The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1944, Page 13, Image 13

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TL C7ZC.:i CIATTMAIt Ccian. Ottgoa. Fdiay tfar.faq. laai 1 1MI
Few Fans See
40-8's Second
Bopping Bee
(Continued from page 12)
Bailey In a bad way in the second,
the bell savin him. Referee Pack?
McFarland stopped it when it was
apparent Bailey was totally out
classed. Bailey subbed for Orv
Feters, who couldn't obtain fur
lough from his army pott
Kelly Jackson,' '160, ' another
sub, cleanly outpointed Jack
lindley, 162, in the six-round
special, both colored boys in for
the Wright-Roy McQueen "grudge''
scrap. McQueen failed to show.
This one . kept McFarland busy
telling the waltzers to "shake it
up, or else."
Roxey Mobley, 141, Swan Is
land, carried Jimmy Gordon, 140,
Portland, to the fifth round of
their 6-rounder, and then put him
away with a soft left after one
minute of that heat had elapsed.
Visibly tired. Gordon was an easy
target for Mobley. The two mighty
; mites who appeared on the first
40 et 8 card, "Dynamite" Abbott.
I 103, and "Pee Wee- Jackson, 110,
j went to i draw in last nighFs
opening four-round exhibition.
They were again crowd-pleasers.
Immediately following the Sul
11 van-Hooker go, the latter chal
lenged the former to a rematch
in the local pits a week from next
Thursday night. Sullivan accep
ted and Promoter Pilcher is now
"thinking It over." It was a fight
worthy of a rematch. -
Out But Safe in Tenth
i u
i :'
(Continued from page 12) -
experienced aggregation, several
of the diamondeers having been
writh fh f.nnt n niimMr I CWUI UAuVl
... --. yf Pet. ' - W Tj Pet.
of years. Luke Crosswhite, former Portland ss as jsssan Dies mi
Prison pitching great, has been ! ,
. 7. . Hi I rra .357 Oakland 34 St J333
issued parole and is no longer witn i Hoiiywod ss 29 .sss sacrama tin jo
the Greys, but Mike Cornwall, it Mg&vm mum
RALPH HODGIN of the White Sox slides home with the winning run
in th lftth innlnr mt m. nnt with Washlnrton at Chicaro. Umpire
Bill Grieve Is calling the play as "out,"! bat he soon saw where
Catcher Rick FerreU of the Senators dropped the ban (arrow;, iax
Wlrephote) " ;-iT'r
Pius Thanlts
US Catholics
Pope Pius. In a message to Ca
tholic bishops in the United
States, has expressed gratitude to
American Catholics for donations
to aid war victims. -
Dispatched the day allied troops
entered Rome; the- message said
the donations had helped greatly
to assuage in part the widespread
misery and sufferings here.
. The pope also thanked the bish
ops for their xccent message' ex
pressing confidence that the al
lies would" find a way to save
Rome ffrom war damage.
Military Scholarships
Wili Be Available
,-v- , - , ......
EUGENE, June -W- MOi
tary scholarships coveting six to
nine months college . work will
be granted to high school gradu
ates who have passed the army-
navy college Qualifying test, the
University of Oregon announced
Jfouths, who must enlist in the
army enlisted reserve corps before
July 1 and be between 17 'and 17
years, 9 months, will be inducted
following schooling in some col
lege approved by military author
Nazis Claim
To Be Biting
Into Allies
general picture:
Caen The allies Increased
their pressure on the road from
Bayeux to Caen. Germans moving
up from the South checked the
advance! Super heavy I British;
tanks have landed north Of Caen.",
Carehtan "British tanks. hav4
LONDON, June 8 -(JPh The
Germans asserted tonight that
furious fighting with the allies
was reaching out on both sides of
Allen Bayeux and contended their
reinforced troops were biting in
to the western end of the allied
bridgehead in France and swing
ing into position to strangle two
infantry-supported American air
borne divisions at the. mouth of
the Vire river.
The German claims continued to
be ignored by allied headquarters
and lacked confirmation elsewhere
as. well.
.The DNB agency said Gen. Sir
Bernard L. Montgomery, chief of
allied ground forces, had thrown
12 divisions into the battle and
that his reinforcements, especial
ly tanks,! were arriving steadily
from England. This, the German
agency asserted, -' "explains the
thrust to Bayeux and beyond.
southeastward." 1
One German radio account said
Geti Eisenhower "Sb far has
brought into play only' one-tenth
of the forces at his disposal.'
The radio reports pictured the
allied tank drives from Bayeux
as seeking to link up with air
borne forces in the Caen and Car-
en tan areas.
The German accounts gave this
Bond Benefit
How They
whoTl probably do j the chucking
or the Greys Wednesday, has pro
ven himself adapt at the hurling
position, which will be filled by
Steve Callahan v for the
nine. '5 h. ', 't ' : v ---. ' '
Tickets for the gala double-
opening wCl be available Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday at sev
eral Salem business establish
ments, the exact ones to be an
nounced . through the press later.
At Portland S, Uw Anfeles
At Hollywood S-0. San Diefo 3-8.
At Saa rranctseo S. Sacramento 10.
At SMttle a. Oakland a,
I. Pet. W L Pet.
- i-
SOldiCT I St Louis S9 IS AW'Brooklyn SI M AST
Pittsburg 14 IT .5851 Boston 21 St .438
Cbtcinnat 2S IS JW8Phuadelp IS M .439
New Yrk SS 33 .M Chicago 14 S3 J37
xasteraay s results:
At Pittsburgh S. Chicao 10. i
At Cincinnati z, St Louis L
At Brooklyn S-S, Philadelphia 3-L
At Maw York S. Boston 4.
W L Pet w L Pet
Keuscher's Mayflower were vic
tors orer Valley Motor 7- in Sun
day's league openers while Coach
Jess Luke's Shrock's were turned
back 8-1 by FunlanAiln an intra
squad game played Wednesday,
the Curly's Dairy "Eegulars- wal
loped the TTannigans" 12-4 and
exhibited more potency at i the
plate in doing so. Errors account
ed for the Tannlgan ; scores.
Wedding Ring tost 25
Years Shows Up Again
EUGENE Ore, June 8 fv$V A
wedding ring lost 25- years ago
in Virginia has been returned
to. Mrs. Daniel Beverly, sr, near
Eugene.-' - , ,i- ?
The ring, lost In 1919, was plow
ed up on the old home place and
sent to Mrs. Beverly, who came
here a year ago. i
Fans who purchase bonds of de- ft Louis n j63!Boton S -552
. . m wm I N Vrk Xt 30 Clereand S3 39 .463
nominations larger than SZ3 will i ,44 , a4 2) ju waahine si 34 ati
be given additional ucxets on a 1 Chicago si st J0O;Pbuadeip ao 33 .5
. - : I V..-v. ... 1
$25-a-Ucket scale, r j AtPSnhia wbJnston t ill
Other than the kids' bleachers inninn. i
and a portion of the stand, to be
games scheduled).
reserved zor tne Airmen i nw (only
lng section, the stands and bleacn
m wm be onen to the- bond-pur-
chasing fan, and first come first Mayflowers, Shrock's
taking and ushering wUl be done 1 In Practice Battle
by soldiers from the air base.
Health Nurse
Honored at
The! Mayflower Milkers and
Shrock's Motors clubs of the Sa
lem Junior baseball circuit will
meet in a: practice game on the
In Baseball
By- tha Anocitpd Piew
playground diamond to-
iat 50 o'clock. Coach Bob'nals, S; Nieman. Braves. 1
fTlmo leaders In each laaeue)
Player, dab O AB Pet;
Walter. Dodgers 40 MS 33 n .431
Tuckor. White Sox 37 110 30 43 JM
Hockett, Indians -M 122 IS JS5
rerraU. Senators 21 1U I M
Muslal. Cardinals 45 185 St 59 JSf
Bordasarary. Dodf 44 ISO 41 00 J3J
Runs battad to: American jLeagu4
Stephens. Browns. 30; Bpenc. -Senators,
30; Hayes, Athletics. 38,! National
League Schultz. Dodgers. 39: Wein
traub. 30; Galan. Dodgers. 30; Kurow
Id, Cardinals. 30. Home runs; National
League CullenblneJ Indians, T;
Soencc. Senators. Hayes, AthlsticS.
0: Seerey. Indians. S. American League
Ott. Gianta. 14; Knrowski, Cardl-
Bv fiedermev
Portland Twirler
Paces Coast Loop
For the fourth' consecutive week,
Clarence Fedenneyer, .Portland
right-hander, led - Pacific Coast
league pitching records in games
through June 6, with four vic
tories and one defeat for a per
centage of .800. - "A i ; -
Tom Seats of San Francisco,
John Bryant Found '
Dead at llffl City j
John C. Bryant, 48, employed
by the Southern Pacific company
on. a jrunbetween Albany and
MO! City, was found dead near, thft
Mill City depot late Wednesday.
Death was due to a heart ailment.
Bryant had. returned to his du
ties recently after an illness cf
io days.-w:;:
Surviving are his widow and
several children. He lived at Al
who was in third position last
week,' advanced to - second .place
behind Fedenneyer with a f .769
percentage gained ori 10 wins and
three losses. Rex Cecil of San
Diego was third with IS and 4
for a .750 percentage. 1: ; '
Frankie Dasso continued to lead
the league in strikeouts with 99
to. his credia, while Cecil was sec
ond with 93, and their teammate.
Chet Johnson, third, with 74, Das
308 total for the previous week
was 94. . :
VTotry of"
SUppinoj or Irritcnlng?
Don't be embarrassed by loot falsa
teeth sllpptns. dropping or wabbling
4rhen you eat, talk or laugh Just
sprinkle a Utile T ASTEKTH on your
plates. This pleasant powder grvas a
remarkable sense .of added comfort
and security by holding plates more
firmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste
of t nng. it s aisan (non-acrai
Get 7ASTSETH at any drug, store.
Talbot Girl Wins
TALBOT Dona Zehner, daugh
ter of Mr, and Mrs. John Zehner
won first place in her division of
the State Federated Music Teach-
accordion contests Saturday
in Portland. Dona graduated from
the eighth grade at Sidney school
this year. . ! V
Try ase at Chtaese remedies.
years ta Cfciaa. Ne ' smatter with
what attment ye are AfTUCT-
laas, nvar, fcidaeys. stessaca.
gas, ceastlpattoa, cJcers, Ala
beds, fever, skta. female eeas-
.i. ... . i .
Charlie Chin
Herb Co
Offka Bears Oab
Tees, a ad Sat, 0
a. ss, te 0 a. sa. aad
Su. ui Wed. t.
s. ss. to MOO . a. Uj
Ut N. Oml St, Salem, Ore.
tion by the Polk County Health
association was given . in honor
of Miss Margaret Gillis in the
ing broken through the German toman's dubroomis at Dallas on
line att Bayeux, are advancing- cafrrfax nitfhL Miss Gillis has
westward, trying to link up with been the county health nurse lor
two American airborne j divisions
which axe between Carentan and
St- Mere - Eglise and exposed to
German pressure from north, west
and south. Allied reinforcements
are being landed by air in this
sector and hundreds of American
tanks were thrown straight into
Ste. Mere-Eglise "House "to
house fighting with the Ameri
cans, j '! J.' . , :
The outpouring axis radio re
ports, many of them obviously dc
signed I to extract . information
about allied intentions,1 included
fewer reports of "new j landings'
than were carried in the first two
days of the invasion.
190 Billions Spent
For faar in 3 Years.
The government's expenditures
directly for war totaled 190 bil
lions during the last three years,
a number of years, and is now
leaving Dallas.
The reception line consisted of
Miss Gillis, Mrs. H. D. Peterson,
Mrs. Oscar Harter. Mrs. Ivan
Warner of Dallas; Mrs. A. E. Ut-
ley of Brush College; Mrs. W. E.
Knower of West Salem; Mrs.
Melford Nelson and Mrs. W. F.
HcBee of Independence. .Assist
ing about the rooms were Mrs.
Rosa Hughes, Mrs. L. R. Dennis,
Mrs. R. C. McKnight, and Mrs.
H. A. Peterson of jDallas; Mrs. W.
H. Thurston of Independence, and
Mrs. Ray Lacey of West Salem.
Presiding at the urns for the
first hour- were Mrs. Hersel Wait
and Mrs. George VanSanten of I
Rickreall; Mrs. W. G. Vassel and
Mrs. C Charles poured the sec
ond hour, and Mrs. Oscar Harter I
and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Misses
Joy VanSanten and flBetty Har-
land of Rickreall assisted them.
Mrs. A. E. XJuey, first presi
dent of the Polk County associa
tion, presented Miss! Gillis with a
Arthiii i T. RayhawkJ. assistant gut irom ine neaisn assoctauou.
chief of the war production board's Later a guest book.) compiled by
nmar.r cdtictir, staff rtM th I tion - secretarr. ! consisting of
American Marketing association Mrs. Marjorie Wiseman, associa-
i names
of al that Were present
.V . jB.
. .,.,,x.:-: .. v. ;? .. ; .
and the letters ! of 1 appreciation,
was presented to Miss Gillis.
Padres Take
2 from Tviiiks
HOLLYWOOD,! June 8-tfV-San
Diego won a baseball aouDie-
I header from Hollywood tonight.
3 to 2 and S to 0. The first game
was a seven-inning affair substi
tuting for a regulation length con
test scheduled for last Tuesday
but postponed because of D-day.
First game: i
San Diego ..-. 010 020 0-1 5
Hollywood ..000 000 2-2 4 1
Dilbeck and Ballinger; Huf
ford, Inttekofer and HilL
Second game: I
San Diego..100 000 220-5 10 0
Hollywood .000 000 000-fl 5 S
Johnson and Salkeld; Esca
lante, MisUee and. HflL . ,
Burns on Freaeh Coast Smoke streams from US coast gnard landing boat appreAchlnr the French
coast after German machine ran fire cansed an explosion by setting off an American soldier's hand
? grenade. (AT Wlrephote froaa coast guard via signal corps radio) ; , ; .. :. . . - :
1 , 0 1 15 I
j ! . j STATUTt MILES '
Bums Score Twin Win
Over PhiUies, 6-3, 8-1
: BROOKLYN. V June S-Uft-T h
Brooklyn Dodgers took both ends I
of a double header from the Phil
adelphia Phillies ! today 6-3 and
8-1. The triumph , enabled the
Dodgers to get to fifth place only
half a game behind the xounn
place New York i Giants., v. .
First game: -Philadelphia
000 200 100-S 0 S
Brooklyn .0Q0 200 04x- 7 1
Barrett. Covington (t) and
Fmley; Gregg and Owens.
Second game: 1 2
PhiladelphU ..001 000 000-1 1
Brooklyn Jt20 400 00x- t 2
Gerheanser, Mnssul (2). Mat
thewson (S), Covington (7) and
Fmley; Bead and Bragan.
" . i.m.v.j m nf Rfrmtr renorta.- nartiallT: eonflrmed
CI irasce. jSC areas are cmmuuww - - t--
ir counts. White arrewa are German attacks.. Certln repertad a new airborne landing near
Tired l?i-.3y
Often Cnn
Ma4f.w Wkaaehsn. itatUniltia
a M lass BJ BPWSii sa e w -
taewaaeiairheiewa Smieesi rieiaaat
it inalj nauii irii Tr i ' T J
lac ini lii mhmw there to eaaetfca
wmiU Ak ymr rm-"t tor Deaa
TUia, aatd fuLy by w-ae f
4rmTaertteaapri .aa wi2 eia
toe U aukeW ki4ay tuhm ""
as waste free year akeo, (M eaa's
fr ; 31 1 anv!2acn9 t,7 I Tscozan m y soonest, thi 1 1 A ffAAMPM... x fan nan
rfr ; TO ASIA B...UNf5C0T9 J I AMrTlMl NOW gTT8D0C1D I l00(W,AT ACHOOL P1CNC...1
U7 R.Y1N TOP WTO Ml I K'i . . V TASEP ALONft T jl
' fl "
txxiliam J fM
l j i; " 1 1 i svjowh v W II vwf dmt rrrca 7?Y
; a stow; a ImTa f vxrnjt cokynut 1 . .
fypCTEY MOOSE ; i-iir-V f a 1L fa T , . 1
II, i! llffiMI:
rrmmv. thtjitrr -1 , z LJSUa ji : s
1 U '
Arens on Projrram .
Lewis Arena, 'state industrial
accident commissioner,' will speak
on the subject of the Oregon work
men's comDensation act at today's
luncheon of the Salem . Credit
association in the credit bureau
dining room.: " ; j '
- m
Diirbxwitic ucn ii i viin hay. i t -xtt rvh5iji
CXiCTrl,)OUWLLH7Trie LETTER s "ll SEARCH HlMir . ,
: tt X '
er. . a Ww ....
1 7," en 1C0 VI r c I
C:rs Fen C!"3
Kay ta cc:J fcr crig tbskcts,
! Ursstrlrs t-l'rrrs- '
173 S. L:r!7 EL.
! .1
1 H
1 f
- r i.