f ; SI1!-" i IT I S.I t Far: F iiniaeciall si .';: i'- v -, . :!?! p- mX. T"- St--, ;i: XJ PAGE EZGHT; Ml The; OREGON STATESMAN, Salenv Oregon. Wednesday Morning. June 7, 1S44 1 ;t - ! Strictly Private" By Quinn Hall DEAR MOtM I rOJT AtW WULt R (IE AIL THS WSWCfc 31ST 4b A E0SIEO FINGER-1 THINK PS ONE CP THEM AWUuARy ECRUIS. yobr sen BCPfcKT DC UP 1 U VwVSHUcTtOri Si &-5 Salem Market Quotations I The prices toe o w supplied ty a total- grocer r indicative of the daily market price paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but re - net .guaranteed by Th Statesman: j uUflower,, crate - 225 and 1.33". Crook neck & Italian squash, lb. .03 I Turnips, do ? bunches j. , 1.00 I Cabbage, -lb, , " Endive, doz. 'bun. i . ' " Radishes dot bun. Carrots. dos,sbua. Celery. Oot. bun. Pumpkin, lb,' Parsnips. Ib, , : an E ' .60 1.50 03 'J JD9&- butter; eggs and poultry j Aadresen's Buying Prices I (Subject to change without notice) butterfatI k . A I No 1 ? ' - i , ' M No. 3 i Su.... , i JO 1 BUTTER PRINTS f A i- , ' 1 46V4 B jra ,; . ,, r -.45',i Quarters ,. , , ,r , ' 46 EGGS C 4 1 i . Extra large t Medium : Standards ; Pullets 4 24 , J8 i3 il JO as POCtTRT H j Colored "iiens. No. 1 , No. 2, colored ; bakes i Colored fryv ,i , Old roosters ' , Marten Creamery's Baying Prices (Subject te change without notice) POULTRY l s .. J No. J springs' I, 2t I No. 1 hens - , , 3il UVESTOCRf I j $ Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported: Dressed ; vesl , , 3 Spring lambs f j " I Yearlings ,. 00 to 11.00 Ewes 2 500 to tOOl Hogs, good to choice grade; s 170 to- 130i lbs. ., , I . 149 1 Quotations at Portland V. Portland Produce ' PORTLAND, Ore June . AP)- Butter: aa grade prints cc: cartons 4Cc: A grade prints ASVtCi - cartons eec; a grade prints 43,c; cartons Wc. -- Butsfcrfat: First quality, maximum of lot 1 per cent acidity, delivered In Portland 52-52c: premium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity 53-53 ',ac; valley routes and country potnU 2c less than first'or 50-51 '.ic. Cheese: Selling price to Portland re layers: uregon triplets zs.4e; daisies 293c lb.; loaf 30.2c lb.; , triplets to wholesalers 27c; loaf 27 "ao FOB. ggs: to producers: Nomina) prices, case count 27c . select henneries 28 29e: mediums 24c doz.. : ' Eggs: Nominal prices to retailers. In cases: A grade large 37c; A medium 32c; small 23-24c doz. , Live poultry: - Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to i lbs. 27c; fryers. J'i to 4 lbs. 28c: roasters over 3'i lbs. 29c; Leghorns and colored hens, all weights 25c; roosters and stags 18c lb, ' , ...--il. -.. ,. -,- ). t Rabbits: Government ceiling. Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.: live price to producers 24c lb. Turkeys: Selling price to retailers: Dressed hens No. 1, 39i-43c lb. . Turkeys: Alive: - Government celling prices: Hens 42c; toms 36 ',:, dressed basis. : Onions: Green 80c-1.00 doz. bunches. potatoes: Old local No. 1. 3.50 per cental; do 2s. SOs, 1.25; KUmath No. 1 3.75: Deschutes No. 1, 2.6S cental. : Potatoes: New California white 4.00 4.25 cental. : Country meats: Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 16-17c; vealers AA 22'4c; A 21c; B 19-19 c; C 15 17c; culls 12-15c. Beef AA 21ic; A 20c; B ai,c; C 14c; csnner-cutter cows 13-14c; bulls, canner-cutters 14 1434c: lambs AA 20c: A 24'4c; B 22', c; C l0-20c; ewes FS 13',c; medium 12c; Rjl,c i . . Wool: Government control. 0COBCHY PUME5 TWB BiO PLAN8 TUWAKP THg IWOV?TIN r99... 7) 90MI 0P THE SOY CANT HOLP 0NMUCM uoN&e wrrw- CA7E ... SCORCHY SMITH sorry smfso van op hel? J ytT...MAyfe I VLTsW Aal9 AifsslY I inM t"aW rrrw j. f CATCH OUB , ",' KtW6 PILOT fIN THE UtfKTNIN 9AW OUR OSOUNO CiSNAL ALL m$HfJLO0WNt& ONB 0 TUtMi'i THAT WfNT fC HIM THEN Hi UT OUT A THCUdM HE WAS HEAOiNd . era ui 0 J I -bw w r B ,!... THAT IS OUR I LAST SATIOM OP PLASMA, COLOMKL.THty-0 BCTTER i MAKI ITSOON...O IT SECRET lrASGWRCAt4T BARNEY GOOGLE HNNfT SEE WOE , UER FEfiTHER 0" NO V.0MG bEAK ME60t40VJJ,BUT VFiWiECPfTCHEE N0V)VU U CMOPXWUECK- 6T Y0RET0C BLADES Na. OOT'M tvW PUViKlM HA0, C CsjM. KtRfl yiaM SysseVcjMa leL, VmU tljjftss) tsssWVttl 1 - Lf WONT SAVBSDU, BULLV gov MICZEY MOUSE : OCXS) aav -w' 1 f tji t vi Oft 144. Waft Dmt MmmI WwW ' Srw 1.. 0.I, t i ' I I WW AXAsl BLASTVD MVENASk TUP?) SO ST1CVED ME TO TWErTrresTsWTE THIMBLE THEATRE md Ado fkjrwn w-w stay Jffm KFOUNCEr-- W ' tiA si f r ri i I DISCOVER THE FIRE ZERO DID! m Mssaf'naaBBssi a aV IITTLE ANNIE ROONET ZERO WAS BAR KIN AM WHEN I LOOKED OUT THE HAY WAS BURNlN'iTHENI yelled'fire? fire! J ! ..- - ). I DID YOU SEE ANYBODY NEAR THE .FIRE? YES, A MAN RAN AWAY. IT WAS SO DARK I I COULDN'T SEE HIM VERY WELL I SORTA TH0U6HT OF HARO CIDER COLLINS' BUTITCOULDNT HAVE BEEN HIMaUSE HEOWNEOr THE HAY. T 7 T" nisNTRyiNO I jBUTTHEylLHAhDYaJFOR V" I TO CATCH ME.' NOWlU. GO KILUN&THE POW RCERi - I cant sax MycLAJM r weU. to asset Hiwi 1- -i ; : WITH DUDE HOLDJN' j - FIX J ' "T. j , ; mWfeVVHYINEEDVOUR ) FATHER? VELPINOW I USTEN- J n i ' IWf !' J t i. 'LlILi .JLLilD W06L Sine!es tiJ Doubles U.o'O May be used for saddb blankets, Upestries and rujs. , 173 (3 Iiiicrly dag 13wim Cascara bark: 1944 peel 20c lb. - Mohair: 1942, 12-month 45c lb. i. Hops: Jfonrtnal contract 4944. S5c up; 1245. 75c; 1846, 55c; 1247, 50c lb. f . Hay: Wholesale prices nominal: Al tatfa No. 2 or better 34-35; oat-vetch 26 ton valley points; timothy (eastern Oregon) J5-34 ton; clover 24 ton; mon- tana grass hay No. 1, 33.50 ton. T' Portland : Livestock PORTLAND, Ore. June t, i-AP ( WF A) 1 Salable cattle 2000. total 2100; calves salable and total 450; around 325 cattle and 60 calves held over; market uneven; limited supply good choice fed steers steady-strong but some unsold: ' good cattle 50 Cents to I. 00 or more below a week ago, 'dairy type off most; many unsold; few loads good fed steers 13.2518.25: one load choice 17.15 for a new high this year: , common-medium grass .. steers mostly 9.50-12.00, few to 13.00; mixed steers and heifers up to 14.73; some fed heifers held higher; common-medium - grades 1 8.00-12.00; canner and cutter cows i 5.00-6.50; fat dairy s type cows up to 1 7 JO; medium-good I meat cows 8.50-12.00; bulls 50-75 cents low er; medium-good 8.50-10.50; ' good Choice "vealers weak at 14.50-15.50. ( Salable and total hogs 3500: market slow; steady with Friday; carloads 50 cents under a week ago; good-choice 170-270 lb. loads and 180-270 lb. truck ins 13.75, many unsold: weights above 370 lbs. 12.00 down; light lights .,10.00- II. 00; few 178 lb. 12.50-13.00; good sows 6.00-50; light weights to 9.00; . choice feeder pigs strong to 25 cents higher at;.50. ;. :-' i Salable sheep 1500, total 1800; spring Iambs steady to 50 cents lower; old crop lambs and ewes steady-weak; good choice spring lambs 13 50-14 00, lew 14.50; common-medium 9.50-12.00; common-medium shorn, lambs 8.00-11 M; good ewes 3.50-4.00; common down to f29- ! ' ; ! . Portland Grain t PORTLAND, Ore, June 6,1 (AP) Wheat futures unquoted. f i Cash grain? Oats No. 2-38 4b. white 82.50. Barley No. 2-45 lb. BW 49.50. j Corn, flax, -cash wheat unquoted, i Hard red winter: 12 per cent 1.62; Others, unquoted, i I Hard white Baart: 12 per cent US; Others unquoted, i ' , Today's car receipts: Wheat 51, bar ley 3, flour 19, corn 1, oats 10. mill feed 17.i , i Stocks and Bonds June STOCK AVERAGES 20 Tuesday! Previous day Week ago i. . . . . ! i monui ago Year ago . 1944 high . 1944 low BOND AVERAGES 30 . Indus Tuesday' ,..89.4 Previous day ...90.1 Week ago 90.0 Month ago su e Year ago 76.3 1944 high 90.2 1944 low ..r.-79.5 i 10 10 10 Rails Indus Util Fogn 73 8 27.4 36.6 53.1 -.73.S 27.5 36.5 52.9 73.3 28i 36.6 53.0 71 H 27 1 as 0 51 R .72.5 25.9 34.4 51.4 73. 28.4 37.1 53.4 .69.1 22.9 35.1 49.5 15 Rails 105.0 105.1 104.9 104.7 105.3 105.7 104.7 15 60 Util Stks 106.3 66.6 106J 106 2 106.0 103.7 106.4 104.7 66.4 66.5 65 7 59.6 66.6 63.2 Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING ,: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Executor has filed its Final Account and Report in the Circuit! Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, in: Pro bate, and that Friday, the 30th day of June, 1944, at ten o'clock A. M.1 at the courtroom of. said court in the courthouse in Salem, Oregon, has been set as the! time arid place for hearing objections to said Final Account and, final settlement of said estate. i First publication, May 31st, 1944; last publication, June' 28th, 1944. ; THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) ' Executor, Estate ,of Mary Etta Breckenridge, deceas ed. My-31-J-7-14-21-28. il Donald Gets Farm Con 17:: V.;-;- 1 ' X, - .', -n 14 The ,. Donald - Fanners. Union Warehouse filed articles of asso-. ciation with the county jclek's; of fice "Monday. Membership in , the cooperative association is limited to those persons actively engaged In the production f farm pro ducts, who are members in good standing in the Oregon division of the Farmers Educational and Co operative Union of America. The association is organized Without capital stock and membership fee of one dollar is to be paid by each member upon' being accebted to membership. ;. ;.'.!. "1 , ; ;; According to the article! 'of as sociation, the purpose bt the' as sociation Is the marketing, pro cessing, grading and ' stdring of farm products for 'its members, and also to operate such factories, processing, , packing and I storage plants as - are ' necessary for the proper handling and marketing of these products: It will; also pur chase and sell to its members all kinds of farm and household sup plies and equipment, and act on behalf of its members in jthe bor rowing of money, j Alt activities are to be on a non-profit basis, cooperative in character j for the mutual benefits of its members. Ralph Yergen, Roes R. Mitchell, C. H. Coyle, Eilian W. Smith and Walter T. Smith filed the articles of association on behalf of the warehouse, which is to be located in Donald. ii.il!;--,.' Egg Breaking, Helps Storage, WFA continues to buy . eggs to maintain markets 1 and conserve supplies, and breaking and freez ing of purchased stocks : is now underway. Graded eggs are being bought under the carload buying plan started in j February, with current receipt eggs purchased by government designated buying agents at a producer price of 27 cents a dozen, 1 cent higher than the support price before May 9. Freezing not only perrhits hold ing supplies for indefinite periods for conversion into dried eggs and other uses, but alco saves consid erable storage space three cases of frozen eggs, equivalent to about three cases of shell eggs, stores in the space required for one case of shelled eggs. Since the beginning of the carload buy ing plan February5 27, i approxi mately IVz million! cases ' pi eggs have been purchased by the gov ernment. . j j j: Resident Reported Seriously 111 ; j PERRYDALE H. A.; Lee has been seriously ill With heart trou ble the past seven j days. ; Compli cations have added to his suffer ing and left him almost helpless, although early in I the- week he was reported somewhat im proved. " I Crossword I111LI6 ILlli "-.. ;! ;-:t W- .; -j 1 'v -'4m -mm -m 11 2WS WL 11 47 . 48 50 51: L L -Mil 57 58 222 59 60 I'' m 1 1 I 1 M 1 1 1 -y-'M .2 7 , "4i V - '-' .. ; i.3 - , r Phil Silvers, Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly dance Joyfully to Jerome Kern's hit melody, "Make Way for Tomorrow." la the closing mo- meots of Colombia's technicolor musical, "Cover Girl,? coming ; Thursday to thrill audiences at the Elsinore theatre. Featured In the large and brilliant east are 15 of the nation's loveliest cover girls chosen by a like number of magazines as their Ideals of beauty. Companion feaure on the program Is "Black Parachute" with John . Carradlne. ' ; "j -.tlj.-v w : " - '...- Legal Notice " NOTICE OF PROMOTION EXAMINATION . NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN that a promotion examination, subject to the rules, regulations and provisos of the Civil Service Commission of Salem,? Oregon, will1 be held at the City Hall, Sa lem, Oregon, on June 14 1944, at 9:30, o'clock a.m as follows: h FIRST AID CAPTAIN-i-j Salem Fire Department GENERAL SCOPE OF EXAM INATION, in addition to physical examination by the city physician, will include general advanced first aid. I iV . SUBJECTS OF EXAMINA TION and RELATIVE WEIGHTS of subjects on a scale of 100:; Written examination..i.4.56 Demonstration of Skill....l.45 Experience and Ascertained Merit . . -J.L.4. 5 PAY: One Hundred Ninety-one and 50100 ($191.50) Dollars a month. i-'ii- - EXPERIENCE: Not less than three years continuous service on the Salem Fire Department force under Civil Service appointment. Candidates who have been sus pended will be penalized in the ascertained merit and experience score given. I t , Applicants must be able to ex hibit current certificate" showing they have successfully passed the Senior Red Cross First Aid. f i Applicants Who are placed on the eligible list will be required to. take a physical examination from the city physician before; appoint ment Poor health or disabling defects reported by the city physi cian will be cause for removal from the eligible list. I APPLICATION BLANKS may be obtained at the Office of the City Recorder, City Hall; and will not be accepted for filing after June T, 1944, at 5:00 p.m. . DATED at Salem, Oregon, this 29th day of May, 1944. -CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION By: ALFRED MUNDT, Secretary and Chief Examiner, j fi June f 3-6-7-8-9-10. : HORIZONTAL i Ldin j (.English i - ' manuafctur tag city 11. Shell-hurl- - tag device 12. mistaking ' -14. nearby i . JL3. gazing fixedly 17.manf . ,..v nickname ; -. iia. falsehood , . 20. Egyptian goddess . . JL North. Amer. : lean rail &Rornaa . ,. ' : cloaks . 23. fruit of eer- - tain trees ' 27. short for r s Edward . ; : 2$.Breath . . " through the . " noso . , 29. sketched ' 1 31. symbol for - .'- glenium 31 navigate i 34. Grecian , -. ' seaport 24. part of " - nobe- ' 38. starrer 43. w&sts matter 45, river In Scotland v 4. growing out 47. poker stake 49. bellow - 51. female ruff 52. cent (abbr.) 53. shrinks in fear 53. symbol for iridium , 57. newspaper v; columnist 59. North Amer ican poplars : 61. flung 62. astral bodies VERTICAL L concept 2. alternativt ' 3. neuter v . ' possessiv ' v. pronoun 4. contented 5. epochs 6. spare time 7. sea, eaglo -i 8. units of work 9. prefix: two Answer to yesterday's puizle. S H CI IE35 'ltiliH N IN TIn HE -4 t Average time ef selstleat- 29 miss tea. Cist by King Features Eradicate, lac. 10. pitfalls l IL artificially I ! gerininated ' I grains 4 : tl3.ciekring- 1 16. skin of s i whale ; 19. Minerva's i shield . " -' 22. upon 24. in the ; distance 28. most 1 - r affectionate -30. exhauster1 -33. glancing -" obliquely S5.flyj .L,;-,.1f..: 36. exclamation v of sorrow i 3f. carnivorous vi - insect v ' 39. masculine i - i- name . , 41. beer mugs 1 42: prophets 44. point (abbr.) 43. unbleached . 1 muslin , 50. Turkish titles 54. hastened 55. mineral j : spring 58. Hebrew name i for God 63. symbol for 1 ertluav - ' . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is' hereby giveri that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Mil ton Arthur McClain, deceased, by the Judge of the Probate; .Court of Marion County, Oregon; and has qualified. . 5 -fl Any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present ' the same duly verified with proper vouchers to this administrator at Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, i f . Dated and first published . this 10th day of May, 1944. ill J, DEO McCLAIN, : Administrator. ; Victor Olliver, t! Albany, Oregon, f Ur Attorney for Administrator, My 10-17-24-31 J 7. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned ;has it been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of FRANK l LYNCH, Deceased, and that Letters of Ad ministration have issued to him. All persons h a v i n g claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same,; duly verified and with the prop e r vouchers, to the undersigned Ad ministrator at 285 State Street, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first; publi cation of this Notice, which: first publication is made May 10, 1944. . - T. M. HICK5 ? . Administrator of the; Estate of Frank Lynch, Deceased. First Publication: May 10, 1944. Last Publication: June 7, 1944. My.10-17-24-31 J.7. Irvin Schneider, Former j Pioneer Resident, Dies PIONEE R Irvin Schneider, who resided in the Pioneer dis trict for many years, died Sun day night in Dallas. Mr. Schnei der had recently resided in Dallas where he operated . a jewelry store. He leaves a large number of friends in this community. Mrs. Frank Windsor Now Convalescing SPRING VALLEY, June 6. Mrs. Frank B. Windsor is conval escing at her home here after a major operation at the Deaconess hospital. Her eldest daughter, Mrs. Leighton Holler of Tacoma, Wash., is staying with her until she is better. Mrs. Windsor wish es to thank all of her friends' for the many beautiful cards ' and flowers sent her during her illness. Home Food-Ereezing Demonstration Slated JORDAN VALLEY Linn coun ty's home demonstration agent, Miss Hansen, will demonstrate freezing of foods Friday morning, June 9, at Jordan community hall beginning at 10 o'clock. Following a no-hostess dinner at. noon she will demonstrate and discuss can ning. The interested public is invited. RATION CALENDAR i FOOD ' Processed foods Blue stamps AS through Q8 valid indefnitely. Blue stamps Its through VS valid June 1. Meat, butter, cheese, etc. Red stamps A8 through T8 valid indefi nitely. Red stamps U8. V8 and WS valid Indefinitely beginning June 4. Sugar Stamps numoer 30 ; and 31 good for five pounds sujir indefi nitely. Stamp 40 good for five pounds canning sugar until March 1. 1945. Apply at , ration board for more. ' 1 SHOES Airplane stamp No. 1 and No. t valid indefinitely. GASOLINE . - June 21- expiration date of No. 11 A coupons. May renew B or C cou pons within but not before 15 days ' from date on cover. Value of gasoline coupons: A. Bl, CI. 3 gallons: B2.C3.lt and T, I gallons. O. 1.6 gallons: E. 1 gallon FUEL, on, " Period 4-5 coupons good through September 30. Coupons with gallons printed on the face valid for amount indicated until expiration date shown on coupon sheet. Not more than 93 per cent of . season's rations should have been ud to date. Periodic Inspection of tires ended. Inspection certificates required in obtaining replacements.. STOVES Purchaser must get certificate at ration board for new stoves. WOOD. SAWDUST. COAL Fuel dealers deliver by orlorttfee based on needs. Order your 12-month supply now during temporary winter storage program. . - PKICE CONTSHM. Refer' inquiries and complaints to price clerk or local war price and ration board. Eggs Wanted Top Prices Paid I j Prompt Remittance Ship or Bring Tour Eggs to FRED IIEYER ; EGG DEPOT 331 8. E. Aider St Portland. Ore.- Some of ray coapofitori en going around to growers and dahnlng that I an. out of business. This Is not TRUE and U mUIeading. t ant sQlI In tho basins at thej am localion. 4S0 North Front Street buying walnuts, Cberts and nut moats. And I am in posiSbn to handlo'a larger , tonnago than over before, buying cask on deKvery. 't .-.t. v.-w. .. - .7 & , . T- ' -;; -, ' -i".i'.V Ilorris EIorfDinPcchiEg.Co. IZO North Front Street . Salem, Oregon .