i '.i i Padres Short sorties: The Joe Waterman improvised "Pacific Coast Lightheavy championship' outing for Woodbura Joe- Kahut this month in Portland, and against-one Verne Earling of Idaho, may amount to more than merely a pushover for Kahut "after alL Wash ington sports writers have hung the "sensational prefix on Earling after he won his sixth straight victory in Spokane the other night, and all six by kayoes. Same writers further announce Earling as having unrationed dynamite in both dukes. . '.'.'But how come for the Coast lightheavy champ ionship no one seems to know. Sounds good, anway. . . . Should press dispatches this week clarion either Don Poulin or Joe Coe as tenpin toppling terrors in a San Francisco singles bowling classic, they'll be the two peers from the town's Perfection alleys, all right ' Poulin and Coe went south yes terday to pitch 'with some ; 300 name", bowlers from all oves 'the country and for a bite at the $3750 in prizes. Included in the '"name"" boys due for the gigantic are three of the nation's reputed ly top keglers Ned Day; who has won more bowling crowns than Babe . Didrikson has titles; Hank Marino,' the . Milwaukie gent who not long ago tossed two "300" perfect games in one series, and Har old Lloyd, said to be equally good as a mineralite master as he was a flicker comedian. So if Don and Joe come home with a slice of the chips after buckling that kind of competition they'll have done the Perfection hive quite' an honor.' Their first meet outing comes July 4. . .' . Add post-war plans: Walt "Junior" ClineJ the local links stylist vows one of the first things hell do when the war is over will be to pack sticks and bags for a first-cabin and complete seasonal tour ; cross-country with the mashie mi gh ties Byrori Nelson, Ben Hogan, Jug McSpaden, Sammy Snead, etc Walt figures it will nick him around $5000 but that it'll be well worth it "even if I Just get to play in the first rounds and watch the others" . . . Speaking of the golfers, Viking basketballer Bunny Mason, who Eric Kay predicts one day will be a links topnotcber in his own right, is so wrapped up in the game he'd rather play it than work. Consequently he is no longer employed at the local links, as of July .. Motet Came Near Table Tennit Jackpot Interesting' letters to Professor Les Sparks from Dan Moses, WU grad in 1941 and before turning GI quite adept as a Bearcat track ster, city softball pitcher and ping-pong player, reveals he's now somewhere in Iran and still doing, himself proud in the abbreviated tennis game. In fact he clip-clopped his way to the quarterfinals of the inter-allied table tennis tourney recently completed in Tehran, losing to a formex French national champion representing Iran. As impressive to Moses as getting so far along in the tournament, how ever, was the presence of the King and Queen of Iran and high American, British ad Czechoslovakian officials during its course. Furthermore, it was held in the Iranian Officers club, "the most exclusive building of its kind in the world. To describe it says Moses, "is well nigh impossible. Just conceive of all the fancies of the Oriental mind, add to it the splendors of the Western world and the resulting combination gives one the most unusual structure of beauty erected by man." (Moses being an army private, little wonder he was' impressed.' Just think of what tales he can tell his other "private" pals after being in a joint like that.) Quetteth Due for DFCf Silver Star Other newsworthy etims concerning service tagged villagers also forwarded by Moses: T4 Julian Smith, The Chemawa Indian ath letic whiz who matriculated at WU around 1930, is now stationed with special service in Tehran as an athletic technician and was re cently decorated! by the Shah of Iran. A lengthy article in "Yank,? the GI paper; "An Indian Boy. in Iran," was written on Smith. His decoration came after htf Introduced, the hard way to superstitious natives, the wonder of modernistic medical treatments and actually save a number of lives. .. . Moses correspondence with Lt. Cecil Quesseth (WU '40 and before that an all-around athlete at Salem high and Willamette), now stationed in Italy, reveals Quesseth; was on June 14 up for awarding of the Distinguished Flying Cross and Silver Star for his work in a raid over Ploesti awhile back. Quesseth has already , won the Air Medal. . . . Also Capt. Wayne Brainard, '40, holder of the DFC, the Air Medal and a number of Oak Leaf Clusters to both,, has just completed his tour of operations after 16 months of combat service In England. . . . And Lt. Johnny Lindbeck (WU '36-37) and with the first Annapolis graduating class after Pearl Harbor, re cently wrote that he met his brother Al ("Horsey") somewhere "overseas." .... . ' What with all this rolling in freauentlvfrom Pvt. Mouml wouldn't be out of -line to suggest that Sparks hire him as official keeper upper on tidings of the formers now operating under Uncle Sam. PGA Qualify Tomney Set TACOMA, July . lr(P)-Golf era of the Pacific 'northwest section of the Professional Golfers Asso ciation of America will shoot for places in the national PGA tour nament Jrf' Spokane in August in a qualifying tournament July 17 over i the Fir crest - club course here. 1 t Chuck Congdon, president of the Pacific northwest section, said the qualifying tourney would be 35 holes of medal play for an as yet unannounced number ' of places in the national event The tourney alsoVill settle the annual Washington s t a te professional golfers championship. essential owners' cars and lixclis is czx war-line j:b an3 respasitilily. Of Trained General Motors mechanics lubrication 'ex pertsexperienced body-fender repairmen are avail able lo'you at 455 Center, Phone 6133 : r Let U Serro You! 1 ' -"Oldsmobile Sales and Serric "Our lEih Year In Scdem. Orecjon" . Hosis cf Good Used Cars" i , t" i ! ! i4 i Snatch League Lead - " , .. r- - . --. J I ' " , - ' I . ' . t n. ; f ' " f - : - : I t JX H'? ' , , . i - , - s - r t Xi&i.W. - . r - T 0 DON POULIN Timers Pound Slacks PHILADELPHIA, July 1 The Detroit Tigers hammered Lum Harris for five runs in five Mnnings and added four off relief pitcher Joe Berry for a 9-4 vic tory, in their series opener with the Philadelphia Athletics today. Detroit J 230 1219 14 Phils. ;,. 900 994 9004 19 1 " ' Overmlre, Beck () and Rich ards; Harris, Wheaten (9), Ber ry (7) and Hayes. Buccos Topple Braves PITTSBURGH, July - 1-(P)-The Pittsburgh Pirates put together eight hits today, to hand the Bos ton Braves a 5-1 beating behind the six-hit pitching of Ray Starr. Boston .... 900 909 919 1 9 1 Pittsburgh ..109 930 19 5 t 1 Tobln : and Mas!; Starr and .Davis.'";-- '"-' '.;'-. jC 1 Portland Grip Held oh Third V-i' - :--.'; . -: -'-::-:! ' Sulliyan Pounded ? Out in First Freunej " OAKLAND, Califs July' 1 4(ff) Oakland's j Acoms scored four runs in the first inning of their game against the Portland ; Beav- ers today and coasted on to their second straight, victory 4-1. The win elevated Oakland to the 00 mark in thej PCL standings. Port land held a (grip on a tie for third place as Seattle beat Los Angeles today also. ; The 4 only j I major change! inif the red hot race Was made at the, top where San Diego took the leadership from San Francisco by t blasting the Seals, 4-1. t :W- m--- -1 I :v K Joe Sullivan, Beaver lefthand er was wild at the outset today and the , Oaks- took full radvan tage. Emil Mailho walked and Jake Gaulfield singled, both run' ners i taking an extra base i on Norm Deweese's error. A wild pitch scored Mailho.' Chet Rosen- lund and I Les Scarsella j walked and Dolph CamilU lofted a fly to center to score Caulfield. Frankie Hawkins : cracked a sharp! single to ; left to? count Rosenlund fend Scarsella. That was all; for: Sulli van and Portland's chance for a victory. . ? . I; :uii I J Portland' had to wait until the ninth to get its lone run oft Man- pl Salvo.t Shone and: DeWeese singled and Charlie .. Peterson smashed a bingle to right, shov ing Shone across. The teams wind up their series, led by Portland S-2, with ! a doubleheader'; tomor row. ,! i E ' ' ' - 'M - - - -' PerUand ' 999 990 9011 1 Oakland w.409 999 10 4 -7 Snllivaa, Federmeyer (l)t Ott (t) and Campbell; j Salve and RahuondL - . I - It w Padres Pound Trisco,4-l ! SAN' DIEGO, Calif,' July Scoring four runs in the : eighth inning, the San Diego Padres de feated the San Francisco ' Seals 4 to 1 here today to take over first place in the tight I Pacific Coast league baseball race. f Jim Brillheart, although rapped freely by the Seals, was the win ning pitcher. . Ray Harrell, victim of the big San Diego winning ; in ning, "was the loser. " The dubs wind up their series tomorrow with a doubleheader. Hi San Francs 091 900 0001 I t San Dlege 099 900 04 4 14 4 : Harrell and OgredewskI; BriUheart and BalUnger.1 Seraphs, 10-;1 LOS ANGELES, July: 1 i(JP) Seattle walloped Los Angeles, 10-1, behind the six-hit' pitching of Southpaw Charles "CaiT Fis cher' In s a Pacific Coast ! league baseball game today. The! visitors shelled Red Adams, Iry Stein and Johnny Rager for 18 hits,! includ ing a three-run homer by Paul Carpenter Bill Sarni homered for Los Angeles. j" Seattle -000 .104 11010 14 t Los Angel 090 009 919 ft 4 1 '. Fischer and Sueme; Adams, Stent il) and Fernandes, Sarni 7). - - P. 1- Tivinkies Tdp Sacs in 13tli . SACRAMENTO, Calif:july 1 LiPV-Hollywood's Stars ralUed ii for two runslin the ninth i inning to ue Sacramento here tonight and then scored again -in' the 13th in ning to beat the Senators,' 5-4, in a coast league game. Alex Wel don, .who freplaced Ron Smit In ue nintn for HoUywood, was win ning pitcher. Les Powers.' rellev ing for Earl Porter after the tenth, was the loser. The Stars hit 13 tunes to Sacramento's 12,? . BoL ...991 909 912 900 1-5 13 4 Sae. i201 199 000 009 0-4 12 S ;J. Embree, Smith (1), Weldon (9) and .nni; Porter, Powers 10) and Stelner. Of .T.TXamjN J. Or.G.ChaNU CEIXtSE OerballsU S 241 North liberty I I Cpstalrs Poi tUnd General Electric Co Office open Saturday only 10 am to 1 pjn.j 6 to 9 p.ni Con lultation. Blood pressure and urtne tests are tree of ehsrgo. PricUced unco 191. Wallop - - - - ' -. - j - M s s i . i - 1 Aiinu4 0& i Actual fireworks of the boom boom kind may be confined to the battle! fronts come I Tuesday and the lCSth' celebration of the nation's 1 d e p e n d e n e e, but thereTl still be plenty brewing ' along, the town's sports' row that 'day. Everything from the Haap - teenthannoal Tea Relays" with in the solitude of Warden George Alexander . rancho . to . ' rla- : snortinr rassUng j match for the 1 Pacific Coast Urhtheavy champ- : lonship Is I ticketed forTnesday, this "Feurtht looming as one ef the livliesi athletle days of the Tear. j j f .:.:v': Conspldnous by Its absence : since no Jaly Fourth id complete without one, there 11 be ne base Junior Baseballers rVoodbiirn Wins i Tbppjej Salem 'Green Peas' By 13-2 Count i IfH 1 " . . Capital Posters Rap: 5 Bielemeier Serves ' " i I i j . Capital Post 'No. 9's American Legion Jumor "baseballers aren't going janywhere, as far as national championship play is T concerned this! semester, for; as lifexpectedi WoodburnV ; mighties t imeasured the CP. green peas, 13-2, yester day in the! second and! deciding game for the county, championship, Woodburn had' won the! ifirst, 6-0, in Salem last ;Sunday jand wiU now; take on probably Albany for the district title! . -"J: But before thej Salem Juniors bade" fareweU ' and '..further - good luck to ,the noithernl beighbors yesterday, hey 1 showed a sparse gauienng ine enemy para: theyTl havo what it win take in the next year or iwo, and despite committing 10 errors and kicking in half the jwinning ones. Directly the opposite of aj week ago when the Capital Posters went titleless against Joe "Red' Bielemeier's swift and swerves but jplayed commendable .defensive -: game, yesterday tne Salems touched the Mt.1 Angel carrot-top I! for five bingles but played ahabbUy afield. Only sevlen of the Woodburn runs were earned. ' j j -j j -v''r?t 1 , ! , 11- ' ' 1 ! ' - ' - 1 t. Joe Cowboy , Carroll 18-year-bld ! righthander; started ' as" op position forsBIelemeier and retired the first tit liWoodburns in order. Then with, two' gone in the third he f walked Bielemeiezj 4 and two bobbles followed immediately to allow the redhead to score an un earned - taUy. Carroll g ave . way for Rod Province, 14-yiear-older, in the fourth when McKee singled, Sauvain issued a walk and single by Faulhaber before fanning Gar ren and Wiite to retire! the side. Foiir Woodburn' scores . had crossed. "---1 ;-J j ' 'v t ) Up until riow held to a scratchy infield bingle in the; first inning, by 'Jack Malmin, Salem ! cut loose I (Continued on page 13) .-- Softies Set r For 2nd Half The second half scheduled for the- Salem City softbaU circuit opens on three village j diamonds late . Wednesday afternoon, when Papermakers : vie .wdth'j the Air Base Pigeoiieers on Olipger field at! 6 p. m., Maple's meet Golden Pheasant oh Leslie Playground at the tame jitime and; . Willamette University jplays Keith Brown in a 5 o'clock tilt; slated fpr Sweet land field. !p .. . i Games inj the six-team loop will be played fcvery Wednesday from now on but 'till the iclose of the season reatlyi next month. The Papermaker outfit recently copped the first; half,! and a! second half championship-1 would, gite it City honors without a playoff, - which wui be necessary., in case: One of the other five! -clubs,) in jthe wheel bacon.'.' V.l i ! -r f -' J I Hozv;They V-J PACIFIC led AST i LKAGUC j , ,. -S , W L. Pet - I W 1. Pet San dg 44 41 J Oakland 41 41 .500 San Fran 44 40 J24iSeattl I 41 42 .494 Portland 43 41 .SOS Hollywd 4S 43 .493 Lo Aar 43 41 -606 ISacramt 34 44 .450 x ester day s resuiu: 4 . -- i At Oakland 4. portiaad 1, At Loa Anrele l. SeatUc 10. At San Hit go 4. San TrancUc 1. At . Ecamenta 4 HoUywoQdt (niphrt 13 innittca. NATIONAL. LEAGCI - 1 W I. P?t -':'' ".! W T. tr-4 St? lMuSm .43 IS Brooklyn 341493 Ptttsburt 34' 29 .567 Philadel 2 36 .435 Cincinmit SJ 30 38. Boston L.27-40 l403 New Yrk 33 32 .308;Chicagai JL2 30 J79 xesieraay results: 'i ... i - i At St Louis S, Brooklyn 4 (night), -At Chicago X. Philadelphia 4. - At Pittsburgh S. Boston il. - At CtncinnaU S. New York AMERICAN LCAGVE i ' S ' i W :L,Pct ' W t Vet St Louts 4 29 i0 Washing 33 34 .493 notion 3 93 uetroit! 3Z 30 .471 New Yrk ,33 31 16 Clevearid 31'3T .450 Chicago -. 3130 08;Philadel 30 37 .448 - Yesterday's results: i r At Boston 1. St. l-ouls Si 4" . At New.Vork 2. CbK-atro- I. : ? ' " At Philadelphia 4. Detroit 9. - At Washington 4. Cleveland 2 (night) oi Ju SportsProgramin Village ball game In the village Tuesday. Bat the balTgamers, over 200 of 'em, will be in action and in uni form regardless. All 12 Junior, league teams, "A" and "7" divis ion, and the Capital Pgst No. 9 - American Legion" Juniors,' com plete through managers and coaches nave been assigned a spot in the gigantle downtown .parade In "the morning. League President Oliver Huston and See-' retary Howard Maple will lead : the way,' and following in alpha-' . betical order win come the nnl f armed teams with the Legion Junior up front They'll meet at Broadway and Marlon streets at 10 ajn. At the same time the Fen Belays will be under way .for ' ' ' ' ?- v ' Action .shot drug the Mayflower soau part or wiutt wui traasplr acaim today at Gm. E. Waters park fifth rouBdrames.UdwodNuriies vs. Valley Bio tor at 12; Curly's Ledge vs. snreek's Motors at 4. and Lion's Club vs. Mayflower at V division Sloug:h-Brrlck plays Salem Heavy Haulers at Leslie Dfstrem's at Ollnger, both at Z Brovnies Win, r-4; BOSTON, July 1--The St Louis Browns Collected ten walks off three Boston pitchers today as they gained an easy to 1 victory behind the ' five-hit pitching of Nelson Potter, a Red Sox castoff, and added a full game to their American! league lead. - : r " The Red Sox starting pitcher. Clem Hausmann, walked tour of the; first five batters in the open ing inning, during which the Browns collected four runs on one hit; St Louis...40o SOO SSt-t 7 1 Boston 00t 0 01-1 S t Potter and Maneuso; Haus mann, Eyba (i), O'Neill (t) and Partee. ,i- '': . Nal Top Tribe, 42 ; 4 . - WASHINGTON, July 1 MFt- Dutch Leonard limited Cleveland to five hits tonight as Washington clubbed out 12 safeties to beat the Indians, 4 to 2. before 11,749 fans. Cleveland, COS 109 100 2 5 Wash. 021 020 OOx 4 12 2 - Harder Calver ), Kennedy (8) . and Rosar; Leonard and fjarrelL ! , . t LuBeiiBlazeSf Tajces Lead: In Victory Open at Half Mark CHICAGO, July , l-(ff-UtUe Ben Hogan. burned up 'because ' someone said men bf the service probably would have J a hard time " b e c e m I n g tournament threats after the war let some of the heat sink into his game to day as he coupled a 8 with a first round tS for a 38-hole te-. tal f !l34 eight stroke under par ti take the halfway lead in the Chicago vfcUar national golf meet .' -- A' ' " "' "I was doggone mad, when I heard that us tuys probably would be unable to make a eemeback," fumed Intense Little ; Ben, absent from tournament competition for almost two years while winning a lieutenancy In the army air corps. "I would like te prove thait wrong, and I've got n good start at least" Hogan, a dominating iflgure ea the money circuit from- 193S-1S42, Is new stationed at the .Wort Worth, SPOUT COATS and SLACKS s a. n Clolbiera ,""v,- l their all-day selge, some 20 events complete from track and , field ODtlngs to the annual punch pocked fight card In the after Swinging Into the afternoon side, members ef the ultra-active Men's club at the Salem Golf course will be waging off another one of their popular tournaments; with prises to go to the winners naturally. The meet will be an It-hole, sweepstakes, using fait handicaps, and will supplant the weekly play ususHy held ieit Thursdays. Up at Marion Sauare, destined to be at least the busiest place ta town ever the holidays, Oliver Huston's annual "Kid - Races'" draw a 1:30 pjn. curtain in 5th Rounders Today; Countv teffion Cha ! : e, ! '..,,..-. ...,; ,i .. '': i. mi iiT'ihijt'ii .-.V:t-;-.. Milk-Valley Meter Co. Junior baseball league opener depicts enlr a pjn. ; - Only 708 Populate Pools on Saturday 1 A . hit-and-miss . day j at .both places, only 70S patrons popn- j lated the Ollnger and Leslie playground swimming peoll ' yesterday. Ollnger counted 471 during the day. Leslie 230. No . casualties were reported -. at either resort - f Cardinals Wiri ST, LOUIS, July 1 -()- Turn ing in the third triple play of the season in the major leagues, the league-leading St Louis Cardi nals defeated the Brooklyn ledg ers 8 to 3 tonight The triple play came' In the third inning after Ed Stanky and Curt Davis walked. Marty Marion, with his back to the infield, took Stan Bordagary's short fly to center, tossed to Emil Verban doubling Stanky. Verban rifled 1 to Ray Sanders to triple Davis off first j '" '-r ' Brooklyn lot. t20 4 2 St -jLenlfeUl.m 1 . Davis. Branca, (t) and Owen; Jurlslch, Brecheen (t), Schmidt -: (S) and Odeai s. -t . ' Te4 air field and his golf .has been limited te weekend eut Jnrju1 . . . . ' - : Another serviceman the only .one te. win a touraey since the war started was second to the halfway point with a pair of 8's for 138. He was lean E..J. "Dutch" Harrison. A member of the old guard, benickered Gene Sarazen walked In calmly with a pair of 89'a for 138 and third - place. Two members of the "Big Four," Byron Nelson and Craig Weed, Hopped with T2's today and -skidded te a tie at fourth. Trip! Helps AMERICAN LEGION TUESD2Y SALEM ARMORY 4: 8:30 P. M. July - . .COASTi CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Champion Paave Kaionen, Finland, vs. Challenger Gorgeous .- George Wagner, Pleasant Kill i j t ef S falls for title belt 1 hour Tireworks Match1' ' j ' '.'; : SOU ' '' f ' Tony tVindup" Morelli, New York, vs. Tex Ilarer, Eugene "') 8:38" !' Bulldog Jackwn,' Alaska, v. Wslt "Snete Achln. Ohio i Tickets Available at Maple's Sporting Goods Store i NO ADVANCE IN PEXCES Turret i 5af 81.29 - General A(fiffJnn 85e - C?Tfn 4t i i i !i to Bulge on Seven Fronts ..if rri will year Huston has fostered w races, potato races, steeplechases, etc, for the kids and a host of prises have been donated fer winners by downtown merchants. Huston; chairman of the LegWn post's sports committee the past ' 15 years, has arranged to have a "track moulded In the axk : some to be coursed through trees, etc, and roped off. A public address system will be in evi- ( v dence to help keep the peace. All boys and girls II years eU er younger will be riven opportun ities to win prises by competing. .. Come S.30 pan. the spotlight s SU. " . swings to the armory bleep bin swings to the armory mcep m where Champion Paavo Kaionen O ' . ' IJUMOR ACTION when the "A" leagners battle off Dairy vs. Finland at 2; Eagles t, round eut the AM slate. In the and Yeater Appliance meets X. L. .'.'-. Foiir Freedoms NEW YORK1 July l-V-Four Freedoms, second-string handicap performer from Mrs. Payne Whit ney's Greentree stabler repeated! his recent victory over First Fid dle today by whipping Mrs. Ed Mulrenan s five-year-old grey and seven other horses in Aqueduct's 850,000 added Brooklyn handicap. Forging ahead of the Fiddle in the final eighth, of a mile,- Four Freedoms showed that he was an able substitute for the state's in jured Devil Diver by covering the mile And one-quarter In 2:02 45, only two-fifths ; of a second ott Whirlaway's stake record. First Fiddle, winner of five straight until defeated recently by Four Freedoms, could dono bet ter than third with William Zie- ler, jrsWait A Bit takina! run ner-up honors, a half-length back ox ureentree'a four-year-old son oi eace Chance. A head senarat ed Wait A Bit and First Fiddle 7 to 8 favorite. - ; f ; .: : . .u- ' " en-Eyre LeadTourriev i ' The team of Glen Lengren and Dave. Eyre was, out front. at th dose of the first lap In the week end best-ball twosome tournament at Salem golf course yesterday," nu netq y pius count over the ueia as tne Men's club outing swung into today finals .The Lengren-Eyre duet .enjoyed a twp point lead over second place Leo Estey-B Thomson team which has i points. - ' j Two counts behind and In third puce is the A. R. Hunter-Ross voppocfc entry, and in fourth with 4 plus Is the I. L. McLaughlin - m uaman team. Lawrence Alley ana am uoodwin, with 2 plus, completed the list of those teams which posted final results for the i noles yesterday.- . Cops Brooldyn Lengr ... ..-ill mnunnr wim fireworks fa their sera for the Pacific Coast Uihtbeayy rassUn liUe. Since the beys with the bulging biceps generally supply roaring action most any week, the titular card will be a fitting climax to ! what loeua Bke gparkllng diy. r And if you're to need of a re freshing pickup during the day, both Ollnger and LesMe city pUy grounoswlnunli poelsp will be open from t ajo. te t special pragrams have been t ither resort but both win no doubt see a goodly share wu. -.L.-u. - of the Fourth cclebratmnlsts. Funland Qui) Plays Curly's In Top Tussle . ft .j . ! r :! ' ! f Unbeaten "B" Team . .... ,'-'.'. . Qasli at Leslie , "A" LEAGUE STANDINGS , W L Pet W Curly's 4 1.000 ShrocVs 1 Fusland ,3 1 .750 1 Red wood 1 V-Ss 1.3 1 ,750Eles ,1 L Pet. 2 .300 '3 -230 3 jse .000 Mayflowr J 2 300!Uon e B" LEAGUE ITANUlffuo , ' Cl-Barick 2 . l OOOlYeatenrs '.O .one .000 H-Haulrs 2 0 l.ooo eubtoris The town's still thriving Junior baseball circuits are set for round five in the "A" and round two in the B" divisions .. today with three fronts to set forth the ac tion. Both divisions feature "na tural clashes in that "A" league leading Curly's Dairy, out front with four -straight victories, tosses its record against the second-place Funland nine, regarded by many as the real powerhouse of the cir- - cult and in the wheel where the unbeaten Clough-Barricks and Salem Heavy r. Haulers come to blows t Leslie playground. The Curly's-Funland fe a t u r e comes at two o clock at -Geo. . Waters park.' It wUl be preceded by the 12 o'clock Redwood Nur-series-Vally Motor V-8 clash, the Nurseries out to crack a . three- game loss skein, the V-8s just as anxious to cop their fourth .win In five starts. Valley Motor Is tied with Funland for second place at present. The four? o'clock game pita the thrice-defeated Eagles triage gains i ine up-ana-commg sorocK's Motors, and at six the winless Lions club goes agalns mpionsfiiip Mayflower Milk. While me ' Clough-Barricks and Haulers are battling for undisputed leadership in the "B league at Leslie. Yea ter Appliance and Elfstrom's will be battling - at Glinger for Oietr first win f the young campaign. Both games are billed for 2 bjb. Reports r. from all coaches tell ' ' that more improvement has been shown by respective teams du- acluil kji HCLitt-K. new ipuiyia - nave- progressed rapidly each week since, the league was chris tened a month ago.-- Victorians Victors V ITUKIA, B.C, July 1 HP Victoria All Stars won both games of the International Hart Trophy paseoau series witn port Angeles here today. The all start won the first game 12-2 and blanked the visitors 11-0 in the second game.! r.iuAiTi:zTrisr::;Tsiy ' :!'' . '-v -i - .... ,t " eaLF.teadrkb JEU-SYXTSETie JItTEITCffll Raw eocn r the aU-iymhetic SUtm tows wt Bare ia Stock? Htrt's the aaswer proof sap plied bf tutatial drivers. The a. drcdtofthooMiHlsof sll-tyothetic SilTr towns sold bf B. F. Goodrich hsvo al. rr rolled em S billion miles, accord, iag to tkt saost cosvt SerratiTt astiaaatt. Ilnadrtds of laoars from thett drWcri m. eeo.taiie,i aTtrt n cea&dcat they will get at Uast ss mmdk 'lwt a-ynthdc SilTcnowos as rer got from pro-wat 'tins. I Jha..w. a ill ot a.4 ft UA" B. I. Goodrich aj-tynuicuc SUrenowasl . , i Official Tire Inspectors ' G.-F. G::iri:h Cilvcrl:v;a Zlzrtz I : L ' - t" 1:3 So- Commercial - rhone S15I aaiem. Ore." 4VT I t C 'rnUTTiiti) r fl'f-r