The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thi OREGON ST ATESMA1I,; Salem; bregbau Thursday Morning. Jan 8. 1941
ILcD) mil Hews IBipfioff s
Fen Pint All raiia rwt
alders treated tour 1 case Wed
nesday. Billie Van Natta, IS mon
iha, S4S D street, was taken to
the Deaconess hospital with second
degree burns ; sustained on his
lower left hand when a cup of
scalding coffee fell on him. Tem
porary dressing was administered.
Mrs. Lee Doreken, 1120 S. Liberty
. had a sliver from the .palm of
her right hand removed. Called to
the home of Don Lucero at 2425
Center street, first aiders bathed
a badly irritated left eye, and ad
vised about ' further ; treatment.
Lucero got sawdust in his eye
, while working at the Alco Alum-
nla plant. Oran Johnson, 1175 N.
13th, sustained an axe cut on left
hand. The wound was cleaned and
: dressed. .' - .-
Chop Woodrow's for new unpaint
ed . book and wall shelves and
chests of drawers.. Also Willard
batteries, Kelly tires, Nason paints
.and enamel, auto glass and Kem
Tone wall finish. 325-345 Center
street. Phone 5558, Woodrow's.
Coenty Health Bndstt Certified
County Judge Grant Murphy has
certified the , new county health
, budget of $43,074.50 to the fed
eral government, which will match
20 of the amount, approximately
, $9000. The total budget is $200
higher, but this amount is for
: maintenance costs and will not be
matched by the ; federal govern
ment The . state,' county, - certain
school districts and cities make up
the balance . of the budget. Items
Included in the . certified budget
are the health officer's salary of
$5100; nursing supervisor, $2400;
clinic nurse, $1980; nurses, $11,880
clerks, - $6060; dairy inspector.
$2280; county sanitarian, $2220
and travel allowance $4900.
For heme loans see Salem fed
tral, ISO South Liberty,
T No New Ollinff Yet Oiling
work will be restricted to patch
ing and some resealing, mainly on
heavily used roads, the extent of
this year's activities, according to
N. C. Hubbs, county engineer.
Where traffic pounding is worse
than usual, a one-inch coating
may be used to keep the .roads
from breaking down. And proba
. bly there won't be any new oil
road construction until after the
war. The last program was under
taken in 1941. ;
New Spenser Scout Troop 17
has. a ; new sponsor, the Junior
Chamber of Commerce. The local
organization assumed responsibili
ties of direction at its meeting
Tuesday night, and Jud Davis, the
newly-elected president, appointed
rat crossiand to head the scout
committee of Roy Smith, Wendell
Swing; Bob Ramage, Ken Mathae,
Irving Wedle and Dean Ellis. The
committee will meet In the Bligh
building scout headquarters Fri
day night to discuss its duties,
name the troop leadership and plan
summer activities. The troop which
will continue to meet at the Bush
school, was formerly sponsored by
the SE Salem Parents -club with
Floyd Steward as scoutmaster for
the past five years. I
Rummage' sale . Fri., Sat,- 342 N.
Comt by A.P. A. Mothers club.
Fried Chicken Dinner For
taking top . honors at the Scout
Camporee in Silverton, 18 members
of Troop 9 were treated to a fried
chicken dinner by the American
Legion; post at the YMCA Wed
nesdayi night Awards were also
presented to two scouts: Warren
Bacon for excellence in swimming,
lif esaving and rowing, and to Blair
McCabe for physical development
and animal industry. McCabe also
received a life scout award. Pre
sentation was made by Lyle Leigh-
ton, ' scout secretary. -.- Lewis D
Griffith is chairman of the troop,
and W. T. Hopp, scoutmaster.
Donors Counted One hundred
forty-seven persons donated blood
in Salem on Tuesday when the
Red Cross mobile unit from Mult
nomah county operated , at the
First Methodist churchy here
Minimum quota for the city is
140, but it is possible to take the
donations of 160 persons. Red
Cross f workers and Cherrians
who are responsible for securing
donors, said Wednesday. The unit
is in Salem each Tuesday.
Townsend Club Meets Town
send club No. 16 will meet at the
home; of Mrs. Anna Arnold, 2256
Claude street, tonight.
Lost Child found Police report
indicated briefly that Edward
Carr, 5, was reported found. His
mother, Mrs. J. C. Carr, 955 N.
17th,,1 had notified the police ear-
State Heads 1 1
Worry Ahout S ;
Federal Grabs 1
I'i 'i ' ' - is-
Encroachment . by. the- federal
government upon the sovereign
right! and authority of the states
featured discussions of the recent
annual conference of state gover
nors at Hersbey, Pennu, Gov. Earl
Snell reported here Wednesday
following his return to Oregon. ,
"This is a matter I have; dis
cussed for months and 1 insist that
federal' regulatory orders and di
rectives involving' the states fshall
be uttailed,Gov. Snell said.fThe
government already ' is invading
the.' field of, state taxation! and
looking toward greater control ov
er free enterprise and the daily
lives of our people.
Qof. Snell addressed the cohler-
ence bn The Conservation of fur
Timber Resources." I ll
Die i important resoluioJi,M
tell! declared, "called uponldn-
gress ff or an early statement ! with
respect to postwar plans and re
conversion so as to enable the
state 'and political subdivisions; to
proceed with their after-the-war
expansion." .1 - . r a
Cl 1 XT AX I
Hear Farrell!
The important part educators
are?' playing in the world war and
other" current issues of national
and international scope was Stress
ed by Secretary of State Robfert
S. "Farrell, jr, in an address be
fore the Oregon County Sjcnpoi
Superintendents association in an
nual fconf erence here Wednesday
The convention opened Tuesday
and will continue until late; Fri-
da, f Virtually every county! in
Oregon is represented.
Other speakers at Wednesday
forenoon's session included I Mrs
Afftipn c. Booth. Salem, associa
tion president, and Rex Putnam,
state -superintendent of public Jn
structionJ Putnam said the Oregon
schools had fitted their actfvijties
into toe war 'emergency and w
formulate a worthwhile postwar
program.' I 1
The afternoon program waj fea
ture by a Report of the lesila
tive committee and address By
CTRCCXT COURT i'f-:. &)!
Alton I Tate vs. Carol N. Tate;
divorce decree awarded to plain
tiff by default: defendant's maiden
name of Carol N. Ashmon restored
to her. . r:-P'ZfL
Delores L. Morton vs. Vernon A.
Morton; divorce decree by default
awarded plaintiff, together with
custody of minor child; defendant
to contribute $50 per month for
support of child. - t - i
Credit Bureaus,. Inc., . vs.: Carl
A Jactanan J t demand made .to
plaintiff by attorney, for- defend
ant for. Itemized statement or biu
of particulars, ! t cii" -. l
Erma Tobin Speed vs. Day
Speed; -divorce -decree- awarded
plaintiff by default - . t
1 G. W. DeJardin and Ann DeJaN
din .vs. Carl "Johnson and Julia
Johnson; application to place case
on trial docket filed; estimated
that trial, will; take one day. ;
Billie Stryker vs. Edwin Stry-
ker; motion of both parties to
modify decree on trial; testimony
heard, argued, . and taken under
advisement by Judge George Dun
Chris Madsen vs. Edgar Possehl;
complaint seeking general dam
ages of $10,000 and punitive dam
ages of $5000, and costs, alleging
loss or consortium, affection, sot
ciety and companionship' of wife,
Augusta Madsen; couple were
married Oct 14, 1938, at Chehalis,
"Wash.; plaintiff alleges that dur-f
ing month of Oct 1942, and con
tinuing until j or. about Feb. 1,
1944. defendant purposefully and
wrongfully gought company. of,
said Augusta Madsen and that said
acts of conduct on part of defend
ant were Intentional, willful and
malicious. ? ' :
Inga Myers guardianship; order
to John Myers, guardian, for sale
of real property located in Clack
amas county,! probable value 0:
which is estimated at $950; nex
of kin and all persons interested in
estate of ward filed answer and
consent that license and order be
granted for sale of said property.
Laban A. Steeves estate; final
account and ; supplemental final
account, listing additional expen
ditures of $315.53, reducing bal
ance of cash on hand to $5313.65
accepted by court order; Mary El
len Steeves, executrix, further au
thorized and directed to distribute
remaining assets as follows: to
Mary Ellen Steeves. certain real
pears' to be joint owner of all per
sonal porperty, and sole owner of
all real property; as result, bond
declared - unnecessary. 1 y 5 r
Leo C, Lange, estate; appraised
at $628 In stocks! by Carl Abrams,
Floyd Ellis and Roy Harland.
Norman Bruce Hanes guardian
ship; order confirming :sale of real
property by George ' KA Sundlie,
guardian, on May 22, 1944, to Al
onzo - Shuttleworth and Elizabeth
A."Shuttleworth for $166, and au
thorizing deed. V. , -J 1.. t
Norris G. Lang, legal, truck
driver, route 6, Salem; PriscUla
Edith May Clevinger, legal, do
mestic workerr S20. S. 14th, Salem.
Calvin Keuscher, 18, salesman,
1226 Leslie: Jean Hanon, 18, do
mestic, 439 N. 22nd, both Salem.
T Murray L. Wade, 852 North Li
berty; no driver's license; $2.50
baiL" I 1
Set Saturday
The - Traflblazer I division of
Camp Adair, Oregon jwfll "take
over- Swan island on Saturday, work clearance, preparatory to
T2-SE-A1 tanker, thefss Trau-
blazer Is launched at 1130 ajn. mcreasen so snarpiy wixn ; an-
A combat team of! some 2000 1 nouncement of the Invasion that
men, accompanied i py the J 79-1 tne u employment services nirea
piece Traflblazer 'division band, I six additional interviewers to dis
an artillery unit of 105 MM how-1 suade workers from leaving
itzers, eight of the hew M-8 ar-1 "We believe we old stop most
mored cars, plus 24 machine gun- of them," said L. C . StolL state
carrying Jeeps, will parade I war manpower commission
through the yard and pass In r- (WMC) director. -The Important
view before the launching plat- thing is to emphasize to them that
ana.- f 'J'rt;'--" " X" I tne .things we. art buuding nere
Sponsor of the ship , is Mrs. - e push
John E.-DahlquisV Wife of Ma.
"Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
rrtmH let MtH Rink Rid, v
lier Wednesdav mornine that the James Millar, field director,
child was lost near a downtown 01 ;unnsuan eaucauon, rmwfvci- property, household furniture and
department store,
Jefferson Street Oiling The
county court entered an agree
ment with the town of Jefferson
which provides the county will
furnish equipment to oil road sur
face of four streets in the town.
The city will furnish the materials sioIji
ana reimburse tne county ior use
of labor and equipment The Mar
lon highway will thus be linked
with the street at the depot
Sheriff te Oakland Sheriff
A. C Burk left Wednesday morn
ing for Oakland, Calif., to take
into his custody Charles Hawk,
held there on a bench warrant
charging non-support Hawk was
secretly indicted by the grand
jury during its most recent ses-
ian church. 5 il furnishings, and one-fourth resi
A picnic dinner, sponsored! ny ue of estate; to Laban Richard
wives of state educational depprt- steeves, Robert Wade Steeves
Wanted: Stenographer and book
keeping machine operator. Valley
Packing Co.. Ph. Mr. McKee,'4158
or call in person.
Special Deputy Sheriff Named
R. N. Thomas was appointed by
Sheriff A. C. Burk as a special
deputy county sheriff to serve as
a guard at the . General Foods
Corp. cannery Tuesday." He was
sworn in before Alma I. Johnson,
notary public, the same day
Thomas lives at 1104 N. Third
street Woodburn. .
Larceny Charge Raymond
Nathan Bascue, 28, of 602 Lincoln
street Silverton, booked at the
county jail by state police, is
ment officials, followed the fcfter
noon program. I
i . j . ... . : - I
House to Get!
Aor a.-aiirinff frtt nf hnnd hv ad'
The new federal highway! aid i..-.,. Kao. in estate
bill! under which Oregon Wjuld merely or purpose 0f apr
receive approximawiy i,oVw praising estate to determine in
Thomas Watson Steeves, each
one-fourth the residue, interests
of whom are to be, distributed to
Mary Ellen Steeves as their guar
dian. State inheritance tax of
$489.06 paid on property of $36,-
606.93. !
I tt o-Airprnmpnt fimHs snnuallvs for I a- a
1 1 r.-s I nariTQnpa Taw onn in rpl MSiur' rx
cnargea wiui larceny m connec- etpll' tirtn Hrin th-ltftree :r ' ... 1
"is IT C I emPl property 01. wiaow, wuu ac
tion with disappearance of a sew
ing ; machine . and some linoleum
from a Silverton residence.
Tire Stolen Hugh A. Martin,
1145 Saginaw street reported to
Control Board
Will Sponsor
Loan Drive
The state board of control at a
meeting here Wednesday agreed
to sponsor the fifth war loan drive.
from June 12 to July 8, among
state employes. 1
- Figures show that state ' em
ployes purchased $450,000 worth
of bonds during the jfourth war
loan drive while their quota was
only $389,000. , Officials said' the
quota for the fifth war loan drive
would be slightly less than for the
fourth war loan drive because
many employes of the state board
of higher education are now on a
vacation and connot be contacted.
The board voted to renew the
contract with the Mountain States
Power company for supplying
power u the Oregon State college
at 7.8 mills per kilowatt ; hour and
to the Oregon College of Educa
tion at Monmouth fori 12.27 mills.
The contract covers a three year
period but may be cancelled one
year afters the close of the war
provided that time expires before
the three years is up. I
i i 1 ,
' ' ''wn ' IS
Smith Funeral
Set Friday
Funeral services fori Lloyd R.
Smith, corporation commissioner
who succumbed at his home . in
Portland Monday night will be
held at the Unitarian I church in
Portland, 1011 SW 12th avenue,
Friday afternoon at one o'clock.
Services will be conducted by Dr.
Richard Steiner, pastor and -the
Rev. W. G.' Eliot jrj pastor em
eritus. Interment will be private
at the Portland Crematorium.
It is requested that no flowers
be sent If'
War Workers Told
Fight Isn't Oyer : -
PORTLAND, June 7--SUte
war manpower officials appealed
today to workers to! remember
that "the war isn't over yet"
. Numbers of men applying for
Gen. Dahlquist commanding gen
era! of the 70th division. She will
be attended by Mrs. Peter . P.
Rodes, wife of j Brig -Gen. Rodes,
artillery commander; and Mrs.
Charles H. Owens,!wife of CoL
Owens, chief of staff. Miss JoAnn
Godfrey, 10-year-old daughter of
Capt and Mrs. George H. God
frey will present flowers to the
sponsor's party. . The; invocation
will be delivered f by Chaplain
(Lt-CoL) Loren T.J Jenks, divis
ion chaplam. i i -' " i '
The ship was originally to be
named "Smoky Hitty but the US
maritime commission agreed to
change the hametd "Trailblazer"
to honor the 70th1 division on the
year since
against the Germans, but for the
push against the Japanese, which
will come later." - .' Vr
Price Check
Nears Finish
SVuirth IntiA nrir rheck of re
tail stores in the Portland OP A
district which was" launcehd Mon
day Is two-thirds completed hi
downtown Salem stores, Mrs. Hel
en Becke of 'the local OPA price
panel board' announced Tuesday.'
Three volunteer price checkers,
Mr. G. A. Reeher, Mrs. Zelda
Powell and Mrs. Florence Bressler,
have) expressed their appreciation
for $ie cooperation given them by
merchants. Reeher, a retired busi-"
ness man, handled IS stores Tues
day and reported enjoying ' the
work. More volunteers are needed
by the local OPA xffice for. var
ious surveys which are to' be con
ducted approximately three times,
each month,Mrs. Becke said Wed
nesday. . , : ,1 .'
anniversary of its firsti
activation.. , i j . is i
The .military aspect of the
launching will be accentuated by
the parade and review and all of
the members of the; 70th division
have been invited to attend the
launching ceremonies.
MaJ.-Gen. Dahlquist jwul "Speak
during the ceremonies, calling at
tention to the need for the pur
chase of war bonds; during the
fifth war loan campaign, and in
between drives. Swan island's
goal was established at $2,700,000.
Mr. A. R. Niemann assistant
general manager of i the Swan is
land yard, will act as master of
ceremonies, i
Coffey New Head
Of Salem K of C
! 4 i
Gordon Coffey was elected
grand knight of Salem council
1748, Knights of Columbus, at the
council's regular meeting Tues
day night ! I ;
New deputy grand knight is J
A. Rotenfluch; chancellor, A. H.
Cramer; recorder, C. A. Suing;
treasurer, William Bliven; advo
cate, A. F. Aymong; wftrden, Gus
Schwalen; inside f gadxd, ' Peter
Bigler; outside guards, Joseph
Schaeffers and F. A. Rupp; trus
tees. W. J. LaRoche. A. L. Elvin
and Josenh Wlckman.
W. J. LaRoche was J appointed
lecturer, and Henry i Kfropp, sec
retary. ! ;'
vears followine the close of i the I
wair probably will reach thej floor
of the house not later than: June
151 R. H. Baldock, state highway
engineer, was advised from
noUce that a tire was stolen from ington, D.C. ! Wednesday i i
the turtle-back of his car while it The original bill, prior tobfcing
was parked in front of his home anefaded in committee, would lave
sometime between midnight and gen uregon i,uw,vw
7 a. m. Wednesday morning. mclUding matcnea lunas. i i
: ruhder the new Diu tne state
JT. V. 1 C I T7ll I . I . i ... 1 . 5S..
nvunmpuic Bisna r unuwuij Oregon nignway commission weuia
tne complaint oi cnaries uan receive $7,370,000 of federal I aid
Dr.. DaviiB. Hill's dental office 5 ' f5!4 fuds and $40000 of W oad
. i trnii ri iiiwr- a. .iiuiili iiriiuiua
will be dosed until July 6.
sioner Roy Rice inspected the sit-
funds. The state would
S580.000 annually.
ReonisIUon Issued Gov. Earl uauon ana wiu issue an oraer re- fcudock said Oregon's post
nn WMlnsdar issued a reaui-1 quiring me proving iiu-uuiupuifi hifehswav construction Drofieam.
sition upon California officials for J signs. now being formulated. woUl4 be
Charles A. Hawk, who Is wanted I . , . . A nTt based on the new federal aid bill.
"It is our purpose," BaldocKlde-
B "ft"""" 1 ' , .-l t gul-u
class "C" beer license for 1944 ciarea, to gei our post. wip
wkv construction under way as
Tuesday. The estaDusnment is 10- w
cated nine miles .south of Salem
on highway 99.
here on a , non-support cnarge.
Hawk is under arrest at Oakland,
Meeting Slated Townsend
club No. 4 will meet at 2125 North
4th street tonight at 7:30 o'clock.
riiith Successoi
KrVimrbr of Oerrais. Mon
iy, Jun S. at a local hospital, at
thi as f rears. Survived by his
wU. Mrs.' Joaeohine Schmerber St.
nr : m man. Louts Schmerber
( St. Loula. On.: and twe brothers.
Not Named Yet
Announcement of a suScssor
tq Lloyd Smith, state corporation
You'll like
and tbm Farmers Union. Koary wiU
.iS7 . h. st. Louis Catholic
church Tuesday. June S, at S:S0 P-m-
and raqulera tnaa wUl be aald at tna
c ti rtholie ehurcn Wednesday,
June T. at U ajn. Interment m St
Barbara cemetery. Direction of the
HoweU-Xdwairds runeral home tWalk-
t .t.i. jif luM S. Rorer Li. Lam-
kt so vears. late resident of
. Salem route S. Husband of Lena Ruth I near the SE corner of Sec
Lambert of saiem; rainrr vx w I mm
rfI : imbert. both of I tion 23.
, hmthr of Ror Lambert of
' cZa'. tiwen Lambert of Dallas,
MarUia Lambert of DiUy. Ore, M.
. t, r w.KMia of Air lie. Ore. Mrs.
C i Bell of Wren, Ore, Un. Bay
Tlrr v.mhiil. Wa. J. A. Black-
l bmuI. Mra. John Weaver of
, Portland and Mra. John Rott of Salem,
runeral services will be held rrWay,
June t. at 1 JO pjn. In the W T.
ehaneL with Rev.
Tk. oik. Affiriatinev Also aervices by
Disabled American Veteran. Members
of Disabled American Veterans wul
act as pallbearers. Concluduig services
at Maclcay cemetery.
Ruben L. Kagle. In this city June 7.
sue yearsi Survived by a' sister,
Mary ! Kilinberger. of Cedro Wooiey.
Wash.k Announcement of funeral ser
TJT later . bv Rose , Lawn runeral
home.: .'
t .hi. i,iv June S. Otto B. Brown,
Alt U1W av w w - eaas
ace 63 years. Ute resident . of -S25S
rR -nwi. Portland. Hus
band of Ruby Brown. Portland. Funersl
services Thursday. June S, at 130-
pm. in the W. T. tugaon
chapel, with concluding services at Mt
wft .iiih, mausoleum. Rev. M. A.
Cettendaner officiating. r
. " rt-A. r:.mhlt at . his reri-
iSZTsn West Wilson street, at the
Vtot 5 yean. Survived by hU wie.
? H,a. ur Arthur. LandeV and
"wr7 Minnie- UnfT- "tl"!
To Hani Logs Permits to haul
logs 'were granted by the county
court to Charles DeGuire of SiU
verton and Andy Totland, 114 W
tr I i - . - . .
mittxl an overall of 70 feet, and commissioner wno oiea m
land early Tuesday, win aoj dc
made until after his funeral,! ex-1
eciitive deDartment attaches here I
indicated Wednesday.,
Gov. Snell refused to comment
on the appointment or indicate
who he has in mind for thepffice.
Smith was appointed state Cor
poration commissioner early! in the
Gov. Charles A. Sprague admin
istration and was reappointed
shortly before Sprague retired
Totland an overall of 65 feet
No-Host Dinner Chemeketans
plan a no-host dinner for Satur-
Catholic church, the Fairfield tTang e I ay evening at 8:30 p. m, at the
home of Kenneth Jennings, Glen
Creek road. Later a short moon
light hike will be made, through
the Polk county hills.
Come in today ... and let's talk about your working at
Wards as a department manager or j salesperson. You'll
like the friendly, congenial people. And youll be helping
to distribute needed merchandiser This Is an excellent
time to start your, business career . J many of our man
agers and executives started in jobs open to yoVtoday
In jobs open to you today. Draft exempt;
: j t men only. Women .from 18 to 50.
FGE Lines Extended The coun
ty court approved " extension of
M.l. tin. a. nMint. lrraA yJn
north and west to an Intersecting " 1
.: : &
DeMelar Mothers Club The I i,fc- T ur. and Mrs. I Waiter
regular monthly luncheon of the a., x North sm "ha
ik -. h. I son, Alan Crais. born May aiem
vunuu; wvuia, . I General hospital.
m 4Vi Mainnlii -(mnla at I tbJlr-T Mr.
noon today. This. will be the last ;neA .
nieeuna uuut icxu - : -saiem vencru uwiiu
Seeing is a
It is work for the eyes to
see, as much as it is for
other prsans to. perform -
XsSSVi Amv" their functions. Seeing
F RVflC. fatigues the ; e y e s ithe
.! same as walking fatigues ,
the legs or lifting l fa
tigues 'the arms or back.
F.wi-v bit of heln we xan
t i '. the mm saves them
from Just that much unnecessary labor. Wearing glasses does
not always improve visual acuity but relieves the eyes from
working under a handicap, thus making s them much more
efficient. ' ; - ' ' . . . " j. . j
Phone 5458
148 N. Liberty
h a notion -wide organization Kke Montgomery Ward, there !
ore always many opportunities for, advancement. PvH time ; .
employees receive wage increases regularly. 1
Although wo welcome men and women who have had store r
experience, we will gladly train housewives, students and;
ethers who have never worked before.'
, , , j., - - ; .
' . - - . ic ' '
As a Montgomery Ward employee, you wiB receive a discount
en the wearing apparel, home furnishings and other merchan-T
"t dise you buy for yourself ondfamay.i ' i
AD full-time employees "receive vacations with pay after a
year of service.: Let jus fell you of the many other advantages
of working at Montgomery Word. j I
r.i o rj y a o r.a n n vjnn d
155 N.1 liberty
1 -
Phone J184
T&ose stov mmpJcyd Dm wmr imdmMixUm wiU mot ronsiTeil v.
- 1
JUNE 10th
m i m m . -
:.) 7 l'Ji;- i- tl '
:? I V ' V j
-. 't
1M4 XuMlMlBMr "p., l f I .
' -1 gift I
with, a" !
. . -bfrom the whole family or just 1.
from youl Imagine Dad's pleasure when v
he receives this practical gift a suit -with
the famous Kupperiheimer labeL '
Secure a gift certificate entitling Dad to a suit,
1 or topcoat Or make t selection
. subject to Dad's approvaL ; o
: Other fine smito aad topcoats
! 1. : I5S-M te
f . ' -.' If he KXZOS dodws
r bur him good dothes-st a GOOD start
-The Sfori of Style. Quality & Value
ii6 tate street
D U YM 0 R t ,VA K BON D.S A N D ST A ti F S
. ...
Lter by Clough-Barrick company,