PAGS SIX The 0HEGOII STATESMAN. Scdea, Oregon, rThoxsday Morning, fun 8, ltli i -: vi n - Miss Clark Now Mrs; Lamka it were received In the capital tilts week of the marriage of Miss Georglna Mar- j tha Clark, daughter of Mrs. Ev angeline Clark, to lieutenant Raymond W. Lamka, United States navy reserve son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Lamka, all of Salem, Tha weddinf cere mony took place at historic Tri nity Tower Episcopal church at Newport, Rhode Island on Fri day, June 2. The bride and her another left Salem the end of : May for the east coast The evening nuptials were read at o'clock by Rev. Lauriston X. Scaife, rector of Trinity Tow . er. Mr. J. Baymond Parker, church organist, played tradi tional wedding marie before the ceremony and before the bridal party entered played "O Promise . Me", "I Love Yo Truly- and "Because. 1 ' Lt Arthur J. Ea, USN, gave the bride In marriage. For her wedding she chose a becoming gown of white Chantilly lace . over white satin fashioned with , a sweetheart neckline with seed 1 pearl trim. ' The sleeves were three - quarter length and tiny white satin buttons extended from neckline to waistline in back. Her tiny hat was of white lace and satin ribbon. She car- ried a white prayer book topped prayer boos: toppea with white orchids. Her only ornament was a three strand pearl necklace. , Mrs. Clark was her daughter's matron of honor and wore a blue crepe gown with a blue and white beaded Jacket. Her blue hat was of lace straw and she carried a bouquet of white snapdragons and carnations. Attends the Groom Lt (jg) Richard Ide, USNR, stood with Lt Lamka as best man. A group of LtjLamka's fellow officers hi white dress uniforms, served as ushers. , The wedding reception was held at the Naval Officers club at Newport. The newlyweds re ceived before a floral setting of white snapdragons and spirea. The table decorations were car ried out in white and silver and the bridal , couple cut the first piece of the tiered cake." When the couple left on their wedding trip the bride wore a smart seacrest green jersey suit with brown accessories and Ko linsky furs. Her; corsage was of brown orchids. Lt and Mrs. Lam ka took a boat to Nantucket island off the coast of Rhode Island on their honeymoon. They will reside at 11 Cranston ave- ' nue, Newport, Bhode Island. The bride Is a graduate of Salem schools and served as sec retary of the Salem Young Re publican club. Her husband is a graduate of Salem high school . and attended Willamette uni versity where he was a member of Alpha Psi Delta fraternity. He returned to the states this spring after two years of active sea duty. He is now stationed at Newport 1 '. Mrs. Karl G. Becke and her daughter. Miss Miram Becke, in vited a few friends to their North Summer street home Wednesday night to say good-bye to Miss Barbara Pierce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce, who leaves Friday for Camp LeJeune, North Carolina to begin her training with the marine corps. Mr. and Mrs. William IL Fish er of LaGrande and daughter, Marcia Marie returned home after a 10-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Caley of Jefferson street. Mrs. Fisher's brother. El don Caley returned with them to LaGrande for a visit At the regnlar netting- of Hana Rosa chapter, court, order of the Amaranth) took Mr. and Mrs. James Burrell and Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Jones into the . order by initiation. Mrs. Ever : ett Booster was in charge of the social hour which followed. Mra Willis Dasrferth audi sons,, David and Bill, are leaving today for Bend to spend the summer with her husband's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Danf orth. Captain ; Danforth Is overseas - with the armed forces.. Mrs. F. G. Doff man ef Boise has been spending a fortnight at the home, of her son and " daiighter-In-law, Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Hoffman. She plans to re turn to her home this weekend. Mrs. F. W. Fa senna has In vited members of her club to desert bridge party. Friday night at her North Summer street home. Mrs. Maurice Bolton of . The Dalles ,. will be "a special guest - - . . r.InXoy rerris wis Batten te rubers of her bridge club Tues day night Additional guests were Mrs. Andrew Baker and Mrs. Kiel Witting. ' r; ; IK CLUB CALENDAR WIONZSDAX M)-iwwry society, tint Ttu -bytarian church, S pja., TBT7BSDAT Salem General hospital anxQ lary meet at YWCA. 10 a-m. Engtewood Missionary society with Mrs. O. H. Oi . 1SSO Mar , ket street, S:1J P-m, Mrs. 1. Yarnell leader. woman's Belief Corpe aid so ciety, with Mrs. Clara McDorby. MIS Trade street, all day meet - ins, luncheon. WSCS executive board meet at lint MettMxnst church 1:30 pja. today . University of Oregon mothers meet with Mrs. Leo Child, 320 North 14th street, one o'clock luncheon. - '- North Salem WCTU with Mrs. Margareta Xrp. 13M- North Win ter street. - v South Salem WCTU. with Mrs. Ted Russell. SOSS South Church street, t pja. ( JTT IP ATQ ' A Vi.i.i.wJ. J -J. Nominated At the meeting Monday of the American Legion auxiliary in the Salem Woman's club, Mrs. Donald Madison was nominated president for the coming year. Others nominated were vice presidents, Mrs. Austin H. Wil son and Mrs. L N. Bacon; re cording secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Demarest; treasurer, Mrs. Merle Travis; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Charles Lowe and Mrs. James Lewis; finance officer, Mrs. O. L Paulsen and Mrs. W. H. Anderson; executive board members of which three are se lected, Mrs. George A. Gabril, Mrs. A. W. Lovdk, Mrs. Stan-V ley. Krueger, Mrs. Florence Ames, Mrs. Martha Brady, Mrs. : Fred Gahlsdorf and Mrs. Frank Marshall. Nominations will also ' continue June 19 and election. , The American Legion auxil iary scholarship award was pre sented to Janice Middleton of Parrish junior high by Mrs. Leon Brown, department finance of ficer. The . American Legion award was presented to f Dick Henry. From Leslie junior high Mrs. A. W. Lovcik presented the auxiliary award to Marcelle Al- len, and Robert Gof frier receiy- ed the Legion award. The annual history award was received this year by Stanley Wilkes of Salem high, a $5 cash ' award. ' Five dollars will be contribu ted to the City library for the purchase of books for the chil dren's department The unit voted to purchase two $100 war bonds during the fifth war loan drive. For child welfare center clothing was sent to Roseburg for distribution. The Marlon county assembly of the auxil iary will convene Friday in the VP Kail In Aitntrs CaraVi UnwV and Ruth V. Conrad will attend the Girls State camp June 11 to 18, sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary. Monday night the executive committee will meet at the home of Mrs. M. Y. Brooks, 10 Evergreen avenue. The presi dent Mrs. James Garson and Mrs. Leon Brownvpresided at the punch bowl, assisted by Mrs. E. W. Ritchey. Members ef Ma Phi Epsilon entertained at a no-host dinner party Tuesday night at the home of Miss Louise Wrisley on State street. Miss Faith Idso was elec ted . president for the coming year. - ; , Mrs. Alan Hartley of Seattle Is visiting in the capital at the home of her brother-in-law and sister. Major and Mrs. Hugh Adams. : The Udells class meeting of the Jason Lee church for June has been cancelled, but the group plans a picnic meeting for early July, - - ' - Mrs.WaUer Page ef New Day ton, Alberta, Canada has arrived ' In the capital to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Wood, 1089 South High street Miss Maxlne Brady ef Bakers- field, Calif. Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tilmaa Foust In FridtlandV VeMesief Vis4 Ieftl PAf mumziD Monday: 1)1 itio m Invjitatipns to Reception Received . I . . Invitations have been received 1 to a reception for which new members Of Beta Chi chapter of Alpha Chi Omega fraternity oa the Willamette university' cam-1 pus wiR be hostesses Sunday afternoon at the chapter house I on Court! street; The sorority house Is now known as Alpha I Phi Alpha and formal installs-1 tlon off the national fraternity I will take place this weekend. 1 University officials,! faculty, i all Greek letter members in the 1 capital gand townspeople have been Invited to call between 2 and 6 o'clock.: j j Miss .Thyra Jean Currey will introduce to the receiving line which wiH include Mrs. Thomas H. Adams, of Birmingham. MiclL, national vice-president of J Alpha Chi Omega; Mrs. Matthew H. Scott :: Berkeley, CaliL, na- 'j tional counsellor; Mrs. G. Her- hort Rmfth TWtr Provost. president -Mrs. William E. Kirk,! housemother. Dean O live M.1 Dahl, and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn, , of the Salem Alpha Chi Omega alumnae club, who Is chairman of the Installation. j Lelter Carriers' Wives Meet National association of Letter; ' Carriers ' and auxiliary met on. Monday night at the chamber of! commerce. The meeting was set; :a week ahead to honor Millara Doughton, who has been onl leave from the Seabees after i service In the Aleutians. Re-f ports were given on USO and poppy sale work done by the! women of the auxiliary. Present at the auxiliary meeUi Ing were Mrs. Dudley Taylor,! Mrs. Robert Garrett Mrs. Har- mon Garrett Mrs. Millard t Doughton. Mrs. Thomas Kenagy. l Mrs. Charles E. Wilson, Mrs. Clifton,-Blackman, Mrs. Walter Persons, Mrs. M. W. Scott andi Mrs. Dale Jory. f Nile Club Holds Eas Meeting j The Daughters of the Nile,! meeting at the Masonic temple J on Monday, held the final busi-i ness session of the spring under the - direction of Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. b resident. Hostesses were Mrs. David Camreon, Mrs. Law-1 rence pJster and Mrs. Willis Brownjr i- - ; '' ' i '-'.:'' 1 A gift was presented to Mrs.1 Lister, who is leaving soon to; live in Portland, f ; 1:1. Si: : t i $5.95 Talaes. Faille Values to HA - . sr An i "mm. MC19TM - r 1 Jkyi Revoir. Parties : Given . I Salem friends are saying au I revoir to Mr. and Mrs. Gar lea I Simpson and son, Dick, who art 1 leaving the end of the week for Portland to reside. They will be I accompanied by Mrs. Carrie 3 Beechler, who will make her I home with her son-in-law and I daughter.' ,- . . I Mrs. Elbert W. Roberts and j Mrs. Edward E. Roth have in- 1 vited guests to dessert supper I tonight at the former's homo on South Commercial street for the M sF sFIl ' . . Si piewuzv ox jujsV ounpsrjo. I Guests will be seated at small ; tables centered with bououets of CecHe Brunner roses. Contract ridge will be to play during tho evening. I Honoring Mrs. Simpson will be Mrs. Howard Adams of San Francisco; Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. Robert Needham, Mrs. Homer L. Goulet Miss Margaret Wagner, Mrs. Carl G. Collins,: Mrs. Creighton Jones, Mrs. George , Barnes, Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, -Mrs. Everett Terrell, Mrs. Elbert Roberts and Mrs. Edward Roth. I Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bate son were hosts for an informal party Wednesday night at their country home at Pratum in com pliment to Mr. and Mrs. Simp son. A late supper was served by the hostess fcra group of tha honor guests friends. 'V Shower Honors Bride-Elect ! Monday night Mrs. Eileen Tra yer, bride - elect of Mv.' Law rence Traviss, was the, Inspira tion of a miscellaneous shower for which Mrs. Ben Jones of Eugene and Mrs. Gerald Ken- dall were hostesses at the home lof Mrs. Kendall on North 20th btreet I- The evening was spent infor mally and at the supper hour the hostesses were assisted by Mrs. Ray Fikert and Mrs. W. 'C. Clare. j Bidden to honor Mrs. Traver were Mrs. Amos Carper, Mrs. George Alderin, Mrs. Elvin Tho mas, Mrs. Gordon Applington, Mrs, George Ellis, Mrs. Clarence Graig, Mrs. Everett Holmes, Mrs. Edgar Lloyd, Miss Mildred Lloyd, Mrs. Sydney Lloyd, Mrs. Alma. Johnson. Mra. Anna Macv. Mrs. DoUy Qowes, Mrs. Dale Knight Misg Marilyn Clare, Mrs. Carol Courtnier, Mrs. Ben Patton, Mrs. Darrell Guthrie, jMrs. Charles Weaver, Mrs. B. M. Randall, Mrs. Albert Thomas, Mrs. Or- land Stallcope, Mrs. Robert Car- OI Eugene Mrs. Winston Hunt Mrs. Harold Jenson and Mrs. Stuart Walker. -.- -; ; I -it ';?:., . : Beverly Krueger Has a Tarty I Beverly Krueger celebrated her 13th birthday on Tuesday, with an outdoor supper and in formal party. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Krueger. ! h -Attending the party were Joyce Judson, Leah Holgate, Audrey Simmons, Joan Smith, Virginia Ellis, Diane Putnam, Jean Clem ent Shirley Webber, Alice Lou-; ise Ohling, Diane Perry, Mar garet Acton and Beverly Krue ger. , .: '"TSi ..':-;'..,.. v.- . - :' k v .... : -. -: ' I Today, Friday and Saturday sllk suede doth, jersey. Black, Kelly Green, Beige, Turf Tan, Aqua, $L5. Cotton mesa, cotton rib, tl .IS;,, f u J I y MRS. JAY a STOCKMAN Matron Will D-v , .X-TrSri rT H i XJ" 1 1UI lwl ' , x-n . . , VjrUST ' if- -- i Mrs. Jay H.' Stockman Is the! Incentive for a number of parties prior to her departure to Astoria where she wd make her home. Mr. Stockman has already left for the coast city and his wife and daughter, Evelyn, will join him this month. i: This afternoon Mrs. George Rossman and Mrs. Custer, Ross have invited a -large group of friends to tea at the former's home on "North Capitol street In honor of Mrs. Stockman. Call ing hours are from S to 9 o'clock. i Mrs. H. O. Smith will preside at luncheon Saturday afternoon at her Center street homo in compliment to Mrs. Stockman. Covers win be placed for . 12 guests and contract bridge will be in play during the afternoon. Arrangements of early summer flowers will provide the decor ative note. '.. 1 ' ! . Pioneer Honored f Jry nirthricTV i - I Mrs. Beatrice G. Merrill of 135 Ratdiff Drive celebrated her 80th birthday. Among those who visited, were her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and - Mrs. : Joseph VanCleave and son Kenneth of Stayton, Mr. Thomas. Sutton of Newberg, Mrs. Merrill Van Cleave, Rev. and Mrs. Stannard, Mrs. Wheeldon and Mrs. M. Van Eaton, all of Salem. Mrs. Mer rill Is very active and keeps her own home. ; ! She came to Oregon' from Kansas in 1874 by immigrant train to San Francisco, then by boat to Portland and then to Oregon City. Her parents set tled on a claim Jn Polk county, and later moved to Clatsop coun ty. She took normal training at Monmouth and taught her first school near Astoria in 1883. Delta Zetas -Are Entertained j I Delta Zeta alumnae met for dessert supper Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. William Brad ford, with Mrs. B. L. Bradley, Miss Maxine and Miss Prudence Paulson assisting the hostess. Boxes were packed for Russian Relief during the evening. A special guest was a former Sa lem resident Miss Clara Mielke of Los Angeles. ' f New members welcomed were Mrs. W. C. Magness and Mrs. Lloyd Sanders. j ! Mrs. Roy Mink has Invited her bridge club to her home tonight , and a late supper will follow an evening of cards. $ 'I ' . L Brown, Nary, Red, Copen Islae. cotton lisle. . i ' n-fl uu llJO o o . ; ..; . I Margaret Crowley Margaret will be remembered by many o! you ts lh proprietor and operator " el "Beauty Studio." She is now with us at Price's, another illustration of the unlimited means to which we wfll ao to secure the very best talent la fee bus iness of beauty for our clients. Margaret Lloyd has spent two years to Holly wood tinder the tutorship of expert hairstylists. t; v ' We specialize in fine hodr( in fact baby-fine hair. Many women and girls have tried but new method for putting a permanent in fine and ultra-fine hair and we have! heard nothing but prcus in this department Women securing these permanent have sent in other women having fine hair and we are now not only serving Salem women! but women from, as far away as1 Portland, who have learned about our fine hair method.-. If you have fine hair and have . been unsuccessful in "keeping" your permanent try Price's Beauty Salon. i Here Miss Larson conveys' to her operators fhe latest techniques available to . the trade. When something new comes out in the beauty world, a meeting of . staff is called and all are trained in that phase of the business. Continual stu- dy, cxmstcmtcdertness' and untiring effort have made ' beauty salon In Salem.:. " , ; : -A " f. ... v v ' : , Jt 7 m ff I EXPERT. IN COLD WAVING - ii r f'-.v-h.-v.Ti .ri.r r 1 inula i ' iar'- r, .v-i wva MAIGAEEOROWLEY LLOYD . 5 . ' if v : t BEAUTY SALON jfckpliono 350 Lloyd - ai'iia - ssiif1 -ff- -"-a'i'iiw' nisSW j ,r r ,' z rtices the outstanding -T Special: CO CUIUS roa tes - can ' school' ' graduate ' $10 Cream " Wave G70 Abaolutely ao dry, tszxj ends , " to J .