PAG- ELEVO I MB! J nience and FzoSt, Stead Oc9 :BfeieSiEiasi "Classified-.-'-Sds! Th9 CZZSOll STATECIIAIl. jSaleia. Orton, Thursday Morolag. Jvlj 13. ISti and ' s Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three lnsertjtans per nnm ,. ? V Sis Insertions r "" One qaoott per fine. 1.23 Minimum cnarse 25c; J tL min imum SSc; C tL min. 45c. Mo refund. wT" Copy lot this pa(t accepted un til 6 30 the evening before publics ' tioa for classifies ttoo Copy re ceived after this-time artii be run- under the beading Too Let to Classify1 i- - - ' - ' lit Sta teaman aasucne no fmaa elai reeponsibikty for errora which may appear to advertiat'mente pub lulled In tts columns end la case where this paper to at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which tit typographical tnisuke occur e, , , . The Statesmais reserves the right to reject questionable adverttstns It. further ruaarvsa tho rigtxt t place all advertising under tbe proper clatv.ftcaOoq. A "Blind" Ad en ad -eontsiolag a Suteamaa oox number for aa ad dress -ta for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman ta not at-' liberty to divalr Taifor- matwa aa totb identity at aa advertiser using, a bum eov Livestock and Poultry NEW Hampshire chickens, various ages. Rt S. Bex 738. .Salem. Ph. E242S- , WANTED: Beef ana caener cows. bulls and veals, will call at farm . X. Snethen. 3370 E, Turner' Road Ph. 21343. Morns or eves. ATTESTIOR Will remote dead at worthless stock . in a moment's notice 1 SALEM FER TILIZER at BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 9000 . Collect I No other Phonal. Help Wanted l -. W; WANTED . :: -;..-.-." 2JXJ0 Hop Pickers Harvest starts the latter part of August 400 acres of high trellis hops. Cool, shady camps with lights, wood. ' shower baths snd day - nursery for children furnished ire to pickers. Grocery store, meat market and n taurant on grounds. Register in person at ranch office or write us tor full particulars. E. CLEMENS HORST CO. INDEPENDENCE. ORE. i ARE You interested in meat cutting ' as a profession? If you are and have had some retail cutters experience or farm cuttmg experience, you can cure Immediate employment in . steady position with full opportunity ta Warn the business while you earn a eood wax. W are prepared to - teach yon. As a retail meat ' cutter you will be rendering a genuine war time service to the community. Posi tions available both in and out of Salem. Apply Safeway Stores District Office. Room gov McGUchrtsJ. Buua ing. saiem. - REGISTER now for bean- picking. Starting about July 27. E. A. Kurtz. ; Rt. 2. BOX 4. TO. Z-ZISB, StKDL Experienced : bookkeeper, good pay. Phone 2388 for appointment. - EXPERIENCED The Spa. .- .workers ' wanted. WE MEED: " Young man - or woman to help with edd Jobs sat ana sun. - Waitresses, full time; Kitchen help, full time. . . , ; Mickey's Sandwich Shop Help Wanted Stale Workers now employed la war pre ' ductioa should not apply and will not b considered for employment by em ployers advertising in this section STAN BAKER MOTORS 525 '1 Chemeketa St. j DODGE PLYMOUTH I DODGE TRUCK i : DIST. WANTS MECHANICS ! TAD W A PT7Q 1V1 " Vf n71A STEADY EMPLOYMENT. WORKING CONDITIONS. COMPLETE MODERN .WUffMJ VACATION WH rAl. naiJ tAt aatiwnia,2Q par LOGGERS Need 1 Set fsners, S buckers. 1 second aaer.- cnoxer setters. Top wages. Housing, ooara ana room mvmttMvmm. w. w . ..w ZIB n. LjT?CUJ 91 tiuun, union, v. phone Dallas 224. At Portland see or write Mr. Peterson, Pope 8c Talbot. 618 N.W. Front i Portland , Oregon, .WANTED:: Warehouse man, Janitor. Willamette Grocery. .h. .- .A ,w m, em. ias a. rami yjaisaasessaeisas FURNITURE and appliance sales man. An opportunity to learn in oua e" ZZZ rrroHoV."T"S good wag. ".- " ' M .i- hhar w m.u min nc. nornea'creu. rent $1.19 per nr. Apply Henry Ram- acher. mi. east ana j mi. norm of Hebsi. r DOOFMAN. Good starting salary Apply urana Tneatre. . nh mitt, m futnr. Rvxt nil IH VvWHs eemwuggx kiM;i m w easnsasj sms. WANTED: Dairy Bros, South Sakm. nana, senmojev. M s as DIESIX, LXXJ TTUCK MCCnSTOC. WU lamett. Valley Lumber Co. ill PiO Oregon. . . 1 MECHANIC Permanent position.' Ex- Help Wanted Female T ATnanwY heln wanted. Annlv Can - tut City Laundry, u&4 Broadway. ADVERTISING Western Advertising: Representstives - Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. San Francisco Eastern Advertising! Representatives : Ward-Griffith Company. Inc.. Chicago. New York, Detroit -. Boston. Atlanta v retered at the Postafftee et Setent no Mondv. o?c lis South Cmnmef- cial siren. . UnSCRlPTION RATES - Msll Subscription Rates tn Advance: Within Oretfon: uanv ano. aunoar so m cnts-. 6 mos. $300: 1 year. $8 00: ents pVr mo. or $7 i".wrir! rn. 6 eentV 8tui 1 a - f" ,"..a?,r"n-c' Help Wanted Female YOUNG Lady wanted for general of fice work and sona selling la retail store. A good connection. Apply, stat ing particulars. Box 3, sutesman. WANTED: Salesladies. Metropolitan Store. 134 N. Commercial GIRL, woman, as housekeeper ta mod. house, with 2 boys 4 and e. To ledo. Good wages. May hay own small child with her. Sea Jamas Bran stiter. 430 N. Liberty, after S P or write. '..:- i-a--.-. SCHOOL 'Girl In N. Summer St vt cinity to care for small children after noons and do light housework. Pit. 2-1500. HOUSEKEEPER betw. 2S St 59 Tears of age. Good wages, tm. board and car - furn. Apply at lei Fir. 9339. EXPERIENCED Woman Coek. year around position. Give particulars first letter, experience, reserencca.- salary. etc. Also need waitress for summer. Yachatf Hotet Yachats, Ore, CAPABLE Girl wanted for ear a small children, general housekeeping. No cooking, no washing. Permanent Room, board. SCO mo. start Ph. buo. Situations Wanted ZXPEBTENCE3D keeper wishes part time wock. Ph. 31723 Children cared' for days. Ph. M45. B1CB School elrl win car for chil dren days. Ph. 7681 from B AM to S PM. 2 GOOD Carpenters wsnt remodeling or build houses. Anything you want bum. Ph. zisie. zsao jx. siver so. 'Young man available for morning work. 8-12.00. Desire downtown em ployment which will enable continu ance of full time lob afternoons & evenings. Box S2. Statesman. Preschool Playschool: 1381 Stat. Ages 2-8. Part or ail day. Ph. H30. rHILDCRAFT Nursery : We pick us and deliver. 1999 Trad, pa. Zlizs Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used ears at trucks regardless of as. No delay- bring ear and tvuavand got tne money You retain possession ox vemcia. i to IS jnantha ta repay. After S o'clock pnone 2381 or 21142 for appointment ROY H. SIMMONS Reeulaled by state- US S ComX St Phone 1161 M 1921 PERSONAL LOANS $25 to $300 " mad on salary, furniture, auto (no insurance needed). No extra fees. Pri vate. Prompt. $10.09 a month repays $100 in full 12 months. Private. Prompt. Com in, write or pnone ; : Personal Finance s Co. Room 125. Second Plr. New BUgh BMg. 918 State St Phone: Salem 2191 Lie S-122 M-189. N. Anderson. Mgr. $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We buy Real Estate Mortgagee and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO Lie. S-216 M-222. 212 Guardian Bldg Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH rLOOR GUARDIAN Hunj3Uo i UCENSK ft SS 13 Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS A N DOncan $ Ladd ft. Bush Bldg For Sale; Miscellaneous EXCEPTTONALLY fine all spring pre-war davenport Ic beautiful awing rocker, practicalry njw. If taken be- I lore Bun, ki Hauu.xa ony $100. Original cost $169. Can be seen h iih xroaaway. - . .. ' .. MOV usuui wbkh u. mmmm wra, i Bh SO I -t annrf w,fr.K .ny4 nmt v r1H". zzz rt Thomas farm 2 miles north of Green j Bridge near Jefferson or can call n.W 'l I BALED clover hav S2S tott in field. will deliver if necessary. 6 ml. on N. p.- Hiway, M. Chnstofferson. Bt. , rax 2DB- TRASH burner hot water heater, 40 ft of cons. Good cond. pn. 89S8. baluj ciover nay t-an aeuver. I AiHUTKU! nt. I, Din aot, ru, wvm. wingback I cnair. tm. ua. FOR SALE: Dresser with mirror. . I $18. Ph. 7SL 1270 Nebraska St. X cartridges. High I shoes. 1150 N. Church. I MODERN trailer house, well eouis- I 2 blks. . South Monmouthl CHERRIES: Black and Royal Anoes. 1 7c You pick. 2249 N. Com l. MED. 'sized air compressor with large tank. 3 mt, W. on Dallas biway. Star. 468 I rutnu, standard . make. $125. Ph. I LUUIV sVgau - u aSUsTr ' BMvr.a, avesuas. I ftSVCa . .. eM.llaa - T3dt -I ,nrm mattrMS. tahles. Smaller ar ticle. 1144 Center after TM.. - I r, nnrau 4. ( - K.It I aDd our fte'curran s Bakery. Al- I chow pup. 2 mo. old. Ph. 2310L MONTMORENCY PIE CHERRDES. Pratt's, 1 mile Wallace Rd. . J .i wettankVmS ! new. Used hot! water heater, pn. 4594. wt9 a. sugn. : J .."... L,H'"riJ"Li!i. YOUNG gardFTUit SUndV 2930 N. Front ana osrnowrip. GOOD hog feed for sale 3e per lb. Willamette Grocery. OATS. vetch, clover hav. E. J. Moo tandon, Rt. 7. Box szs. Ptu nv nnmm C Melodv SaxBPhone: ear radis furniture. 1039 S. Commercial, eves. SEED Potatoes. Close out tfa priee. Certified. Bliss Triumph. Irish Cobbler. i mrmnv ana utit xmm amni wan ter. Portland Road. FULLER Brushes. 1749 Grant P. 9337 ATMORAYS 02XttfE. sell and rent B- box PIANOS See the MlrrApisno spinet styled with tone of a BahV Grand. 8J35. UsMf. reconditioned and rebuilt cLanos reasonably priced. Piano benches tiiimsn a oa a. uu, near ox- bciiv. WRINGER Rolls far all makes washers. E. A. Ellis, manager of Nelson JO Bros. Furniture Store. 319 N. Liberty St ' . T " i w I nnr ravic tm tvirc- ttncr atwi llirht arlvss ta aitWlr aVtsntaTnfTaarY i r.-;--. 7--. . - For SalerXIisccIIaneona I 21 Mldeet Revolver. 33 Colt ner- fect. 3S Special like new. 3t H. U R. fair. Model 73 Win. with 29s Weaver Scope. 22 Hi Standard 4" EB1. ahooial snorts. Z2 Peuet Air wxie,- uerman built excellent' Model 13 Win. trap with rib and case. 12 gauge. Model 12 Win. Standard. 20 gauge. Model 12 Win, Skeet with Lyman Compensator. 1 gauge, like new. parser aro, um. BBL 14 gauge excellent Remington 12 gauge - pump good. Stevens 12 gauge Dumo. fair. 2 30-04 Sm. S porters, one with 230 Weaver Scope. 2 30-30S. 1 model 84 carbine. 1 Win. LR model Ml or 1 Martin Special presentation gun. 2 351. Win St. 1 perfect 1 good. 1 tiful stock. 1 3X Be id en Scope, beau-1 tiful Job. 230. 340, 29s & 22 Weaver r board Motor, water witcn. iix- newi to'iiiwATnibr iHmu wrf th . trnck I tire 15O.0i f.00. e50-l McKay .. Tire Chains. 3 sal.- JEEP Gas or Oil cans I Hrh nmir hnauta. D Mldiioa. SAO No. I wMasaMaaMsWssaaMsaae I FRUIT Jars & Caps. "Atlas" Msson. I Quarts 79c dz. Pints SSc dox. -at West-I r...I3-.XZX.L. I s.a vHiinmist s "nwinanv sism s RABBITS and hntehes. ReasonaMe.1 CaU after P-M. M40 Broadway, i I "'"V2"- :"" r M- ; " . ' d i vrwner. I jewel jKocsxora watcn; i r.ll Unn . Tri W I. U411 lit I n. cepttou LARGE , Montmorency Pie cherries I 8c. you pick. ? mi. North River Rd.1 Rt 2. Box 9. i - .'I- YOUNG man's wool suit, paatet and I overcoat sire 18. Also girrs wearing mtiymirKi, buv mum muii wuunaiguj si aw, aifwmuui.i sua tuue , ana wmt.: spectators six ff.i Reasonable, i860 -S. Church.; VACUUM Cleaner. 1913 N. 19th. John Deere teed' grinder and mixer. I Ph. 9874 Sundays. i 1 BALED bover har 823 ton. A. M. I Zahare, RL 7. Box 353. Salem. mi. E. Cbemawa 4 corners. Ph. 22916. ., I Wanted -Sliseellaneous ' I WANT good trailer house- II It or over. Cash. Phone 8801. s . WAiritu: wood name ror three chll- l aren ages JNortn, end , saiem I preferred. Will pay well , for good I 8 SHINGLED house. g ibdrms. Ga care. Statesman Box 82. ; t rage. ETuit house. Close ' to school at GOOD electric range. Phone 7809.1 1 WHEEL ) bumper trailer. Call 4021 arter e, m . : .'-i -.. .- MAN'S dc girl's bicycles for cash. pn. who. : i ,.- -k - - CLEAN whlta ran. Boss Bros. . 280 1 aurte. - : - ,, : . . - 1 ww!wi .wwww I ! We Buy Furniture ! nans wrnt A npu nvm v-r.anIS7se DOWN NICE! 8 REPUTATION OT BUSINESS fNTEO RITY IN THE WILLAMETTB VALLEY I HIGHEST PRICES PAID f OR USED I P. - ;-. ; I tanns ! I ' I I hnrniftlra mH a nnliinnoa I . " - I Call 9148 for appointment HOGG BROS. 260 State St WANT TO Buy. Osd cameras A enaes McEwan Photo Shop , 439 State CASH for used Plan as other aaw, steal instruments Call 441 days 9537 evenings or send description to Jequith Music Co. 181 S High. . WANTED: 1 Popcorn nopper. ton! type. Giv full particulars. Write C I C. Pinckney, Box 281, Oceanlake, Ore. WANTED: ! Riders to Oregon Ship yard. Swing shut. 1150 m. Church. CASH PAID tor unrtrht. spinet at grand pianos Phone 8707. "Wanted Furniture CASH for used furniture and house' hold goods. 415 Ferry. SAY FORGEX I PH. 7443 WANT, to Buy: Cheap, wood heater and range. Phone 21985. WE BUY: used furniture, bicycles, imi anrf : ltrirl Htulnnwnt rl'"T,'T 1 I T 1 I earry good, used ranges and heater. I ae are now located in the old Epply (Grocery Bldg 1900 Block on State St 1 PH. 7398, f! I I BROOKS USED rURNITURK I WE MAKE it our business to pay I mora In, innri fiirnlhir. mil ,nnH,nM I - - rjngni oi cKiey 453 court st rnone rail f Miscellaneous WATCH Repairing, 10 to IS days ser- vice, all makes, free estimates, work- nnahin n.nntwl ninrumri C War. I ren. Certified Watchmaker. Wa rrtnd any shape ; crystal. Mail your watch for estimate.. Registered in the state of Oregon. Over the Smart Shop. Room 200 Gray Bldg.. 125 N. Liberty. Salem, v::,Lr " r -;. uuisiqc use. painung. ncas, riu auo. Denial Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST -v i - CASES Brine r Matt Your Plates for Rcpari DR HARBY SEULEH, DENTIST i Adolph Bids State Cdtal Pb XS CAr.:A inTnntra CmirimA SUte wide Guaranteed work. Gene rite, 842 Edgewster Ph S)a t Repslrmg. W Auction Market 1605 N Summer. For! Rent Rooms PLEASANT Rm. Close in. Ph. 7802.1 l RM. Ant. suiUble for 1 or 2 work-1 ing girls. U20 Center St. Ph. 7955. SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 4498. f : SL, rm. Priv. home. Gd. Loc 21441 Room and Board i 1 LARGE front rm. hot Ac cold water. Iaygg. CliU aurvv. ajasagfcsap fsavBs -we waew 1583 Court, Other rooms upstairs. 4 WANTED: i An employed woman to stay with widow. Room and parti board Ire; X blocks: from bus line. - Oaude St, Salem i RtISTicrKse inci- would like I room, breakfast dinner, garage, home - 1 -nr.-v-nlmr and nrivllaeaa Brivate ZO 'Sx Sit For Reait Apartments- - 1 s RM. Ant. doe in. suitable for Ibusinaas guia. 433 N. winter. I - - - - - at I nx mod. home, 8 rm. elec range. I pearly fur. Close. Adults. 349 aw wmter a rm. Houses Some furniture. In-1 I quire 567 Knapp. I t RM. turn, apt 698 N. Cottage. i 1 3 RM. 2nd Cr, unrom. mod. apt near Leslie Jr. .hi. bus service, ajn- ployed people. P4 24097 between ana i ra I RM. t.tA. coirip. furn. Refrig.l 1 Close in. 6 & Summer, - 1 , . n . . . . I FtTRN. Apt. brt entrance, fireplace. bloex rrom nifn sen. unpwji wuia. uut -- .v.- ... of I j rm. furn. sot Refrigeration, suit- I able for one, 312 Water bt- PULLMAN Apt . FurnlshM. refrig-- 1 rtar atxt Drtvt t4i Uu vmd. I ea sasa-seaaaaswe-- ; i lovely Apts. 216 s. icth Et tor Rjmt Apartments S-ROOM beauUfully rurnished spt- view, references.; $65 00. I -'-mmmm c, H J5 ANDERS: 231 tL IHlga. - 8832 T i i i - : For iRent Houses g SM. Hse. near Roberts sen. $13 per UMRt 3. Box 4534 Ph. 32828. IRM. furn. house. Fh. 4723. Cabins at Neskowin. Ph. 4422 or 3877 I For Rent li-OOR flAKDEstl tnr rant Mont gomery warok vvi r TRUCXS SfoT jrent Toul drtv M Cun . j ; i : . ; ITT--.-J T k , 1 1 BDRM. i uniunu house. Call 113J i I -i. '1 Albany, collect.. WANTED I to rent or leaser Modern bfd room!rHue,,Auguitlt. Pn. 8848. WANTED it bdrm. unfurn. hse. any location, CU pp.: 2340, i cabin No. L McArtnur. . . L J WANTED; Mod. X bdrm. furn. or partly, furn.; bouaa. about jAuc. U By nerm. govt. employe, rn. 24170. BY Middle agedVt reliable couple. permanent; 3 or 4 room furnished or unfurnished i apartment ort house, on lor before Ruaust 1st Ciaaa in or near i .. i . i. .i- 121 BDRMJ nous! ; pear bus , lino. Ste i jesman. fiox 2 !BDRM unfurn. mod. has. by perm. family, will; take lease. Puv bzqz. haven Av4 ' -. i 4 , -. i- WANTEDS Hottsekeeoinal rooms: by elderly couple, near bus! and star. Must be dowi nstaiss. Box 53. Statesman jFor Sale-j Real Estate BY OWNER: 4 rm. house! with floor ed kttic. 2 lots.- Garden space, chicken Vwmj and i mm. fiB8 ratimrMi Ave. Norm oil center. -- Ibusi Lot looxizst pric ftooo. . See- Jsck Henningsen' with . STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS 212 s Guardian Bldg. T i Ph. 4121 87300. 4 bdrm. hse. Double plumh. uii xitcnen a nrepiacea, auto., mm- acet Ph. 8974. Owner, . , at ROOM modern home on nice cor- rrri lot. Pinad lawn nrinUlne avstem. Electric run Included. Carafe. Pric Only 93500.00. " i M --i I GJ K V OS BURGH Phone 3596 1 . 1 1045 Cascade Drive ROOM HOME walking distance, just on state ot. Hardwood firs Wired for ranee, cor, lot Circulator Ac elect, water neater goes. S4Z9UL$ " ' ! i - ( - - 4 rms.-4-partly furnished MnrK rn1 On i kin Unm 3 KlVc to school. 83400. ! J ART MADSZN ! 1326 STATE ST. II 1 Ph. 95B0 . ENGLEWOOD Dist, Slrm, funfin. attic, full bsmt. fum fireplace. H.W floors, extra- large lot With' lots of shrubs, see an. goodwih witn Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phi 4108.- Realtors. After . Ph. C71S 2J RM. house and nook, north of Sa lem on A. ot land, has dec pump. else wired for eiectricityj j. , , - , - Price 82000. i I . ' , .. see Jack Henninnen STATE FINANCE !OOw REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. . , 1 1 ' i I ; apr'l '! f Business Cards Is this on a monthly directory basts onfy. IHWUSM SUS ates per 11 a pa lino 4h month. Accounting Small Business; As Farm Accounting 1 k-ii rn,,rt pfi R584l a Specialty.! cam a Accountant oer- Airplane; Models I KITS and IsuPPlJlIS. Cherry City Model Aircraft, gist ot asaraev Alterations ALTERATIONS, sewing fur 26. ISO; N. Commercial. Room ft ? f r i Art TUe BATH Room, drain board, fireplace onatore fronts. Phi 852L Aula Brakes ! HERRALLfOWENS CO 333 S Com" Mika Panek. 27a iS. Coml. Ph 6161 Brake and wheel aligning, specialist Auto and Truck i Service HIRRALLkWENS CO. 239 S Coml Bicycles BICYCLES; for rent I So. Church. BICYCLES (Newi sand reeondiooned Harry W Seott 4 . .Wei ,F.4 Body & Ferider Repairs HERRALLFOWENS CO.;23S S-Comt j t Chimney Sweep : l Rorthneas j Cblnjiney wep Pb 4450 ' Fertilizer asasLaBSBSBaeBBsassmsiassa Sackvyard. load; Nmae 060 N Cool Florists H l .,. ; t . ; ma mm I Brerthaupt'a r. aM urti'-lam IVM Funeral ! Directors Tecwlfflger Funeral B Ph r Hosiery Beat SUk Ibosmtt Mills i Ph 9701. -i ate- txmJ !! is A Baeai fH . V Mra - Mdsaley U PO Box 733- Implement (Sharpening Discs and tifse plows machine sharp ened. 8 mt W. on; Dallas Hiwsy. Lawnmqwer; Sharpenins - CUAJtANTEED WORK on special tactoty grinders, by Harry W. scon TaaCyci Man 147 8 Commercial st GifU TEE AT RON Shop 6T$ It B3Xv Llnsie iLesscns i SPANISH at Hawilan -Guixar. aaanao- i un tunjo. etcxj lvu fc. Piinlirl & Paperharir - Painting sad decorating only Pb S0S8 Painting as Paperhangiag,. Ph. '2SS3 For Sale Real Estate i ii ' ,.tjK NEW - ' ' LR. DR. KIT. 2 BR. BATH. Utility I room. Pecan floors, sawdust furnace, I wired tor range, elect hot water heat-1 er, Immed. Poss. $8000.00. - : ' wwa yalue i - LR. DR. KIT. 2 BR. basement saw- dust furnace, garage, small lot Immed. I jJRENT JDNE LIVE IN OTHER K J 8400 wUlbuy this 6 rm. home all Two nouses en on lot. ona narOvlon en floor. loatMl at soa s tatK furnished with new furnitur. Only I five years old. Lr. with Oak floors. I 2 BR. Kit, nook, bath, utility room, j pretty gas rangca, auto, gas not water heaters, auto, gas door furnaces, at- taehed garage, fruit treea and shrubs. North. 97000.00. si - - HOUSE WITH LARGE LOT - I Seven rooms with sr basement and 1 sawdust burner, north. 85500.00. t TWO BEDROOMS, ail en On FLOOR Thtt ts a good nous with a llre-l place,, hardwood - floors, wired for I range, basement furnace. $3300.00. I LARSEN HOMX Ax LOAN CO. I 184 Sv, Commerclai. Ph. 4M2. Ev. 8389, 1 --"r ti"- fTTT HOMES' ... t',- 83850 Here's a dandy, lot 10x100, 1 3-odrm. buna. wired tor rang, elec w. heater, new roof,: shad traes. , Kseoe vut of cttr. ege t rn.. Diasui 1 bdrm, LR. DR. Kit. buiit-ins. $S800-Jear H. c EnglewoodV 21 bdxmsv,' full- basement ion, trash I burner, possession 30 days.. 4 I 96000 Hollywood dist. 1 Mnnill. aown. utmn. arac. run nass trays. pun, nreptaee. saaoo down. - i ; C W. BAKTLB7TT n. W. UtTlT m:- REALTORS )-., 122 New BUgh Bldg. Ph. 7171 er 7122 AN INVESTMENT FOR $3000.00! 4 R. plastered, furnished bous with bed rooms and bath. Also a neat 2 room house on back of lot. Garage. 1 Phone 3908 1048 Cascad Drive H ACRE. 4-room house, garage, dose tot bus; Price 23750. Call Mr. I voomees with - - -; , LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS I 244 State St - . ' Ph. 9301344 Stat Str . f j Ph. 8281 iwm t t. - 1.... w ... I .-"arVSJrAp-Arr Sjru'"" w w TTw1rrt T?rVrt Tnr I H ' ainavlliw.' , iZ 7 wT rin Ph.! 4108. i Realtors. After .8, Ph. T NEW modernT bdrm. horn in one I of fh best locations. Elect range and j rerrig. wnn nous. , barge lot. 1 k w UWVto'r SHI II II I r BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 i N. High ..Ph. 2210 MODERN 7 rm. home. Furn. Near I schooL 2360 Broadway. ; r-Lj-Ljrtijrimrri. -iL.--i.ini nr ! I NICE new 8 rm. & unfin. attic, fire-1 NU.M. new a rm. oi-.unim. miuc.ww i piace. vencoan ounoa. o. w. frTSrtf h5ter' tjrway n aa . wau . - . . - Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4106, . Realtors. After f, Ph. 8719 4 RM. Home for sale by owner. $2000. 1 1679 Yew St. Ph. 759L ' I ' - - rrrrrr 1 GOOD lots north, $450 to $600. Good I terms. i f R. A. FORXNER I L18S3 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 1 - .... - BY OWNER: Approx. 90 A. Keixer River Bottom. 8 rm. hse. zo A. auiv SUM suouiviSHin. aa. otatemuiao. LARGE duplex house with double pramomg. riruj - xurn. w iki wu. income rrora apis. vans, garage. ow dust burner 1 with hot water heat Price $8000. i - - See Jack Henningsetr STATE FINANCE CQl. REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4121 ?&JE2r2. Realtors, After 8. Ph. 8713 furnace, partly finished attic room. Plastered garage attached. Lot 55x180. foP UtiUty rm rruit' rm Over Located Just outside city limits. Price ,,r Trees. 2200 Da. WUlamette "rS?; SSf lltatefm sflibrtV fSTiuSl A& 41 V.fliUiViJs eW ansrsrsva-K. wa 344 State St Ph. 9261 Painting & Paperhanging EXPERT Workmanship. Phone 4323 'ainting PAINTING at Decorating. Ph 7332 Spray painting contractor. Ph. 4246 Plumbing Harry E. Patton. Plumbing and Heat- tng. repair work. Ph. 34L 838 Spruce St NO Job too big: no-lob too small John Fisher. Ph. 3019. A! lit SKEWIS a. CO. Plumbing Heating. 948 N. High. Ph. 6223. BO WEN BROS- Plumbing and Heat ing. 353 N. Com' I Ph 7219. Printing rOR STATIONERY, cards pamphlets programs books or sny kind of print Ing. ,0811 The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S Commercial .Tele phone 8101 1 ",'-v- Refrigeration HOUSEHOLD and commercial ic and repairing. Ph. 7353. Mattresses. CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phono 4X8 I Sand and Gravel SAND, gravel., crushed rock, ready mixed eonerete. Walling Sand and uravei. ra. W. .--t .;-:,' Septic Tanks Cleaned err mt nneea neior navme wsrsr done. Ptt. 4450. permanent resiaent n W. Salem. Kenneth Hamel. mi 8th St . .r. . .-c . PERM RES Kenneth Hamet HO Dghth St, West Ph 44 Transfer O-DRTVE TROCKS fOR r.RENT Blankets furn 197 S Dberty pn saw aMHMaHaaaawaMBBHaMassHBSM-asaaa FOR OCAL . OR DISTANT "tranfe storag-,.brner oil. briauets Irueks lr Portland daily Agent Pierce auto ewiua a.i.uit. aiAlntai 1 AsejsfabsJ TransfeV ci PH .KXL Used Furniture DuF RAIN'S USED furnttur. Ph 1783 Upholstery Geaning ; RUGS and ophoL cleaned. Ph 6831 V.. 6irM tavauui tawtw kn-a..wv crRTlTlED GUAR eerr. AD s tnake Vlnca'a Electric 151 S Ub TeL 6292. rREB tnspectloa ta year home. An thortzed Hoover errvtoe We service so makes cleaners. Hogg ems m Watch & Clock Hcpairui3 Decker. Taylor's camp. State Street Window Qeanics, i...M s'mct wali woodwork. Work guaranteed a v HUluuw licaiicis. ev.-wrw awi ALL. work euaranteed. Windows woodwork cieanea i loors waaso Insured workmen . Professional ing bervics i a. 4 ...7.- For Sale Real Estate HOMES FOR SALE 83.300 will buv this A m. lumi 1a. rated in the Highland school district 23,600 will buy this 8 rm. home in good condition, located In, S. Salem. limmediat possession. . - I iiioo will hu thi a rm rJmA home located near S. P. Depot Dug Street. Partly furnished. 84250 wiU buy this 8 m. nlutmd home, located In S. Salem. Near store. scnoois ana pus. 81.750 will buy this g rm. nom iirS. Salem. Basement furnace at fireplace. 84350 wul buy this 8 rm. modern home in N. Salem. Creek lot. Sawdust heat. - , SC.500 vDl buv this rm. modern loom located N. to Hollywood district. saoo wiU buy this 7 rm. modern home located near Parrish-Jr. High SchooL .Xarge lot' Shad trees. ' - - Call G. H, GrabenlMM st- Jr. with' CBABENHORST BBOS.. Realtors 4 LiDerty t. i .. Ph. 4131 i 8 R. Mod. Bunsslow It. CamtoL 83900. I . S K. Mod. , bouw N. Saiem. 84S00. (terms. Take smaller nous for part. 8 R. house N. Salem 23250.. nanA terms. - i Good 8 R. home S. Com. St. 83500. terms. '; Several good acrear tracta. B. PERRINX. 270 SUta St. Ph. 0479 f - NICK 8 ROOM BUNGALOW Has fireplace, 100x190 lot, garden In. a4iw. ' uown. ' !1 - ! i FAIRMOUNT RUL PARADISE 8 rm. mod. Funs. $800 additional. STIC BO 13V. .. i- TT .t.-: : :. . Its (- t. a. r. s lyrani, neanor 52s Court St Wm- 'H.-.Phon 8744 1 ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ; 9-rootn cottsce. 1 floor, firetnae. least front near schooL bus line snd stores. Price 84500 on terms, discount wr casn. jau sirs, eiiis with - ' LX N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS ' IF You are looking for that secluded unusual home, here it is) Hand hewn bMd crilini la living room 18x30. city, stone fireplace, hardwood floors thruout large dining room, paneled den. 2 large fiJL down, unfin. attic "i?' InlcA 5?Z? lttsnS: STonly $10,000. - i. c jj SANDERS - 231 N. Hixh - 9838 , $1200" WILL HANDLE ' South of the city limits, on acre "r., " i - Ibhnds. hardwood floor, own wen with aLm niimn aTlakaasnarah M s4-i1i-s saai t., aTCin "TV ToU, price tiSOO xurxD DUMBECK1 REAL ESTATE H Ron - over Laad aVBsh link j PARTLY FURNISHED , . $3400. ' 4 Rms. North Saiem. Good living, rat. daveno. oil elmilatnr. lp ran an g, water heater eoes. Nice larva lot Garage at large washroom.: art mads en iste state st. , Ph. 9580 S50OD North, Houaa 4 wmm dIH 1 bdrms. Hdwd. floors. Wired for range. i Furnace. Good location. Mrs. Huff with I i BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1 337 jj. High. i s Ph. 3210 Sanaa s u. siena rtn - t wm I Saiem. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. i uperty. Pn. 71U. GOOD 7 rm. home. 1 near bus school, bsmt, furn , .fireplace, extra large creek lot. only 85.000. See MR. ouuDwin with . .?. --- Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. I ,llvvl $4850. 4 rm. house. 2 bdrnuu hdwd. floors, Vene. blinds, fireplace, oil fur nace, elect, water heater. Mrs. BuB with BURT PICHA. REALTOR 237 N. High i Ph. 2210 A GOOD' Investment ' for someone. IS room house, basement, furnace. My. trays, with a 4 room apt. Lot 30x120. Double garage. Price $4250. . ! P. H. BELL. REALTOR 402 Guardian Bldg. : Phone 4896 $3950 Suburban hornet 9 rms. and I unfinished upstairs; hardwood floors. fireplace, oil burner fir. furnace, wired I for ranee. v f- MEL.VTN JOHN50N, MALTOB - 725 Court St - Phone 3723 HOUSE & TWO LOTS 1 ' ' -Not far from State House and unl- ... IliM. MAIM i... KtHnaV s Hininff rAArnt ' KfMaWtsatFlf fuV. wired ToFngft FoTsale by Mrs. Needham or Louis Bechtel, 341 SUte St. $4750. Good 4 bdrm. home. Norm. I Basement. Wired for range. Double I garage. Mrs. Huff with t ' sUKi PICHA. KKAltTUitS 337 N. High f ! Ph. 3210 8 ROOM home irt cood condition. garage, large lot This home sr located on Mill St Price $3000. ! . , f call Mr. Hume at i GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone ui LEAVING SUte. must ' sell my six- room house. Large living roam, fire place, kitchen with plenty t built-ine. full cement basement and garage. Fur nace heat Gas water heater, wired for electric range. Corner lot 140x120. Beautifully landscaped. 12 Cherry Trees. 2 pear. 1 prune, grapes.; Nice garden. 1 oiock rrom oua use, ciose to muxw and schools. Excellent neighborhood. Price $6500. This property wiu be shown by owner at 2205 S. Church St. For Sale Farms A COUNTRY home, a place to play at sUll make money, this 86 A. farm witK as A. m It . nsL pasture ac timber I with a nice stream thru the place. I fish pond, fine barn and only 10 miles .Ifrom saiem. ixjjw, terms, ac ssa. ILAK5 Wim i Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Pn. 4108 - BeaBotS . . m . . - A xutuxt a AAM m, about 0 mt out, 100 a. J feiSe SroclLn. bt. TtaS lJ'tZ IZ i ,r" ad 'Worm 140 ac finest sott, every' Item of equipment Ac stock, bldgs, above ave rage. Snlendid croo (mcl.t. Close In. mwv nmnv at lt w : L, i Z.Zr'Tnnul aren ficaiat weuai ye -rr- iszzjiuu. ww aa , goou oi' as part J W'.: rv v, w. 'if-.'JT.'S - RALluRS U2 New Bligh Bldg. Ph. 7171 or 7192 FOR SALE on account of sickness. I his 10 A. land with, good rm. house, bsmt, bath rm water system, family I orchard, eood barn, chicken house. This place Is located on Center St ft mile East ox Turner soon, ror qmcs sale $3,500, terms. See MR. LARSEN Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 410S ' - i Realtors i 818.O0O. 116 acres. 8 yr. old house. i. r.l.t.r1 All snad bides. V. cash, bat fib. 4 R A. FORE K EH -. 11852 N. Capitol : Ph. 3021 1 88 A. DAIRY farm near waMpon. I Fully equipped wrth tractor, etc 4 r. I house witn natn, compieuuy sunuaa- ed. price seaou. ierms. . See Jack Henntnesen ; spra-ra! miANrs OL SEALTORS 112 Guardian BMg. i . . ; Ph. 41X1 49 A. FARM. 30 A. of bottom land St 20 A. cult, 10 A. in grain and about 8 A. of prunes, filberts, some wimm l.m nuivrtu nouse. wa barn, fin creek thru the rlsce, stock 1 At eouin. tlQL See MR. LARSEN With t TT,,, 9. 7nhPrt.e. Inc. i ' - . I Ph. 4133 Realtors nr. - a Mvm. tractor A mach. I Out 'Liberty R4. lit 4, .Box 12t For SaleUsed Cars' XS42 New Willys Deluxe Sedan 1942 New Willys Deluxe Coupe 1842 New Willys Speedway Sedan - NEW CARS 1942 Olds Model 66 Hydramatic club Sdn. Radio ac Heater 1944 Dodge 1 ton chassis and cab 160 Inch wheel base 1242 New Willys h ton Pick-up . j . ; f. ; THE ABOVE CARS NEED PRIORITY " 1841 Chevrolet Spec. Deluxe S Pass. Coupe. Radio Ot Heater . 1941 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 1940 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan j ; ' ' ' 1939 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan ' - - - v. -1 NEW TRUCKS USED CARS V.. STAN BAKER MOTORS, Dodge - Plymouth Dodge Tracks ' - ' DISTRIBUTORS , 525 Chemeketa - - Ph. 4119 For Sale Farms FOR SALE 20 A. Holly at Walnut farm, owner seUing account in health. 1J0OO-M yr. old holly trees, fine shape. 100-11 yr. rranquett walnut trees, xamuy or chard ail kinds. Modern bom with turn, heat dc fireplace. Yard - well landscaped with shrubbery, fish ponds, outdoor fireplace. Holly packing abed. An extra good income can b derived from this farm. Located only 6 miles from Salem For sale at $8,500. See MR. LARSEN Wtth ; . - Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 ; Realtors EXCELLENT modern home on 30 acres, almost all In fruit and showing excellent returns on investment of $10,000. Located 10 mi. N.W. of Salem. D. A. FISH 477 Court Pb, 45M Acreage ''" 12 ACRE BARGAIN 1 10 acres of good bearing prunes, bat family fruit and nuts. Good 3 room home with modern plumbing, pump house, garage and chicken house. This place is tn good condition and worth the money. Only 4! miles out, ' Call G. H. Grabenhorst Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS Realtors 134 S. Liberty st . Pn. eiai 8 A. wtth 2 bdrm. house, hot Ac cold water, fruit at berries, small barn a. chicken house: house completely furnished, all for- $4S0. terms. This place is close u on pnngie no. aee MR. LARSEN With Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Eh. 4108 Realtors 8 ACRES of black soil, has a live creek, six room modern house, large barn, chicken nouse at- nog nouse. There are 250 laying hens, 11 hogs at 2 cows, furniture, a trailer, good garden ac all crops included wnn piace. see jacx nenmngsen STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 213 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4121 7 A. ',4 mi. N. W. of Swegle school on good road, good sou S323 per a. WS-.I.VTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St i Phone 3723 1 A. East Close to bus line, t BJt home. eL water heater, chicken house. bam. Nice lawn and shrubs. Price $4950 14 A. South. 7 room plastered log house, lights, bath. Chicken house, ga rage. Some fruit. Price $5000. - 10 A. East. Nice home with base smbL sawdust heat Family orchard. barn. 2 car garage. Let ua show you this home. Price btojmsj. - , Call Mr. Hume at GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone eiai a NORTHEAST U acre. Neat 4 . room shake house. Garage. Barn for cow. Nice growing garden. A good buy. Price swob. ALFRED DUMBECK Room 3 Ladd at Bush Bldg. TIMBER ON PAVEMENT ' 61 acres on the level. North on highway 12 miles from Salem. Mostly old Br. $3500. l . , NORTH SUMMER S Rm. modern home N. Summer. Fireplace ac furnace. East front. 85000 $1000 Dn. . .-.i ' " -i ART MADSEN : - 1326 STATE ST. Pn. BOW . f : 11 A. on 99K 1 mt No underpass. Taxidermy bldg. on prop.; , beautiful bldg. site, trees, creex, oeep weu, etc. Write Artistic Taxidermy Studios, 106 N. E, Union Ave, Portland. Ore. m AURORA: Houses with small acreage. Willamette soiL $900 to $3500. A. B. Cole, owner, Canby. Ore. Ph. 9217 a BED ROOM home, modern, plaster ed. 2 acres, fruit nut trees, mt from city limits. 140 Park Ave. ' ; 24 A. 12 mi, N. of Salem. Elec. AH In cuR. Gar, ' root house, etc Good buy. $9,250. see jsck nennmKaen STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4121 Suburban $1800. 4 Rm. Suburban. Barn. Trees. shrubs Ac flowers. Part of ac. Bus service. Close in. trtuiia. sm a. Liberty. i - - - " ' ' for lovely home sites in Salem's beautiful acenie residence distrlrt on Kingweod Drive ano uascaae unit, in Kingwood HeigfaU end Cascade Terraces; easy terms; see owner. Ph. 9413. -r.iv t ;:.f ,' -v. V Wanteds-Real Estate v V. "V-"SALES' SERVICE WE RAVE INQUIRIES FOR CITY A SUBURBAN HOMES. APARTMENT HOUSES. MERCANTILE BLDGS, BUNGALOW COURTS. IF YOU WISH TO SELL. CALL SEVER IN REALTY CO. YOU WILL RECEIVE PROMPT, COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE. KKVEHIN REALTY Ul. Senator Hotel Bldg. - - Ph. 4016 Severn Listed w severm soio. WANT 4 er I Rm. House to $3000 cash. Ph. 7113. I . ' NOTICE:. V your - property ts for sale, rent ot exchange, ust it with us We hsve al kinds cash buyers. STATS FINANCE CO. REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. Business Opportunities ' INCOME PROPERTY ' Rue deanine plant with all equip- HUBt aatahliahcd. Owner ' will ahow you business. Five room house r and eight lots au ror; atzuojw. , . Dom vour wife want to work a little staying home making $130 a month. bMidaa vour own auai uitenrr inn nm. house is completely furnished and tbe r.f 55M.00. , i i -. k. huiu at iajat wv. 184 & Commercial. Ph. 4642, Eve $338 GOOD Income, auto camp, store. 3 pump station. 9-rm. modern, home, 6 cabins. Take part trade. P. O. Box 297. Kelso. Wash. COMPLETE coniectiooary. snort or der end tc cream parlor. mills tee cream machine. - 40 storage cabinet. Frigidalre. 2 Hamilton. Beach mixers. Valcon hot piste. 1 gas stove and many other items. A good business and a good buy. - -.. Phone 3598 . 1048 Cascade Drive GROCERY doing nice business. Smsp Investment Low rent 364 N. 21st St $475e Buys close to proerty. S2xl n. lot. a I urn. in r j' f M rsm'tol Ph. 3031 mo cuipk sale because of poor health: 8 turn, court apts. and service . tnmm S21A Mr COO. COOtaCl -"".-7 d J wner at ion wr For Sale Used Cars ' -a 'V For Sale Used Cars' Red Cross Blood Baijk In Salem Tuesdays ; 38 Ford DL. Cpe. RAH -9703 - 910 ; J7 rora oju Tuaor 41 Chev. Spec. DX. Sdn. R. H 129 38 Chev. DL. . Tudor 729 . 40 Chev. DL. Tudor 981 37 Ford -60" Sedan l 619 THE ABOVE CARS ARE PRICED AT OPA CEILING AND CARRY A WRIT TEN WARRANTY. I:.'.'.""-'-'- ' ' The Following Cars to IJo Sold As Is j t . - - . Ceding -Our price 26 Chev. Cpe. It at H $459 J-899 38 Ply. cpe. , , . 410 m?m 29 Olds Tudor : 629 - 389 40 Dodge DL. Sdn. RAH 929 . 025 33 Pont. DL. Sdn. RAH- 630 .295 36 Terraplane Sdn. . 915 "393 38 Plymouth Cpe 369 ' - ' BS9 if 1 Farmers Attention :i ? Model "A" LWB Pickup, Dual Tires. TERMS TRADES HERRA1X-0 WENS CO. 235 S. Commercial - Ph. 3M9 "YOU WILL ' ALWAYS FIND A BETTER CAR AND MAKE A BETTER DEAL" AT LODER.BROa 449 Center St . Phone 1633 "Our 16th Year In Saiem. Oregon" "Oldsmobile Sales and Semes : 'Home of Good Used Cats" WE BUY r , WE SELL . Good Used Cars lTOAIJLtoWENS CO. . 639 S. ComX Phone 2169 : LINCOLN TOURING CAR Good tires Original paint. Just over hauled. Has had excellent care. Ph. 9101 days, 7450 eves and Sundays. PVT. Owned Sort. Conv. ' coupe. 38. For cash. Good tires. New top. Paint. Rumble seat Leather upholstered., Good condition. Ready to . roll. Can be seen 1115 N. Capitol Thurs. or. Fri- Owner leaving oat. Mi. L. auuer. ilia capnoi. - 39 FORD dump truck. 2 speed rear end. 95 motor, f good , mechanically. loe rairview are. 1937 TERRAPLANE sedan. New paint very good tires, low mileage. Tnia to really a good car. . 590 . No. High. PH. 6063. -V - . Wanted U sed Cars Bonus Prices FOR CLEAN. CARS THIS EXTRA IS IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR - HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR CARS- SEE US AND GET YOUR PRICE, ' I i ; NASH USED CAR LOT 240 CENTER i PHONE 2734 ; WE PAX TOPS! Get every dime rout eat worth. Cash on the Barrel-HcaJ " C" SHROCK SALEM'S eldest 'ndependent used ear dealer. NX Corner Church as Chem Ph. 7923 '40 or '41 CHEV. er Pontiac, 8 pass, Cpe. or sdn. No dealers. Ph. 9688. Lost and Found LOST: -Female pointer. Whue body. brown ears. years old. Pb. 21043. Reward. - - - FOUND: Large truck tire and mount in on Portland Rd. north of Salem. Owner may have by identity ing and paying for ad.- Ph. 22583. i. , FOUND: 1 yr. old dry Guernsey cow.-Owner identify, pay ad and care. Rt 4, Box 156. ;. r-i - . -i - LOST: Service ; man's yellow gold Benrua watch, brown leather strap, black faced dial with luminous num erals. Reward, Finder .leave at SUtes- man Office. -. -- , :. LOST: Ration books 3 and 4. Mrs. Bay. In blue folder; Ph. S96L . LOST- Sun. night betw. Nod-A-Wsy t Motel and town on Portland Rd, lady's whit puree with money and valuables. Liberal reward. Pleas notify P. O. box 69. '. . ' $250.00 tor Information leading to the recovery of a diamond wrist watch, lost In Salem downtown street on Jun. 8th. 1944. Mrs. H. Zopber. 203 Hyde Bldg, Spokane. Wash.- ! LOST near Shaw, s.tS orange gag model ah-piane. Ph. 6903. Salem. . WILL the person who removed the purse from 13G9 N. 4th St please re turn and receive reward? Lodges Pacific Lod-e No. 99. AT. ft A.M.. M. M. Degree Friday, July 14th 1 PM. . 4 1 -. .. - - .... fc .t tWUAifc . ... ... ' - t - . w