The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1944, Page 11, Image 11

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JX&rrufi&uujf otate&maii saiem. CJrecjon, Friday Marnmej. June- 9. 1S44
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run piimmipn i imiMin aj, wrww , i ...l ji
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TFar Passes Port Moresby as
Allies Carry Fight to Japs
" : (Substituting for Kenneth U Dixon)
PORT MORESBY,' New Guinea, June MSVPort Moresby has
come to the end of the road.. Its lusty, brawling days are over.
The war has passed it by. . , " '
Port Moresby was fighting for its life when I saw it first one
sultry October day in 1942. The Japanese were on the Kokoda
trail although they were turning
back -after driving to within 32
miles of this Papuan village.
uen. uougias MacArthur was
building . up Port Moresby as his
No. 1 base, the only point "from
which he could send his bombers
and fighters out to meet the ene
It was a man's world and only
men had a place in it Their show
ers stood along Jhe roadside, open
and public. They shoveled and
graded and scooped great air
fields out of the red dirt in the
valleys and buCt huts and dis
persal areas among the trees.
They erected barbed wire en
tanglements . along the beaches.
They were ready to defend it to
the last man, Port Moresby was
the last barrier before Australia.
Each night they gent out hand-
fuls of Flying Fortresses to loose
their bombs on RabauL They ev
en dropped bombs in the volcanic
craters at Rabaul in the hope they
could start an eruption, but no
thing happened;
Sometimes Port Moresby, would
have no warning, and when the
Japanese attacked, their bombs
would- be falling before anyone
knew they were there. No black
out was- imposed except when
bombers were overhead. Then
master - switch was pulled. The
lights went on the minute the en
emy left
Then came the Buna campaign,
and women. That was the first
real change the arrival of wo
men. The roadside showers and
latrines were fenced in and men
no longer could walk around as
they pleased, with or without
The Buna campaign brought se
curity to Port Moresby. It gave
the US army air force and the
Royal Australian air force a new
base at Dododura, with the tow
ering Owen Stanley
longer serving as a barrier to help
the Japanese.
It was a base from which the
Mitchells and Bostons and Ma
rauders r the medium bombers
and attack planes could go out
more easily against the Japanese.
It took the heat off Port Moresby.
The arrival of the women, nur
ses both American and Austra
lian brought a measure of ci
vilization to this once "no-wo
man's land." And the Red Cross
girls" cam and more .. planes
and mare men,;-entf. Moresby
reached its peak.j.- -v . ;
You can't put 'your finger', on
the exact day it began to slip. It
was barely noticeable, because
when one bomber group left to
establish a base elsewhere an
other arrived to take its place.
It Is different now. One no long
er looks into the sky at the sound
of a Diane to wonder whether it is
ours or theirs. One no longer goes
down to the huge, smooth fields
to watch the bombers take, off and
then return later to watch them
come in and count to see if all are
Those of -us who knew the gar-
Lieut Gen. Our Bradley (above)
commands American centln
gents in the Invasion of fort
ress Europe. (AT TYlrephata).
Allies Capture
Goals Rapidly
BepresenUftf the Combined '
, American Press - ;
Distributed bj the Associated Press
layed)-Six hours after jumping
ashore, British and Canadian
troops operating in this area of
the French coast officially report
ed: that all objectives had been
reached despite a tough fight
By 2 p. ul, they were marching
?" inland to their next goals.
Early reports of returning sol
diers indicate the Germans used
field, artillery and machine-guns
In an attempt to repulse the beach
landings. They concentrated re
sistance in this area round the
: coastal towns, with mines of all
sorts proving one of the worst ob
stacles. - : ; ' . i
A British destroyer struck
mine ahead of us and was lost
Some land batteries were cap
tured intact Others were found
wrecked as a result of the com
bined blasting from the sea and
air. It is already evident" that
German casualties within the as
sault area are far heavier than
ours. ,
Nazi Subs May Launch
Suicide Attacks :
NEW YORK, June ,8-UPV-Ruth-1
less "suicide attacks' by light
German naval elements upon al
lied invasion supply lines in the I
English channel are forecast in
special advices , received from!
French beachheads by the British risoa townf when the Americans
lniormauon service xoaay. mnl Australians were fish tin with
These attacks against war re- th.f Wks tft th wall alwavs win
lnforcing convoys may be carried I ,mMT,hr the davs when Ken Mc-
out by anything between iuo ana cuTlar and Bill Benn lifted their
200 U-boats, aorae or tnem.wixn- 0f seven Mile field to
drawn from tha Atlantic ana strike the - first heavy blows at
others, smaller ones, built espec-
fallr for - oDerations - in shallow
waters," the service said.
"In addition, the Germans can
dispose about 100 E-boafcs (sur
face patrol craft) for other des
perate onslaughts."
"'.. - ... . T,1.
Brandts Entertain
SWEGLE Mr. and Mrs. E.
X. Brandt have had several guests
' in their home on East Garden
road the past two weeks. John
; Guiman and daughter, Gloria were
' up from Klamath Falls for a three
dav visit Coming for the weekend
; were Mr. and Mrs. Miio Grace and
son, Gene, from Toledo. Sunday
eveninx Mr. and Mrs. Edward
I Powers were over from AumsvOle.
:;' Monday evening visitors were Mr.
: and Mrs. Wren Mathemy from
: Silverton. and : Tuesday evening
Miss Jeanne Dubuis was a dinner
' guest of Donna Mae Brandt
And there will always be thej
white crosses standing at solemn
attention under the aerial road
way which McCullar, Benn and
scores more like them used to ride
on the first link of the highway
leading to Tokyo.
OPA Finds Some Gty
Butchers Overcharging
PORTLAND. June 8-WV-Heavr
. ...
meat overcharges wun one
butcher charging 65 cents for low
grade cube steaks ceiling-priced
at 28 cents ' were reported today
by a special office of price ad
ministration (OPA) investigator.
A secret survey, carried on for
several weeks in eastern and cent
ral Orea-on. will lead to suspen
sion proceeding for meat markets
found to be wilfully violating reg
ulations, the OPA said.-
. IIou vorKcj on
Front & ! Norway St. Phone 21133
3 fiuces dC3D Tnnn i:o:iday
Soft! Qentlel' Excellent .For The Baby!
, ICi Size, lC:b Shcits
The lovely softness of Scott's tis
sues and its gentleness to even baby's
tender skin has made Scott Tissues
theavorite'among people all over
the 'country. Scott's is recommended :
by doctors for sanitaxy. covering of
the mouth and nose when caring for
a small baby to prevent the spread
ing' of germs. " " '
D. TcHet Tissces, 3 fcr 17 feme Tcilet Tissues, 3 fcr 10
Vfe'df TcHet Tissues. 3 fct ,10 ; !
4 i
Sfter and Lovelier Hdi3 -
j Brighta nd Whiter Teeth!
Letm How le Get RclUff
)' I jjjl USTERTKK If
I ' . : . ' .-1
" Listerine j
Tooth Paste
Sj Gooiby re That Cere
Clue Jayf .
Corn and Cetloat
1 Listerine tooth paste has a cooL
t dean flavor. Even children Uka
to brush their teeth when they
use Listerine. Its efficiency in
cleansing is unexcelled. j
LW criat Shire Crea
Zino Pads
Tlx toft pads lift M fnmun, pn lm
mm tros
Quiddr ttHtrt paiaful ptwmun.
tooth and cuduaa
pet. Sepwan awaictiont ioduoW
far quidcl nmorinf eons mi cat
i --
Raf. OQt trW n
29c Iraskhss
Lisurins sKava emm'offan cbolar,
longer Uctbg ihavciMea cvarrffara
af la tmk LisUna itbtrt
The Finest Tooth Brush Money
from paia. Then whila rau
walk, aba mwiioitien aoltaat, iaaaant
iba cora a it caa aaaitf ba taatavad
bf the cora.
live Jay Mole Skis; 23
llae Jay Feet Mm, 23i '
; ": : . - i, . -- ; ' .
f Soothes end Softens -
Johnson & Johosoa
Corn and Bunion f
Pods 15
5j-Tufc "
Tooth i Brush
Fine stiff bristles that do not sod will
not get soft and soggy. EsptdiUy do
signed to ream all hidden crevices.
Cam and Union Bain cJ i
aliend bf acofomm lnhntiaj it
o" ta tha irritatad apota. &wdta and
sotteu gntlf. - .:. !
Mmm JaiaMM M4 Skim, 2S
c-apeiaa, vs; w unm t t '
Eaton's I
Shave Croan
Jar -v
For Athlete Foot
Clem Your Teeth the Woy Your Dentist Does
KoIynosjTooth Powder
or Paste
Kolnot tooth patjrdcr Is s Saiidst's demifrica.
Laav four tccch! wbiiar, your aaourfj tacling
dcaa awl rcfraaSad. No aMdicnal MM er adon
mam.. m v-ltl Mi K It, tu
Dcggetf & Ramsdell
CrecEii Beodorani
Utilt the Kegdsr Sizs :
. .
For. a rashnaai dtat il tnAf itaA
toe sod iiiatf, ht a ar si aV
-Joranc tm raor alraaaog cabla.
Oafte af RaaadeQ ii putt,
wiiita antiseptic, tt"It taniaUiig
deooWaat. He! pa atop panpiratipm
aaidf, Itom ena ta eves davs.
i 1 .:.XXX'Meaaee,s.j
Cls.aaJ aaoias fcru.
kw caused bf athletes foot, iff
i :' I '
AnJre Le Loup Beouty Aids
. Aadrt Le Leap
U?!J Cc!i Crea
-t .'. -.j ' ; i . '
Liquid cold mesa reawvea JCt
....s n ar
ports. 1
HV 2-22
Fcr Athletes Fee.
1-0. l-0. ACt
BattW wr
Feel Young ond Full of Fefl
Ironizcd Yeast
100 Tablets
Col Jon
50e 22t 14S
Vcl. Rctl
i Hospital cotton should be s must
oa the list . el mediant ! chest
: equiptnenL
For Core of Wounds! .
Frtd Meyer -
SterHe Gauze -
i 50c YdHt ntl?
1x5 Yds. 9e3
Careful and sanharj care of .a
wounds is essermal . to prevent
Colgate j
Toolh Povdsr
Molched Moke Vp Set
Reej. S1.C3 Weodbary
. Mefcired Makenie
Foce Povdor
Rcugs crd
Asserted Cefers
Honey cad Alncsd"
n sra m - .
Aadrt Le Lp Tsssm CmsW, 4t '
Aadie La Lawp Pataa,j7tl ;
Aadaa U Lap NrfaM.!$U9 '
LovrJy hands are saracthbg to ; .
be proud ei Keepfydurs soft :
fvirk MndsV Honey "and AI-
,niorjd Creain.' vJ j. - j -
Fecial Groans
Harriet Habbard Ayers
Eeoatifyiug Feee Crtam.
:$l.C3(i $1.75
ColoBlal Domes All-Parpose
Cream, 65 to S2.C3 j,
-Arnaad Cleided Cream,
Merveloas Tiisae Softtalaej
' - Cream, 55t . i- j
larbara Geald Nlajkit
Cream, $1.00 d $L50
Delarry Ski" Cream. $1.50
Ever Dry. 45c
ritver Tel, 35c ;
Elmo Deodorant, 50c
Mum, 54c
Yodora, 29c
Hush, 49c
Sno-mist, 31c
Amolin, 53c : ,
For Whifer
Cutsna, 19
For After Both LoreUnets
Dusting Powders
- i - !
Tussy, $1.00 )
Colonial! Dames, $1
Luxor, 49
Mavis, 67
Plnaud, 79
Mt. Heather, $1.00
Darbara! Gould, $1
Friendship Garden,
S1.00 ! I !
. . y
Coti a of 1C3 Ccas. "i il
s mm it . .
. ... KCrj,. 91.97 : ;
' :l .J i f; J
Let Fred Meyer vitamins give
you that wide-awake, Wyour. Z
toes vkalhy. They will taU
vou frnra rnat iust writ frelins
' ' -7 f
to ttop stiape. r.
Tussy Emulsified
8-oz. $'
le-et. Jar $3X3 '
For dry sod sensitive- ckm. Tussy ,
lubricates u k cleanses. An easy
way to relax after a bard day's
Tussy Rich Cream, 4-ox. Jar,T sl. 75
Tussy Eye Cream, M.C0 ll
Tussy Skin Lotion, 1X3
Tussy Safari Face Powder, $1.C3
House Cleaning Needs .
Pbf ftfci
Size sS)
Acre Was will make die floors shin
ing and clean looking. Preserve your
fleers sad linoleum by waxing tnenu
VfcaOeL, 29
Qeatx; 12-cr. 27 "
D hast, pi, 90
o'Cctr .ptfsas aul, m
r i i
r 1 ; j . . ..
Liquid Shampoo
um. 49 i
1. V:. ..." ' X1 1 ;i
J j
' Protect Your Hands!
Proteh SSL
nxf rroua: ctara rorkmf at n n ,
Jkt aai ntak TU t. SfT rli
your wwk is dona four ItanJs
rill ba daaa and Ion!? becauM A dirt nt(
wasb off Vk toagic. '
Haadsover Crease, 59
Kreck Prefect hre Cream, S9$
Hlias Creaiay Clove, 47
Lydlo Pinkham :
Rea. SUS
. Size
Nature's Own Remedy
Walnut Pipe Radi
And Humidor . .
over 8 ozs. tobacco. TKe bumidiry con -!
troHing'b cover keen, tobacco moist and fresL
Attracdve. .UsefuLj ' " " '
taiVU ls.rfil SrWIil aJ-WtolfitSaiif
Two pipes and extra bit in an attractive Sana
lined gift box. Dance pipes took like toeetv
scbauxo. Color - like meerschaum. Washable.
Hollow bowl insures cool smoking .
$23 Volat. Held e
4 Ptoes aael S ess.
. Tebaeee
.. V; .s The glass humiJor holds over 8 ozs.
'- of tobacco, day nobtener in cover.
91 Rck-Afl?2 Ibck U5 ;
HoUs three pipes. Felt base.- Rkb satb flnitLi
Guaranteed. , ' .
' -' Genuine . Leather Hold-a-Park
Cij. Case, S13
" - Kinj size. Comes in assort v
ea colors, uoios a pacs or
cigarettes. . ,
Send Him m Cotton of Fresh Cigarettes!
afS.-.-.IUl-.i. CfsU
Poll MoGs Herbert Toreytoa . Spsd
Canals :
' fl W,"l ...'; . -j
$1 Oft 1 " J4c tx lt!l!sr Esrt!:;!
Yicerey ; ; Cfeelsea Ram aad Mesle
nm? Merrb Old Gelds ! Ueky Strikes
At Afore Prices While Quantities last! ' '
... 1 4 , , fni Ueytr Taiarc pectin
; This cttsmtt casa casaa, ia a
sonajl colon sud) as snmaa, sbadt
In ova ape In ova caoiojccs.
Federal Sales Tax of 20 ap
plies to a 1 1 1 toiletries, per
fumes, etc included in the tax
Imo and trill be added to the
retail price at the check stands
We reserve the right to limit
quantities. - f ? '
Prices Effective Fridaj thro Mondajr
; y u uiyj a v
t f
Calcxa, Orta
D;iv -E&Gr .Uc!?.
1 taM