was secretary to the state property comptroller before going east, for her marriage;' Her. husband, son of Mr and Mrs. Fred Rawlins also of Salem, is x fireman first class with the amphibious forces in the navy and is -stationed on the east coast They will , live ixk Norfolk, Va (Jesten-MUler). " Family! Party at Page's . . . ; Mr. and Mrs Wilmer Page are entertaining guests at their , home on Chemeketa street over ! the weekend. Arriving on . Thursday. j night from Port Townsend were Mr. and Mrs. An tlxony DeLeo and son Carl end Mrs. Wilmer H. Page. . The De Leos are! staying jat the hotel, but Mrs. Page will be at the home of her parents in! law. J" 1 t : ; On Friday. Mr. Wilmer H. Page arrived from San Diego, , , where he has been taking training. He is now a soundman and has! been given a rating of petty officer. V Also coming: Friday, wa3 Mrs. Agnes Page of Winchester,' . Oregon, week. Mr. 'Page's mother, who will remain through- the next . . . . ' ' j Several small informaL affairs are being arranged 'dur ing the visitors' Stay In Salem. ! . v Calif orhiah to be Feted . . . : Miss JaneVincent from Monterey and San Francisco will ' be a hcjuseguest at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLellan this Week. She will arrive on Tuesday and will remain until " Friday. I -(-!! i . ' ' - . ' , j During her stay, she will be entertained .at several small. affairs. On Tuesday a group will go to the' Qyde Cutsforth hbme at Gervais for a picnia Included In the party ! will be Mr. and Mrs. McLellan and Miss Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Charles SlMcElhinny, Mr. and IIrs..E M.-Page, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bjoth and Mr. and Mrs. Qyde Cutsforth. ? - - - f On: Vednesday me guest will go to Corvallis to meet Miss". Sally McLeUan. who is employed at Oregon State college. ' V i On' Thursday, Mrs.? McLellan has arranged a tea for Miss Vincent when a few young women will call to meet the Cal-" ifomian; l.r$. Vcl!ace Carson -i3 arranging a family dinner at -her home on Leslie street following, the tea. . - , . f 1 :. . ,. : "I 1 , " . . JVI rs wic H. Hammond and daughter Constance Ann, -who have been visiting' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,. Ralph, Gloverr Mrs. Hammond's parents for the past two weeks. Colonel Hammond was in Salem also,; but returned earlier to - his base at The. Presidio. " His wife and daughter left Thursday night for California to join him. Gesten-Miller). The. Captain Takes a Bride ; . .: . j . v The wedding of Miss Doris Crobtree and Captain Francis Matdiieu For- ,ette,-US army, was solemnized at the home 'of (he bride's parents, Mr. and 4 I Mrs. Floyd Crabtree, 966 Center street on Saturday night' Rev. Harold Lyman id the Court Street Christian church performed the ceremony at 8 o'clock. ' 1 " -The bride entered on the arm of her fatherj who gave her in marriage. The- . wedding marches were played by Miss Mary. Weller. who also played the pt- V ,emo when Mr. Raymond Armstrong sang, "Because." ' ' Y: "' ; ' j - :, : ' '. (','.-,. ! The bride, wore a-white satin wedding gown, made pTincess. style, wjth r long tight sleeves and a short train. The neck was sweetheart style, and1 th ,? ; bodice was buttoned down the back wim small buttons. . The long net .veil -y 1 was trimmed in lace and held on her head by a tiara of seed pearls. ?-! Her bouquet was a spray. of gardenias, .1 X " Miss Florence Au of Honolulu. was the maid of honor. -She wore an aqua - gown wi& velvet skirt and net bodice. Her flowers were pink carnations and rosebuds. , - - " , ; . . , ' - a . s For her daughter's wedding .Mrs. Crabtree wore a shper rose gown and i pink arid white roses. Mrs. A,- L Eddy, momer of Copt Forette.was gowned r In deep rose satin and wore a corsage of roses. - ' Reception Follows - . , r I A reception, was held following the ceremony- Mrs. Robert Keuscher cut the wedding cake and Mrs. EM Thomas served the punch. ..Assisting with . serving were Mrs. Harold Smithers and Mrs. "Alvin Potter.- Mrs. Jessie Carter was in charge of the gifts. . - :l Decorations in the Crabtree home wer a 'pink rcses and lilie3 and other summer flowers. - ' . " i When the couple left for Oklahoma the bride was wearing a gold colored v gabardine suit with white accessories Her corsage was of gardenias. , The new Mrs. Forette attended Willamette university where she was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha. She graduated from Oregon State college and has since been county demonstration agent for Sherman. Gilliam xmd Morrow; counties. .., -Copt Forette. now yrfth the armored division and stationed at Ft Sill, Ok lahoma, Is a graduate of Stay ton schools and later attended 1 engineering school in California. He is the son' of Mrs. A. L Eddy of Sublimity and" Mr. Qarence Forette of Staytoa - "- r I'U A Breakfast Today I Miss Marine McKillop and Mrs. Joseph M. Devers. jr.. have asked a group of friends to a breakfast in "the. Marion hotel this morning in compliment t. Mrs Jack Lampton, who is here from Los Angeles on a visit ; 4 , - , Invitee! to the breakfast for Mrs. 'Lampton are Mrs, A. B. McKillop, Mrs. Charles Bier, Mrs.' A. W. McKillop, Mrs. H. J. Wiedmer. Mrs. Robert Cannon. Mrs "Meredith Huggirls, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Claybome Dyer, Mrs. Esthe? Baird. Mrs. James Nicholson, ir Mrs. Athur Marquiss, Mrs. A. L McCaffertyv Mrs. Harvey Quistad. Miss Katherine Qulstad, Miss Dorothy Hardie. Miss Barbara Porter, Mrs. Robert Pickens, Miss Maxine McKillop and Mrs. Joseph M. Devers; jr.' y . , Golden Wedding -Reception vv; . y Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Smith." who have been married for 50 years, will be the honored guests at a reception held at the First Presbyterian church on Tuesday, " July 25." The reception, hours for which are from 2 to 5. will be followed by 0 ciinner, sponsored by the ladies groups of the Presbyterian church. ' ,'t J ' Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith "are 'graduates! of Grandve university in Ohio They were married, in Bellfountain. Ohio, by Mrs. Smith's father, a retired, minister. They lived in Meadville, Pa., where Mr. Smith was superintendent of schools and came. to Oregon in 1908. Mr. Smith then became superinten dent of schools in Medford. In 1910 they moved id Albany, and Mr; SmitK taught in summer sessions ct Uregon btate :COiiege. - 4- T The couple has lived -in Oregon ever since, and owned several farms. Mr: 'and Mrs. Smith lived in various parts of, western Oregon. In February cf 1943 they came to Salem to live at tns.Memcyiarei oomu, wuww. they have resided. ever-: since. : : Yy " ' f A--' yy'Y- : '-.y " - Both Mr. end Mrs! Smith have been active in the Eastern Star, she served as worthy matron and he as worthy patron; of the Gresham chapter md ho: held state -offices. -Mrs. Smith also served as. president of the State F. ." rate a cf, Garden clubs. - . " Several' relatives are ' making trips to; Salem to -attend- the 'cekbratlcn. Mrs. Charles Hawker, whose husband Capt Hawker, is Mrs. SmiLVs nephew, will come from Omaha with her children to tha golden wedding. Nieces frora. San Francisco are also planning to attend.. " ; . w . . .