The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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Tb OSEGOJl STATESMAN; Solan. 1 Oregon. Friday Morning, June 9, 1S44.
Citations in
Are Given.
Four women went from Salem
to attend the 17th annual con
- vention of the Oregon Federation
of Music club In "Portland ion
Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Lord,
Santiam district vice-president.
Miss Edith Schrrver. state horti
cultural chairman, .Mrs. C A.
Kells, Salem Garden club presi
dent, and Mrs. J.- Vinton Scott,
delegate from the Salem dub.
Headquarters were at the public
- library, but a banquet held
the Congress hotel concluded the
; one-day streamlined conclave.'
' ' Special business of the conven
1 tfon was to elect, officers and to
I present citations; f o r distin
i guished achievement in .and to
horticulture, the . ' Federation's
, new project V . v .
.,Mrs. Harry 0.:' Smith of Cave
Junction was elected to head the
State Federation for the year,
Mrs. H. C Staton of Portland
vice-president, - Mrs.' Gladys
King of O'Brien, secretary and
Mrs. Ralph Fdwler, of Pendle
ton,' treasurer. Miss Elizabeth
Lord of Salem, Santiam district
vice-president, is ,a member ol
the board. y'
Miss Edith Scryver of Salem,
as horticultural chairman, pre
sented' the" two horticultural ci
tations which were created at the
last state given
"each year" "to" give due credit
to those who , have., done out
standing work in horticulture in '
Oregon' country and to create a
permanent record of their
achievements. "The one citation .
was given to J. G. Bacher of the
Swiss Floral company for his
work in discovery, developement,
introduction and propagation of
horticultural material and his
lecturing on horicuhure in Ore- -gon.
Mr. Bacher gave a short
.talk appealing for more horicul
tural interest in the state.
The second citation was given 1
posthumously to Seth Llewelling, '
who pioneered the, -introduction
of fruit trees in early Oregon :
and laid the first foundations on
which the horiculture of the west
was developed. Among other
things Seth Llewelling originated
the Bing and Black Republican
cherries. Mrs. Herman J. Led
ding of Milwaukie, step-daughter
of Llewelling, received the cita
tion. .The- presentations were
made -by Miss -Schryver at the
banquet which drew a crowd of .
some 3Q0.' , ' ' ' ' '.
Other speakers at the banquet
were J. H. Christ from Bonne
ville, who talked on soil conser
vation and J. R. Creswell who
gave an, . illustrated lecture on
Oregon 'scenery. Mrs, Henri Mor-:
sch was chairman in charge of
the meeting; ;.. '. , ' ,;
' The citations begin a series of
yearly awards. which will be is
sued, one to a living horicultur
alist and one to a deceased, who
have done outstanding work.
This. Is an unique project, con-
rdt 2TS3?5
of Llewelling and Bacher will be
published . on Sunday in The
Statesman. Complete biographies
' of those ' winning citations each
year will be filed with the Oregon
Historical Society, Oregon State
library at Salem, State Federa
tion of Garden clubs, and the
Portland public library.
Mr. and Mrs. WHllaot 8kewss
are receiving congratulations
on the birth of twin daughters,
Nancy Mae and Mine Rae, at
the Deaconess hospital Thurs
.. day morning. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Skewis and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dennett of
Lewistown, Montana and great
grandparents are- Mrs. Nancy .
. Ballard of Salem and Mr. B. T.
Skewis of Maryiville, Calif. The
twins' father Is a chief ship fit
ter in the navy, and is stationed
at Hawthorne, Nevada. ' --
. ; 7 ' , ,'1,'.''
Air Wae Isabel Krake has
completed her basic training at
, Des Moines, Iowa, and is now
stationed, with the ; air. transport
command, at Pxesque Isle,
Maine. Her brother, the late Ed
ward O. Krake, was ; serving .
with the army in the South Pa-?
ctficVhen he-war killed In,ac-
tion. He has- been., recently
awarded the Army Silver Star,
posthumously. ; ; -
Mrs. Janes H. Nicholson, Jr.
entertained ' members , of her
.: bridge club .Thursday night at ,
her .: apartment . at the Royal
. Court. Special guests were Mrs.
- Ruby Mishler and - Mrs. Robert J
- Pickens. A late supper followed
- an: evening of contract "
. . . Just Arrived at- -r -
r A new shipment of the famous ;
Our finoujTreasare Chest
ity Ejects, t
i;izs 81x9D..
r.2onGdrjGDir vmnu
I,ro PI one- Callj Lhait 2 Ter Ccstoraer : '
. - -
University of Oregon mother
meet with Mrs. Leo Childs. 030
North 14th street, one o'clock
North Salem WCTTJ with Mrs.
Margarets Era. 1380 North Win
ter street.
South Salem WCTU. with Mrs.
Ted Russell. S0S5 South Church
street. 2 p.m.
Royal -Neighbors of America
business meeting. Fraternal tem
ple. p-m. i
Missionary society, first Pres
byterian church. 2 p.m.
Plans Made for
Girls' State
Mrs. Edna Moore, Newberg,
reported plans completed this
week for girls' state to be con
ducted by the Oregon depart
ment of the American Legion
auxiliary at the Silver Creek rec
reational area on June" 11 to 18.
Mrs. Moore is in charge of ar
rangements. Mrs. Dorothy McCullough Lee,
Portland, will be in charge of
legislative activities, and will be
assisted by government counsel
. lors instructing in city, county
and state government and court
procedure.. ;.- . .:,
Counsellors' include Anna El
lis, member of the state legisla
ture, Garibaldi; Mrs. Hazel Ro
land, Portland; Mrs. Jessie Fink
Newberg, and Mrs. Gretchen Ro
bins, Junction City. "i
" House mothers who will, assist
in music end recreation, vesper
services and' dining room super
vision : .include, Mrs.- Theodore
Francis; Newberg; Mrs. Alta Van
Ausdall. Corbett, and Mrs. Wil
- liam H. Baillie, Salem. Mrs. Lau
ra Dixon, Newberg, will be in
charge of the infirmary.
A library is furnished by the
: state library, and Miss Eleanor
Stephens, estate librarian, will be
at the .camp one night to speak '
to the girls. Miss Betty Wood
cock, Gresham, will be junior
leader and will assist in editing
the camp paper.
' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buckley,
superintendents of the area, will
be official hosts. Following this
camping session, the camp will
be taken over by the strawberry
pickers camping group for the
next week.
Wally Carson to
Honor Birthday
' Wally Carson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Carson, will cele
brate his tenth birthday Satur
day. Ht has Invited ten of his
boy friends to have cake and ice
cream at his home on - Leslie
street before going to the show.
Three young girls who have
always attended Wally's parties,
will assist in serving. They in--clue'e
Carolyn Deckebach, Sharon
Brown and Judith Page.
SILVEKTON Miss Charlotte
Goplerud, whose wedding to Mr.
Haaken Larson of T a c o m a,
.Washington, will be an event of
Saturday night, was feted Wed
nesday night at the home of her
mother, Mrs. John Goplerud sr.,
when Mrs. Clifford Nybakke and
Miss Sylvia Haere entertained at
a gift party. Miss Goplerud has
returned to her home here from
Tacoma where she has been
teaching. . :, -.
Bidden to the party were Miss
Goplerud, Mrs. John. Goplerud
; sr. Miss Inga Goplerud, Mrs.
Alvin King, Mrs. Fred Krug,
'.Mrs. David Ramsyer, Mrs. Dan
Hillman, Irs. A. Mathis, Mrs.
George Elton, Mrs. Aden Klop
fenstein, Mrs. Alice Gehrlng,
Mrs. Harvey Lincoln, Mrs. Sum
ner Schoern, Mrs. Ole Moen,
Mrs. Elmer Grace, ' Mrs. Orlin
Smedstad. -Mrs. John Moe, Miss
Juanlta Moe, Mrs. Selmer Ness,
Mrs. Harry Sannerud, Miss Peg
. gy Goplerud, Mrs. L. C Gople
' rud, Mrs. Ludvig A. Meyer, Miss
Althea Meyer, Mrs. Raymond
Reed, Mrs, John Overlund, Mrs.
A. Braaten, Mrs. John Goplerud,
jr. Miss Carol Goplerud, Mrs.
Andrew Haere.
qua!- 'ffl
i...- JaUiiWW
Miss Olliver
To. Wed on
Miss Mary Louis Olliver, for
merly of Salem, will be mar
ried to Mr. Edward Towin Bros
on Sunday afternoon, June 11
at the:Albany home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Olli
ver. The ceremony will be quiet
ly solemnized before members
of the two families. I
Thef couple will make their
" home in Tacoma, where they
havetaken a house on the sound.
The bride-elect resided In Sa
lem while she was employed at
the state department of agricul
ture. She attended Oregon State
college and wears the Kappa
Kappa Gamma key. Miss Olliver
is a past grand worthy advisor
of the! Rainbow Girls. I
Mr. Broz is assistant general
manager of, Tacoma Boatbuild
ing company, . which builds
minesweepers and sub chasers
for the navy. Miss Olliver has
been residing in Tacoma for
severaj years.-
! : ' ' :- ;
Miss McAdams
To Entertain
Iiss Phebe McAdams, president-elect
of the Salem Business
and Professional Women's club,
will entertain members of the
new executive board and com
mittee chairmen for the, coming
year, at a buffet dinner at her
borne on South. 12th street, Mon
day night, June; 12, at 6:30
o'clock. f Vv- I
The evening will be spent in
the selection of committee mem
bers and in planning the pro
gram for the 1944-45 club year.
Assisting the feostesr will-be
her sister, Miss Ruth McAdams.
A special guest will be Miss Ed
na McElhaney, retiring first
vice-president and program
chairman. - - v . ' - -s
Mrs. Milton Chadsey and son,
Phillip,; arrived in the capital
Thursday morning from their
home In Yuba City, Calif., to ,
spend a month at the home of
her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. John
P. Duke. Mrs. Chadsey came
north for the wedding of her
sister. Miss Frances Duke, and:
Mr. Howard Jackson on Sunday
at the First Presbyterian church"
in Vancouver, Wash. .
. . t
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jallen
and daughter, Nancy, of Palo
Alto, Calif. are visiting in the
capital' as the guests of his'
" brother-in-law and .sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Neal Craig. Several in
formal : parties have been ar
ranged ; for the visitors during'
their stay here. , - ?
J v. k 5
-V i li
Parties Will ,
Precede y
Dance u "
- t . i ' - '
Wisetria -dub members - will .
entertain with their last dance
of the season tonight. The sports
affair will be held at the .Vet
erans hall from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilbur head
Che committee in. charge , of 'ar-
rangemeftts.' Assisting, are Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Post. Mr. and '
Mrs.. Dale Wood and Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Meeks. ,
Mr." ad Mrs! Lawrence Stod
dard have' invited a - group of
friends to a supper party after
the .dance at - their Kingwood
Heights home. '; ' ; - -
Guests win be .Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Bowman, Mr. ' and Mrs.
Edwin McEwen, Mr. and Mrs.
John Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Mer
rill Falkenhagen and Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Lorenz. ; ;
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilbur will
be hosts for an informal party
at their North Church street
home before the dance with a
group of their friends bidden to
make up the guest list
University Coed
Is Married
From Portland comes the news
of the wedding of Miss Lucille
Mclntyre and Corporal Edward
Phelps performed Sunday at the
Westminster Presbyterian church
before the couple's family and a
. small group of friends. A recep
tion was held at the bride's home
following the ceremony. They
will make their home near Camp
Clackamas, Washington, where
the groom is stationed. 1
The bride Is a graduate of Wil
lamette university 'and was a
member of Beta Chi sorority.
Since her graduation she has
been teaching at Seaside high
school. Her only attendant was
Miss Betty Jeannette, her cousin,
who also attended Willamette
and was affiliated with Beta
Chi. v .
Corporal Phelps made his homa
In Albany prior to entering the
service and attended' Albany
' schools.
Piano Pupils to
Be Presented
A group of pismo pupils will
be presented in recital by Miss
A. M. Luthy, Saturday night at
830 o'clock at her residence on
South 13th street
Appearing will be Darlene
Gardner, Wallace, Sills, Leora
Beach, Bonnie Hamilton, De
lores Picha, Beverly Cater, Bet
ty Britton, Elvis Dunn, Peggy
Foelkl. Betty Folz, Norma Foster,
Valorie Dunn, Dona ' Brunkal,
Kathleen Wilkes ; and Dorothy
Mrs. Robert ' Pickens and
young son, Robert Coshow, ar
rived from Philadelphia earlier
In the week. They will spend the
summer at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Yea
ger. Mrs. Pickens is the former
Mary Yeager and he Is with the
'American Viscose company -in
Welcomed visitor in the capi
tal is Miss Clara Mlelke of Los
Angeles, who is a guest at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Mielke. Miss Mielke
resides In Beverly Hills and is
employed at Bullocks Westwood
Village. She plans to be here a
month. ' i
It Usttfies to the fact that 90 of tha studenU
ar parr ha sing War Bonds and Stamps regu
larly. Totmr Axnaricans participating in tha
eoauauiaa p8chooU At War program, spon
sored by the Treasury Department, also ta
ploy their talaate In eoontlesa other ways to
aid tha war effort A Saluta to them all!
Young, victory 'gardeners
need & quick pick-up. And
Honey-Maid Grahams have
what It takes! The best
gTahara floury sweetened
viVh purt honey and cutr,
and baked to exacting Na
bisco quality standards! ,
Taka home the familiar,
green package. . ; ...
t Mrs.- LeRoy Fcozner and son
Midiael, who will leav0 Mori
day for Pullman,1 Texas, to
join Aviation 4 Cadet Farmer,
who is training ;there. Mrs.
Farmer will be aoamrkroled
part of the way by Mrs. Mel
vin Brock and Mr. and Mrs.
F. C. Lutz.
Accordion Pupils
Win Honors i
l Salem pupils won the first
place in 'each of the accordion
divisions at the National Feder
ation of Music clubs junior con
tests held in Portland May 31 to
June 3. Winners , in the several
divisions were as follows!
i Very difficult; first place, Flor
ence Polster; difficult, first
Anne Marie Doerfler and second,
Peggy Franti; medium, first
Louella LaFountaine; elemen
tary, first, Dona Zehner and sec-
end, June StowelL r
l Other Salem students compet
ing in the accordion divisions
were: Edna Mae Manning,, Vel-.
ma Rapb, Joanne Fabry and
Van Stonehocker. Miss Pat Mei
singer was guest accordionist at
the Saturday 1 concert, playing
Prayer from Reina" by Wag
ner. Adjudicator for the accor
dion contest was Vlademar Nel
son, of Portland.
j In the new marimba division,
registered this year for the first
.time, Salem students were also
winners, first place in the ad
vanced group going to Wayne
Mercer, and first place In the
difficult division being won by
Edward Struck. Julius Walters,
KOIN staff artist, was adjudica
tor for the marimba contests. '.
1; In addition to these contest
ants, the following also attend
ed from Salem: Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Struck, Mrs. Ralph Mercer,
Miss Leila Rigdon, Mrs. John
Zehner, Mrs. W. LaFountaine,
Mrs. Al Fabry, Major and Mrs.
Stonehocker, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Raph, Mrs. James B. Manning,
Mrs. Oscar. Polster, Dr and Mrs.
M. B. Frantz, Miss Lois GOlings,
Miss Mabel Teal, Miss Betty EU
Ofson, Miss Marjorie Wiltsey and
. Mrs. Patricia, Meisinger Wiltsey.
Dean OUvelM. Dahl was a
luncheon guest of members of
Fi Beta PU sorority at the chap
ter house Thursday. I
In do
The ideal laundry
aasssM X X , . "S.
Vienna Sacsrjo
Good for, lunches and snacks. .-.4
Regular tins. No points.L.JLL Lm tor
; ' Spirry'i Drilled Sron Fl:a
Enge size. Crisp and
I!aC-1 Hf is 3.
Miss' Ernestine Fredrickson )
and Miss Helen Smith were hos- j
tesses for : a smartly ' arranged I
surprise party Thursday . night
In honor of Mrs.! William Whit- ;
more.; The affair was given at ;
the Fredrickson home on Ferry i
street Sv', .r; i ' irV ':i ;. A
. Guest were invited to a- des-
sett - supper and j the individual j
tables .were centered with . bou- i
quetff -of Cecil jBrunner roses.
The rooms : were testive with
arrangements of roses and sweet
peas. Bridge was jin play during
the evening and a; shower honor
ed Mrs. Whitmori. . ;
Honoring Mrs. Whitmore were
Mrs. Orville South, Mrs. Dean
Trumbo, Mrs. Floyd Smith, Mrs.
Norman J. Yaglcj. Mrs. Robert
Brownell, Miss Nancy Stricklin,
Miss Dorothy Koichmider, Miss
Bernice Elgin, Miss Marianne
Owen, Miss Heln Smith and
Miss Ernestine Fredrickson. t
Edna Marie Hill
In Recital!, ! . r
Edna Marie Hill, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hill, will
.appear in recital tonight in Mu
sic hall on the Willamette uni
versify campus at 8 o'clock. She
is a piano pupil of Mrs. Jessie-Bush-Mickelson.
Assisting will
be Larry Ma ves," Joyce Edgell
and Pat MacNamata. -: : ;..
The program includes:
Concerto In A I .' . ,i ,. Mozart
'Sonatina op-SO- o.
AilegT in C
Beech er
Violin Sonatina L
Larry Maves
Prelude Op. 28 No. ?0 .
By a Meadow Brook L
In Aatumn !
A Little Rondo j
Violin Humoresks , j
. .Bondino
Xmxxrt MaVa
Concerto in Minor J Jean Williams
Allegro con mots -JLargo ..
ala Tarantella ;
Howard Smiths
Tonight at 8 o'clock, there will .
be a reception held, at the Cal
vary Baptist church for Rev. and
Mrs. C Howard (Smith. The
young couple was recently mar
ried in Philadelphia and are re
turning to Salem to make their
home. ) i
Rev. Smith Is the assistant pas
tor at Calvary and ill friends of
the newlyweds are Invited to at
tend, i
. University of Oregon mothers
will meet for luncheon today at 1
the home ot Mrs. Leo Childs. on
North 14th street this will be
the last meeting of jthe year for
the group and Mrs. Walter
Spaulding will preside, t j
of Iho Ciiy!
3 Points
CcLa SlarcH
- 4ft
. 's.
tender far summer saladSv,
Scrvico Women
i - -What they can do V .
; - What they're" doing about It
; - Scheduled to report soon, to
i the WAVES Indoctrination
school. Hunter college,! New '
i York City, Miss Oarine Esther
, Reed," 1307 North Water street,"
SHverton, has completed her en
listment in the WAVES, yester
day announced Recruiting Spe
cialist A.. C Friesen, recruiter-in-charge
of the alenx US navy
recruiting substation. J : $ t
She Is the second member of
her family to sign up for full
time war job in the armed serv-;
ices.- Her brother, Corporal
Ronald Reed, is In the US army,
now serving overseas. .
Miss Reed graduated from Sil
verton high school, where she
.was vice-president of Girl Re
serves -: and a member of the
Home Economics club. She at
tended Mt Angel college.
Since September, 1943, Miss
Reed has been employed at the
Silverton flax plant Previous to
this, she was employed with the
Salem army ordnance commis
sion shops. She is a member of
the First Christian church, Sil
verton, and the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C W. Reed, Silverton.
Miss Georgiana P. McClana
than -of Dallas is now an Air
Wac, having just completed her
enlistment Pvt McClana than, a
graduate of Salem high school,
is a daughter of Mr. J. O. Shaw
of 619 Hayter street, Dallas. She
has been active hi serving; with
the Red Cross canteen and is a
Pythian Sister. -
Pvt McClanathan will j take
over one of the jobs in admin
istration for the air forces at an
air base of her own choice.;
Miss Betty Rose Ellis has de
cided to get " a complete f new
wardrobe, GI style, for she ' has
enlisted to become, an Air WAC.
Miss Ellis is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Hopkins of Al
bany and is a graduate of Albany
high schooL The new Air WAC
received medical training at Em-
Lmanuel hospital in Portland, but
r . . . . . .
oas cnoeen letepnone wwinwni-
cations as her air force job since
she has had considerable experi
ence with the Paflfic Telephone
and Telegraph, company.
v -. - ... ' : . 7
Mecam Fiirhasa, As ash
ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Fair
ham, 385 North 14th street, was
a member of the graduating
class of 'nurses from the Good
Samaritan ' hospital at Trinity
Episcopal church, Portland,
Wednesday night, June 7. Miss
Talrham was recipient of the
$25 cash award for the best bed
side nurse, as chosen by her
classmates. i
1 Mrs. Baby Mishler
daughter, Nan, have . returned
from Portland to spend the sum
mer months at . the country
home of her parents, Mr.' and
Mrs. Rue Drager.
State Street
Prices EUcctive Friday ttrn Ilcnday
390 :
Sturdy, well made . , . No Breakage. Wide mouth,
easy to fill. Saves space, in your locker.
Heavy Waxed,
125-Ft. Rolls
Warm Food in a
. " " Tall Tin"
Per Tia
Frcsled Graperfnit Scjnczb
Birdseje, '
. no points. PkgL : Ovp
Grapcfriil Jucc
Sweetened. No "points. r '
46-ox. tin.;.. .IS ;
i Crab Ileal (Fancy)
For those tasty, cool salads. J , ACSL
! No points. Reg. tin iZ -i-.VVP
aCC3 By the Were.. . ;
DLE . i V in her stride, Ma
rina Private Marjorie Sawyer
finishes 'off the obstacle
course 'which is part of the
physical training given wom
en recruits at Camp Lejeurie,
NC She is the daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. C. B. O'Neill of
the Haseldorf apartments in
Salem and was graduated
frop Salem high schooL
Today's Menu
Friday fish, so let's have
baked salmon.
V . Spring greens salad
Baked salmon chunk
New potatoes
, ' New peas
: Peach sauce on Gingerbread
, cup sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
. Few grains salt
. Syrup from 1 no. ti
, can sliced peaches (1 to
1 cups)
1 egg yolk
5 tablespoons lemon juice
' 1 tablespoon butter or mar
garine -A
squares gingerbread
Mix sugar, , cornstarch and
salt; add peach syrup, blending
welL Bring to boiling point stir
ring constantly. Boil slowly over
low heat about 10 minutes, stir
ring, until thickened and clear.
Beat egg yolk slightly; add
peach mixture. Cool 2 minutes.
Add lemon juice and butter or
margarine; stir until melted.
fS e r ve . hot . on gingerbread
squares. Makes 2 cups. (This
sauce may be served on plain
or. sponge cake squares, cottage
pudding, rice or bread pudding,
1230 State St.
Phone 9127
2 tb. 22