The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 16, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    TU CZLCQU STATEMAIL Sda. Orasoa; CuadarMorcIng.- July 18. 1SU
7. High School
ana girls in the area around th ... , -
-CO block of Maple avenue, "coml WS'SSToZ Crridlinfp
collected more than a ton of waste ter m v n v
paper, adults there said Saturday, port to be submitted to the feder- A new plan for continuance of
Mrs. Sam MiUer, 2084 Maple avi Z TheSptotomup'to education under the Enlisted Re-
T11 - 5"" the.craS fSStrySab W ("J") d tto
T. Andresen and Mrs. Georee Par- iv, .,,-,!.. Air Corps Enlisted reserve was
sons of the neighborhood and oth- in the gro7p a ft "aSSTX avab!e to
er neighbors instated the con- Lewi Sh SrSbaum, "f graduates today.
test . The . salvage was stacked on Dorotny MiddletonAnnFoster program-was explained
opposite sides of the street, and another ?S5 sTen?; Jere day by Capt. S. W. Rawls,
'yf Howcvcr- th boys Melvin Baker and L. A. Nelson, r-, assistant chief, pre-induction
and girls will be guests at-a din- Portland; J. R. Bruckert and J. brancht th service com-
ue.K1.v.en "" By adults D. Hamlin of Eugene. Dr. Merriam
of the University of Oregon' and
throuah .that citr. l1
Buy -your fall,, wardrobe on con
tract nooriiirit Smart Khnn . .
of the neighborhood, it is saidV
A . tit. . m '"'
iiciuui wiui jonns-Manvme as-
, ijuaiv Buuigies. ragni . over yourj
oia roof. Free estimates. Mathis
Bros. 164 S. ComX Phone" 4842.
It is .open to anyone who grad
uates, from high school by the
J avenue Held State police
Friday night picked up an 11-year
oia .boy at Turner swho f had
Captain Rawls said the new plan
differs from the. former .program
in that students may take exam
inations at any time not - just
twice a year so that entrance
into the basic college training un
der I the 'Army 1 Specialized Train-
ing reserve program can be "prac-
Camp Well Started First week
nf virlr ramnlnv nriv1 tnr
planned to stay over night at a Cascade area Boy Scbuths is corn
farmhouse there. The iboy 'had I nWed thi. SnnHav at smith iv'
been on police records in Salem in th Kilvr rV1r. trails tMm 1 tically bntinuous.w; : .' : l 1 :
as missing since June 29. An ad- Itlonal area. A church Krvic and ' Applicants who " pass examlna-
xnission from the boy as told, by court of honor are scheduled. An- tteqs for the Air Corps LEnlijted
ponce, tells ol a' bike theft and other .week of th current camo reserve wffl nave an opuon as to
remains before the second en- whether they attend college. Those
campment opens.' Campers now I under .the Enlisted Beserve . cprps
are 85 first-year Scouts, who are uassysncaj ww Km wt vc-
from Salem, SUverton, Woodburn,
Lebanon and Stayton.
other artcles.
plan for.
fall Smart
District Meeting Town end
'clubs' district council meeting is
to be held in the Fraternal temple,
447 Center street today. A busi
ness session from 10 to 12 will be
t followed by a luncheon, everyone
providing his own meaL Table
service and coffee will be provid
ed. Speaking and an open forum
are on the afternoon program. '
Listen to KSLM, 7 p.m. Sunday
Webb at Klwanis Wendell
i Webb, The Statesman's new! man
i aging editor,, will speak at Tiies-
1 day noon's meeting of the Salem
Kiwanis club - on "The Darkest
s Days in the Pacific. Webb was
an Associated Press war corre
spondent at the battle of Midway
and through early days of the war
in the Pacific.
Open chg. account, Smart Shop.
. . Brinkerhoff to Speak H. E.
Brinkerhoff, alumina plant project
manager, will address the Silver
.. tori Rotary club Monday. noon.
Robert FJfstrom, W. L; .Phillips,
Ervin Smith and Clay Qochran of
. the Salem 'Rotary club and per
haps others will accompany him.
'Listen to KSLM, 7 pjn. Sunday
tions of 40 more persons are nec
. essary to Insure efficient "working
- of the mobile blood donor unit of
l the Red Cross here next Tuesday,
: Red Cross representatives said
Saturday. Eighty per cent of the
: donors in Salem to .date have been
women, records, reveal. -. .
'For home loans see Salem Fed-
r rral. 13ft Snnth T.Jwrftr -
District Meeting Townsend
District council will meet at 10
o'clock today at Fraternal tem
ple, 447 Center, street for morning
business session and afternoon
open forum meeting. Those in at
tendance are asked to bring lunch,
coffee will, be served."
Wedding pictures taken at the
rhnrrh. 52ft Sfctp. Ph. 5722.
Articles Missing1 The USO at
Listen to KSLM, 7 p.m. Sunday
Tax Fonda Distributed Of the
$53,834.19 from manufacturers and
distributors' state liquor , taxes ap
portioned to Oregon counties and
incorporated cities on basis of pop
ulation, $1722.21 came to Marion
county; $1526.8 . to Salem; $8.60,
Aumsville; $11.26, Aurora; $8.10,
Donald; $16.40, GervaLs; $19.12,
Hubbard; $23.67, Jefferson; $50.98,
Mt Angel; $11.22, Scotts Mills;
$144.51, Silverton; $53.60, Stay-
ton; $9.04, Mt. Angel; $13.83, Sub
limity; $97.92, Woodburn.
The annual Nebraska picnic will
be ; held Sunday, i July . 16th, i at
Paradise Island. Basket dinner at
1 p. m.
Heavy Cherry Crop Mrs. Clara
Smith, 1065 North 17th street, re
ports that a : Royal Ann Cherry
tree in the back yard of her home
has yielded a harvest of 1335
pounds. The giant tree, which bore
1000 pounds of fruit last year, has
"wing spread" of 50 feet Mris.
Smith believes it was planted in
a farm orchard long before the
Englewood district became a part
pf the city. Zina J Sharpnack of
Evergreen avenue, who picked the
fruit, verifies.the figures.
Deafened in Salem and vicinity
are invited to have a free, private
speech hearing test and Audio
metric test by laboratory trained
expert. Tues. & Wed., July 18 and
19., Salem Hearing Aid Headquar
ters, 905 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Bey Cats Hand Roy Steward,
11, of 2420 Lee street, cut the fore
finger of his left hand with a sickle
early Saturday night at his home
and city first aid men were called.
For sale - t Cletrac tractor, DD-
40 'with bulldozer, in excellent
condition. Bonesteele Sales &
iortAn Tnoi 97(1 M OVmrrh '
Walsh Is Caller Sen. William
Walsh of Coos county, prominent
ly mentioned for the presidency of
lected colleees. which include: the
University of Oregon and Oregon
State college, if 1 1 -
Mental examinations for both
categories will be conducted' by
thelArmy Air force boards at army
recruiting stations.- .- f
Applications may be made prior
to graduation i in order- to speed
subsequent assignment. - " !
Captain' Rawls said one Salem
boy already was" awaiting I the
August 1 call under the' Army
Training reserve program Jo
seph D. Formick of 2460 E. Nob
- i
Viisits in Silverton f
cer. after participating" ini 52
bombing missions over . Italy, is
home on furlough. Spencer is
graduate of the Silverton high
school and a son of G. L. Spencer,
formerly of Silverton, - but now
living in Salem. -
Court and Commercial streets was the senate at the coming legisla-
missing several articles when an
Inventory was taken recently.
Among them was a blower fan
and a movie projector.
"Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Fromn let MntT Rant KAo.
A real woolen blanket reduction,
Tuesday morning, ranging from
$2.50 to $12.95. See this display
in our window at the West Sa
lem Variety it Clothiers, 1109
i TVlwpwntir St.
' Visits Parents Mr. and Mrs.
Scott Hill of Portland are spend- j
ing the weekend here with Mrs.
Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Glaisyer. Injured several weeks
ago in a fall, Mrs. Glaisyer is con-
; valescing at her home. . '
For goodness sakes! If that gar
ment doesn't fit bring it to Jack
Mollard, the Fitslt TaUor, 121
N. High. . -
Marion Gets Funds Marion
county's share of the recent appro
priation of state highway funds is
$49,394.50, based on the 25,396 mo
tor vehicles registered here. In De
cember, the county will receive
another $74,091.76.
tive session, was a
day in Salem.
caller Satur-
and uphol. cleaned.
Les Newman's will be closed for
vacation from Julv 16 to 23rd.
Certifies Business Filed with
the county clerk Saturday was a
certificate of assumed business
name by Ray B. Smith for the
Donald Machine Works, Donald.
Want your house painted? Prompt
efficient service. Ph. 6666, eve
ning 227R5
Treated for Wonnd A hospi
tal here this week treated Eve
lyn Hough, ' six-year-old Aums
ville girl who fell upon a nail
while playing. Fifteen stitches
were taken in her leg.
Listen to KSLM, 7 pjn. Sunday
Peepers Apprehended Two
juveniles were apprehended Fri
day night while they were peer
ing through a bathroom window.
Juvenile court action will follow.
Mark Twain nub - spun white
shirts, soft collars, all sizes, $2.50.
Alex Jones, 121 North High St
Chemeketans Boating Cheme-
ketans will start their boat trip
from the Salem boathouse at 2
pjn. today.
Hut Parts Start on Way to Tropics for Navy
. 4-.
leading packaged end sections ef Quonset huts manafactored by Oregon Palp A Paper Co. lumber divi
sion far Me of the navy In the tropics, L. E. Bates and Robert Dennis guide the erane lead which
A P. Selie, sUBdina below, started on Its way U them. The company ship a carload a day from Its
factory en Front street in Salem. -'--f- r.;- - 'SNViT-S :! ''' 0---i.'fit'y
Qiionset Hut Sections Built in Salem
of Oregon jPulp
Eirery day .the lumber division
and Paper, com
pany (the formed. Spaulding Log'
gmg company)
loads j a car of
kef tions of Quon
: Loses Billfold J. Richmond of
ITqIIo C itv rornrtvi in nnilirm that
he lost his billfold containing Visits in Lincoln,
money, checks and personal items
in the bus depot Friday night.
Richmond indicated he believes
the billfold to have been stolen.
For store , fixtures, builwns, or
any type of mill work, see Rei-
mann Supply Co. Phone 9203..
Johanna Elchhorn 'Mack.- age 89
vearx. late resident ot Brush College,
Wednesday. July- i. at Monu Rio,
Califs at th homa of her son. Willi
Kichhorn. Survived by live children,
Mrs. Alice Noak. MrtClen McAllis
ter. Salem, Walter nd WOlie Eich
horn and Herman r. Mack, who la
In the US service. Funeral aenrtces at
Monte Rio. July X5. Graveslda services
Monday. July 17. at 2 pjn, direction
ot Clough-Barrick company, with Dr.
M A.-Getiendanef oiciatmg. Inter
ment in City. View cemetery.
Benlneton . .
James K. Henlngton. six months old.
daughter ot Mr. and .Mrs. James
K. Henington. Also lurvivtd by sis
ters, Frances Kay and Cheryl Hening
ton Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
w r penman. Salem. Announcements
f services later by Rosa Lawn Fune-
LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs R.
J. Meissmer had as their guest
from Salem Friday his aunt, Mrs.
C Stroud of Salem. -
State vs. Frank ' Roseborough:
indictment charging perjury i dis
missed on order of Judge Charles
W Redding of Multnomah county
circuit court, assigned here for
case, w - I j N
State vs. William Gregson; or
der by Judge: E. M. Page, on mo
tion of district attorney, author
izes Sheriff A. C. Burk to turn
over to sheriff of Lincoln county
defendant wanted to answer j for
gery charge fliere. r
Evelyn June Boice vs. Howard
W, Boice; reply making denial.
Martin Krupicka vs. Mary Kru-
pickai answer and cross complaint
makes denials and alleges true:
and inhuman treatment, tasks
equal ; division of property, IcuS'
tody of child, $50 a month ; sup
port money, $50 suit money1 and
$250 attorney's fees. I
Kate Fox vs. Floyd Query i mo
tion to strike. f .
David Kork vs. Edward CfFor
gard; motion for default! and
judgment ;
proratp rhrrnT - " I
'Joseph Eskelson estate; objec
tions by heirs to final account of
JJ F. Ulrich," executor, asks- that
receipts from! farm crops be Item
ized, state inheritance tax be ful
ly paid, that $300 be paid to Bra
zier Small as attorney and; that
certain trusts be declared 1 can
celled and assets therein' be paid
oyer; directly; to beneficiaries.
Louise ' Schmidt guardianship;
petition: by! Paul A. Schmidt for
his appointment as guardian of
$250 estate; Citation directs hear
ing to be held July 27. I :A-
Milton Arthur McClain estate;
appraised at: $790.27 by Leonard
McClain, C? E. Williamson and
Pearl M. McClain. I
I, Cleo Thomas Bryan, 20. US
army, Camp Adair, and Charlotte
Halset, 21, stenographer,! 335
South 24th street, Salem, i
iFranklyn Homer Moore, 22, US
marines, Newport Beach, Calif.,
and Barbara Perdita Huston, 22,
electrician, Silverton. v
Albert Russell Zander, US na
vy, out oi umlorm. . s .
i Silvester Bender, 1B95 S. 13th,
curfew violation; fine $5.
Dale Kennedy, curfew viola'
tlon, fined $5.
) Frank McRay, Oakland; vag
rbney. ; - ! . . '. t
i Sam Evatt, Oklahoma, vagran
cy, i . '. f
I Pvt Falay , Hudson, MPPW,
set liuts for! shipment to the navy.
At , present, they i are building
sections for use jinj the tropics, so
screens are employed to let in the
breeze and to keep out the Insects.-
Thereon tract foe tiiis work
has kept the sash and door section
of he mil) busy if or several
months, but ivOl be concluded
within a few more weeks.
The plant will not be idle, how
ever, because it has a big 'con
tract for mUlwork for the navy
hospital at ' Astoria, ,. which will
occupy, the! crew ot 17$ workers--
over half of whom are women1
fori several months. 1 u
The Quonset but has done duty
forlhousing for the army and navy
in pearly all clixnates. It is shaped
like a" semi - cylinder with the
curved portion constituting side
wail and roof combined. This is
made of corrugated steeL The
ends are of wood and the floor Is
of jwood. Oregon Pulp's contract
is only for the ,ends. Other firms
supply the corrugated steel and
the! wooden floob., . j j.'....r'
"The end sections consist of a
frajne of x4 studding. : At each
California Relatives -'
Visit at Zena Home -
LCOLN John R. Sturgeon
has as his house guests this week
his son and daughter-in-law," Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon of Duns
muir,. Calif a son, George Stur
geon, Valsetz, a son and daughter
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stur
screening Is stretched. Also a can n nd Bettyj Salem; Mr. and
Pigimd Paper
Navy Contract
side Is a piece of plywood curved
to match the roof-line. There Is a
screen door with fine mesh to keep
out the tropical insects. Over oth:
sections of the "end, copper
vas is available to roll down over
the openings.
I The end sections are . snipped
"knocked down. Into each rub-.
stantially, built case go the frame
studs, , the . plywood segments, .the
door, a roll of copper screening, a
roll of. canvas, and .the . necessary
fittings, i The cases are filled on
an assembly line and run right out
to the car for loading.
i- Different size packages are
made up for huts .of different sizes.
Cars are carefully loaded and steel
bands are fastened to hold r the
cases in place. Boxcars were used
at first, 'but it has been found that
gondolas load faster, and more, eas
ily so these are used now
; Last fall, Oregon Pulp was
building i boat cabins. It has also
manufactured hundreds of grain
bins for 1 wheat growers. All of
these were orders to meet wartime
demands. These contracts have
provided steady employment for
scores of workers and given an
outlet for a great deal of lumber
from the manufacturing division.
Mrs. Claude Allen and two small
children from Falls City; and J.
A. Parks of Dallas
Said Charging i
Higli Prices-
. Exhorbitant prices have been
been charged by certain operators
in and around Portland for clean
ing but septic tanks and cesspools.
and the Portland Better Business
bureau working with the Oregon
state board of health has forced
these' operators to virtually aban
don the practice in the area. J
In the ethics " of good business.
Lyle I. - Janz, bureau -manager,
warns that these unscrupulous op
erators ' are attempting . this same
practice in other parts of the state,
and householders are advised
against employing such men.'
t Operators 'quote, prices ranging
from $7 to $15 per ton for. mater;
ials removed and state that it win
not run more than 2H to 3 tons at
the most. The. householder is later
presented with a bill of $83 or
more for' cleaning the septic tank
when in most cases the work was
not required at alh' Janz, in co-
operation with Kenneth H. Spies,
acting state sanitary engineer; ad
vises the public to always consult
a licensed plumber or representa
tive of their local health depart
ment before having such work
i As the average private dwelling
septic tank has a capacity of 500
gallons or less; that approximates
not more than two tons of fluid
sludge. - Cost for cleaning should
not exceed $35, Janz says. - -
Facts obtained from the Oregon
state board of health about septic
tanks include the report ..that the
overflow from the septic tank Is
hot pure and there Is more bacter
ia in it than in raw sewage. It is
not necessary td add yeast or sim
liar materials to start bacterial
action, as that action is automat
ically caused by bacteria in sew
age.' The kitchen and. laundry
wastes from the ordinary house
hold will not harm the action of
Teen Aged
Qskee Party
A grand windup of a series of
Oskee parties for high school age
youths . was held at the . YMCA
Saturday : night with awimming,
lobby games tageshow and danc
ing to the music of the Willamette
Blues orchestra. 1 - . " . I :
An,-overflow number of teen'
aged youths' attended the final
summer session while a large
number, of townspeople', took in
the festivities." ; " -
Novelty acts. Including an acro
batic dance by Elaine ' Winkle:
laughs at the antics of Stan WCkes
and Tom Grimm; the vocal num
bers bytenof Vern Esch," Miriam
Shellenberger and Jeraldine Des
Georges, and a' host of other feai-
ures. Travis Cross was master of
ceremonies.'-; : '' V:-' ; i 1
4' Setting for the occasion was the .
gaOydecorated gynC. compleie
With, false celling and surround
ings f spring flowers The band
stand was displayed with anchors.
Tables were arranged in a semi
circle for those who wished to en
Joy sandwiches soft drinks or ice
cream. ' .rT'- I
The Oskees will resumeln Sep
tember. They have been under the
direction of the . YM and YWCA
Staffs while student supervision
for the summer has been done by
Mary Lou McKay and Jean Fid
ler. Ruth Anderson and Bob Ben
nett were instrumental In the
unique decorations. i .
Home From Hospital
I ZENA Mrs. Walter Kime (Dor
othy Shepard) is convalescing at
home after a recent operation she ;
underwent at the Deaconess hos
pital. y .
the septic tank and should be dis
charged into ' the tank along the
other sewage.
Quality Bocnppilnj
No Certificate
' Required ;
Choice ef .' A-C-F: Rubber
Let our factory-trained ex-,
perts recap your smooth
tires and be ready for your -next
tire inspection.
Loaners furnished free wh2t tires kre being recapped. 24-hont
service by appointment. j '., .
!m IT rams
. fail-rim ii mi a
. Annnal Lay-Auay
Now You Can Select the Diamond Ring of Your Dreams for as Little as
1.00 P ?.4 1.00 Weekly. r .. . .
More--and more people are using Brown's famous Lay-Away
Plan as a convenient "never-misa-the-money' method, of ac
quiring the diamonds they have always wanted lor them
selves or for their best beloved. It's easy! You simply come in
and select the diamond ring you want from the largest and
- most beautiful stock of diamonds in 25 years of diamond "
leadership. You pay as little as $1 down, leave the zing
in our lay-away vaults, and pay as little as $1 a week.
When you have paid in the required -one-third of
the total cost of the ring, it will be delivered to
you and you continue payments as low as
$1.23 weekly, as required by federal tegu- -lations.
So now is the time to select a
diamond for that special person's
Christmas gift ; . your ser- . : . t
viceman overseas ... or u ;
; ; for yourself. ; - " j
Special Lay-Away Terms, $1 Down,
$1 Week No Credit Charge j
.A 1
jnoshtag aoasoodi
3 fiery
Oa ft
la fi7
;i: i,r,i;VN.;: .ii: 1 1 1 1:
Mllkmt crao-.
fcm la
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CI . 'i
Waeklr i
'.Goraeosw S-dlo.
awad eagiirj ii'
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3(ilamoad enguyeiaeat
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.'Superb Bridal
Do with
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NwTT, SsiWi
JDassliag boovty la '
iamorOy Asttacfite S-dVo '
'moad BfMol 8t. Both . .'.
a brllllaal dfa-
mooOm hs 14X void
mBm of dlsttao-l
'wUa 3 brrTfinTtf diamonds.
WUy : f lldlimnait di En
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Da bam amjausstfat riaq
nob' "-wBEKWTBRMff .,'SJrnp
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Xdl home.