The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 20, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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choel days at the aid Lincoln school In Polk county were recalled at the Lincoln-Zena homecoming
recently, and : this picture of student body' there of which the picnic association's new- president
was a member cause oat of a trunk for The .Statesman engraver. Front row, left to right, Adrtea Miles,
Walter Gerth (now a West Salem grocer), Lorin WaningArthur Davidson (recently on the Silent city
council), Vera York, Kobert Dancan, Alvla Tracey Walling; ntaading. second row, left te right, Fred
Cllngen, Chester Abranu, Hasel Trice, JTearl Ekhardsm, Winifred Duncan (Darby), Irene Richard
son, Ussie Flam (Craaaie). Anna Windsor (HackeU) ; Aack row. EdltnGreen. Letty Abrams, Vernie
Cllnren (Morrisoa). Anna Bee hringer. Will Windsor, Johnnie Pla, i Frank : Windsor, Carle I Abrams,
Barrey, William and Dave Plum. Behind the fronp, her head and
f Frank Windsor and Carlo Abrams, Is the teacher, Ellen Sykcs.
Sons and Daughters o
t LINCOLJf..r-t Col. Carle Abrams descendant of the Oregon
pioneers, Mr. and Mrsv Louis Abrams, was "elected president at
the seventh annual Lincoln Zena homecoming picnic which was
Hheld -Sunday; June 1 1 in hat -Was know n in former dayaas Ton.
; er's pasture, , but is " now alled
Mickey's grove, . as-Mr.; and Mrs.
Lr I.- Uickor , are owners. . .. ,
. Col. Abrams succeeded Roy E.
' r Barker, who: resignedA. M.-Pat-'
rick was reolected as -rice presi--dent'
Mrs. Greta -Phillips Hiatt,
secretary-treasurer, resigned and
Miss Hazel Price succeeded her.
- Fear Octogenarians ,
Tour octogenarians, Mr. and
-Mrs. A. M. Patrick, born in 1861,
; Mrs. Carrie Penrose and Mrs. J.
T.i Walling, born in 182, wha4-:
f tended last year.V were present
- -'. Sunday. Mrs. - Penrose claims the
greatest number of descendants,
.. . . having 23 grandchildren and 26
'treat grandchildren The nffair
was; attended by 1 H persons this
- year, 39 more than last year.
, . Colonel A b r a'm s appointed as
Committees for the 1945 program,
' Mrs. Lois Crawford, Mrs. Greta
- Hiatt and Mrs. Walter B. Hunt;
' refreshments, Mrs. L. I. Mickey,
Hoy E.. Barker and Frank Boeh
Tinger.MrsT Wayne D. Henry was
appointed historian. -.';;.
; A.' M. Patrick, 83, was the
'oldest person present In point
' of years and ' Mrs." John Child-,
v ers, 69, was the oldest in point,
i of residence,' having been , born
I In Lincoln, 1875. Danny Carl-
son, 16 month old son of Mr.
'and Mrs. X. V. Carlson, was the
'youngest present.
. , Mrs. Greta ' Hiatt rend some in-
- teres ting history of thf earlier
days and. the settlers mentioning
three brothers. Bolivar, Major and
Clayborne Walker, 'who came
across the; plains and -took up
choice donation land claims
around Zena, then called Spring
Valley because of. the innumerable
springs. iir 'i .:-. .
Pioneers' Descendants Attend
Wayne ,D. . Henry, and Worth
Henry were the .only descendants
of these early pioneers ! present
Their, mother was a Walker; - ;
" .Walter B. Hunt was born at
Zena in 1877.' His parents came
iiere from "Missouri and his. father
Monty and De
Cm. Sir nernara . lonnomcr,
XSSSSSSi ITZSS SSSSZ V-cent;, hospital in Portlan, an
V : t Bww Nonnaady. This b a British official photo, nc-unced Sunday night that Be had
J Sth 50-50 chance. j
-: 'Iincoln School Days Recalled
Pioneers Gather
operated a blacksmith shop In
Zena. Greta Phillips H i a tt'.and
Roy E. Barker are grandchildren
of the pioneer Phillips family, who
came across the plains and set
tled at Zena on donation land
claim in . 1847. 'Z'-S
Mrs. John Chllders and her
akter, Mrs. Jo HackeU and
"brother, all present, are children .
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Windsor,
who. had many ezperienooa. In
: early days. Ben Windsor came
arenad Capo Horn when eom- '
lac. from England . to, make a
home . here. He was instrumen
tal la getting lumber from Un
eoln to Zena, over an anbroken .
; road, to build the Zena church
which he attended faithfully. At
the time of hat deaths Windsor
owned I486 aereav- ;
' Mrs. A. M. Patrick taught school
at Zena in 1883.
Iner Mortenson came from the
greatest distance to live in "Ore
gon, coming here from Osl Nor
way, when six years old.
Frank Boehringer told stories of
how his parents came from Ger
many to . make their home here,
settling first .in Nebraska.
Mrs. Lois Simpson .Crawford's
great grandparents, William and
Mary Simpson, crossed the plains
and arrived in 1846 with their
ten children. Mrs. Crawford's fa
ther was a cousin of Sam L. Simp
son, the Oregon poet. Her mater
nal - grandmother, Mrs. Harritt
Stevenson Crangle, '' crossed the
plains from Platte county, ; Mo.,
when a young girl. , " ' '
Mn. J. D. Walling lives on part
of the - old donation land claim
which was taken up by -her hus
band's father, Jesse Walling as
also, do the Alvin Waitings.
Rev. Thomas Robinson of New
berg gave an interesting talk con
cerning the . time when he was
pastor .of the community church
at Zena as was his father Albert
Robinson, before him. ; ' '
Basket Dinner Held
: "A basket dinner preceded 'an
Gaulle Meet
t - w
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shoulders appearing between those
afternoon . of . conversation and
visiting with old - friends. Those
present were Mr. and Mri. Wayne
D. Henry, Mrs, Esther! Oliver.
D. Henry - Mrs Esther f Oliver,
Mary McGee Mann, Mr. and Mrs.
E. F. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Childers, Mr. and Mrjt.'How.j
ard GoodfeDow, - M.- a&LMrs.
Robert' Pippin, Mr. " aild 5 Mrs.
Church Stephens, Mr. - ajid - Mrs.
George Hammond, Mr. and Mrs.H
1L V. . Carlson, -and David .and
Danny, Myrtle Collins, LeUtta
Abrams,j Bertha E. Garrow; AiVT.:
Garrpw, Mr. . and , Mri. John
Schindler, Mr.' and MrsI .. Karl
W. Harritt, JCarl Marez,:Irand
Mrs. , Guy Phillips, Mr.' and Mrs.
Paul Scharn, Patty Jeanne Lloyd.
Mrs.; Myron Scharn. 4 f r i
; M. and Mrs. mnkf Boeh
ringer, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pat
rick, Beverly Mott, David Craven,
Carmen, ! John and . Casey Rod
rrigueq, Steuart Hunt, Grace and
Genevive Ashford, Mr. arid Mrs.
S. B Dodge and Betty, MrsV Car
rie Penrose, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff
Williams and Martha, Virginia, Le
Roy,! Franklin and Albert. .Mr.
and Mrs. A. F, Walling, Mr. -and
Mrs. R. J. Hackett, Jeannif Smith,-
Mr. and ; Mrs. J. A. Wright, Mr.
and Mrs.; Walter B. Hunt, air. and
Mrs.1 Carle Abrams, S. Di Craw
ford, Burl Oliver,' Mrs.. J.' D.
WaUing, j Mr. and Mrs. Roy" W.
Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mer
ries: jana Audrey, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy 1 E. Baker and SamJ S. H.
Barker, Verna . Bruner. Mr. and
Mrs. Fredrick Muller. !
I! Mrs. Greta Hiatt, Mr. and Mrs.
Worth Henry. Hazel D. Price, Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Shepherd and Ar
don and Joe, Iner Mortensbn, Mr.
find Mrs. H. J. Neiger, and Helen,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawerence McClure,
and Larry and : Donna Rev.
Thomas Robinson and his fnother,
Mrs. i Albert Robinson, , Mr. and
Mrs. Ben McKinney and
and Phyllis! Joyce and
Utterback, Mrs. Lois Crawford,
Max t Hammond. Cecil
Douglas Susmilch, Bobby
Mr. and Mrs.' L. I. Mickey and
Robert Yungen.
Hay, Pea Harvest
Saved From Rain
luNlONVALE Almost all "of
the 50 acres of clover hay cut
about two weeks ago and; bailed
with a pickup bailer was old or
put in storage before tneFnday
rain at the-Clark Noble foim.
The rain Friday slowed jjup the
pea harvest in this area but Sat
urday saw ; renewed efforts 7 and
vinerS . operating at usual speed.
In . some instances - tractors were
used to assist truck loads to pull
from muddy fields.
Funeral Held for
Henry Wohlster
SILVERTON Henry ?Whol4
ster, age 77 years, died Friday at
the home of his son, William on
route 7 in Salem. Funeral services
were held Monday afternoon at
the - Christian Apostolic church
Survivors include: children,
with Rev. H. Kuenzi officiating. -
SurVrvors include: . children.
Albert, Fred, William and Minnie
Wohlster. and Mrs. Nettie Levold,
Elgin, Illinois. ! ' -
Clarnell Bryanl
Selected Queen
lLEBANON Miss Clarnell Bry
ant, sponsored : by the S4ntiam
Wranglers, local riding dull, was
chosen ' queen of the CalApooia
Roundup to be held in Crawjf ords
yille, July 2-4." The other Candi
dates who will act as prircesses
are Miss Jodie Al worth of Cprval
lis; Miss IRay Frum of Brpwns
vflle and lliss Phyllis' Bodkin of
Junction Cityi r " '","7":
Victim of Dull Said - H
In Improved Status
f.MT.? ANGEL-lrhe condition of
Ray Ebner who was gored by a
bull Friday night, is still in?prov-
operated en him Saturday at St
Mid-Wil 1 a-m elf e
Reports From
Reunion Held
MT" ANGEL Tlie anrTuarsUrw.
gef-Henny reunion was held Sun
day, Juni 18, at" the borne" of An
ton, Stenger, jr. The choice of the
day held "special sieniflcance. It
was decided to hold the meeting
on Father's day ; to give special
honor to Anton Stenger." sr great
grandfather of the clan. -
The following' officers of the
clan were: all reelected: nresidenL
Anton Stenger, jr.; vice president,
KUdoipn Henny; secretary-treasurer,
Edna Stenger. Next year the
reunion will be held at the home
of John Stenger.
A basket lunch was served at
Present were: Mr. Anton Sten
ger, sr.. Mr. and Mrs. John Hen-'
ny, sr, Mr. and Mrs. John Henny,
jr, Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy Henny
and Millard, Mr: and Mrs. Frank
Henny! and Alexine, Mr. and Mrs.
Millard Henny and Merle, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Henny and Charles, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence ZlelinskL Miss
Theresa; Stenger, Mr. .and Mrs.
John Stenger and Jeannette, Mr.
and Mrs. Antotr Stenaer and GU-
bert, and Mrs. Frank Craemer of
Portland. f! v ;'
; TO "'
M --J.' . B Jt.A.. .r a. ,.. mm w .i.
I i; if r Ji
Buy all you : can- and then more? More tlian you've-
ever bought before! j . . ' ' 7 -y
This is the biggest Job America has ever had to do!
. T Let 6how our fighting men we tan do it!r
- -.1 - -;
The Siatesmatf
Sulom, Orsoni, Tuesday
Valloy Calendar
Liberty local farmers Union. . - :
- AumsviBo-food preservation demon
straUon," borne or Mrs. Elmer Klein.
WEDNES DAT. JCNE XI '-- -t.- '
Aurora food preservation demonstra
tion. ' r . , . ' f f . tW r
Guy Funk Resigns
From Scib Post - -
s : SCIO Recent, resignation 'of
Guy Funk as a member " of 'the
Scio city council left the latter
body composed of R. M. Cain, W,
H. Dennison, R. B. Haines, Ceith
Miller and Frank Sommer. Funk's
resignation was occasioned by his
removal r from the city. All five
incumbents now jjserving on the
municipal board ;have been ap
pointed by Mayor J. A. Withers
and confirmed by council mem
bers. No election has- been- held
for several years, and appoint
ments have become so frequent
that delay has" often been .en
countered in finding eligible' men
to accept positions on the coun
cil. I ,
Mrs. Ida James of Portland vis
ited. Sunday .at the home, of her;
son; Lloyd, In Scio. She was ac
companied by Edward James and
family, brother of LJoyd. -rr? f--
5ih UAB
ji- iv ii ii v vvy ;
.... ir;- 1 -, .O2'
Morning, Junn 20, 1S41
Burleigh Cahli
Neiv Principal: i
TLEBANON' A." Burleigh "Casfw
at. present, executive secretary of
the Clackamas county '"-OP A has.
been ' elected to .the ."position . of
principal of the high school to sue-;
ceed Irviri F. Bryan," resignedw '
v Mr. Cash,' who jreceivejl his AB
and MA degrees from the-UniveT-sity.of
Oregori, has, had-26 'years
of experience in the school of Ore-
gon and Washington, his last posi
tion having been of assistant
principal of thi Oregon City high
school. He also served as dean, of
boys at one. off lhe Seattle high
schools,,Mr. and Mrs. Cash, whose
family- is grown, will move to Le
banon late in the summer.!':,
Coiiple Observe. ;50th
Anniversary at Scio
SCIO Golden wedding anni-
versary- of Mr., and Mm' C. Z. A.
Zander, ot -ja it h Commercial
street, Salem;- wasoboeryed Sun-
dy-wtth - visiting at-the-ome-f
their jon, M D.' Zander,, at Scio,
family'; dinner 'and ' reunion i at the
home of their "daughter, Mrs. Le
fJ SJ? fir i
a o
Kf,. S.. frr p-i?
- i'
Dayton Imon
Slates Election i
. . '-' I
DAYTON The annual Installa!
Uon of American Legion and aux-
ilianr ' blficers" is '. scheduled for
Pe fr y Barber, district deputy,
and Mrs. Josephine Kane, past de
partment officer, - both of New
bcrg, will be the installing -officers.
Gold star parents of this area
Will be special guests. ; . .
Gar License Exains
Due forJIta Angel
n " - ' . 3-
A. traveling examiner f opera
tors and chauffeurs from the sec
retary of state's office will" be in
Mt. AngeV Wednesday morning,
JifTMi 21 at ih ritv hall. Hnura are
from 9 to' 4. Those wishing permits'!
or licenses are requested to be on
hand. ; 4 V;V; - r
EdjNobW Recovering
-r-r.. .-i wr r p-- s. -a'-r
rajpidyCrecovering fnn n .recent
heartattack suffered at but tome.
c (
&x r Mr ): -
"Keep, it flying! Brave red, gallant blue, unsullied
white; Keep it flyingthe flag of America's fron
tiersmen; the flag jo 165 y ears of pioneers in the
name pf liherty ; the flag of America for freedom-
forever! !
Keep it flying! There's only one way! And that
is hy keeping on buying the War Savings.Bondsland
Stamps which can supply the funds which can supply
oiir f ightingmen with every piece of equipment and
every1 item of apparel they need fast in order to
this war!
. . ..--' .... i . . -
Dies, Aged 68
At Birthplace
- SILVERTON-. Alfred T. ainel
lifetime resident of Oregon, died
Saturday at the farm near Brooks'
where he was born 68.' years ago v
on January 10, 1876. Funeral Is to
be. announced by the" Eckman
Funeral home. , :' . )
'Survivors include the widow of
the, deceased, Diadema ; Cline;, .
children; Mrs. .FJose." Johnson,
SUverton; Mrs. Emily Richter.' MC "
Angel,rMrs.' "Velma 1 Gottenberg
Salem and George Cline' of Brooks;
sisters.'Mrsl Frank Heinzand Jen
nie Van Trumph both of Silver
ton and Mrs.' Lula'-Wiesner,
Brooks; brothers, Wim Cline, Port
land and George Cline of Alturas.
Lebanon Lions
Elect Officers
J" LEBANON At the' last meet
ing of the Lions club, Wednesday
noon, the annual election of offi
cers ' was held. .Douglas Waddell '
was named president to succeed
C Huston Walter. ...'-.
Other " officers were Kenneth
Mayer, vice-president; J. E. Es
tep, secretary; ; Geouge Peterson,,
treasurer; Rev. Holly Jarvis, Lion
tamer; Victor Carlson, Tail Twist
er and Layton Lof tin and Walter
Leisy, directors. . i j
ine Leoanon ciun will po-repre
sented at the state war! problem
conference ta Portland June 25
27 ; by President Waddelt Hugh
Olds and J. E. Estep.-4
S t
. ;'