Ths U20UU.fl STATbSMATL Salexn. 'Oregon Sunday Mocslag. Jdy IS, 1SU fags nmni r - ei: 'UoLwenience- aasaaa-aa-.. . ".. " For Sde 'liscellaneous " DISMANTLING 40 U SAWMILL Fordson double drum pond donkey. 54' power ifl carriage. Double circular head-rig. -Twin 10x13 engine. 2iK) Horsepower boiler. 6x54 Edger . Complete electrified CxlS Berlin planer with blower and food assort inert ot heads. Also miscellaneous equipment Live rolls, transfer chains. 1 cut -of! saws, green chain, etc. . - Mill located six miles north ot Dal las on Coast Highway. , - McCORMACK t HARRISON . ' - ' 188 " DaUaa. Or. FOR S ALE - .- 1-Cletrac Tractor j DD-40 WITH BULLDOZER. IN . EX- CEIJ.ENT CONDITION. . -, . BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE, INC. .370 N.Churcb St. . ?lem-- Prc. Phone 4545 - - AUTOMATIC pas water heater. - NELSON BROS. FURNITURE ' 315 N. Liberty FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P S397 WILL BUY for" cash, seU or trade rum. ammunition St - scopes. Don - Madison. 590 No. High. , ;; , V 8x10 TENT: Coleman - oil heater: Budd te wood heater. 1984 Stat -St. Lot No. 4.V.. ' , BOYSEN, Young- and raspberries, L. m. iieixe. pa. Ui eves omy. CRAY all enamel Universal range with coils. Brown enamel wood circu ' la tor heater. Ph, 7845 after 5 P.M. LIVING Rm. set. good springs and Cover. $69.50. Bedrm. set $89.50. Daven . port $39.50. Dresser $15.1 Rockers $4.75. Salem - Home Furniture Co. 137 S. Com'L ..".,.--. ., '!''-: RASPBERRIES: Peak of the season You pick. Ph. 21183. 240 Fisher Rd. BE WISE and - purchase your oil heater now while they are available. NELSON EROS. FURNITUKJC 315 N. Liberty St. ., . . GIRL'S - bicycle.- 1090 E. Turner Rd. Near Penn 4 corners on Hudson Ave. 4 LAWN mower-97 JO. Hih chair S7 a-mece dinette set. $35. Breakfast set $15. Betw. 9 a.m. Aj 8.pjn. cai4 . 5677 or 1SWU marltet i. 5 TON Mack- truck. Ph. 8230. . . 4 . NICE . Clover hay in shock. 1 fine r Jersey cow. 5 yrs. fresh Sept.; 1 . din ing table. 4 chairs. I'.irmi. N.. Middle Grove School Kt. 7. box va. i . MODEL A Ford, aood condition. $125. , Abo pre-war bicycle, $30. 642 Edge- water alter a pja. - .-. FOR SALE: Baled oats and vetch , bay. Also loaled oats, vetch & alfalfa hsy F. A; Muller, RL 1, Box 390. , fclione 23237 Salem. - . GRUEN watch $35. Brass bed. springs Ac mattress. Ph. 5359. 2-WHEEL temiler SX cartridges. High shoes, 1150 ti. Church. -TRIUMPH doueh mixer (one- barrel) and flour sitter,, curran s Mxery, iu i bany. - ,r .. . -' .v.y.T.y ; MONTMORENCY PIE CHERRIES. . Pratt's, 1 mile Wallace Rd. . Bovnfrriea. Frl- YOUNG ' and gaard's rruit Stand, 2930 N. Ph. 6320. Front PIANOS See the MirrApiano spinet styled) with tone of a Baby Grand. $395. HuH FMWulOlmiMl iiul rliultt nianos rnnhlv nrind. Piano benches 812.1 'Tallmans.395 S, 12th. near SP depot WRINGER Rolls -tor all makes ot washers. E. A. Ellis. mnr of Mi lawn Bros. Furniture Store, 315 N. Liberty St WE HAVE bog Wire fencing and fight Ward stocav - Mo.omry ATMORAYS OZONE, sen end rent tt f D,,.h TDK U1U SO RAt ita M - - . - - I-...-.. rnuil mrw Ot .4V3. n.un m m Vuarts vac ooz. ruira w uo. r est- ern Auto Supply Company. Salem. BLACKCAPS. U pick. Bring own I containers. Sc. 8 mi. S 2nd house on Bates Rd. A. M. Wilson. MAN'S Elgin bicycle.. 275 HoUywood Ave. Howard Hinshaw. WHITE " Enamel range and bicycle. ' 2085 N. Com l., Salem. 2 -WOOD cook stoves. . camn stove, nice size, all .good conthtton. Oak i dresser. $6. Ant,u oak ejning rern . muicv, C.H, . 4fP. " 1 iw - ; springs Wash wringer: and stand $L 2 lanterns.- 2 clothes racas. 11 ien tef. in rear. Closed Sunday. SELECT, tree ripe Tiltort i canning 'apricots from The Dalles will be here! about . July 20 Open until 7 P. M. week days.:, all day Sunday. Puritan Cider Works. Ph. 5426. BEAUTIFUL " 4 i pc. maple -bdroom suite. Inner ' spring mattress and- cell springs. - Pre-war. $139.50. Wood range 111 M. wooa -circulator nea, - spring ana matxress u. ju r ram a ls5 Store. 2360 Tsirground Rd., Ph. BE'tfiS. '-' " -- - V "-' " " .rt mittrM, s 50.' Du Fraina aaaaeiB1aBaaaataa 1. t. f Van Tnn 178 Chemekeu. back door. ELEC MANGLE. Ph. 3359. CAS Range. Good condition. 2235 State, sun-- arternoon or evenings. UPRIGHT Piano $100. Occasional chair $20. Swing rocker $20. Call Sun. A. .vm Ph ' UdO . . 1 " ALUM.. Suser Maid .; Inch- thick roster 8c 3 triangle one burner pots. Pare alum Small pressure cooker fie. Salem 5940. m. - ... ...-h..m, ,1 ...., REBUILT overstuffed davenport end rocker. Ph. 6396. LUDWIG upright piano,' fine condi tion. 8250. Overstuffed davenport, green vrlour. $60. Power unit food chopper. slicer and shredder and couander at tachments for Mix Master,-$19. Sim plex mangle 42 roller $80. Household xunuture. jiua iesue. rn. woi. TVanled MisceUaneons MED. Size cash register. Variety Store, 1262 State.. Capitol WANTED:. Good heme for 2 Austra lian fox; terriers. . 130 Fairhaven. CHILD'S TWCYCXt" Pit SeOoiT" j .. . .j. ............. . USED FURNITURE Ph 9185 , -:' (Advertising Western - Advertislnf ' Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, fna. - " San -Francisco. ' Eastern Advertising ,; "' -' Representatives - . Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. i Chicago. New ' York, Detroit . Boston. Atlanta. . - rnfered at Ute Pntfflce at Salem ' Oregon as Second Class Matten Pub I shed eperv morning except Monday. ttsiness. ofice .215 SoutM. Commer cial street. -- " . . nTTCCTvIPTTOri RATE3 v. ii --nMK'rtfon Rates -In Advance n-i.nin Ore-on: La 'y and Sunday Me ) cents: imoiww, J"'- f rrlsivance Per copy Scents t t r-Tf. 73 cpbu a monm , s ? ,-r ri a :vancei4 Llartoa gad Wanted Miscellaneous We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF SO TEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS fNTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID TOR USED Pianos Furniture and Appliances Call 9148- for appointment. HOGG BROS. 260 State St W ANTED: Girl's bicycle. Ph. 6311. WANTED: About 20 yards of dirt delivered. Plu 3438. rry,:.; CHILD-S Urge sized tricycle. Call SuiuJi eves. Ph. 5360. WANT TO Buy. Used cameras at tenses ., McEwan Photo Shop 435 SUte CASH tor used 01a no c other mu sical, instruments Call "4041 days or 9537 evenings or send description - to iaqutth Music Co. isi s tugn. WANTED: Poocorn DODDer coml. tvie. Give rull narticulars. Write C C Pinckney. Box 281, Oceanlake. Ore. 1 CASH PAID tor unnehl. SDlnet ot i grand pianos Phone -8707. - j . 1 WANTED: Cood home for three chil-1 dren ages 3. 4 it 9. North end Salem preferred. WU1 pay weU for good care, statesman jbox ex, . l CLEAN white raga. Hogg Bros. 260 SUte. r:;.-. -. :-.... . . , Wanted- Furniture k.u Aim a. - 1 Fib DU 8A4rU ' IWOlVUIVi IMVJVlVrSH I carry cooa uaea ranges ana oaia-. We are now located in the old Epply rMn Hlrftr laoo Bioea an statai St. Ph. 7508. BROOKS USED FURNITURE WE MAKE it our business' to nay more for good furniture and appliances ' Bright & Eckley Phone 7511 1 453 court St miscellaneous Refrigeration and . Air . Conditioning r -L ' Instruction. - Male. Great need . for iTJf- .Sr-itifw .inM " tion and Air Conditioning equipment.! ISnOT business.: Training will not, 'interfere with present lob. Previous experience not necessary. Industrialists predict boom in this field when peace, comes. I Mecnanicaiiy mcunea . menwrive tor aetata ana i ku. ' wuauiacation j-nan Test." Utilities Inst., Box 9L States- man. Dental Plate Repair ' TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES - - Brine of Mail Your Plates tor Repeti - DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST A&otDh Bid SUte a, Coml Ph 331 1 VP 1 r,1--J OeUUC lailaVS VlCaUCU State wide. Guaranteed work. Gene "t 643 Edgewater. Ph 8743- STOVE "Parts A Repairing. Woodry ! Auction- Market 1803 N Summer. For Rent Rooms f NICE sleeoinc room foe employed lady, ..with kitchen prtvueges., a ,H, Commercial. -SLEEPING Room. 754 Ferry. NICE sleeping rm. 853 N. High. Aleo 1 bsmt light housekeeping room. with kitchen privileges if desired. 467 N. 19th St t - - t .. , . 1 , . . ..1. I i wvj nice aijt. reona, nciwa, i " "-- -. hu "- ""..r. Must work 7-. eh per month. 1698 So. Liberty. SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 4498. "CT rzA .lijo SU rm. Priv. home. Gd. Loc 21449 Room and Board EMPLOYED Father age 25 & two small children want home and care of I ".iTj 4 c.i , ,mp,y References, , Write or csB 430 I N "5. 1 LARGE front rm. hot 8c cold water. pn. entrance, smgie-person or couple 1503 court other roetns upstairs. . BUSINESS man. single, would like room, breakfast dinner, garage, home convenience and privileges private family. P, O Box 584. For Rent Apartments for rent: a Bed room apartment - I rafriurator. ahower. m rK. ra- i rcinseraior. moww, aaa range, gm- i c,thi WOPth while with a future. rage. Kingwood Drive. $60. Call 7C'fffftgyg I I II ii i i aaj-ni an a-aBaaaaaaaaaa-aan rti I . i RM. furnished spartment Adults. I , , NICE sin. rm.. also ant Prt. ent and oath. Bus line. Ph. 5214. 2190 Center. APTS. and rooms. Ph. 2-1947. 462, 1 State St PULLMAN Apt with refrlg. 460 N. 1 13th, PULLMAN ATT. Ph, 3842. I FURNISHED Apt Adults. Can Sat- I urday or Sunday P M. or evenings af- iter a sjl ui aJeiievwa. I yZZ'J' ' '' ' -" "- --- 1 i rm. rum. apt. rn. oatn. j Em pi. couple- or ladies. - Permanent. CaU besween S UM and 1130 AM. 187 W. Miller.. , RM. APT. 425 " N." " Winter Vt NEW 1 3 rm. apt Adults, Ph. 8134. t RM. furn. apt 550 Water. " ' i . . - 3 R Fur., one lady. Refrigerator. Near I3th at State. $1650. Ph. 5222. 2 RM. Apt comp. furn. Refrlg. Close to. 668 S. Summer. For Rent Houses COMPLETELY furnished, modern t bed room house on North Capitol St No small, children. mo. cau ui for . information. Cabins st Neskowto. Ph. 4422 or S8TI : r. -rl .;: ; For Rent -' - v. GARAGES. Inquire 2455 State St FLOOR SANOEB tor rent Mont gomery Ward.' GOOD Used Plane, a U Stiff. ; TRUCKS I tor rent. Yon drtvs) Mr Cune e IjovcO. .pbone 9600. - .j- v ' Wanted to Rent WANTED: 2 bdrm." boose, On close to .bus line. Perm. Ph, 579L t or 4 SSL ' unfurn. haiuu. No nets or cnuaren. rernv rn, n retet ences. WlMTrn a ra.nt M l,u- 9 Krlrm house by Aug. J. In er outside city, Ph. 5945.-' . . - .. HUiiuii - a Darrn. nouse oy ocai manager tarre national organization. ! wT.i., ,4V.i w.. fer Englewood -school dlst toot wul i consider stner jocauons, .rn. t.. S BDRM, furn.' house. Ph." 3337. arid' IFsoSi-. MelS i . 4 j - . - 3 - e - ? Wanted to Rent WiNTtt- J St . T ImM. I i Aug. 1st. Perm. References. Ph. 311a. j x or S BDRM. unfurn. mod. house. 1 1 Perm. Salem bus. man. Ph. 7532 or 5419 j WANTED: Mod. 2 bdrm. turn, or partly turn, house." about Aug. 1. By perm. govt, employe. Ph. 24170. X BDRM. ' house near bus line. .Statesman,; Bos 58. For Sale Real Estate HollvWod District! 1 R Riall Hrst floor, lam Bvina I and dining, wood range, good cor. lot I 60x90. , Immediate possession. Price $3000. -: - 5 cated close to Deaaoness Hospital, lot 75x75, double ganigt. Only $4000. Terms X B. R. home, hwd. floors. oU turn- ace, fuU base., gar, close school and bus. S4500; terms. 1 C H. SAHDJERS - 23llN. High - 54538 $3700.- barm, home, auung nu, 1 wired for ranee, laundry travs. Very It (good location. See Mrs. Huff with , j dust, fiuu, iuA-uiuns 1 337 N. High St. 5 fa. miu , - . I GOOD 1 tm. home, near , bus & 1 school, bsmt.. furn fireplace, extra 1 large creek ; lot. omy aa.ow. aee 1 GOODWIN with 1 ' I I Tj.n ft t4 f I.JlaWlUnS QL AOIiertS, lnC. Ph. 4108. 1 Realtors. After 8. Ph. 8715 1 ; -. - h A HOME near Center street with J living room, dining room, breakfast nook, kitchen, 2 bed Tooms and bath room, fireplace, hwd. floors, basement furnace. My; trays, floored attic, wired Li 1.! I-41 V . 1. ,...w . er. garage. In good condiUon. You can I hma immMll4 nnoxtt nn Tri( KSSOO. I 402 Guarduua Bldg i rnone bs i ' ' T Z " 7 K :J5Z iwu www. ... . pUce.- kitchen wito plenty buUt-tas, iuu cement Daaiwmsia Karaite. iar.i, nace heat. Gas water heater. Wired 1 nr .Wtmi. rna rarnr lot 140x120. 1 Beautifully landscaped. 12 cherry trees, t t pear. IT prune, grapes., Nice garden. I 1 block from bus line, close-to store i and schools. Excellent neighborhood. tc- sfisoo Thi nrnnrtv will bet n S. Church St CITY HOMES- I 83850 for a eood 2-bedrm. home.'fire- I place, wired for range, plenty of shade. new root Venetian bonds. Better ' see thiS. 5 V' . -:- 85800 Fine location for grade; 5un tor and senior high sth. 8 bdrms., full base, turn.' heat I We haVe a nice Portland home, well) located. HW firs., tile bath, full base., I sawdust Iburner. for $5800. f, w Jbahtt ettX-r. W BKNT REALTORS . - ; .. 8 RM. ihse.i Bv owner. 1716 S. Hih.l . ' ' ' i Karage, cor. wi.1 Hardwood rilrs- new4 inlaid linoleum, 1 firepUcei hewly decorated, paved St I Owner. )596 . Franklin St, W. SalemJ A NICE 'modern home near Engle-1 wood .school wttn living room, dining I room downstairs. 2 upstairs, wired for range, garage, nice lawn. In very good room, Dreaaiast nooa, ' aitcnen, i ow condition. Price $7300. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 402 Guardian Bldg. t Phone 4896 I 8 APTSgt 12 rms. t at bd. it rm. Takes to 8250 ner mo. at Uving ouar- I ters guaranteed. 4 1 lots, fruit ana garden. $310 N. 4th. 3 RM. house and nook, north of Sa-I lem on Va A. of bind, has elec.. pump. also wired: for electricity. I i Price $2000. See Jack Henningsen . STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. ' GOOD! S fedrm. house: -nice lawn and shrubs, new oil circulator with; place. Price $3750. .; BURT PICHA. REALTORS w-, atfn, rn, szio MODERN 7 rm. home. Furn. Neaj schooL 2360 Broadway. $4250. Good 2 bdrm. house, living rm dining rm.. bdwd. flrs laundry trays, elec. water heater.' l',i blk, to I VT1TB, WCtkCI .iCI , Ull. w hu, Invfilv corner lot Roses, shrubs Ml, nth.r. .lrtu-r. K fM 1 Anwn. fill. ajkV terms. See Mrs. Huff 'with 1 ' BIIRT; PICHA. ti REALT BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High i Ph. 3218 HALT? Blk. from i Capitol group: 2 lots 80x120; 4-r. cottage at rear, trees Idea, for court or apts. Inq. 475 N. $3500-Bv OwneT 6 rms.. bsmt. furl dble. garage, fruit large lot good lo I cation. Would seU furniture. 1590 So; I Liberty. A NICE little ftom 5 yrs. old. North, Wired for ! elec range, elec. water heater. 1 oil circulator, 1 cook stove, 1 1 daveno with place. Lot 45x135. Pos i 1 session July zoth. price $3400. see ir. 1 Byrkit with I BURT FICHAJ SCAI.TOK5 1 337 N. ;High . 9 Ph. , 3219 FINE LApt on Court St modern R.I down 8c 3 fur. acts, upstairs. Good location. Good Income. Good buy. I I A Splendid modern 2 B. R, house, close in. Good neighborhood 8c a good house to buy. It is good.- i 1 . a Tiea air inoMi xtn one Of those line large moaem . : - ri I . - VT"? r2i.Sht S owaca.j a. - 1 00 "??fj. See L. L. Thornton; with J." T, Ulrtcb t Co, 202 Pearee Bldg. r I or Phone 9383. ,-f I.IVEI UNDER YOUR OWN ROOF f THIS 9 R. HOME WITH t B.R. AND VERY I FINE KITCHEN eV BATH. DOUBLE GARAGE. ALL THIS AND MORE s IN NICE t NEIGHBORHOOD. 1 SOUTH. 8750 CASH WILL HANDLE AND WE CAN ARRANGE THE TERMS , . rm . . . .'g a. w 4 m rc? TO FIT YOUR INDIVIDU-tU NEEDS Hotel Bide." ' t North High Stl . Phone 4016 w aaaeaaseaa9a,aw,,iaaai 1533 Miu- St 2 BR.. LR.. DR. Kit. Nook, bath. gar., chicken bouse, large j lot tamed, pose. $2950.00. Terms ar- i .LASSEN HOME & LOAN CO. I - i: : Exclusive Listings 1 184 So. Commercial Ph. 4842 eeaaSeasaaj(aaaa),aa,,sssssjaaaS INCOME PROPERTY: Dwelling with 3 - apartments and i rooms for owner, also including 6 sep arate stucco units t on rear of prop-1 ertv. blks. nortn, szzs per mo. in come land borne for owner. Price $20000 J INVESTIGATE THIS NOW. ) GRABENHORST BKOS KIALTOR3 134 S. Liberty St Ph.- 4131 j $4250, 4 bedrm with nook, basement Large lot. Near Richmond school. 85000, N. 2 bedrm. hse, hwd. fir.. MOD. a rm. house J earase. cor. lotlrr Janrin. lota timber. 83300. full basmX Nearlyi new.- , I - $6000, N. E. 2 bedrm. modern hse.l I .- with -unnnlsbed attic, hwd. -Ore. Built to- furaaca. -' i $6500. N. E. S bedrm hwd. firs. V. blinds.! ireplace. auto, oil fur, elec h.w. heater." i $3800. 1 mi. East Of city limits, 4 rm. hse on bus line. I I - $750 E. 4 bedrm. hse. Large lot shrubs. Easy -walking distance from SUte bldgs. ? ! $8400, 4 bedrm. ? hse.. hwd. - firs, basmt auto, oil fur, fireplace. Nice lawn A shrubs. j - 15300, -N. E. English type hse. 1 2 bedrm, " baamt fur, Idy. trays. .. - oLsom at m.t,vx - r94S S.i Com L- Ph. 4590. Eve, ONE of Salem's choice homes locat- I ed -to' wonderful residential district - 1 j a ir," I s-. . 4. , , 1 Jlot--' beautifully landscaped. Pricel . THE Af RON Shoe) ,;879 . Elgn i3. J3U. a or jui uacr tmt ucuuua acv 1 airertt ; C H. SANDERS -. 231 N. High 883S DISTANT OWNER SAYS SELL! t i- " v., - ... I ment piumomg up at oown, larre lot. I aood d. strict. A eood buy for 12750. s-room plastered home, modern cept basement, nice fir tres, close bS ! F,U!ri scnooi. i.. j C H. is AND S.ZS 3-1 N. lJk - IZZi' Fpr SaleReal Estate tTOMI mi thai ads 1 of ! Jth CitV limits, A room house, hwd. Ooor. xarage- Huuij! x wiii a afw, . Prica S4000. , f sell! 402 Guardian Bldg.. ; . Phona 4898 j STRICTLY modern 8-B. stucco home Just like newf Garage. North.) $6500. ; - 4 as. u, iuwu, iuuu.tvn 307 Center ... Ph. 9442 EiMERGENCY I ! '-"-v- -This t-room modern home must be sold at once. Located on East front. Cornet lot in South Salem near grade 5.!. K at your convenience. It's worth, the .frice - HWOa part cash. iji . T ANOTHER ONE near; business dist- tjcu pouw. wf" nW. neeos price j of $3400. Ask Mrs. Ellis with s LEO N. CHJUDS,; INC., REALTORS , f 344 State! St. 4 i Phi 9261 v. -4 ,.H..,..r . BY OWNER: 4vpproxj so A. Keiser River Bottom, 8 rm. hse. 20! A. auit- lahls subdivision. Box 55. Statesman. w.f . 1044 N 4th. - 2 BR. LRJ DR. Kit, bath. ih fireplace, basement,!! sawdust furnace, wa-ed lor range.; large jo. fruit - trees, immedj poss. ateuu, terms. v I.AHSEN HOME' tic LOATf CU. 1 Ficduxiv i liatiitn investments. 164 So. Contmercial St ;i Ph. 4842 A HOME with an Investment. 5-room Ibouae. basement. Idy. straya. with a 4-rooht apt Corner lot double garage. m good conaitionj 4rnce hi. . P. H. BELL.' REALTOR 402 Guardian! Bldg. r ,.t . , Phone 4898 88000. 5 rrds. & unfinished upstairs, tlosei to HoUywood; Theatre, basement rpace, iirepiace, ! wwea xor t?ftft ,1 K mhurbinj hardwood firs, fir. furnace, jfirepUce,Jwtred tor range. - t I I " ' v -1 - ? fi"w . -aW a . ait- I- v"rnSr'.ua sawter! -------r r wate. heater, dandy "on D - i r--. 1 , ti. moo- Dungaiow, jiwa. lira-. Wirea ran re, oasemem. ou lunula. truiti lot 75x150. Price $5500 C . SANDERS -! 231 N. High 5838 . T T nm iNICE ROOM BTOOAIOW . Hat fireplace. 100x150 lot, garden to. P75Q. mJggn ;'ptnW ) 8 Im. - MotfL Furn. 9600 additional. Prici $5750. f- - t- i f - ' tr p Crflnt iT?lnltnr; 529 Court St. 1 Ph. 8744 $1800 buys; this older type! 4 rm. hse. N. Salem. Nice lawn with fruit trees. Near school! and bus. . L ... I OLSON ;& REEVE - . 945 5. ComX St. ! Ph. 4590 .eve. sue 25JA. good land! to cult fruit, bides.! Est 1000 cd. wood. $3000. soi A. E. 35 in? cult., lays line, niugs- cr. snrinf. iiots timoer. smuu. ..-.... Half . A. N. Salem. 2 houses, snap $4200. Fihe 75 A farm, all fine land. mod. tSMas.. monev maker. SIZjSOO. -Trma on : these Dlaces. Also others. je. B. PERRINE, 370 SUte bt. pn. Hi) dREEK LOT CLOSE IN; NORTH Cute little home with i basement onlv few mintrtee walk to shopping center. Price $3150 Cash. 1 i "' New 8-room nome soutny not water heater, lot 90x440; Price $3350. -C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 B KM. mad. home. 3'A acres on Gar den Rd. Very well built Futt basem.. oil furnace, elec; lt.w. neater, wvery V4irh ami bmkfast nook, firenlaee. I nicely landscaped. dbL; gar. Shown by ddL only: ! : I ! tsM SmalL very neat rood. home. FulL basemU oil fumsee, lovely back yard. On Chemeketa St. - h 3154 Portland Rd. Ph. 4483 Csrds fa this directory not an a nmothly basis only.; lutes L25j per; lint per : ennnth ' ' ' ! II Accounting Small Business 8k Farm ; Accounting a Specialty, -tain s Accouniant iw- yict. 531 Court fh. aass, - - till uiauc uiuui.19 I KTIS and, SUPPLIES. J' W Model Aircraft list e Market Alterations AT.TERATIONS. sewing t fur 180 N. CoBimerciaL Room 28. Art Tile! BATH Room, drain ' board, fireplace or store fronts Ph. 95iLj, Auto Brakes .l j - I KIJMUUJU-UWns - ' Mike Pahek. 27 .i ComX Ph 8161 Brgke and)- wheel, eiigning specuust Auto and ITrnckf Serrice BERRAIJL-OWENS CO4 235 ST Coml Bicycles BICYCLES for rent. 145 So. Cliurch. 1 Birvn iM Hm and 2 reconditioned I Harry W Scott 147 S. t'Am'd ' P 455 I " Dod? & FcndCT i UCpaiTS BERiUCLL-OWXNS COl S Coml Chimney Sweep ajtirthi Chimney Kweep Pn 4450 Fertilizer lack, rard. load, loosii 960 N Coml I r- Florists Eretthaupta 441 Court : Pbone IMS i Funeral Directors TrwtUlget runerat Borne. V Ph tsa Hosiery Real Sob Hewery Ml Us. Ph ; 97 Mrs Moseley. P O j Box 133 . 1 Implement SIiarpeixLriS tHscs arid disc plows machine sharp ened.. 3 mi. w.; on uauas auway. , tawnmower Sharpenir GUARANTEED WORK special m ainutm hv Harry W Scott 5St 1 Tl?ie Cycle Man" 147 S eaineciaJ-a4 Gifts f I 1 tlusic Lccsons Uitmi a. rr .n rinltar Mando- . I lirL Rani a. te-li23 Court ra. i r T - paintir. & P. ivt rtwel- w?w Sf to I faintcg and decoia.ii 3 e&r.rh. tZZl j Business Directory - For Sale Real Estate-. 10 ROOM house, suitable for 2 fam ilies ot apartments, double plumbing, basement and furnace, gas or electric cooking on both floors, double garage. Newly redecorated. Price $4000.00. Good 1 room plastered house with sleeping porch. Large lot with shade trees, not fa. from grade and nigh schools, Price $3200 with $1000 down. . Immediate possession of a good 4 room bouse with garage, near Leslie school ? $3350 with $300 down. 9 room, modern bouse ot garage on approximately I -acre of land just 2 mues from saiem. Tuit and hemes, nice yard with shad trees, outside fireplace. Deep well with , electric water system. Price $6300. A good 90 acre farm. 73 acres tn cultivation, 40 acres tn crop, 5 acres nr nmoer, family orchard. 9400m house i wiUi - electric - water system, large barn. 2 chicken houses. 1 mile from grade and - high, schools. Price $7600. ? . - , - . KOSTEiN & AIXJI-PH. INC. ,;110',a N.- Commercial St. I - Salem, Oregon. - . i HOMES FOR SALE: $4750, Good i r. home ; with base ment 1 furnace, fireplace, garage, on Washington St - $5000. Close in 7 r. home, basement furnace, garage, only 4 blks. from city centers - $8500. 7 r. home with 4 bed rooms, nice location at 735 Stewart St near all schools, shade trees. ; - $4200. 6 r. home, sU rooms on first fir., cor, lot partly furnished. $45 per mo. income, east Salem. . : - 86850. Creek home, paved st. only blks. North. 5 rooms with 1 bed rooms,: basement. . garage. ' fireplace, furnace.' - - . . - . v $7600. 8 rooms and - nook, cor. , lot. Northeast near Englewood school, nice residential district $4200 ; down. baL 850 oer mo. . . - - " 83750. 5 r. home with lot 50x150 feet to alley, nice garden, shade trees, ga rage ' fc wooosnea. launary trays. ., in. good condition. - - 86500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 1197 S. High St, nice! large-cor. lot with nice yard, double Borage. 1 room hornet with cement basement furnace. fireDlace. fine location. ' " See GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St . f Ph. 4131 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS HOME!) 2 BL R.' mod. home, -base- furnace. Idy. trays, lot 75x130. 5 blocks to bus, This home must be sold. $5500 cash. C ti.-SAjNUJUKS - Z31 N. lilgtl - 9M MOD. home N. E.. less than 4 years old. X bdrms.' Uvinc rm.. lee. kitchen. bsmt, furnace, laundry trays, oootr lot. garage. Possession in 2 weeks, Priced to sell; $4800. Mr.! Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High - ! Ph. 3210 i ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT L Older type 5 room house, lot 90x145, fruit it shade trees. $5250. . f ALFRED DCMBECK ' Room 3 Ladd Sc Bush Bldg. . 7 RM. dwelling,' 50x100 lot, with garden included. Some t-fruit. $2500. J M.i Best- Pn. 8166, with: ; H. P. Grant,; Realtor 529 Court St . ; 1 Pbone 6744 COURT ST. NEAR STATE HOUSE! Dandy 3 B. R. modem home, extra large: living, den, dining, plumbing up & down. urn, sawdust rurnace. laeai ioca- catioo. Sickness forces i sale.- Price $7500. Terms. , C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 INCOME 8c HOME: 4 unit apartment, furnished, nice lo cation, electric refrigeration, oil heat. 3 garages, large cor. lot, 9 blks. north. $91.50 per mo. income plus owner's apartment Price $9000 cash. GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 13. S. Liberty St. v Ph. 4131 $2900 buys this nice s-room home (North.) 4 B. down and 8 up. Garage. Fireplace. Good lot A -snap for $2900. Ik down. Call for appointment i JAJS. it. &MjUm, 4-aana.-i-n. 501 Center PtU 9442 Painting & PaperTi.nnging EXPERT Workrnarishipi. Phone 4325 Pjunting PAINTING e Decorating. Ph 7552 Spray painting contractor. Ph, 248. Plumbing Harry E. Patton. Plumbing-end Heat ing, repair work. Ph. 8341. 935 Spruce St NO Job too big. no job . too small John Fisher, pn. aoi. . : . A.: L. SKEWIS 8c CO. Plumbing Heating.-. 546 N. High. Ph. 6223.- ' BO WEN BROS- Plumbing and Heat tog. ;355 N. Com I Ph 7215. r Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards. pamphlets programs - booars or any kind of print' tag. call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S Commercial Tele phone 9101 1 filattresses- autTOL BEDDING CO PTaoae 4SC8 Sand and Gravel "i ' SAND, gravel, crushed rock. 'ready mixed concrete, Walhng Sand and GraVeL. Ph. 8561 ; - Septic Tanks Cleaned . CtT m nri4-ea before having Wi done. Ph. 4430. Permanent resident of W. Salem. Kenneth Hamel, 1143 stn si prjtu res Kenneth- Hamet . 1142 Eighth SU West salera Ph.- 4430 Shoe Repairing Stubblefield Shoe Repairing. 382 SUte. Shoes shines, cleaned It dyed. . Transfei4; 0 -DRIVE TRtTCKS FOB RETn Blankets furn-197 S Liberty Ptt sow FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT ' trsnfet ttorsges burner oil. briquets frock to Portland daily. . Agetu fierce ne Freight trtclud'ne Calif pcunta Larmcr Transfer Ce Ph SULf Used Furniture Dul-RADTS USED furniture, Ph I7C2 Upholstery Qeanlcs KUCS and uphoL cleaned Pn 8S3J ,Vaenm Qeaner Senrice- CEKTTJ1ED GUAR jrerv All diakes Vtoee's Electric, 151 Lib Tel 62S2 FREE inspection ta your home. Aa thortzed. Baaeer eervlee We eervtce ali makes, cleaners .Hogg . Bros Pis 914T YTatch & dock Repairiss Decker. Taylor's camp. SUte Street Window Geanir:; Cty window elesners P 21458 TUxm wmiO. woodwork, work guaranteed ALL work guaranteed. Windows wa..s, woodwork cenel iloors wxed Insured workmen iTcXaisiociU Ceaa teg Lsrvica i r3 For Sale Real Estate HOMES FOR SALE $300 will buy this 4 rm. home lo cated in the Highland school district i $3,600 will buy this 5 rm. home to i good . condition, located to; S. Salem. immediate possession. t ; $3,500 will boy this 6 rm. plastered home located near -S. P. Depot. Dug basement and furnace. . ? - $400 will buy this 8 rm. home all i on one floor, located at 380 S. 18th St tlZoQ will buy this 5 rm. plastered home, located in S. Salem, near store, scnooi ana ous. v- 83JS0 wul buy this I nt. home to S. Salem, Basement furnace and fire-1 place. . v . j ss.sso wm Duy tnis a rm. modern home in N. Salem. Creek lot Sawdust heat ' .. .' $8J00 will buy this 6 rnv modern oini k " .0U?W C15cl' 13.500 will buy this t - rm, modern 1 home located near -pamsn. Jr. Hign 1 sviiw. usug va himuv aawe Call G. H. Graeenherst Jr. With GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Liberty. St. j Ph. 4131 . - - EAST NEAR 4 CORNERS K Late built 5 room - bouse, garage. elec. pump. Va acre good sou. $3675. Room 3 Ladd ic Bush Bldg. UT YOU like boating & 'fishing see this -modern home.-1 acre with 380 ft of river frontage. On South River OLSON k. REEVE ; 945 S. Com'L St Ph. 4590. Eve. 9336 .,- ..ji....,...., CHARMING 2 bed room mod. home. Lovely creek location. For appoint-1 men i write rx. aox 48T saiem. - For Sale Farms 31 ACRES. 22 cultiv older house. good barn. imp. shed, creek, timber. I spring water to bldg, all stock and equip. s-uuu. , , 'vaAcres. 30 under plow, good .bouse I c oarn. price $4200 fsoo - down. Bal ance easy terms. UNIMPROVED! . , 97 A 80 tinder plow, IB A. timber creek. II ml. ast! Price S6000. C. H. SANDERS - 331 N. High .5838 ' 20 ..ACRES, comfortable t house, good small barn, well & creek. bearing fruit, acre youngberries. $4800. PosseaawMi Oct.-1. - " ALFRED DUMBECK " Room 3 over Ladd & Bush Bank '-: ' PACIFIC HIGHWAY ACREAGE 80 acres with about 30 acres of plow j land, . bai timber . 6c pasture with all year stream, long frontage on high way. An Ideal location for a country home. Price 86000. Has a good fam ily orchard. . j GRABENHORST. BROS, REALTORS . ui a. . JuiDenj at, . s rn. eui GOOD FARM BtrY 240 acres, new house, two barnk. sev-l eral creeks and sprmgs. : Water piped 1 to . buildings . from soring. . Cows. horses.' chickens and hpgs go with farm, hay in barn. Good saw timber I which can be sold at once. This farm I is being offered for 'Sale by distant owner for less less than - cost of - buudings and stock, i i -; Chas. Hudkins 8c Walter Socolofsky 275 SUte St, ' phone 9494 40 ACRES. 94 miles S.! W. 10 acres cultivated, good soiL. variety bearing areKard ftntfartaHlW A . rwm Tnmia ft?1-,T-ato- - ALFRED "DUMBECK Room 3' over, Ladd 8c Bush Bank Good sou nesr Penn - four corners, sR good plow land. Price $270. $25 rn 2JZ. P?r!no-- . . " " "1 UAfsBXaalUVIaai ' .faVCVSaatC VAVarV8 A X34 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 FOR SALE! - - 44 Acres. 4 mi. West of Silverton to - iw.u. tni, Mj.w nwtu riwiid niiur iiupnirfli aitu good house, barn and, chicken house.) 6 acres berries. Price only $300 perl sere, see it Today, cau Mrs. EUiswitbl LEO N. CHTLD3, INC. REALTORS - W Still St i I Ph. 9261 274 : A. Seuto en naved road, all buildinn. Price 82250 with S50S down. C H. SANDERS - 231 N, High - 5838 FARM BARGAIN: 940 ' acre farm with S i r. old style colonial - heme, good dairy barn, old horse barn, good machine shed. 150 .teres of excellent farm land, lots of goad pasture with all year, stream and irrigation right 'for 25 acres, 14 miles out . and near P. Highway. A REAL VALUE at $18,000. IT? WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE TO INVESTI GATE THIS. I GRABENHORST BROS.j REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St i Ph. 4131 ' 39 ACRES, improved with house, 2 barns, good ' well. Located near " St Louis.-$5000: i . i . ; ALFRED DUMBECK - r m Room 3 over Ladd Sc Bush Bank . MOD. Plastered 3 room house on 17,4 A. Fruit and dairy. Terms. Phone Aumsville 864. ' i , - . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' 20 acres with furnished 3 rm. house, barn - and chicken house, filberts, prunes, walnuts c family orchard. Tins farm is - equipped i with imple ments, horse 6t. harness, tractor and truck.. FuU price $3250. j terms if de sired. See Mr. Motmey 'with W. R. MERCER, REALTOR 1231 Edgewater St Phone 3200 ' Acreage -l ' X B. H. new strictly mod. -North. Double plumb., fireplace 'to living and base-.; one acre rich- soil, paved-road. Real buy at $6909. Terms. ' C H. SANDERS - 231 If. High - 5838 1 . A. FILBERT Orchard dose to Woodburn. 1 to 11 yrs.; old. 96000. . 7s A. Hi mi. ..from' Salem, good toil, on good road. $325 per A. Terms. - MELVIN JOHNSON, j REALTOR T25 Court St I Phone 3723 83200. 43 acres loam soil.. 11 .miles from -Salem on pavemt U'Snt from school and store? ;S rm. nse. Darn, chicken - hse. Bldgs. fair cond. All tillable, lays nice. .! acres m vanety fruit and nuts. - -a H SL aTCREDlTH - 3158 Portland Rd, 1, ' . Pa-' 4463 asaasiwasa" t.u ACRE, close to bus. 3-roore borne. elect, water system, gar. nee ascaw. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 6838 . -- Tianmv son. w. EAST Hi Actkl nlentv fruit secluded place. 5-room older house, elect Price 3000. Terms- ' I a Acres, creek, soring, 8-room plast home. -wired range, fuR base, fiirn m. rnlace. bath. Bam 40x40. chick -Kmiaa tsxfia. hoe house 20x40. aQ ma chinery, norse. 2 cows, 11 nogv hens., so rumiture, eiecu range, mi e-innn Knm. brm. ' C. u. SAHDiMa ' hi n. mm 141 A. about 8 ' miles. . prae, all cult, cherries, few fit trees, small K.n inn hnuw), s2800.t Terms. , - in A aU nit. oa Mvinf. few ' fil- berta. var. fruit 4 It. house, elec. water in nouse, garage. C J. JACKSON. 341 State St Salem ' " a., -. aTf7fW 12 ACRE BARGAIN - ta B4-TM at raoA bearinS Prunes. balance family fruit and nuts. Good I rm. home with moaera piumDinr. pump, house, garage and chicken house. This piece is to food condition and worth the money, wniy tnuea rati CZ M Grabenhorst Jr. . With GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St j , rn, eut - Ii lntr NORTH ON 99 IJttle new 3 rm. house, with k A.- Some cherries at logans. $2200 $700 Dn. g?5J montnry. . , VtRYCOODBOT.-S f 5 Rm. bunralow 4 blks. from State Builags. Hardwood firs, Nice - cor. lot with cherries, nutg it,, flowers. $4200 00 Dn. - - " ART MADSEN 1328 STATE ST, Ph. 558 -r a afTf-e af fclack SOIL has 0 live creek, six room modem house. large bam, chicken house & beg hooae. There are 2o0 laying hens. 11 hogs tt 2 cows, furniture, a traner. l garden & all crops included wi.ii piace Price . 'i. - - -See Jack Her!ln'"n rriTT STvavrv m : l.ALTOrtl ill Caarllan . , , i 41 V7anted Used Cars OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY CEILING PRICES. ON AUTOMOBILES Let ' us appraise your car before you sell. -SPECIAL THIS WEEK- 1940 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE CPE. 131 PACKARD SEDAN. jga. V Commercial V Ph. 5451 WANTED GOOD USED CARS WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES. GUY HAROLD IcHone . & Gordon 288 N. Church Across from' State Theatre WANTED FOR CASH GOOD USED CARS ANY MODEL. EXTRA TOP CASH r ; rmu - if ALU' . ' SALEM AUTO, CO. - 435 No. Commercial St . Phone 4673r-Evenings 5837 Bonus Prices . & 1. - Ka an a ea mm a Sk M ' lii IH II I AN I'AKS '- THIS EXTRA IS IN auuitiun itj OUR REGULAR HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CARS SEE US AND GET YOUR PRICE. ; , , NASH USED CAR LOT 240 CENTER PHONE 3734 Top Cash Price Paid.'for.'LATE MODEL USED CARS I g-Tr A T C - TTCCTt ' ATJC 1 UK VAJL D UoCiiJ LtAitS CENTER AT CHURCH PH. 4702 xrrx? dav TnPQt I -aJ a a va. w. . I Get every dime your car Is worth I . a ' a v ' 1 TV 1 :ash On the BatTel-llcad v-au "V luc "a v . . .'--,- sr-' - SAU3TS oldest dependent used- eat (Meier. NX .Curates -Church Sc Chern . Pt PRIVATE party will pay- cash for late model car in gooa conaiuun. Buiek preferred Call 21729 or 3832. M nr 4lA rn KVj or Plymouth Sdn Prt. party, will pay cash. Pb, 22872 aner a ju r ja. .. .-. red CROSS will buy used 41 f or ii mntil a dr. sedan ox - low mueage. Will pay highest ceiling price. Ph. Red Cross office, 9277. or write Marion County Chapter .American Red Cross, Salem. ; :-- Acreage ' " ' " ' ' ACREAGE a a . "all clear, running water' and lake water, fishing, etc. Modern X B.R-J 8 R. house. 1 mt out. rruit. - swubb. etc. E. WelL And ; pncea to sen. Who is first? v V 1 uv a .ii eiar. 8 R new house, no basement Bath, toflet 2 big chicken houses. Double garage. E. Pump, At 4 Corners. Again, who Is first? See L. L. Thornton with J. F. Ulrich Co., 202 pearee tuo. . or Phone 8383 - eala'aaa'iaaaai'iaaa'"i'Sa"a4e - t acre North. 6 rms, plastered. basem; 3 chicken "houses, elec water system, shade 8c lawn, orchard, ber ries. $5000. Some terms. Out Portland Rd. to JCappnan s winery, turn 1st hse. across tracks on left . ia ar-wics. with eood 7 rm. modern bouse. 4 A. prunes, some Cherries and nuts Auto, water system. Price $5000. See Mr. Byrkit with . BURT PICHA. REALTORS - 1 337 N. High , . . Ph. 3219 11 A. on 99E. 1 ml. No underpass. Taxidermy bldg. on prop.; beautiful bldg. site, trees, creek, deep well. etc. Write Artistic Taxidermy Studios. 108 N.- E. Union Ave, Portland. Ore, mm ROOM home, modern. Plaster ed, 2 acres, fruit nut trees, ml. from city limits. 140 Parir Ave. V Snburban FOR lovely borne sites to Sidem " KMntiful arnie residence district OH KUncwood Drive-and Cascade' Drive, tn , Kingwood Heights and Cascade Terraces; easy terms; . see owner, ru 8411- Wanted -Real Estate FOB Ouiek sale list your pioueity with Jaa. D. Sears, Realtor, 507 Cen ter. Ph. 9442. - -- ..- -. SALES SERVICE WE HAVE INQUIRIES FOR CITY SUBURBAN HOMES, APARTMENT nmrsEJL mercantile biajus. RTTNC ALOW COURTS." IF YOU WISH TO SELL, CALL 6EVERIN REALTY CO. YOU WIU KisuuvE rnunu-i COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE. 1 Senator Hotel Bldg. v Ph. 4016 Scverto Listed is sevenn wmo. unmrr- rr mor utoueity Is tot sale, rent er exchange, tist tt with e We have e I kinos casn ouyera. STATE FINANCE vu, iuju-'w" 212 Guardian Bldg. . Traniportation ' '- WOMAN and 4 ehildrea want. ride to San Jose, Calif. 498 S. Cottage.- 1 RIDER, shsre -expense to Okla home City Leaving Mon. night Ser. Co. 275th, Camp Adair. Melvln Marun. Lost and Fcusd 2 STEP LADDER found ta street It' quire 868 Hood St - - r ELACK ptrrse. bet Dallas anil W. Salem on Orchard HU I-.d. Paiyrs valuable to owner only. Rt . Box Ph. 16F3 after 6 PM. - ; ; tZ50 00 for toforroation leading to the recovery of a diamond wrist wstch. lf;t i" alem downtown street on June t , r . t:rs. H. Zoplier. 2.J For Sale Used Car Help the Blood Bank See the Red Cross Today 39 Pontiac DJ Sdn. - 40 Pontiac DX. Sdn. 38 Ford D.L. Cpe. R tt H S7 rorrl D I. Tudor SI fh. Soee. DL Sdn. B. Hlt65 - 38 Chev. ; OX, Tudor ,', f T29 40 Chev. : DA. Tudor ' , , ,991 87 Chrysler Sedan ; 778 THE ABOVE CARS ARB PRICED AT OPA CEILING AND CARRY A WRIT TEN WARRANTY. ' ' ; The Folio wins Cars to Be Sold As Is I ', Ceiling-Our price 36 Chev. Cpe. R es H $455 ' '. -399 36 Ply. Cpe. v. 410 .365 35 Olds Tudor . 625 ' i ; '395 40 Dodge D.L. Sdn. R8cH 925 . . .. 925 35 Pont Di- Sdn. R&H- 630 293 ' 36 Terraplane Sdn. . 519 , 395 33 Plymouth Cpe 365 ,295 34 Plymouth 2 dr. Sdn 365 245 i Farmers Attention - Model "A" LWB Pickup. Dual Tires. 1 - TERMS TRADES ''J HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. Commercial Ph. 3169 "rr" "YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND; A BETTER CR AND MAKE A BETTER ;; DEAL" AT L0DER BROS. 445 Center St ' Phem glSa "Our 16th Year to Salem. Oregon" rOldsmobUe .Sales, and Service . Vi Home of Good Used Cars" . ,WE BUY WE SELL V .1 : Good Used Cars . HERRALL-OWENS GO. . i 35 S. ComX Phone 3169 1 f I . LINCOLN; TOURING CAR Good tirea Orielnal oaint Just awer- hauled. Has had excellent care; . Ph. 9101 days. 7450 eves . and - Sundays. '41 FORD Sed. , ExceL cond. mileage. Ph. 3359, ... , . - 1929 MODEL A coupe. A good one. 1273 Franklin. 3 DUMP Trucks. 2 International, 1 V -8-816 S. Com'L V as FORD Coudc. new paint motor Just overhauled, almost new 'Urea. 18W N. Cottage - " r- 39 FORD dump truck. 2 speed rear end, 95 motor, good mechanically. 100 Fairview Ave. .-. 1937 TERRAPLANE sedan. New pSlnt, very good tires, low mileage. This is really a good car. 500 No. High. Ph. 8663. . , .z. :. Motorcycles FOR SALE: 1940 model Hariey -Davidson, motor' lust overhauled. Good rubber. Price $650. Abe Edlger. '709 Court St, DaUaa. Ore. - j .i i For Sale Wood.. .i WOOD. Order now. 16 green slab -and edgings. Approx. 2 cords or more to load, $14 a load. Ph. 171 M, Dallas, Ore. Write Paul Anderson. 715. fief ferson St, Daltaa. . BUY Millwood, cheapest. No split ting, over two cord $16.50. Ph. 8663. tin J.WOOI3 for kitchen stoves and heaters. 8650 single load, double toad $12. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ' 16 IN. 54TU, trood tm Del ,Ph IX 18 O G FIR H R Clason. Mehama. FRESH cut sawdust 9650 for 2 Unit. Summer fill-up rates Ph.. 6683. . v . GREEN eld 16 la slab. prompt delivery Phone 8444. i FRESH cut sawdust: 4 ft. green slab. Part dry and green null wood 7721 orr 8862. ;'V,-..-;..; ' '". Business Opportunities TOURIST CAMP TRAILER PAstKt 9 Acres, nice Br grove, large om- rn unity bldg, good revenue, rforth. Price . $6500, Terms. ? Went a gooq cnicxen ainner vuai aa? All real and personal property for $7300 Worth your eensideration. Small but going restaurant $1600. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High. ' 5838 ATTHAfrnvE BUY te 'a. small apartment bouse- of I units, about 18 . rooms to alL Close in; Choice 'East front lot 55x165 ft With trees, base- . ment, furnace and laundry trays. With some repairs win furnish good, borne and Income. immediate possession. Price only $7000. See This 'Today. 960 S703 . 510 I 344 State St' Ph. 9261. " ' CROC STORE, WANTED. One doing bout $3000 per- mo. gross. Vera. Lory, Gen. Del, Salera. . t. COMPLgTE nTdern. going Hatcfcery 70.000 chicks sold annually. Establish ed over 3 decades. Highly 'improved. well located on 22 acres fronting river. Near thriving, hustling Willamette. val ley City. $19,000 takes - all including good will and blessing of ordinal prosperous owners. . r C. W. STULLER, Broker since 1930 Salem, Or. R. U Bx. 121, Wallace Road. GOOD Income, auto camp, store. 3- pump station, 8-rm. modern home. 6 cabins. Take part trade. P. 0,( Box 297, Kebe, Wash, ' - . ; ! FOR Quick sale because of -poor health: 9 furn eeurt. apts. and service station.. Income $210 per no. Contact owner at 1674 Court St or ,Ph 6158. -Lost and Found; ) WILL person who took lady's 'black . purse from -bsmt of Allen Hdwe. please keep money es return personal contents? 1347 Ferry. . .-- r LOS T : Yellow Persian kitten J'or 8 row. Slight limp on right front ipaw. Adonia Apts.. Ph. 9006. Mrs.. Harold Davis. ... - t f LOST: Gold double " heart Mixpah ?in. Valuable. Husband overseas, 445 ohnson. Mrs. .Albert Kraft . i LOST: DowntowTC pen with 'name Beulah, on It Reward. Ph.- 8497. LOST: Hunting dog rnale pointer. Liver, eolored head, body nearly all white. Ph. 362. Reward. - t LOST: 9 or 9 keys on chain. Be ward. Ph. ,-4171 Extension 322. Lodges Pacific LodPe fTo. 50,: AT. b A.M.. M. M Deeree Tues . day, .July 18th. 1 PJ4. -. fV A- SALEM LODGE No. 4. A.F. ic AM, Wednesday, July 13'Ju f F. C define. VIA. V -v