. - ! I . i " 1 i - . I Tha OUCCdll STATEd-IATl. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday Morning. July 11, 1844 i : - 'i PAGS1 1" "X j iwenience ." -and, profit, K a - rl ariH Use BMesman. iGlasGined ;iids! I eacl Co 4i 1 i 4 Classified Advertising Stetesman Classified Ads Call 9101 .Three Insertions per line 25c Six Insertions per line 40c One mnnta per tint,.. , Ilia Minimum chars 23c; 3 tL min . tmura 13c; 0 tL mln. 45c Ho " refunds, ; ; . ' "Copy far this page' accepted W til 6 30 the veiling before publics . lion lor classification . Copy .re ceived after this time will be run under the fcMdiai "Too . Late to Classify - , ... i . The Statesman assume ne flnaa citi) responsibil'.ty (or errors which may appear la advertisements pub lishcd In its eonuiot and la caaea where this paper Is at fault will reprint that pert of ta advertise ment ta which the typographical mistake occur. The Stetasxnan reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It lurtber reserves the right to place all ad vert meg under tha proper classification. T A . "Blind" Ad aa ad eontetnlag a S La teaman oox number (or aa ad dress la (or the protection el the advertiser and most therefore be answered by teller The Statesman hi not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity at aa advertiser using a Blind" ad. . Additional Classified Ads On Pace 8 Help Wanted Male workers now empioyea m wavr i- i I ductton should not apply and wUI not I I ne considered lor employment oy em ployers advertising in this section. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Go. 430 N. COMMERCIAL - 1 Handling America's Xeading Automobile . "WANT '. ' ' Mechanics I Our Mechanics Receire - TOP PAY ntlR MECHANICS ' ARE CERTAIN nr sTT.Anv employment, pine WORKING CONDITIONS. COMPLET . MEN FOR OUR EXPANDING SERV ICE OPERATIONS. r If you are a mechanic call 3188 tlay or 21642 n i z h 1 8. Ask for Fred Bales; WANTED: Young man mr. n" ana store wora. s-n. w. . WANTED: Man with spray painting experience. Top wages. Lots of over- time, union joo. can at iaiu .n. oww 1 tner or Ph. 4820,. ' , -, rUHNlTUlLC mna vviimnc Hwr!! AK jia-eH lailVW laa.aa.WO 4K aSSS4 I llalls. fill VUHWiwiut aw m a ness while , you earn a good wage. 1 Permanent posnion. nogg w, ..State. . - MAN to- Bile lumber In small milt One to run azag saw in pona. ajiper- 1 . - . , . . V tent fl.15 per hr. Apply nenry mm. acher. 8 ml.- east and J int North of Hebo. . DOORMAN. Good sUrting salary Apply Grand Thealxe. ukat cutter and meat market ager for a job with a future. Best pay la town. Staving cenier. roruana no. WANTED: Dairy Bros.. South Salem. band. Schindler iXEFSJSr Lumr Co?2S Paclhe DiiiMin. PnrtTarMt. S On. OT US1US. Oregon. . MECHANIC. Permanent position. Ex cellent pay. Herrall -Owens ce. , Help Wanted Female srrHOOL Girl In N. Summer St. vi- cinity to care for small children after - nit da lisht housework. Ph. S-150. romnanlon-housekeeper for elderly woman. Mod. beach home. Ph. 7140- or S494. HOUSEKEEPER betw. 28 as 55 years! of age. Good wages, rm.. ooara ana ?..m Anblv at -1610 Fir. 8339. . - TRANSPORTATION paid to ana from Burbank, Calif, to reliable- house keeper for in xaraiiy. a-n. seoa, . FULL or part time usherettes. Ap ply Grand Theatre. ; ' WANTED: Fountain girt. - Steady work. Apply in person, wues Jrug Store.- ; . ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives . Wsrd-Grtfflth Csmpany. tne San Francisco ' Eastern Advertising Representatlvet . Wardrtffim Company. Ine Chicago. New York. Detroit . Boston, Atlanta Entered et the Post office at Salem Troon as Second Class Matter. Pub lished every morning except Monday easiness . oIce IS South Commev etol frreet -" - . SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Mall Subscription Rates tn Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday Mo eo cents: 6 mo $300; 1 year. $6.00. Elsewhere 80 cento per mo. or, 8728 lor 1 resr tn advance Per copy $ cents Ev City Carrier. 73 eente a month. $9 oa a year in advance la Marten and adlacent counttea. - - ' .-- - , 1 1 ( PAOCTy-S NOT V II : - ( - I TOliD HIMTOTAXEli v( -7HATS JUST VMST HE DlDf P V OUT HERE, j' 1 ( THAT- RUG OUT HERE JS HE PSOUGHT THE RVX? Si :'t xtJi. iAXiSi mjLAd HZ.'.: ; - 1 . " - V.- .... . . . ", . ; ' p - 'M ; . ! Money to Loan FREE Financial Advice Sixteen years of financial experience in Salem gives us 'confide ace that we- can help you If . you really -. need money, we will let you have It at I trucks ret aidless e. No. delay once No endorsers or involving ol I bring ear and title and get the money others Loans made on furniture, live stock, arm machinery. Company Is locally owned and man aged. . ' GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION IM S Commercial St Phone 8168 : ruauHMf'JMMaim w : " on rfZ-', 'if t?l ZzZr Z loans city or farm properties: loans insurance needed). No extra fee. Pri- I ZlTA" -n M anna see us about re vate. Prompt. S10.0S a moath repays EiU SSent contract 100 ta full 12 months. Private, Prompt fMn5ln vntml wf1" m Coma In. write-or nhone Room US. Second Fid.. Mew Biign Bidg Personal Finance Co. Sll SUte St ' Phone: Salem Sin Lie. S-122 M-16S. N. Anderson. Mgr. $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS' CAR LOANS We buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie, S-21$ M-222. - 212 Guardian Bldg. Help Wanted Female viNTni! Rirl for floor work. Per manent. Apply in person. Wiles Drug. GOOD nerm home for young moth l.r with small child. Liberal nay for ilf h services. Bookkeeping ana typ- ljngM 13U M. Liberty. Ph. 6685. WANTED: Saleslady for dress shop. WU5X D UWIUUXII17 VAIU1CH wiling coaU and suite. Top salary. Apply in person at Field's Dress Shop. 42a State St. Salem. PAPA BUI Girl wanted for care of I smau cnuoren, Bmer """r!- Room, board. S60 mo. start Ph. S310, I work, some aictauon. suiic quauuva- i . . - . . . ..-j i lMn. .imMbnM P.rm . Box . Si. I Statesman. Situations Wanted HIGH School eirl will care for chil-1 dren days. rn. ittoi irom a as to s tram. 2 GOOD Carpenters want remodeling I 1 or ouiia iiuuki. iuijuiius j 1 built Ph. i. 2580 . Kiver no. Young man available f or morning I work. 8-12JJ0.- Desire downtown em- I ployment which will enable continu-1 lance of ruu time joo anemoons es 1 evenings. Box 92. Stetesman. S. CommeTSai St Preschool PlavSchool: 131 State. Ages -2-8. Part or all day. Ph. 430. chtldcraft Ntirsery We -ptok up and deliver. 1985 Trade. Ph. 2U2t. For Sale -Miscellaneous HOUSEHOLD furniture: set of ga rage doors: gas stove; cabinet radio; odds ends. sa Division, FOR -SALE: Dresser with mirror. llt. ph. T821. 12T0 Nebraska St. -2-WHEEL trailer. J3 cartridges. High shoes. U50 N. Church. .. . . , .SaUXTLsoit Cherries, 5c ID JvU if:II' XV t V i a w" at uuic ve aawu aw.a s 1. iTaa 4. w aawaaaasaaa"aai"ai aaaaaj 1 r-i - w . . -nr. J-ai . CIRCULATpJG , JHeaters.: TWIN BmIs. sorinn and mattresses. I nearly new. Chest ol drawers. oo rt. I ,1 IM, , f . 1 , n Toml 1 7c. MED. sized air compressor with large tank, 3 mi. W. on Dallas hiway. Bx. 469 PIANO. standard make. $125. Ph. 7843. SINGER Sewing machine. Woodry Auction Market -1805 N. Summer. RASPBERRIES.: U pick, bring con- DIM. Umers. $1,50 lug. - On Market past Swegle scnooi. zna leu nana north. Henry Priem. I " itOOK and trailer stoves. Beds, ranrines. mattress, tables. smaller ar Iticles. 1144 Center after 5 P.M. TRIUMPH douzh mixer (one barrel) and flour sifter, curran s oakery. At- Ibany. I THOROUGHBRED ; black female 1 chow pup, 2 mo. old. Ph. 23101, 1 . TAHLS nuuUi ana car nana. Woodry's 1605. N.i Summer. CREAM enameled wood range $50.1 Grain box to m mternu. picsup iu. a our wneeiea trauer as is aov. neavx alum, teakettle. Allen Looney, Rt 7.1 i Box 248. I 1 TABLE model radio and saddle. 1943 Lewis, - MONTMORENCY PIE CHERRIES. Pratt's. 1 mile Wallace Rd. 9-PIECZ walnut dining set- almost Used . hot ' water tank ana gas 1 water beater. Ph. 4594. 1070 S. High- STEP LADDERS. Woodry's. 1805 N. Summer. ,v Cabinet Badlola. 405 Division, Apt 9 PRACTICALLY new daveno. See before Thurs. 405 Division St, Apt 2. ' STRAWBERRIES. VOU Dick. 10c lb. J. T. N orris, Rt 2. Box 8L I ml from. Turner, - Help Wanted Male Paper M MILL LABORERb EXPERIENCED HELP OF ALL KINDS 48 HOUR WEEK TIME AND HALF Crown Zellerbach Cotporation Lebanon, Oregon OR US Employment Service OjSce Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY ..:. ' " Aato Arid Truck i Loans Contracts. Refinanced iimui rat !inca . and used ears at You reUin possession of vehicle. 1 to Ui Jwaui w repay. After ft o'clock phone $361 or 21143 for appointment ROY H: SIMMONS v Regelated by state 131 8 Com 1 St Phone 816$ M ll ' Mnnev to Loan WANTED. HEAL. ESTATE i mortgage mortgage. Leo N Childs, Inc. Phone 9261 344 SUte St! . i - 1 1 ' - Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ! STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE H M US Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS A. N Duncan S Ladd Bush Bids For ' Sale--Mificellaneoas a r-vrr.ir Bri-rn Straton enetne. Call evenings. 643 : itfina Lane. ra. sow. HAY. alfalfa. S12 a ton if taken Kt 1. Box 15S. P. . asue, Ph. 6T14. I SALEM'S Biggest Used . Furniture ISUJU. IfUUUlJtnuvuuu I U10. J . . . - - I CHERRIES. E Lamberts. C! Per lb. U pick, Rt ; 4. Box 412, Orchard Heights Road. Ph. 58r2S. vftimn nH Rnvmmherries. YOUNG and Bo ysen berries. T- gaard's Fruit ;i Stand, 2330 N. Front Ph. 6320. .- fe4 , j -,-- ! - - pir mffnw jc 10. ium. jv - r, D. , pica. o: tiu.;auuiu. i. Ph. 21348, :U BxH WOOL i RUG. 289 N.- 23rd St or Ph. 7 668. 3 . 33 WOOD Ranges. Woodry'a Market ikos n Summer. Tru.i. nmiM. "41 TInivrsaL Pre-war rubber. Extra i clean, Mr. Stark. 1984 slave. I cmon ho feed for sale 2c per lb. Willamette Grocery. CHERRIES I Cherries 1 Royal Annes. Lamberts. iMngs. - ic id. iuu Jr Bring own containers. Coma out River JKoad to ieiaer bcupoi. 1 urn wi mile. F. O. . ftf uckrldge. Rt 2, Box SalemT '4 USED TOILETS? 933 Spruce, A-l WINDMILL S25. 1908 Center. vatrrawkss Morse son cai. cenu frugal auto, pump. 1242 Cth. W. Salenv. i- wmxi; j trailer . Rubber tires. Excellent condi Rt 1. Box 448. Off Wallace Rd. om Moyer Lane. VETCH Hav tin shock. L. H. Zlelke. Ph, 22578. 1 pi OATS, vetch, telover hay. E. J. Mon- tandon. Rt Box -325. Ph. 39F14. FOLDING d bed complete with mattress. 1138 I tf.i. 8C A'a at wkh ams aei Ai Mm I I. ' meiUUJ "0IIU"S 1 aaVAUf AV- naviiiiiwiav Irles. you pick. Take Pacific Highway aarrh. turn rUnt at aviation station opposite Hayesville cabins. 4th house on right John E. Versteeg. R. 7. Bx. 115 SEED Potatoes, dote out ft price Certified. Bliss Triumph. Irish Cobbler. I Burbank and Early Bose, having ten FULLEB Brushes. 1745 Grant P. 8357 ATMORAYS ZONE, sell and rent B. C Pugh Phi 8-2458 PO. Box a . , - '-(J?lANOS -Sea tha MlraAuiano sninet styled with tone of la Baby Grand. $395. Used, reconditioned and rebuilt pianos I . t.J h...h.. SIX tt'&m&T&SSL j - - - . f , , , - WRINGER . Rails for all makes of uh.n r. A. rails, manager of Nelson 1 Bros. Furniture; Store. 815 N- Liberty St WE HAVE nog wire fencing and light barbed wire a stock. Montgomery Ward & Co. ;b : - Wanted f Miscellaneons WANTED: RlHers to Oregon Shin- yard. Swing shift 1150 N. Church. Wanted: Eleclsewing mach. Ph. 8180. WANTED: f Single trait elec hot l plate. Ph. 7183, i;. Want 2 burner elec. rUte. Ph. 24158. GOOD electric range. Phone 7805. WANTED to huv: Good washing ma. chine. WiU payfi cash. Ph. 8426. WANTED: Child's rocker. Ph. 7082 after 6 PJ4. :,,5 ii:; , 1 WHEEL bumper trailer. Call 4029 after 6 PJ4. : : . MAN'S it girl's bicycles for cash. Ph. 803O. i' CLEAN white, rags. Hogg Bros 268 state. , 4 , r - -v - i - WANT TO : Ruf Osed cameras at tenses McEwsn Photo Shop 439 State cash PAID tor nenrht sprnet o grand pianos Phone $707. Ilelp Wanted Male Men Needed MIU.WRIGHTS OVER 40. HOUSING AVAILABLE. Wantcd-SIiscellaneoas We Boy Furniture TRADE WITH A ft KM OT 30 : YEARi REPUTATION O BUSINESS INTEO RTTYilN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST Pups rAWliva wscju ;;'': Pianos U " j Furniture and Appbances j Can nt tat jappointmens.; I HOGfc lBROS.; CASH for used otano Or other mo steal Unstrumenta - Call , 6 days at S37 evening or send description, to Jaquitb Music. Cow Mi s nign, ' . aa-aMfatBaejsasssaas - OSEO rURNITUEX Pa tl - ; Ranted Furniture CASH tor used fiirnitura and! house hold goods. 415 Ferry, RAY PORGEY ;. PH.! t WANT to Buy: Cheap, i wood heater and range. Phona am r i WE; BUY used furniture. Ibkyclea. euna sand electrical equipment We carrv i rood used ranees and I heater. We are now located In the old Epply Grocery Bldg,: lfOOj Block j on State St Ph. 7M.' - it M BROOKS 0SET irntNITOSK aaatjassaajasaassetai WE MAKE It our business! to pay re (or good rurnnura ana appuanco jBrigtitta Lckiey 453 Cdurt St f Phone 15U Miscellaneous WATCH Repairing. 18 to 15 days ser vice, all makes, ifrae estimates, work manship guaranteed. Raymond G. War ren. Certified Watchmaker. We grind JW ..TL1 '0SL s"tate rirnonn Over the Smart Shop. Room 200 Gray Bldg, 125 jN. Uberty.i Salem. Outside hse. painting. Reas. Ph. 6538. I PONY RIDES i ' rrnsi for the CHILDREN Rides ! anytime s Satwrday and Sunday or evenings duringjtbe week. , . END OF BRXDGB AT W. Dental Plate Repair two-hour Service m most . . CASES-' k - i - Brlnffior MaU Yout Ptetes torfRepeu DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpn Bids State; Com l-Pb 33. -xrLnn -iu i .rirt-rxru-u iJiruf -nrT r r r " T Sepdc Tnts Cleaned State wtde. Guaranteed iworkv Gene rite. 842 Edgewatef. Ph IMS;; STOVE Parts & Repairing Woodry Auction Market 1605 N Summer.; For Rent Rooms Sleeping rm. for one or two. fast if ; desired. 1883 Center. Break- WELL furn. rm. j Convenient locav tlon. Meals opuonai. m. SL.' rm. Priv. horae, Gd.j Locj. 2144S Room and Board WANTED: An employed! woman to stay With widow, j Room and part board tree. 2 blocks from bus line. Ph. 9931 or Ford and Claude Stj Salem BUSINESS man. Sinela. would Uke room, breakfast dinner, garage, home convenience' and privileges private family. j P. O Box 684... j j. For Rent- ApartacTils SMALL fully ! furnished I apartment good location. . jsouits. xvsn sh soar' tin. Phi 4419. i ; j - - i 2 RM. Apt comp. furn. Close in. 668 S. Summer, j Refrtg rusN. Ant. nrt entrance, fireplace, one block from high sch.j Employed adults. Call after, sao t-Ja. xvia Jtn RMi furn. ant Refrigeration, suit able for one. zi water su 5-BOOM beautifully furnished apt. vUw toLrtiiiMj. SS500. I C H JANUEH - Xtl M. Mian!1- - - ... 1 RM. furn. apt! Refrig. Close in. Adults. 1868 S. Summer. ! . 1 - - - - - - 2 RM Apt Adultp only. ! 271 j D St PULLMAN Apt Fufnlshed. refrige rator & private Mtiu--usz. i a BMj apt E. range. ' 1375 N. iCotnT LOVELY Apta. 218 S. 18th St , Fpr Rent-I-Hou Cabins at Neslcowln. Ph. 4422 or 3877 4 RM. ' house, ! some furniture, $49. Inquire 5 597 Knapp St For Rent-r-Farmsi FOR RENT: Improved 800 acre hill ranch, i t -- ' ! '! . Mam vmi sen or dut. vet new uw list from - HOMESZEKERSi i AGENCY. SUverton. Oregon, , !: I For Rent - FLOOR SANDER j tor real gomery Ward. ! Meat GOOD Used Plana. H U Stiff. " TRUCKS for- rent You drive i Ma Cune - Loveu. pnone soon j ; Wanted to Rent a ae S iBdnn. hse. bv Aug. 9th 1 pref. furn. ori partly furi-, but will con sider unfurn, AQUits. fermaneuw ita era! employe,. Ph. ! 7149. WATjnrn Mod. ; 9 bdrm. furn. or partly rem. house, aooui na,. or perm. govt, empwy . ra. v- BV Middle - aged, i reliable couple, permanent; 8 or 4 room furnished or unfurnished apartment or house, on or before Rugust 1st Close la eg near bus. Box .00, statesman. " - ' 1 BDSM. house near . bus L line. Rtsteaman. BOX 59. couple with 3-mo.-old baby: want 5-3 bed room, unfurn. house. Perma nent and; reliable.! Mrs. Allen. Pb, 9710, a nnnM unfurn. mod. hse. by -perm. family. Win take! lease, pn. sius. ; haven Ave. I ..- ! v - ' t WAMTtD: HousekceDtng rooms by elderlv couole. near bus and store. Must be downstairs. Box 83. Stetesman nnwiur nnftirn ! modern Perm. Salem business man. Ph. 7532. r For Sale Real Estate NEW modern S bdrm. home In one of the best locations. Elect, range and remg. . with ; house. Large lot grsoo. Mr. Byrkit with BURT pICHA. REALTORS 7 337 N. High Ph. 3210 $8000. Good t rm. home t blks. from State Bldgs, Fireplace, sawdust furn ace and nice yard. See - f ART MADSEN, 1324 State. Ph. 5580. 3 HOUSES' on lot N. E. 2 BR. LR. Kit. nook; bath, utility rm, gar., automatic gas Ox. furnaces, gas ranges, gaa hot water heaters, only ft . years old. $7000.00.1 - 2045- N. 4th St- 8 BR. LR. PireDlace. DB. - Kit. wired - for range, basement, sawdust furnace, nice lot fruit trees. inuned, possv S4600. r- -r. LARSEN -HOME & .LOAN CO. 1S4 S. ComnwrcuU St- Ph. 4842 tfaasaBaaaywaajeiaiiaMaiNa1aaaaaaaiai(aiHa 3 - RM.' mod. home lust off Center St, East Basement ' fireplace, attic. rm. come, waling oisiance. nwa. floors, cor. - lot many choice flowers. Just off SUte St $4250. , - t ART MADSEN : 1328 SUte i Ph. 5580 f-ROOM plastered home, modern ex cept base., nice fir trees., close to bus and Bush school. SZ500. C H, SANDERS - 231 N, High - $838 MODERN 4 rm. home. Fum, Near schoot 2360 Broadway. . '4 RM. Homf for sale by owner. $2000. 1079 Yew h rn. last. KTNGWOOD HEIGHTS HOME - 2 BR. mod. home, base., furnace. Id v. trays, lot 75x150. 8 blocks to bus. This home raust be sold. Price S5500 cash. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 5831 ' GOOD lots fnorth, $450 to $600. Good terms. - t -. B.IA. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol . Ph. 3031 TWO BED ROOM HOME - Partly furnished. Basement . Beauti ful shrubs Sc flowers, garden, walnuts, Bus at door. Richmond school district $3200. See Louis Becfatel or Mrs, Need ham. 341 state St. Boom . 7 RM, house. 2 apt arrangement PTL entrances. Call eves. 950 S. 12th, NORTH Salem home. 8 rooms, in cluding bath, garage. Price $3250. .Own er leaving baienv must De sold. , w. a. krueger. Realtor 147 N. Commercial St . . Ph- 4728 A NICE little cotUre with 3 bed rooms, garage, gas range and wood to go with the house. Price szsso. 3 Bed room home with hwd. floors. utility room, 3 lots, all under cultiva tion, saraee. i price atuuo. A completely modern home with a bed rooms, j fireplace, hwd, ' floors. basement furnace, lay. f trays, wired for range, in very good condition, ua rage.. Price $7300. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 402 Guardian (Bldg. - Phone 4898 3 BDRM. bungalow type home. Large lot Basement stoves. , $4250. Mr Byrkit with J 337 N. High I Ph. 321$ BY OWNER: Appro. 50 A. Kerxer River Bottom j 5 rm. hse. 20 A. suit able subdivision. Box 85. Statesman. - , HOMES FOR SALE Very attractive at modern 8 rms utility as garage, located in West Sa lem . on paved street close to scnooi and bus. Priced to sell at $2000.00 with reasonable terms. : SOUTH SALEM 8 rms Wells located, should be de sirable for a large family- or upstairs could easily be mad into an apart ment; floor coverings, and stoves go with place. Fjuu price S4Z304W. W. R. MERCER v X231 Edgewatef St - Phone 3200 Business Cards ta this directory roa eo s monthly basis nly Rates $L25 per Ilasi per meath. ' j Accotinting Small Business As Farm Accounting Specialty. Cain's Accountant Ser vice, 531 Court Ph. 5584. . i Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft ! Market Alterations ALTERATIONS, sewing fur. work 180 N. i Commercial. Room 28. ArtTUe HATH Room! drain board, fireplace or store tronts rn. son. Anto Brakes HERRALIOWENS CO. 235 S Coml Mlka Pxn.k )z7a S. Coml Ph 6161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist Auto and Truck Service HERRALL-OWENS CO, 233 S Cecal Bicycles BICYCLES for rent 14S So. Church. orrvn w ; ana raeondttloaed Harrv W Sebtt 147 -S :ra'd P 45;6 Body & Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO. ES S Coral Chimney Sweep Northness - Chimney Sweep Ph 4458 Fertilizer Sack. yard. load, loose 860 tL Coml Florists. Breithauprs 447 Court 8198 Funeral Directors TerwlUlger Fnneral Home. Ph Hosiery Real SIT Hoerv Hills Ph 970t sire Moeeley PO , B. 838 Implement Sharpening Discs and disc plows machine sharp ened. 8 mt W. en Dauas auway. , Lawnmower Sharpening GUARANTEED WORK on special fsctory grmders by Harry W Scott The Cycle Man! 147 S Commercial $t Gifts THE AI RON iBhop 879 81 High Music Lessons SPANISH 8c Eawlian Guiter. Mando lin, Banjo, ete.1523 Court Ph. 75G9. Painting . Pspcrbansi-S Painting and decorating only Ph 8:C8 PalnUng at Paertuuflni. Ph. J--i. For Sale- Real Estate S B3L home with unCn. room tin. strictly - mod. auto, sawdustburner. water , heater, dandy location on D street near Srv High. Price 86200.. - oj. moo. oungaiow, nwa. iioor. wired rsnKo. basement oil furnace, fruit lot 73x150. Price S55O0 cash, a H. SANDERS' 231 N. High 5838 $5900. Nice home North, dining rm, bdrnuu hardwood Coort. fireplace. Venetian : blinds, wired ' for ranee. bsmt with finished . room. ' sawdust Mrs. Huff with - - .:' - BURT PICHA." REALTORS - S3T N. High ; .i - Ph.' 5210 4. BDRM. has. Sawdust heat Air cond, -r fireplace, nicely landscaped, corner lot Price $7700.-1415 Saginaw. LARGE duplex house" with double plumbing. Partly furn, $80 per- mo. income from apta. Dole, garage. Saw dust Burner with hot water heat Price See Jack Henningsen STATS FINANCE CO. REALTORS 212. Guardian-Bldg. . - Ph. 4121 85580 Nice 2 bdrm. home North. Dining rm, hardwood floors, fire place, wired for range, basmt, furn ace, laundry- trays, unfinished up- steirs. some curtains, wood. Mrs. Huff witn - . BURT PICHA. REALTORS r 337 N. High . Ph. 3210 BY OWNER: 4 rm. house with floor ed attic 2 lots. Garden space, chicken house-, and runs. - 698) Catterlin , Ave. North off Center. BARGAIN: 5 ROOM. NEAT HOME EAST JUST OFF CENTER. . NICK LIVING K, DINETTE AND KICK KITCHEN. Z B. R. , DOWN. FIRE PLACE. BASEMENT, FURNACE & TRASH ' BURNER. GARAGE 8c NICE BACK YARD. QUIET. DISTRICT. FOR QUICK SALE SS500 WE MUSH HAVK HANI HUMES PRICED UP TO $15,000. v , To Buy or Sell see SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 North Hieh St. Phone 4016 n Senator Hotel Bldg. Ask; for-Mr. Holmes. $6350. S rm. strietly mod. home on Cascade Dr. Good - buy. R. E. MEREDITH 3153 Portland . Rd, $6000. New house. $ rms. and utility. all modern conveniences. South. Terms $6000. Strictly modern 5 rms. Double garage with apt above. Large lot Beautiful shade. Northeast. 84800. New 4 rm. and utility, hdwd. floors, elec. water heater, oil furn ace.' Nob HUL 83650. 7 rm. Newly decorated inside and out. North. Terms. ABRAMS and ELLIS. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. , Ph. 6155 insurance ; - Money to Loan FURNISHED Apartment House. 4 apartmenta. 2 up and 2 down, 3 re frigerators, good furniture. Building good condition. $4700.00. Immed. Pees. LARSEN ' HOME at LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings. Personal Service. 164 So. Commercial St. . rn. sou S ROOM modern house.' good loca tion, wood or sawdust furnace. Will sell either .furnished or unfur. 4 acre close In. 8 room modern, auto, heat This is a nice home and clianci to bus. ' A few good lots well located. Chas. Hudkins 8c Walter Socotofsky 275 State St Phono 9494 8 R- SHINGLED house. 2 bdrms; Ga rage. Fruit house. Close to school at bus. Lot 100x125. Price $4600. - See Jack Henningsen with STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. , Ph. 4121 INCOME prop, at 1341 Waller St 1 6-rm. hse. 1 3-rm. hse. I 2-rm. hse, Shade trees A shrubs. Inc. $81 per mo. Price $4500. $1800 down. Bat monthly payments. Mr. Byrkit with w BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High Ph. 321$ Directory Paintins & Paperhnnging EXPERT Workmanship. Phone 432$ Painting PAINTING at Decorating Ph 7554 Spray painting contractor. Ph. 4246 Plumbing Harrv E. Patton. Plumbing and Heat ing, repair work. Ph. 834L 935 Spruce St NO Job too big; no job too small John Fisher. Ph. 3019. A. U SKEW IS & CO. Plumbing Heating. 548 N. High. Ph. 6223. BOWEN BROS, Plumbing and Beat ing. 855 N- Coanl Ph 7315. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, psmpfilets piograms books or any kind of print, big. call The Statesmaa Printing De partment 21$ S Commercial Tele phone $161. . .:. - Refrigeration HOUSEHOLD and commercial tee- and repairing. Ph. 1353. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDINO CO Sand, and Gravel SAND, gravel, crushed rock.' ready mixed concrete, waning ; nana Gravel Ph. 8561' : Septic Tanks Cleaned rtvrr mr nrtcee before having work done. Ph. 4450. Permanent resident of W. Salem. Kenneth ilamei. livi aw w : PERM. RES Kenneth HameL IIO Eighth SU Wast 'Ulam Ph. Transfer n-DRtVE". TRUCKS FOR ' RENT Blankets furn . 197 S Liberty Ph 9067 ros LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfai storage, burner oil. briquets rrurks to Portland daily Agent Pierce " Auto Freight anemdmp rahf points Larmet Traoficr to m ut - Used Furniture DuFRADrS USED rurnltura. Ph $782 Upholstery Qeaning RUGS and epboL cleaned Ph. 8831 Vaeuam Qeaner Senrice CERTIFIED CUAf eerV. An makes Vincea Eiectric. 157 S Lib Tel 8382 r r rit inspection m rottr -home. -Aa thortsed Hoover service We service aU makes cleaners liors Bros rn i Watch & dock Repairing Decker. Taylor's camp. SUte Street Window Qeanicg City window cleaners P 21458 Floor walls., woodwork. Work guaranteed ALL work guaranteed. Windows waiis. woodwork cleaned floors wxed Insured workmen professional Ciean IcS Service, l a. t-L For Sale ileal Estate $7500. 4 bdrm. hse. Double plumb- tile kitchen 2 fire places, auto, furn ace. Ph. 5954. Owner. 48 A. 4 mt No. No improvements. Good soU. I -, -! R. E-" MEREDITH . ' Ph, 4483 3153 Portland Rd. For Sale Farms 4- t- ' FARM BARGAINS " S3 Acres aorth of Salem. amaH house wired for range, elect water system, machine, shed, barn & alio, all fenced with woven; wire. This is a real bar gain and- it wilt pay you to investi gate If you are Interested tn a farm that will bring good returns on the Investment Full price- $6300.00 includ ing tractor and other farm cauipcoent , 80 Acres. ? rm. house, chicken house and barn With elect, on good road. 30 acres , cleared. balance in timber & pasture. Full price 83200X0 . v SO Acres a anilea from Salens, vets comfortablei 8 rm. house, good barn and electricity. Full price $525040, or will consider trade on larger farm In valley or .Eastern Oregon. - - a Acres la Keuer district, cood sou and dandy building site. $1650.00. This can be purchased. on any, reasonable terms.- . ..- , . -, , - . , - Acres south, year around stream. soma - nice ftunoer . et . aoout a cleared land.. $1700.00. 1231 Edgewater St . . Phone 3200 100 ACRES 6 MI. FROM SALEM In Polk County. Most aU in cultiva tlon. Large old house, barn &. milk house. 2 wells and creek, on macadam road.. $85004 H.O.L.C. loan of about S400B. 4 int. payment 250 annually, I Ui Ml BA1UI 1326 State i . . Ph. 8580 - 4 FOR SALE 188 acres located near Oak Grove. Polk County, 125 acres of farm land. A good buy at 810.000. ' Call G H. Grabenhorst Jr.-' With GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors ; 134 S. Liberty St' ; Ph, 4131 $16JM0. 118- acres. 5. yr. old house. 8 rms, plastered. All good bldgs. Vx cash, baL . R. A, FORKNER 1852 N. Capitol - Ph. 3031 . .... ... i j - EXCELLENT modern home on 30 acres, almost all In fruit and showing excellent - returns on Investment of $10,000. Located 10 mt N.W. of Salem. D. A. FISHi 477 Court Ph. 6524 53 A. DAIRY farm near Waldport Fully equipped with tractor, etc. 4 r. house with bath, completely furnish ed. Price $6950. Terms. Seel Jack Henningsen STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 312 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4121 ( Acreage 15 ACRE BARGAIN Located 4 s miles , out on good road. Two good drilled wells. Small house and chicken f house. 12 acres of young filbert orchard 8 or 10 bearing walnut trees. This orchard has been kept up. Price $4,500.09. Call GJ H. Grabenhorst Jr. - with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors IM S. Liberty st ; v . rn. ui HERE IS SOMETHING UNUSUAL! This mod, ta bdrm. name, osmi, on heat elec water heater, water system, nice fir shade trees, family orchard, berries- 2 small chicken houses. 1 A. of ground. $ miles North of Salem, for quick sale, cut from tSJSOQ to $5,000, terms; possession at once. See MR. LARSEN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4188) Realtors W ACRE close to bus. 3 room house elect water! system, car. Price $2250. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High 8838 1 ACRE HOME BARGAINS $5,250 Willi buy this 1 acre located on SUverton) Road. Has good $ room home, hardwood floors, ovine? rm.-smd dining rm. carpeted. Modern plumb ing, oil circulator 8c electric hot water heater, small Chicken nouse ana Darn. 83.000 will i buy this 1 acre located N. of Salem. 3 bed room home, garage, barn and chicken house. Family fruit Electric water heater and oil circulator. Call G.IH. Grabenhorst Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St - Ph. tui 8 BED ROOM home, modern. Dlaeter- ed, 2 acres, fruit nut trees. ml. from city limits. 140 Park Ave. BUY AND BUILD Good 8 acres N.E. only 31100. Good 10 acres N.E. only 82000. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 4 ACREAGE HOME 12 acres located 8 miles out on a good road. 16 acres of prunes. Some family fruit and nuts. This place is in first class! condition. Good 3 room home with modern plumbing. Pump house, garage and chicken house. Price $4,500. j Call G. if. Grabenhorst, Jr. : With CRABESHORST BROS.. Realtors 134 s. Liberty st pn.,4131 NOW 10 A- cane! fruit Youngs.- Boysens. Rlackcans. Sold $3700 berries last yr. Looks better tnow. See while picking. Good 8 rm ihse.. oatn. eiec water system. N. S. Hazel creen outran. Call owner. 2290L . FILBERT ORCHARD 9s acres of bearing filberts. This orchard is let years old. Produced 9 tmui at filberts last year. 2 miles out This is worth fthe money. Price $6,000. Can G. H. Grabennorst, jr. with GRABENHORST BROS, -Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. m 24 A. 12 mil N. of Salem. Elec. All in cult" GarJ root house, etc. Good buy. $5,250. 1 . - See jack nennmnen STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS 2U Guardian Bldg. - Ph. 4121 Suburban roit -toverv 1 home- sites In Salem's beautiful scenic residence district on Klngwood Drive and Cascade Drive, in Kingwood Heights and Cascade Terraces: easy terms; see owner. Ph, 8413. Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO BUY 6 or 7 rm. home, betw. $75001 and $9500. - Pref. auto. eat at ood location. Box 5j3, Statesman SALES SERVICE - WT H AVE ISIOUIRIES XOR CITY At SUBURBAN " HOMES, APARTMENT HOUSES. MERCANTILE BLDGS, BUNGALOW COURTS. IF YOU WISH Tn KriT. PALL SEVERIN REALTY CO. YOU WILL RECEIVE PROMPT. COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE, . s 5 RSTtmtrM REALTY CO. " Sanator Hotel Bldg. - Ph. 4016 . Severia Listed la Severta Sold. NOTICE: ITl your ; property . is fee sale, rent or exchange, ttet tt with aa We hava a I ktnos casn ouyers . STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS i j - 312 Guardian Bldg. ' - Busines Opportunities - $4739 Buys- close m ; property, 92x163 rt- ot a lurni r. a jrwa wj. - R A FORKNER 1853 N. Canitoli Ph. 3031 4 COTTAGES, all completely furn ished. A very good Investment For more deUiis s . . 9 h PTJf REALTOR 4C1 Guardian Bldg. , Phone 4898 GROCERY, nieat market and other MnrKtiom available in co-op market 12-8 SUte St Benefit of specUl - pen me cu r-, t ilt mi.w paone 31 or 8280. j - :;-'-T: F03' CJlck sale because of poor heallh: 5 turn, povrt. apta. and service i.hn tnvmf t2io ner mo. Contn owner at 1-.4 Court &t Of Pb, 6.4. Ti For Sale Used Cars Ilelp the Blood Bank See the Red Cross Today 38 Ford DL. Coe. R & H 37 Ford DL Tudor SIS 41 Chev. Spec. DI, Sdn. R. H 1265 41 DeSoto Spt Spa. R .es H, 1490 38 Chev. D.L. Tudor ' 729 40 Chev. D.L. Tudor . 991 37 Ford "60" Sedan ... 819 THE ABOVE CARS ARE PRICED AT OPA CEILING AND CARRY A WRIT TEN WARRANTY. , - - ' The FoUowine Cars to Be ' Sold As Is j- , , Ceiling -Our price 36 Chev. Cpe. R fc H $453 5 393 38 Ply. Cpe. .,:,' 410 363. 35 Olds Tudor , -,-. , 25 395 f 40 Dodge Di. Sdn. RacH 925 :. e , 35 Pont Di. Sdn. R&H, 630 - - 295 38 Terraplane Sdn. 119 39$ 33 Plymouth Cpe ., .. .. 383 295 - . Farmers Attention " Model "A" LWB Pickup. Dual Tires, TERMS TRADES " . HERRALL-OWENS CO. 333 S. Commercial , - Ph, 3189 "YOU WILL ALWAYS kFpVD A BETTER CAR AND MAKE A BETTER "DEAL" AT L0DER BROS., 443 . Center St v ; ; Phone 133 Our 16th Year In Salem.' Oregon" "OldsmobUe Sales and Service Home of Good Used Cars" ! WE BUY : WE SELL i Good Used Cars ii HERRALL-OWENS CO. 635 S. ComX Phone 3189 r LINCOLN TOURING CAR Good tires. Original paint Just over hauled. Has had excellent care. Ph. 9101 days, 7450 eves and Sundays. 1938 HUD.-TerraDlane. 2 dr- seat covers, heater, good rubber, new paint new ceiling price seaojw. io bo, Comt St -. 31 PLYMOUTH coach $125. 1131 W. Edgewater. W. Salem. - "33 CHEV. Master Sedan. 890 Thomp son. Ph. 7855, - - t. V 1936 STD. Chevrolet 2 dr. Sedan. Good fires. Heater. Radio. Call 5111 between 6 and 8. ;. i 39 FORD dump truck; 2 speed rear end, 95 motor, good mechanically. 100 Fairview Ave. 1937 TERRAPLANE sedan. New paint very good tires, low mileage. This Is really a good car. ' 590 No. High. Ph. 6663. . . , - . . ijrvantets Used Cart Bonus Prices FOR CLEAN CARS THIS EXTRA IS IN ADDITION TO OUR ; REGULAR HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CARS SEE US AND GET your price NASH USED CAR LOT 240 CENTER . f V PHONE 3734 w pay tops r Get every dime vour ear ts worth. , Cash on the Barrel-Head 4C SHROCK SALEM'S oldest -ndenendenl used ear ' dealer. NX Corner Church at Chem Ph 79231 Resort Property YACHATS COMING SECTION of Oregon Coast Beautiful restricted home and bust, ness sites. $50 A- 200 A. cleared; finest soil and water: all have ocean view. Lots and acre tracts from $100 lot to $200 acre and up. Cash or terms. L. M. CHRISTENSEN. Coast Land Co. 568 Edgewater. W. Salem. Ph. 8892 For Sale Wood sttrr MITrwood. eheanest No split ting, over two cord $16J0. Ph, 8663. VTIJ.WOOO for kitchen stoves and heaters. $6.50 single load; double load $12. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph, 5533. IS IN MILL wood. 1m. Del Pa 683. IF O G BTB a R Clason. Mehama. FRESH cut sawdust $8 JO tor 2 units. Summer fill-up rates. Ph. 8683.. GREEN ' old growth 16 in. slab. prompt delivery Phone 8444. ntsn rat sawdust. 4 ft. green slab. Part dry and green mill wood. , 7731 Or 8862. Lost and Found 8250.00 for Information leading to the recovery of a diamond wrist' watch, lost in Salem downtown street on June 9th. 1944. Mrs. H. Zopher, 203 Hyde Bldg Spokane, Wash. FOUND: 9vr. eld -dry Guernsey cow. Owner identify, pay ad and. care. Rt 4, box lae. ; STRAYED r- Grown- yellow Persten female cat 677 S. Coml. LOST near Shaw, small orange gas modal airplane. Ph, 8903. Salem. . . WILL the person who removed the purse from 1368 N. 4th St please re turn and receive reward? - LOST I Brown wallet eonUlnlng val eable cards and -money. BUlo Ethe ridge. Ph. 3211 week., days or - M7$ Sunday and eves. - lXIST: Downtown, leather key 2 keys. Reward. Ph. 6265. , LOST: Navy blue leather purse to. Vicinity Newport Keys and papers valuable to owner.: Reward., Ph. 6101 or 9668. I V" Personal WANTED: To adopt baby rirl un der 1 year. Give details. Box $7, Stetesman. - J 1 Lodges A SALEM LODGE No. 4. AT. ft ' A-M. Wednesday, July 12, L, 9 a - n i r, a