The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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J Society-T Club3 ' Music , ) I V
Tr. and Mrs. Henry Gordon Carl (Maxin e Elizabeth'
. . j "Enger) who were married in the garden of the bride
groom's parents home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Carl, on
July 1. Mhe bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth En
ger. . The couple will live in Eugene where Mr. Carl is
with the United States army engineers. Qesten-Miller).
' j5 f -7 ' ' ' - -'77 -
Miss lean Newmanj daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy B. New
man, whoso betrothal to Mr. Henry
Fricke, nephew of Mr - and Mrs.
John E Nolcoi of Alliance, Nebraska,
was anriauficed at a dinner party
July 3. The couple met at Willam
ette university while he was taking
the navy.V-12 program.! The bride
elect is d member of Pi Beta Phi sor
ority. Mr. Fricke is stationed at the
University hi Wisconsin. (Kennell-
nns). ,, i !
From Here to There, tod Back . ..
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace are expected home Wednesday from d month's trip to
New York, 'Washington, DQ and! Chicago. h , ,
"Mrs. Clarence S. Emmons plumed Thursday from New York City where! she went for
the graduation of her husband, Lt Qg) Emmons, v from advanced officer's school at Fort Schuy
ler. ' She was accompanied both .ways by Mrs. Warren McMinimee of Tillamook, whose
husband also graduated from Fort Schuyler. The men are now stationed at Norfolk, Virginia.
The two couples also visited in Washington, DC. Mrs. Emmons and her fourf sons, David,
Terry. Michael and Patrick, are now at Neskowin. 1
Angeles for a visit with her daughters,
Mrs.. Willard H, Wirtz left. this week for Los
Mrs. Arthur Nemess and Miss Alice Ann Wirtz.
-'if-". - :?,-; ",;"" - ' -' . ."X" X M : 7 '7 - I -
Mrs., William H. Hamond and daughter, Constance,, are leaving Thursday for San
Francisco and the Presidio,' where Colonel Hammond' is stationed. They; have been the
5ruests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover. Friday night Mrs. Hammohdlwas honored
ot a party in Portland by Mrs. Virgil Dun kin, formerly of Salem. 1 ' j ,
- Dr. and Mrs. G Herbert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Eifstrom are leaving Monday for a week's vacation at Diamond Lake. ; I
' - - "' ; a s - !
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Healy and sons, Joe and Frank, have taken a cottage at Neskowin
for a month.
Mrs. Edith Foote of Princeton; New Jersey has arrived to spend the summer at the home
of her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and ; Mrs. L O. Clement Mrs. Foote who has often vis
ited in the capital is a well known braillle writer. f I
': - : . ; i I
Miss Elizabeth Beers of Vancouver, Wash., is spending the summex at the home of her.
liter Mrs. Howard H,! Barlow. : v I , j,
i Mrs. Grace Grimes of Phoenix, Arizona arrived Thursday to spend several weeks
the home of her brother-in-law arid sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pickett. '' 'I .
Mrs. George W. Huey and daughter, Miss Frances Huey, have arrived from Poston, Arh
lzonai to spend a month at the home of Mrs. Huey's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mri.
Milo E. Taylor. The visitors are teachers at the Japanese relocation center' at Poston. -
Lt. . Jenks, London Girl Married
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Jenks received a letter on Friday telling of the
marriage of their son. Lieutenant Howard L. Jenks, and Miss . Teddie Ash
ton of London, England. The wedding took place on June 24 at the Meth
odist church in London at 2 o'clock. Lt Jenks was the first American to
be married in this church. Relatives and friends of the bride, and officers
from Lt Jenks' air base witnessed the ceremony.
j The bride wore a white lace wedding dress and a floor length tulle
veil which was arranged in a crown of beads and orange blossoms. She
carried a bouquet of red roses. , w J x T
h - Her bridesmaids wore lemon green dresses and matdiing hats with
short veils. They carried Victorian "posies" in pastel shades. ' .- ';
A wedding reception for the newlyweds was held at the Governor
House hoteL The bride's cake was topped with a miniature bomber. After
the couple cut the first piece of cake, toasts were given in. their honor includ-.
Ing one by Lt Jenks" commanding officer. Colonel Wilson R. Wood. Mrs.
Ashton made the tiered wedding cake, which took nine hours to ice.
: One layer of the bride's cake was saved and has already been sent to
Salem sa the bridegroom's .parents and relatives may share in the wedding
celebration. The top layer was saved for Lt Jenks' birthday oh July 5.
i Lt and Mrs. Jenks spent their honeymoon at Frimley .Inn, an old fash
ioned English inn in the country. -The couple .will make their home at a
village close to his base. - .--.-.
Lt Jenks met his bride a year ago, shortly after he arrived in England.
He is a graduate of Salem schools and the University of Oregon. His fra
ternity is Kappa Sigma. He enlisted in' the cdr corps two years ago and
received his wings at RoswelL New, Mexico. He is a bomber pilot
7 In her letter me bride .wrote that her wedding day was the first day in
many weeks that there had been no bombing.1 She and her husband will
reside in the village to be away from' the London bombings. -
Hudkins Move to Medfofd . . .
' Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs. C Ronald Hudkins have received word
tlaat they are coming this week from Burlingame. CaliL, to Medford to live. :
After having dinner with Lt'and Mrs. Edward Frantz (Ruth Chapman) Mon- -day'night
in San Francisco. Mr, and Mrs. Hudkins and children. Margo and . :
Charles jr., will drive to Sacramento.. They expect to arrived in Medford :,
Tuesday. - '-
Kir 'Hudir.3 'has been with the Cleveland Tractor company but now -ha'
c--'atsd with the American .Fruit Growers . Ina Mrs. Hudkins is
. r TJ,t,,. TTar KTicVv-mrl J tii"ftTi ni Mr .'and Mrs.'
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IWj is. James , Douglas Earle, the
A former Dorothy Butte, who was
married on June 21 at the Presbyter
ian church in Pasadena, Calif. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Rudolph Butte of Los Angeles, for
merly, of Salem, and her husband
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M.
Earle of Salem, who went south for
the wedding. . Mr. and Mrs. Earle
are nowat home. in Pasadena..
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f -jutting their wedding cake are Mr. and Mrs.
jRalph Yocom (Helen Sharp), married at the
First Congregational church in Forest Grove on June
25. The bride is the daughter cf Mr, and Mrs. Paul
Sharp of Gaston and Mr. Yoconis parents are Mr.
andiMrs. Ray A. Yocom of Salem. The newlyweds
will preside in Portland. : - :
"Nebraska, jmdrried
former Eva Belle Spelts of Loup Qty,
Tune 20 at Evanston. Ulincis. Mr.
Olds, Willamette university graduate and fartoer minister to
youth at the First Methodist church here, is the; son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Olds oi Sherwood. They will live at Oak Park,
: ui. itugene i nay; tvansion pnoio;. ;
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lluHins cf Salem.-" Mj. end Mrs. Hudkins went to California two
l-'icturecj here are four generations of Paul-A. Hale's family. His triplets, .Palik Doris and
i) ' .. ruuiwia, ilia U1UIU1 VUS VtWUS vowu: ii uuttn i,iiiuiuv - i
Paul A. Hde. Mr. Shutt, 90 years pld, came from; Cleveland "Ohio, alone to Visit the trip
s lets. Mr. rnd Mrs. Curtis Hale fiavd movki to .Salem ; and wijl live at : the Senator hotel. -
I- (Statesman 'photoX'-"- : --" 7 - - " -: "
1 Mrs. Paul Hale has invited guests to' a tea on Moriday afternoon at her ';hjome-to-.cony(;--.
J pliment. her. husband's merla'grcmdamer.'V ; ;
Fifty guests have been invited to call between 2 and 5 o clock. Mrs. Paul Hale will re- -
ceive tofotooily.wlfh'llCurtp.JIcde m.Mr.4SrwttVBouqueis'of ptel.rcrr--flowers will
be used about the rooms. f j v , 5 -. ih-.v'lv-Jril -''.r ' . "
Presiding at the urns rill b i1- CeOrge R Swift Mrs. Lawrence Lister cmdMrs, Narris
' Qement 4 Assisting will be Mrs, Merrill Falkenhagen, Mrs. Carl Jardanl Mrs. Orval Lama,
Doris and! Patricia Hale, j I : I , j 5
j Thursday Mrs. Paul Hale fall give a luncheon in honor ;of Mrs. Curtis Hale and Mrs.
. H. Ixrwrence. lister. The unchon will be followed by as affernoon of contract bridge.
- . Covers will be placed for He honor '. guests. Mrs.- Walter Kirk, Kirs. Charles A.' Spsrague.
: Mrs. David H. CamerorulMrs. iGeorge Rossman, Mrs. Karl Kiigel, Mrs. David. Wright" Mrs.
f George HJ Swift, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. yalter Spauiding. ' Ks. Frederick - Hill Thompson,
Mrs. G W. Pcffker. Mrs. Mted T& 7 "
Luncheons, Dinners This Week. . .
. I - ; ; . - ,,
- Midsummer entertaining takes the fofm of luncheon and dinner parties and a dance is
v included for the week. Out of town guests will be present and several events have been ar
ranged for visitors. t . t" ; ;J . . -X' '. X r,' J
The Gamma Phi Beta alumnae will be hostesses for d supper party at the Fairmount Hill
home of -Mrs. Paul Hendricks Monday night at 6:30 o'clock. The supperwjll be' served in the
patio. j -;-. ; ' '
Arrahging the party are Miss Margaret Simms, Mrs.: Donald Templeton and Mrs. Lester
Carter. - - - ' j - -
.; ' .' .i.''- . ." , .' '.i . j '. : -X-
Tillicum Club Dance -i ; .v
Tillicum club members Willi gather fr' their last dance this season Tuesday night at
Veteran's halL A Dutch lunch will be served beginning iat 8 o'clock. Dancing will be ot
. 9:30 with Guy Albin's orchestra playingj ,
X - 1. Mrs. N. D. Clement heads, the committee in charge ot the lunch and assisting are Mrs.
!" Paul Hale, Mrs.! Carl Jordan, Mrs. Williqm Paulus, Mrs-jR. O. Woodrow,' Mrs. Henry Sim
mons and Mrs. John Crane. I- . If - - , -f
Mr. Harris Lietz is president of the club, for next year I and Mr. Richard Meyer Isf secre?!
taryTtreasurer. -:,. X ' - '. .i- ---;-; ; " ' ; '
"A Luncheon and Dinner j J v j
Mrs.: Miller B. Hoyden and Mrs. Abner K. Kline will be hostesses for two parties on
Thursday at the former's suburban homej Guests have been r invited to luncheon at 1:1$
o'clock with bridge. following. In the evening the hostesses; will entertain, at dinner and
; bridge at 7 o'clock. Bouquets of shasta daisies and petunias, carrying out a white and pur
pie color scheme, will decorate the, individual tables and guest rooms, y j X J
Bidden to the afternoon party are Mrs E. M. McKee, Mrs. Charles Jennings,. Mrs. Wayne
, Henry, Mrs. Frank Crawf ord. Mrs. Lana Beech let, Mrs. C. L. Purvine. 'Mrs. Fred Peterson, Mrs,
Harry Crawford, Mrs. Homer Goulet sr., Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter, Mrs. George L. Abuckle;
Mrs. James H. Nicholson, sr.j Mrs. QiftonjMudd, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mtsl Lloyd Riches,
Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Percy-Kelly, Mrs! J. N. Chambers,. Mrs. Marie Flint McCalL .. Mrs.
Van Wieder, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, jr Mrs. Howard Pickett, Mrs. jGrace Grimes of Phoe
nix, Arizina, Mrs. Karl W. Heinlein, Mrs. Hugh A. Earle, Mrs. Lester Wilcox, Mrs. William U
Phillips, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs.? A. D. Wood mansee and from Portland' Mrs. Fred Castr,
Mrs. Mary Dunnigan and Mrs. Alfreda Hedges. '" ; -'!' X: X-'.'-X.. - : 1 -At
the dinner party covers will be placed for Mrs. E E Bergman. Mrs. Carl Anthony,
Mrs. Clio Cashatt Mrs. Wendell Patch. Mrs. Walter Kestly. Mrs. Lou Mogan Mrs. Vl Shaf
fer, Mrs. Harold Wolfe, Mrs. Samuel B. Gillette. Miss Martha Crapenter, Miss Grace Bab
cock, Miss Lucretia Hoover, Mrs C. W. Parker. Mrs. Ralph Mitchell, Mrs. R. D.' Paris, Mrs.
Blanche Allen and the hostesses. I : - " " . "
Lunching ! at the Marion . . '
" Statesman Society Editor ' " j ,
A foursome, over frqm the ration board for luncheon ; Mrs. Karl
. . Becke, wearing a gaily colored print jersey dress i Mrs. F, W. Poorman .
in black. , . Mrs. Hi GjMaisori In a" cool looking cotton dress of lavender
. and white stripe and tinyf whita cotton eyelet hat V X' Mrs. Loring Schmidt
' in a brown tailleur with White accessories .' Mrs! Malson tells us that .
her daughter, Molly Jeari, will soon receive iier-pilots license and beforey
entering the ferry command she plans to, come to Sa!em for a visit : ' t .
At one of the larger tables was a group of ex-Willamette alumni includ
ing Dr. and Mrs. Waldo teller. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Sherwood, Mrs. Ralph
Barnes and Fred Radspinher. quartermaster 1c US navy The Zellers
- recently returned from a; trip to Los AngeleS and L6ng Beach ,1. they.
'' visited several former SalerriTesidents among them were Rev. and
Mrs. W, Irvin: Williams,Mr. and Mrs. Marion Moore' and. two children,
and Mrs. E E Gilbert I7 . j . Hie Zellers took Mrs. Gilbert's apartment while
In Long Beach". The Sherwoods have been in.. the Hawaiiaa Islands
for the past eight years,'4r he had a Methodist taission T ,1',' They are
entoute to Los Angeles f. . At a booth were Suzanne Barnes, home from
a fartnighf's stay at Neskowin, and Patricia' Zeller : X . Fred Radspinner,
on leave from active duty, is. having a grand time visiting his old Salem,
friends, "made during s college days.' T x r
Lunching with Mr. arid Mri Roy H. Simmons and daughter Betty, were
Mr. 'and Mrs. George Fore of Seattle, farmer Salem "residents, who are vis-
' iting friends- for a ;few days. . '
r - .There was only standing "room when- Mrs. John L Waters and her at-
tractive daughter, Mariorie, (Mrs. Robert Hamilton) came In for lunch,
f- - . , . . " ' -( . .
- Spinsters Make'. Plans . . '. '
" Spinsters ore busy making plans for a benefit bridge party for Friday
night at th Valley jMotoi show room; Proceeo vnil be used to purchasa
bonds for tfie proposed new wings of Salem Geherai and Deaconess hos
pitals. Bridge will'be in 8 o'clock and gttest3 are to bring table ac- '
cessories. The interested public Is invited to attend the benefit and reserva-'
Moris may be made by calling any 'Spinster. - ' w w . - w " '
New Spinster members are arranging the party yriki Miss Jean McPher-
son. chairman, and Miss Betty Childs, Miss Miriam' Becke and Miss Mary
' Elizabeth Sisson assisting. " ' ' ' ' . . T" , ";
Committees include Miss Robert Jean Yocom; -liss Janice Nelson and
Miss' Mariorie' Hill, tickets; Miss Stella and Miss Connie-McKay and Miss
Patricia Vandeneynde, serving table;' Miss Phyllis Fishef. MI33 Fiorenca
. and Miss Doris Duffy and Miss Barbara Compton, reservations; l!is3 Jean
BurrelL Miss Dorothy Variieneynde. Miss Botty. Simmons, Miss-Emma. Lou-.
" East tables and chairs; Miss Edith Moxley and Miss Mary McKay, prizes;
Miss Carolyn Brady and Miss Phyllis Adams, place; cmd Miss Sybil Spears,
. publicity. : - r :