tt CdCON STATCM:!',! c!:a. Onto. Skadar Heiiisj, July i mi rAcr nrrzrr n t t pi1 ana use AaUlsli sisVCiVJ. CUntned AdvertLJnsr Classified Adi CtdlVlOl Three lnsertitms per bm ? Six Insertions per y On mnatti per , H T!E Minimum chars 23c; 1 tt. min tmu 83c; tt. min. 43c. No refunds. ; " Cop? tar this page accepted un til 8 3 the ituibi before pubrtca tton tor. classification 'Copy - s eeed after this tun wtil be run trader the heading Too Late to. Classify-' Th Statesman Muma no finan' ctai rarponsibiLty fbr error which may- appear Id rtwtmmtmr pb lishcd In it coramne and la cases where this paper U at : fault . will reprint that pari of. aa advert! meat ta which the typographical mistake occurs, ;'). , The Statesman reserves the light to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to plac all advertising under ,. the proper classvftcatMaa. . A ? Blind" Aa aa ad containing a Statesman box number for an- ad drew - is for. the protection f the advertiser aad must therefor s be answered by letter. The Statesman to not at liberty te divulge. Infer mattoa aa. to the Identity of on advertiser usmg a BUnd" ad Additional Classified Ads On Page 14 For Sale Miscellaneous FRYERS. 3 lbs. Ph 22459 between t and PJ. Oppustte Uberty scheot WILL BTTY for I cash. - Sell or trade suns, ammunition at scopes. Doa ' Madison. 690 No. High. rULLEB Brushes. 1749- Grant P. 8357 seteasWasaSasow WRING EH Bolls for all mokes washers. E. A. Ellis, manager of Kelso .Bree. Furniture Store. SIS , Uberty St WE HAVK hoc wire fencing and light barbed wire - ta stock.- Montgoatery Ward ' Co. . ..- , j. .. ATMOKATS OZONE, -cell and rent B. C Pugh Ph S-S458 PO. Boat 663 Trade -Miscellancons ' TRADE: Good wtcker doQ buggy for netal coaster wagon. Phone 21S3L - 1718 N. Church. , . , ; -. . Wanted Furniture WANT to Buy: Cheap, wood heater and range. Phone 21985. . u WE BUY used furniture, bicycles, guns and electrical, equipment. We carry good need ranges and heater. We are now located in the old Eaoly Grocery Bldg.. 1900 Block on State St. i TO, 7996. . . . . ' BROOKS USED FURNITURE .-r WK MAKE it our .business to pay snore for good furmxture and appliances Bright & Eckley 453 Court St Phone n Miscellaneous BEAUTY STUDIO will be dosed from July a to July 10 for vacation. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES r- ' Bring or Man Your Plates tor Repst , Dtt HARPY SEMLER, DENTIST Adoiph Bids Suue k Coral-Ph 331 "WATCH Repairing. 10 to 15 days ser vice, all makes, free estimates, work manship guaranteed. Raymond G. War res. Certified Watchmaker. We grind any shape crystal. Registered in the State of Oregon Over the Smart Shop. Room 200 Gray Bids., 125 N. Uberty. oaiein. , STOVE Parts Repairing. Woodry Auction Market 1805 N Summer. Septic Tanks Cleaned State wide. Guaranteed work. Gene Plte. 4 Edgewater. Ph 8745 . r SUPERVISED playground for are school children. .24 hour service; bus line. Call S31S cor appointment 1 I Wanted Miscellaneous Wanted: Lawn mower in good cond. EMS Maple Ave. Ph. 3-3641. Sat. P Mi r Sun , . . A. WANTED to Buy: suitable - for child's S042 or 4410. Small building playhouse., Ph. WANTED: HiBh speed lorim Kar ry top price. Write Einar Olson, Rt Box .181. - Astoria, Ore. WANTED: A Man's aad a- guTs bi cycles. Pay cash. Ph. 8038. CLEAN whrto -State. Hogg Bros. 280 V? AWT TO Bur lenses McEwan Photo sjhso ,435 Staur CASH for used pian as other mu sical instruments Call - 441 -days or U7 evenings or send deacriptiea , to Jsqurto Music. Co, Ul S gigh, CASH PAID for uprtirht eptnet or grand pianos Phone S70T. USED rURNTTURR Ph StSS ADVERTISING . Western' Advertising Representatives ' v ' Ward-Crlfflth Company. In. San rraneisc ' Eastern Advertising - Representatives 1 . Ward -Griffith Company. In. Chicago. New York. Detroit. . ,. Boston. Atlanta Entered st the Postofflce at Salem Oreoon as Second Class Matter. Pnb tftaed epery- momina except Monday Business tflcm SIS . Soul Coetmer rial Street. v. SUBSCRIPTION. RATES Man Subaertptton Rates tn Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Ma so cents: mos. USO; 1 year. SS.OO. Elsewhere SO cents per mo. - or lor I year tn advance Per copy S cents Br City Carrier. 75 cents a month. S3 00 a year la advance la Marloa aad adjacent counties. , i tiil(- OJAy.. ANO YOU you tie th'At1 .THROW THE ENOTOTHS OTHER ENDi -f wa. . 'OUT OF THE WINDOW Money to Loan ; FREE , p Financial Advice fjxtaea years or financial experience la Salem -give us eonfldenee- that we caa -. help you - If you reallv need mooey. we will tot eon av t jono. iev endorser or involving af outer Loans maoe oa furruture. live stock, farm machinery. Company t locally owned and man aged. - ' ' GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION : 13 S. Conunercial St, Phone I1M .. . i , (S-138) SUWONEY REAL ESTATE LOANS ' ' PKtSONAL LOANS - - CAR LOANS we Duy Keai Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie S-218 M-223. til Guardian Bldg. . AUTO LOANS ; ' use your car as security. Protnnt private . service. $18.08 per mo. repays tieo in, 11 months. Come in or phone. Personal Finance Co. Room m. Second FTr, New Blish Bids US State St. PhOkie: Salem StSl Ue. S-m M-165.' N. Anderson. Mgr WTUfd-Miscellarieons We Buv Fnrnitnre TRADE WITH A FTRM OP SO YEARS reputattoi or business trcrxo RXTY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB USED Pianos Furniture and Appliances mu VMS xor appoinunenu - HOGG BROS. StO State St. Highest Prices Paid ' roa Used Furniture! Chiistensen & Bunnell Sftt EOgewater Phone PS9S West Salem WANTED - Child's pedal automobile. Phone 7975.- . : .a MED. or large size tricycle. Ph. S703. INVALID Toilet Chair. Ph. MM. WANTED: late model electric range. Ph. 1112. Best between I sjn. S pjm. For, Rent Rooms NICE sleep, rm. to mtddleaged Chris tian lady enrrp. days. 50S ti. lth St. -4- LARGE Sleeping room, main flo6r. m, eat. 1010- uak st. Ph. szso. , Clean sleeping room. 704 N. Cottage. SL. rm..Priv. home. Cd. Loc. 21449. PRL home. Ladles.. XSO Marion Room and . Board BUSINESS man.' single, would like room, oreakfast a inner, earace. noma convenience - end ' privileges nervate family, p. o. box 584. For Rent ApartxnenU . 1 RM. turn, court apts prl. bath, lasutdry. garage, fuel & water. Block from bus. Adults. S22.30. 1805 Lee St MODERN unfurn. 3 rm. aot. 2nd nr. un ous line. imp. epie. pref, sun' day 2 to 5 PJK. 1690 S. Church. WANTED: Employed lady to shsrc my nome. pn. 5Z14. ziso center. - TURN. Apt 155 S. -P.MV ... 19th. Call after LOVELY Apts. 21 S. 16th St For Rent Houses WILL two ladies who wanted this house call at 2400 North Myrtle St. as former deal is off S BDRM, mod. home. 2490 N. Myrtle St Call rri. Ac Sat bet. IS and 4, or inaepenaenwe. iB4 or ant st. HOUSE for couple. Ph. 4368. TURN. 2 bdmv hse. AvaO. July 7. 1". B1I. 1URN. S rm. house. 920 MilL ADULTS only 3 rm. unfurn. hse. 4 mi. out Water. lights. Ph ,.9650. t ITTRNISHED S.BJt house. Ph. 4723. For Rent Farms FOR RENT SS A. farm with SO A. in crop. Will sen stock eV equip. See MR. LARS EN with ;, ... , Hawkins & Rohexts, Inc. Ph. 4108 i "... - Realtors FARM to lease In Mission Bottom. 30 acres Boysenberrtes, 4 acres cher ries. 4 acres walnuts, 40 acres of cow land. Modern bldgs electricity, pres sure water system, telephone. Write Bert L. Jones. 1740 N. Beaton. Port land. 12, Ore. For Rent FLOOR SANDER for rest - Mont gomery Ward.' GOOD Used Piano, H L Stiff. TRUCKS for rent Yon drive Mo Cune St LoveU. phone 9600 ' Help Wanteti Female I nence can also Expe Who PERMANENT POSITION. . 1 I Call 43 5 N. Commercial St, Salem 11KOH.B0Y THIS IS REAL) Vi- f AOOWTOSEEWHOi '? 1 1 commando v U' Ui, y suoesoowN y i, . ; Money to Loan PRIVATE M0PIEY Arito And Track' Loans ! Contracts Refinanced aiooey for new and used ears r rrucka regardless ef age. No delay orrng- ear ana true ana get the money iou retain possession a vetucie. i -1 ' to 15 oaontha to re oar. After- S o'clock phone S381 or tllO ror,oppoinrmeat ' -tf .--j .: ROY H. SIMMONS U4LS ComX St Phooe -81M i fM-iill EMERGENCY loans for doctor, ihos pUsU taxes, auto repair, etc. An accoro modatiag. understanding, helpful ioan - . s --: - - t uroitai Loan LomDanv S-2S3 Under SUte ReguUtion M-323 Sl First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 444S I i Money to Loan ; ! WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans city ' or farm properties: loans made aa small as $300. See us about re financing your present contract or mortgage..: - i i Leo N. Childs, Inc.! 344- Stat St Phone; 9261 Auto Loans ; Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR CUfiROIAN BUILDING LICENSE i M tss ' Loans Wanted f : FARM "4 LOANS A. M Duncan S Ladd Bush Bldg. Wanted to Rent SIS REWARD for information lead ing to rental of 3 or 4 bdrm. bouse by July u. Prefer north of; State St fa. atu. ., ..,-- ; f. FOR August, modern ocean front beach "house to accomodate 4 adults and 3 chOdren. Th. SS2T. atrs. V. P. ferry, or writ sbo MCGiicBrist.; . TWO bdrm. fern. . or partly Yarn. Aouia. reran an ni. m. lew. MODERN furn. 2 bdrm. house or apt Close in. Adults. Good . refer ence. Ph.-6272. : u I -.- WANTED: Unfurn. 2 bedrm. . apt. ouptex- or noose, jtesponsiDi- party. ra. sooi. ; .---.i.. tv,..,jf S RM. unfurn. mod. house J by perm. uwu DUBiaess num.- Mm. iSJZ. , OR LEASE 2 or 3 bed room unfur nished house by July 7th, Ph. 849L For Sale Real Estate A FRIENDLY HOME FOR SERENE '..r ': : LIVING. . - j i ) ; TOW WILL LIKE EVER VTH1NQ ABOUT THIS COMFORTABLE SEVEN ROOM .HOME WITH PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE CITY AND MOUNTAINS. NOT A NEW HOME BUT BUILT TO LAST SEV ERAL LIFETIMES. LARGE SUNNY LIVING AND DINING ROOM. KIT' CHEN" -WITH NOOK. MASTER- BED ROOM AND DEN ON FIRST FLOOR. TWO NICS BED ROOMS UPSTAIRS AUTOMATIC OH, HEAT.;- LARGE KNOTTY PINE RECREATION ROOM IN BASEMENT. TWO CAR GARAGE. THE COOL BREEZE - WHISPERING THROUGH THREE LARGE MAPLE TREES WILL SING YOU TO SLEEP. BUILT PRE-WAR AND PRICED - AT LESS THAN REPLACEMENT. 810,500 TERMS ARRANGED. LOCATION BEN LOMAHU PARK. s i : SEVERIN REALTY COMPANY I . Senator Hotel Building f . ' ' Telephone 4016 or 2IX SEVEN room house, one acre around. i ml. city- limits South. 85500. Write box eu, saiem.- ure. . i i MOD. 3 B. Room home. Full base ment furnace, large lot good loca tion. Garage. 1455 Saginaw St . NICE 5 rm. home, unfin.f attic. K acre, H.W. floors, auto, oil heat Vene tian blinds, immediate possession. S4.3UU. SS,. Hn. GOUUWUij WtUt - Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors. - After 6, Phj 8715 S4200. 4 rm. modern hse. with un finished upstairs. Fireplace, H.W. firs.. oasra t, ou fur. elec. H.W. beater. V. blinds. Good lot with fruit. k block U BUS., j-. .- i . OLSON St REEVE . i 94S S. Comm'l. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9538 HALF BLK. from Canitol erouD Neat 4 B. cottage (fireplace, basement furnace), on back of lot 80x120: black walnut shade trees. Ideal for court apts.. or residence. Inaulre 479 N CapitoL - . i . SPECIAL i s On account of old aae must sell mv country home; almost 1 acre with fruit and , berries, nice yard; tc shade trees, .outside fireplace. Good s room house "St aTSxase. Deen well with elec tric water system. Only S miles from saiem. rnee saaoo. -- 1 HOSTEIN Or AJLr-H, INC, r 110',i N. Commercial St . Salem. Oregon s f ROOM " house. 3 rooms i uo. with private- onttance aad bath. S lots, on bus Una, paving all paid. S throe-room ana one s-roocn apts. in tack. Ga raxe for 7 car. Income S117D0.1 1st net Price of $6000.00. $3000 down. S. B. t. iwiicr. aiow i. am sb ro sieve $4000. N. 7 rm. pUst'd hse. Gmn. Paved St Nice large lot with trees as shrubs. Immediate possession. I OLSON St REEVE ' ( S4S S. Conun'L Ph. 4590. lEveJ 9536 $1000 buys house and lot 4 rms: and nook, now vacant Inq, 65 Fairhaven Ave 1 ml. E. Fsirgrounds, N. Silver ton Hiway, after S PJd. i HIGH class . modern home In i het location In city. Partly furnished. Box 36, Statesman, I . u Help Wanted Female eeper do some typing d Bobkk For Sale-rReat j Estate HERE IS YOUR CSPOffrUNrTYr To bur e laree and well built .home- Located si 1271 Chemekete St Immed iate possession. Large' living St dining rm. Kltrhen a two bedrxns.; upstairs, 4 bedrms: also bath ac toilet Double plumbing, basement, furnace, laundry trays.- large lot 78x163 fti Paved alley. Plenty- of ; fruit Beat location in city, does to state capitol and office build lne. See--LOUIS BECHTEL or MRS. NEEDHAmT-. 341 : State. Boom , . racea to;, sen (juicKl j. I a At BEAUTIFUL . HOME ; 'In I Enelewood . disrietJ i 1st hunt. rtrictly jnadern. vshio 1500,. to trade for smaller home near i St Joseph's church., What have, you?,., ; ... - 10. rm. home, 5 bdrmaw auto, heat, dbL plumbing, landscaped yard. dpL garage, worm tne price ef $10,500 Ci W; BARTLETT R. if I REALTORS w. SENT 122 New Bigh Bldg. Phone T171 GOOD -SS room! house 1 and S tots. oasemerrt ana furnace, garage, S4000.0O. Lots $400 each., i f i i House in! good shape and vacant at present, szsoo.oo. - i V WILLIAM E. MOSES - j 33Hs State St . $5800. S I Rms. .Base, turn. DbbL plumb. N. IE. Terms. . $3150-5 Rms. Base. Fireplace. N. E. $4000. New S Rms. Hdw. firs. $2000 uova, i ! ! . I i - - $19,500. ' Beautiful, modern a Rnia. S BJlms. DbbL plumb. DbbL' gar. j nuuuutwAau uiaic, tu o. uoerry SR. HOUSE, fun basement at ASS Division, with or without furniture. Call Sunday At Monday j at house or com to SOS N. 19th St ' N -rr . M ' FOR- SALE: i " ' BEAUTIFUL 8 rm. horn on naved St ) Shrubbery; nice hrwn. newly painted this year. Phono S42L ;. ..I.i,. ...., .i ..4.-.ii, $5250: 1 A. North. Nice 1 bdrm. house only 5 yrs.) old. Ltvinx reetn. dinette. wired for range, double garage, utility romj See Mrs. Huff. T 1 - . 1BURT P1CHA, REALTORS 1418 S.- 12th StTTv : Ph. 3218 DANDY modern Rl home. Ire. L it Irg. DJt BuUt-in kitchen St i BJt down and on lrg.i bed room up. Good basement it furnace.- Hardwood 'floors Si fireplace. Good j lot i Priced right at 80500.00,1 - . j 1 .If.-.- Good 8 H. house. Basement St furn ace. Largs, corner lot Priced; at $5290. See' 5 ' t !!.!' - l JAS. 'D. SEARS. REALTOR 97 Canter! Ph. 9442 . i r'orri HOME: FivS r. Tilastsrert- .home, nak firs in tw rosna, tlsinhsasr - kueawnt wdust hot air furnace garage, nte creexi tocaxion only i s r Oiks. . north. Price $6850 cash, il . GRABENHORST BROSJ REALTORS Ph. 4131 14 B. Liberty SC j IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Just outside dtyj a 3- bed room home on m A4 withj fruit & i fine view. This house! is onlv 3 v is only 3 yrs. old and worth i the twice. $55001 h i . . . - D. A.SFISH 4T! Court Ph. 8524 $4750. E. :1S -rm. inearrr m Iimm pU fur, bwd. Ursi.; elect H.W. hater, Wy. trays. Large lot! ' - OLSON At REEVE 843 SJCosnml Ph. 4590, Eve. 8538 85800. Eaxlewood IMst. Xnelish tvmm S bedrm. home. j baamtt-. fur- id v. rays, 3 wirea xor range. I I OLSON & 94S S4 ComtnX Ph. 4500. Eve. 9536 V-.'t I ONE ACRE: Attractive home. 3 rooms and hafh room for aaotaer 2nd floor. Oak Boors ut noon, sreptaos. inlaid ttnoseuin. utility) roent. lets of cupboards: reck wool snsuaMfon. several fruit end nut trees: beauttrul ahrubs. Good kx-athn paved..) roae close to staves and bos. run uu ssr. voornees with UW N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 -Stater St: - pn. t2Sl - IMMEDIATE j POSSESSION Good 1 rj home let 11H7 s. Hlvh fit- nice yard. cor. kt one bed r. doer and $ up, jftareplaee. basement, furn ace, doublel garage, enlyj 18 blks. out Price $6600.; ."--. : II, GRABENHORST BROSll REALTORS W4 ss. Uberty St . ' j Ph. 4131 36S S FAUL5T. i 2 B R. Basement rurnace. iGar. Immed. Foss. $3500.00 icnnt arrangea. i .11- LARSEN HOME . & LOAN CO. 164 SO. Commercial St i Ph. 4842 ' -l- 1 v. - ; SPECIAL I I Owner im'ovine from Salem offers his Nik Salem home for! kale. 4 rooms and bath on 1st floor: 9 rooms and bath on 2nd floor.! If s well built and attractive! Priced at $6750. Ask Mrs. LEO N.i CHTLDSi INC. REALTORS 844 State! St - i ? Ph. 8281 asiaaselvjaaBS. f i I 8500 DOWN:! $35 per mo. will buv thla f r. home only 8 blks. out near bus and store rnce1 srzsoi A' good value. GRABENHORST BROSL j REALTORS 134 IS. Liberty St Ph. 4131 FOR SALE By Owner: ! Property lo- cua iiwi n- commercial, faauv. upen xor . uispecuon. , ; j ; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' S rm. modern house. Close in.' Fair pne) can ; Owner 6832; , PRACTICALLY NEW AND VACANT s-roora i heme, oak floors: fUsulaes: Venetian blinds; xril floor furnaee; plastered f garage- attached. Lot 55x180. Price only j $3850. Call Mr. Voochees witn- i t i i it LEO IT. CHTLDS : TNC REALTORS 344-, State;-St v--.. i, i ph. $261 BY OWNER, leavinar state: Attrae. five i S bdrm. modern home. Excep tionally neat and clean. Wired for range. Basement i Furnace. Laundry trays. Garart attached, with fine ce ment floor iaad drive. Beautiful lavanj r lowers, anruos. trees, smut ana nuts. -orcora grape t arbor, i Picket oaca enctoseo.' rsvea I street. - very close to bust high and Jr.! high schools. Afternoon or evening, 948 Garnet Pb, i 1 i 5 MY Eoultr In house land lot 1269 N. 19th. i $1000. 1 BaL Dsvable at 125 per no. vnaries wigie, iw unemexeta rn. lwn. ,-1. ... j , . -.j j $4500. Good' 1 bdrm. bouse. Lrrtoa? rm. Dinette. Fireplace. Hdwd. floors. Autom. rax furnace. Large lot See airs, tivn witn ti--- hi- j BUST PICHA. REALTORS 1410 S. UtK i ' i.i Ph. S218 T A. home. Croo. cows Included. 9 mt E. of Hasp, en Center. Jtt S. Bx 596 -1 i !$4750 HOMES Good S' ri home with i cement base ment furnaee. fireplace, carare. good location on j Washington St MUST BE SOLO RIGHT NOW. I s REALTORS 134 S. Uberty St ;. Ph. 4131 - Venetian ! blinds. Full basement : air conditioned - sawdust furnace. $725040. sw. s. uiurco. .' 1 j -:-tn 3 RM. house. N. $15004 Ph, 412L- 18 VIEW Lots on Kincwood Helrhts. uiy waier.: Tice w ncn. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR ' 147 C. ComX Jul - Ph. 4728 For Sale Real Estate- BARGATNV WORKING MAN'S HOME OLDER, NEAT. CLEAN HOME. NICE DISTRICT. NEAR - CATHOLIC CHURCH. 5 Rs. BASEMENT. GOOD WOOD FURNACE. EXTRA ROOM FRUIT ROOM IN BASEMENT. . GA RAGE St GARDEN LOT. TOO LARGE LUuu,X laut ALONE. ONLY $4250 SOME TERMS. S R, HOUSE EAST ON 22ND ST GOOD BASEMENT. FURNACE. Atrm SAWDUST-BURNER -At HOT WATER HEATER, i GARDEN, FAMILY OR- WlAu. UAKAViE AND CHICKEN H. THIS IS .GOOD FOR $5500, MOSTLY CASH. . -- f . . - . r - ,.- i NORTH ON SUMMER ST. MODERN S ROOMS. LIVINO R. FIREPLACE. PLENTY NICE BUILT INS. B. R. DOWN, 1 UP, DEN UP. EXTRA GOOD DOUBLE GARAGE & . EXTRA LOT fUH BUlLUINU OH VARDEN.. AUTO. OIL HEAT St ELEC. WATER HEAT EH. OWNER . LEAVING TOWN., 8 R. HOUSE SOUTH. EXTRA . NICE KITCHEN WIRED FOR EL. RANGE FINE BUILT INS. DOUBLE GARAGE AND GOOD SURROUNDINGS. ELEC TRIC HOT WATER HEATER AND AUTU. OIL HEATER GOES WITH DELUXE HOME EAST, HAS EVERY THING YOU COULD WISH FOR PRICED AT $10,500 AND WORTH IT. snuviw BX ArrvlNTNEnT ONLY. SEVERIN REALTY CO. ? SENATOR HOTEL RIJV1 ' - a 112 N. HIGH' . PHONE 4016 i aajl jxms ass. BOIOS S ROOM house, dose to. with base ment : furnace and carare. Electrie water .heater .and wood range goes mw un vum xor fuvu. Immediate Possession . of a 6 mnm house with garage near Leslie school for $3350. i- l T room plastered house with steep ing porch; large lot not far from grade and high school in Bsleerood district This is sn older type house but. a good buy for $3200 with $1000 dowtr. - - - ROSTEDf St ADOLPH. INC. : i U0k N. Commercial St. -'. Salem, Oregon "i"- ' FOX. SALE: 8 r. bunffalow stria home, nartlv furniahed. cor. lot. paved St Price $4200. All on one fir. Income 543 ner mo. East Salem. . GRABENHORST : BROS,' REALTORS m a. woeriy at. i , j, Ph. 4131 ,: Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE for nrooertr. laaa rani flat bed truck. Also 194 Batch sedan. Both cars in est sell tat condition. Val ued 13000. Jack Henningsen. STATE FINANCE CO i SIS Guardian Bldg Ph. 4121 For Sale Farms 60 ACRES neertr all In puhHw , so acres in young xUberte some 4 years old. S acres cherries, .about 10 acres or prunes, old dryer; fair house with elec.; lights, pressure water system, als 'tenant house, located 12 miles from' Salem. Price $11,000.00. Liberal terms. SO acres near Falls City. Good house and barn, running water, about IS acres tn cultiv, baL pasture St tim ber. A good buy at $4500.00. Terms. dose tor 10 A. N. E. Salem, an in cane j fruit Brought -$3500, cash crop Ust year Wul do better this year. Good; home. Elee. : lights, water sys tem, at only $6750, Terms. Possession around Aug. 15. . ... I i - GEO. F. VICK . 1 SOB No. High St 40 ACRES, nice location. IS utiles oast A south of Salem. 40 acres in cultivation, balance pasture. Good Bldg. $ room house, modern plumbing. SSjOOO. Phone 32601855 No. 30th St 80 A. FARM on Luckiemute R, Polk Co. SO A. cult S rm. house. I bsnw. Etech iulty . water, fruit crop, ma chinery. Near school. Price for quirk sale SSOOtV Term. Ph. 3-2263. Rt 2. Box 28. ' - Business Cards In this directory rn m i Boonthly basis only. , Sstes JJL25 per Use per snontb, f ' Accounting Small Business St Farm Accounting a Specialty. Cain's Accountant Ser- vice, iwi vuui k ro. wn Airplane Models KITS ' and SUPPLIES. Cherry Model Aircraft, Slat St Market aty Alterations ALTERATIONS, sewing fur work. loo h. Limuiei ctat. Boom so. .. Art Tile BATH Ream, drain 'board, fireplace or. store rxonuL rn. win. - Auto Brakes RERRALL-OWENS CO. 238 & Com? Mike Pane. 3 S. ComT. ph 8161 Brake aad wheel altgnln specialist Auto and Truck Service HERRALL-OWENS CO, Z3S S Can't Cicycles BICYCLES for rent 143 So. Church. BICYCLES New saw reeondlfloaed Harry . W Soott 147 S tSonVct P 4S.4 Dodj & Binder Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO, 23S S. Coml Chimney Sweep Northness Chimney Sweep Ph 4498 .Cosmetics AVON PRODUCTS. Pb,4 SMOJ. : Fertilizer - is. .-. Sadu ysTd. load, looas 888 N. Coral Florists Breithaupfs 4Y Court Phone 8195 r Funeral Directors Tensttlteer Funeral Ph Hosiery Real SSft Howerr MlHs Ph 8781 ' Mrs Uoseley P O Box 733 Lawnmower . Sharpening GUARANTEED: WORK On special fectoiy - ennders bv Harr W. Scott "The Cycle Man" 141 & Commercial 64 Gifts THE Af RON Shop ' 879 N High. N Mnsic-i Lessons SPANISH & Hawlian Cui tar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc.o-1503 Court Ph. 7569. n!?tir-v '..' lrt- Pair tin f and decorating only Ph 895S Painting & paperhsnglngi PIL c rcortiBg. . Pb, 7: S Acreage h : ' ONS-HALW smw . -,Ct2l0Jikert ct Salem, near paved ra. $270. $25 down. $10 per mo, GRABENHORST BROS, i REALTORS -9. sjoerty at. ,: yq. . 4U1 ..... -j 7 ;' . ."-' ' " " J ' ' 1 '-"-V ;- ACREAGES " -On tor the very tns. modern. 34 A. at ;4 Corners." fenced. E. pump, etc. Fruit Two big chicken houses. This .; is a splendid buy. It Is new, neat; and clean. J See L. L TRORNrnM altk L . J, F. Ulrich Caita Pearce Bldg. : 18 i A, Very good T- R. house, elee. water system, bath, fireniacc utintv room, double garage; 2 chickea hsns i. aoout suo neanng filberts, few prunes andvartety of fruit, fine loc, U miles. C. J. JACKSON. 341 State' St, Salem 8 ROOM house, full basement, wired for range, nice corner, some fruit Located on Fairgrounda Rd. Price $5500 ALFRED DUMBECK. REAL ESTATE .Boom 3 Ladd St Bush Bldg. . fh ! - LAND BARGAIN:. : Five r acres of good soil, all plow land except a few bearing cherries, bo bldgs. ; SI miles north. Price 165S GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 13 8. Liberty, st rpn. tl31 . 1 ! NEAR' FAIRGROUNDS M acre with nice 4 room house St garage,. $4000. v ... : ALFRED DUMBECK Room $ Ladd Jk Bush Bldg, I A, Close In. Prae. new 1 turf room house, elee. water system, double ga rage, pang. S6000. i : " C J, JACKSON. 341 State. St. Salem lli ACRE tract Fruits A aihuh Near Liberty. Running water. Poor iwKiirurs, rnce fjzuo. W, G. KRUEGER. REALTOR ' 147 N.i Commercial - , -1. Ph. 4728 IS ; M l mmJt - - quipped, all tn crop, S Rm. bouse, furniatted. Else water system, small 3-plow . tractor and 'equip. S5000. Bea Orcr . i-.w - NEWCOMERS, we have . lust the place. Price includes stock, equipment S turaituasv -mt good awU. Yean around creek. Good 7 rm. modern hse, basmx, fur. ftreoL 2 cows. 12 oge, t boras. 250 hens. Garden and fruit. 11 mt from Salem. Full, price fiwh uai wui nanais. 1 I OLSON St .REEFS - 841 S. CommX Ph. 4500, Eve; 8S38 3S ! A. cult crOBv. tend, main'' Silver. um tux. saise. box 44. statesman. A REAL hem aaur income worth the money. 3t A. tract teas than 3 miles out on highway 96. with two nearly new modern houses, the small one rents for $35.00. Nearly two acres in bearing gooseberries, ell kinds other fruit, snodem chiaken house and brood er -for i 500 hena, best of soil, grounds moeir , lanoacapea. race pi $3500.08 down, income from plac will pay i oaiance. sne snow you this oesiraoai nome. r. u. ueuao, ZSO M, Church 'St i S AfPT trap mm KkI 4 room house. Garage. Distant owner. mi G. KKUZZSER. REALTOR - 147 Nj Commercial t. Ph. -4728 KETZER DIST. 1 A. all in aarden aV fruit New modern hse. Hwd. firs. thraeait V. blinds. wired for run. ou or, neat. new. smau Darn, cnicfcen hse. Price $6000. Immediate praiciilon - !! OLSON -St- JtEEVX - 945 S. ComraX ; Phv-4590. Eve. 8538 1 ACRE North. 3 bdrm. hooee. Ga rage, uucxeav nse. 111m utility hse. Autom, water, sruits. Berries shrubs. Priced to sell st $5000, BURT PICHA. REALTORS .1418 S, 12th- , ' . Ph. 3210 Directory Painting & Paperhanging IXPEKT Workmanship. Phone 4325 Plnmbing NO iob too big; no job too smsQ. John Fisher. Ph. -3019. A. L. SKEW IS at CO.: Plumbing. Heating. 548 NL High. Ph. 6223. John! Fisher, specialist Ph. 3018. BOW EN BROS, Plumbing and Beat ing. 353 N. Com! Ph. 7213.. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets programs books or any kind of print mgr call The- Statesman Printing De partment SIS 8 Commercial Tate phone j S10L Radio Repairing Any make Home or Aula Also Elect. Appliances- and Ranges. Pickup and Del. H. Wiggins. Ph. TUX . .. Refrigeration - HOUSEHOLD and commercial to and .repairing, Ph, 7353. . Rlattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Sand and Gravel SAND. graveL crushed rock; ready mixed concrete. Walling Sand and GraveL- Ph. 8561. . - , . -5. Septic Tanks Cleaned GET my price before, ha vine work done. Ph. 4450. Permanent resident af W, Salem, Kenneth Haroel. 1143 6th St PERM EES Kenneth HaaseL IMS Eighth SU West aatemHPb.-449S Spray Painting Spray painting contractor. Pit Ots. Transfer I- ! O-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT 197 S Uberty Ph . 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfe storage, burner oil. briquets trucks ta. Portland dailv Arent Agent Pierce Ante Freight tncludme Calif ponta Transfer Co Ph 9UL Used Furniture . -1 !- OuFRAOrS USED fninlture. ph 8782 Upholstery Cleaning r RUGS aad ' uphoL cleaned. Ph . Vaeuum":Ofianer Serrlee CtRTTFirD GUAR -Sere. AO snake Vsnce s Electric.1 157 S Lib Tel i2 PREK unmechon in vour bom. Aw mortzed Hoover service We-aetskie ah makes , cleaners Hogg- Bros . Ph B14S Watch & dock Repairins Decker.' Taylors camp. State Street Window Gc2s!r Oty window cleanera P J1458 Floors wails, woodwork. Work guaranteed ALL- work guarantee. V. : - :-wt ws-.i, woodwork etene4 1 Ijom i rv t 11 r.;!, Suburban $4230, Terms. Modern. Suburban, 8 Rms. . - . - $10,500; New . 8 Rms. DbbL plumb. Hd-w. firs, upetrs. Carpeted Da. stars. s x nn cuo. $78003 A. North. - Rm. modern ham. WiHiimM. lul "m i?t uwny. MTU iia. - rOR lovely home sites in Salem's Deausuui scenic reaidence district on Kinywood Drive and Cascade .Drive, in Kingwood Heights and Cascade Terraces; easy terms; ' see owner. Ph. Resort Property " YACHATSf COMING SECTION of Oreeori Toat- Beautiful restricted heme -and, bust- Bess sites. 550 A.. 200 A. cleared: finest soil and water; all have ocean view. Lots and acre tracts from Sioo lot to $200 acre and up. .Cash or . terms. L. M. VUUai'SNSEN. - Coast Land Co. SSI Edgewater. W. Salem. . . Ph. 9693 Wanteds-Real Estate WANT: 90 to 200 A. farm. Good Im provements. Up to $18,000 cash. Wil lamette Real Estete. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. TU9. '-. . WILL Pmchaat itack mnS MmlmwMit of grocery store or service station or combination of same. Statesman. Box 48 Z HAVE a buyer for a good S St boose. Must have large 11 ring room, basement at 2 bed rooms. See st once. - JAS. D. SEARS REALTOR SOT Center St - - Ph. 9442 "WILL pay eashv for tart rm. house close in North, modern. .. pTnshed, Box 47. Statesman. , , r .'- ii . WANTED ' ' ,, Listings a good City Properties, Prompt Efficient Service. ' C W. BARTLETT R. W. BENT - REALTORS ; 122 New Bligh Bldg. Phone tin Want 2 or 9 bed rm, has. Ph. 7113. . .' - SALES SERVICE ? t, WE HAVE INQUHUXS FOR CITY aV SUBURBAN HOMES. APARTMENT HOUSES. MERCANTILE BLDGS, BUNGALOW COURTS. IF YOU WISH TO SELL, CALL SEVERIN REALTY CO. YOU WILL RECEIVE PROMPT. COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE. SEVERIN REALTY CO. Senator Hotel Bldg. . Ph. 4016 . Severin Listed ta Severta Sold. NOTICE: D7 year property is for sate, read or exchang. list tt with us we nave e I xtnos casb buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. For Sale Timber Land - . ( TIMBER TRACTS: ; 320 acres located east in Cascade Mountain area, meetly yellow fir, old iszs cruise snows over ten million feet Price for IMMEDIATE SALE $15,000 cash. GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph, 4131 Business Opportunities RESTAURANT St CONFECTIONERY Really worth investigating, books Open, doing fine business, good equip ment clean S rm. apt. rent both store St apt $45. Price "stock St equipment 3350. , ! . ANOTHER ' Thriving luach St confectionery, fine downtown location, excellent business, snowing 1 spienaia proiiu soauu. C Wt BARTLETT R. W. BENT - REALTORS i 132 NNew Bligh Bldg. 1 Phone 7171 1 1 si pi r 1- - i - rn i-a,ir r r 1 riijsasiriiB-L i. f INCOME Sx HOME: - Apartment . house with 4 three r. furnished apartments, laree " cor. lot S blks. north. S garages. $91.50 per mo. income ana owners apartment Price $9000 cash. GRABENHORST. BROS, REALTORS e a v si . rA. - s- ak s-rm - Miorvj & triu aU GOOD : home with Income noasiniM. ties. Phone 842L . t ' FOR Quick sale because of poor health: 8 furn. court, apts. and service station, income SZIO per mo. Contact owner at 1674 Court St or Ph. 6156 Wanted Used Cars Did Gas Rationing STOP you from driving? ... then LOOK us up tomorrow LISTEN to the best cash offer -you 11 ever get for your I automobile. ; HERRALL-OWENS CO. 238 S. Conunercial St ' Ph. 3188 Bonus Prices FOR CLEAN CARS THIS EXTRA IS B ADDITION TO OUR REGUSAR HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CARS. SEE US AND GET YOUR PRICE. ..-..-.r - --:: n!cVSH USED CAR LdT 240 CENTER ". ; - PHONE 3734 WILL PAY HIGHEST ' POSSIBLE - CASH PRICE FOR A LIMITED, AMOUNT Of Good Clean ' Cars Hatfield's Used Cars I 251 N. liberty WE PA? TOPS! Get every dim rour ear la worth . Cash on the Barrel-Head SHR0CK SALEM'S eldest ndependeet seed cat .. . . dealer.. NX Corner Church Si Cham' Ph TB2S - WANTED; To trad 4 panel delivery on larger truck Willamette Grocery, Lost and Found FOUND: Single key on string. CsH at statesman, oincs to laenuxy , ana pay for advw--..-.- T.-' STRAYED: Brindle . fsced Jersey. Call H. C Stanley, Kt S. Fb. STZS. LOST: Bpnch of keys on light fix ture chain, 1 house key. about 14 oth ers.. If found please call 4457. Reward. LOST:: Lady's brown purse. Ration books, gas coupons, papers.valuabte to owner only. BewarO. HU-1- - ' LOST: 50 year Rebekah JeweJ. Re ward.-Ph. $517. - ' . LOST: Sailor's navy pea coat Left in '41 Terraplane. R.-D. Kir by. Ph. s;:3. 1346 Hoyt , LGIT Lanel Watch Set With rhine- ftones, la vicinity of State St Liberty Sts. Liberal reward. Box 43. Statesman Trcnspcrtsiion WAIVTTO: Rider' to Crfoo Ship-' ytri, Swing shift 1U3 N. Curcu . For Sale Used Cars Back the Attaclr . ,1MU;(S' DeSOTO SPT. CPX.-tfiO0 miles, as- dip. Heater. Spotless. w" CHEV. Special DX. Sedan-J4dio. Heater .This is the cleanest, car you wifl sed for a kmg feme, .1 r 1940s ? hF . na TV -i,-.,aai DODGE SEDANRAH CHEV. DXt Sedan-Heater. JSr 1938s.' 1 t 'r. 3. " tr V FORD Di. Coupe, RAH. "-Motor com nletelv rebwlt. -1 ..'. S CHEV, OX r Tudor".. Sedans.-J t . p. 'lilw'T?:: V '. 4 .17J 9 . - OLDS Sedan, -.. :.v- FORD Tudor Sedan - ' u FORD Ford or Sedan o ' Others 1936 TERRAPLANE Sedan IS34 STUDS. Coupe 1935 DODGE Sedan Motor corn - pletery rebuilt ' $393 1935 PONTIAC Tudor tai 193S CHEV. Coupe -' fUT Farmers. Attention !i 193S CHEV. SWB TRUCK Dual tfiss. stake: rack, ready to go, X1J009 miles. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 238 5. Commercial Ph. 3188 0TT0J. COMPANY 1841 PONTIAC SEDAN 1941 PACKARD SEDAN ' 1941 CBXT. TOWN SEDAN 1941 PLYMOUTH DOOR SEDAN 1840, buicx jexnres - ;..-. 1841 PLYMOUTH CONV. 'COUPI 193T PONTIAC DOOR SEDAN 1937 BUICK DOOR SEDAN 1937 FORD 2 DOOR SEDAN , it-. 1840 OLDS 4 DOOR SEDAN 193S CHEV. COUPE 1937 GRAHAM SEDAN We pay top prices for all makes of -used cars. 383 N, Commerclsl St Ph. S431 YOU WILL ALWAYS FIN A BETTER CAR i AND .li MAKE A BETTER;? i ni?AT -2- A AT L0DER BROS 448 Center St ' - Phoo -8139 '"Our 18th Tear la Salem. Oregon "OJdsmobile Sales aad Service" r . -Home of Good Used Cars" ii 41 DODGE 2-DR. SED. Luxury Liner Model Beautiful original maroon color, very low mileage, S good pre-war tires, has radio, heater, .fluid drive. This car is extra nice in every way ONLY $1545.00-; SALEM AUTO CQ. CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH : North ComX at Center' TOURING CAR u i Good tires. Original' paint lust over hauled. Has had excellent cere. Ph. 9101 days. 7450 eves and Sundays. , 39 FORD dump truck, 2 speed year end. 95 - motor. 1 good . .piechanically. ' 100 Fairview Ave.) -, i j 1938 HUD.-Terraplane. 2 dr-l seat covers, heater, good rubber, new: ceil ing price $630.00.-765 So. Cora L St 1933 DODGE 1 ton panel truck. 2330 So. Church, Salem. : : I HAVE a very rood old model Bulck. Good rubber. Will give' a lot of transportation. Reason - for selling. have two cars. Jnq, Sat,. Sun. X290 n. vapttou. , t-. 1 ; 94 FORD Coupe. Good rubber. $300. 21SO S. Cottage. , . - 1 .. , 5 ' 3S BUICK Special business coupe. heater, radio, rood cond. Rt 2, Sox uw, auvertoa. rt. ox teiiisii 1 j. ; 1937 CMC' panel truck, perfect con dition, tires rood. Caa be seen at 548 N. High. : ' I ' . J 41 , FORD deluxe S Or. eceUnt cond. throughout, average mileage. 148 S. Church Street Parking Lot - . ; MODEL A Ford sedan. 2S; S good pre-war tire. Running every , day. IS Tees Ave, 1 block North D St Park. aPaasaaaaavbaSai 2-1842 CHEV. dump trucks with dual rear ends. S yd. bodies, lust over hauled, good rubber. . Will aelL for ceiling price.. .': v4-Vv. .:; j -v' a-iKis v-s piciups. - t , 1- S ton Federal flat bed truck. ACME AUTO St TRUCK WRECKER MIKE STEIN BOCH ' i . 3055 Portland Rd . A 1 1942 STUDS. 4 dr. sedan, Alr-cond, radio, 2100 rru, exc tires. Win take new low . ceiling price. Owner, .' 1964 State. Ph. S-1957. --fi :;,, , t Motorcycles GOOD motor scooter 8100 cash. Cabin 12, Riverside . Auto Court: ! 1 For Sale Wood ORDER Now: Dry prune and slab wood. Ph. 22922. - . . j: is m mba. wood fan. Det rn. setx eaes)aVssewae"aasasStesisO 18" O G. rn H R. CUsoa. Mehama. FRESH cut sawdust 8 ft green slab. Part dry snd grten mUlweod.'7721 orsssx ' Over 1 cd. mill wood $18.50. Phi 6663 FRESH cut sawdust p M for 2 units. Summer fUl-ep rates. Ph. OSBX- 1 -GREEN 'Old growth-' 16" ia. pronrpt delivery Phone' 6444. ; lb. Personal . HACK wanted ' cut from head, 12 inches up. Best prices. Fleischer Co, 11 West 27th, New York L - Wealthy gentleman wishes to rnarrr. Alliance Box 95, Toledo, Ohio. - Lodgca SALEM LODGE No. 4. AT. V AM. Wed, July 5th. 5- 1 .Communication, 8.-C3 P1X. . DUV WILSON r 4 -