Th OZSGOH STATESMAN. Sclera. Ortoa. Thursday Morning, Jim 8. 1$U PAGE ELEVCl I .1 ' Classified ClaaaOne Advertising Statesman Classified Ads , CaU 9101 ' . Three tnsertliai pcx!Unj2Sc SU Inwrtfcms per Um--40c On tnn&Qi per Una $1.25 Minimum chart 23c; 3 tL coin - tmunv 23c; tL min, 43c. Mo -, refunds.-.. . . .. .... Copy tor this pes accepted tnv Ul 90 the evening before pubuca um Cor classifies aoex, copy re ceived after this time- wtil be run under the beading 1 "Toe Late to Classify- ...J.,, ',.... The Statesroae essumeo ao Anea eial responsibility for errors which may appear us edverttaaaaeeu pub lished la Its eorumns and ta cases where this paper' la at fault will reprint that pert ef SB advertise meat ta which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising ft further reserves the- right to place all advertising under - the proper classification. A -Blmd- Ad aa ad containing e Statesmen Dos number for aa ad dress is for the protection ef. the advertiser end must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is aot at liberty ta divulge Infor mation aa to the identity at aa advertiser using a Blind" ad. i Livestock and Poultry ATTENTION ' Extra good consignment, 19 heed cat- Tie Thursday nignt, irj. STAYTOW AUCTION MARKET A GOOD family cow. just fresh. L. Sherwood. Salem. Rt. 4, Box X99. 7 mi. south on old . Pacific - Hiwy. to Sunnyaide and 1 mi. south tt west WANTED: Beef end canner cows. hull and veals. will call at farm, E. I.. Snethen. 3S7Q -E. Turner Road. Ph. 21343. Morns or, eves. s RK3 Doea with Utters, big buck. All purebred N Z. AU for 89.09.-418 Silverton Rd. Ph. 512s. : ATTErmON Will remove deed As worthless stock In a moment's notice I SALEM' rER TIL1ZER BY-PRODUCTS. Pa, , MOO Collect (No other Phone). . R. L Red fryers for sale. MuivihiH. Rt. 8. Boa 340. E. Center. Ph. 2239. NEW Hampshire laying pullets or read to lav malcts. Immediate I livery. Choice selection Ph. 23661. Lee' Hatchery. . . . ' BABY' CHICKS aad custom hatching. 21 yrs, experienee assures you -of beet aualitv and satisfaction. Prepare tor better market conditions later. Hutches everv Monde aad Thursday, uamn- shires. Leghorns. Bed, Barred Bocks. day old ckls or pullets., m. zzaai Lee's Hatchery ' Help Wanted STEADY strawberry Bickers. 20 acres. Good berries, clean patch, plenty cab- Ins, stoves, etc. zac with sc nonus tor season's work. Ben Brown. Rt. 1. Box 116. Near S. C Falls. ARE YOU aa experienced meet cut ter? If so. Safeway Stores can give vow immediate employment. Plea workksg conditions. Modern . equip ment. Steady employment. Good pay. If you can qualify, see Mr. Miller. Room 20S McGUchrist Bldg. COLLECTOR Widow er middle aged man or woman who can work three or more hours a day to collect on recular monthly payment con tracts. Must be dependable aad paas Surety Company bond, ce Oregon Statesman, Boa II. MAN AND WIFE. Man qualified sta tionary steam engineer. Women for re lief matron. Salary, plus room, board and laundry. Ore. State Training school wooapurn. WANTED: - Help to park parking lot. Phone 2-1M7. cars on COOK . wanted, man or woman. The. Spa." - --'- i Help Wanted Male - Workers now- em ployed in war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for .employment by em ploy em advertising in this section. WANTED: Exp. pressors for Army work. TOP WAGES. Hollywood Clean era. WANT Painters. Bridgemen. Careen ters to work- at bridge repair and painting. Can use beys r7 yrs. of ege also. Appry at jcoom sue. iaoaraioiT Bid- Oregon State Shops, Salem, south of Pen. . . - BUTCHER.- Coed war king neaftll Convenient ene-eaan shop. Walt Whrte Market, West iaJem. - ' MAM esmllfled to supervise beys ec tlvittee ka outside work end assist rot tags manager. Salary, plus room, beard and lawaoTy. Oregon state Traiaing school, woodaurn. - - DIESEL LOG Track Mechanic. Wil lamette Valley Lumber Co. 212 Pacific Building. Portland. 4, Ore. or Delias. Oregon... "'; Help Wanted Female RELIABLE -womaa care for S skis, pre sen oat age. 4 or I days week. Ph. 8297 after 840 FJC ' AOVERTXSXNO r , Western Advertising . Representatives. ' Ward-Grtfffth Company, inc. Sea Francisco - Eatteni Advertising v Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Ins. . Chicago. New York. Detroit t Boston. Atlanta Entered ef the Postoftee at Salens Ore pom as Second Clou Matter. Pvb Hsked every morning except Moadev Business eice , tU Southi Commer cial ftrsft. ..: , 4 .' , ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Msfl Sabscrtptlon Rates ta Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Me. to cents: 8 mos. 8300: 1 year, MO Elsewhere 80 cente per me. or 87.29 for 1 yeer In advance. Per copy 8 cents By City Carrier. 73 cents a motim 89.09 a year la advance fet Markta aad adjacent counUea. v eiLeur sj READ VJHILEv I'M EATING 1 . . a x. si 1.1 1 . 1 1 1-1 - ... i.J Money to Loan FREE ,i - - . r . Financial Advice Sixteen Tears ef financial experience In Salem glret us confidence that ire tea help . you If you really need money, we .will let you have It a once. No endorsers or lnvolvlne el others. Loans made ea furniture, live stock, farm machinery. company ta locally owned and man aged. - u - :- . - GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION 136 S. Commercial St. Phone tin asneeaejeeejeeseNeejejjerfMepg EMERGENCY loans, for doctor, hos pital, taxes, auto repair, etc. An accom modating, understanding, helpful toea service. t Capital Loan 'Company 5-?53 Under SUte Regulation M-323 3M. First National Bank Bldg. Ph. 444S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. rra floor guardian building LICENSE H M 18f Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS R Duncan Ladd Bush Bldg Help Wanted Female WANTED: Stenographer and book keeping machine operator. Valley Packing Co. Ph. Mr. McKee, 4138, or call in person. WANTED: Reliable young lady to work In a jewelry store. Permanent position. : References required. Excel lent salary. Box 40. Statesman. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Day shift No .Sundays or holidays. Court St Dairy Lunch. 247 Court WANTED: A nurse. Phone- 4398. Good pay. WOMAN for housework end cere of girL Room and board. Good wages. Ph. T7S5 evenings. WAITRESS wanted:. The Spa. - WANTED: Reliable housekeeper for family of 2 adults. 1 child. Room, board and excel, salary. Ph. 9339. HOUSEKEEPER needed for Mrs.-O. H. Schlteht at Wakrport. Oregon. LADY with some experience for Ueht eoekme and kitchen work. Nite shift Permanent' No Sundays. Bright Spot Cafe. 3E0 Center. - MATRON for cottage relief. To sup ervise housekeeping and meals in boys cottage. Salary, plus room, board and laundry. Ore. State Training School, woodburn. w GIRL FOR waitress and fountain work tot night shift Apply after o'clock. Blue Bird. IF YOU are a neat end efficient waitress apply at Mickey's Sandwich Shop. Situations Wanted PLACE on farm for boy M. through near astern. Ph. 3785. LADY wants position accounting or bookkeeping: experieneed. . Can -fur nish references. Ph. 21433. WANTED: Wood cutting lob. Have drag saw and all necessary equipment Ph. 9150. H. C. Brettman. lf5 Market EXPERIENCED general ledger man will work several hours each evening, either on books or ether work; for the duration. Call 5373 during office hours. CB2LDCRAFT Nursery. We pick up end deliver. 1993 Trade. Ph. 21829 CHILDREN cared for. Ph. 8843. For.: Sate-Iicellaneus MONARCH elec range, sewing ma chine, lawn, mower. Ice box. 2 twin beds. IES lams, folding baby buggy. daveno. used linoleum, etc. 1603 No. Summer. LAWN MOWER, fie. 90S N. Church. Ph. 8335. SADDLE horses. Very gentle. Can be seen at Rt 5. Box 87. Ph. eSB.. JUNIOR size bike. 24" wheel, one new tire, new fenders and new paint job. Phone , 8333. RABBIT Hutches comp. with roof. self cleaning. Call T. T. iseach. at. 4, Top Of So. 12tn St HUL Pa. 22178. Just received. 12 rooms of Apt. fur nishings. Weedry's Auction Market, 1803 N. Summer. S-CUP electric percolator. 1148 S. 14ta ir TRAILER House, furrnahed, lots ef built -ins. davenport St chair, t ftadehad kitchen oablneta. DuFsain'a Furniture. 230e Fatrgxounds Rd. Ph.' TRYERS. 3 lbs. Ph. -2289 between 1 aad 8 PJC Oapeeits Liberty acheoL FULL-JSfae). rubber tired, collapsible baby erriage. Pa. 7788. PREWAR baby buggy and lawn Ph. 7832. TS J. Deere HasameemiB 4199. ' lb. feed mixer 970. 809 chick brooder 898. 877 N. 23rd -St Phone 8974. HARDWOOD tuning table and chetae 233.00. 1713 N. Ctrorca. - WHEAT. Oats Sacks. Choice cow ac heifer. Amerteen cream separator J iron barrels with taps, zaaetrte trolled - feaos. new. never been used 180 rds, of new gslv. 'barb wire. "88 stekes with Insulators. Fence . posts. Call soon. C. B. Johnson, I mi. Kaiser School. COCKER Spaniel -pups. Sens Becget, Rt 7. Box 100. lie. aorta or underpass. FOR SALE: In. old Jersey, fresh two days. One 4 ft two-way disc. One 14" plow, one 12" plow witn tractor hitch. One section spring tooth like new. owe caaanptoa s it. mower la good shape. 1 mite aorth -Middle Grove scnooi. Kt i. box an. sasem. , . ' 3 RM. National trailer with - Elect frtd. Like new. 843 Sdsewater St 99 GAL. epea and drama Suitable - for aerbage -ec Paulue Dehydratloa Co, Bear Produc ers- cannery. 14 FT. Rowbeat 490. Doet caQ ea Sat Ph. -8873. 2320 TN. HAMP. setting sens SIS 1 nice- circ. heater, wood. 840. 1898 so. userry. r1 iorf s 4iu "i j m uua L SAhlOWJCH.I J- f OROEREITTEN XaS Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY Aato : And Truck . Loans Contracts Refinanced j Money tot new and used cars at trucks regardless ef ege. No delay-. bring ear and title and. get the money Yen retain posieirmn oi vehicle. t to U jJaoaths to repay. After 3 o'clock phone 2381 er X11U for appointment , ROY H. SIMMONS 1 - 1 Regulated by state -,-.';--? UC S Cm! fiX Pbawe 8188 IM M21 PERSONAL LOANS ; i $25 to $300 v No long rulamarole. Outsiders not involved. $1043 per ma repays 2100 la 12 months. Special Service for Im plored Women. Come m or phone. - Personal Finance Co.i Room 125. Second Ftr. New B&gh Bldg. Sit State St Phone: Salem usi Uc S-122 M-163. N. Anderson, Mgr. Financial WANTED TO buy for cash, real es tate mortgagee 8c contracts, discount paper etc We else buy .old accounts end pay : you more money than Collec tion Agencies get ror you. STATE FINANCE CO. Uc 218-222 . 212 Guardian Bldg? For Sale Miscellaneous PAIR men's dress shoes, black 101; Pr. woman s Keds. prewar, -like new, blue. 8 narrow. Boy Scout shirt size 14 Lady's brown wool gabardme east. redingote style. Size 34-38. Ph. 8718 before 4 PJC TraUer. 2 wh. 800x18 tires. Ph. 8043. USED FURN. 980 N. ComX HENS. S to 8 lbs 23c lb. live, at term. Ph. 22459, oppos. Liberty SchL ' WILLI BUY for cash. sell or trade guns, i ammunition tt Madiaoa, 50 No. High. scopes. Don FULLER Brushes, 1783 Grant P. 8357 RILL grown Burbank seed potatoes. TLB.-1W . 1TUU. .. " PRE-WAR davenport and chair. 968 center. : - . FOR r CERTIFIED Burbank pots toes for planting, see Vlck Brec. 208 N litza St. Salem. WE HAVE hog wire fencing and light abed-wire: in stork. Montgomery ward kco.! ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and rent a. C Pugb, Ph 2-2438. P.O. Bex 463 TradeMiscellancou9 ' TRADE: Good wicker doU buggy for metal coaster wagon. Phone 21631. 1715 N, Church. Wanted Sliscellaneous We Ruv Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM.OF30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS IN TEG RTTY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED I i 5 Pianos Furniture and Appliance. cau em lor. appointment. HOGG BROS. 269 State St Highest Prices Paid ; j. FOR Used Furniture! : Christensen & Bunnell SM Edgewater Phone 9692 I West Salem WANTED: ; Good home in country for small male dog, pert shepherd. pert xoxiemer. pb. FREE storage of piano -tor summer montmv Ph. 7S11. WANT elec. auto. water heater for cash. Ph. 4594. WANTED: Small radio. Mornings. Ph. 8003. CASH Tor good Burch popcorn ma chine. Crand Theatre. CLEAN white rags. Hogg Bros. 280 state ; CASH for-! need sane -ex other mo- sical instruments Call -4841 days at 9537 evenings er send description to Jaquith Music Co. 183 S High. ' WANTED: Late model electric range. noB wu or esu. . USKD FURN ITU I WANT TO Boy. Sbos. a38 State ' WOOL GROWERS ATTENTION Valley -wool 4ac Seek s Thos. Xsy Woolen Mills CASH PAID for upruTht spinet er graaa pianos Phone son. Waiited Frxrnitnre WE MAKE U our business to mora far goad furntsure and appliances. ! Bright & Eckley 453 Court St ; Phone TU1 Miscellaneous ANNOUNCING reopening of Andjfr barber shop, 182 Se. High. We invite au our new mends- to visn our new puce, - WANT to give away nice 1 yr. ok bull terrier male dog. Rt 3, Box- 830. pa. Hit, t. " X - ,-,n - ' WATCH Repairing, 10 to IS days ser vice all wiefcesi free estimates, work manship guaranteed. Raymond G. War ren, Certified Wasehmaker and Regis tered in the State of Oregon. Room 200 Gray Bldg. 123 N. Liberty. Salem. Septic T Tanks Cleaneil State wide. Guaranteed wera. Gene rite. 842 Edgewater. Ph 8749. Dental Plate Repair :: TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOS1 - - In- j CASES - - t Brtne er Mefl Year Pistes fee fteeev DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTISr Adolph kte - Steto Cecal Pb 3311 1 1 SERVED IT TO YOU. PUPl, V WM, I "It fM STILL J ' RIGHT AWAY-YDU-H ' MUNcJt - ate rr while vgui r S m M WERE REAPING eXl OtO?) If TtY Miscellaneous STOVE Parts A Repairing. Woodry Auction Market. 1803 N- Slimmer. , WATCHES Repaired: 1 day eerviee, Singera Jewelers, will repair your broken watches within 19 days.' Bring watch in for estimate. Workmanship Guaranteed. 233 S. W. Aider. Port land. Ore. - r For Rent Ilooms Combination -11 vine rm. and sin.' rm. Cooking, home privileges. Ph." 7280. - GARAGE: S sleeping rooms, couple er -2 men. private bome. Board if de sired. 933 N. 18th or PO. BOX 187- . SLP. Rm. 849 Union. Ph. 390. NICE sleep, rm. 1188 N. 4th. PRL home. Ladies. 960 Marioa. 2 VERY nice- sleep, rms. for girls. with bath. 809 Marion. Ph. 852L Room and. Board MIDDLE AGED woman wants piece to board, xu per mo. Not sick. pn. ssu For Rent Apartmenti CLEAN'S rm. unfurn. ant. furnace heat and gas stove For working lady or coupie. izsa a st 2 RM. Furn. Apt. 494 University. 3 Rm. furn. apt 823. 1029a Saginaw, FURN. APTS. 353 Division. RM. with hskp. privileges. Ph. 7184. FURN APTS. 1319 S. 13th. For RentHouses. THREE rm. hs basement close to Sslem, adults only. Box 15, Sta teaman. For Rent TRAILER SPACE Shower rms. Ind. outlets, trees. Fir Crest Trailer Park, lie m. out St. Front. )k m. from . Aluminum Plant FLOOR SANDER for rent . Meat gomery Ward. GOOD Used Plane. H. U Stiff. TRUCKS for rent Yea drive Me- cuae LeveO. Cabins at Neskowin. Ph. 4422 or 3871 Wanted to Rent WANTED Strictly modern two or three bed -room apartment or home to " lease l year or longer. No children. nexerences. cau e. ju. cntckatt. Bus. Tel. 3511 or 5120. after Thurs- nay. RESPONSIBLE family with 2 boys wants to lease, for yeer or more. 3 or more bdrm. home, convenient to high schooL Hsve furniture. References. Ph. 4171. Ext. 229. 8:30-8 PJf. BY Jury 1st responsible counla want 4 or 3 rm. house. N. of Center. Box MOD. 2 bdrm. furn. or pertly furn. rase by eermanent Gov't, amntovc. i-n. iu ra. LOCAL couple wests 4 or 8 house. Adults only. No pets. Phone itTi oey nme or gjas -evenings. Wi Kleinke. UNFURN. house with 2 bdrms. CsO N. W. Kiese at C. S. Hamilton Co. Ph. 4433. TWO bdrm. house, aerm. Ph. 8887. Ter Sale Real Estate NTCE 2 bdrm. home North, bsmt- see MB. GOODWIN with Hawkins T & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 8. Ph. 8713 THIS HOME PRICED TO SELLJ 82750 7-r. house only 8 blks. out, near bus and Safeway store. 8500 down. per mo. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 3. Liberty St. . Ph. 41X1 FINE 3 rm. house In a very good location North. House sits on beck of lot. 3 stoves with house. Lot has good well kept lawn -and shrubs. Fish pool and rock garden in rear; . Priced to sell for 83200. See Mr. Byrktt with BURT FICHA. REALTORS - 1410 S. 12th , Ph. 2210 8 EM. mod.' English style home, large rms nerowooa uoor, xurnace, ei hot water heater, basement. 4 y old. Price reasonable for quick sale. Ph. 3958 after 8 pjn. lor appointment HOME St INCOME Houses, lot 80x100. ewe S one 2 room furnished bouse. located at W. Salem. 94900. ALFRED DUMBECK. REAL ESTATE Jtoma 9 Ladd & Bush Bldg, CLOSE IN HOME 7-r. pbali i tit home with, basement, furnace, garage, only 4 biks. from busi ness a&trtct Prtee 83fJ09-4r509 uown. an per .month. GRABENHORST BROS- REALTORS EM . Xlbnlj St. f Ph. 4131 82000 for this 3 bdrm. home. Large lot, looxiio. Lets or trait, . BUST FICHA. REALTORS 1410 s. nth , ph. rtm 4 RM. house 8 blocks south eg State houee, 41390. Ph. 8048. . aoiaa wui ouy ma mveiy a rm. noma. 2 bdrms. LJU DOU kitchen. buUt-ms. Flrmlsn. Full aasimsnt. Trays. Auto. sawduit heat. Attached garage. Lga. tow aee Mr. Byrett witn - HURT PICHA. REALTORS . 1419 S. 12th Pb, 33M - XETZER DISTRICT iM acre with modern 4 tered. house and nook. Wired for elee tric range, oil heater included. Garage, smell bam. Close to school, store and shnruaa plant. Located about k mi. south and '.i ml. west of Keizer schooL 83630. Call after 630 pjn. By Owner. Ernest Radke. Rt, 2. Box. BZE. 84260.. Good 4 rm. house. North. 2 bdrms. Hdwd. fL throughout Wired for range. Basement, Trays. Oil floor furnace. Only 3ft yrs. old. A Good Buy BURT FICHA. REALTORS " 1419 S. 12th Ph. 2219 87TS0. ONE OF THE MOST COM PLETE HOMES. Df TH CITY 8 rooms, alee a bed rra. in the basement, hard weed firs, thruout fireplace, full bessment, automatic furnace, outdoor fireplace, dining pergela, watt lighted; Bdee lawa . A shrubbery, aa perfect COIa'tla'ttOVae MELVDf JOHNSON, REALTOR ' 729 Court St Paaae 3723 U For Sle Real Estate NICE 8 rm. hame 'on Xdina' Tana. H.W. floors, Venetian blind, auto, oil heat 84.750. See MR. GOODWIN with Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 8. Pb, 8718 Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. S RM. hoinw- saraM. chio km kai. garden spot. elec. lights, water. L. Sherwood. Salem. Rt. 4. Box 2S3. T mL south an aid Padfie Hwy. ta Svimry- stde 4t 114 mi. south ec west. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL -Nice corner. 4 room house, built leas than 3 yrs. 2 bed rooms, floor furnace. fenced yard. S1850 handles. BaL enry ALFRED DUMBECK. REAL ? ESTATE Room 3 Ladd ex Bush Bang Bldg. NEW. modern 3 room home." erand ocean view, garage, wood shed, elec tric pump. 12 acres. ", mile from beach. Write A. Sampaio, Waldport, Ore. - a' i : NEW 8 rm. home East furnished. H.W. floors, fireplace, extra large lot. Only 86.000. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 8. Ph. 8715 BEAUTIFUL home. North, 3 bed rooms, fireplace, lots of bullt-ins, basement nearly new - Holland fur nace, laundry trays; comer lot, fruit nuts, shrubbery; bus in front of house. lsis m. aotn. MODERN home, ready for occupancy, ose to all schools. 86200. . i - 3 bed- room home, basement, fur nace, nrepiace. 97300. , For more particulars see ' s P. H. BELL. REALTOR 402 Cuuardian Bldg. Phone 4998 - TTVE R. HOME S Good location South, near bus. Base ment, furnace, fireplace, garage. Paved St Price S4750. good valuei GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty SL Ph. 4131 84100. Close in suburban 1 home. 9 rms. ec unfinished upstairs, i fireplace. nn-naee, wired for rscge,.lsundry rm.; n acre. Ik A. suburban borne. 3 rms plaster ed, wired for ranee, toilet shower. well 6c pump, barn, 83000. 81000 down. JBJELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St Phone 3723 A GOOD HUNCH! Pick your art new and build after duration. .Here are 2ft lots. 123 ft front, paving paid, all for 81000. Lo cated in Norm saiem. ft but from bus line, on- corner. Contractors ec builders take notice. For sale only bv Louav Bechtel or Mr Needhem. 341 state at itoom a. - niMXDIATE POSSESSION - Good 7-r. plastered heme with ce ment basement furnace, fireplace, nice large cor. lot wtui paved sts. East front double garage, attractive back yard, only ' a blocks out Price 86500 casn. sj this home today. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty SL Ph. 4131 A ' WELL Constructed, vacant 7' room home: Venetian blinds; electric hot , water heater: 1 large corner lot: paved atreet Price 84750. Reasonable terms, call Mr. voorhees with LEO N. CHTLDS. INC REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9261 4 RMS. Good lot North, 81800. Extra lance lot Suburban.: 2 bdrms. On bus. 83500. 83000 buys 4 rms. Hollywood Dist Terms. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1863 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 er 7903 NOTICE C. W. Bartlett. Realtor, wishes to announce his removal from -403 Guar dian Bldg. to 122 New Bligh Bldg. Phone T17L. j BY OWNER: 8 rm. house, seed -resi dential district, close in. Large lot immediate possession. Phone 954L 22000 for this 2 bdrm. home. Laree lot. 100x110. Lots of fruit 8400 down. Easy monthly payments for balance. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 1410 S. 12th 1 Ph. 3210 For Sale-Farms 48 A. ideal cult. land, main Salem Silverton Rd. 8155 Ac. Bx. 18, Statesman Cards ta this directory ran on a monthly basis only. Eatea SLZS per 11 a a per month. . f Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry Model Aircraft list A Market CUT Alterationsr ALTERATIONS, sewing fur 199 N. Commercial, Room. 26. work. Art Hie BATH Room, drain board, fireplace or store treats. Pb, 952L Auto Drakes HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 & Comt. Hike Panes, 27k S. Cenrt. Ph. 3rtl wheel allgruag saecuust Aato and Track Service HERRALL-OWENS CO, 239 S.Comt Cicycles BICYCLES New end recondltioned- niarry W Xcott-141 a 5ea'Cl P 436 Body ft Fender Repairs BXRBALL-OWZNS CO, 233 S. Coml Chimney Sweep Nerthaess - Chimney Sweep Pa 4499 Cosmetics AVON raODUUTS. Pb, ; 210CS. Fertilizer Sack, yard. lead. too N. Canal Florists Breraumars 847 Court Funeral Directors Tenrtnigar rvaeral Hosiery Bee Silk Boaery Mills, ' Pb, tTCt Mrs Moaeley. Pa Boa T3X : Lawnraower Sharpenirj i GUARANTEED WORK 'en special fsetoty grmdere by Harry . aeon rrhe Cycle Man. 147 S Commercial SA GifU THE Af SOU Shop 7lj 8L ElfiR Painting & Paperhanging Painting aad decoi sting aaly.l For Sale Farms HERE Is a nice I3'.a acre farm with mod, 6 rm. house t outbuildings. This place can be bought with house full et furniture car 9S.S0O. terms. Located ta Independence, f See MR, LARSEN with . - - f - - j ) Hawkins &i Roberts, line Ph. 4108 I J Realtors - CLOSE IN DAISY FARM A Real Attractive Country Home five miles from city center. Good bunga low style noma with modern plumbing and also tenant house, nice lawn and plenty of shade.) all necessary out bid gs. with a good grade A dairy barn with, spass for 19 cewa. excellent pea tare, small stream, paved Rd. Yariety of Bearing fruit i and nut trees, aice garden space and berries. Possession Oct. 1st 1944. Price 814.000 Cash. ' GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. 4131 A COUNTRY home, a Dlace to tlav and still make money, this 96 A. farm wttn A. cult, bat pasture 4c timber, with a nice - stream , thru the place. Bah pond, fine bam. and only 16 miles from Salem. 811.000. terms. See MR. LARSEN with -.-i..:,-' i Hawkins & Roberts, line. Ph. 4108 :w li'V Realtors 54 A. 8 mi. from Salem. Good 6 r. house. 33 A. tni cultivation. Crop in. Barn, chicken hse, milk has. I ec ga rage. AU equipped with tree tor .19 cows, U heed of young stock. Price 87309. Terms, . See Jack Henningsen STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS III Guardian BUg. i Ph. 4121 90 A. dairy farm. 90 A. cult. baL pasture ec timber, has a nice creek; 40 A. in crop, good barn, only Et miles from Salem. A buy at 87.900. terms. aee as. ihsen witn Hawkins & Roberts,' Inc. Ph. 4108 Realtors FOR SALE or Trade: 440 110 acres wster right .12ft acres alfalfa. 11 acres alsike clover. 10 acres hairy vetch, 4 scree common vetch end grey oats. Balance in grain. Lots of wood on place. Some pine. 1 miles from store. Hign school bus. Electricity. J. Callahan. Rt 2. Box 21A, Lebanon, Or. AN Exceptionally good piece of land East of Salem, 19 acres, 3 bed room house, fully plumbed, lights, 'double garage, all crops in. 2 cows, 2 berses sad machinery (goes with the place. Possession now.! 87900.00. PH. BELL, REALTOR! 402 Guardian Bldg. . Phone 4806 188 A dairy ranch or would make a nice stock ranch as there are sev eral thousand acres of good grazing land adjoining in is ranch. 2 modern homes, big dairy barn, also stock barn and other buildings, ell stock tt equip ment, around 60 head ef stock. ' full line of mach- 80 A. in crop, a won derful set-up for 822,000, terms. See MR. LARSEN With nawKins a. tionerts, inc. Ph. 4108 Realtors HIGHLY developed farm. 116 acres, all under cultivation. Modern house. 3 barns. Sheds j Chicken house, Dble. garage. Crops are wheat, oats, i clover. Owner Is sick and must sell si sacri fice .Price $16,000 with good terms. Win sell stocki and equip, right in cluding about 1000 turkeys. See j Mr, Byrkit with ! I BURT PICHA, REALTORS 1410; S. I2th I Ph. 3210 68 A. farm, 2ft m. East of Salem, old buildings but good crop all in and goes with the place at 9200 per acre, terms. See MB. LARSEN ; with! 1 Hawkins S Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 Realtors PEACE 8x1 INDEPENDENCE On this 18ft iacre farm. 4 mii E. of etty limits, 3 bdrm. house, barn, tile fruit rm. tile Chick hse, dbL garage, small timber lot pasture, about 6 oet ac vetch hay soon ready, all other crops In and included in prioe of 87750. C. W. BAKTLETT, REALTOR 122 New Bligh Bldg. t Phone 7171 20 A chicken ranch, ft cult. baL pasture A some timber, 6 rm. ihouse. good barn, new chicken house for 808 chickens. 2 A. filberts, family ben las. located near Shaw. ttfiOO, terms! See MR. LARSEN with - - Hawkins & Roberts, Ph. 4108 Realtors Directory Painting & Paperhanging Painting and j paperhanging. Ph. 3983 PAINTING A Decorating.. Ph. 552. Plnmhing A L. SKEWIS A CO. Pwmbing. Heating. 948 N. High. Ph. S2Z34 - John Fisher.! specialist. Ph. 3019. pwQ Plumbing and; Heat ing, 3S3 m. coari Ph. ma. Printing FOH ' STATlOrrSRY. -surds, petwphleta ptecrams beoke er any kind ef print in eall 'Rw Statesman PrtniinBT De -pertinent sat uemmcrciai tete 9101. 1 i . Radio Repairing j Anv make Heme or Auto. Also Elect Appliances and Ranges. PKUtup ana Dei. . wiggtae. in. tw. 1 Elattresses CAPITOL BEPDINQ CO Pbone 493 Sand; and Gravel SAND. . KraveL crushed 'rock, learn sand. Walling Sand sad cravat, pa. saas Septic Tanks Cfcamed PERM. RES. Kenneth HanseL I U43 Eighth SC. West Salem Pa. Snrveying FARM and city surveys. Reeisteraa engineer. Oregon BJdg. pb, 10 ; Transfer 0-DRIYB TRUCKS i FOR KEN? Blankets furn ! 19T S Lfberty Ph FOR LOCAL. OR 1 OISTANT tranfcf storage, burner aiL briquets rracks to Portland deity.. Agent 1 Pieai freight tnchtdlng Calif aetata Traasfer Ce PR SXtL . Used Fnrxutnrej DnFRADTS USED senrture- Pit Upholstery desaisg i ' RUGS rand tiphoL cleaned. Pb, 8831 Vaennm Cleaner Service ClKTlFllO " GUAR' serv AO RSkes Ymces. Electric. 131 a Ub Tel. 62 FREE msneeaon as rear thertsad Hoover service We service all makes cteaaerg : Hogg Brag PR 1 9149 'Window 'h Qeaniss P; - City window cleaners. P. 21458. Floors waiia. wooawora. wora guareniieaa : ALL work guaranteed. Windows walla, weodwork cleaned Fleers waxed Insured warkmea. Prozesslonai C lean inc. For Sale Farms 108 A. farm. 89 colt, baL pasture. good barn and fair house, on paved highway North 14 mi. from Salem. Price for quick sale 89,500. on account of sickness. See MR, LARSEN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 Beettera Acreage 16 ACRES, bv Owner: Located aa Silverton hiway NX. of Salem.. Good ground, all la crop, young orchard, lots of grapes and berries; barn for six cows, storm shed, chicken house well, ax lack casing; electric pump, lights in all buildings; small .house wired for electric range, concrete tin der all buildings. Cash S4.M0. V mi. e. ox nouywoou tmve. V mue a. Elmer Baldwin. Rt 7. Box 431E. FOR SALE1. 13 A. East of Salem, lo cated at Swegle School. 4 rm. house. some berries, out buildings. 8 A. oa Garden Road does not join 10 A. but wUl sett all for 8400. See MR. LAR SEN with . - . . - .t- Hawkins & j Roberts, -Inc. Ph. 4108 t ti-:. 1 Realtors FULLY Eoulpped chicken set an. baby chicks laying hens, house..' lights and water system.. Acre of ground, 14200. ' : i . A new house, electric range, water heater, S bed rooms, oil floor furnace, 1 acre of land. Immediate posrewlwn. 83600.00. - ----- ' V. P. H. BELL, RZALTOS 402 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4898 10 ACRES south of Salem. 6 room modern house with basement, sawdust furnace, ldry. trays, wster heater and water system. Good bam 40x50 ft. 9 A. te cultivatioa and - A. ta pasture, auta, apples, cherries, pears and prunes, ft mi. en pavement to schooL Price 96800. nee jacx nenningsen witn STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. . Phone 4121 4 A. tract with some fruit a mod. 6 rm. house, big chicken house and dbL garage, also green house, located on Hollywood Ave., for quick sale. 87.500, terms. See MR. LARSEN with Hawkins Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 Realtors 1200 ACRES. Good stock ranch. All stock and equipment 1 828 per A. R. A. rOKKNEK, REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 or 7903 ACRES GOOD SOIL 6-room house with, bath: electric water system; barn: j garage: large chicken house; family orchard, i About 400 chickens, . some machinery and tools, Mostly furnished; electric re frigerator, etc. :- Price complete only 87500. Call Mr. Voorhees with 344 State St Ph. 9261 BY OWNER: 10 acres. 6 rm. house. 4ft miles south of Salem. 3 cows. 30 chickens. Priced right for quick sale. Rt 4. Box 114. Ph. 2-2881. it A, Silvtn. Rd. Ph. 5002 or 5003. CLOSE In acreage without bldgs, on Garden Road, for sale or trade for city property, by owner. Phone 5987. 'i ACRES rood bottom land. 12U cultivated, balance pasture end tim ber, nearly new buildings, large young orchard, school bus. freight mail. On river, good hunting end fishing. Price 85000. Dora Meredith. Alsea. Oregon. T RM. mod. log hse. and buildings. 14 A 5 mi. So. 85000. Garden in. At Liberty Sta. turn rt ft mi. thenar!. ft mt zna pt. on 1. Axter rj. Sabnrban SELECT a scenic nomeslte in beau tiful Cascade Terraces or Klngweod Heights. Inquire for; prices and terms of owner, pn. mis svemngs. Wanted Real Estate WANTED: Small (farm; must have good income. Write O. M. Mason, Weyerhauser, Wis- NOTICE: DT yout intipetty Is for mie. rent or exchange, list tt with us We hsve s I kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 212 Guardian BWg. . ; Business Opportunities GOOD. Grocery stock and fixtures. well located in Salem. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol r FOR Quick sale i because of poor hearth: 8 furn. court, apts. and service station, Income 8219 per mo. Contact owner at 1674 Court St or, Ph, 8156. OWNER'S PASSING tYOUR CHANCE 83000 cash and 8150 monthly buys furn. college town prop, paying over 3156 per mo.: over 20 gross, besides living -rms. for owner. To see, phone 537-W. Corvallis. Oreg, or write Hep- ler. Eureka,, cam. RESTAURANT' and Canf. X living mmt fc..,ln, gW-W K fanil M. son foraeiling. Tell Red 22, PO. Box 481. By owner. Dayton, ore. ; For Sale Wood 18" eld fir. Ph. 22074. Rt 9. Box 396. WOOD. Order now. 16" green slab and edgings. Apprex. 2 cords or more to lead, S14 a- load. Ph. 171M, Dallas. Ore. Write Paul Anderson. 113 Jet- Jerson 81, Dallas. m ' t - FRESH cut sawdust. 4 ft green lab Part dry and green millwood, 77214 Boss. - - -J" ;." TRESH cut sawdust for sale. Ph. 8683 au erowth 16 ta slab prampt delivery Phone 8444. ; 18 Di MILL wood Im. Del Ph. 6883 ir O G. IT H A Oseoa, Lost and Found FOUND ta Vicinitv af-tth A State. has collar. Owner; may rail T048 and pay asr tnis ao, -r- t - LOST: Momy. either Monday Tuesday fat Capitola's grec. Reward, Pb,-4aeT. er so auvenoa aa. PBK50W who found billfold at Fen- iter's Friday can 23434. LOST: Msy 22 st D St eer-trala traeedv. several items including sil verware and baby shoes. 1315 N. Cot tage. Ph. 21438 after 4 F.M. 4 LOST; Zenith bicycle. Black ei white; Rewerd. Ph. 21623, 8-UJ8 LOST Large elUgator parse ia rest room of bus depot at VsBey -Jaactloo, No money but very valuable personal belongings, pa. Laeoa Phillips, smh. Personal LONTSOMX? Write Tb Joy Bha For Sale Used Cars 1939 CHEV. track with Eaton end. Call after 939 TM. Gilbert Rose. Independence, car. - SaZ. and Boat Landing Sts. , -. BUICK 1938 4 dr. Sed.- Excellent cond. Radio, heater, seat covers. Very good . Urea, Phone sign alter a. . 1933 NASH Sedan, fair tires. In fair shape. 833. C D. Runner. RL 6. Bx. 538a 1938 V-9 FORD .eeeeh. Excellent Urea aad motor. 8318, 1608 K. Summer HIGHEST cash offer: 194T Buick se danette. Radio. Heater. Must be sold by Friday night Inq. 6SS N. High. For Sale Used- Cars GOOD GARS FAIRLY PRICED Pontiacs 1940 9 PASS. COUPE 1933 SEDAN Chevrolets : I ft '..-! f : t 1941 4 DR. 1940 2 DR. R. ex H. 1931 COUPS Fords ; 1937 2 DR. 1 1931 VICTORIA 1930 2 DR. Plymouth-1939 Cpe. , Dodge . -i 1948 SEDAN. R. A H. 1933 SEDAN - - HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S. ComX Pb, 3199 "YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A BETTER CAR . .' and ;"; ; MAKE A BETTER; DEAL" : L0DERBR0S; 449 Center St Phone 6153 "Our 16th Year In Salem, Oregon" ' "Oldsmobile Sales and Service' . ' "Home of Good Used Cars" Transportation j f - Specialists AH Makes A Models. i WE WILL PAY CASrJ FOR YOUR CAR Our Cars Are ! Guaranteed , li Down. 13 Mo. to pay. ALL KINDS OF MECHANICAL, BODY & FENDER WORK . Skilled Factory Trained Mechanics HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S. ComX Ph. 3169 1941 FORD Super Deluxe 1 Sedan, 31.000 actual miles. Very clean inter ior. Nearly new prewar tires. , Perfect finish. FuU price 81295. BIRD A ZYSSET AUTO CO. 1211 Broadway SALE or Trade: 3S V S Panel for Chev. car. 1647 Waller. 34 PLY, Cpe. Runs good. Blue. Good paint Job. Rumble sest 494 University. 1932 FORD Coupe. Mechanically ex tra good. Very dean. Prewar tires A new psint $265. BIRD A ZYSSET AUTO CO. ' - 1211 Broadway j 1937 FORD coupe. 1938 Ford coupe. 1938 Ford sed. 1937 Ford Sed. 1939 Chev. coupe. 4 rooms household furni ture. These cars and furniture are ell In good shape end priced for quick sale. 580 Market St ... .... ... 1 fl... 1937 FORD 60 Tudor Sedan. Very clean interior. Mechanically perfect 30 miles to the gallon. New prewar tires. A bargain 8498. BIRD A ZYSSET , 1211 Broadway : Wanted Used Cars Bonus Pri onus rnces FOR CLEAN CARS THIS EXTRA IS IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR i HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CARS. SEE US AND GET YOUR PRICE. - f. NASH USED CAR LOT 349 CENTER PHONE 3724 To Buy or Sell THAT USED CAR. SEE STATE MOTORS, INC. Ph. 4438 348 N. High WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime new ear Is Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK SALEM'S eldest ndcpcndcal Used ear dealer. NX Cerner Church A Chens PR Legal Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Amy M. Beer, hag been appointed admin istratrix of the estate tir ROBERT A. BEER, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the SUte of Oregon, for Marion County, and hag aualified. . All persons having claim against said estate are hereby noulied to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the under signed, Amy M. Beer, at 404 Guardian Building, Salem, Ore gon, within six month from the date hereof. : AMY M. BEER, admini-. ' trstriz of the estate ofRob- - ert A. Beer, deceased. Dated and first published June 1, 1944" --..-)....'.'.. Last Publication June' 29, 1944. J-l-i-15-22-29. BIotc to St Helens SWEGT.E Monday, Pvt. Grayce Dunagan and her mother moved . to St. Helens from their home on East Turner road where they have lived for. two years. Mrs, Dont gan will make her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodford, while her daughter i in the service. Pvt. Duoagan leaves Sunday for her, training at Des Moines, la. " Lodges SALEM LODGE No, 4. AT. Sr AM. Wed, June 1. - Stated Communication. 8.-00 PJC. - Pacific Ledge No, 30, AT at June aw. i ra. 6c PAP BANGXKG Fb, 1723. inj fiacrtce, fb. 8431.. Apt 9, alter 9 e-