The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1944, Page 14, Image 14

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    Thi OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, Jan 9. 1944
Stocks Spotty, ,
Some Strong
NEW YORK, June 8-(ff)-Buy-Ing
of low-priced motors, auto
motive accessories and specialties
on sizeable blocks in today's stock
market tended to offset partly
further heaviness of rails and nu
merous industrial leaders.
Stocks that may ; do well in
peace-time still were buoyed by
confidence in the invasion and the
feeling the European conflict
might end sooner than expected.
There was a tendency to lighten
accounts here and there, however,
pending more definite battle news.
Opening of next week's war loan
drive was a restraining factor in
asmuch as Wall street, it was be
lieved, would neglect corporate
securities and go all-out for the
government bond event
The Associated Press 60-stock
average was off .3 of a point at
52.7. Transfers totalled 861,060
' -i i ...:.u etc Knn IK
SllCa tVUlfat TT . """I"""
day before.
Packard, liveliest mover of the
day, coming out in lots of as
much at 12,000 shares, was in the
"new high' class most of the time
but finished unchanged, along
with Willys -Overland, another
. speedy periormer. . ,
Sees Flowers
SWEGLE The regular June
meeting of the Swegle Woman's
club was held Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. John Swan
son on North road. Assisting Mrs.
Swanson in serving were Mrs.
Marion West, Mrs. E. E., Brandt
and Mrs. William Hensel.
Mrs. Swanson has one of the
finest selections of flowers in the
district and many were in full
bloom, making her lawn very
: Members present were Mrs
Walter Swingle, Mrs. George
Yost, Mrs. William Benner, Mrs
Marion West, Mrs. Menno Dalke,
Mrs. William Hartley, Mrs. E. E.
- Brandt. Mrs. William Hensell,
Mrs. Carrol Runner, Mrs. Swan
son and guests, Mrs. Henry Priem
and La Vonne Yost, Barbara
t-v a lr.. n J TA
West :
The club treasurer, Mrs: Charl
es .Norton was reported home
from the hospital.
- Processed foods Blue stamps AS
through VS valid Indefinitely;
Meat, butter, cheese, etc Bed
stamps AS through WS valid indefi
Sugar Stamps numoer SO and 31
rood for five pounds sui ar indefi'
nitely. Stamp 40 good for five pounds
canning sugar untu March l. Utt
Apply at ration board for more.
. Airplane stamp No. 1 and No.
valid Indefinitely. , Loose stamps in
June SI expiration date of No. 11
A coupons. May renew B r C cou
pons within but not before 19 days
from date on cover.
Value of gasoline coupons: A, Bl
CI. S canons: B2. Cz. R and T.
gallons. D. la gallons: CI gallon
ri'EX, OIL .
Period 4-5 coupons good through
September 30. Coupons with gallons
printed on the face valid for amount
Indicated until expiration date shown
on coupon sheet. Not more than M
per cent of season's rations should
have been utd to date.
Periodic Inspection of tires ended.
- Inspection certificates required to
Obtaining replacements.
' Purchaser must get certificate at
ration board for new stoves.
; fuel dealers deliver by priorities
baaed on needs. Order your 11-month
supply now during temporary winter
storage program.
Refer inquiries and complaints to
price clerk or local war price and
ration Doaro.
135 II. Connercial
Corns make cripples ef
. healthy people; . i.
Try Schaefer's
Com Depedy 25c
Stop dangerous irritation, t
Use Beads
Pcissn Oali Eemedy i
crv -v.4 ti rn
Extra work bother yea?
: . Try Schaefer's
Ilcrvo zzi Bene
Uiz2lt2zCx $1X3
As eTHcisttt aotiiuoBj spa..y
useful reve sore threat and
threat Wtatkeia due to eekk. Be
prepari Ct Anuseptiae todsj at
"Strictly Private"
I If.'
I BET rBl OF CttfltV
Quotations : at
EM Side Market
East Side wholesale market prices:
Strawberries: Nominal ceiling to
wholesalers 1.98 plus freight; - to re
tailers 1.81 M-basket crate.
Raspberries: Nominal 25c hallocx.
Asparagus: I No. 1 loose 4.00 pyra
mid; No. 2, 3.00 pyramid.
Beets: Local SOc-l.OO dozen buncnes.
Cabbage: Local. 1944. 1.29 orange
box; round type 4. SO cental.
Beans; California none M lb.; green
19c lb. i
Cauliflower: No. 1, 3.25-2.75 crate;
No. 2. 1.75 crate.
Greens: Spinach, local sue orange
box; mustard 60-75c dozen bunches;
kale 75c crate: parsley SOc-l.OO dozen
bunches; watercress 1.00 dozen bunches.
Lettuce: Local No. 1. 2.00-2.50 crate;
others 2.00 crate.
Onions: Green 90c dozen bunches;
commercial grade, dry. 60s. 2.75 lug.
Radishes: Red SO-B5C ooz. buncnes;
white 90c doz. bunches.
Rhubarb: Field, boxes. 30s. 1.25-1.50.
Root vegetables: Bulk parsnips 75c
lug; carrots 75c.
Turnips: Mia-columDia iza per a ox
en bunches. !
Lettuce 1.00: cabbage 1.00; cauliflow
er 1.50: peppers 1.00: pansy 1.05 flat;
marigolds 1JV box; snapdragons i-au
Portland Prod ace
PORTLAND. Ore.. June S (AP)
Butter: AA grade prints 46c; cartons
46c; A grade prints 45c; cartons
46ic: B grade prints 43'ic: cartons 46c.
Butterfat: First quality, maximum of
.8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in
Portland 92-52',fec; premium quality.
maximum or J5 of. l per cent aciaity
53-53' ic: valley routes and country
points 2c less than flrit or 50-51 lie,
Cheese: Selling price to Portland re
tailers: Oregon triplets 29.4c; daisies
29.9c lb.; loaf 30.2c lb.; triplets to
wholesalers 27c; loaf 27','c FOB.
Eggs: to producers: Nominal prices,
case count 27c . select henneries 28-
29c; mediums 24c doz.
Eggs: Nominal prices to retailers. In
cases: A grade large 37c; A medium
32c; small 23-24c doz.
Live poultry: Buying prices from
producers: Broilers up to 2U lbs. 27c;
fryers, 2 "4 to 4 lbs. 28c; roasters over
31s lbs. 29c; Leghorns and colored hens,
all weights 25c; roosters and stags 18c
ID. !
Rabbits: Government - ceiling. Ave
rage country killed to retailers 44c
lb.; live price to producers 24c lb.
Turkeys: Selling price to retailers
Dressed hensi No. 1. 39'.i-43c lb. '
Turkeys: Alive: Government ceilini
prices: Hens 1 42c; toms 36 lie, dressec
basis. .
Onions: Green 90c-1.00 doz. bunches.
Potatoes: Old local No. 1. 3.50 per
cental; 00 zs, ms. ijs; Klamath no,
3.75; Deschutes No. 1. 2.65 cental
Potatoes: New California white 4.00-
4.25 cental, i
Country meats: Rollback prices to
retailers: Country killed hogs, best
butchers, 120-140 lbs. l-17c; vealers
AA 221c: A 21 "ic; B 19-19 'c; C 15-
17ic; culls 12-lSc. Beef AA 214c; A
Original "YELLOW FRONT Drug and Candy Special
Sole Agents for Fenslar
i Prescriptions
Back pains mean trouble.
Try Schaefer's
Bidney Pills 5Sc
This is the official Penslar Remedy iStore for Marion County.
You will find these preparations of highest quality and guaran
teed to be exactly for what they are sold and represented to be.
SyiMBta hhe to g i
cause it is a nutritive tonic
Extract wish Yitamina A B D C Tbauaanda
takeiL AakMsfor
i 0 SwO '
By Quinn Hall
... . x . : j-1 v.:
t . I
souEumeAEs in fu
20ic: B 18c: C 14c: canner-cutter
cows '13-14c; bulls, canner-cutters 14-
14c: lambs AA 26c: A 24ic: B 22' ic;
C lO-zOcj ewes FS 13 lie; medium 12c;
R lMVtC4 . I ;
Wool : t Government control.
Cases ta bark: 1944 peel 20o lb. '
Mohair: 1942. 12-month 45c lb.
Hods: Nominal contract 1944. 85c up
in, ivto. aoc; imi, sue id.
Hay: Wholesale prices nominal: Al
falfa No. 2 or better 34-35; oat-vetch
26 ton valley points; timothy (eastern
Oregon); 35-36 ton; clover 24 ton; mon
tana grass hay No. 1, 33.50 ton.
Portland Livestock!
PORTLAND. Ore.. June I S (AP)t-
(WFAM- Salable and total cattle 150
calves 25; market very slovkr; few sales
about steady at the week s decline
common-medium grass steers - S JSQ-
12.00; cutters down to 7.00; cutter pto
low medium heifers 7.00-11.25; odd
good heifers up to 14.50; canner-cutter
cows 5.00-6.50; shells 4.50: down; fat
dairy type cows to ' 7.00; : common
medium, beef cows 7.50-10.25; good
heavy beef cows 7.50-10.25; good heavy
beef cows to 11.00; common-medium
bulls 7.50-9.25; good heavy beef bulls
10.00-251 good-choice vealers 14.90-
H.50. ? -i
Salable and total hogs 300; holdover
950: partial clearance at steady prices
few good-choice 180-270 lbs. 13.75; 275-
u. ii . iu. iiw 1 : i- 1 mi . . An.
ouw jus. i.w; 1 ftigni iv.w-it.vui
good 170-175 lbs. 12.50-13.00; good sows
8.00-50; good -choice feeder pigs salable
8.50-8.50; many nogs unsold. f
Salable sheep 300. total 600; market
steady;! few good-ehoice- spring lambs
14.00; common - medium grades 10.00
12.00; cull-medium shorn . old crop
lambs T.00-10.00; good ewes 4.00; com'
mon grades 2.25-50. j
Portland Grain- '
PORTLAND. Ore.. June S (AP)
Wheat 1 futures and cash, grain un
auoted :
Cash f wheat (bid): Soft white 1.48
soft white (excluding Rex) 1.48; white
ciuo t-o. western rea j
iuuw icu w 1x1 in wiuuMi; j.w,
per cent 1.48; 11 per cent 1JS3;
per cent 1.58. 1
Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.48
11 ner? tent 1 JW: 12 ner cent 152 i
Today's car receipts: Wheat 16, bar
ley I, flour 4, oats 4, flaxseed 6,
Visit Seabee in Astori
DAYTON Mr. and Mrs,
Delmas Hooker and j family of
Webfjoot district were -weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Dra
per ft Astoria. Draper is invthe
Seabees and Mrs. Draper and
daughter, Brenda Mae, who had
gone there to be with him while
he was in port, returned to the
Hoolfer home. They leftThurtday
for their home at j Livermore,
Calif. Seabee praper is a brother
of Mrs. Hooker. j ;;'
Remedies for Markra County
Filled, 1899-1944 j .
APE- ; sH
v mjrju ilium
Nurses Are Needed at the Front! i
That-means it's: tip: to you to guard your
family's health and your own! Do your share
to conserve medical care for the armed forces.
Call your doctor ohly when necessary. Bring
his prescription taf us for accuracy and de
pendability. j ' ?
Do Your Share . . . Keep; Fit! j
jAvoid embarrassment, i
ry Schae! er's j
Dccial Oinineni 5Cs
ill ! " il
a -. u y yL--ju
Trn7i' r in
50 c V
Grain Market '
Has Slow Day
CHICAGO, June-SMiPV-In the
last Xew minutes j of today's ses-1
sion, one of the slowest in weeks, :
trading far grain futures became
fairly active but the markets were
heavy and all prices were off at
the close. I
The lack of demand for wheat
futures was apparent throughout
the day and prices fluctuated ner
vously within a narrow range, in
fluenced at times by small orders.
After an early break caused by
commission house sales, w heat
showed fractional! gains ' and held
firm until near j the close. Offer
ings were light !
The trade reflected the excel
lent condition of jail -small grain
crops and the government's report
of indicated yields as of June 1,
to be released late Friday, was
expected to be decidedly more op
timistic than last month's.
Wheat closed to lower
than yesterday, July $1.59. Oats
were unchanged to lower, July
.74-y4. Rye was off to 1,
July $1.05-1.05.! Barley was
higher to lower, July $1.18.
The break in irye followed a
mid-session rally which had
pushed prices around 1 . cents
above the day's low. Trade in the
rye pit was relatively quiet and
pnees were easily influenced.
Traders - regarded the reported
opening of a nev Russian offen
sive as perhaps indicating the war
with' Germany would end sooner
than anticipated, and prices eased.
There was no improvement in the
cash situation and only scattered
sales were reported. -
Rainfall Helps
PORTLAND, June 8-VOre-
gon pasturages and grain fields
improved last week under nearly
state-wide rainfall, the US weath
er . bureau reported today.
Heavy winds which accompa
nied the ram cut down grain in
some western areas, however, the
weekly crop-weather survey said
Haying; and sheep shearing was
temporarily held up; and dam
age was reported to some cut hay.
The general crop situation was
good. The weather bureau report
ed harvesting of lettuce, .peas,
strawberries and gooseberries well
under way; potatoes, slowed by
frost, recovering frost - damaged
onion acreages replanted to other
crops. , .. v
Corn growers reported a need
for warmer weather, although
early corn was up. Some eastern
pastures require still more rain,
the bureau said; and several east
ern grain areas 1 showed damage
from the May 23 frost
Maximum temperature during
the moderately cool week was 84
degrees at Wasco; minimum 26 at
Madras. j
Stocks and Bonds
June S '
20 10 10 10
Rails Indus Util F01
Thursday 73.B 26.6 36.4
Previous day 73.8 27.1 36.5
Week ago 73.8 28.1 36.7
Month ago 71.9 27.1 35.8
Year ago 72.5 25 J 34.8
1944 high - .73.8 28.4 37.1
1944 low 69.1 22 9 35J
30 13 IS SO
. .. Indus Rails Util Stka
Thursday 88.1 104.8 106.2 66.6
Previous day 88. S 104.8 1M.2 66 J
Week ago 90.1 104.8 106.2 I
Month ago . .. . 88.4 104.S 106.0 (
Year ago . 76.7 105.1 103.5 59.5
1944 high 90.2 105.7 106.4 66.6
1944 low J19.5 104.7 104.7 63.2
Pfccne 5197-9723
For Coughs and Colds
Herbal Dalsan
SCc and $1X3
Sore relief for , that tickling
cough and for i coughs date to
colds. : i V '. '
cough syriu?
Gives Relief for an Irritatmg Cocb
Due to a Common CoZJ. Get at the
Crossword Puzzle
m. .m --Lp
11 n I
'8 " I" 1" 1 !
4d 50 jj
jJz& - - mlL
w 1 11 Hu l I 1 im
l.seaTcoaat '
6. boxes? . .',
47. feminine '
. name!
49. delete
51. droop
52. symbol for
53. sowers . .
56. rsetenlum
57. reap j" - -59:
tentacle '
6L blinds
62. woody plants
11. barrel hoops
12. heavy
explosive, j
14. father
IS. confirms -
17. sun' god ...
18. edge
20. web-like
.membrane -
21. entrance v
23. muse of lyric
Answer to yesterday's puzzle.
A E A 'OWE ToqeI
be e s t r aim p l els
Na J.S5 c5r de
eSsen iClONTFlgD
gN AToI?lbTgD5
If n 5y Ei TTr S
aTl ee t?b oju R ElT
fTr1 gift fCERE
Tggtl :R E Pl iEIDIgIeI
25. pinch
27. unclose :
! (poet)
28. compound
29. mythical king
31. symbol tor
32. glide through
34. cloy ; j
36. mystical
38. supercilious
40. calyx leaf
43. Scottish Arc.
tic explorer
45. pike-like fish
46. clan ,
Arerag Usm ef selatiea: 14 smlaetes.
Diet by KUag Features Syndicate, lac
Salem Market
Quotations j
The prices bc'ow supplied by a lo
cal grocer art indicative of! the daily
market prices , paid to growers by Sa
lem ouyers - out are not auaranteea
by The Statesman:
Cauliflower, crate 225 and 2.55
Crook neck & Italian squash, lb. JB3
iurnips ooi ouncnes , t.w
Cabbage, lb. I ..- M
Endive, doz. bun. .70
Radishes, doz bun. ; T JO
Carrots, doz. bun. ; , . JO .
Celery, doc bun. ; 1.50
Pumpkin, Id. 03.
Parsnips, lb. . , JS
Asdresesfs Buying Prices
(Snkject to change with eat netted
Premium J4
No. 1 : J3
No. 2 , ., JO
A 1 n
Extra large
Colored hens. 1 No. t
No. 2. colored bakes
Colored rrys 1
Old roosters
Marios Creamery's Buying Prices
(Subject ts chaage wltheut sotict)
No. 1 springs 1 JS
No. 1 hens : '' JS
Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based
on conditions and sales reported:
Dressed veal Jl
Spring lambs 14.00 to 15.00
Yearlings 8.00 to 11.00
Ewes , . : . 5.00 to 8.00
Hogs, good to choice grade.
Pioneers to
Meet Sunday
ALBANY r- Sunday, June 11,
will witness the reunion; of the de
scendants of Knox Butte pioneers,
and residents of that section, when
members of the association meet
at the home of Mrs. Winnie Mar
shall for a picnic dinner and pro
gram. ' '; ' . , -
The affair! has become an annu
al; event in past years, and is
looked forward to with - much
pleasure. W, Conn of Salem J is
president of the association this
year and Mrs. Clair Haight is sec
retary. The; attendance will pro
bably be limited this year because
of shortage of gas, but ; in former
years between 50 and j 75 people
were present for the day, which
is always held the second Sunday
in June. -1 . .
Fireslcss Slcre
. ' - ' i
' Used Trader Tires, Bins and Tcics- i
That Can Be Bought I
Yea ean have year tractor, truck and passenger tires capped
WITHOUT CERTIFICATE and choice ef A,' C, and F rubber.
' : m mi , .. i . ; ' f-
Also Full Stock of New Tractor Tires and Tubes ,
: Corner Center & liberty
1. steps
2. exclamation
of triumph
3. eggs
4. giving back
5. being
6. connecting
v bodies of
. .water
7. American
8. handle
9. New England
. sUte(abbr.)
10. tegular strip
11. carousal .. i
13. jconsumer
16. bone, of '
forearm i 1
19. small rags
22. accompUrh
24. afternoon :
26. one who i
30. Roman road .
33.adera i
35. slender
. jfinials . .
36. anthropoid
' P45 U
37. crazes
39. nurtured t
41. humiliates
42. stationary
44. printer's
48. serf;
50. deposited
54. lamprey
55. observe
58. note in the
60. French i
Grand Island
Ha& Picnic
Island 4-H Calf club jail-day pic
nic attended by 25 including mem
bers and guests. A; shady nook on
the Ersel Gubser; farm on the
Willamette river was chosen where
boat riding and swimming were
A gift was presented by Delores
Finnicum to George Douglas, lead
er for the year just closing. Wein
era were roasted.' I r
Guests included; Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Gross and children of Day'
ton, Mrs. George Moore and Mrs.
Wilton Gardner of; Portland; Mrs,
Dell Morgariedge, Webfoot dis
trict; Mrs. Lester Scoggan and Na
thel Scoggan of Wheatland; Mrs.
Frank Finnicum,! Mrs. Ernest
Douglas, Mr. and Mrs Ersel Gub
Legal Notice
, The S t a t e T a xj Commission
hereby gives public notice as by
lay provided - that it: will attend
in its office at the capital on the
second Monday In June, 1944, and
publicly examine the assessment
roll by it made, and review the
same, and correct . all errors in
valuation, description, quantities
or qualities of property by it as
sessable ' and in apportionments
of assessments made by it; and it
shall be the duty) of; the persons
and companies interested to ap
pear at the time a and place ap-
pointecL .
Petitions or applications for the
reduction or change of apportion
mena of a particular assessment
shall be made in writing, verified
by the oath of the applicant, its
president, secretary, m a n a g ing
agent or attorney j in ffact, and be
filed with the commission on or
before the day the commission is
required by law to j meet as a
board of review ard , any - peti
tion or application not so made,
verified and filed shall not be
considered or acted upon by the
commission. I --i v' "
By Earl L. Fisher, Com-
missioner and i Secretary.
Sden, Ore:
HAS -'
j Phone S144
Livestock and Poaltry
A GOOD family cow, Just fresh; IV
Sherwood. Salem. Rt. 4. Box 255. 7
ml amith an I old .Pacific i Hiwy. to
unnyside and l!a mi. south, 4c west.
WANTED : Beef and canner cows,
bulls and veals. Will call at . farm.
L ' Snethen. - 3570 E. Turner noma.
Ph. 21345. Morns or eves, i 1
ATTXr.TlON' : i i
Will remove dead & worthless stock
m a moment's notice! SALEM FER-
CoUect No other Phonel. ;
R. L Red fryers for sale.! Mulvihill.
Rt. 6. Box 540, E. Center, i P. 22529.
NEW . Hampshire laying pulleU oc
ready to lav puikts. Immediate de
livery. Choice election. Ph. 22861. Lee
Hatchery. - .-1
BABY CHICK? and custom batching.
22 yrs. expenence assures you of best
quality and satisfaction. Prepare fat
better market conditions later., Hatches
every - Monday and Thursday. Hamo-
shlres. Leghorns. Red, Barred Rocks.
day old ckis or pullets, pn. zzwi
Lee's Hatchery. - . i ; .. .
Help Wanted
DISHWASHER tor night work. Chin
ese Tea Garden. - ..; . . -
STEADY strawbemr Dickers. 20 acres.
Good berries, clean patch, plenty cab
ins, stoves, etc. 25c with Sc bonus for
season's work. Ben Brown, Rt. 1, Box
no. wear s. c. fans. - . . i
ARE YOU an experienced meat cut
ter 1 1 If so; Safeway Stores can give
you ! immediate employment. Pleasant
working conditions. - Modern: equip
ment Steady employment Good pay.
If - you can qualify, see Mr; MUlef,
Room 208 McGUchrlit Bldg. j -
MAN AND WDfE. Man Qualified sta
tionary iteam engineer. Woman for re
lief matron. Salary, plus room,' board
and laundry.. Ore- State 1 Training
School. . Woodbuni. ! J- . - ,
COOK : wanted.
man or woman.
The Spa.
Help Wanted Slale
Workers now employed In war pro
duction should not apply and will not
be. considered lor employment by em
ployers advertising in this section.
WANTED: Extra men durine He-
men's vacations. Aces 21 to 45. Inauire:
Alfred Mundt, City Recorder, City Halt
STEADY Job for men in retail lum
ber i yard, all-round work i Including
ituck urivmg. box is statesman.'
MARRIED men on dairy farm. S155
nouse, ugnt, rmiK and potatoes. Ph,
WANTED: Exp. presacra l for Army
wotk- iw WAUB. uouywooa Clean'
era. - -.- - , . i
WANT Painters.-' Bridranenl Carnen-
ists 10 wore x Dssnge .repair od
painting. Can use boys 17 yrs. -of age
also. Apply at Room JOg, Laboratory
Bldg., Oregon State ShODL Salem. -south
. . a - - -
MAN Qualified to sunervise bova ae.
tivities is outside work and: assist cot
tage manager. Salary; plus room, board
and laundry. Oregon 8 1 a t e Training
scnooi, nnooourn. . i
DIESEL LOG Truck Mechanic? WiL
lamette Valley Lumber Co. 212 Pacific
Building. Portland. 4. Ore. ! or Dallas.
Help Wanted Female
WOMAN to keen hmu and 'ear for
lady recovering from . operation. Ex
cellent pay. Ph. 8711. . , ) ;
DAIRY farm workers needed lmmed
lately at Tillamook, Oregon. Single and
marnea men. Tod wares. Write at once
for lull particulars. Farm Labor Office.
RELIABLE woman care for 9 cirls.
pre-school ace. 4 or 8 days week. Ph.
oa7 axter s.-vu fid.
Legal Notice
that . a promotion examination,
subject to the rules, regulations
and provisos of the Civil Service
Commission of Salem, Oregon,
will be held at the City Hall. Sa
lem, Oregon, on June 14, 1944, at
9:30 o'clock ajru, as follows:
Salem Fire Department
INATION, in addition to physical
examination by the city physician,
will include general advanced
first aid.
of subjects on a scale of 100:
Written , examination..lJO
Demonstration of SkiIL.45
Experience and Ascertained'
i- ir..!t - ( - . m
PAY: One Hundred Ninety-one
and 50100
Dollars a
less than
three years continuous
service on
the Salem Fire Department force
under Civil Service appointment
Candidates who have i been sus
pended will be penalized; in the
ascertained merit and experience
score given. . ' J i
Applicants must be able to ex
hibit a current certificate showing
they have successfully passed the
Senior Red Cross First Aid.
Applicants who are placed on
the eligible list will be required to
take a physical examination from
the city physician before appoint
ment Poor health or disabling
defects reported by the lcity physi
clan will be cause for , removal
from the eligible list 1
be obtained at the Office of the
City Recorder, City Halt and will
not be accepted for filing after
June 7. 1844. at 5:00 cm. r c I
DATED at Salem, Oregon, this
ztn day of May. 1944.
By: ALFRED MUNDT, Secretary
and Chief Examiner
June 3-6-7-8-9-10. - l :
NOTICE is 'hereby given that
the . undersigned has been ' by the
Circuit Court for Marion County,
Oregon, appointed administratrix
of the estate of Richard M. Stolz,
deceased. - All p e r s o n s f having
claims against said estate are re
quired to present the same with,
proper vouchers to the f under -signed
at. 520 Rose Street,' Salem,
Marion County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of publica
tion hereof. . ' ,
Dated and first published June
j 2nd. 1944. i, : -
. f ; Administratrix - K
j W 520 Rose Street,
I Salem, Oregon, i: J-2-9-15-
-i 23-30. ' : ,
Help Wanted Female
Rellahl anun ttr vtrl tn ' mm 'nm
litUe girl days, or full time. Ph. 4813.
WANTED: ' Reliable Tounsr ladv - to
work in a Jewelry store. Permanent
position. References required. Excel
lent salary. Box 40. Statesman. -.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Day-
shift. No Sundays or holidays. Court
l uur uincn, hi court, t . ,,t .....
WAITRESS wanted: The Spa..
WANTED: RelUhU hnuutrr n
family of 2 adults. 1 child. Room,
ooara ana excel, salary; Ph. i S33S. ,
HOUSEKEEPER needed for airs. O.
L Schlicht at W aid port. Oregon.
LADY with anm .vn.ri.nM I n-
light cooking and kitchen work. Nite
shift. Permanent No Sundays. Bright
spot uuc, jou center. .--. i.jSl
MATRON for cottage relief. To nn.
ervise housekeeping and meals in
boys cottage. Salary, plus room, board
and laundry.. Ore. ..State Training
Bcnoou wooaourn. . ;
GIRL FOR waitress and fountain
work for night shift. Apply after 4
o'clock. Brut Bird. :i
IT YOU are a neat and efficient
waitress apply at Mickey's Sandwich
snop. ..- -. ; , ..u,.
Situations Wanted
CHILDREN cared for by day. week
or month. Ph. 4739. ,
HIGH School boy want vacation
work. Ph. 462. i -i ;'
PLACE on farm for boy 14. throuch
summer, near Salem. Ph. 3785.
LADY wants jiosiMoa aecountin nr
bookkeeping; experienced. Can i fur-'
nisn.reierences. ra. 2ivu.
CHILDCRAfT Nursery. We pick ud
and deliver. ISM Trade. Ph. 11828 .
CHILDREN cared for. Ph. 1845.
For " SaleBIiscellaneous
30 LUGER. excellent. 45 Colt Auto
nickle plated. 49 Colt Trontiersman. 32
COR Auto. Colt Auto. 38 H Sc R
Revolver, all with ammunition. -
- 3',a HP Outboard, easy sUrt. full
reverse, excellent condition.
Several fine two wheel trailers from
S30 to 899. 31 Stude. Commander, nice
condition, priced for quick sale. Model
lz, 20 Gauge, excellent, with reload
ing outfit. Model 12, 12 gauge Trap
with solid leather case, solid rib. Model
12. IS gauge Skeet with Lyman Com
pensator, solid rib. with 100 rounds of
ammunition, like new. 303 Savage take
down rifle. 32-20 Remington pump,
30-30 Carbine, model 84. 30-30 Carbine,
model 84 with new BB1. 30-40 Krag.
reconditioned, with receiver sight.- All
rifles with ammunition. 1 each 18 and
12 gauge model 97 Winchester. OK
condition. 1-12- gauge - Martin in 'ex
cellent condition. . 1 each DB1 BB1 St
Single BB1 12 gauge, - fair condition.
1-Pr. Excellent Field Glasses, priced
fight. Weaver Scopes. -29s, 330 At. 440
with B, T ft SUth mounts. Portable
AC. DC Table Radio. 1 eachrFirestone
and Motorola Car radios with inside
control antena. i
Don Madison. 590 No. High !
REMINGTON Foursome electric razor
$20. Portable typewriter 865. Winches
ter model 84. 30-30 rifle. New 2-wheel
trailer S79. 2139 Bellevue. Ph. 9043.
LADY'S black tailored suit size 40.
Ph. 3909.
GOOD I used vacuum cleaner. 249
Chemeketa St. , . .
4 PC. walnut bdrm. set complete.
Blue rug 9x12. Large thrown rug. 7x9
linoleum. Ph. S39. . ,
OR TRADE: 30 Remington rifle and
ammunition. 989 Jefferson. Ph. 7508
after 8:30 PJf.
HOUSE Trailer like new. 2085 N.
ComX Ph. 2189.
1 CABINET battery radio. Pure whit
cotton mattress. Pre-war studio couch.
Fruit Jars. 1809 Lee St.
Eastman furnace with pipes. Ph. 8970.
DAVENO. breakfast set. sickle grind
er, elec. refrigerator. 1680 N. Com'L
4 RM. house 81.000. cash or terms.
Inq. 85 Fairhaven Ave. .
PRE-WAR furniture, like new. Elec.
ranee, vac. cleaner, radio, head set.
breakfast set. swing chair. 29-20 rifle.
box shells, 40 Dodge 9 pass. cpe. at
several other articles. I'm moving. Call
after 6:30 P.M. & all Sunday. 1833
N. 22nd St. Off Market St.
BLACK walnut mantle shelf 40 in.
length. Bamboo fish red. Large elec
tric waffle iron and toaster. 6x9 Kar-
nak rug. Misc. articles. Leaving city.
147 N. Commercial St. Apt. 11.
LARGE Morocco leather suit case.
Tuxedo suit size 38, good as new.
Mounted deer head. 147 N. ComX
Apt, 12.
12 GAUGE Browning automatic shot
gun. 30 Remington pump with shells.
Ph. 9898. 1230 N. Church, i
jrrtivABsnr rnr. me win f ma-
Chine, lawn mower, ice box, 2 twin
beds. IES lamp, folding oaoy ougsy,
daveno. used linoleum, etc. 11605 No.
Summer. j
SADDLE horses. Very gentle. Can be
seen at Rt. 8. Box 67. Ph. 4622.
JUNIOR size bike, 24" wheel, one
nur tin. new fenders and new paint
Job. Phone 6535. ' i
m r , ddtt Hi,thM mmB with roof.
self cleaning. Call T. F. Mesch, Pt. 4,
Top. Of So. 12tn St. HU1. Ph. 22178.
Just received. 12 rooms of Apt. fur
nishings. Woodry'a Auction Msrket,
1605 N. Summer.
S-CUP electric percolator. 1143 S. 14th
17 TRAHJEK House.' furnished, kits
of built-ins. davenport & chair, un
finished kitchen cabinets. puFrains
rtirniture. 2360 FalrsTounds I Rd. Ph.
5762. i.
FRYERS. 3 lbs. Ph. 22459 between
7 and 8 PJd. Opposite Liberty school.
FULL Size.- rubber tired, (ollapsible
baby carrtage. Ph. 7738. j
PREWAR baby buggy and lawn
mower. Ph. 7632.
10" 3. Deere Hammermlll 8150. 500
lb. feed mixer 870. 500 chick brooder
$20. 877 N. 23rd St. Phone 59i4
HARDWOOD dining table and chairs
835.00. 1715 N. Church. ! - -
S RM. National trailer with Eject
frld. Like new. U Edgewater St. ?
HENS. 5 to 6 lbs, ISO lb. live, at farm.
Ph. 22459. oppos. Liberty SchL
WILL" BUY for cash, sell ! or trad
ens. - ammunition St , scopes. Va
idison. 590 No. High. . J ;
FULLER Brushes. 1749 Grant. P. 8357
HILL grown Burbank seed; potatoes.
11.23. uvu.
' ' ' ' ' :- - iota-
TOR I. ILK l li UJJ "Zr , xofl
toes for planting, see Vlck Bros-
av uiu. 5 . Cailaaava --r ! -J I ... '
n oiu je-e - r-,raf
WE HAVE hog wire J
barbed wire in stock. Montgomery
Ward & Co.- - : ; . j --1
a C. Pugh. Ph 3-2458. P.O. BO 46J.
Trade Bliscellancous
TRADE: Good wicker oD taw gy for
metal coaster wagon. Phone 21631-
1715 N. Cburch. ,! '
PRE-WAR davenport and chair. 968
Center. : v ' I