SP Employes Will Pay Tribute lol heir S taf f in Services Southern Pacific employes in Salem will pay special tribute to their many former co-workers now In the armed services in "Southern Pacific grama have been arranged so that tiiey will not interfere in any way with the regular heavy movement of the Victory trains: Emphasis will be on buying of more'war bonds, giving of more The OHEGOK STATESMAN Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. June 9. 1344 Albany KCs ElectMbnday Paul Slaughter lailroader at war b Pf c. Fan! E. ; SlaofbJer ef Salem, ettei far his eoorare in actin m Sicily. Be was fwmrlr a a track ran af the Samtkera rsdfle. His wife, llartka Slavthter, Is cashier at the Spa restaurant here. The lOMtt 8P raureaders n tha hNM tressi wUI ebserve "War Service ay" Jane 14. " Synopsis at Annual Statement United States Branch tha Royal In surance Company, Ud of Liverpool, tngland, on the thirty-tint day of De cember. 1M3, made te the Insurance .Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: i " CAPlXAL Statutory deposit. $300,000.00. INCOME Net premiums received during the yar. S11.244.7M.0S. ! Interest, dividends and rents received during the year. 1031.031 .SI. Income from other sources received ; curlne the year. $599.89913. Total Income. $l2.48S.m.M. ; -DISBURSEMENTS . Net losses paid during the year in cluding adjustment expenses. 15.330, SS9.61. r Commissions and salaries paid dur ing the year. $3,578,197 l. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. S4SX2SS.S9. . Dividends paid m capital stock dur ing the year. None. Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year. None. Amount of all other expenditures, SI, TT7.823.78. r. i ToUl expenditures. $tt.l50.S37.7S. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). S43S.7a.0S. Loans on mortgages and collateral, te.. None. Value of bonds owned (amortized), 114.230.800.34. Value of stocks .' owned (market value). 4.8l.I79 OO. Cash in banks and on hand. SS,7t7. 198.51. - Premiums In course of collection . written since September 30. 1943, 82.- 18.147.08. Interest and rents due and accrued. S73.0MJ2. Other assets net. $411,619.55. ' ToUl admitted assets. 8243,8M.48. ' i LIABILITIES Gross claims for kisses unpaid, $, r0J3.4t. i Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks. $19.319.113 JO. Due for commission and brokerage, St3.743.ea. . - All ether liabilities. $U31.122J1. Total liabilities, except capital. $14.- ew.aot w. Capital paid up. $500,000.00. Surplus ever aU liabilities, Stjet.--4)45.80. - . Surplus as regards policyholders, $10. S60 645 80 Total. tS4J5t.S54.4S. - BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THK YKAft I Net premiums received during the year. SV7JC3.3S. m : Net losses paid during the year. $18.- Name of ' Company. United States Branch ef the Royal Insurance Com pany. Ltd. . - -c - ' Name of United States Manager. H. C. Contck. ' Statutory resident attorney for serv ice. J. H. Banks. Portland. Oregon. blood . donations, volunteering more time in all civilian war activities.-,,, r ' Typical of Southern Pacific employes from Oregon who have distinguished themselves in the armed: forces is Me. Paul E. Slaughter, formerly with a track gang out. of Salem. He was one of the first to land in Sicily and was cited i for courageous action in saving vitally needed supplies from destruction. . : - Altogether more than 15,000 SP men and women are wearing TJn cle Sam's i uniforms. The 15,000 would be enough for a full army division, - it is pointed out, . but they are in every branch of ser vice. From letters and official re ports it is learned that they are stalking the enemy through swel tering jungles, over Italian mountains, and on the high seas: They're h Hying fighters and bombers over all the battle areas, manning bases in Iceland, land Ing troops ! on beachheads. Their railroad skill is helping the army military - railway service keep supplies rolling right op to the battle lines. They are poised in England for the drive into Eu rope,' and were among the first into North Africa for the sweep that, cleared the Mediterranean. And iz tney re not on the war fronts, they are in training camps readying themselves for the fight, Honoring these 15,0004 all em ployes of the Southern Pacific on their wari service day wOI wear miniature ( service flags in their lapels, bearing the number "15,- 000. Special homage will be giv en the So already officially re ported dead, and the 21 others' missing in action.' ALBANY Election ; of officers for the' year highlighted the meet ing of Albany council, Knights of Columbus, Monday night, with the newly elected officers- to take over July 1. ,-,..-'. Raymond Barrett was named PAGENET grand knight; Monte Kropp dep uty grand knight; Raymond Sche mer chancellor; Albert Haas a d vocate; Charles Schmitz record ing secretary; Bob Barrett treas urer; Ray Apbrock warden; M.C MiEer inner "guard; William Kamph outer guard; and Elmer Mitchell,'' retiring i grand knight, trustee for three -years. George Michele is financial secretary; and holdover trustees are R. A. Tal bott and Joe Taucher. u ' a i 1 1 1 t i j i drews Family Buys BarUett Farm, Fairview it ; FAIRVIEW, June 8 Mrs. John Allison underwent surgery , Mon day" morning, at the general hos pital at McMInnvffle. - i: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews who moved to the rred Bartlett 50 acre farm in this district in September, 1937 have purchased the place. ' About one half of the place is in cultivation,! the rest m pasture, ' " " I f ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles; Andrews will entertain thai Dayton Town send club At their home Monday evening, June 12. Roy Hewitt, Sa lem attorney Willi be the speaker. "Bev. and Mrs. 'Merrfl Fox and family recently from Halsey have moved to the Kearney Stoutcn burg farm home, Mr. Fox is the new pastor of the! Hopewell Unit ed Brethren church. H . -k Mrs. Hurtl Hostess i j . At Shower Party 1 KEIZER Mrs. J. G. Hurd en tertained Friday night with a mis cellaneous shower lis the honor of Jlrs. Paul! GieL Games were played and . "light lunch was erved," i:- . Those present were , the ' honor guest, Mrs. Paul Giel. Mrs.: Clyde dark, Mrs. Dick Bell, Mrs. Ted Mankurtz, Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. Archie Gardner, Mrs. Ed Liken beaV Mrs. Elizabeth Toft, .Mrs. Hazel Ebner, Mrs. Evylene Hox sey and the hostess, Mrs. Hurd. Mrs. Turner RecoTers tsTTFE&SOX-Kn. Tur ner resumed her work" as super visor at the Salem Deaconess hos pital, Tuesday, following a week's Illness with the flu at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stephenson."; .' , Kyser Weds Young Singer LAS VEGAS, Nev., June 8 Jf) Kay Kyser, 38-year-old dance band leader, was married early today to Georgia Ann Carroll, 24 singer in his band. It was the first marriage for each. f The ceremony was performed at 1:30 a. m. by Justice of the Peace Paul O'Malley with Under Sheriff C. D. Stewart and Deputy Sheriff George Henderson. .- Enroute here by automobile, the couple was stopped by two officers and given a speeding tick et. Asked to -show his driver's li cense and ration books for. iden tification,! Kyser admitted" his identity and disclosed the purpose of the trip. He apologized for breaking the speed law, the officers said, and they then escorted the couple 50 miles to Las Vegas.. . Miss Carroll was born in Dal las, TexJ in November, 1919; Ky ser in Rocky Mount, NO, in 190C She has sung with his band about two years. Friends said they have been- keeping company - several months, i The musician and his bride ap peared with the band last night at the Victorville army air base. Na. 47-45 Svnopsis of Annual Statement of The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company f Worcester, in the State of Mawa chusetts. on the thirty-first day of De- eemDer, 1S43. mao- i iiwukm Ver. 818.148 J28.04. Commtesioner of the state i wregvn. - interest, dividends and rents receiv- , I . Ne, 48-41 SvnoDsis of Annual Statement of The Travelers Indemnity Company of Hart ford, m the State of Connecticut, on the thirty-first day of December. 1943, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law - ..-( CAPITAL ' Amount : of capital stock paid up. $3,000,000.00. . I INCOMK Net premiums received during the ed durine the year. tlX53.SM.19. rmmlrmi . , - .11. I AIKOIIIV l&lWfll uiun mvm..m .ww.M. i. during the year. $234,229.19. Total income. $19.34i.z. DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year In cluding adjustment expenses. $7,253,' 389.68. - f , m Commissions and salaries paid dur inr the vear. t7S4J3IJ9. , Taxes, licenses and lees paid during th mar. S1J88J)42J7. Dividends paid on capital stock uur- Bursuant to law , CAPITAL ' Amount of ai.ooo.ooo.iMk. - , . mcoMX ; Total premium tnceme for, the year, $4,790,159.3. ' Interest, dividends and rente receiv ed during the year. $193,853.84. Income from other sources received during the year, $27,461.03. . ; J Total Income, 43413.4763. ! -- msBURSEMwrrs 4 - - - Pa M for losses, endowments, annul . Paid for losses, enojowmeni.; "-1 taf the year. $480,000.00. tlea and lunxnder values. 81. m483.62. j yj to policyholders dux uiviucnus i w i.ji""" line the year. None. tn M var. Nona. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year, $640.000 00. Commissions and salaries paid dur ing the year. $U42442. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. $106,759.83. Amount ot aU other expenditures, 8233,399.9!. :'. '- Total expenditures. $3,573,787.4 - . ASSETS ' Value of real estate owned (market Tatue). None. - Loans on mortgages and collateral, tc. $838X192.33. - Jv Value of bopds owned (amortized). ST.807.149.T4. - , Value of stocks owned (market val- Amount of all other expenditures. $1,078,099.70. .Total expenditures. $176170.73. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). None., . - . -Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. None. , .. Valuf of bonds owned (amortised) in aassnon Vstre ef stocks owned (market val ue), $ll.t6t.88 00. Cash la banks and on hand, tl,S73V 480.72. " i - . Premiums in course of collection written since September 90. 1943. S3. X7CI2BS.4S. , 1 . a ' . . ... . a) et ess, ti - . - I interw nu reiua uu wu awiucu. reum notes , and policy laa. 'i9UAt7M' CaSTta banks and On han4. S813,- Total admitted assets. S3S.847.7H.S0. sst 4i. ' .a. iJABiLrrrES . Interest and rents due and- accrued, Cross claims for katses unpaid,' s 848.1403.- 44T37m - -- " ' Net uaeoTIected and deferred prem- I Amount of unearned premiums e all tiima. saia.oaa.oa: i ' I outstandinc risks. $11,081,477.85. - Other seaets (net). . -Mr..u. - - i uue tor commssioa ana Druaeracc ToUl admitted aaseta. W03o,Mt W. $30.82343. UABILITieS i-. Net reservea.. pfiiTlM. - Groaa claims for losses unpaid, f 1, 838 017 44. ' - " 'i-T All ether liabflltiaa. $1,17823 92. - Total nabiHties. eaxept capital. $8. 9.513.3S. Capital paid up. ummM." Surplus over all liabilities. 82,f, 154.81.. -. : - - ; . : Surplus as regards poucyheldtxi, 306.154.81. - '. ' - Total, s10.mro.fr. - j BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB . All other BabUitiea. Special Reserve. t8.z09iarUS. . . . . 8UT2.43t.0S. Tola! nabilities. except capital,' 474JS7XZ. .-.: Rasital naid un. 83.00000.08,. Surplus over ,aU.liabUiUea. fSJTJ, S4flftS. i Surplus as regards policyholders. S9.1T34B.. ToUl. $38,847,716.80. 1 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR I - - ,f-. THE YEAR Net premluma. recoived during c toe un,iltaa MMllvd I ur. Y1A BT nn nawca uwu uhiui w.v J . t- t during the year. Ltfe $ISJjJ.. A m a U9.183J9, $aoj30jn. Dividends paid during the year. None. Net losses and claims, endowmeitta. surrenders, and annuines pmiu uiuuij the year. $37,6333. , - Name of Company. The Paul Revere tf- T.c.MnM rnmnMIT. ' T . . , a trw I I tannery resiaent ai .Nam of, President. Charles A. Har-! Iha Grosamayer. Name of Secretary. Lemuel G. Hcxlg kins. c. . i 2M JL . (, Name t of Company. The Travelers Indemnity Company. Name : of President, L. Edmund Zaeher. ' Name ef Secretary, rred 5. uarnson. Statutorr resident attorney for ser- The Travelers Indemnity Company, Ph.il Grossmayer Co. General Agents, Introducing e it : mm' JOI Coarse Grind PEMIUT BUTTEI1 r i. It's new! A crunch style spread that re .taias all the peaaats geedness! j ; Lb. jar . 25c : 2 b !c Canlertary Tree Tea ?eSeI u-ib. pkf. 25c LipiOn's Yenlw LabeL U-lb. PkV 25c It's good to know there are dozens of fine meats available. And it a gooa io mow you can maxe a nne meai witn any one 01 tnenx -especially if you haven't ration points enough to provide for a sirloin steak, or if a rolled roast doesn't fit into, your budget this week. And best of all. it's good to know that every piece of meat you buy from Safeway .is guaranteed to bk satisfactory! Safeway meat must please you 100, or your money back! ynrr7 L.tOnCV SerreaDeHcioosRoast U UuU UUUdA at SHOULDER COT TIuYSpecial Price! LB. BEEF SHORT RIBS, A and B Grade Sirlsb Sleak Jb. 19c B Grade, la. X3c; (11 pts.) A O lb. 0c Hzzzi Sleak fuficJJdL. . : i : . nlkf n-el A and Blade Cut (S pts.) UeSI UCISI B Grade, lb. 25c; A Grade . T-Bcae Steaks fBALjj 48c rjoliial r- 3Sc. Salnia . 49c CbJaoek, lb. F0V71 fresh, dressed, lb. 42c There's a Lot of Swell Flavor in Safeway's Fine SI10KED I2EATS! Picnics ! Ne Points! ! 29c Ter lb. Collage Bills No retots! Fer lk 3E5 Piece Baccn : - :- " i No relnU! Per lb. 22C Jowls No Points! ISc Per lb. Drains Benner Seedless 15-ex. 12c Black Figs - Dried- 2-Ib. pg. T7tila Figs Dried Prunes L.aavik W uyllmmk Amerkaa It-es. Sierra Piss SOAr!L2 bars PaccakeJHs JSk. Lard -8wift8 Silver Leaf, 1-lb. pkf. Scda Cracken VSL 1-lb. Ilathco Bran w PeandBnUerKb!- Tonalo Juice u Sonny Dawn ' 48-es, rm ml 3 e- Capes, avvanoraiea uorn u-s. vu. Sanerkranl ' Champlaa 8t-es. cL 20C 14c 13c 15c 19c 19c 17c 45 c 21c 18c Palmolive ToOet Soap Itelk tlM bin 2i 19 c Binso Granulated Soap 21c 24-as. bex sflm'JM aeor is GOMAtmcd to pigoss voo Pkf. Ilacarcni Dinner i,. Ilnslircom Sance JS-m-ZISc Cheese taemim!! i8pts.)-.jb. 34 C TVnerican Spread So" 20c OUvii Pin. Spread -ELf (8) 17 C Delisk Spread g5-oi 17c Tree! Armour's Ken .12-es. caa Park lauek Meat..12-e. east DevUed Han SJ'12 ., 25c Edwards Special Offer! jars 55c Swamdouri 23c Raisins "r53S- pJ8c lomalocs Green Peas Tornipsl Firm, Ripe Red Tomatoes Texas Lonjr, Green, Wen FiUed Sweet and Crisp 2 250 Lb. 8sO0 i .Lb!..80-;; Deds Lelitce Ilex? Pclalses " - . i . California . Locals, medium size. Solid heads, local. ; . White Sbafters . Lb. 6c I ' Head 7c I 5 lbs. m-m . .-lb. bar 45c .1-lb. baa Whole Raast..- WlwU Baast- ..J-lb. Cell SS Neb HilL ' vCUce Nob tmL. Aimay Cclfee Airway Cclfee Hello Ulup Sail Leslie,' 2-Ib. Stcrleaing Apple Sance Ilix E-zPkr. J8c Green Tonalo IftiSr, 35c Iibby's Sweet Spiced 5c 58c .11: 20 c - pkjT. A7 faS 2 far 15C Bayal Satin, 1-lb. Jar 60c Uoodbary's Facial Soap Per bar Ivory Soap Medium Size Bar 5c COMPARE TOTAY'S PKDClES iWOTIHI A YEAC AGO! A check sach as this, just completed of Safeway merchandise would indicate that the retail prices hare remained rery favorable to the con sumer. e invite your comparison of well-known staple items as listed below, j HOUSEHOLD GOODS Points Swan Soap.. r Camay Soap.:. Palmolive' Soap.. Today 1 Reg. bar .06 Rinso Granulated Soap. Oxydol Washing Powder.. r Concentrated Super Snds.i. ' Airs. Stewart Blueing;. Elastic Starch...,. Sunbrite Cleanser.,..... Old Dutch Cleanser.J.1.... Wright's SUver Cream. i Favorite Matches t Babbit Lye. Saniflush..... .... ! Drano ... Regr. size 24-oz. pkg. ...24-oz. pkg. 24-oz. pkg. .10-oz. boti .12-oz. pkg. ..13-oz. - can .14-oz. can. ..-oz jar Carlo" :...13-oz.can ....22-02.;can ..a. 12-oz. can STAPLE FC3DS 231 Crisco J. i.-...,.!... Spry Shorteningf"..;:.'..; .Royal Satin iShorteningj Pure Lard (Central) Dalewbod. OUaLLs-L-JZL Fiuffo nn ...1-lb. carton, JL.-3-lb. glass 3-lb. glass .4-lh pkg. 1-lb. l)kg.. ; i si v a -'IM Chemb Milk.. '? 1711- I?ita lira A . . "i Egg& -A Grade, Large : . l .Eggs, "AGrade, Mediums 13B Van Camps Pork JLBeans. v Armours Treet Quart glass LQuart-bottle 30 .22 --.22 J22 .13 :.o8' .05 2.15 .19 .23 .05, .19 ',24 V .68 .60 v.75 ' - .49 June 1943 3J20 320 J23 23 - .13 2.15 .. J)5 2.15 J9 J .23 - .09 .19 .19 Points 2. Heinz Chopped Baby Food j Heinz Strained Baby Food.. NBC Snowflakes. 4 Sunshine Krispy. : Sunshine Hi Ho Crackers. 1 Real Roast Peanut Butter. ..6yjoz.can .4Vj-oz. can mall pkg. ,.v.Tall cans ,3J!5 s V .1 .1 Pound .Dozen .Dozen r20-oz. can. ;..12-oz. can Kem Pork Lunch Meat 12-oz. can Prince Leo Pink Salmon.. Edwards Coffee. Nob nia'w. il. Airway W. Kaffee llag.. Canterbury O. PJ. Upton" Yellow Label... ! Tenderleaf.J IL C Eakini Powder. .JNo. 1 tall can . l.Ib. glass - - g-lh. bag 3-1b.' bag - z 1-lb. glass. -Vi-IIj. tkr. SchiUIng Vanilla Extract i4-lb. pkg.. lVi-lb. pkg. L25-cz. jar 49 v J31 .ii ; J29 J21 . !-.285' . .43 v 4kaa3 lr-- : -68 . - .60 '.21 .52 :.:.49 U8- .11 ; 4 Z8 as r - 1 -'-.43 1: ' '.24 ? .18 i J3 i r- .2-Ib. pkg. 1-lb. pkg. Mb. jar Real Roast Peanut Batter ,. . ,.,.2-lb, jar Beverly . Peanut Butter. .; ,. , ,.,.1-lb. jar Beverly Peanut Butter- .2-lb. jar Julia' Lee Wright's Breadlft-Ib. loaves Cream! of Wheat.u..14-oz.; pkg. Quaker Puffed Wheat Sparkies......4-oz. pkg. r GoldiMedal meaUesVA-oz.'pkg. KeUosx Rice Krispiesu..: I'KeHogg Shredded Wheat : Gr?pe Nuts. Hardest Blossom Fkmr .5Vj-oz.; pkg. .12-01. pkg. .12-oz. pkg. ; Kh.-nen Craft Flonr , 7 , T ' " V "7Ui25-lb. . , I Albers Flapjack F1outV. rr.tt 2 Yi 4b.lpkg. . J Suzanna Pancake Flonr. ..:..-':. ,.40-oz. pkg- G. BL SoftasIIk Cake Flmr.w-y4'lh. pkg.. ! Gardenslde Standard Pttiiiw 1 can j 1 ' Gardenslde Standard TomatoesNo. 2H can , : j Del Monte Fancy Diced BeetsNo. 303 glass ' ! CocntiT Home Fey. (XS.GJJ. CornNo. 2 can " 43B narper House Ch. PearailNo. 2Vi can , 43B Ubbr Sliced Y., a Peaches::.-m ?n n " 43B Castle Crest Sliced Chi PeachesNo. 2ft can ? Iv 7 T IIEATS ZUHD FZ0DUC2 ' - Picnics, 'Sugar . Cured.,i.. .. ... , Pound . llacon, ! Piece v".'':::,:;' Pound 7R Beef ; Pot Roast, Ana, Grade A 1 Short Ribs, Grande A and B..1J. i Ground tBeefV; ; ; : ,V?vw; V Avocados, -Fncrte.- . v r. Today .09 .07 .10 3 J9 23 .43 2S .45 J2 .13 .09 .11 .11 .10 i .13 7 L02 21 as - 2S ai . J3 ai.. J3 6 25 . 2t Oranges, Valencias.L-1. . Cabbage, California ..l: Carrots, California. Spinach," :Iacz1L-ZZ- Tcrsatpes, Texas FielA. .Pound .Pound .Pound -Pound .Pound ..Pound .iX.Pour.d UPound :: iPocnd 29 29 .21 .19 28 'i 2 . .C8 .07 .07 ..15 - June 1943 .08', -06U .10 1 .19 8 .55 1 7 :i2 .14 .09- r .11 X.. -10: .13 J&7 . .8 .21 .15 . .26 .12 .14 , all U4 ; 2s 1 aa . 23 23-' 26 27 21 23 28 21 .09 .10 .06 ,C3 .14 TOlUrS TOTAL 19i7. JUNE 1943:TOTAL J205'j