Naval :.ig7it.m' i7ie:Pdajfic' ? i I I -I: - Tfca OrJIGCU CTATEZIIAII. Eclsa. Orecon, fSundarrliarsIna. IuIt IS. 1211 i. - ! .. , .1: - - 1 . ; w a . w Washington Outlook i FAGS ELEVEN peace right now other. ! AnglA-Americaa and Russian leadersf are believed to faave taken careful! precaution! against any German effort to split and defeat the allies fti their very hour of triumph. J -;?!:!.''" In Washington! ana London, probaby hi Moscow, It lone has been suspected that If Germany loses ly ; surrender (rather than by uAcontrolled ! collapse) the high command will try to surren der toj only one front, jrhe Ger mans would hope to gain favor able treatment from J the armies on that front' and; weaken allied ooperUor at th last minute. . powerful ships ef US navy task force stand at aneher in a harbor temcwlim in M tlfi tJr I at "dLArusi harmr mWanizMl se. further attacks ok Japan's elusive flet Carriers, mere than nine of which appear In Che group. ' domf- i curityjand possibly give the Ger nate this foree. (AT. Wirephoto from navy.) " ."! i . i mans another crack fiat a more . 1 j .' . 1 " . " ' j J successful War. in another quarter nrosnective na1fir TVMt-wnr L century. To counter this, the al- ject, finbending the curves of dS Ues hJd to formula of Highway 101. If jit could be done uncondiUoAal. sxuTendet, 1 $eyond as a length of wife is straightened" &t Q f " greed that no sur simnlv hv hnldin both eH arid render wiu be accepted without stretching it out, we'd not only fuU agreement by the command- siraienien it. mn we'd have ieiu " xiuuu. miles By the Washington Staff 0! , The Associated Press " 1 j 1 , i 11 ii " WASlHNTON,) Juljj- jl5-)-Germarii peace moves may be ex pected from; now ion. The enemy may hit peace in an' effort to lull the; allies in to over-confidence, j but I it's "a double-edged weapon; Germany's bomb-dazed populace probably is more anxious for peace sight now I than - any W3s (MEneirwps - - . ...By Ethan Grant v My explorations during the past! fortnight (whatever a fortnight Js) have been ; confined to that region 'between the Coast range' and. the coast f China, bt prin cipally in western Oregon. - 4 ' Among the more beautiful of tny ( discoveries, " geographically, was a river a predecessor explorer ' seems to have named the Ump qua. Except that its castles are Conspicuous by their scarcity, the Umpqua .is more like 4he, Rhine in Germany than any other river in captiyjty. , ?. . . - - In facK along the Huskier length Of the Umpqua, from- the hamlet tf Drain; wherfe -the stages pause fortro minutes, clear -6 the port Of eedigport, 'I iaw nof ,a jingle castle.Nbr. for' that matter,! did I see any castles along the Bhine. This, to strictry; howesfc;if cause.' I've- Aeyer- seen; the i Rhine itself tUthou-J have been up and den' the Elbe, "the Weser and the OderwWcir)elow Stettin, should be the Odor. , ; :' During the past' two months, I've aeere most of Oregon's 'larger riy erabut;to,inyway of thinking, no ;bther: can; compare favorably witrtfympqui.Don'ask me why,'for I don't know. It's pretty, and for some reason I feel sort of .sentimental ? about 'ft It's one of those majestic streams along v bichypu'd Pke:o io leep at Uighti.aad twakeTupt and,f ind id your hack yard next 'morning. Which niay sound tfyV bu isn't. ". i 'j. ;.-. s'.' ' I - - i I've! made a" number o4- notable discoveries, both minor and major. In the major category is US High way 101. 1 consider it a major dis covery not only because of its lo cation and condition, but also be cause of its significance as a po tential post-war problem. Trying to describe US Highway 101 would be like a man without arms trying to describe an accordion. You must see it yourself. v The distance : as a blimp would fly from Asoria to the California border is 295 miles. The distance along the winding ribbon .of US 101 is 404 miles. That, ladies and gentlemen, means 109 "miles of curves, and it seems to me to rep resent k considerable amount of crookedness. ' ' 1 1 . 1 , Few persons have ever found it out; but many ' of the curves just don't make sense. Most- driv ers' -a re too busy negotiating the curves to look. But. I .happen- to possess' the peculiar , faculty of dual eyesight, : condition which naturally developed - after many days of -travel up and down -.the curvy coast. The ability to. drive with one eye on the road and the .other on, the adjacent area has enabled me to make a fairly thor ough survey of things the .ordi nary driver never sees. : Seeing what I saw, it was only natural that sooner or later I'd get to wondering. At many points, following he appearance of a "Sharp Curtves" sign, you seize the wheel with both -hands and begin swaying like a - drunken hoot-owl on - roilerskates., Vth tht scenery eye - ybucant help noticing" that' a thort fill herejxr a few scoops from the bank there would have straightened the road. And it could have been done with even less work than was required to curve the banks and bank fchs ..curves.'--';-- t '"-''"" j Or am I cockeyed? But here, along the coast, is a of spare pavement, which Uncle) Sam's roads administration could , ers om all i Wat as detour patching. After; nearly two; months In eastern . Oregon, imy favorite Jcity is Marshfield. N) matter what the climate:'; is: elsewhere, it's God's own i air-conditioning, at .Marsh field. A: citizen .old me so. And! I notice 'the nights are . cool, the mornings overcast and sopietimles at noon the surj shines.' By dusk the cto'uds'are back. By 10 o'clock minute Behind sober certainly ue here and thej-e I warnihgs kgainslT hoihg for an early internal jcpiiaps of Ger many j lies evidence that j German war factories still' but 1 superior wOrkihansKp into whai Chey pro duce, j While this lis Wit generally of nazi equipment, experts who have taken apart late versions of German aircraft engines have .found! them amatingly jwell built xoqa iron 1 nexi year s tro- you're teady Id' crawl ladder ducUdh gfals, wfll aim) at raising" tne blanket : Tne curlew rings, Lvu1' jieeu uy,wu,uu ana you a tetter crawl in under somejthihg; " ;-.,. -v-.J -. . Antother ngraboutTJarshfieid, everybody ' knows who you are event though you haven't told! a souL j The other day ' I attempted to introduce myself to the post master, . : j . . : - ' "Yts, I know) he said affaby, even before I'd old him my name. On tps street, people I never sw before apeak to pie. If s nice, halv ing everybody know you like that Or ty it simply Ian old Marshfield custom, eveirbbdy saying hdllo to everybody, else? Anyway, it's pleasant. And people. This would be about 25,- 000,000 mbre-presumably in lib erated arpas than at'lpresent It would leave the American diet relatiVelyunchahgecL : . ; Government officials figure. meanwhile, that the US could feed twice as many people as now if it had; to, but the dkt would be pil a in and monotonous with little j meat, very I littie .butter, and no white .bread, i i 1 Fair share jThej senate small business bommittee plans a staff of its own to se4 that ' small busi it I ness jgets !a chance at surplus gov J does sort of make a fellow behave ernnent property. Disposal of this roblem'facing congress -after thd summer recess.! The coinmrttee wanis td see small business' get a crick at left-over plants, land, maieriais ana unaitacnea patents. himself. CcsiD'aOnuunDg ironxiIlsQy .' . By LlLUE UADSEN ' j 1 I Three pictures stand out sharp ly among a lot of childhood mem ories of . my grandparents' : home . . in Aitcnigan. ' in ?-' the backgrounds ' vwo pic- , - v 4u(. T nrat iwi t all . interestecL In fact, they reasonable. Why houldnt I use my grandfather's -very fancy and very handy tools to open my hick ory and butter nuts?.. And Why UlUe Madaca j shouldn't I swing.on the lovely red gate with its very wide swing?" j But the background of the third picture intrigued me . even then. This included two or three brightly-potted geraniums ; growing in rny. grandmother's- dining" room window "and the immense amount of very large tomatoes in her gar aen, Because my grandmother used to 'speak of her native New England states," I was full convin ced that all people from New Eng land could grow anything. - But it is true that our grandmo thers were exceptionally good at 'slipping." We were almost reared to believe that "slipping-Is an art that died with our grandmothers, and that ? "cuttings were some thing that came in with profes aional gardeners. - C When we refer ;tb slipping" as done by our grandmothers we really mean what most gardeners bow refer . to as "softwood cut tings." Softwood cutting is one f the finest ways . of propagating provided .we Uke the necessary time to do it right July is known as our "softwood cutting month." Cuttings of this type should be taken when new growth is at a certain intermediate stage; neither . too soft and succulent nor too hard. Cuttings -should, not, when bent, snap on like r crush without breaking. However, a lew Giants do not abide', by this, rule. Both lilacs and azaleasroot most radilv. when cutinss- are very koft, while weigela and hydrangea aire better when the cuttings are almost mature...' ? ' ' rh.M hMlthv shoots, but not he most vigorous growing 'ones. A aide shoot cut dirccUy at its base Is the best But if side shoots are available, taxe me wp m ting about t inch below the leaf or pair of leaves. : ; After the cuttings have been made, do not put them into water but get them into the cutting bench as rapidly as possible be fore they have a chance to wilt Putting the ordinary softwood cutting into water makes it sus ceptible to rot If you have to take your cuttings an hour or two be fore planting, wrap them in a damp cloth. After they have been planted, keep them in the shade and keep them moist It is absolutely essen tial that they be not allowed to wilt Rooting takes place much more rapidly in an electrically heated bed. ., - ; : A mixture of half sand and half peat is said to be the very best X know experts say . this . cant be true, but the best success I have ever had in rooting cuttings was when I used sharp sand which I brought home from- the- beach. I Vas told that the salt in the sand would kill the cuttings. Perhaps it should have, but at any rate it didn't and. all the cuttings I ever "stuck" (which is the right word for it In my case) into that sand grew. I know magnolias do root better in sharp sand. ; If the sand to be used is soaked 24 hours prior to. the placing of the cuttings, with a solution of one ounce of potassium perman ganate to five gallons of . water, slow-rooting cuttings may be somewhat speeded up. : Dalicscd II:i:rish II577 G:l Exira AH over the- country, thousands of rationed car owners, truck fleets, taxfcabs, motorcycles ' and tractor ' owners report gasoline savings uo to 30. These people have been enjoying extra gasoline mileage by installing , a Vacu- matic to their . carburetor. This new device is entirely automatic. Nothing to regulate or adjust ana can be installed' in 10 minutes. The Vacu-matic Co.. 7617-980-D State St, Wauwatosa ( 13), "Wis consin, are offering Vacu-matic to anybody who will install it on their car and help introduce it to others. Write them todar for par ticulars as to how you can get your Vacu-matiC or Just send your name and address on a penny rw-ist . rard. - - lv .-- ; .-'-,.v- ....:..., ..w ,Ttdlr. U. T C7 Self to Death JONISVILLE, Mich July 1$ (A4rhe case of Mary Ellen Grles, 21. whose death was attributed to j . 1 ... . . . ! psycno-neurosis witn seii-starv atioi," was described today fby her 1 physician, s Dr. Luther Day, as ope of the strangest in medical annuls. - j. '" I Miss Cries, an honor student in hig School, fiiist complained wo years , ago that she couldn't jeat because she-was "filled up" and on few occasion; since then reached I FecdlliS Facilities m vitii tmjr tnv -wvxn-m V ww 1 beein accenting nothing excent At ill a a 11 I m L a. I ' I 4 water, ai me ume ot ner ueaw pftRTtANTJ 'Or-JuW last night, she weighed only! 40 conferees at a :meetihg. of Kaiser Dir. Day said ;an autopsy showed I tives r r - - - - Political calendar! Tuiy 17-22 'July If State nominating pri maries in Wyoming, Arizona and Monjtanai " 1 j ! .- ' ' July 19 Democrats national convention opens inj Chicago. July 22 Texas democratic pri to nominate candidate for 21 US representatives: ( governor. t of Coke R. Stevenson, Dem.) full state ticket (Republicans nominate in state convention). mary 21 1 (sea and nothing wrong? with the girl jex- cepting a lack -of nourishment I, :. f : Knee Is Injured in Nine Foot;Fall SltVERTON HILLS Donald Maulding, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester. Maulding, suffered a I fractured kn4e cap while S em ployed at the Portland shipyards. He! fell nine -feet frwn a scaffold j i. m. t 1 s. - , I wqere xie .was wuruog. ii , .i u : o r-jmanagement representa- and government officials urged here that ifeedina f acili tiesj be set up within, the Portland arYd Vancouver shipyards before whiter. The maritime commission nasi appropriated 3750,000 for the prelect as soon as definite plans are! drawn. : . t i 1 ! a mily Group Hospital Plan C4vers Entire Family far Ilospl- mat Care, Sickness and Accident; Also Funeral Flan Adaptable te Individuals or Entire Family Salem, Oregon, July 18, 1944 new hospital care plan has just been made ( available to .every family, at special group rates. Al so individual hospital care! with individual rites. The plan covers hospitalization, ' room and poard, nursing care, operating rooms and ambulance, j The plan also ; pro vides for surgical operation, ap pendicitis, - tonsUitis and female diseases. It lalso covers childbirth and. pays . double for twins. No medical examination Is required ind the cost is as low as 25c per month for children and 73c for idults.. -'- !- -.vh-V I There 1 ,1s f also a - burial plan. available which is adaptable so Individuals 'or the entire family. Monthly payments as little las 15c fori children and SOcfor kdults, T tilt. , . m. -il' . wmca mciuaes care ior a com plete funeral arrangement with out any red tape. This plan covers Iveryone from ; the agesl of - inonths to 75 years. Plan p.ow to fclinlinate. any hardships on those remaining. f - l For full particulars write today tor TREE INFORMATION. AD- pnrSS EEI,TFICIAL HOSPITAL 5PUAN"DtPT.'- 19, 211 Oregon Bulldinfc.'.Salera jOre.K.Pd. Adv., ! -Ml 1 if-"! rll clear, complete "iyiaion of Orthogoa Lensea accounts for , their aaaasang popu : . larlty. Perfect correc tioa from rim; te rim , brings you eye comfort ' . bltherta unknawn. Un comforteele twisting - end taming of the head :elim!na tad. You should L not be without Orthe-. gOtaS y p, 1 1 . ! i- I - ; jr ' : lay.'we explain- te . you their , snany ad vantagat ' I " J ' i'l' i Ueadanarters far fZenith Hearing Aid cr-iicircD. ? - 414 State St ! Silent - s Ellverlon At GewrM ifciiiiiBMiiiisi . -,1sgFS.T------ j . , J t . ' - ; , - v ' . - U a ' i'iV 1 Z7-- "1 T I ' III ' - ... )Js ' U j:.. "nJ ,T p . . " : v.V Wiece. , : ;; ,r mm 1 1 r- v y . Uiility Calinel S(o).95 CO) . Sturdy fiber board with wood reinforcement all " - ire Washable, creamy white.! Substantial , shelves hold ample lin ens, " orr are' handy" for . storing hats and shoes.' riODEniUZED IIAPLE mm - kaaajMaaat iaaueMa f .-..r-..'' j - ""5 f """ f H ...... . .." . ,rr A simplified modern version of an ever-popular Colonial 8tyle bedroom suite in mellow maple. The perfect way to. furnish a bedroom on a bad-, get I Includes bed, chest and vanity wih swing ing mirror, and matching bench. .1 - i .... jl ' -mt -ia 's - v v; j5t- men T7ATEBFALL STYLUIG III Y7ALIIUT VEIimiS A good-looking modern design-with 'graceful waterfall fronts, built of matched walnut" veneers with other se lected cabinet woods. Includes ..gtfl j)(om7S of drawers and vanity with plate glass mirror, BODDom cnAm m FL0I1AL CDASn 4 PIECES ; T- : ... i j . ; .fismp soviiMp SS-95 ; f Of reinforced wood-tone j . fiber board with sliding; I 1 door. Roomy interior. . XSSS yi !j. Si ilMDESS S : v fif,;fih lor'iodijVbii jib..- 7 . (U J V: ' j. ' , j ' getttog:teffcsJeept;'ndis; luxurious mattress I I ; ' ' ilnj J '. " ' , --- - . wiH answer your needs by "furnhhing tee resiUent, . f i V. f: i " scientifically designed support you xnust luiye for; ; ."j ' -.7 ' complete relaxatioau Tilled with buoyant layers of -. i f L ; f - , r "i . securely tinforced with sturdy pre-;-. ) I iCtVr-i - ...-.-V.S7;. - -'1, ' T5aU' s' " Beautifully: tailored, smartly styled and in- Titingly comforUblel S0)0).75 vti4vajm nf AAiraM WT J J J nMaUr. heavy floral crash. Spring seat. Ltrr. with roomy drawer book shelves on ess siw selected felt. v-.rri t..j. r WIUC1, UIIU MICU CUCi, ITiUl UUIUUCUt : fiandia for tirrnin aualltvwbnilt ta the last v detail. .The txaafml .copies in 'matchfng cover andT'T'-i furnishes the; perfect foundation for youxjnattress, -enabUcg .youl'to Zerive rnaxfrnnm comfort from it.- Kow specially-priced' f; 7" ''. -::j -.1 tl-S lii edi