T OREGON. STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tucsdar Morning. June 23. J3H PAGEnvs-t 4 l Ovcrwhelmlaf Majority, ft to 1 Donald Young war reelected school director by an uninterested Salem populace Monday. Out of some 22,000 possible voters meet ing the necessary qualifications only 43 were sufficiently interest ed in who directs the welfare of their -children's school activities to turn out So Young was reelected by - an overwhelming - majority, 42 to L The single write-in vote was for R. L. Elfstrom. Young will serve for another five years. Clearance on several groups of Coats,' Suits, Dresses - and Hats. Smart Shop. " ': v'V. ; - rhysician Employed D r . Douglas G, Cooper, Portland, has been employed as a full-time phy sician by the, state industrial ac ciaent commission ; and will as sume his hew duties here on July ) Increase. Jn the number of claims under the workmen's com pensation law made the employ ment of an additional physician necessary, officials said. Young lady for general office work. Some stenographic work This desirable permanent posi tion available about July 1st. Write box 200, Statesman. i. Notice of Name Change Henry C. Mattson, county, clerk, gave public notice of change in name from Sundsrud to Sundale by Anna' Sophie, Lucille May and Morris Dale Sundale. Ole Johan Sunsrud changed his name to Ole John bundaie. Public notice ox we secutive weeks in the Gervais Star. - Gt "Cyn" , Cronise Photographs and Frames. 1st Nat') Bank Bid. Auction Bonds , Today The Salem Kiwanis will engage in a war bond auction at the regular weekly meeting today noon at the Marion hotel. Sid Stevens will be the auctioneer in charge. Varied musical numbers will also be on today's program. :; ? For store . fixtures, built-ins, or any type of mill work, see Rei mann Supply Co. Phone 9203. Certificates of Nomination and Acceptance Certificates of nom ination and acceptance were filed Monday in the county clerk's of fice on both the republican and democratic; tickets for Roy J. Rice, county commissioner, and Earl Adams, constable for Salem jus tice of peace and constable dist ricts. . j. - J ;' j. Rugs and uphol. cleaned. Ph. 6831 Rowboat Missing; A grey and dark red rowboat belonging to A, S JTussjpg,. 1327- Marion street, is missing from his pier on Mill creek behind the owner's house. Tussing is of the belief that the boat was taken by an unidentified youth who was with boys who had received permission" to use the boat. j . r Reroof with - Johns-Man ville as phalt shingles. Right over your old roof. Free estimates. Ma this Bros.,' 164 S. Com'l. Phone 4642. Revival Services Due The Gospel tent at 22nd and Lee streets will be the site of revival I services beginning tonight at 8 o'clock. Special music and singing together with the message of the evening will be featured on the program. - j . : Deafened. .Free test world re n o w n e d symphonic acousticon. Batteries for all r aids. Salem's Hearing , Aid Headquarters, 905 1st National Bank Bldg. Ph: 6350. " . ': j - i " ' ; Four Runaways State police - report that ; four boys ran away from the state training school, two on Sunday and two on Mon day. 1 Walter "E. Sexsmith and Richard Coffman left the institu tion' Monday and : Alton Ammon son and Russel Zink on- Sunday. Paint ' sale discontinued colors. Save 20. R. D, Woodrow, 325 345 Center St. Two Quitclaim Deeds Signed The county court signed two quit claim orders in favor of Walter G. and Florence Sample for prop erty in Donald " and- to Hugh and Rose Magee for 20 acres in Mar ion county. . The Pike, ice cream, store, now open Sundays for sale of our own 35c' quart brick and ice cream cones... , . .,. ..:! . . -. - : ..:. Injures Back G. W. Tupper, 576 McNary avenue, West Salem, . was given first aid when he strain' ,- ed several ligaments In his back while lifting a battery at the Dav idson garage Monday morning. A doctor was called. Get that new roof . now. Save. money. Independent Contractor. Phone 6333. Rleo Baek Commissioner Roy Rice has once more taken up his duties as county official after at tending the State Grange tconyeh tion held at Grants Pass last week! In thim city Jun IS. Elizabeth Wane r. SA, lata resident f 913 JNS Emvraon rreet, Portland. Announcement of services - later by - Howell-Edwards runeral home. IWalker-HoweU.) Amelia A. Cattrelt C3, at a local hospital. Sunday. June 1. Survived by a son. Cyrus CattreU f Salem: a brother. Morse Monzinro of Salem, and thru nieces. Mary Monzineo of Salem nd Mrs. Amelia Bateman and Mrs. riia Wickersham. both of Seattle. Ser iv will be held at the Rose Lawn Funeral home Tuesday. June 20. at 1 :.io p.m., with Dr. Henry Marcotte fficiatinf. Interment : la City View Two':'' Minor- Injuries ' Delia Read, 80, 2325 Myrtle . avenue, was treated by first aiders for dog bites on the palm and wrist of her right arm. Lawrence Zin- sen, 15, route T, box 295, fell off a bicycle and sustained a cut over the right eye and bruised left ear. He, was taken to Deaconess hos pital. . J We still have Cherry Picking Lad ders; also extension ladders. Geo. E. Allen Hardware. ' - Reserved seat sale for Salem Sad dle Club Horse Show June 24 & 25, at Arbuckle King's. Car Tires Punctured During the recent months, city police ; have been notified of various types of vandalism with tires in this vicin ity,". A "recent phase is that 'of tire puncturing or slicing as reported by several cars parked on South Liberty street and near the Paulus Bros, cannery. Jn most cases the tires punctured are those nearest the curbj. Lewis McRae reported his car -was the recipient of such action Monday morning between 7 or 8 a.jm. .... , . Cannery j Workers: Special busi ness at our next .regular meeting June 21st, involving electing of a business! agent and ways and means of maintaining same for this organization.- E u 1 a Riley, Kec'v. T-oral No. 22104. Cold Pack Canners at Firestone RtnrA 3QS M T.ihortv Loop Opened The Mt Hood :lr.:r Z"": er because of snow, was opened o traffic Monday, state highway officials here announced. The Mc Kenzie: highway from Eugene to Bend was opened last week. For home loans see Salem Fed eral. 130 South Liberty. ' On State Board Gov. Earl Snell Monday announced the re' appointment of W. H. Ross, Port land, as a member of the state real estate board. He will serve a four-year term. ' j ; See Lane and Clackamas Co, Sher iff's Posse June 25th, 2 p. m, Salem Saddle Club Horse Show.! Fair grounds. Windshield Broken Both sides of the windshield in his Buick se dan were broken last week be tween the hours of noon and ! p.m., W. H. Bretz, 691 Highland, has told police. Spanish classes at the old high school, 460 N. High, are announced by Theodore Merritt, formerly of the-YMCA and the San Rafael military academy, also on the gov ernment's eligible list of chief translators. Emphasis will be giv en, conversation. An advanced class opens Wed., June. 21st; be ginners, Mon., June '26th; both at 7:30 p. m. Picnic Slated Former resi dents of Salem now living in Port land will hold their annual picnic in Laurelhurst park Sunday, June 25, beginning at 3 o'clock. Leaving Thursday for Chicago and intermediate way-points. Office closed from June 23rd to July 5th inclusive. Persons desiring to con tact me during the Republican Na tional Convention may do so in care of Hotel Bismarck. Urgent legal business requiring immediate local attention will be attended to by Mr. Zerzan, at 121 New Bligh Building, Salem'. Herman E. Lafky, Attorney at Law. Paid adv. Hub Caps Taken Two chrome hub caps were taken from a Ford coupe belonging to Jess Tryon while : his car stood parked in front of the Royal Court apart ments, The Auburn Women's ClJb wish to thank all who have made dona tions for improving the school kitchen. Others wishing to contri bute mav nhone 35R5. ' Gas Stolen Rev. E.W. Terry reported to police the theft of gas oline from his automobile while it was in his garage at 280 Pine street. ; " We still have Cherry Picking Lad ders; also, extension ladders. Geo. E. Allen Hardware. Mail Box Stolen Mrs. Stella Scott, 2266 Mission, reported to police Monday the 'theft of a rural type mail box from near her resi dence. Standard Red Cross First Aid Class beginning -7:30 Thursday eve. Old high school bldg. 3rd floor. June 22. Public invited Escapee Located S t a t e police have returned Harvey Saiegon, weekend escapee from the Fair view home, to confinement See Oregon Mounted Posse . and Yamhill co. Sheriff's Posse. Sat 8 pjn. Salem Saddle Club Horse- show. Fairgsounds. , e : Tewnsend I Club Townsend club No. 3 ; meets tonight at o'clock at 17th and Court streets, Fpotl Prices Qirab -1.8 in Portland PORTLAND, June 19 - (ff) -Food prices climbed 1.1 per " cent in the month ending May IS to brinf Portland prices 50.G hifher than In the pre-war year of 1939. - Fresh , fruits and vegetables- particularly' onions, carrots, or tinges, lettuce and apples caused most of last a month'a Increase, William A. Bedsoe, regionaal di rector of the VJS. bureau of labor Rules Tighten For Buying j New 1942 Car r-T,,i Tr-cvn. ,?n Ka .1 liiM. I t bu new 1942 cars after lune Z "Ha w OPA mileage rationing repn taiive.i announced .Monday. list of j eligibles Is being redpeed because of the small number pf new 1942 cars available fori ra tioning, he explained. Doctors, nurses, ministers, iwar workers and others engaged ,in ! work essential to the war effort or to 'public health and safety are on the eligible list, Eggen said, j Highlights of the new rules : The car must be used princf pal- ly for one or more of the purposes included in the eligibility listi esen The Eligibility xt persons who Ivantl, in nil6 nn t.,. a;;i942 car for driving iou or 1 more .pupUs, students, Aeachejs or school employes to or from sdhool is revoked. , , i . Eligibility, is granted the UAited Service. Organizations, Inc, jipon certification i of U S O natfonal headquarters that a car is needed in connection with travel on faffi- Cial business. v I I In the past, members of 1 the armed forces on active dut, as well as; persons who had been! ad- vised they were physically fit for military duty,- could sell their 1942 cars to any person,; whether he had ration certificates or inot Now they may sell on this Basis only to members of their town families, after, obtaining a clear ance statement ' from any - local OPA board. 7 . ' Juiuc or salvage companies may now buy a damaged 1942 car with a ration certificate- for repair land resale. All persons eligible to acquire a car for; purposes other than tfieir own use may scrap a 1942 ca salyagej its parts if repair is practicable. I V not A 1942 car may be regained by an jowner from whom the car was repossessed, without the nece: ity of getting a certificate. Gets Parole Harold Farley was sentenced to nine months in the county jail by Judge E., M. Page Monday knd then paroled to the state boar of parole, upon condition that he ay $150 per month to his family through the parole board. Charge of lion r support was brought ! against him by the district attor ney. Farley waived indictment befpre the grand jury and pleaped guilty to the charge. Earlier in the day an order was filed from the Silverton justice court binding Farley over to fthe grand jury. Besides his wife, there are five minor children involved. Date of: non-support started Ifeb. : in, Becoming to material submitted. " . i ; f ODlB 6lmonths old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tesk. 1840 Ne braska, Salem . Rea-lster your baby now! It may win aa much as $250 ' tKrsti Prize) of tha ' 1 SMt IK WAR BONDS offered for the best "Picture Babies" of l44. It may also win the "Weekly Prize a 25 Ufa Sise Hand Painted Oil Portrait. , " r efcMgattea It tar N. ne..No Entry FN. Flil out 523 SUJa Street, Sx!iia,Orra 7M V. I -Miom 57Z2 ; i 1 . V Oiher BUkep maiiX-J rartla4 Slankrleld Vaneevvei Farley Guilty taaoi M x . i ! Sandra' Lou Tesk j - 1 1 i : a :r, B .. 1 1 i u 1 i I si (! i 3 i iiilili! IPod DdD 0(B lEeajaDu'cI s ::. CIRCUIT COURT " - . : . Chester Maulding vs.- Mt Angel Creamery Co.; demurrer' filed by defendant , t. j H M f ..1 . AM P ivy jEJ-iocson vs. - vhu ie . exson; compiaim ior u vVe on grounds that defendant married July j 24, -1933 at Van- couver, ' Wasn. - ,w, : - .4 j , State vs.Raymond Bascue; or-, der binding; defendant to grand jury upon charge of larceny; bail set at $1000 by Silverton justice court $--; -C-v L'-.f Flora Ransom Hereth vs. Har old W. Ransom et al; answer of defendant Wayne Ransom admit ting certain; paragraphs of- com plaint and denying .all others; alleges that Harold W. Ransom was paid full, adequate complete 1943 L,.. firi, J for -f "estate. s j dba Mort. bta 'iiifmf rv .r Emmpt t. Roee- motinn tA nsh service of summons. Donald w. McLean vs. Dorothy v McLean: divorce decree a ward - ing piainUff custody of ; minor child horn in 'defmdant a rpsiilt cf i prior marriage, and also of two minor children of the couple; defendant eiven right of visitation. Ames J. lEstabrook vs. Raloh C. Estabrook; complaint for di- vorce alleging cruel and inhuman treatment; plaintiff seeks $100 attorneys fees, $500 lump sum settlement for alimony and restor ation or her former name, Agnes J. Robertson. ; " Myrtle LeClaire vs. Edward Le- Claire; divorce decree awarded to plaintiff; with custody of minor child going to defendant, and right of visitation to plaintif.-. Selma Ulrich vs. Frank Ulrich; divorce decree entered for plain Wk'rk not tclling ourselves that tbe war , is practicalljr over. There's still tre-j " mendous job to do; But even so, s buty United Mainliners speed along the Pacific Coast, e're seeing the lights start to come' on again. It is the beginning of the brighter tomorrow hich lie ahead. . . ;. ! ' United has always had implicit confidence in the futiire of the West. From a modest beginning, United's famous Main I2n 'Airt way today linki 17 Pacific Coast cities m ith CbtWgOiVNew iogton and many other of the nation's East Coast -I cities; A record of more than 260 million miles of flying experience has been established.: : , The men and women of United continue to plan ahead They Itnow that as soon as aircraft planta can turn from building ' bombers to producing commercial plane, .-ou will travel in great, new, 4-engine Main- tiff by: default; plamtVf "awarded custody of . minor child and .res toration of former name. Selma Hintz. , , . . ; R. C. Hazeltine vs.: Louise Ra chel Hazeltine by Emory J. L bold, guardian ad j litem; divorce decree awarded plaintiff. ' - , t Jonathan Schindlee et . al vs. Lena Stahlin et al: order for mih- lication of summoni in Jefferson Review - for four ; consecutive weeks; complaint seeks determin ation of interests in! real property, some 20 acres located in. Marion county, and the apppintment of some suitable person to . act . s referee in sale of , property and dividing' proceeds inj accordance with interests of several parties. PROBATE COURT' ' r i : Silas, M. Fletcher estate; final order discharging Ronald C. Glo ver4 executor, ' froni duties,' heirs St law are two sisteri 'Ennice H. Tobie, Portland; and Rita Fletcher Abbott, Parma, Idahd; receipt of r-Eleanor Johnson estate; supple mental final order entered dis charging Cynthia Ann; Link, exe cutrix, of trust, receipts of dis tributees filed; state I inheritance tax set - at $10.26 on estate of $1025.18. . t John Kaeser estate;! final hear ing set for July 22 at) 10 a m. on final account filed by! Alma Kae ser, executrix, listing frecepits of $686.59, disbursements of $1291.02 leaving deficiency of $604.43, paid by.' Anna Kaeser; disbursements include $312.09 paid both to exe cutrix and : to attorney, E. L. Crawford, t . -j. ... J .F. Hughes estate; petition for extension of time to July 15, 1944, in which j to, file complete inven tory of estate. - 1 Joseph - Eskelson estate; order to J. F. Ulrich, executor of estate, it . . .! 3EHQ LH aQDCu 1 to show ' cause why he has- not filed final account V or why he should not.b removed as executor of estate; petition filed by Kather ine Daniel, daughter of deceased, alleges that estate of deceased in Morrow and Marion counties con sists of real and personal property over $50,000, and that executor refuses to file final account pro vided . by' law; i V-' - v ; - :!: . . George W Wood esUte; final hearing set for July 29, at 10 usa: on final account filed by Robin P. Day, administrator,' listing re ceipts of $1570 apd disbursements of ; $578.73, leaving balance of $991.27. Fred Schiesser estate return of sale f Ued by Albert Streiff , exe cutor, an sale of lands and ene menta for $5150 to Elizabeth Hem shorn of Mt" Angel; terms of iale also include purchase of hay and estate's share of crop for $100. John A. Lambert, jr guardian ship; order aproving annual ac count filed by (Joe Horneffer, guardian, listing receipts of $560 an . disbursements of $083, .in cluding a' $75 war bond, leaving net cash of $351.47, and estate of $426.47. t Norman Bircher guardianship; order discharging; guardian, .Luke Dilliard; ward became 21 years of age several months ago and is now prisoner of war in Japan. .William .Service estate; order discharging H. B. La than, admin istrator, from duties; heirs at law are Bertha Elizabeth Haydon, Olympia, Wash; wie-lhird of es tate; May M. Senide, daughter, Silverton, one-third; and William Ralph Service, son, Seal Beach, Calif., one-third of estate. ! ; U. S. Page estate; inheritance tox on estate of $69,735.55 deter mined at $919.71. I , Chester Lester! Bonney; final decree discharging George W. Hubbs, administrator, from duties, and distributing estate as follows: liners that Mill serve the Pacific Coast . i i planes that Mill cruise at 300 miles an hour; j There will be luxurious flight accommo da lions for 52 passengers : ; : details of service and cuisine that will be even finer than United's present high standards ; . . at fares that ill be consistently lowered. - jtg mnU of when you tnuit M eefl u$or rompUtm mlr traWI information. Buy in mrm vith mooting Umrfim trofiie aWmeinefs, wo' 11 do mil tco tmn to kelpyotu Eton f your dottinmtion I Uonm routo other thon Unttod't, uo uont to mono ooyour trmvet informotion hoodquorton. ' V. r.UOHTJIMt IIS il 0M; IAIIM: TOt IQS ANOEIIS . V ai& HOUIS SAN flANCISCO 1U MOU1I CHICAGO ..... . . J7H HOUIS NEW YOKK ...... lOUKOUtS Emma Boney, widow, Kansas City, Mo3 - one-half : residue cf estate; Ethel Bonney Taylor, Hollywood, Calif n ane-sixth; Mary Jane Lawler, daughter, Burbank, Calif, and Charles Arthur Bon ney, : , soii ; Flagstaff, Ariz," one sixth... "'M ; - W ' ; 2 r . " William Reinert J Habernicht, guardianship; order approving an nual and - final report 1 of . Rose Hanah S w a n s o n " Haberntcht guardian, listing total receipts of $2436.17, and expenditures . of $609.86, leaving cash 1 balance of $1826.31; ward became 21 on Juse 9, 1944 p;i - :ri :.Ui:l MARRIAGE LICENSES " Ara J. Davis, 28, Camp Adair; Patricia J. McGinnie, 19, Salem. 5IUNICIPAL COURT J. ; f , MatK Fijands Nolz, jr j 595 Un ion, four In front seat, fined $2.50. Don Karbteh, no driverts license, fined $5. q'- v, Margaref McAdoo,- Y"a I?ima, wasn, disorderly conduct: $50 for 10 days.-!--' " i ' " Pvt. Thomas W. Leuckie, hdqtrs. battery 725th FA battalion; disor derly . conduit released to I army authoritiesj- . -:: j . J : '. . ; Helen McBride, Salem, disorder ly conduct; $50 or 10 days. Pvt Robert W. Hamilton, hdqtrs. battery 725th FA battalion, disor derly condiict, released to army authorities.) f j j, . Clyde E.jAvls, tynchbUrg, VaJ vagrancy, held. ;.. : -i i;:;---'.!' . Roy Malone, transient; vagran cy, held. ).-... I -.,.-..i.ij:..';, Cameron' D .Campbell,! 1655 N. Capitol, no driver's license. JUSTICE COURT ,--1 1". V -" Cecil Eastman Reynolds; over height load; $25 bail.- j'j-i Helen P-; Maddy; no operator's license; $1 and costs. Fred A. jKucera; no operator's license; $1 (and costs! '- Warren Mason Laselle; no oper ator's license; $1 and costs. f4ea AkfMrt 7eUabSS4S -" 0' MJL S , a MtTwrt m rxi fxotirif et ih Mane coaxt Consiuneto' Receive More Fuiniture V PORTLAND, June 19-P)-More furniture will be available for con sumers this ? year' than' last the state convention of the retail fur niture , association', was , told j5at urday.Ki;';-:X.r.i; Roscoe R.' Rau, Chicago, exe- cutive vice president' of the ' Na tional - Retail . Furniture associa- . . . - -. .- uon, saia . -me ouuook ior sup plies' of. home goods is definitely ort the mend. Referring to . the price control act up' for renewal In ' congress, Rau - aid: furniture' ft dealers . are seeking! assurance ''-they.-; wttl. not have to continue "subsidizirtg. in- creased manufacturing costs. Wheiv the . government 'grants price ini creases to manufacturers, he said.' retailers should be allowed to pass on these " advances , to -the con sumer, -y ' : " . .- - ' "... - Henry A. Schroeder of Myrtle Point was elected president; El mer Calef, Portland, - first vice president; Sam Frager, Albany, second vice president; A. H. Hern-, dobler" Portland.- treasurer: J. King Bryon, Portland, managing director.: . - .,. .. ::- . ' '' . , . .'. f n.i' rn. Officers Trouble Plus - CAMP ADAIR, June 18 -iJP) The Brock triplets - Floyd, Boyd and Lloyd are giving"' their of ficers at Camp Adair a confusing time. They arrived from Clare don, Tex. 1 iioniiiiR) statistics, reported. Cemetery. ' f