torn OSSGOtt STATESMAN. SoUm. Qrwgon. Thunder Homing. Jim, IS. 1344 tags nxvni and .aEttdLf 0se" SfetecsTEiaii Classified JcHsL Pzofit, Mead ; CXudHcd Agvertariag . Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 , Threw Insertion ptr Jlnoj ... llf SiY.toaUrxW per Una - :40c On mooUr per Una 41-22 U in tin urn cnargt 23c; S tL mla .. Imuxn ZSci t U, min. 43c. .No -? reunda,. ; .r .vvv' -. W-;.; Copy- for -tota -page accepted wa ttl M the evening before publica tion tor elasslfloatioa. ' Copy re ceived after this time wUt be tw under tlw beading - "Tee Late to Classify - ;- "The -statesman aasurnes wa flnan ctaJ responsibility for errors wkten may appsar m sdvaittaonanta-pwb-hshcd4a Its eotumns -and -a casts where thbv paper ts at (salt will reprint" that -pert of aaJ advertise ment in which tb typographical to ret a Ice eccwiev - . The Statesmen reservca the right to reject questionable -edvertkang. It further leservae- the eight - to. "place ail advertising ' ' under ' the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad en ad containing a Statesman box number for aa ad dress ia for the protection of the advertiser - end must therefore be answered by - letter. The Statesman ts not at liberty to divulge infor mation.? aa to the Identity of an advertiser using., Blind" adU . Livestock and Poultry THIRD ANNUAL HORSE1 SALE 100 head of saddle horses and draft, ' All oAlnra HoraM to suit any rider. 90 .of them well broke young -. . . i i .i saddle norses. severer very wcit bto v4iiu ' kM with halfbreed naners. Sunday, June ltth. ISM. Rain or ankle. Cl nruiiinPM'li 11-00 A ,M.. BAR K STOCK RANCH. - located 6 mi. W. of Newberg. Harry Kuenne, canton, ore. owner..-- . 7, IM". rm THADIt Cood- bis team of young mares. D. Beach. Rt. 1. Box 370. W. of Lincoln Store : to ; Betnei tits. - - WANTED: 'Beef and canner cows, bulls and veals. Will call at farm. E. I. Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Road ph. 11344. Morns or eves. - R. L Red fryeri lor tale. Mulvlhill. Jftt. a.. Box W0. E. Center. Ph. 32529. NEW ' Hampshire Uytng pullets or ready to lav . puik ts. Immediate de livery. Choice selection Ph. 32861. Lee't Hatchery. : ; ' BABY CHICK? and custom hatching 23 yrs. experience assures you of best quality and satisfaction. Prepare foi better market conditions later.-Hatches every Monday and Thursday. Hamp shire. Leghorns, Red. Barred Rocks, day old- ckls or pullets. Ph. 1281 JUee's Hatchery .-.I... 1. 1 1 1 1 - ill . '.w ATTE?mOK WU1 remove deed & worthless stock in a moment's notice I SALEM FER TILIZER & BY-PRODUCTS. Ph 5000 Collect (No other Phone). Help Wanted . DISHWASHER for night work. Chin ese Tea Garden. . . , " ARE YOU an experienced meat cut ter? If so, Safeway Stares can give you immediate employment. Pleasant working conditions. Modern- equip ment. Steady employment. Good pay. If you can qualify, see Mr. Miller, Room 20 McGUchrtst Bldg. . WANTED: . Housekeeper , for , elderly Kentleman in country home, (or couple, rtian could work elsewhere). F. O. Box 38. Jefferson. Ph 633. i-... . Help Wanted Slale - Workers now employed In war pro duction should not apply and win not be considered for employment by em ployers advertising in this section.. 1 WANTED: Janitors ' at Willamette TJniv. See Mr! renix at Eaton HalL I MAN Wanted to work in tire service, department. :' Experience' desired but not necessary. Permanent. Chance for advancement. B. Goodrich Silver town Stores. 198 So. Com'l. Phone 9158. WANTED: Janitor. Eatnore Theatre. GOOD Man for fish' market. Good pay. ritu Market. MECHANIC. Permanent position. Ex cellent pay. Herrall-Owens Co. KITCHEN, vegetable man and por ter. Apply Marion Hotel. FRESH Fruit and vegetable man for a Job with a future. Good pay to start. Saving Center, Portland Rd. . JANITORS: Good wages. Apply in person. Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital. ;i GENERAL Garage work. Herrall Owens. 335 S. Com L MEAT cutter and meat market man ager. Top; pay. Steady. Saving Center, Portland Rd: . '- f MARRIED men on dairy farm. $159 house, light, milk and potatoes. . Ph. 97F13. - - f WANTED: Exp.- pressors for Army work TOP WAGES. Hollywood Clean- ars. : -.V , , I - - . . ; , G$9 0r?sontate$maii . , ADVERTISINO . Westerri Advertising j y.t' Bepmentatives Ward-Griffith Company. Ine -. San Francisco - Eastern Advertising -- . Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Ine. ' Chicago. New York, Detroit " Boston. Atlanta Entered at tke Postofice' at Salem Oregon as Second Class Matter. Pub lished every morning except Monday Business efrtce - 915 Sout Commer cial Street, SUBSCRIPTION RATES , Mad Subscription Kates tn Advance: Within Oregon: Da fly and Sunday. Ma. 90 centr. moa. 93.00; 1 year. 99.00. Elsewhere 90 cents- per mo. or 97.29 tor 1 yeartn advance. Per copy 9 cents. By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. 99.00 a year ia advance la Marion and adjacent counties. - - 1 , - ; t . O-l- C-TO mischiei? learn eo1 - -H " &i ' 5 11 INNOCENT. AHGEUCy H YOU lfU V' t Money to Loan FREE Financial Advice Sixteen years of financial experience In Satera rivet us confidence that we can help you If . you . really . need money, wv will let .yew nave -n -es onoe. . No -eBdoraer or eevotviiw e4 others. Loans toad oa furniture, live stock, farm machinery. - - ' Company is. iocaliy owned ana man aged. 5V.l..!-.,,' J I. . ' . GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION (iff SV tommercWf 81 FBotirtia EMERGENCY loans for doctor, hoe pttaL taxes, ante repair, etc. An eccoaa medatlnr. onderstaneteav helpful loan sendee- - - ' i -; ; ' ; Capital Loan Company S-333 Under SUte- Regulation M-023 31S rirrt National Bank Btdg. Ph. M - - Anto Loans i Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GTJARDtAft BTULDMO LICENSE H M ISa Loans Wanted. FARM 4 LOANS . A. N Duncan t Ladd h Bush Bldf Help Wanted 3Iale DIESEL LOG Truck Mechanic. Wil lamette Valley Lumber Co. 313 Pacific Building. Portland, 4, Ore. or Dallas, Oregon. .. ' " . eajBsnBeaansBesBBBBBBanaeananaeBaaBBBMeMaaaasBaa : Help Wanted Female DISHWASHER: Navy unit, Willam ette. University. See Miss Jack, Laus anne .Hall, or . Fh. 3265. 'WANTED: Reliable housekeeper- for family of 3 adults, '1 child.; Room, board and excellent wages. Ph. S33S. WANTED: ReUable lady to do house- cleaning 2 -days a week soc an' hour. Ph. 7447, 1 - ' - ' ; - " WANTED: About July 1st. young lady for general office work. Some stenographic work. Permanent posi tion. Write Box 200. Statesman. MANAGER for out of town Beauty Shop. Phone 5033. WANTED: Middle aged lady for housekeeper. Good wages. Ph. 8051. USHERETTES. Part or full time. Apply in person. Ekunore Theatre. EXP. Variety girl. Good pay. Capital Variety. 1263 State, i STENOGRAPHER, familiar with so cial case records, capable of meeting public. Middle aged preferred. Oregon State -Training School WANTED: Lady for light cooking Day shift Good pay. Sundays off. Steady. Ph 6972. WANTED: Woman for general housework. Ph. 7498. WANTED: Reliable young lady to work in a Jewelry store. Permanent position. References required. Excel lent salary. Box 40, Statesman. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Day shift. No Sundays or holidays. Court St Dairy Lunch. 347. Court. - HOUSEKEEPER needed for Mrs. O. H. Schlicfat at W aid port. Oregon. GIRL FOR waitress and fountain work for night shift Apply after 4 o'clock. Blue , Bird. Situations Wanted BOY 15, wants work, any kind. Ph. 9791. . CHILDREN eared for by day. week or month. Ph. 4733; CHHJDCRAFT Nursery. We pick up and deliver. 1903 Trade. Ph. 31829 CHILDREN cared for. Ph. 9649. For Sale Miscellaneous - INT ANTS twin blue sweater and carriage, suits, like new. Misc. arti cles. Cheap. 3269 Portland Rd. Apt 9. WINDOW SHADES 3x 91.00 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty i Ph. 4619 3 WOOD cook stoves. 929 and 933: 3 camp stoves $13.50 ea. All A-l con' dltlon. 1 25-lb. Ice box. 3 beds and springs. 1 breakfast table. 1 front rm. table. Other small articles. 1144 Cen ter. In garage. Drive in alley. Thurs. and rn. otuy. New shipment of Chenille bedspreads GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 379 N. Liberty Ph. 4619 BED. dressing table, springs and mattress complete. Radio, carpets, pre war davenport and matching chair. Kitchen utensils, dishes, ironing board. pillows. Call today between 9 and 9 o dock at V19 Market St BABY Carriage 920. Play pen $10. High chair $12.30. Bethinette 96. Sim mons studio couch 930. Maple kneebole desk 915. 1215 N. 19th. Ph. 9311. TAPESTRY for upholstery, daven ports 9c chairs. 54 niches wide 9325 yd. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 373 N. Liberty 1 Ph. 4619 GOOD farm mower in very good running order. Otto Pfennig. Rt 9. Box 148. 500 FRYERS. N. H. Reds. 9 miles west of town off King wood on Gahlec Rd. Kingwood Orchard. Rt 1. Box 61. Glen Robertson. -. : SHOPPING & picnic baskets $1.93 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty , Ph. 4619 HOME Comfort enamel range. Table model radio. Ore. heater. Wardrobe trunk. Monarch elect range. Daven port suite. Hot water tank. Sewing machine. Etc. Woodry Auction , Mar ket 1605 N. Summer, ., - BEAUTIFUL mohair daveno and chair to match.' Ph. 5677 days, or 1939 Market after 930. PIANO. Street organ. Mimeograph machine. 1419 Madison, lnq. at rear. SHETLAND pony and saddle. Gentle for children to ride. 943. Edgewater. DINETTE table aad 4 chairs. Ia good condition. 950 Plymouth Dr. - n : r ; . : , f.l Money, to Loan PRIVATE MONEY Auto And Track : Loans Contracts Refinanced Money - tor new and used .ears-ex truck segardiesa Of axe.- No delay bring ear ad title and get the money You retain poaaessioa of vehicles t i to 13 sooths to repay. Aftet 9 o'douk shone 9391 or 1U43 tor appomtment . - y ROY Hi SIMMONS ;. - ' Regulated by state . j EM tk ComX St. tlona9199L ,M-W31 1 AUTO LOANS i Use your car as - security. Prompt private service. 91S.0S per mo. repays 9190. in 13- saoHthe.: Ceea a la er phone. Penoiial Finance Co. Room nS7 Second Fir, New Bllgb Bldf. 519- State St Phone: Salem 311 Uc S-123 M-163. ,N Anderson. Mgr Financial WANTED TO buy f ot caakv real ae tata mortgages es contracts, -discount paper etc We also buy- old accounts sad' pay you mere money than Coliee tion Agencies get for you. J i STATE FINANCE CO. Lie- 319-323- 319 Guardian Bldg Insurance INSURANCE Let us write your auto insurance. Same location over 30 years. W. G. Krueger, 147 N. Commercial St For " Sale Miscellaneous MOTHPROOF Warorohes1 J99 t GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.; 275 N. Liberty .$ Ph. 4613 ELECT.- ironer; elect plate; Heat master elec. roaster; 13 ply boat; bed rm. suite complete: LAH white enamel elect, ranger ice box: elect blanket and various, useful items. 1605 N. Sum mer, j Woodry Auction Market. .4 COFFEE and cocktail tables 197J5 I GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. i 375 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 LOGGER, boots size 9. Ph. 6374. Eastman furnace with pipes. Ph. 6970. FRYERS. 3 lbs. Ph. 32459 between T and 9 PJi. Opposite Liberty school. RUG PADS 9x12.: mothproof, waffle top. Best quality. 98-83 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 279 N. Liberty j - ' - Ph. 4813 WILL BUY for cash, sell or trade guns,i ammunition ; : 9t scopes. Don Madison. 990 No. High. , FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P. 8357 PRE-WAR davenport and chair. 986 Center. : v ' Wood ranges, full white enamel 979.50 ' GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 5 273 N. Uberty i Ph. 4615 REMINGTON foursome shaver; port able typewriter. Model 94 Winchester 30-30 i rifle 2135 BeUevue. Ph. 5043. 2-WHEEX; trailer. 600x18 tires. Excel lent eond. 975. 2139 BeUevue. Ph. 9043. DELTA table saw. 3 9-inch blades and dado heed, tilting top, 970. Allen Hdwe., Salem. ' if ? f HASSOCKS I. 9299 a CEVURTZ FURNITURa; CO. 375 liberty , , : Ph. 8t5 STEWART Warner radio. In excel lent: shape. Ph. 5333. 3 BURNER elect hot plate with oven. Prewar baby buggy. Ph. 21873. ' MIRRORS -. 1.-. 91.95 i GEVURTZ FURNTrORE CO. i 375 N. Liberty i Ph. 4613 OLIVER tractor cultivator. Good as new; Bought last year. Located 4 mile south i of Buena Vista. -Earl Creason. Rt. 94 Independence, Ore.. WARDROBE trunk, steamer trunk, metal: suitcase. All; excellent condi tion. 1874 Court . .- j STORE Fixtures, fountain, booths, showcases, backbars, stools, gas water heater. Will sell cheap if sold togeth er. Deluxe Milk and Ice Cream Co., 18573 State. Ph. 5774. -... : I LEAVING town. CuitOr 920. Violin 935. Twin waffle Iron 919. Large child's metal t wagon, rubber tires, 915. All good ; condition. Call; between 7 and 9 PJC 4U McNary Ave, w. saiem." AUTO Trailer, metal body. Good condition. Evenings. 21391 Market - LAWN Mower, alarm clock, chest of drawers, breakfast ? set. - davenport. 1680' N. Com'L J 3 NEW ZEALAND rabbits and 3 hutches. Ph. 6589. j . WE HAVE hog wire fencing and ngbj barbed wire ia stock. Montgomery Ward It Ca . -: - S - . - ATMORAYS OZONE, sen and rent H. C. Pugh. Ph 2-2458 P a Box 463 Trade Bliscellaneous .TRADE: Good wicker doll buggy for metal i coaster wagon. Phone 21631. 1715 N. Church. .? f, . Wanted Sliscellaneous Highest Prices Paid! !; roa ; :- . v ; j Used lrniture! ! Christensen & Bunnell 598 Edgewater " i - Phone 9693 m ',- West Salem i 33; MM CAMERA.. Phone 9374. CASH for good Burch popcorn ma chine;! Grand Theatre. . CLEAN white tags. Hogg Bros. 360 State. ; -. , ,,,,;.t, CASH for used eaane other mu sical Instruments Call 4941 days at 9537 . evenings or send description to Jaquith Muste Co. 191 S High. , WOOL GROWERS ATTENTION Valley wool 8c Sacks furnished. H Thorn. Kay Woolen' Mills WANT TO Buy. Oaea eamsraa A 1 Mcswaa Pneaa saoa 433 state CASH FOR used luiunme a. told goods EV Forcey Pta 1449 ' CASH PAID for npnrht spinet 01 grand pianos . Phone- 3701. USED fOJRftrTURB Ph . 9199 Wantedr BRscellaneons We Buy Furniture - TRADE WITH A FIRM OT 39 YEARS REPtTTATION Or BUSINESS tNTEt RITY IN THE WHJJLMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PB1CIS PAID FOR US0 Pianos - ' -Fnjrniture and Appliances ,:- CaD 91tt for appointment - HOGG BROS. 360 State St ,-. WANTED r ; Fresh garden peas lor rreesing. -KL-'-ernssr"'--.-: ' WANTED: Pre-war baby, walker. Good coridltlorv Ph. 3-1979 . . j Wanted Furniture WE ' MAKE It -our business to pay more for good furniture and appliances. Bright & Eckley 433 Coort St: : ' Phone 7511 Miscellaneous 3 o STOVE Parts Ms Repairing. Woodry Auction Market, leua N WATCH Repairing. 19 to IS days ser vice, all makes, free -estimates, work manship' guaranteed. Raymond Qx War ren. Certified Watchmaker. We grind any shape crystal. Registered in the State of Oregon. Over the Smart Shop, Room 300 Cray Bldg. 125 N. Uberty. saiem. , Septk ! m - - " ' - a c .lanm Cleaned State wide. Guaranteed work. Gene rite. 942 Edgewater. Ph. 9743. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE, D MOST - (CASES " " Brine or Man Your Plates tor Repair - DR HARRY SEMLXR. DENTIST Ado) oh Bids State Cbrtll -Ph 3311 WATCHES Repaired: 13 day. service. Singer's ; Jewelers, will repair your broken watches within 15 days. Bring watch in for estimate. Workmanship Guaranteed. 333 S. W. Alder. -Port land. Ore. .. . .. , . Fpr . Rent Rooms WELL . turn, t slog. room. Ph. 9539. ATTRACnVE sip. rm. tor girl. Close to bath. 960 Marion, Ph. 6521. - PRL home. Ladies. 960 Marion. Room and Board WANTED: ROOM AND BOARD. Town or Country, In small quiet fam ily, by responsible single man. 940 to 950. Write Box 19 Statesman, . For Rent Apartments 4 RM. Apt., furnished or unfur nished. 429 No. Winter. 2 KM. furn. apt 1 woman. Near Sup. Ct Bid, 916.50. Ph. 5222. FURN APTS. 1310 S. 13tn. T For Rent Houses 4 RM. house, turn., bath, garage. Adults only. 310 Fatrview Ave. 7 Run, 3 bed ran. 495 S. Winter.. For Rent GOOD tapricbt piano. Ph, alj TRAILER SPACE Shower rms. Ind. outlets, trees. Ftr Crest Trailer Park. I1. m. out N. Front li m. from Aluminum Plant FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward, t GOOD Used Piano. H. L. Stiff. TRUCKS for rent- You drive Me Cane It LovefL ohone 960U Cablns at Neskowin. Ph. 4422 or 3877. Wanted to Rent WANTED: 5 room modern house. 3 bed rooms, must be wired tor elec tric range. Call 9189 day time, call 4Z03 alter a. 1 v,; C K. WHITE, who is with the Co lumbia. Metals Corp, the new -alumina plant operating; company, is still look ing for a furnished house or apart ment for himself and Mrs. White. They will take good care of your place. Now at Marion HoteL . 3 or 4 BDRM. house. Lease year or longer. Ph. 9961. WANTED: To rent modern 3 bdrra. unfurn. house by July 1. Ph. 940L WANTED by t responsible party. 3 to 9 rm. turn, house er apt Elec. remg eration. Ph. 5094. MOD. 2 bdrra turn, or partly turn. house by permanent Gov t employe. Ph, 24170. j TWO bdrm. bouse, perm. Ph. 5867. For Sale Real Estate WANT A BARGAIN! - Large house. I inside good .condition. plumbing up ana down, basement pav ed street large lot, Close In South, Price 93009. 91009 down. Coma in an talk thia- over.t - C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 9839 97000. Modern 2 bed rm, home, Engle wood Dist Hdwood floors, Venetian blinds, dee. hot water heater, airtno matic heat new refrigerator, elec. range, fireplace, garage. Occupancy Aug. 1st Phone 9311. . BY OWNER: Home with income. On account of death in family. Very rea sonable with terms. 2160 N. 9th St 91350 buys my equity In 4 rm. hse, balance 925 per; me. 2 bed rooms, full basement, wired for range, elec. water heater. Inq. 2359 Adams. 2 blocks W. of Geo. Waters Park. PRICE REDUCED TO SELL r " Large residence near Capitol Build ings; can keep board era' or rent rooms. Offered today for 98350. See My -Agent LEO. N. rHTTfES. INC REALTORS 344 State St. I - -Ph. 9291 9 RMS. 2 bdrms. L Rm, DL Bra, Kitchen, bath, is North. 93850. SZ790 ouys 4; rat. Mice tot ravea street North, s 96000. Modern home. Hollywood Dist R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR ' 1853 N. Capitol Ph.-3031 er , 1903 For Sale Real Estate NEAR ALUMINUM PLANT " DANDY. WELL BUILT, WORKING MAN'S HOME. 9 ROOMS & BATH. SMALL BARN, .fc ACRE OP REAL GARDEN. WHY LOOK FURTHER? WHEN YOU CAN BUY THIS HOME ON PAVED STREET, NEAR BUS at SCHOOLS. FOR $3850? TERMS. CALL MR. HOLMES ! SEVERIN REALTY - CO. T; SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. PH. 4019 STATE STREETf T - room modern Colonial home. 3 blks. from State building. Sawdust heat fireplace, nice enclosed back yard. 98000-91300 down. ART MADSEN 3329 State St V l!;9 .-.,.. Ph .S59S. , ... 4 .,vr,i,-y ' ' 3 B R. 9c Bleeping . porch, replace. LR, DR. Kit. bath," gar full basement oil heat Glbof la. 9375P.00. . , . ' Furnished Apertcoent Houae with" 4 two room- apartments. refHgeiaUas. good condition. $$230. Terms arranged. 1 A North, nice. 9 rm. house, hwd. firs,' utility room, gar, excellent sou. good garden. Immed. poas. $3230.00. 19 A. with M A. of filberts 4 yrs. old. good condition, no bldgs. 94908J0. LARSEN HOME at LOAN CO, -Inclusive Listings. Personal Service. 184 S. Commercial St t Ph. 4943 - . 7-ROOM Home; one . bed room and bath 1st floor; 3 bed rooms 2nd Boor. Full - basement; cement foundation; nice corner' tot: paved streets; en bus line. Price 93500. See Mr. Voorhees with IJ NT CHILDS, INC. REALTORS' 344 State :8t,u, .; t ;. , Ph92Bl BY OWNER: Beautiful modem home. 2 bedrtna. down. 3 up. Large living aad dining rooms. Hdwd. rireplace. Base meat Furnace, tile bath. Double ga rage. Corner lot Trees. 97500. Ph. 9413. NICE 5 rm. home. i A4 H.Wj floors. Venetian blinds, auto. oil. heat imme diate possession, 54.750. See MR. GOOD WIN. With ! - : f . - Hawkins, & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 6. Ph. 8715 A HOME, at the edge of the ctty limits, north, with 4 : rooms, unfin ished upstairs, 'double garage, circu lating heater and range, floors covered with linoleums, 9 cords of wood. V acre of ground. AQ tor $45001 Pi. H. BELLj REALTOR 403 Guardian -Bldg. .. : i Phone 4886 9 ROOM-house, play toom in tuQ cement basement fireplace, furnace, tue drain. Z3Za center. Ph. 4474 Eves. NEW 5 rm, home East-furnished.: H. W. floors, fireplace, Venetian blinds, extra Urge lot. Only 99.000. See MR. GOODWIN with i j , Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4109. Realtors."- After 9. Ph. 9715 2-ROOM home, 'vacant : now. Large lot North Salem. Price $1150. W. .G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial St ; , Tel. 4729 912503 r. A bath, outside city limits N, city water. Easy terms. ABRAMS At ELLIS. INC 41L Masonic Bldg. ! Ph. 9159 Insurance 1 . Money to NEW, modern 3 room home, grand ocean view,, garage, wood shed, elec tric pump, ; 12 acres. -V mile from beach. Write A. Sampaio. Waldport Ore. , . BY OWNER: 5 rm. bouse, good resi dential district close in. Large lot immediate possession. Phone 9541. 1 A. at city limits South. 5 rm. mod ern house, wired for electric range. Double garage. Variety fruits. Base ment and furnace. 94700. Ph. 6281. NEW 9 rm. home, V A, near ctty limits, H.W. floors, auto, oil heat, 85.500. Some terms. -See MR. GOOD WIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4109, Realtors. After 9. Ph. 971S $3000. T bdrm house. On good paved street Large lot. Priced to sell. See Mrs. Huff with . BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1410 S. 12th Ph. 3210 GOOD 9-room home, near Market street Immediate possession. Price 93150. - W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 tN. Commercial St TeL 4729 Cards tar this" directory nut . a a monthly ba a I s only. Rates 31.25 . per line per Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft list 4c Market Alterations ALTERATIONS, sewing; fur work. 190 N. Commercial. Room .26. Art Tile BATH Room, drain board, flreptace e store fronts-Ph. 952L : s. Anto Brakes HERRALL-OWENS CO. 333 S Conrt. Mike Panek. 37b S. CoaVL Ph 9161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist Auto and Truck Service HERRALL-OWENS CO, 339 S Coral Bicycles BICYCLES ' New end recondittoned Harry W Scott 147 S lom'cl P 44.4 Body & Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO, 339 S Coral Chimney Sweep Northncaa 1 Chimney Sweep Ph 4439 .Cosmetics . AVON- PRODUCTS. -Pb,1 23003.- Fertilizer Sack, yard. toad, loose. 960 N. Cornl Florists f Brelthaupta 447 9199 Funeral Directors Terwiniger Funeral rHoriexx Rem! SOk- Boery - MIBt, Ptt 9701. Mia.'. Moaeley. JO ; Boa ta. Lawnmower SharTJenin3 CtlARAxVTII WDRX on gseclal factory grinders by- Harry W. Scott "The Cycle Mow" 141 aV Commercial t Gifts THE Af RON Stwp 979 f M - Riga Paintir d Pcpcrhsnshrj Painting aad decorating only. Ph. 9SS9 . Painting tk Paperhacrlng. Ph, JXZX 1 . EXPERT Workmanship. Phone 4323. Business Directory For Sale Real Estate ITS RIVER JBOTTOM" tea than 4 mi. from city limlta. approx. 31 acres, finest soil, all good butidistea C3 bdrm. booaei. two acres tine BnysewbsnUs g - Yeungberriea, about 20. acres grain, 3 acres new al falfa. . good family orchard, full eat mu'pnisiit ' im tiwHur- neartv ow Farman tractor. S cows at calf. 200 or more young chickens, auto, water sys tem, live stream. Buildings Include small tenant house. If its a close la good small farm yew are booking tor, you must aee this! Only - ENGLISH Stucco. 3-bx. 3-story home, tun cement base, H.W. floors, double plumb. Large I.R.. aad D-.Room. Ftre place. Very .laree tot, NJ,-, 31. Ctose to 3 -achbols. 97009,' ? . - ... " V - A 3 BR. HOME en Maple St lXm D aUtChenfurnv baeeiaent, gasaga. Lata of nice shrubs.. Garden spot, Fenced. a-e"ssae. y - - - j C W. BAKTIXTT R. W. BENT -i- -- REALTORS m New Bllgb jBidg , -r-,.' Fhr Tjn 9 ROOM plastered Vmse. tuU base ment . large lot' dose in, 9 blocks North. Price 92759 including 3 stoves. - Good 9 room house, basement- and furnace. Garage. Wired tor electric range. Electric water heater, -wood range and 3 coeds of wood go .with the place for 94900, Close in Northeast -1 room -plastered houae with sleep ing porch; large lot net for from grade and nigh schools in Englewwed dtetrict This la an older type . house but a good buy tor 33200 with 91009 down, 9 - room house now divided into 3 apartments. Some furniture -in ewe apartment Exceptionally fine lot with paved street and alley. Nice trees. Price 94000 with 91000 down, balance like rent - j ROSTEXN eV ADOLPH. INC . 110 N. Commercial St " - Salem, Oregon COMFORTABLE HOME. TREES 9 rms. On Saginaw St Full price 93750, 91250 down, balance on, good terma. . , i IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 A. ctose in. East Salem, with, fruit well shrubbed, 9 r. house, some, fur niture. 95250. -H. P. Grant, Realtor 529 Court St . NEAT 5 room house, located near Highland. Ave,. Lot .9Qx200. Garage St small bam. Price 93850. . ... Late built-2 bed room house, oak floor, oil floor furnace, attached- .ga rage . 9c utility room, fenced .back yard. Price 9420091850 cash, bat 936.00 per mo. ' : s ALFRED DUMBECKV REAL ESTATE Room 3 Ladd 8c Bush Bldg. MOD. 9 rm. No. 18th. Looks like new. Nice garden, east front 95250. 4 Bdrm. home. No. 14th. 3 lots, all well cared for. 95500: ART MADSEN 1329 State Ph. 9580 QUICK POSSESSION Army man leavin. offers his 9 room modern home for sale. Liv. R. Hard wood floors, fireplace, dinette, wired for elec. range, elec. water heater. 3 Bed Rs. Full cement dry basement Furnace. Everything in excellent con dition. No trouble to show this home. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State St Room 4, NEW MODERNISTIC HOME I 3 large B.R.. strictly mod. home, ex cellent condition, all hwd. floors, large liv. 9t dining, fireplace ia living Ac basement oil air coad. furnace, out side city, close to bus Ac store. Engle- wood sen. dist Price S7300. -NEW MODERNISTIC HOME NO. 21 9-room - strictly mod. home, excel lent condition, all hwd. floors, large liv. 9c dining, fploce, oil furnace, large lot. close store, bus. Engleweod school dist Owner leaving Salem. We want an offer on thia nice home. C. H. SANDERS - 331 N. High - 9839 JUST OFT N. CapitoL 3 rm. old home, full basement with oil furnace. 4 blk. to State Bldg.; 94500. , ART MADSEN -1329 State . s Ph. 9590 214 A. 2', mi. from town. New shingle house. Wired for elect range, elect water heater, floors are all cov ered. 4 mL from school. Chicken house. Large garage.: Don t miss this one at 93150. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1419 S. 12th Ph. 3210 Painting & Paperhanging PAINTING 9c Decorating: Pb- T55Z No paperhanging. . s .. .. Numbing John Fisher, specialist Flu. 3019. BO WEN BROS, Plumbing and Beat ing, 355 N. Com'i Ph 721V Prtnting FOR STATIONERY, cards, paraph arte progiania books or any kind at armt- inc call The Printing Da partment 319 8 ohoae tot. Teae Radio Repairing Any rnwbe Home or Auto. Alao Elect Appliances and Ranges. Pickup and Del. H. Wiggins. Ph. 7792. Refrigeration HOUSEHOLD and Commercial serv ice and repairing. Ph. 7353. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING 1 CO 40C4 Sand and Gravel SAND, gravel, crushed rock, loam sand. Wailing Sand and Gravel Ph. 9993 Septic Tanks Cleaned PERM. RES Kenneth Hamel. - U43 Eighth St, West Salem Ph 4499 Surveying FARM and city surveys. Registered engineer. Oregon Bldg. Pa. 9303., Transfer. U-DRTVE 'TRUCKS.' FOR RENT Blankets fura 197 S Liberty Ph 9097 FOR LOCAL OB DISTANT atorage, burner oU. brtqwets rrueka to Portland dairy Agent Pierce Auto rreignt tncnaatnc cans aaaata Transfer Co Ph 3131. Used Furniture OuTRAOrS CSX9 fttfBlture, PH ITSl Upholstery fJ""in RXTGS aad ttphbL cleaned. Ph- 9gn Vacuum' Qeaner Service crnrrrrro cuar - rv ad makes Vince-a Eleetrie. 191 S Ub Tel 9293 FREE trrspecaoa ta your home. Aa thortzed Hoover tervtea Wa service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros. PR 9149 Window W Qeanin City window cleaners. P. 21453. rloors wails, woodwork. Work guaranteed. - ALL work guaranteed. " Windows wails, woodwork cleaned Floors waxed Insured workmen. Professional Clean lag Service. Pb. 4451. For Sale Farms 19 A. to give away tor 9450099, this weex otuy. nay crop osr reatrj to cut next week. Barn, hnnas eKkdi. en houae, well, elec UK, pump, etoctrke lighai ia all buikUngs, concrete under ail,. young orchard, lota of oemea ana grapes, wired for electric Man CjuI after 430 P.M. er-jall day day. This offer ends .9:09 o'clock Sua- day. June 19. 4 ml. from town ou SUvertoav Highway. U mi. peat HoQy wood drive, U mL north, first niece oa west side road. Elmer Baldwin, Rt, t. box 91 k, sateaa. ore,; TOR Quick Sato: Timber aad stock ranch xsa. acres. orchardVl anile good trout stream, 9 room .house, concrete basement rurnoCe, . fireplaea, -tuU phimbing ; and. . eriring. - Mrs. Jlarry asaaon, torsc.: wre.. - " - a FARMS, nortn ot the Middle Grove sefaoei. one n acres wim a--acres ua der euRtvaOori. 'small orchard.-3 ! bed frooin plastered home With baw msnt. Bora, chicken - aouse. -sned. . garage. Price -97000. The other ' 9 acres with 9 acres under cultivation. 2 acres of rtlmber. running -creek, family orchard. 4 room house, earn, chicken house, ga rage. Price 99009, Both ia good con- P. H." BELL. REALTOR ? 402 Guardian Bldg. . Phone 4999 - WILL Selt my form of 137 -4 located on highway about one mile North Ct Lincoln. Well fenced, about half in cultivation, balance timber and pasture; mo buildtega except , bars; water available from well . and ; crack which ctoaau property. Landlord's 1944 share of U acres vetch and 19 acres clover Included ' la following price. 91400. with, reasonable terms to right party. T. Le- Kuhns, 344 S. Commercial Street, . Salem. "Oregon, Phone 9914. - -.. ; 49 ACRE RANCH, good buildings, elect lights, water system posse nion at oncel Price $10,500. W. C. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial St - . . Tel. 4729 .332 , ACRE Dairy Farm. 199 acres in crop, balance pasture; good tractor on rubber and equipment 60 A. under irrigation, good dairy barn, large shel ter shed, good "house and small tenant house. A -real dairy, well located. 930,090. " s ,7 ' D. A, ris4g7T Court Jktt Phf B534 13'i ACRES .of rood soil.. 9 room house and other buildings,-' 9 wells, berries, electricity and a 14x30 barn. Will sell all eauloment- and croo. .see jaca nennmgsen wiui . STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg.. . . ; Ph. 4121 Acreage 'v.' FILBERTS ' 7 A. North. Fine trees 9 9c 12 yrs. old. Best of SOU. 97000. 660 N. High. Ph. 9375. BUY AND BUILD 10 A fine soil.' rood 2 sides, close school, elect NXast Price only 92000. C H. SANDERS - 331 N. High 5839 i '. - SPECIAL 20 acres, most all in cultivation, about iVs acres in filberts, family orchard and berries, about 4k acre tunoer. Spring in pasture. Good 9 room house, barn, large chicken house and brood er. Electricity in all buildings. Will give Immediate possession, race soouo. ROSTEIM Of AHJL-tl, UMW. i 110', N. Commercial St, ; Salem. Oregon - , i ACRE. North, paved st 9-room house; Price 93850 cash. , 3 Acres, good soil, all in crop, Close in on Center St Good older bldgs. Price to seU $5000. i DANDY SOIL N. EAST Hi.; Acres, plenty fruit, secluded place.; 9-room older house, elect Price $3000. ; Terms. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5839 5 A. HOME, view of mts., fruit trees, berries, grapes, flowers. Large chicken house, cement fl. DbL garage. 7 Rm.; house, fireplace, basement sta tionary tubs, furnace, elect, water sys tem, gas.' 93000 down. 459 Madrono. Ph. 22742. 3 ACRES on Center street with 3 bed rooms, fireplace, hwd. floors, floor ed attic basement, furnace, kly. trays, automatic water heater, plastered home. small family orchard, garage, oR in good condition. Price $8500. P. H. BEUL. RIJU.TUK 403 Guardian Bldg. - . i Phone 4899 HICKS-JONES SUBDIVISION 1 mi. north on Cherry Ave, offer! you the best to be had in small acreage. Good soil, any type of land you want, open, timber, or orchard. These are being sold on easy terms. See RICH L. REIMANN - 167 S. High- Phone 9203 ACREAGE ACREAGE . i.i Ac., neat two-bed rm. home, good garden, elec. - water system. ; garage, utility rm. Bear bus, close in and worth the price of 93700. Better hurry to see this I Early possession.; 9 AC on pavement neat z-bdrm. home with add. 3-rm,. apt, fine barn, attractive yard, modern conveniences. U't mile from city limits, only stow. C. W. BARTLETT R. W. BENT 3nd floor New Bligh Bldg. f Ph. 7171 10 ACRES south of Salem. 9 room modern house wtth basement sawdust furnace. Idry. trays, water heater and water system. Good barn 40x50 ft 9 A. in cultiration and - A. in pasture, nuts, apples., cherries, pears and prunes. 4s nu. on pavement to school. nce aoouu. See Jack Henntngsen witn -STATE PINArfCE CO, REALTORS 313 Guardian Bldg. - Phone 4131 ft A, SUvtn. Rd. Ph. 5003 or 9003. 28', ACRES good bottom land. 12a cultivated, balance pasture and tim ber, nearly new buildings, large young orchard, school bus. freight mail. Oa river, good hunting and fishing. Price 95000. Dora Meredith, Alaea. Oregon. 13 A. fa mL North of vaderpaaa. 9 Rm. mod. house, full basement .oil furnace, wired tor elec, range. - Lota of fruit 1405 Gregson, ; 83850. tfc acre close in north. Good 2 bdrm. house. L. Rm, D. Rm, utility rm, Hdwd. floors. Small barn, enkcxea house. Some fruit. See Mrs. Huff with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1410 S. 12th j Ph. 3219 30 ACRES 8tt mi. North of Salem. all in cultivation, and with fair im provements, on bard surface road. Priced 98300. . ' L D. A, FISH v 477 Court i Ph. 9334 Wanted Real Estate SALES SERVICE ' - WE HAVE INQUIRIES FOR CITY at SUBURBAN HOMES. APARTMENT HOUSES. MERCANTILE BLDGS, BUNGALOW COURTS, IF YOU WISH TO SELL. CALL SEVERIN REALTY CO. YOU 'WELL RECEIVE PROMPT. COURTEOUS SALES SERVICE.. SEVERIN REALTY CO. Senator Hotel Bldg. ;. ; - Ph. 4919 , Severia Listed is Several Sold. WANTED; BnrnH farm, mast hove good mcoma. writ O. 99. Wertrhauser, Wia ",: " NOTICE: IF sate, rent or exchange, list tt with ear Wo have a 1 kinds cash borers. -. STATS FINANCE CO RXALTOSS s ; 213 Guardtaa Bktg. . Resort lpetty-, YACHATS ' COMING SECTION of Oregon Coast Beautiful restricted home - and busi ness sites. 950 A, 200 A. cleared: finest soil and water: all have ocean view. Lota and acre tracts from 9100 lot to $200 acre and up. Cash or terms, L. U. CHRISTENSEN. Coast Land Co. 5S9 Edrewatet. W. Salem. - Ph. 9S3 Suburhan SELECT a scenic nomeslte ta beau tiful i Cascade Terraces or Kingwood Heights, Inquire- tor' prices and torma . of owner. Ph, a4U Evenmgs. . . Business Opportuniti Sed rrm vrrr . mti. w.n '...'.Wt beautv shon in Molalla. EvnUnt nn. portanity. Bustness . established . nine years. Call Molalla SSTIS or write Mrs. Vance Abbey. Blacnly. Oregon.. t) AUTO. Camp , doing good buataess. Well 'located. .....',.; R.- A. FORKNER; REALTOR i 1933 N,. Capitol i , Pa. 3031 or T903 ; : ATTiamON BAKERS I Hero's your chance to make one of the beet buys la wbulaaala end setail bakery, located tn thrtotng pegrroU county aeat S7SJXW groas buqUiisa to 1943. - with real net profit AO. the latest modern equipment twii j trucks and soda fountain. Original owner for 19 yrs. Ill health ooty to oa for seUmg. . 913409 lachtdssr all jaip ment wtth, some, terms. Stock can, be bought at wholesale.' 93500. It W have oash, write or see me tor the- best bakery buy in the entire state. I have complete details and. information in my offlce.'L. M. Chrtstensen. 969 Edge water St. West Salem. Phooe-SCSl. FOR Quick sale because ' of noor healthi I funt court, apta. arl jerVice -station. Income 9219 per mo. , Contact owner at 1674 Court St or Ph. 6156. ; Tot ; Sale Used Car; "YOtI WIIX ALWltS FIND A BETTER CAR AND MAKE A :BETTEI1,- .i ,''DEAL.';.;::v''-i' AT . L0DER BROS. 449 Center St ' ' '"; 1 ' Phone 9i33 "Our 16th Year to Salem. Oregon'' . "Oldsmobile Sales and Service" 1 - "Home of Good Used Cars" a. . 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH! $350.00. , Ph. 5870 1930 ESSEX 2 dr. Sedan, rood con dition, excellent prewar tires. Write Box 21 Statesman. . . 9 - 1040 PACK AKT1 S nan miin. 1 fH FYanklin St, W. Salem. SALE or Trade for 40. '41 or '42 auto. a '38 Studebaker Comm. Radio, heat er, seat covers, overdrive. Good rub ber. Will psy cash diff. on trade. Ray mond Adams. Rt 1. Box 62. Dallas. MODEL A Ford coach. Completely overhauled. 512 S. 18th. Ph. 2-3592, OR TRADE: 3S Dodge ton Bickun. Also 37 V-9 .coupe, newly overhauled, good rubber. Trade either tor combine or tractor of equal value. D. Beach. Kt l. box no. W. of Lincoln Store to Bethel Hts. 1933 PLYM. Cpe. A-l condition with heater; Labish Center Store. Automobiles 1937 HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, A-l cond. See me at S. P. Baggage room after 730 P. M, Wanted Used Cars i Did Gas Rationing ; - STOP ; ,'.' you from drivingf I . . . then . ' J LOOK ... i . ., . t. us up tomorrow ... and - . i. LISTEN ! to the best cash offer ' you'll ever get for your' ,r , j automobile. .' 4 HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. Commercial St Ph.:' 3169 Bonus Prices FOR CLEAN CARS THIS EXTRA IS IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CARS. "SEE US AND GET YOUR PBICE. - NASH USED CAR LOT 240 CENTER PHONE 3734 I To Buy or Sell : THAT USED CAR. SEE ' STATE MOTORS, INC. Ph. 4439 1 349 N. High WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your, ear Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "CT SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest "ndependent need ear i dealer. Nl Corner Church At Cbera Pa T923 For Sale Wood MILL WOOD. 1 load 99 JO. 3 toads 919. Hollywood Fuel Co, 2249 Fair grounds Rd. Ph. 3731. ' ! 33 cords 4 Sad growth. 3250 N. CotnX WOOD. Order sow. 19" creea slab and edgings. Approx, 3 cords or more to load. 914 a load. Ph. 171 M, Dallas. Ore. Write Paul Anderson. 775, Jef- i W -Dhitos. -;',--. ", FRESH cut sawdust 4 ft. creen slab. Part dryland green mUlwood.; 7721 FRESH cut sawdust for sale. Ph. 9983, GREEN 'old - growth 1$ to, atab. prompt delivery.. Pbom '944.. : It IN MILL wood- ta. OeL Ph 9993. ia- o. rm a a. Lost and Found . LOST; One ration book 'No. 3.Ear tougber. 339 Oak. Ph. 9797. LOST: Large gas model airplane mear AumsviOa. Ph. 40S3 Salem. . 4 . LOST: Billfold near post office. Con tains personal papers. Name stamped bv gokt V. E. Eiswerth. RewartU 105 Silvel ton Rd.,- ;""'-;'";'-, - . LOST: Billfold near Breotrnook. Keep money and return billf old. Betty rield, Gervais. Ore, Rt 1. .Box- 49. . LOST: Yeltow and wbiae 3 mo; okt kitten. Had collar wtth bell on. Near Star Cxrmery. 404 So.. Kish. Ph. 1.1479. . LOST: Pearl atudded Delta Gamma Sorority pin. shape of ancnor. Ma engraved on back. Ph. 9969. ,. POUND: Calf at my home. Owner pay for add. care and damages. Rt 3. Box 949,-Uberty Diet, i-2 Ldclges Padfie todg No. SO. AT & AM. Stated meeting, rrkday. June 16th. 9 PJ4.