PAGE EIGHT Miss . Janice. . Judson a Bride A Salem couple. Miss Janice Judson and Mr. William J. Raw-, lins, United States navy, were married on June It in Williams burg, Virginia. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs, Lee Nicholas and" her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Rawlins, all of Salem. The afternoon ceremony was read at 2 o'clock by Rev. Lewis H. Hairrmale at the Methodist parsonage. The bride wore a navy blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Callaghan attend ed the couple. She wore a navy blue sheer dress. After a wedding trip to Vir ginia Beach the couple returned to Norfolk, Virginia, where they will reside. The couple attended Salem schools. The new Mrs. Rawlins was secretary to the state prop erty comptroller before leaving .for the south. Mr. Rawlins is a fireman first class with the am phibious forces and is stationed on the Atlantic coast Shower Honors Miss Ulm Mrs. Herbert Miller was hos tess for a bridal shower Friday night at her country home in honor of Miss Margaret Ulm, bride-elect of Mr. Carl Gross. The wedding of the couple will take place Tuesday night at St ' John's Lutheran church at 8 . o'clock. Miss Ulm is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ulm of Lahoma, Oklahoma, and her fi ance is the son of Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Gross. Miss Ulm is a guest at the Gross home until the wed wing. A blue, white and pink color scheme was carried out in the - appointments .and flowers. Re freshments were served follow- i ing an informal evening. Honoring Miss Ulm were Miss Judith Jensen. Mrs. Fred Ulm, Mrs. Henry Gross, Mrs. C. Schu lenberg, Miss Helen and Miss Isabel Mielke, Mrs. Leroy Met tendorf, Mrs. Alfred Laue, Mrs. William Hinjc, Mrs. Maxine ! Schultz, Mrs. George Schaefer, Miss. Carol Schaefer. Mrs. Al- i f red Hoffman, Mrs. Marion Zim merman and Mrs.. Herbert Mil- Presbyterian church circle No. 1 7 will meet with Mrs. Gertrude ' Wells, 334 Wyatt Court Thurs- ! day for a 1:15 dessert luncheon. . Miss Mary McGowan is the leader. Service Women What they can do What they're doing about -it z PRATUM Mrs. Bernard Gu thrie stationed in Kokomo, Ind., is home for a month visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earle L. Pooler. Mrs. Guthrie is a captain of the American Red Cross, on duty at Bunker Hill naval air sta , tion transportation department convoy service fee Ninth naval district - : ( . 4 V . v , , g ' " ' '. -r .' : ; . ' -( ?. . . .:. t XV- JH it . ' . ;. : ' '. ':' .. ' -'J : f . , , ;i . ' : " .' '; ..... i . ' . " H l-u. tr - : ' ; ; - ; r-"H. ; .. ' n i ::t 'y-y . ! ' , I :' .l -". -. - 1 1 ' : ' JUNE BRIDAL COUPLES Mr. arid Mrs. Albin Olson (Gertrude Perlich), left who were i marriad at the Bethel "Baptist church on June 18. The bdde is the daughter of Mr. and! Mrs. Robert Perlich end her husband Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olson o Dallas.! They are living in St Helens. (Kennell-Ellis). At the right are Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Ora John Davis (Patricia McGinnis), -whose wedding was an event of June 2S at the First Christian church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Kdthryn McGinnis. Sergeant Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arley Davis of Salem, West Virginia (Bishop's).: f jboti't Jlaok but . . while fabulous modern Inven tions are commonplace to little children, a .merry-go-iound never ceases to fascinate. Watch the faces of youngsters mounted on prancing gold and white chargers, and you'll see pictured there, life's greatest thrill. Story of the week. . . A friend who had graduated in first aid, found it helpful when her daughter-in-law came to her in great pain. . "Something in her eye couldn't get doctor first aid book should help." Imme diately my friends thought of the rule, "in case of shock, always keep patient warm." Down went the girl ontoi the couch, around her were tucked blankets. The day was hot, the patient was amused in spite of her pain. Salty tears which came from laugh ing turned out ta be a dandy eye wash and the patient recovered completely. First aid is a great institution. Sequel. . . Later the friend was visited by an official and notified that failure to fill out some fancy blank had subjected her to a fine of $1100. Completely unnerved, my friend's knees' trembled and her teeth chat CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Annual picnic for Weslejran Service guild members and fam ilies of Jason Lee church at OHnger park. 4:30 p.m. Rotana club regular meeting with Mrs. Jessie Rains, 1580 Jef ferson street. p.m. VFW auxiliary meet at Vet erans hall. S p.m. i TUESBAY Past Presidents of Women's i Relief Corps i meet with Mrs. Florence Shipp. 674 North Sum mer street, covered dish lunch eon . at noon. WEDNESDAY .Women's Missionary -society of First Presbyterian church, gar den tea at home of Mrs. L. O. Clement. 35 North 17th street. X p.m. THURSDAY ' Presbyterian church circle No. 7 with Mrs. Gertrude Wells. 334 Wyatt Court. 1:15 dessert lunch eon. FRIDAY North Salem WCTU institute with Mrs. W. W. Chadwick. 1390 North Winter street, beginning 10:43 a m. Miss Janet Kirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, has left for - Breitenbush to spend the summer months. CANTEEN CALENDAR SUNDAY, JULY . 9 to 11 Credit Women's Breakfast club. 11 to 1 Bnai Brith. 1 to 4 Ladies North Howell grange. 4 to T Eagles auxiliary. 7 to lLZonta club. MONDAY, JULY IS Daughters ot . American Revolution. TUESDAY, JULY 11 i University of Oregon Mothers. WEDNESDAY. JULY 12 Daughters of Union Veterans. THURSDAY, JULY 1J Catholic Daughters of America. , FRIDAY, JULY 14 B'nai Brith auxiliary, . ring. '75 ' lWtiIIS.OrTOMITrtTS Tfcs Jlfata, , tered. "This shock." Whether she threw herself; on the! floor right there and covered !herselj up! in' a blanket is not . entirely clear, but suffice it is to say, that she was given some days, of grace to fill out the blanks and lived1 to tell the tale ! !,, i 1 4 Gentlemen prefer bonds. U . We won der how many of the $5 bills j that paid the office of internal revenue io autq. stamp fines, came from the week's war boijd .fund. "I Makes it right . . One of the girls in pur office, who paid a fine felt pretty bad abput it ; until she received a beautiful gift with the following note . . . "It has com to jmy notice that you have been fined $5J I wjish to assure you that it was alii in error and that I wouldn't have this happen to! you of all people, so am sending yoii this ittle of fering to atone . . . -signed. Franklin: Delano , Roosevelt". ! I " . ' ( I Jiggers, the revenooers. . . as fpr us, a few of us mountain women dre taking our shootin' amsand are gittin' to theihilld to shoot it out -S IB ' it Mrs. Harry Sypniews-i . ki, the former Clara June; Ireland, daughter of Mr.,' and Mrs. T.fJ. Ireland, who was married in; Marysville, C a 1 i f ., on! June 15. Tech. Sgt Syp-i newski is how overseas! and his wife? is living in; ' Brooks. : ' j ! "i IT ' . :. ".. '.. ! -J 5'-vrj ; i .'- t i - ! Mrs. David W, PugE has re turned from Los Angeles where she spent two months with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Woods (Virginia Pugh).:, Corner State & and Liberty 1 ! 1 - t OnrGOZI STATECMAII. Cclata. 1-4 she murmured. "is c&rtainly , lhats our way. t . I ; . . . Mctxtriip Buren The home lof Jti and Mrs, Clement will be the scene of a garden tea Wednesday after 4 noon at 2 O'clock j when the Women's Missionary Society of the - Presbyterian church i enter-l tains. . Mrs. Charles: A. Sprague a member of line general coun cil of the Presbyterian church. will give a, talk about the meet-i in es she has attended. Mrs. S. Hi Boardman will lead the! deVo4 tions. Special: music will be giv4 . . j At. i! I v. i. .. ! en aunne me aiiernpun. i i 1 1 I Salem friends ef Mr. atad Mm Lome Dixon f (Charlotte ! Litch-f field) will beiinterested to learri that they are the parents of son, Bruce Neil, born July 8 u Toledo, Ohiol Thet little boy who weighed; eight pounds sev en ounces, has a two year old brother." . j : Annual plcpic of jhe Lesley an Service Guild ol Jason Lee church will be held! Monday night at 6:305 o'clock at Dlinger Park. All members! and their families are invited to attend. I .1 i ' - Miss Patricia Vandeneynde is spending the; weekend in Port land as the guest of Mr. and Mrs! Gordon Orr. 1 - V U r . v, j i mm helps older skin fclow; . with youikf ul clarity. It contaljis a glaiidulsr ybung-skp ingredient which skin 0m thirty often tacks, and which alia absorbs with benefit!: 211$ Orecoa, Sunday: Morning, July Date Is ISet Saturday, July 29 has been set as the date for the wedding of Miss Pearl Ostennan and Mr. Lewis IL Jory. The ceremony will be read in thi gardens of the bride's parents' home, Mr." and Mrs. T. B. Morgan. Rev. Weaver Hess i will -perform the evening ceremony at : 7;45 . o'clock. Mr. Albert' Siebert of Portland will play "the wedding music; . , "' -, .. The bride - to - be has asked Mrs. Ivan Ostennan to be her matron of honor, j Bridesmaids will be Miss Betty Toevs and Miss Amelia Dickman. . Sherril Friesen will be the flower. girL - ' Rev. Dudley Strain will stand with Mr. Jory as best man." Ush ers will be Jthe bride-elect's two brothers, Ivan and Clarence Os tennan. . A reception In ;the gardens will follow the ceremony. The . couple's engagement was afl nounced in June.- if f ' 1 ' ' The Catholle Daughters ef America will meet Wednesday for a no hostess picnic supper at the home of Mrs. A. L. Elvin, 320 Bellevue. July " - - KEEP QN : I BUYING WAR BONDS' 4- 9. 1344 i; v.. 'r, , Newlyweds are CpL and Mrs. Marvin Luke (Helen Lobdell) who were married at SL Joseph's Catholic church " on June 3a Mrand Mrs. James F. Lobdell are . the bride's x parents and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Luke of Ccdy, Wyoming. He is stationed at Camp Polk, Louisiana. (Jesten-MUler). i i 3 1 . ' - . ' - : J Our buyer has York where he stock Jof fur coats. loveliest creations we have ever been " "" able to offer at any time. It is with a al satisfaction that thru our eastern, connections we have the honor of being -the store in Salem to give the utmost in fur value . . the pinnacle in quality, : style and monetary saving. Wide Selection Beautiful Furs I ' '-I - ' ';'.:. 1' ' . ! RUSSIAN SQUIRREL -! NORTHERN MUSKRATS ! CARACUtS ' : GENUINE KID SKINS ; BLACK SKUNK - ' ' NATURAL OPOSSUM : : -; RED FOXES 'C - SILVER FOXES ; - ; . and rnury other beautiful fursl ' Buy Your Furs These Four Ways: ' is LAYAWAY V BUDGET f CHARGE "cAsh-,'--vv-::- Salem Women to Attend Session Officers and color teams of Hal Kibbard auxiUary, Spanish American War veterans will at tend the annual convention in; Eugene Sunday and will exem plify the ritualistic service for' the state. "Follies of "SS Is the title of ' . vi tt ha nrntpd bv the ' d wui w m wr r ,, stunt team from Salem. Included in the teams from Salem are .Pearl Kinzer, Bess Goodrich, Abby Parker, Doro-j thy Wilson, Gertrude Wilson, Georgia Doris, Lulu. Burke," Jessie Bush-Mickelson, Willow Evans, Elizabeth Green, Bessie Baker, una mnnpnreys, wh ence Buckles, Laura Bugher, Pauline Wood, Marie Nelson and Mrs. Elsie McClung. Jessie Bush Mickelson Is team captain and stunt coach. Miss Bertha Sreat ef Pasa dena is a visitor at the home of Mrs. George Waters. Permanent Pash Wave & LceBtpiete J Open 'Thurs. Eve. by Appointment Fhene SSS) XSS first National Bask C12g. Csstit Pern. Water returned from New purchased a superb - These are by far the - of . f i y I i 1