The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1944, Page 16, Image 16

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The OrJXiON ETATECMAtT. Eelem, Ore-on. Sunday Morning. July 9. 1SU
Sobh3 vS(E( IMcbiiq
Where They AreWhat They Are Doing
r C-'' .'f
' f 'r -r i
Meet Tech. Set. Byron W. Basel
ton, son of Mrs, Lacy K. Hasel-
- too, 1690 Berry street, who has
been awarded the Silver Star
for "cooly and ably" leadiar
platoon dorim recent landings
In New Gninea after his lieu
tenant had been killed In ac
tion. Hazelton attended Sacred
Heart academy and prior ' to
entering- he service was a paper
maker. .
' ' 3 .
STATION, England The : pro
motion of Ernest J. Sinf from
the trade of staff sergeant to
technical sergeant has been an
nounced at this Eighth -AAF
bomber base,' commanded by
CoL EUiott Vandevanter, jr.,
Washington, DC. Sgt Sing, 25,
Is a radio operator and fanner
.on one f the Flying Fortresses
which has been attacking pre
tnvislon targets and since D
day has been pa vine the way for
the ground forces with attacks
behind the enemy lines. j
The recently-promoted' flier
Is the son of Mrs. Dora J. Sing,
144 North Commercial street,
Salem, Ore. Prior to his; entry
Into the AAF In November 1941,
8gt, Sing worked as an apprent
ice machinist for the A. B.
MeLanehlan Machine works in
CAMPS BEALE,-Calif Jaljr S
Appointment of Master, Sgt
Howard W. Berge, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Berge of Taylor FaUs,
to the rank; of warrant officer,
junior grade, was - announced at
96th infantry division headquar
ters today. - , ,
His wife is the former Beth De
Lapp, daughter - of Mr. and Mrt.
M. J. De Lapp of Salem, Ore.,
whom he married May 3, 1944. i
Entering the army at Ft Snel
linc Minn- March 11, 1941 WCvJG
Berge Joined the 96th division up-
on its activation in August, 1942. :
He holds the important post, of
chief clerk of the chief of staff
Motion, "executive; office - of the
S&th division whicl is headed 6y
Maj. Gen. James L. Bradley, n
An' outstanding i athlete . at St
Olaf college, i WOJG Berge has
taken an . active part in army
sports and was a member of the
championship division basketDau
team last season. ; : ' 1
Two pieces of good news from
service branches - of the family
came this past week to Mr. and
Mrs. G. Diehm, 180 Silverton road.
-of their son, Flight Officer E. Mer
rHt Diehm, who came home on a
i-auy coQvaiesceni . leave ; irom
Alliance, Nebr where he is com
pleting his training as a trails
port pilot He received his silver
wings, in Douglas, Ariz.
Second was word of the prorno
tion of their son-in-law, C. E.
Rash to lieutenant junior grade.
A pilot in the USNR, he is on
patrol duty on the eastern sea
board after 18 months of similar
duty in South America.
Spending a brief furlough with
relatives in Salem Saturday was
Sgt Dale Arehart, former dental
lab specialist and who has bejen
stationed with the army's Camp
Callan, Calif.
lie Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Anderson pfT Silverton, is at
home on a furlough. He received
hia silver wings June 27 when he
was graduated from Marfa air
field, an advanced two-engine pi
lot school of the AAF training
command. . .!
Tto Ulzic:! in
Get the utmost in service and
quality for your money by hav
ing all prescriptions, filled at
Schaefer s. Quality ingredients,
expertly compounded by ex?
r erienced, registered pharma
c ist, assure you of 5 prescrip
tions expertly filled; exactly as
your doctor wishes. Yet this, dependable service is
priced to suit your pocket ; ;
-in i '-
Up from his naval station la
Santa Rosa, Calif., is Second Class
Petty Officer Rudy Gentzkow.
Budy is one of three Gentzkow
brothers in the armed forces and
has been aboard one of the large
carriers. He saw action in four
major engagements in the south
Pacific. Bernie Gentzkow has
served in New Guinea with the
army while Robert is an army
lieutenant : "i; ' " -r
A coincidental -meeting of two
Salem, servicemen occurred in Co
lumbus, Ohio, recently when Ar,
prentice Seaman Coutney Jones,
undergoing naval air corps train
ing at Wesley an university, walked
down the streets of Columbus and
without recognition saluted En
sign .Ancil Payne who is now
training at Ohio State. Jones is
a former Salem high student and
athlete ' and was affiliated with
the Harrison-Elliot Hi-Y chapter;
Payne is the former YMCA boys'
work' secretary and has seen a
year's sea duty.
KEIZER Paul Pierce has re
turned to Camp Parks in Cali
fornia after , a week's visit with
his wife and two daughters, Miss
Betty Pierce and Mrs. A. J. Evans,
jr. Pierce is a chief petty officer
in the navy Seabees. He saw act
ive duty on Adak island in the
Aleutians for 14 months and re
turned from there in February.
Lt -Raymond E. David, 20, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. David,
. ronte two. Box 82-A, Silverton,
' was a member of the graduating
class at Ellington field, Tex
. June 27. He was training in op-
. e ration of two-engined planes.
David la a former University j of
Oregon student. '""
Waddle, who has been in training
for the army engineers at Camp
Abbot Ore rhisI recently been
sent to Atlanta, Ga., to attend auto
mechanics school. .While in train
ing at Abbot he received the med
al for expert rifleman. ,
MONMOUTH Pf c. - Robert L.
Gulvin has written his family that
he worked with other signal corps
construction men in grounding
several thousand miles of tele
phone wire in areas adjacent to
England prior to the Continental
invasion. "; 1.", -Kij-, j .'.
Their construction supplement
ed basic structural installations of
telephone serv ice in England. Such
auxiliary service is of major im
portance, i
Mrs. Ira Fitts has received word
from her son. Aviation Cadet M.
Franklin Fredricks, that he has
finished his primary training with
the army air forces. , He is nqw.
taicuig twin engine training at
Shaw field, SC. He writes that
there .are a group of French air
cadets in his group.', "
verton men wounded in recent
battles have been' reaching Sil
verton during the past few days.
Included are: Cloid Wigle, for
mer; Silverton high school boy,
who sustained a flesh wound In
Si ' 1 and
Hcrvt no . fear lKt
glasses 'will detract
from your appearance.
ore streamlined to con
form with the contour
of your facial features
often tend to en
hance your looks. Now
is Yours with the maxi
mum in both Style and
AVI WorU Fsaisj
Dr. Semler'i Optical
Department is in charge of
en. frd PAcmcn
Registered Optometrist
Associate Registered
Ootometruts: ..
n. k. a. turn?
' B. Tack
Dr. T. S. Ctuusbcrt
Pr.'W. L.
ftr. BaHM B. Brir
1 lHV MH '-.M
. Taka a cImmom trkk yon
ye ... avail tommU of
an FREE Scientific . Optical
Exeadaotioa . . . Glosses
- via mi afciiasd alts
' m. - -V i-l. . .: ...
swat RctBiMi tWs Dr. Sm!,r' iaerol
y mtmmt RifW .... pvt bianc hi
UnmU YfeeUr or Monthly amounts.
- i
1 .. I
v nnnn. ni v ?' !
. i II I I 1 1 L 'Z J
n y I Juvui iuu LUL
a .
S -t A t".J -
j tr4f 83$ it t, J h f .
the recent Invasion and. expects
to be hospitalized for .a month.
Wigle, who is a paratrooper, wrote
home cheerfully , of the "rough"
ride to France aijid the; stiff gun
fire which tnet fhe invaders. Hia
parents, the Oscar Wigles, former
ly Uved in jthe j?rush Creek; dis
trict, and are now on m farm ion
a Salem route. v-h.-'
-Tech. Sgli Eddie C Goschle was
seriously wounded on Biak island
off the north coast of New Guinea,
a telegram' informed hia parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. GOschie,1 Fri
day. Sgt Goshie senfed in z the
south Pacific since April, X
" Sgt. Ralph Palmer, Son of sirs.
Wesley Palmer, was slightly
wounded while fighting ' oh the
island of Biak. . ! , r
Sgt Lynn SllUer, who was re
ported wounded n action in New
Guinea last; week? is getting along
nicely,- his another Mrs, Thomas
j.-MUier, learned this week.
Staff Sgt -Wavard ! Wills j was
also reported wounded' in the Pa
cific earlier this week.
MONMOUTH Donald McLean,
storekeeper 2c, member of the
class of 31,- OCE, expects tb go
into active 'service "Scon:..He has
been in the navy two years. His
mother, Mrs! Carmen ; Ericson, is
a student at OCE Ihis term.
v 1 : ft.
s . ia"atasss . t
TURNER . First St Donald B.
Chapman, US marine corps, Is vis
iting his parents, Mr. ad Mrs. G.
W Chapman. (Accompanying him
are his wife and uttle daughter
who reside "at Long Beach, Calif,
Sgt Chapman saw active servids
at Guadalcanal, and wilL return
to active duty after his furlough.
Kenneth W. ChapmanT ! car
penters mate, USN, another son,
is visiting his parents. He has been
on active duty in north: Africa,
Sicily and Italy, was wounded in
action . and received the Purple
QO Aslis 7age Increase
In Slateraent to 7LB
- PORTLAND, July 8-P)-An-other
CIO demand for "wage in
creases in the northwest lumber
industry was being . certified to
the war labor , board (WLB) to
day. . . :
The . CIO International Wood
workers -of America asked oper
ators at a meeting Jiere -fbr a
minimum of $1,15 an h o u r. on
1944 wages. The previous demand
for an even lower scale $ 1 .02 &
an hoiar based on 1 9 4 3 Mrages,
was rejected by the WLB, last
month. : , """.!. -v ,
Heart He will return to the east
coast and to active duty from there.
His wife is with him as far as
Rhode Island.
Slate Listed
Clinics to be held by the Mar
ion county ' department of health
this week will include: -
Monday 1:30 to 3 o'clock, milk
and food handlers' clinic at de
partment office,;
Tuesday 2 to 3:30, infant cli
nic at Eugene Field school, SU
verton, appointments to be made
with Mrs. Ernest Starr, Silverton.
2:30, mother's class at YWCA, Sa
lem, subject "nutrition. .
" ' Wednesday 10 to 11, school cli
nic at'health department. ' ; -:.
Thursday- 10 ;to 11, infant -clif
nic at health department
Saturday 9 to 11:30, '.vaccina
tion and immunization at health
Business Lacking at
Silverton Hospital
SILVERTON "U n u s u a 1 1 1
tjuief as far as babies and acci-.
dents are concerned was the re-' y
port from the Silverton hospital
Friday "afternoonr No babies were :
born since July 2, when Mrs. El-f
mer Morley and Mrs. J. E. Rice
gave birth to sons.
Only one accident' that of 'Le- 5
ona Fittsimmons, who was treat
ed on the Fourth for a fractured
leg, was reported during tne
' y"'V"' "'"i7ir. -. -
weea '; -
On County Committee '.
Chambers of Monmouth has been
named Polk county, congressional,
committeewoman. She was form- ;
erly active in PTA work here, and
recently ser'ed as local USO di- -rector.
0JP.A. "Odd Xol" Release 'Women's Shoos - July IClh lo 25lh
7caea's . i :
Large selection of shoes for afternoon dress wear in
the popular Penney quality. Also dress oxfords with
comfortable sized, heeL . Assorted sizes in black'
and browiT. "Dressy pumps, ties, gabardines and '
smooth leathers. Come in and see our grand selection.
7" Horis hoas
7" Leather! toni. Lone wearinsr eomnosition
sole. Light height work shoe ig ft
maae r speaai i o r women. sv w
Ideal for
seasonal! trork.
, Lj" 0 - ! ,
7cneafs i
The popular bow trimmed pumps, specta
tor pumps, in browns. and
black. All leathers and gab
ardines.AU non-ration, j
Downstairs Store
m - . 1
I ! L-- - t I " iTT
v -H
. is m fc. msw m m m jv m
Finish : : tr-A- . wl'S H
Service For Six .:
Dinner Seis
Popular gold trimmed Century pattern.
Complete service for six. in- m fC
eluding vegetable dish and l Ivl
platter. All dishes lovely ! dJ
For Use In Any Room
V7asle Baslrek
Convenient baskets you can use any
where in your rooms. Sturdy tif
fiber board attractively tjfffi
printed. Oval shape. UUU
Style Notes For Your Bathroom!
Hal And Cover Seis
Luxurious bath mat of heavily .tufted che
nille sewn on a sturdy, long- C r
wearing backing . . . and a seat' J 1 1 !
cover. to match. - ','' uoOO
Good Looking! Practical! h V
Laundry Ilanpers ' .
Made of strong woven fiber, smoothly fin
ished to prevent catching deli- n rsr
cate fabrics. Sturdy wooden Lit f
frame. Lovely colors. tioOw
Ilcdcrn T7all
! : !
r n gaL
.11- i
Onlyone coat.lof. this, amazing paint ' 1 P1? Gbss
discovery will cover brick, wallpaper,
paint and wall bOard."lt! dries in one
.. 1 . i : . ! I ... i r - ..... . j
. hour and is washable. Apply it even-
ly, smoothly, aiid without seams with
NUie clever flloIler-Eoater paint tool.
TrNt in your . home today.
Lovely opiate glass mir
rors. Oblona style. Smart
Strt fe-
...... .VW"-"7:
; 20-Piece -
LIWMiiwtl Sl
Cham For Any Rooa Save On Sturdy Glassware
Eziriri Fi:Izrc3
7p "-'im"
I, PiJi.? -w ; j r O etched edges. Reinforced 'Make breakfast the rayesti I
Luli w : meal of the day with the Flowers and scenes ralore In
I - . .f ii backing. Smart for any colorful Riviera set ting.: our newest collection of oil
I f-- V''--J J . roca, - four p:!:l ihades cf dishes. ;old-coIcr, classless frames.
-,.!. .. -i.. 4 !? - ) ' Downstairs Ctcre j -.-
Thin-blown tut ruz-ed, these
Classes are- sUr .U: ,
- nknr bth cne has sn .
iju j;cra ratlern. S'.i-ct
: e -: '.
r. :