t PAGE FOURTEEN Tha OHLGOII STATESMAlt Salem, "Oregon. Sunday Morning, July 18. 1S14 Scale Tests Scheduled By Department For the official testing of all scales used in hop yards, bean iields and similar "harvests where payment is made to the picker on the basis of weight, the weights and measures division of the state department of agriculture will set one or two-day testing stands . in several parts of the Willamette valley. . The schedule for checking scales is as follows. ' -. , Tuesday, July. 18, for bean growers of the California Pack ing company plant at Eugene, at , the plant in Eugene from 9 a. m. until 3 p. m. - ' Wednesday, July 19, also in Eugene at the plant of the "Eu- ' hours from 9 a. m. until 3 p. m. , , Thursday and Friday, July 20 and 21, for all growers of Salem and surrounding areas, at the de partment's headquarters on 12th street in Salem. - " ' Tuesday morning, July 23, at . 9 to 11 o'clock. Tuesday afternoon, July 25, at bank building in St Paul, 1 to 3 o'clock. ' Wednesday morning, July 26, Schwab warehouse in ML Angel, 9 to 11 a. m. Wednesday afternoon, July 26, Valley Feed Store, (formerly Conrad's) in Silverton from 1 to This ; schedule . has been ar ranged as an accommodation to growers. The service is -without cost to scale owners and is in line with provisions of the state laws relating to weights and measures. Middlemen Buy Wheat CHICAGO, July 15 It was a commission house trade In the wheat market today with some of the large firms buying the nearby futures, .apparently far commercial -interests. Hedg ing pressure was relatively light and the volume of trade was smalL ' A scattered demand for July oats apparently resulted from the belief - that the July contract would not be affected by any change' in ceiling prices." " " " ? Rye, after starting lower, re covered the loss and the deferred months were strong at the close. Wheat closed to 1 higher than yesterday's finish, July $lMV-i. Oats were up M to 4, July 78. Rye was unchanged to higher, July $1.13. Barley was ? to higher, July $1.27 . Ram Sal Aiimist 1R PENDLETON, July, 15-(i?vrhe 18th annual Oregon ram sale will be held here August 18 with 400 rams from Oregon, Washington and Utah scheduled for the auc tion ring. Crossword Puzzle n pl -1 10 H T T 2-3 M " """" "T" "" " i"if:n;iiii inii iiniiiiiiiii IZIIIlillZlIIIZ HORIZONTAL 'X.cordd fabric - 4. relies ; . 9. observe 12. feminine name - 13. plotters 15. notched like - a saw. 17. Mohamme-, dan princes ' 18. comfort 19. check '.. 23." faint trace j of color Z2. trades 13. worthless scraps 23. quotes 27 exclamation cf triumph r V. tance ftfp i j. more recer.t 0. deep hole CI. neuter j-r .; C . flr..m.ils neck ).::f . . j :: . : : r. J 37. river-islands 38. suffers 39. think 41. side by side . 44; revered 4. to the right . oeastoi burden " ! 48. thin flat wooden strips 49. Greek letter Answer to yesterday's puzzle. IT ii li n?OI A' s'L 11 .dlP.; S' LA - t- 7-15 Arr;e t: t' el sotatloa: SS Mlaates. pjtt. ty Kir,; Features Syndicate. lac. "Strictly Private" 1 . 1 FJ ... " 1 . : ft to- IOTVrOTN rBSPOR RsiCAUiwrsyows now swot a it. Ycca. con AFTER KSSAD Ot Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. July IS AF) Wheat futures and cash train un quoted. ,-. Cash wheat (bid): Soft whit 1.40: soft white excludlna . Res) 1.48: white ciud i.aa: weetern red i.s. . Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.40; 10 per . eent 1.47; 11 per cent IM: 12 per eent lae. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.4S; 11 per cent 1.50; is per cent . Today's car receipts: Wheat 16, bar ley 1. flour S, bay 2, mUUeed 14. i Portland Prodnco PORTLAND. . Ore- July IS (API Butterfat;-Pint quality, .maximum of .1 ci 1 per eent acKiity, oenvered in Portland a-WAe: premium auai lty, maximum of JS of 1 per cent acidity S3-S3'c: valley routes and country points 3c leas than first or 80-31 Egfs: To producers: -candled basis, case count 3S-37c; select henneries 38- 3Sc; mediums 34-35c dozen. Esss: To retailers: A larce 44c: A medium 39c; small (pullet) A 25-21c dozen. . Live poultry: Buying prices from producers: BroUers up to 2',i Iba. 27c; fryers. 24 to 4 lbs. 28c: roasters over S'.s lbs. 29c; Leghorns 23c lb.; colored hens all weights Z5c; roosters and sues 18c lb. . Live poultry: Selling prices to re tailers: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers up to J'i lbs. 30c; roasters 29c; stags Ji'ic; oid roosters zic; fowl mens) 2S!c Country meats: "Rollback prices to reiaiiers. country aiuea nogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs.- 16-17c; vealers AA 22c: A 21 'ic: B 19-19'ic: C 15 lTc: culls 12-15. Beef AA 214c; A 204c; B 18ic; C 14c; canner -cutter cows 13-I4c; bulls, canner-cutters 14 14ic: Umbs AA 26c; A 24'ic: B 22' ic; u 10-zoc; ewes is I3;c; medium 12c; R 184e. - . .,, -: Butter: AA grade prints 46-46'ic: cartons 47-47,ic; A grade prints 45',i 46c; cartons 46i-47c: B crada nrinta a-,4-3ric: canons 4B-i,.c. . Cheese: Sellina orice to Portland re tailers: Oregon triolets 29.4c: daisies 29 Ac lb.; loaf 80 Jc - lb.; triplets to wnoiesaiers zc; loax ZY'jC lUB. - ' Rabbits: Government ceiling: Av rage country allied to retailers 40- 44c lb.; live price to producers Z2-24C. iwaeys: selling price to retailers Dressed hens No. 1. 39'i-43e lb. Turkeys: Alive: Government ceiling buying prices: Hens 42c: toms S.be jo aressea oasis. -7- IS v 10. vandcr 11. S-shaped worm 14. Jives forth 16. remnants 15. charjes 20 theme 21. wrathful 22. stings 23. river in '-- Germany - 24. 1utted 28. is mindful of 23. clutters - -30. way through 32. New Eng. land state 33. masculine 35. showers 26. nestlings 38. embolden . 39. eggs - 40. foot-like . organ 41. Luzon Negrito 42. rigd 43. beverage 45. diminutive ----- for Alfred VERTICAL 1. thing, in law 2. twilight 3. progenitors . 4. rent 5. grafted . grow old 1 7. symbol for nickel , 8. scoffer : ? 9. fish net st E N sFtls b 1 TTm JJK EM TIEID Quotations at Portland j By Quinn Hall lip y7 ' f aeV.a. WfclHERES FU3R1C 11 If-: lctca tests Onions: Greea S0-70c dot -bunches. Onions? Tirm fnaohll tv CallfornU red J.50; Walla WalU tOO aw-io. oag; Arizona wmte X75 per 80-lb. bag. 1 . i Potatoes; Olrf Wat Ma 11 A tal; do 2a 90s, US; Klamath No. 1 3.75; Deschutes No. 1. 3.SS cental. Potatoes: Nw alifomla : white S.70 cenxai; iexas red J.00 per 30-lb. bag wooi oovernmeni control. Cascara bark-1994 peel 20c lb. Mohair 1943 12-month 45 lb. Hops: Nominal contract:! 1944. tSe up: 194S. 73c; 1944. 55c; 1947. 60c lb. Hay: Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. S or better S34-33; oat-vetch mm tun, nmj j peinm; umoiny (east ern . Oreaonk S3S-3S ton: clomr S94 ton; -Montana grass hay. No. 1, S330 rortland Livestock ? ' PORTLAND. Orel. July 15 (API calvea 7SO: run; largest since last No- . imwt a raoe strong, others c wwtr; inree iomi good fed steers 1S.M.1S M- 1 j. graasers 14.25-15.15,- eommeai-low med- t.l "r I.W-UM conunon-med- -. - - j " ww Canneruttr man ItAJtim. medium beef cows ..00-10.00: good ww u u. uu-ti.su;- common-med- whim . i.wmjv; very ? lew good beef bulls above 9.50; good-choice 7a. 1 asm IJ AA S St aem -- a. - - . Salable hofi for iwcek 5lM; supplies Ilffht Mrlv. InrraAainsf I.e. ....i,.. opened 75 to L25 higher cMed 65 to 75 un ' sr1tt 4r itmu4. ia high Wednesday 15.00; closing top vuw i4W-v iOS S.9U; 790-Z70 IDS down to 14nn-: .iiTht 1iirf.f! It iuliaa. irhr t 1 9 A sty-uai C.gAJ klak. a 8.50-9.50; light sows to 10.50; choice feeder nirs un (n iunn l.tt. Salable sheep: -e week 4215; spring Iambs nnnMi vl w- n 9c . ... lambs at standstill; until late with fair clearance rriaay; early bulk good choice springers 13.00; extreme top 13.25: lata uIm 19 Jtn itnnm good-choice lacking; feeder lambs ' " V n uu klXUHV arouna s.oo-iqoo; older classes steady; yearings SO-IQ.00; good to 10.75; good ..w. mianun aown hi a.uv. DENVER, July 1 13 -Ai) Sheep compared to last week: Slaughter spring lambs strong to 25 cents high er; ewes steady to 25 cents lower; only good -choice kinds - holding Pup; supply other, classes not large enough to ac- curAttv . t .s ..... 1. i i choice trucked m fat spring lambs tftmul . . . ft An. . . . . -kk wt- iihib xooa-cnoice truck-ins 14.75-155; good-ohoice 79-8S io. laanos ja.va-is.oo nat medium good Idahoa 14.25-50 flat; ITUhs 13.15 iiieiuu. aooa-cnoica snorn taano ewes sa, iiw u ucn-in io e.wu; new crop 65-4V lb. feedirtg lambs 12.00-75 memo. Stocks and Bonds STOCK AVEKAUfcg I j ' j 30 13'i 13 00 Stks 54.3 564 -SS.4 554 53.8 50.4 48.9 Saturdav lit ' t Previous day .47M 29!? 3S.1 wees: i ago , : ZS.s I ss.f Month ago i7J 2S.S I 37 J Yr ifi ' 111 Ma! w 1944 high i7li " 29J 38J 1944 kw - u. es-i a j i 35.1 BONO AVCBACEI . ' 1 J ' O : 10 I 10 10 Fogn 6S4 SS.4 SS4 07.7 01.7 as s . 034 Saturday ..l.90a 10S 2 i 107 J Previous dav. 90S ios a 3 i7 i Week ago i90J 10541 1074 Month ago 90.0 104 J f 10S.T rear ago :...7S4 105.0 i 105.1 1944 high 4 90.S 105.7 j 107.1 1944 low i794 104.7 1 104.7 .New 1944 higha. ... - . , Stock jShares : .... Just Hold Om NEW YORK, July ?15 -UPH Stocks just, about held their own in today's brief market after a week I of indeterminate; shuffling which put many favorites in the new high division and lowered quotations for "numerous leaders. Important development of the week wag the president's disclo sure that he would accept a fourth term. Markets, though were lit tle affected, owinx tot the fact the ; announcement was in line with expectations. S5me- early liquidation was blamed on the Washington! reconversion dispute but a subsequent compromise here failed to spur purchasers. The Associated Press CD-stock average . was unchanged at 564 and on theweek was clown only .1 of a point. Transfers of 42D,- 40 shares compared with 855,- 360 last Saturday. I .' Malheur Labor Shortage Threatens Grain Harvest VALE, July lMShortage of help may result in grain and fod der crops tciri imharvested, Mal heur county growers laid today. Vat Decker,; Wertfall, said he was able to hire only one. worker to help harvest 1"3 tons cf hay and 2C0 acres cf grain. 5 J 1 Allies Arrest Fascist Radio 1 Brbadcasteirs ' ROME, iuly 13 -uri-l George Nelsoii Page, formers chief of the board I of the fascists ministry of popular culture, has been arrest ed for questioning toy allied au thorities. : I ! ! ,1 . Page, member of s distinguish ed Virginiaj family, jwag Ibora , in France and has lived -most of jjiis life iri Europe. He wSs lan Amer ican jcitizen until the Ethiopian war, when he renounced his alleg iance and became an Italian gub-; He was then seen about Rome wearing a fascist blackshirt uni ionn. tie cnangea rus first name to "GiorgicT and pronounced his last name the Italian ay. ("Pay Jay.--.: ,;KH: ?;r i- H'H hiruig the war j he isupervised English language p fori ag'ahd a Droadcasts, including those to American troops to Italjr. 1 Several others who broadcast fascist propaganda In English also are under frrest, including Princei sandro Tafcca Di CuW and the! Prince of San Faustina, the hlus-i band j of the former Mrs. - Lydisj Macjrt of New YorkJ .. : xnf main reason mey are be- Ing questioned, it was learned, is ! no me unis wey made about A ! . ILl ! . . j.. f A. as a. j " ? - J " " i muciicaiiaj uvtr ui air,; DUl iinf messages Which miy have been intended fpr enemy agents, j Little Trade J I .-II: Iri Feed Grain The market situation ! on teed grains at j Portland! was featured by continued light trading during the Week -ended July jl J, accord ing to reports to the war food ad xninistration. Offerings of both oa4s nd barley were jreported 'm negligible ! and reflected j light re maining supplies of both of thsje grains in pacific northwestern producing? districti. jAlthdugh some new crop barley has been harvested! 'trade nepotls Indicate Lttle or none has reached termin al markets, The weather , bureau summary of weathjer and ropi conditions for jOregon for the jveek ended Julyf 11, States that winter grain is ripening satisfactorily in most of the producing! districts 1 and some hag been harvested along and ; near I the rnid4Columbia re, Harvest vill be general in - mid dle Columbia counties In a few days. Spring grain needs rain in most places. Growth iof corn! has been retarded by tjoollnights. Pas- uaira re:arying in western coun ties I but j show considerable proyemeijt from jjuie j rains many eaitern locilities. The Portland bfa r I e y market was! veryi quiet during the period. Thefe were no quotations posted on the exchange for the last; two day of they week!. However, fcn Tuesday,; bid prices of $48.00 per ton were; posted for No. 2 western barley, bulk, weighing 45 pounds per bushel, 15-day shipment for coast delivery. . r-: : - ;r j J Tjie - ots market at' Portland also; showed bu1 little r activity which wis reflected in receipts (of only1 5 cars at this market and, 11 cart! at j Seattle I forj the week. Trade reports continued to indi cate, very scant offerings from the country which was said: to reflect small supplies remaining In I pro- aucing aistncis. i mere were no bid prices posted jon the' exchange at Portland for the past two days but on Tuesday, bid prices on No. 2 white pats weighing 38 pounds per j bushel, in bulk, 15-day ship ment, coast delivery, were on the basis of $50.00 per ton. Generally, a a " -? a . a ... ? - ; ' ; ' i me;traa apeareo toj oe marsung time, pending announcement j of the i new i ceiling price regulations expected witnin - the -next j few day. . , . ' I . 4 . r , 5 - -. i - " . . i i - . -- -1 i... Moisture Lack Curtails . Blue fountain Pea Pack PENDtETON, J ti 1 j ltitfJPi Lack of knoisturf will curtail the Blue Mountain district - pea pack 25 per cent this. ea$on, Umatilla county cinnery officials predicted today. - '!-':! 14 The lf43 output was 6,000,000 cases. Iaca: or moisture ' during the growing seasbn made it neces sary to cut younger peas, causing the reduction. Canneries are ex pected U finish! their runs about July 28.? f .;(.. ; The 350 Mexicans eninlnvMi in the .county during the harvest will be available for other. work be tween pea harvest and. the start of prune? harvesti about Augustj 20. 1 ! Rogue River Pear Crop to Be Heavy MET) FORD, Ore,! July JSHV Th Rogue river valley pear trop will be; considerably larger thin last year, growers predicted .' to-i day. Bqsos will be one i of S the heaviest crops, jwiti good yields indicate in BarUette, Winter, Ne lls and fComiceJ '-y i ( The pears are aleveloplng rap idly and harvesting win start about August 15. I ',' Harvesting of the barley and oat croi is nearly completed in this area, with good yields re ported by. Coiintyj . Agent ! Rob ert G. fowler. Threshing of early wneat tviu start next week.) -T Salem Market Quotation! LS Ibe Drtces be ow supplied by a lo eal grocer are indicauva of the daily market price paid to growers by Sa lem buyers i but are not guaranteed by The statesman: Cauliflower, crate 123 and 353 Crook oeck A) Italian squash, lb. J03 Turnips, dnz . bunches 1.00 Cabbage. Ib.f. , JD2 Endive, doz bun. - -iu Radishes. do bun. . 40 Carrots, dos i bun. , 60 Celery, doz. K"w 14a Pumpkin, lb ! C3'. Parsnips, lb i . ,, .- j09 BUTT EH. CGGS AND rODLTBI Aadresea'a Bavins Prices ; - (Subject to change witbont aotlce) BUTTKKT AT ; ' : -, -.- - Premium 1 ,, . 44 NO. 1- ; i 43 No. 1 , , i 40 BUTTEB PRINTS B Quarters , CGGS -' , i - Extra larga -V Medium and standards Pullets 4 : J3X ,.,.,.. ' Jtl JM POULTKV $ Colored hens, No. 1 No. 2 colored hefts VuiuiU a-s jr m Hartoa Creamery's Baylaa Prices - SbJect te change wltbort noUce) POvXTRT I - ' No. 1 springs i No. 1 hens ! 3i LIVESTOCK i Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on condition and sales reported: Dressed veal 3 Spring lambs 14X0 to 13.00 V Five Acire Patch Of Strawberries i Yields 5 Tons ? SILVERTON - HILLS Mr. and Mrs, Lawson O. Hadley, their friends claim, hold, some sort of record when It comes to stra w berry haryestmg.-:;4..:i; ;t.,. 4 4 . On a five-acre strawberry patch, the j Hadleys have comple ted the harvest of 18 tons of fruit. The Hadleys attribute the : big crop to the fact that the berries were planted on ground : where there formerly had been alfalfa. The alfalfa . was ploughed under and the ground heavily limed be fore the berries were set out The plating wfs done two -years ago, and-this is the first crop . taken from the patch. The plants are of- good size and the patch Is ex ceptional! free of weeds. jC; Notice PBOCLAMATION WHEREAS, the unregulated use of certain; forest areas is, in my judgment,! a menace to life and property sdue .'to an excessive amount of inflammable debris left on the ground by logging opera tions, windstorms, and fires in past years, and : : -,i - , WHEREAS,' upon the showing of the State Forester, it appears to me to be necessary to close to unregulated use the following area designated as: Area No. 23-P - Klamath Association - Green Springs Area: All lands in Ts. 39, 40 and 41, Rs 4, 5 and 8 E between Jenny creek and the Klamath River, and the 5 oj T. 38 S., R. 6 EL except the right of way of Ashland-Kla math Falls highway and the Cop- co road from White Star to the Calif ornia! state line. . . Permits' to enter the above: area may be obtained at the following places:;-?";! i- - v,';-' r"- Klamath Forest Protective As sociation, j 240 Conger Ave, Kla math Falls. , Weyerhaeuser Camp No. 4. - Area New 24-P - Klamath . . " Associatioa - Tawkey Tract; All lands in the tract known as the Yawkey Tract in Ts. 32 and 33 S- Rsl 7 and 7 E. of Anna Creek, expept the right of way of The Dalles-California highway. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following places: ? Klamath Forest Protective As sociation, j 240 Conger. Ave, Kla math Falls. Area No, 28-P - Klamath Association - Swan Lake Area: All lands in T 37 S- Rs. 9 and 10 E, andl lands west of the HUde- brand-Sprague River road in T. 37 S RJ 11 E ' exceot 1 those lands west of the Old Fort Kla math road and Sees, 25, 26, 27, 35 and 38 in T; 37 S., R. 10 E. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following piaces: s - Klamath Forest . Protective As sociation, s 240 Cmger AveJ Kla math Falls. . Area No. 27-F - Klamath . Asaoctation - Tamsar ML Area: All lands included in area bounded by line beginning at a point at ) the NE corner of the NEVi of $ee. , T. 31 S R. 11 E thence south 1 mile, east Vk mile, south 2 '.4 miles, east V mile; south di) miles, east Vt mile and south 2 miles to the south town ship line: of, T. 32 S, R. 11 E.; thence east along said line 10 miles, north 2 miles, east 2 miles and north 10 miles to the NW cornw of Sec. 4, T. 31 S,R 13 E.; thence west 2 miles, south 1 mile. west 8 miles, north mile, west 1 mile, north ' mile and west 2 miles to the point of beginning. - -. Permits to enter the above area may he obtained at the following places: , : i - . - Klamath Forest Protective As sociation,; 240 Conger Ave, Kla math Falls." Indian j Agency Fire Warden, Klamath Agency. . . Lamm's Camp. ' NOW, THEREFORE, I, i EARL SNELL, Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority vested in me under the provisions of Section 107-2C3, Oregon Com piled Laws Annotated, as amended by Chapter 238, Oregon Laws 1941, do hereby proclaim the unregu lated use of the above described area to be unlawful and that said area shall be subject to entry only through permit to be issued by the State Forester, or a fire warden, under which permit entrant shall comply With any and all of the following requirements: 7' (a) To build no fires except in Legal Notice places designated, as safe in j said permit. ' (b) To have as part of his or her equipment tools suitable for extinguishing fire. - (c) To refrain from smoking ex cept in places designated as (safe in said permit - : :.') This proclamation shall be ef fective from and after the j 17th da v of July. 1944. and shall re main in full force and effect UnU' the 31st day of December, 1944 Done at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, : this 14th day of July, 1944. EARL SNELL Governor " ' I ATTEST: ' -f Harry S. - Schenk, Chief Deputy, Secretary of State. - Jly 16 " PROCLAMATION . 1 WHEREAS, the unregulated use of certain forest areas is, irt my judgment, a menace to : life and property, on' account, of the f high fire hazard, caused by. abnormal amounts of Inflammable debris on the ground from logging operations and beetle-killed timber, and WHEREAS," upon the showing of the State Forester,, it appears to me to be necessary to close to un regulated use the following are designated as: Area No. 14-P - John Day State Unit - - Broeks-Seanlon - Area: Beginning at Tumalo Creek on the Bend-Shevlin Park - road in Sec 23, T. 17 S- R. 11 E.; thence in a northwesterly direction ielohg the Brooks-Scanlon Camp road to the Columbia-Southern Ditch road thence in a northeasterly direction along the Columbia - Southern Ditch road - to the . Tumalo I Dam road; thence in a northerly direc tion along the Tumalo Dam; road to the Blackely road just north of the old Tumalo Dam; thence in a westerly direction along the Black ely road to the Brooks-Scanlon Main ' Line Logging road; - thence in a northerly direction along the Brooks-Scanlon - Main Line ( Log ging road to the 'Young Ranch- Snowcreek Ditch road; thence in av southwesterly- direction - along the Young Ranch-Snowcreek Ditch road to the Highline road; thence along . the Highline road to the Snowcreek "Ditch -' road; :. thence along rthe ' Snowcreek Ditch road to the -Deschutes National Forest boundary in Sec. -30, T.' IS.Sm 3. 10 .: thence south along the Des chutes National Forest Boundary to Tumalo creek; thence in an easterly direction down stream -of Tumalo creek to the point of be ginning, with the exception pf the Brooks-Scanlon Camp road, the Brooks-Scanlon . Camp -- No. i 1 in Sec. 5 T, 17 S R. 11 H, and the designated park' area known as Shevlin Park.. : , : ' ; ; Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following places:-V-'l --.;.r;;- " ' ' Brooks-Scanlon Lumber j Com pany, Bend. j Brooks-Scanlon Woods Camp No. l. Sec. 5, T. 17 S, R. 11 E. Tumalo Butte Lookout, Sec 14, T. 17 S R. 11 E. District : Warden's Office . Sis- tela. ; - -' - ----- . ; ( Area No. 15-P John Day! State Unit - Prineyille Area: 1 Beginning at the junction of the Lofton road with the Allen road in Sec 16, T. 13 L,R. thence in a northwesterly Creek 16 E.; direc- tion along the Lofton road to the Prineville - Grizzly road; thence in a northwesterly direction along the Prineville - Grizzly road! to the town of - Grizzly, on the Willow Creek' road; thence in an easterly direction along the Willow j Creek road to the Coon Creek road; thence in a northeasterly direction along the Coon Creek road jto the point where the Coon Creek road crosses the section ' line between Sec 7 and Sec 8, T. 12 S.J R. 16 E.; thence - north along the sec tion line between Sec 7 arid Sec 8, T. 12 S- R. 16 Em to the north west corner bf Sec 8, T. 12. S, R. 16 E.; thence east along the sec tion line between Sec 5 and Sec 8, T. 12 Sm R. 16 Em to the south east corner of Sec 5, T. 12; S R. 16 E.: thence due north along sec tion lines - to the Little Willow Creek road in Sec 16, T. Ill S., R. 16 E.: thence in a southwesterly direction along the Little Willow Creek road to the Foley i ranch road; thence south along the Foley Ranch road to the Highland Flat road; .thence in an easterly! direc tion along the Highland Flat road to the first cattle guard and drift fence on the range line between Ri 16 E. and R. 17 E.; thence south-along the range line be tween R. 16 E. and R. 17 4 to the southeast corner of Sec 2i T. 12 5., R. 16 E.: thence west along the section line to the Allen j Creek road; thence in a southwesterly direction along the Allen (Creek road to the Lofton road, the point of beginning. j Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following places: ' s Prineville Guard Station. Prine ville. - - j . Grizzly Post Office, Grizzly.! ; Area.Ne, 16-P - John Day Unlt- - Kinava Area: : - i -Beginning at the junction of the Camas Prairie road with the Spray-Heppner highway in Sec. 24, T. 6 R. 25 E.; thence in a northwesterly direction along the Camas Prairie road to the county line between Gilliam county and Morrow county in Sec 5,-.T. 6 S., R. 25 E.; thence west along the county line to the northwest cor ner of Sec 1, T. 8 Sm R 24 E.; thence due south along section lines 3 miles to the southeast cor ner of Sec 13, T. 6 S., RJ 24 E.; thence due west along section lines approximately 9 Mi miles to the Cones Mill road; thence In a south easterly direction along the Cones Mill road to the Oxheadj Ridge road; thence In a southerly direc tion along the Oxhead Ridge road to the junction of the Qxhead Ridge road, the Camp 5 road, and the Snowboard Lookouts road: thence along the Snowboard Look out road to the Skyline road; thence along the Skyline road to the ICL-.zua Llam Leasing road; thence ia an easterly direction - Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads . Call 9101 Three Insertions per Une25c Six Insertions oer line 40c One month per Une.M- Sl.23 Minimum charge 25c; t tl min- ;' tmum 35c; 6 JUL mirv 45c No refunds. - Copy tor this page accepted un til 0 30 the evening before puoiica Uon for classtncatMM Copy re ceived after this time srUl be run under the beading "Too Lata to Classify" - :-'-:-' Tha Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibil.tr for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper is at fault will reorint that iart of an advertise ment in - which tha typographical mistake occuia. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves 1 the right to place all advertising under . the oroDer- classification. - A "Blind" - Ad aa ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress Is (or the protecUon of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman ts not at liberty to divulge Infor mation aa to the identity af an advertiser using a , Blind ad- Livestock and Poultry! WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar J. Stock Ranch - Large -assortment on hand at all times at veiy attractive prices. CRED IT, given anyone.- Discount for cash Guaranteed -aa - represented. Free de livery Harry Kuehne. carnon, ore Located ', mt W, of Newberg. ' FOR SAIJC: Sow - and ' R. Welty. Rt. 0, Box 427. pigs, cheap. JERSEY Cow. Rt. 1. Box 99. Salem. on Kingwood Heights. - . . gent Ph. den Rd. S254. NEW Hampshire chickens, various ages. Rt 2. Box .739. Salem. Ph. 22429 WANTED: ' Beef ana canner cows bulla and , veals. - Will - call at farm E, L Snethen. 3S70 C Turner Road Ph. 21343. Morns or eves. ATTENTION Win remove dead St worthless Stock In a moment's notice I SALEM FER- TILTZER BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 9000 Collect (N other Phone) J Help Wanted ... t- - - WANTED . 2.000 Hop Pickers Harvest starts tha latter bart -t August. -400 acrea of high tr-lha hops. Cool, shady camps with -lights, -wood, shower baths and : day ' nursery for children furnished free - to .pickers Grocery - store. . meat -market and res taurant en grounds. Register in person at rancn oxuee or write us for fun particulars. - - . - . CLEMENS HOK5T CO. INDEPENDENCE. ORE. ARE You Interested in meat cutting i a profession? If you are and have had some retail cutters experience at larra cutting experience, you can se cure Immediate employment in i a steady position with full opportunity to Kara tne business while you earn a gooa wage, we are prepared to teach you. Aa a retail meat cutter you will be rendering i a genuine war time service to the community. Posi tions available both in and out of Salem.. Apply v Safeway Stores District Office. Room 200, McGUcfarist Build ing. Salem. . - -. - . . -1 Supervisor -Cook. Breferablv woman. Church institution 1 wk. SCO. Call 8610 Legal Notice along the Kinzua ilain Logging road to where the Kinzua Main Logging; road crosses Lake creek in Sec 29, T7 S, R. 23 E.; thence down stream of Lake creek to. the point where Lake creek crosses the Winlock county road in Sec 4, T. 8 S., R. 23 .: thence in an easterly direction along the Win lock county road to the Alder Creek road; thence in a northeast erly direction along the Alder Creek road to the Umatilla Na tional Forest boundary between Sec 23 and Sec 26," T. 7 S R. 24 E.;. thence In a westerly direction along the Umatilla National For est boundary and continuing along the Umatilla National Forest botinriarv tn nrhara tm TTm;i1 National Forest boundary crosses the Spray - Heppner highway in &ec -3, T. a 5m R, 25 .; thence in a northerly direction alone the Snrav . Hmnnw hlcrhuraw k- way, the point of beginning, with I the exception of the Camp 3 road from Kinzua to Kinzua Camp No. Permits for entering the above area may be obtained at the fol- owing places: ; -.' - Fire Warden's; Office. Kinzua. Klnzoa Pine Mills Company Of fice, Kinzua. Lone Rock Post Office. Lone Rock. Mrs. Peter Hartman, Winlock. Snowboard Lookout, Sec 16, T. Sm R. 23 E. Chopen Creek Guard, Station, 8 miles south of Hardman. Wheeler County Agent's Office. FossiL NOW. THEREFORE. I, EARL SNELL, Governor of the State of Oregon by virtue of the authority vested in me under the provisions of Section 107-209. Oregon Com piled Laws Annotated, as amend ed by Chapter 238, Oregon Laws 941, do. hereby proclaim the un regulated use of the above de scribed areas to be unlawful and that said areas shall be subject to entry only through permit to be issued by the State Forester or a fire warden, under which permit entrant shall comply with any and all of the following requirements: a) .To build no fires exceot in places -designated as -safe in said Fwmu , r lb) To have as a na'rt nf ki a- extinguishing fire (c) To refrain from smoking ex cept in places designated as safe in said permit This proclamation shall be ef fective from and after the 17th day OI JUIV, and Shall remain in I full force and effect until the 31st I day of December, 1944. Done, at the Canitol In Sa1rn Oregon, this 14th day of July. S44. -. - - - EARL SNELL " Governor V " ' ATTEST: 1 Iarry S. v Schenk, Chief Deputy, Secretary of State. . Jly 18 Ifelp Wanted WE USED: 1 Young man or woman to neip witn odd Jobk Sat and Sun. waitresses, xuu lime. . Kitchen help, full time. . Mickey's Sandwich Shop ' . Help Wanted MaU MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJMMMMMMMMMMMWM Workers now employed In war pro duction should not apply and win not be considered for employment by em ployers advertising in this section. WANTED: Concrete mixer operator or laborer; 54 nr. wk., f 1 per nr. time St Vi over 40 hrs. Salem Concrete Pipe St Products Co. Ph. (104 or S900. - WANTED: Married man On dairv farm. flSS, house, lights, potatoes and milk. Piu 07ri5. J. ML Nichols, Rt 0, Box 141, Salem. ISAS 'in hardware store, not in (draft. Must be able to drive delivery truck. Sea ' Gordon Black, Ceo. . Allen Hdw, 230 No. ComX WANTED: ' Warehouse man. also janitor. Willametta Grocery.- . . FURNITURE and "appliance .sales man. An opportunity to learn th busi ness while you earn a eood ware. Permanent position. Hogg Bros., 260 State.--, f ;r. DOORMAN. Good atartine salary. Apply Grand Theatre. . WANTED: Dairy hand. Schlndler Bros, South Salem. LOGGERS Need 1 set fallen. 2 buckers. ; 1 second loader. ' 4 choker setters. Top wages. Housing, board and room available, see Pooa a Talbot. 210 N. Levens SL. Dallas. Oregon, or pnone Dallas Z2t. At Portland see or write Mr. Peterson,- Pope St Talbot, CIS N.W. Front. Portland t. Oregon. MECHANIC Permanent nasi tion. Ex cellent pay. HerraU-Owena Co. - Help WantedFemale WOMAN nlrht watch. 171 SA main. tens nee and laundry. Hillcreat School of Oregon. Ph. 23022, i - -j" .M' .M M. ... ! .MMMM-..... M WOMAN to assist with housework in Christian home, for room, board and wages. Ph. 0209. EXPER.- Variety "" irL Good nar. Good hours. Capitol Variety, 1263 SUta WANTED: Girl for baby aittinr and . help with part time housework. 47S Leslie. Ph. 8930.".: --.-.,. , RELIABLE - Lady for combination 1 Experience 4aM-butMs waitress and alt around kitchen work. Day shift No Sundays. Perm.- Bright Spot Cafe. 360 CenUr. -WANTED: Saleslady for d Ums - - - a- a- . ahon. Must - thaMughlr vexnerieiused m I selling coats and suits. .Top salary. Apply M person at Field's Dress Shoo. 420 Stat SU Salam. LAUNDRY helo wanted. Annlv Can. ttal aty Laundry. 1204 Broadway. "lnB'esaa1aseaaaaesssjsw OUNG Ladv wanted foe eenml . flee-work and some selling in retail store. A good connection. Apply, stat ing particulars. Box 63. SUtesman. CAPABLE Girl wanted for care of smaU children, general housekeeping. No cooking, no washing. Permanent Room, board, S60 mo. start Ph. -9310. - Situations- Wanted Young! 'man available' for mornlne- work.. S-12.00. Desire downtown em ployment which will enable continu ance oft full -.time job afternoons as evenings. Box 92. Statesman, , . Children . eared for . days. Pb, 8049. HIGH School rirl will care for chil dren days. Ph. 7601 from 9 AM to 9 PM. PreSchool Playschool: 1381 stat. Agea 2-8. Part or all day. Ph. 8130. CHtLDCRAFT Nursery We sick un and deliver - 1999 Trade. Ph. 21829 :? RIoney to Loan x ' PRIVATE MONEY Auto And Truck! Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used care ea trucks regaidlesa of age. No delay bring ear and title and eat tha man. Vou retain possession el vehicle, i-xo u, :nonths to renav. ' Aftei S o'clock nhona 23S1 21 1U for appomtanent ROY H. SIMMONS i-; Regulated by state - ' Com L St Phone 9188. IM 182) 130 S AUTO LOANS prtvtarvtoT' "ooSv'rw. IM a montha, come tn or phone. T ' i - personal finance Co. I Room 129. Second Fir. New Rlleh BM. $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS J PERSONAL LOANS , 1 . CAR LOANS Wa buy Real Estate Mortgages - v - and Coo tracts. -, ...... I.. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S-210 M-222. si Guardian Bldd. Money to Loan WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortaaea loans city or farm proparttea: loana made as small aa $300. Sea us about re financing your present contract or mortgage.' : --. Leo N. Childs. Inc. 344 State St Phone 8261 ( - Sea US FOR . Attractive Farm Loana ONLY 4 INTEREST 9 to 40 years and No rnmmlnlm LXO N. CHILDS, INC REALTORS - I Auto Loans ' Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BOTLDLNQ h LICENSE H M ISO Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS A, N ! Duncan 8 Ladd St Bush Bldg. For i Sale Miscellaneons USEU 2-burner f as elite. A few used 4-drawer dressers. Used Radiant i chen table. NELSON BROS. ITRN. V 319 JN. Liberty GOOD 2 wheel trailer with stock i rack $25.00. Smaller one 89.00. Fruit cupboard $3.00. 2379 Myrtle Ave. SI'S the new style dinette sets with. f1116 . ellU top and Udin fmrr irM ' laasliral tension; leaves. NELSON BROS. FURN. . 319 N. Liberty A REAL WOOL -BLANKET REDUC TION: Tuesday morning, ranging Com $2.50 to J12.SS. See this display tn our' window at the Went Salem Variety and Clothiers. 1109 Edgewater St. - EHEAKFAST set Ice box. Daw no. Ran re cock stove. Chest drawers. Din ing im. table. Chairs. 16S0 N. Com'L