V . Pictorial History : of Allied! Forces TimyAdmg "BeacMes - of - France :: 4- --, L The American, battleship Texas opens up with her big guns to shell the coast of northern Franee, as the allied Invasion of Europe gets under war. The Texas was amour more than 690 naval craft that tor " tared German positions and protected landings. This picture was made by Jack Wee, Associated Press photographer la the wartime still photo pooL (AP Wlrepheto via Signal Corps ladle.) " - General Dwight Elsenhower talks to his men before they set out for France, Bis order of the day Is "foil victory" General Elsen- Vedlcs carry a wounded Tank from a landing craft to ambulances ea an English dock to bo robed to V iJJSHL troopers before they board their station hospital. These wounded were among the first to engage the enemy In the invasion. Interna- ZZZiLZZJrlZZ7LJ7ZL t-i7Tr ,T7i.., m !prs)09 ,.. ixv-:4 i- :: : ' .6 ' i i V.,- i..-: ..; ..'A ;' 1 : tional Kadioooondphoto. paratroopers hare their faces blackened to aid their csmonflage. International Badlosonndphoto. i , i :, fmiirefies..mmi ivwrnrntu mm mm iiii.j ;jwh 1 . ! h:. 'v . "v , " i. ' 5 i , i ' - i - ' .-V - - . - I KM- ' r J 111110 - y- ,t r lit -, S 'i : t L V;- I- v. sx4 This Is a Tlew of the dock areas of the French port of Le Havre where German sonrces claimed allied lorees landed in their; tnrasion of the mainland. (AP Wlrephoto) v.. 5 rjt Flotting coorses of the Ninth troop carrier command on their Invasion flight over France with para ' '7 L t troops and inders. left to rlgM Brigadier General Panl W. Williams, eemmandmr reneral Nfnth. k - r - , v f $ m ' -w troop carrier cosmmnd. Major WUUam Forwood seated Colonel Ralph E. FUher, Major Efe Ward. " . .V 5 soionei uas s. sucnaras of the Alnth USAAF. This Is a US Army Slcnal Corps radiophote telephotoed mmt i . .. - v . i from London: International Soandphoto. t Men, barres, landing craft and assault .vehicles reach the beachhead in France on D-Dar of the allied landings on the continent of Eu rope. This Is the first picture showing the allies on French soIL (AT Wlrephoto from Signal Corps). j , . Wmvwf''&? f-.:??K ;--'.--:im,v- - f .;.,.-: -:L:.'-,..'..;- L'- "'i'-' 7 51'' ' s 3- ". " ! . :- -.'; '-W.i . -v.. ; ? w - . I " - i - v I i- ' t ' " ' t 1 f ' - I ;;-i -i ' ' v If'- f v ' : I r shc . . 4 1 Ht - ' 1 V V f It?- - V J 'AX Pinpointed in .wakes D-Day morning as; of spray, landing craft approach a beachhead on the northern shore of France on the allies thrust asalnst fortress Europe. I This reconnaissance photo is one of the first two showing- invadlna: forees on the French aide of the channel. (AP Wlrenhoto from Sirnal Corps SUMUophote). n - - . i : y 4 V 4 Fleet of warships, traasoorts. landlnr craft of all kinds and ! Vift far th ilmil Tntmtlnn.T Soandphoto. r , , ' ' - . - , ' . . r L iMovinr into the invasion picture richt along with the fighting men is this small boat earryinr a chaplain's unit. The chaplain's flag . flies beside the American ensign. Troops France-bound talk quiet ly on the stern of the chaplain's ship International Xadiooound - photo. . . - - - j . . , . ' , ' 'i I -7 . 1 x $ t: , 1 American Ynfantrymen receive rations of candy and cigarettes before embarking for the day alliol uu en tne CTencn coask internafoonal Soundphoto. i 7ltw fi r-t " cf lv allied tri reports showiag jeeps nd men making a landing on a beach fa Franee, IxiUrnaMn.l $UMiosoandphota-,t - . - - ' . Gen. DwUht D. Elsenhower - (left) 1 allied Invasion commander In chief, gives his order of the day'ull victory nothing else" to paratroopers somewhere in England Just before they took off , la planes for tlie D-day invasion of France. CAP Wlrephoto from six- .Company commander briefs his men on n model of the Invasion coast. Every detail Is marked and the nal corps radio.) - w- nun are ready Other study latest photos of beach obstacles International Soundphoto.