Jcre$, Pcrki to Vie in Semitcindup Outing Musb-Katonen i.K1 : - ' i I.-'-'.' - ': t . .Another far lined suppertinr card for the main rassllng heat - at jthe Ferry street garden Tues .day nlfht, and this one could even surpass the well-accepted curtain-raiser and semi-windnp of last .week. Matchmaker Don Owen' announced the, Tuesday show as completed yesterday, and , araln the village mat draws half a dozen of the' top matmen In V the circuit. ' ' ;' '-' '.Tony Morelll, the Italian , atrontie from Gotham, and who ; Juu suddenly turned out to be I ; a nasty citlien when In his red i tights, re tarns for 1:3 p. m. -v . opener chores against "Silent I Rattan, the clever deaf mute. TSUent" was scheduled to appear j'. oni last week!a card, but a vlalt ; ' to the dentist that day erased his . plana for the evening. One of the r more popular and scientific tor so twisters In the troupe, -Silent" f wEl be going against the mean ' Morelll the second time ever. The pair went to a sizzling SO-mlnute - draw In their first engagement. . MorelU will be handicapped to the extent that one of his pet Third Kabul-Turner (Oujiiig xak Ob llilllJIACIHlllf .Rah! Rah! Rah! ' " t ' , ' . - ,TM-tating Clark Shaughnessy, Stanford's "Cinderella Man" in the wage of those great "Vow Boys" teams under Claude "Tiny" Thorn hill and now headman at Maryland U, announces In his booklet "football in War and Peace"; that his own Stanford . !TT-errors : of 1940 Norm Standlee, Pete Kme tovic, Hugh Gallarneau r and Frankle AlberV formed thegreat-. est backfield of all time. Broad boast. ."'!!. We're aware that one Alvin Q. Stump punched out a piece on same in The Oregonian recently,' and also that we're a football green pea, so to speak. But there's still, room for our nickel's worth' on great backfields especially those which tore up everything from Pete's pasture to the Los Angeles Coliseum, to say nothing nothing of Pasadena's . Rose Bowl, while being reared in California. The Golden state, thanks to gents like "Pop" Warner. ThornhilL the laie xiowara Jones, "Clipper" Smith. Andy Smith. ete turned out some mighty pigskin packing quartets, and being from that land of zealous chambers of commerce we've seen some great backfields in acuon. 4 :' -Prom our peach, Shaughnessy same page with another fair to middlin' Stanford quartet the "Vow Boys." You've heard of 'em, no doubt Xellow named Bobby Grayson : played fullback, and if youH check back In your scrapbooks of the , 1934-35 era youH read blazing quotes from coaches all over the land, vfzi"Np other can carry Grayson's socks, let alone hf hn w AU-America hands down, up or sideways. On one side was Robert "Bones" Hamilton, All-America himself those luscious days for Thorn hill. And on the other a Buck Van Dellen, whose talents were, as those of Quarterback Frank Alustiza, overshadowed only because one team dassn't have four All-America backfielders at once. Same scrap books will carry similar sentences such as that if you look hard enough. We'd like to see that bunch up against Shaughnessy's "T" wonders.! ' - ' r - . : . ,, v : ;. ;' ' y j. , . :"v'V:v:;':: (',.. . Trojans Fielded Some Mighty Terrors I ' ..Stump's piece also reminds of California's 1937LRose Bowlers Vic Bottari, Johnny Meek, Dave Anderson and Sam Chapman, (the latter the terrific blocking back who Iaterwent to the Philadelphia Athletics! as a slugging outfielder, Alvin, and not the "Louie Smith" as you write.) Bottari and Anderson were the scorers and were of the species who make an extra two to five yards after being tackled. Meek and Chapman were blockers and good ones. In the game that did much to earn the Golden Bears the Rose Bowl ticket that season, Chapman paved the way for Bottari's winning touchdown by smash ing into a complete loop Southern Cal's Amby Schindler, the last man with a shot at "Victory Vic" It was the most terrific block we've ever seen, and Schindler played no more football that day after meeting Chapman. Another quartet we'd stack against the "T" men. ? Then a bit farther back, the late Howard Jones was doing rather splendidly at USC with a foursome of Ernie Pinckert, Jim Musick, Orv Mohler and Gordy Clark. Remember 'em? Shaughnessy should. They were knocking off everything In the country and doted on the big ones. So devastating were the USC elevens in those days that Tay Brown, later to become an All-America Trojan tackle in the time of "Cotton" Warburton, Garrett Arbelbide, Aaron Rosenberg, Ray Spar ling, Ernie Smith, etc, told us that in their big games they used to , single out the opposition's star "player, an AH-American himself per haps, and would purposely direct plays over his position Just to show him up! What they did to the South's fabulous '"Catfish" Smith in the Rose Bowl shouldn't have happened to the overworked dawg. The Trojans won that game something like "47-14, and Brown related that practically every touchdown started end position. Wonder bow the "T" that bunch? "Four Horsemen" Were We saw them only once and. know whether they were playin , recall well the greatness which went with another backfield quartet under the late Knute Rockne. The four were commonly known as "The Four Horsemen of Notre Dame." Not from the Coast." hut thn. were good enough. Another was fielded -ty "Cipper' Smith at Santa Clara In the mid-'20s Pranfc "Bomber" Sobrero, Salty" Salatino,' "Patches" Thomas and Nello t aiascm. oooa enough that one season they paired the Stanford Sta dium course by hold the "Vow Boys" to a 7-7 dead. i Not because we've second-guessed "his selection, but Shaughnessy has his neck out. But then it's his neck and his personal selection. Similar to picking the greatest fighter. Jack Dempsey or Joe Louis, the givaics inc wise, nmriaway or Man u! war, the greatest ball player, Ty Cobb or Joe DiMaggio, Shaughnessy's claim can never be rightfully proven. Just another opening for arguments. We've pre . sen ted ours and would like to see the "T" men up aj;ainst any one of the four backfields' we've named.' , : But then when you come right any have been if they hadn't' had tine front? - ' " ;" 7Tr li At. rd Oil's Pool ; v '. i. HILi Cr.D, July 15-P)-Med-fard voters approved, 772 to 519, con; '-ruction of a municipal swim rr..'r z rool, tabulation of returns in a ' A city election showed to t .-. i:.3 taUotlr.., h:!i yesterday, ' I.' ra vo-ytir levy cf three - -: . ', ' j i i v. ;:i t o Return Mat Beef v IVAN JONES "helds" -crabbtnr opponents by the hair and tossinx 'em half across the rint will be useless Tuesday. "Silent" Is bald-pated. ; Another of those always-popular and often show-stealing sci entlfle meetings Is billed for the Slated for claude rnNX" TnoRNimx UT men don't belong on the off either around or over Smith's boys would have done against No Second-Raters weren't big enough at the time to football or rina- 'round Host. Kiit the uusunz "small school" foursome down to it lust how eood would seven other forgotten gents In si ."'l., t.. - Summit Sid; Lodge Sold ; .PORTLAND,- July 15HP)-Sale of Summit Ski Lodge, Mount Hood winter, playground spot, to Ever ett A. Darr of Portland, was an nounced by A. J. Johannes today. Darr also has bought 55 acres of nearby Uciberland.for postwar de vclcpsient as' a winter sporU cea Set Tuesday 1 J aeml-wlndhp when Ivan "Muscles' . Jo pes,' Vancouver shipyard athletic instructor who has graduated from the referee lng ranks, roes aralnst Herb TPlnky Farks,f the dynamic Ca nadian. Both 4 1 r e s s top-speed grappling front bell to bell and are well versedf In the game's or thodox holds. Should be a wide open match all the way, f - The main heat Is of course the return tussle between; Coast . -. rife . i Champion Faavo Katonen and Ernie PUuso, te Utter the Port land trickster I who wowed the clients last week by coming from penma to vpsei u ruwea inn. Whether it will be for the title Veil U atnr udeclded. PUuso In- . . . X- - , I SlSIS no ucscrrcs m vammuru ship shot but wise Paavo refuses to put the belf on the bjock un less guaranteed s fat purse. Owen was still trylns; t arrue the Finn Into brinxinf alonf his belt yesterday." Tickets for the brawls ro on sale Monday after- noon at Maple's. I Portland "Natural" Set tor PORTLAND, Ore, July 15-ff) Matchmaker Joe Waterman an nounced tonight the rematching of Joe Kahut, Wwfdburn UghtS-heavy-weight, and Leo (the Lion) Tur ner, Portland Negro, for a 15 round main event here July 28, the winner to beet Vera Earling, Spokane." I " j :The matchi jbooked because of Turner's knockput of Joey; Albina here recently,! will replace the Lloyd Marshall-Jack Chase bout previously set for that date. Mar shall and Chase probably will tan gle next montii waterman said. - - Kahut and Turtier hav fought two torrid draws. Each claims the Oregon state fught-heaviyweight championship. 26 Teams Set For SdC Meet .1 ItH be 26 two-man teams for the Men's duH best baU twosome tournament at Salem golf course today, that number having been v, 4- it,-- eSTaSnTmSS into two teams; and captained by Millard Pekarf and Bud f Water- anan, respective,. re 4eduled to start teeing bff f this morning at 830 o'clock.. ; Following the tourney al l pm, a turkey dinnef will be served in the clubhouse joining room. iJoin men and women are invited to in dulge In the feed after which mixed foursome play wiu be neiq on tne links. All team members ate urg ed to report for play on time this morning. Playoff, Forms PORTLAND, July 19 American Legion i baseballs state championship foumamentfset for August ! 4-6 today found two teams In the fold Commercial Iron of Portland, . winner of first half district play, and Albany. The two remaining state meet berths will go lo;the secoyid-half Portland winner andto the vic tor of playoff Involving! Wood burn,' McMinnville and Milwau- kie. ' s CiiLan players Quitting Nats WASHINGTON, July J5-tfP)r i I .... . vf Fermin GuerraJ catcher, and Ro berto Ortiz, outfielder, twd of the ! four Cuban baseball players with the Washington NaUonals, are quitting their positions pa ine team and are fetunung to Cuba, while a third if yet undeqidea as to the course hfe Will follow. The shakeup ln thejteam was precipi- tated by possible induction of the players into the armed forces if they remain inithis country. .1 Cochrane, Zivic Title Tf Looms SAN ANTONIO. Tex, July 15 (dP)-A guarantee of , $15,000 has been offered World's Welter- weight Champion Red qochrane if he will defend his titld against former Champion Fritziel Zivic. Sam Slotsky, lormer 5an An tonio fieht crumoter. said today he had wired this offer to Willie Zitzenberg, C4chrahes, . Manager. Cochrane is fei the "coaft guard and Zivia is? stationed - here at Camp Normoyle. I Legion Jrs to Dine The Capital; Pest No. 4, Ameri can Legion Jdnicr baseball team, 17 players and two batbeys strong, will be the guests cf Team Busi ness Kanajcxl Ira Tilcfccgr tonisM at 8 p.m. for in "aU you! can cat" chicken dinner. , : ' " ' Fistic Legiori i- Juni0t' n urn - i -i . iV-avSoFuiilaaid Opener Day's Fjeathre Minors' lfif th jRoiind Set for Playgrounds J rCNIOBt' LEAGUE i STAMPINGS I 'L I "Major" Division: ; ' w l pet - ? vr 1. Pet. v - s 4 1 jwoistaxocli's 1 1 .400 VW2Eri a1 .400 4 t J00 MM I- .W;Uona i .e --Minor- Uivlaion H-Hauhv S 1 .67IElfstrm,i 1 .333 C-Barrlek S I 7IYter 1 Today's game: JUaJora VaUey Mo tor va.il Funland mt 11; " Shrock'i va, Curry's at 1; Redwood va. Uona at 4: Mayflower va. El at t. Miaora Clough-Barrick va ELfstrom'i at Olin- ger; x eater a vs. haulers , at Lealia. Back -to the towns baseball wars 4or the Junior leaguers jto- day after takiilg a breather last week, I the schedules jcaIUfg fbri aU nines . to clash in 1 more cru cial action. The eight Major league clubs wade Into sixth round Skir mishes: at Gecl : E. Waters park beginning at 2 noon, andi the four jminor Outfits hustle j off fifth 4 rounderl at both city play grounds. . s . j . Thelfeature game ot the majors! looms j at the outset jof the day when I the potent Funland and Valley Motors V8 teaias, tied foil the league lead; with Curly! Dairy come together lin the firstj game! Regarded as the team; to beat for the pennant, Funland will jdoubt-j lesslyjjopen with Tall j Ed Ball on the mound. The Turner j ctirve4 baller will be locking! horns with another du-visit, 14-year-old Buj Craig jof the i -8's, and -the gam could ibe one of the better hurli ing djiels ' of the 'season. j Immediately following jatj tw o'clock, Shrock's Motors, another potent club i4 the-circuH,.:playi Curlys. .The Shrock's, 1 with Jo4 ".CowBoy1! Cartoll on the hiD. are capable of tossing the chase int6 a dogfixt worse than it is al4 ready with an upset win. Cully's will pitch Lefty Stan! Wilkes. ' The! four o'clock mix pits Red? wood ! Nurseries against uon Club. Ithe twd teams resuna in that order in the league basement; Rod Province will likely, jget the starting call if or Redwood an4 will probably te opposed byi new comer! Caley f the. lion's. ; ,1 Another hoi struggle' might bf in- store during the Bp, m. wneni 7noytT Muxe taoue "?Fi?f righthander qf this MOkj mn g edued to oppose Side wheeler Andy Zahareiin this one. ground to brintoi a clo.4 i8" e toe cl3tuIt fa . I 1 . T , ;:r VTI games! are to be played after the schedule ia'cdmpleted I j i Ovejr in the Minors, both ton teamsj go against both! second tiij visioners ; toda. At Olinger thi up-and-coming Clough - Barricki play R. L. Fjfstrom's, the flattef the. club whidh up and knocked off Salem Heavy Hauler! . last wlt. i and at i Leslie . the Haulers host tike Yeater Appliance crew Cloueh-Barrictc and the Haulers are deadlocked for first place, in; the hot Minor chase. Both are tabbed for two o'clock games fctartsJ i Texas Slates to L i r v lctory upen DALLAS, Tex Jul 15l(5p)The I nation's top gplf professionals have been invited to compete for $10, 000 iri war Lxnds, toe j highest stakes f offered in- Texas, in - the Victor Ooen Seot 7-10. J All funds . raised . from ticket sales, I program i adveitising . and such remaining afteij the prize bonds have been purchased will go to a fund for construction of a golf course for wounded veterans i at Ashburn general hospital i at McKinney. Campus Fusser Tini SEATTLE, July 15 Cam-: DUS Fusser. Mrs. B. N. Hutchln-5 son's winner of the 1941 $10,000 jLongaeres mile and ' one-time g - northwe$t horse ndng who broke down jih 1942, came back td the races today to run a dead hekt with Silver1 Treas-: on in ; the feature Lamp-Lighter i purse at Longacres. . j - -1 j .1 4 Dolan Beats Robleto SPOKANE,' July 15-P)-J o ey Dolan: of Spokane, 127, who has twice lost to Joe Robleto of Pasa- dena, 124, came back Friday night! to punch out a 10-round deci-l sion over the California scrapperj Dolanj suffered one j knockdown but weathered it and came back! to score two knockdowns; himself SPOHTt JCOATST j and 'i -SLACHS ; IS S U Clolhi Six m-Rounders 'at rfc Win: 5-L 1 . - I iUrpo!rt Nine, XoirallK ;Il yicMon rf ;"-' ; r"..v--i? I "'' ' !;. .'"L.' A 'j !'''. . aTinuv li-; Charier Si m. ' it. ... MrMm j - ipf om-m i i" eers, capable diamond crew who battled ' let that I : ll-Innlng deadlock with the Prison Greys In the war, bond gam 'ew, weeks agoj takes on the Marine Air Base ielab of CorraCis in Gee! E. Waters park Monday at g p. m. The all-Gi mix; will .be the third grownups? tilt of the season fori the big . ball ; yardLL. i The undefeated Marines; who boast' a l-S. victory ever the Camp Adair .Cannoneers, pre sent another service ball club resplendent with" ballming 'gents whoj before .the war drew pay for play. Before assignment to the COrvalus base the Lea thernecks iwere one of the best fie'? - im'm Anttrltn TrlAM Junior - ' " 1 i.i l " '" n.i.. j iiyn i mi i j i r- i i ' T .l.ir r-r- ' vc. ?v, 't'c-A j,-;-) r - - t v i -if- .xry i - ' round at Ceo. E. Waters park today. Is pictured above. The inexperienced team didn't get far in junior Legion play this cummer, bat II of its members will be back again next year. Front row, leu v ngm: Bad Craig. Alvin KoaaeU. ''Jack MaJjnln. Pick HendrteV BlU Day Roger Dasch and Pete Valdea. Second TfWt mrren Yalde Diek; ADis-&nry -Aldermali, Bstboy Bob UcKinney aad Dean Ilagedorn. Back row: Stan WHkes. Johnny Dalke. Er StaataT Jee CarroUV Ked Prorinee and Andy Zahare. Batboy Whitey Coker was absent when picture was taken.' (' denotes ellgiblessor 1S45.1 ,7 Dodgers Drop 14th Straight BOSTON, July 15 -UP) -The Brooklyn Dodgers went down to their 14th straight defeat today as they bowed! to the; Boston Braves 6-3, before 2333 paying fans. Nate Andrews gave . up only, six hits and had the' Dodgers'shut out 2-0 until the eighth, when an infield hit by pinch hitter. Tommy War ren and errors by Max Macon and Mike Sandlock presented the visitors with one run. Brooklyn i.O00 000 012-3 f 0 Boston 4 101 000 04x-6 5 2 Melton, Webber (8) and Ow en; Andrews and Klutts. ' Portland Pro IV Forming PORTLAND, July 15-P)-Coach Matty Mathews of the newly or ganized Portland club of the Am erican Professional Football league I west coast said, today be has a fworking VMn of 35-40 players." ! Prospects for a hustling team look bright,! he added. "Several nationally known gridmen have indicated interest in playing with the team, Mathews added. Sac Bosses Deny Dreisewerd Sold 1 LOS ANGELES, July 15 -UP) Managers ot the Sacramento base ball club denied here today that Clem Dreisewerd, leading south paw pitcher of the Pacific coast league, had been sold. ' Yubi Separovich, business man ager of the! dub, said the board of directors, some of whom are here, had - agreed - to leave the proposed sale to Earl Sheely, team manager,' ."Dreisewerd has hot been sold and may not be,' Sheely said. - " AMERICAN LEGION UBESTLHIS : j TUESDAY; j SALEM AIUIORY -July 18 ' 8:30 P. JL 5 TIAIN EVENt; REJJATCIU ! Ernie ri". i, rortbnl vs. Faavo Eatosen, "Coast Champion I j-rxa-wiNDUP ... Ivra J:es, . ,:ver rs. Herb Parks, Canada i ; . orcNEa ' " ! "Silent" Eattan, deaf mule, vs. ., .Tony r.IarellL Gotham strong man Tickets AvaHatle at w Pull Seal service nines to operate In a; re markably fast San Diego league, and although complete informs-. ties concerning their ; roster, is, -snavailable they have awed both, the runlahd and Legion Junior teams In recent practice sessions In the town Their t-S win ever the : Cannoneers ace II si n k .-"Snrnkey". Desmond further BP holds their potency. ' . STMS baseball ranr. all of whom wtU be in Playground Swim Pools Count 1793 Saturday A sharp ' decline' from the bumper crop of Friday, the City playground swimming pools nevertheless counted 1793 bath- : era yesterday. Olinger checked through 077 during the day while Leslie had 816. No casual- ties were reported from either re8ort - - .v y-h Bossuet Cops Flecrwiiig r K NEW YORK, July 15-idPHFor the second straight year William Woodward's Belair Stud silks were borne to ictory in the $10000 added Fleetwing handicap when Bossuet captured today's renewal at Jamaica with a length and a half to spare. " ' ' j National League Saturday results: Cincinnati - .000 100 000 1; 4 0 .70S 120 0O 12 14 1 St. Louia Gumbert, De La Crua U). Patonon (8 and MueUer. Just 14); Wuks and O'Dca.. " ;. (First runt) New York Philadelphia .100 ooo ooo t s a .100 001 01 s s 0 Voisella and Lombarai: Me ana pea cock. - . - - (Second game) ." . New York 100 003 002-f 1 1 Philadelphia : 106 000 000 t 8 1 Brewer ana auncaso; acnaiiz. jvan (7) MuaaUl and rinley.T ; Pittsburgh ftno 100- 800 ' 11 Chicago ino 210 00 4 13 2 Ro. Strincevicii (T). , OatermaeUer (8) and Xxpca, CameUi (): Fleining. Derringer (7) and Williams. American League) Saturday results: St Louis .000 100 100 t II Cleveland - SOS Oil 13 1 15 1 Kolltngsworth, Zoldak 3) and Man cuso; Kheman and schiueter. - ; - 1st game) Chicago i (K)0 210 110 S 10 S 001 030 000 i 7 1 Detroit RoaaJ Maltzberrer 15) and Tresh: Newhouaer. Beck (9) and Kicharda. 1 2nd rml - ri . -) Chicago ,;.000 101 000 S 11 1 Detroit 020 030 30 10 1 I Lopat and Turner; rrell, Corsica (0) ana swin. Night a-ame: PhUadelDhia .200 000 000-3 I Wash in eton 010 001 03 5 1 Newaom and Hayes; Leonard, and FerreU. laple's r port:-2 Goods Store JUNIOR 4 i Today? atero a Manager Lt. Charley Stapp of the Pigeoneers, no slouch of a ball club itself when in the mood. will probably f call -the ; en , the slants of either Lefty Curt Cal lahan or . Swift Gabe - CosteDo r to open against the Marines. Cal lahan is the portsider who la- - bored neck-and-neck , with, the - prison's Lefty Carl Boss la toe war bond game, ' ' ; A slight admission fee of two-1 -bits per customer will be In ef fect for the game.. The Marines are undefeated since coming to : the Northwest and last Friday : night swarmed over the Capital Post Legion 1 Juniors by a lJ-f count for their eighth straight win. " action in the Junior leagve's sixth Yankees Win, Near IstSpot NEW YORK; July 15--The New York Yankees increased their second place lead over Boston to a full game by defeating the Red Sox, 9-7, today, before 8745 paid admissions. The victory moved the .. New. Yorkers to within one and a half games from the league leading Sti- Louis Browns, who were beaten by the Cleveland Indians. . .' - : Left Fielder Herschel Martin paced the Yankees at bat with two home runs, the first Yankee to accomplish the feat this, year, which accounted for five runs. Boston J.0 Its eiO-7 11 0 New York 320 013 O0x-9 10 0 Bowman, Woods (2), Barrett (). 0Netl (8) and Warner, Fartee (3); Dnbiel, Turner (6), Roser (8) and Garbark. Nelson, f?Jug" In Utah Open. I J H I " . SALT LAKE CITY, July 15-6R The two top 1944 money winners among the nation's play-far-pay golfers will head the contingent battling for $2,500 in cash at the 72-hoIe -Utah: open 'tournament July 21-23. They , are Jug McSpa den and Byron Nelson, who be tween them have collected some $35,000 in prize money this year. Silverton Gets Alley ' SILVERTON, July ,15 -Pr-Silverton's first bowling alley is scheduled to open August 1, R. L. Garling, formerly : of Port' land, is the operator. ' . . . crscnlid vqnzis' czxs zzi Ixxclrs is czr ur-Iin3 j:b zzi rcspcnsiLIIily. ; Trained General Jlotors mechanics lubrication ex perts experienced body-fender repairmen are avail able to you at . . . 1 a a' a-jw a-iev 435 Center, Phone"; 6133 Let U Servo Youl "ClisaobHa Coles and Eerrice- 'Out ICi Year la Sclemu Orejon" Hens cf Gocd Ussd Cct3m rns f 1 fT Jf J: H - - .... - f - . -' ' t-: ' Pieretti Hurls Triumpli; Oaldand Leads Portland Takes 3-2 ; . ', Margin in Scries COAST LEAGUE STANDINGS : W t. Pet. W t, Pet. Oakland .SI 49 JS26San Dieg SO 51 .493 , San r ran 81 47 .520 Portland 48 SO .4M Los Ang iSl 48 J15 HoUywd 49 Jl .49 , SeaUle - 48 49 -500:Scramn 45 52 .464 1 Last nipht's resulU: ' , - At. Portland 5. San Francisco 1. At Seattle S. HoDywood r -At Lot Angeles 1, Sacramento X. r - At Oakland 3, San ZJiego t. PpRTLAND, Julir,' !5-iP)-The' Portland - Beavers defeated San Francisco 5 to l 'na Pacific Coast league baseball game tonight and knocked the Seals off the top rung In the league pennant chase. Oak land regained the lead by half a game in defeating San Diego to night ' Marino! Pieretti tiny righthand ed fastballer for the Beavers held the Seals! to five hits and chalked up his 15th victory of the season. San Francisco scored off him in the first inning. Lefty Bill Werle was touched for 11 hits by the Beavers whpscored ' once in the fourth and twice in each the fifth and sixth innings. ' . . , " ; The win kept Portland and Hol lywood in a tie for sixth place in the standings, half a game behind San Diego and a fulljfame in back of Seattle, in fourth place. A dou bleheader winds up the series to morrow,- : .1- San Fran. 101 lO 009-1 5' S Portland U2 00x-5 11' 1 Werlej and Ogrodowskl; Pier etti and Adams. HoUies Spank ain SATTIE.;July.l5 - CP) - The Ifollywood ' Stars increased their series advantage over the Seattle Rainiers to four to one tonight by winning their Pacific Coast league . baseball game 9 to 5. The Stars opened a 15-hit barrage by batting Lefthander Glenn . Elliott off the mound in the second inning. . nellywMd Ml 911-9 IS 1. SeatUe 0l-.92t 891 899-5 11 t. Escalante, Intlekofer (4) and Younker; DUott. McClure (t). Speece 44), Tinenp (9) I and Saeme. 1 ::K-'., Oakland Tops Padresr3-0 OAKLAND, July 15-()-The Oakland Acorns collected five sin gles off Pitcher Rex Cecil to score three runs in the sixth inning and defeated Ithe San Diego Padres, 3-0, in a Pacific Coast league game today. The win, coupled with San Francisco's night loss to Portland, shoved the' Acorns back into first place in the standings. - San Diego 909 909 9099 6 Oakland ... 909 903 90 3 8 2 Cecil and Salkeld; Salvo and RaimondL " Uwr jxpfi - CMCsSIfy SMSjtwrlolS) ttowtamis of xtrti tcrfo) msIImI WE 8XCAP with B. F Goedckli aaotanoU ... -( saiaan of SMndaram saHoevo tor y f capping aaoaoy. Don't rid on ia ... i toCorf.'lcefeNoWW Tire Information Headquarters . BJF. GOODRICH - SILVERTOWN STORES 198 So. Commercial Phone 9158 ; Salem, Ore. B. f. Goedrich 11 re 1 iu- ii Li ao. O Ae 'm . - J