Markets t i i ; M Far 1 f ,4 i; i f J ' i . , ; jl ? - MS i "4 ;i ' ' i I : - .1 'ft ' I " :m 1 '4 - M4: PAGE FOUBTEni "Strictly Private" P3A AAO:- SINCE- lEMNG THE M . t KINO UP ret, ixri SOtMFBBF I HAVE ; BE REDSSTRlBUTED 1:1 ENOUGH OP A TD Ci3 AEQUO. . Salem Market Quotations 1 he prices beow supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily mrkt nrlcM naid to orowers by Sa lem buyers but art not guaranteed by The Statesman; ; 'cauliflower. er.?e 2 25 and 8.5S Crook neck At Italian squash, lb. 4)3 Turnips, dox bunches ,. 1 .00 Cabbage, lb. JD2 Endive, doz. nun. .iw Radishes, dos bun. , i 0 Carrots, dos bun. -60 Celery, doz. bun. , I SO Pumpkin, lb. , , , j03 Parsnips, lb. JOS .BUTTER. ECGS AN POULTRY., Aadreiea's Baying Prices (lasject te change without aetlce) BUTTERFAT - . ": I ' ; i Premium , , t " No. 1 , No. I , JO ! BUTTE PRINTS A ; b ;; , Quarters .4i .43 V iEQQS Extra large Medium : Standards Pullets At, POULTRY Colored hens. No. 1 : Ma. X.- colored bake, all night LONG I WAS DBEaMIN' 'BOUT COLO 1 cm LITTLE ANNIE EOONET - - ' f GOSH .'HE -'v could, mMit - : v ' "1 plA 1HCX CC4iWY : J ..ij.--- - 1 1 1 ioH 'Yi.E253 ?oqW mae him lau6h,om g the other one's i i' 'fill ""T P SilSJ- ' 'V MICKEY MOUSE ' ' rr'M. : I fy 7,1 iMis.j. imi tj i ' - I 'r-L yrQ' 1 1 AtW r40T SOj fOXW THE UECK S (fUELL BUXi) ME VOUM! - FOR ME A f LEARMED TruOi THEVS M0J v - f ; V Wk -THE EART JUSg ' " THIMBLE THEATRE i - - ' sS-Sr ' I ' II M, Ml,-,,.,-,,,! II rr soon Athen wet; better BE PARK ) GET READY FQfZ ACTION ..mi the lc:;s rai;gizi PROTECT YOUR FROZEN FOODS WITH - ts y . By Quinn Hall HOSPflAL I STILL uui-ur JWPJCO.... REALLY GOT TO , t Colored try 26 Marion Creamery's Bavins Prices (subject U cnanct witbetn nouct) rOULTBT I :-: . No. 1 springs , J9 No. 1 hens ... , LIVESTOCK . Buvinc d rices for Na 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reponea: Dressed veal , . - - - Spring! lambs 14.00 to 1900 Yearhngs , 8.00, to 11.00 Stocks and Bonds July 1 ITOCK AVERAGES 30 15 IS 60 Indus Rails Util SUs Saturday i . T7.1 28 0 38.0 83.5 T7.1 , . 28 9 31. 55 S -70.9 ' 28.9 37.5 55 J -73.1 17.8 36.6 53 J .73.6 v M.l 35.6 52.3 ..77.5 .. 39 0 38.0 " 55.6 -69.1 32.9 35.1 49 J Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago 1M4 high 144 low New 1944 high BOND AVERAGES : a r 20 10 ; 10 10 Rail Indus util rogn BOND AVERAGES . Saturday . i- 89 6 104 8 107.0 67. 67 Previous day 69.6 104.9 106.9 wees: ago -b.s imj iuo.s Month ago I.90.3 105 J) 106.4 67J 66 61 Year ago . ;.vt.5 los s io.s 1944 . high 1944 low 67J laji BAGS AN BARRELS AfT BOXES OF 60LD PILED UP JUST LIKE COAL PR SAND. THEREfe JUST ONE CHANCE OF GETTING THROUGH THAT INDIAN CAMP 1 U 00.2 105.7 107.1 1 sa Iaub ia at liu 1 ins 'M II R "l ,1 I jill V II 11 ' ! 1 111 " n ill I t: w mil .,.aaBai mi rnaTsmTmiiinni mi i iiiiiiibiiihimihi m i i " ii Exes !7ia7-GLME:3? : tcslliSr Uqnid tight, bellows ?4Bjik Easily sealed with moderately hot Iron. Pints, (I 171 caarts, half gallons, fowl and turkey sizes, p The Grain Market Irregular CHICAGO. July 1 JP) Tyhcat futures fluctuated in an irregular market today At the openinf the undertone was easy but prices ral lied at mid-session, then sagged under. the pressure of profit taking and hedging sales near the close. Bye broke in early trading but there was no great pressure on the market and prices were strong in late trading. ; Oats ' were Up sharply at the close. . . ... i Wheat closed higher to ! Vl lower . than ; Friday's finish, July J $U7H-H. Oats were up H ttf 1 July 77. ! . . A . If , Rye. was fa to 1 'higher, July Sl.09-l.09Va.' Barley was up H to 1, July $03H. ' . 15. Announcement of new -' flour subsidies, S H f to 13 cents lower than last month, had some' effect on market sentiment. The 13 cent reduction in the soft' red win ter wheat subsidy was larger than anticipated. ' " ? Commission house and Drofes sional buying and all lot purchases for mills came" into the wheat' pit when prices declined and caused a rally. The market reacted quickly to the advance, however. : j 'July oats were bought by shorts and commission houses and were up sharply compared with other months..;'- Jj A fair demand for choice quality cash rye was reported and stren gthened an otherwise quiet mar ket. . " i fl Pennsvlvania Visitors! I Entertained in Uounty SILVERTON M aurlce War- nock, son of Mrs. J. C Warnock and brother of Mrs. J. C. Morley and Fred and; Kenneth Warnock, plans to spend July at Silverton. He will . be accompanied byjjiis wife, the former Isabel Cherry of Beverly Hills; . Calif- -and ' their year-old son,' Thomas. " '' ' 1 The Wa mocks make their home at Lancaster Pa4 -where he Is a treasurer of the Armstrong Cork company. He 'graduated from j the Suverton nign school in I92Z, .and from the school of business ; ad ministration, ; University' of , Ore gon, in ',1926, He ' was with f the -Armstrong ' company, rat Seattle and ' California prior to ' being transferred to' the home office' in Pennsylvania.; " . .. I GUESS ITS BECAUSE LEM LEARy SAYS THERESTVY0 BJG BARRELS OF CdLD HIDDEN AU7NG THE CANAL! style. Cellophane lined. xSrn m I brhjone of those pi r II v PRJSOKERSjTOrsTO 7 ! 7-M I ' r ; I r- QSG0:i STATESJIAl?. Solexa. at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.' July 1 -J API- Butters AA grade, prmia 4c; Cartons 4c; A grade prints 45l,sc cartons 46ic; B grade prints 45',ic; cartons 46c. Buttertat: Fisst quality, maximum of ,6 of per cent acidity, delivered in Portland M-52',ic: premium qual ity, maximum ! of ja oz I par cent acidity ft3-53',ic: valley l routes and country points: 3c less than irst or Eggs: To producers, case count 30- 31c; select henneries? 33c; mediums 37c dosen. i V i t t Ens f To retailers: A large ! 3S-39c: A medium 3336e dozen; A small (pul let) N-ue dozen. .,.i.r i-..:.- ;. -, Uvt poultry1: Buying price- from producers: Broilers up to XV lbs. 27c; fryers, 2i to 4 Iba. 28c; roasters, over 3'i lbs. 29c: Leghorns 23c lb.: colored hens, - all -weights 25c; - roosters nd stags zsc id. j: ; : Country meats: Rollback prices . to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, 120-140 lbs. lS-17c; vealers AA 22 lie: A 21Vc; B 19-19 ,iC5 C 15- l7J,ic: culls 12H5C. Beef AA 21 c. A 20ic; B lc; C 14c: eanner-cutter cows 13-14c: bulls, canner-cutters 14 I4c: lambs AA 26c: A; B 22 'ic: C 10 -20c; ewesjrs 13Uc; medium 12c; R 1SC. , - 4 ' ' f Cheese: Selling price to Portland ratai lers : Oregon triplets i 29.4c : dais ies 29.90 lb.; loaf 30 Jte lb.; triplets to wholesalers ' 27c; loaf 27 lie TOB, Rabbits:'-Government ceiling; Ave rage country killed to retailers 40-44 lb.; live price 4o producers 23-24c lb. Turkeys: selling price to retailers: Dressed hens No. 1. 39'i-43c lb. Turkeys. Alive: Government celling buying i prices::! Hens 42c; toms 36',ic lb- dressed basis. : (- - I - wax 1.75; Calilornla red ' 1.40; Walla Walla 2.23 pef 50-lb. bag; : Arizona whit 2.75 per!0-lb. bag. I Onions: Green vs-SOc doz,' punches. Potatoes: Old Jocal No. 1. 3.50 cen tal: do; 2s. 60S, Klamath No. 1 3.75: Deschutes No.' 1. 3.65 .cental. Potatoes: New California whit 3.90 cental; Texas red 3.90 90-ib. bag. Wools Government control. Hops: Nominal contract: 1044. 85c UP: 1949. 79C: 1940. 9SC: 147. 90C ID. Hay: Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 2 or jbetter $34-35; oat-vetch $26 ton valley points; timothy K eastern Oregon 1 S35-30 ton; clover S2 ton; Montana grass hay (No. l) snjo ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. 1 Ore., July I (AP) (WFA) sauibie and total catue 10, calves hone; market nominal; week's trade uneven: ikinds grading common and below 25-54) cents lower; clearance fairly complete; others mostly steady, with - fed steers sharply . higher on specialty market; extreme top 18 00, new all-time high: best grassers 130: grass heifers 12.50 down; eanner-cutter cows 4 .50-4.00; j common-medium beef cows large. 7Ji-9J0; onry good young cows to 11.00 ! and above; .common medium bulls! 7.00-8 JO: good ' beef hulls up . to 9.50-,. good -choice;- vealers 14.6O-15i0. ": V T - a- U !- . i Salable hogs1 60. total 250; market slow. -mostly steady: 'few. good-choice 185-250 lbs. 13.75; light lights down to 9.75; good sows mjoo-79; feeder pigs io.eo-so. .. 4 - I . Salable sheep1 100, total 150; cleanup sales, weak Jew good-choice spring lambs 1375; common - medium shorn old crop lambs 8.00-9.00r week's mar ket generally steady: bulk good-choice springers ujo; extreme early top 13.75; good ewes 4.00; common down to 3.00. ? ? - t - The North Portland livestock mar ket wUl be closed Tuesday. July 4, NOW EVERY0NES GOT TWE GOLD FEVEK, WHICH GRAND OAD SET IS WORSE TUAlJ A StVBrftAl? HACUEI 7 WE'LL ENTER! THE INDIAN V CAMP AS PRISONERS OP! THESETWO rN : . ' I f? T J -f, f ft.-, t- a Quotations Orton, Sundor l!onag Wf X Portland Portland Grain VflBYT tun r ' T..n ' ' t abv v Wheat . futures -and cash eraln ,: un quoted. ; ! cash wheat (bid): Soft whit l.M'i; soft, white (excluding Rex) 1.43',; white- club 1.4S',i; western red 1.4',i. Hard red wlncr; Ordinary 1.44,i; 10 per, cent 1.46,4r Ui per cent IJO'i; u per cent .9',a. v-!- Hard white Baart: 10 per cent l i; 11 per cent 1.4SU: U per cent lJOls. v - Today's ear receipts: Wheat 28. bar ley 2, Sour 5. oats I, hay 2. zniUfeed 11. ' i : -7- Stock Weelri II Satisfactorv NEW YORK. July 1 HffV-the stock market , today concluded an other speedy, and generally satis factory week with utihties, pack ers, oils and specialties operating m the upside while many recent climbers were stalled by light sell ing. : ' ; Demand foe many -peace-rated stocks was attributed to the per sistently good war news. Develope ments at the republican, national. convention were in line with ex pectations in the financial district and little immediate reprecussion on share trends was in evidence. Later in the week, though, power and light company shares appar ently responded rto mounting po-' liucal hopes with a heavy turn' over. ; Selectivity prevailed from the start of today's session, but gains of fractions to. a point or more, with high gains' for 1944 or longer numerous,; were well distributed at the close. . i The Associated . Press 60-stock composite was unchanged at 55.5, but on the week : showed a net advance of .3 of a point. For the month i the gain was 2J2 points. Transfers for; the two hours to taled 646,540 shares compared with 558,110, last Saturday. Brokers were cheered by the fact that bus-t iness in June Was the best for that month since 1933 and topped any month since May, 1940. Salem Man Visits With: Brother in. Grand Island GRAND. ' ISLAND Walter RockhUl of Salem is a guest of his brother, Clarence ; Rockhill, and family i while convalescing from a broken" leg! He was injured 'while working on 'his ranch and '' has been confined in the Salem 'Gen era! hospital eight wreks.' : ration calendah , (Clip and keep for handy reference) PROCESSED FOODS: - . Book 4 Blue stamps AS through vi tifld maeiimteiv. n ' MEAT,- BUTTER, FATS CHEESES ' Book 4 Red Stamps AS through ws vaua inaetlteiy. SUGAR: -i Book 4 Sugar stamps 30, 21 and si valid indefinitely. B pounds each For canning only: Sugar stamp 40 valid for a pounds. Apply at local urA noara tor more. s i i . . SHOES: LOOSE STAMPS INVALID Book 3 Airplane stamps Nos. 4 and 2 valid Indefinitely. GASOLINE COUPONS: NOT VALID UNLESS ENDORSED: -A" No. U valid June 22 . through September ; 21. . S gallons each. tB 3 or "C i 3" ! may , be renewed within but not before 15 days from , data oil cwrr. 1 FUEL oil: ! ' Period 4-5 coupons valid through September 30. Place new orders as soon as period l coupons received from local boards. i TIRE INSPECTION: : .-: Records . must be presented, for gasoline renewals, special applica tions, and ure replacements. STOVES; - i: - Apply at local OP A board for pur chase certificates. WOOD. COAL, SAWDUST: ORDER NOW I Don't risk shortage next winter. - u !,, PRICK CONTROL: ' C Refer inquiries and complaints to price clerk at local OP A boara. DRESSED Veal and Ilcgs Uanled! U Top Prices Paid! ' Prompt Reinittaiiee -Ship to . . FrcdillDycr Ileal Divlshn 444 8. W. Vamhin SC or & E. 82nd Foster Blvd. IT. We can accept enlj wIC: animals kUled tn complianeo with O. t. . A. regulations. , A5E rvrm rut kwdcp - AlS AMBULANCE l -. ATTACXEP W ME 10'. - NAZI &tTtZ Hi - -0t F20M THE CLCUPS 1SU Livestock and Poaltry WORK HORSES SADDLE BORSES Bar ;K Stock Ranch ' Lars assortment on hand at all times at vy attractive prices. CRED IT given - anyone. Discount for cash.' Guaranteed as represented. Free de livery. Harry Knenne. J Carlton. Ore. Located Vt ml. W. of Newberg. - DARK Brown tiding mar wt. 1100 lbs. S6S. Also suitable for light gar den, work. Ph. 7203. 180 Garden Road. NICE genUe 1 year old Guernsey bull at beef price. J. H. McDonald, BL Southeast ot &ntw, ure.:- 3 XWS: 1 springer, Jersey, I suit able ior beef. Ph. 21371.; ; i - JPLENTY I dressed frvers and bakes for July 4th weekend. Order now. Lee's Hatchery, Ph. 22861. . I- -j- - , -:y S .YOUNG cows: 1-gives fiL t 3-Val. S13S: for the 2. mL wntxd Macieey. ceo. r. unebarger, Kt. t a. Box 274, Salem. . ; i; - DISCS ' and .- disc nlows machine ground. 1 mi. west Dallas Hiwy. Bx 469 14 'MO. Guernsey-Jersey heifer. M. D. Vineyard. 2395 Center Ph. 22521. iseasaSfjaseMeasssi . LIVE FRYERS.. 391 Center St. - NEW Hampsfatro -taylBg pullets ot ready to lav ipuJc ts. Immediate do Hvery. Chohw selection' Ph 22861.-La' Hatchery. 4 ' t ;" - 1 1 1 i - J V v-4-i 'ATTRJfTrON f"--"' Will remove dead at worth lew stock in a moreen fa notice I - SALEM FER TILIZER 4t BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. U00 Collect I No ether Phonal. R. L Red fryers for saie. MulvlhiU. at 6, Box. 840. B. Center. Ph. 2252S WANTED:i- Beef and canner . cows bulls and i veals. Will 1 rail at : farm E, L Sne then. 3570 . E.- Turner Road Ph. 21345.' Morns or eves. Help Wanted DISHWASHER for night shift. Chin ese Tea Garden. Special waitress for Saturday night. . ; t v i , CHERRY PICKERS needed at Rhoten Farm. Truck calls at , Farm Employ ment office. ; Ml csiemeketa Street, at 70 A.M.. and at Miller and South Commercial ; Streets at 1:15 A.M.. or come to farm one mile South of Refo- erts Station on South." River s Road. Henry . Query, phone 2-257S. ii in charge... -, i -v- ; : 1 CHERRY Pickers, start July 1. Good crop, two weeks, ladder service, trans portation from. &aiem. c en. laris. Emil Stevens. 1 t .1 Strawberry Shortage Reported from Stores ISILVERTONLocal stores "are having difficulty in obtaining sufficient- berries owners, reported FTidayV Strawberries fare partic ularly' scarce and raspberries are not always obtainable Only a few stawberrf es have been 7 received this ;past!'week..:Vr pt ' f- y., y J Some,-Erowers are permitting pickers to go into the older fields and pick 'their own berries, charg ing from 8 to 12 cents a pound in the tieldJ - , - : y . -' ... Legal Notice ftroS WANTED Sale of Obsolete Eojatpment and scrap Materials The Oregon State Highway Commission has for sale an assort ment of fob s o Te t e equipment, ecruinment Darts and a collection of scrap inaterial located, at the Highway uepartment equipment Plant at Salem. A partial list of the various kinds : of equipment and scrap materials follows: .? RD-7 caterpillar and dozer, Al- i lis-Chalmers tractor, pull and power graders, rooter, McMillan dirt remover, asphalt kettle, steel boom, Owen road broom, equipment parts, scrap steel, cast iron, bronze, copper wire, radiator) cores, batteries, tires, tubes and; scrap paper. i Sealed bids for the purchase of all or any one piece of the obso lete equipment and for all or any one of the several classes of junk materials will be received by the Commission in the Stock Exchange Room of the Imperial Hotel, Port land. Oregon, at 9:00 a. m. on Wednesday; July IZ, 1944. -V Proposal blanks and lull uiior mation for: bidders may be ob tained at; the office of the State Highway ! Commission, Room 319, State Office Building, Salem, Ore gon. j - v:. i : . ach bid ; must be submitted on a proposal form obtained from the btate Highway commission and must be accompanied by a certi fied ; check -i or bank draft in - an amount not less than twenty-five ber cent (25) of the total a m o u n t bid, where the total amount is 1 150 or less: and ten per cent (10 ) of the total amount bid (with a minimum of $12.50). where . the total amount i over $50.00. si' The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for - the State of Oregon. - ' OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. By: H. B. Glaiyser, Secretary. Jly 2. s4l!HgJ s Jf ft eUZl I 7rr Zr WN TO thim jtemet ' IZZ , ' T ,. J Help Wanted ARE Von Interested meat cutting as a profession? U . areandave had some retaU cutters Prtence farm cutUng experience, f! cure Inimediato emnjenrja - a steady position- wittv fuUt PPJ to lean Tthe biismesa wbllo yarn a good wage.- We are prep1? teach you. As a retail meat cutter you will be rendering a genuine war time service to too community. Por tions available both te and out o Salem, Apply Safeway Stores Office. Room 20C. HcCUchrist BuUd ing. Salem. i CHERRY Pickers, close - to. avenue. Box S5. 4c per lb.. Park STENOGRAPHER. Capable meeting ibhc; 30-40 preferred.-Oregon State raining School, Woodbarn. -Oregon. TRY Cook wanted, man or woman. Tha.'Spa. : ' --'-' 4--' : Help Wanted Male ; txrrL .r. Ma Mnaiand tn war' pro duction should not apply and will be considered for employment ployers advertising In -this section ' BRANCH MANAGER xW ANTED Metropolitan newspaper has opening for local -resident for branch manager Job.- Tho man we -want la probably married, formerly worked in store, of fice or has background - f -ndiroct or store sales experience, are in terested in a future now and after the war please ask fee Mr. Walters. Sena tor Hnti. after- 4 o'clock Wednesday. Salary, bonus,1 comm.. and car allow- anca. . - .. - WANTED rURNrnXRE and APPLIANCE I SALESMAN . . An .rivllHit ennortunitv to become affiiiatM with a reliable, established business. Permanent position, a ' good salary, inquire at ' 200 State St. . ' SEAL OPPORTUNITY Laree metrooohtan organization de sires man for local position. The man we want probably has nad mux route. cleaner or laundry route - experience and believes he could nanoie peopie 4 ivn th onnortunitv. Please call 3690 Wed. between Sc 1 P.M. for appointment. I CARPENTER and 1 helper. Top pay. non-union JOD. atari . aaonuajr. Ph. 3924 after 5 JO PJ. WANTED. Man for small sawmilL $1 per hour. Experience unnecessary Cabin avauaoie. a nu. town, racnara- son's, i alls City, we. j: MAN to assist Cottage Mgr. and sup ervise boys outdoor work, itoom, hoard and laundry. Oregon fetate Training School. Woodburn Oregon.-- WANTED: Tire section repair man or man familiar with LODI eouipment. B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Stores, 188 S. Corn'l.. Salem. ' Ph. Tise. -1 : RATCHET ; Setter for : SS.tlOS milt Power set work. House available. WU lamina. Lumber Co... i. - l--: " WANTED: A good reliable man. for postwar work, good pay while learn-ins-. 48 hr. week with premium rate for night shifts. Furn. or nnfurn. hous- In -within - one ' block 01 plant.- mr. Luker. Air Reduction Sales Co 4951 N. W. Front Ave.. Ph. AT. moo.. WANTED: --Steady -"warehouseman. grocery experience preferred. Willam ette urocery. . - J4EAT cutter and meat market man ager for a lob with a future.- Best pay in town.Saving Center. Portland-. Rd. MANfor" ' track 'Work SI an' rwuf . Apply Oregon Electric Freight Depot- I WANTED: - Dairy Bros.. South Salem. hand. . Bchindler work.' Herrall Owens. 235 S. Com'L DIESEL. LOG Truck Mechanic. Wil lamette Valley Lumber Co. 213 Pacific Building. Portland. 4, Ore. or Dauaa. Oregon. .- ' " MECHANIC. Permanent position. Ex- :ellent pay, Herrau-Owens Co. Help Wanted Female LADY to make tcleohone calls. work can be f done from your own home. Salary or commission. . Box 46 statesman, yi-' ROOM, board and . some wages for woman to care : for my.- home and Children Help may bring their own cmia u aesirea. Ph. ena. WAITRESS Wanted. The ,Spa. FOUNTAIN Girl wanted. The - Spa. ' NEEDED: Usherettes. Annlv rnltnl , Salesmen Wanted WET - wash and nersonal bund 1m. s hour service. . 1757 S. Church. Ph. jwk. casa and: carry. . 1 r : 1. ! ESTABLISHED western cereal man ufacturer wants salesmen for Salem Eugene area. Selling experience In food Or allied lines necessary. Salary, ex penses and . ear furnished. Reply l by letter giving full details as to quali- ncations as to - experience, age. etc. pox no. i, ntatesman. . . ; Situations : Wanted " PreSchool PlayScnool; 1381 Stele. Ages z-e. run or au day. Fh. S430. auLDCBAn Nursery We pick op muw ucuver. iaa? iraoa. hi. TlffTI Fop : Sale -Rliscellaneous . REVOLVING: Clothes line. Ph. 3272 Balloon Ure bicycle. 1511 N. Church. For Sail .-Jliscellaneonsi 2 CAL. Remington automatic rifle 55 So 19th. Phone 4821.- . ..Ki.tnn ranee Walnut bed- , rntTsuiti 232S ter: Ph. 4474 eves. onr-wAR baby bursy. Child's chest of drawers. 1345 N. llth. MunmirrnM - stroller' - buggy. Storm shield. Pre-war. 273 W. 30th. - MAN'S BICYCLE- S20. Capitol. nu avwrt with hardware. $5 00 set. Can Sunday and Monday. 485 Division St. t -;v ' - a tcix itt 'atT-awherries' and Pie chelrries. U pick. U mi. N. Of Labisn. Center school. . . urr .BMnhMTtM. Pick your own. Ph.: 2-11S3. 240 Fisher Road. niw assortment of Myrtlewood gifts, Pcmbertons. 1930 S.-12th. Ph. 6083. . RriirnnTL new davenos. Plenty of .... spring. Metal hinges. SS9.50. '-. - - NELSON . BROT. - FURNITURE -. . - 315 N. Liberty St. ; STRAWBERRIES, fresh daily at Hoffman's Meat Market. - BTmrnRrn Airdala mipoies. males 120. .females "8 15. Write PXX, Box , 406, Salem.-. . - ctnjRS aiwf Roval Annes. You pick. 10c lb. Rt. 3. Box S37. WUbert Kurth. Ph. 3-258S.' Past Belcrest TRAILER House Call evenings, SIS S. 12th St. - i' - . ,-. , HAND Truck 820. Simmons Iron bed stead springs $7 JO. Wedgewood apt. size gas range 1S-1S Park St. : BX WISE ' .and nurchase FOur oil heater now while 4 they are available. . NELSON BROS. l UKWliUnfi 315 N. Liberty St. .. - ROYAL Anne cherries Sc a lb.: U pick. 3 miles south on Liberty Road, 2nd house on Belcrest ' Road. A. B. Browning. I , .. .- MARSHALL Strawberries .13c." U pick. George Christofferson, RL 7, box 208. Ph. 22588. . .I-, v -,. , ALL Mod. trailer rise. S450. 3 blocks front Monmouth Hotel on old, W High way south. Signal Ser. Sta. BREAKFAST set: chest of drawers: 4 chairs: Westinghouse automatic elec tric range; davenport: 3 legged ladder, 14 ft.: Remington typewriter. . 1680 N. Commercial. i : ; , BABY BUGGnS $1750 & up NELSON BROS; FURNITURE 315 N. Liberty St. ; I SEED Potatoes. Close out. Ik price. CeiUfied. Bliss Triumph. Irish Cobbler. . Burbank and Early 'Rose.- Saving Cen ter. Portland Road. : . , . . -H' COCKER Spaniel pups, cheap. Also . good borne for - female cocker spaniel nice pet. tor. duration. Ph. 4818 GOOD table radio: pre-war daveno: chest f drawers; dressers; -beds; sew- bif . machine: elec. . dock; vieiin; chairs; -chiming mantle clock; -odd dishes; fruit Jars; misc. 2050 S. Church FOR SALE or trade for beef : 1 reg istered Jersey bull IT mo.", old. from very high production. Price 8100. E. L Sne then. 3b 10 s.. Turner. Rd. Ph. 21345. - OCCASIONAL. CHAIRS at substen tial . reduction. - NELSON BROS.- FURNITURE' , -r , -315 'N. Uberty St. - ' - . GOOD Jersey cow. -1310 3. 14th. ROYAL Anne Ac black -cherries Tc. U pick. H. G. PEARSALL. across the road. from-Labish Center school . STRAWBERRIES : D nick. 10c lb. J. T.'Norris. Rt. 2. Box 81, Turner. I PR. sealed beam driving liehts: 1 set musical horns. 802 North Cottage, Denina ui imo. cottage, r HAND Painted china antiaue rub glass. No dealers. 2095 N. 4th. Ph. 6071. 1944 COOLmSTTORS: see tha dem- onstration. ; No foods to cover. Air conditioned. u t. . NELSON BROS. FURNITURE 315 N. Uberty St. , ; CABINET Philco radio, latest model. Ph. 3308. , ;. !.-.,. ,:ii.r REDHEART strawberries 15e lh. n pick. Clean patch. W, H. WilUamson. : REFRIGERATOR, j commercial type. 11 ft. capacity. 8300 Ph. 7487. ' BABY bed. baby buggy, baby scales, X baby jumpers, high chair, baby bas ket. Ph. 49F21. u ! PIE CHERRIES: U pick. Sc pound. Picked 10c. Bring containers. 2055 S. Cottage. Ph. 21063. ; ; i .- -' KITCHEN chairs; .8 & 10 gat milk cans; enameled pinchers; spoons as fo.rt?:8 nd : 16x16 tents. ACME AUTO Ac TRUCK WRECKER MIKE STEINBOCH : 3055 Portland Rd. -MONT)MERY Ward drag saw. 134S rtoyt.: fh. -eo29. .--i - STRAWBERRIES for canning. Sav toa Center. Portland Road. . . " .R- A. CHERRIES Sc lb- U pick Mrs. Wright. 4., mi. Wallace ltd. K. 2327?: REDHEART Strawberries. U pick. nC5S.1C-?RJ"," Heaters. Chairs; Ice box; beds Ac mattress; fruit CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE . ; -. ; 14S Center St. .S5."WAa davenport and chair. Si Si (r-v m " 1 0 . I -I I. I I I - - , I ,ii . j