The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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Dinner: and :
'Tea Hdnor:;;!,
. Attracting much, interest in
t the capital ' is the - annual, state;
'y conference of county and 'city
J - school superintendents and' their
- deputies. In their honor mem-
bert of Delta chapter of Delta
v Kappa Gamma,' national honor-
ary: for women 'teachers, enter- j
r! tained informally at - tea Tues
.'.day afternoon in' the recreation t of the state library. The
tea hour was from 4 to 5 o'clock.
Presiding at the tea urns were
Mrs. Rex Putnam, wife of the
state superintendent of schools,
and Mrs. J. M. Sehon, president
of Delta Kappa Gamma. Assist-
ing were Miss Matilda Gil is,
Miss Florenee Beardsley,- Miss
Elsie Bolt, Miss Joy Hills, Mrs.
. Carmelita Weddle, Mrs. Agnes
Booth, Miss Emma Hinkle, Miss
Margaret and Miss Carmelita
Barquist, Miss Edna Mingus,
Miss Clara Trotter and Miss
Henrietta Wolfer. a : , '
The tea table was centered
with a low arrangement of 'wa
ter lilies and ivory tapers. Miss
Joy Hills arranged the tea.
TonighrsTpicnic dinner is be
ing arranged for the delegates
and their families. . The affair
i will be held at Chresto Cottage
t on the Willamette university
campq. Games have been ar
ranged by Professor Lestle ! J.
'I Sparks to follow the supper. Ar
ranging the 8 o'clock dinner are
wives of the state department
of education including Mrs. Rex
Putnam, Mrs. D. A. Emerson,
Mrs, Vera D. Bain, Mrs. Lester
A. Wilcox, Mrs. Leon , Lassers
and Mrs. John Taylor. .
-A b a n q u e t, at the Golden
Pheasant on Thursday night
. will conclude the social events
i . for the three day sessions.
"Frances Duke ,
Is Honored
- Miss Frances Duke, bride-elect
of Mr. Howard I. Jackson of
; Portland, was the honor guest
at a miscellaneous shower Fri
day night when Mrs. Robert W.
Duke entertained at the John P.
Duke home. After an evening of
; games, refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Honoring Miss Duke were Mrs.
Mrs. Mildred Pugh,' Mrs. George
Aiaurer, Mrs. nowara Boomer,
' Mrs. John Pr Duke, Mrs. Charles
' Warner, Mrt. Mildred Neuens, ;
; 1 Mrs. Earl Warren, Mrs. Perry O. '
' i DeLapp, Mrs. Mable Buirgy, Mrs. I
R. C. Hunter, Mrs. Mavin Mc- i
' Clain, Mrs.' Bert ; Fowler, Mrs.
i E. H. Jefferson, Mrs. Sydney La
' ' yene, Mrs. J ean Manning, - Miss
-Agnes Bayne, Miss Betty Gene
; Simmons, Miss Amanda Schwa
'bbauer, Miss Lavinia Buirgy,
Miss Esther Hilmer, Miss Hester
Hillpot Miss Florence Ames and;
" Mrs. Robert Duke. s
- PEO Convention -.On
' Members of .PEO Sisterhood
" are Interested in the state con-
vcntlon to be held all day
Thursday in Portland at the
"Neighbors of t Woodcraft . hall.
Mrs, 'Ruth King of. Portland is
state president and will preside
- at the session.
Delegates from . the four Sa
lem chapters are Mrs. Lester
Wilcox, chapter BC; Mrs. A. E.
Robins, chapter G ; Mrs. Eric
Butler, chapter1 AB; and ' Mrs.
- William : H. Dashney. chapter
;-,q. -cy-:-,-
- ,' " i- 4
v Today's Pattern
i Tor. summer work and play!
Pattern 4759, gives you bib-top
overalls (long or: brief), .busi
nesslike shirt (with' or without
pantie feature), -r. x - . . . .
, Pattern 4759 in sizes 10, 12, 14,
1, 18,-20; 30,' 32, 34, 38, 38; 40;
42,'44,'Size lp, overaiir, yas.
25-in.; pantieblouse, J,ii..yds.
lrd . V DOTTN 'CZXT3: in coins
for tnis . paiteTriv : ins, urri
" statesman.-. Pattern -Dpt, Saiem.
Ore. - Write plainly SIZE: NAM
" TLH CT'TS more brings our 1944
-- nne Acam.i Spring l-aiiem tMo asv-to-make styles Free Pat
tern punted in book.
.: ft r a . ' ,
- V
- .- : '
rr s
k , rp U J-J,r
AT 1 eCl 1 liaay;
Informal affair of Friday af
ternoon for which Sedgwick .
Woman's Relief Corps were .
hosts at the YMCA honoring
department and past department
officers. Spring flowers were
used in decorating the rooms
and the lace covered serving ta
ble was centered with an ar
rangement of pink roses and on '
each small guest table were pink
rosebuds in crystal vases. Mrs.
Florence E. Shipp and Mrs. Sar
ah Peterson presided at the
urns. Assisting with the serv
ing and about the rooms were
Mrs. Gertrude walker, president,
of the corps, Mrs. Dora Pratt,
Mrs. Julia Gregory, Mrs. Fran
ces Hoyt, Mrs. Julia Abbott The
program was arranged by Mrs.
Golda Kyle. ,
The guest list included De
partment President Mrs. Marie '
Green, Department Junior Vice
President Agnes Lindall, Mrs.
Adele Gibbs, department trea
surer from Portland; Mrs. Gert
rude, Walker, department chap
lain of Salem; past department
presidents, Mrs. Minda Slatter
ly, Eugene; Mrs. Alice Turner,
La Grande; Mrs. Florence E.
Shipp, Salem; Mrs. Hattie B.
Cameron, Mrs. .Sarah Peterson,
Mrs. Bertha Loveland, Mrs. Ed
ith Hogg McCoy, Mrs. -O. H.
Horning, Mrs. Maude L. Hill
born, Mrs. Avis Perrin, Mrs.
Rose Hagedorn, Mrs. Dollie Pet
ersen, Mrs. Solon Shinkle, Mrs.
Leon Hanson, Mrs. Lottie Mc- ,
Adams of Corvallis, Mrs. Rose .
Garrison and Mrs. Jennie Wartin.
Diane Perry in
Recital Tonight
Diane Perry, 12 year; old '
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Perry, will be presented in piano
recital in the lobby of the YMCA
tonight at 8 o'cloc'k. She is the
pupil of Jessie Bush-Mick elson.
Assisting at the recital will be
Edna Marie Hill and Edward'
, - The program includes:
bp. 36 no. a.... ciementt .
Spiritoso tin paco adagio Allegr
Minmb S pn mi) Waltz Green
Le Secret Gauthier
Edward Struck '
Polonaise t. Bach
Told at Sunset MaeDowell
To a Wild Rose MaeDowell
Dance- of the Fairies -.. Mendelssohn
Mirtmb Leibeseried Kreisler..
Hungarian Dance - Brahms
. Edward Struck
Theme from Concerto No. 1 .
Menact m S- Beethoven
Shertntn". Breed. , arr. Thompson
Concerto m C . -, Kasschau
Salem friends -f Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Steele (Ruth Bunzow)
will be interested to learn that
they are the parents of a son,
Arthur, jr born at the Portland
Sanatarium on May 30. Mr.
. Steele is overseas', with the
armed forces. '
TURNER Mrs. Homer Hag
gard and, Mrs. Frank Parr com
plimented Mrs. Clara Gisse with
, a luncheon at 1 o'clock Saturday
at the home of Mrs. Parr. Mrs.
Gisse recently returned from an
extended visit with her son, Lt
- Fred Gisse'. ; Camp . Campbell,
Hopklnsville, Ky.
Those who attended were Mrs.
. George B rower, Mrs. -Raymond -.
Titus. Grandma Bait Mrs, Vera
. Waller. .Mrs. Mary Standley,
Mrs Lewis Kennies, Mrs. Jen
nie Tarpley of Scio, - daughter J
'. of Mrs. Gisse, and the hostesses.
Mrs. Gisse told interesting
highlights of her trip; she vis
i ited relatives in Minnesota, Ar
kansas and in Virginia she. vis
ited Monticello, the former home
of Thomas Jefferson near Char
lottesville, and many . other
places of interest. She will re
main in Oregon for the summer.'
. - For smooth kairfre legs. N-l
tieuna Cwif , . :,. .. -
i- . .. . j . ......,.
.5 t
- - . , Willetfs
Corner State and Liberty '
' Tnl)
iV 4
Soutt section, First Congrega
tional 'cljjurch, with .Mrs. Ada,
Elgin. 4? South , Qottag street. i
t'M. p.m . ;
Stt FaUA's Guild and auxiliary!
meet wit$ Mn: FrankH. Spears.)
sr.. 1309 themeketa street, 3 pjn.l
GAR; ibusinesg meeting at
Royal iNeiKhbor sewing club.!
witti Mc. Sarah Peterson. 233
West Wilson street, all day. with
covered citsh. noon "luncheon. !
WSC4 West Salem Method it
church j 30 p.m. at the parson-
age.5 -- f .! - - .
Pythian Sister. Fraternal tern
pie pini : :
ii . f i : : . !
Salem .General hospital auxil-
iary, mee at YWCA. 10 a.m. 4
Englewpod Missionary society
with Mrsi O. H. Chase. 1560 Mar,
keti streft. J. 15 p.m., Mrs. F.l
Yarhel leader. 5)
Womin-s Relief Corps aid so
ciety. in Mrs. Clara McDerbyj
J01S T8ate street, all day meet;
ing.'? luncheon. H
WSCS executive board meet at
First Methodist church 2;30 p.m.
- . . . J
University of Oregon mothers
meet Mrs. Leo Child, 320
North ilith v street, ; one p'clock
luncheonl ; '
North Salem WCTU with Mrs.
Margaret Erp, 1380 North Win
ter f.sttte.1
Souilt alem WCTU. with Mrs.
Td Risell. 2093 South Church
street, -12 jlP-m. ;
Altiijnae Group;
Entftained 1 1
MtSt j( hn Dickinson of Inde- i
nenrl(n! entertained the AlDha i
Gamma; Delta alumnae Monday i
night at jher home. Specials
guests Niere Mrs." John Pfaff,..
Mrs Majme Holechek and Mrs. ;
Robert sloiechek of Texas. The
president announced the alum
nae 5 tooki second place at the
Spinste table display contest.
Alaesupper was served by :
the hostess. with Mrs. Pfaff as-;
sisting. j The ', table centerpiece
was of white snapdragons and '
Attending from Salem -
were Mii. Herman Jochimsen, -
Mrs; Francis Smith, Mrs. Estill
BrunJclMrs. .Calvin Kent, Mrs.
-James T4jnbuH and Mrs. Stuart
- Thede. i; . J - ' ! k,
-;! til Pi-:i - -'-'
The Masses Jane - Yonnr, Je-,
anne Foster, ' Jane ; Acton, Betty1
Zo Alien! Connie Cocking, Mar-;
ilyn . A r ch i b a 1 d, Pat Brown, (
Marilyn J Carson, Mrs. Eugene
Foster arid Mrs. C. Carson are
spending! the week at Nelscott
WOODBLRN ; At a beauti-1
ful candle-lighting ceremonial in
they library club room, Wednes
dayifnighi. May 31 the Junior
Woodburh Woman's elub install-:?"
ed the rtcently elected officers
" for ' the fiew club ; year. Guests .
pf the' evening were the senior
club and jthe Camp Fire groups,",
which are sponsored by the jun-
ior worpen. . i ,
' A: past . president's pin was '
presented : to Agnes Maricle,
whose year as Jclub executive is"
completed. j I
The new officers installed were
IJvelyn Paulson, president; Elea
nor (Wopley, vice president; lone
. Schooler! second vice president;
lone Renn, secretary! Lillian
MacGonegal, ' treasurer; Agnes j
Maricle and Verna Herr, direc-
' tors - 1 1 I ' ' J ,
A crystal bowl of Cecil Bruner
i roses and, lighted tapers centered
the refreshment table. Music for
the -: processional was played by '
Leona Fallon, who also contrib
uted tb j the program. Elaine
Steel and Patricia gave piano,
solos, jj ; , : ;:V .- j
WOQDBUJtN The summer
. activity- pf the Junior Woman's
club will! center around the Rus
sian relief program. Mrs. Jess
Fallon tand Mrs. Leslie Paulson
have been appointed key women
for the', drive for clothing. Plans
' are not -yet perfected, but will
be announced more fully soon.
Members of the women's clubs
. and: all interested In contributing
.." to the 'drive are urged to listen
.to. the j special broadcast to be
given (fer KOAC at 2:00 p.m.
Friday 'afternoon, June 9. ,
.iilena Rubinsttirfs ntv
1 i-LLl CJ
.1 .
i si" "
Helen Rabiasteia's brand new .
lormuia M cream mm m,
gires yentlrp a silkv texture,
a 1 olden tint Come a a
tube, appiiei
to 20 ;rha"
5 f
Ll anntiM easihr. Lauiralent
f to 20rhka" 1J0O
. v '
". :
Phone 3118
... s. .
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" .9 - X la.
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Ceremony- -
neaa ai
" Miss Evaline Woods, daughter
. of Mr. and Mrs. Earl . Woods,' and ,
!- Mr. Robert l Youngberg, son of
Mr. Mrs. ,p. .B, vYoungbert
I of . Arlington,-,-Calit; were mar
I, ried at a -pretty ceremony-'Tueg-
day night, at . the. Seventh Day
, Adventist .church ". at' 8:30 o'-
clock- Elder G. W.'. Chambers
, officiated. . r . ,. '
-"Mr. J. Henry Adams,: uncle of.
n the bride, sang -. wAt . Dawning" :
and "When Song .is Sweet and
- Mrs. John Wagner sang Pro
l mise - Me." Miss Alberta Mae
? Dale was the organist
The bride, who was given in
I marriage by her father, wore a
I white satin gown made with long.
sleeves and train. Her full length
I tulle veil . was" arranged in a ;
t coronet She carried a bouquet
i? of pink and white roses.
I Miss Earline Woods was her
; sister's maid of honor and wore
a pink taffeta , dress. Her bou-
il quet was of pink and blue sweet
i peas and blue j delphinium,
t Bridesmaids were Miss Madge
; Youngberg, sister of the groom,
j and Miss Alice Bresee, who wore
blue talfeta Their bou-
quets were pink : and white
sweet peas and blue delphin
ium. ..
Mr. Eugene Hamlin stood with
Mr. Youngberg as best man and
ushers were Mr. William and
UlJUCf Alii T VI IIV1I U1VI 11
William. Sample. . I
Mrs. Woods chose a navy blue
ensemble with white accessories
for her daughter' marriage. Mrs. '
Youngberg came north " for her
son's wedding and she wore a
navy blue outfit Their flowers
were white roses, j
A wedding reception was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Neuman. Assisting were
1'iss La Von Olds, Miss Louise
Boyce, Miss " Karen Van Den
Bosh and Miss Willetta Sample.
Miss Dorothy i Hoppee was in
charge of the gjjestj book and' in
the gift room was; Mrs. James
Hunting. During the reception
Mrs. Gilbert Wren jsang and Mr.
Fred-Hardin played numbers on
the vibraharp. f I 1 -
When the newlyweds left on
their' trip to the coast the bride
wore a brown wool dressmaker
suit and white accessories. The
couple will make their home in
Mr. and Mrs. Youngberg at
tended Walla Walla college from
which he graduated with his
minister's degree on Sunday.
Rebekahs Hold -Meeting
Salem Rebekah j lodge met i
Monday night- with 1 Mrs. Glenn .
Adams, Noble! Grand, presiding.
Four visitors were present Mrs.
Adams told of participating in
the Memorial Day parade end of
placing a wreath on the soldiers
memorial at the court house.
..Three link club was announ
ced for Friday afternoon in the
club rooms. Mrs. Emil Otjen is
planning the program for Good
of. the Order night the fourth
Monday in June. The dining
room committee was announced
as Mr. Emil Otjen, Mr. William
Cladek, Mr. George Henderson,
Mr. Alvie Burns, and Mr. Ed
Dencer. . - ; . ,J .
Next Monday evening is initia
tion night but as there is no can
didate it will be spent socially.
Mrs. Jar H. Stockman and
d a u g h t e r, j Evelyn, spent the
weekend in Astoria with Mr.
Stockman. He Jeft for the coast
city last week where he has
opened . his law practice. . His
family Will join him as soon as
they find a house.:. ,- "V;
1 . 1 . ' ' - 1 . 1 ,
.."'T i I-i-r :.i t 1 ii I .
Kitchen iWall Type Fang: Rubber covered con-,
txol. cord 4-bIadcdJfan; 2 adjastabIc;loikver8.
1 -year guarantee. Will fit any standard window
10 o6 mcnes wiacs.
Fan ;Siz
155 N. Liberty
Oregon. Wednesday Morning. Jun. 7. 1941
What they're doing about it-
. -There is 'bne more woman to
help "Keep" .'enr riyihgVnbw that
Miss' Mary ;B. Lowe of Salem arid
J. A. Woods of Corvanis, ana is
a -newcomer tot the Northwest.
haVing cbome-from Aklahoma. :
I- - 7. - - . . ' V: t "
t HiL faV fl ioin mevadminis-"
in me, Air r orves auss uuwe
' tratlve field at" in. airbase of her
-kw' tUim'enMA
r i -s;J t twmsi;;. "
' I6wa She plans to leave for Fort -
fU.- Wninp intwow!la.X . .
Des Moines in two weeks.
- '
t Air Wat Private Ruby Mc
Kenzie, who was recently as
signed to the Air Transport Com
mand and, ! stationed at Fairfield
Suisan Air , Baase in Fairfield,
Califoi-nia, has returned to Salem
'. on a three day pass to attend the
graduatior of her son, Richard,
from: . the West Salemj grade
'school. When her superiors learn-,
.ed that her .son was to be grad
uated tonight, they insisted that
She take the pass to attend the
exercises, even though she is a
newcomer at that airfield, hav
ing just ! completed her basic
training at Fort Des Moines,
Iowa. The; Air Wac Private is the
Wife of M. William Robert Me-
; Kenzie of 1067 Ruge street, West
Salem,' and is the mother of
Warrent Officer W. R. McKenzie
also of the army Air Forces and
. stationed at Waco, Texas.
''i il ,! t i
Pianists to Be
In Recital
Willamette fmiversity College
of Music is presenting Miss
Xouise ; Wrisley and Miss Yvonne
. Mozee, pianists, in ! recital ". to
night at i o'clock at the music
hall on the campus. The artists
will be assisted on the program
by Mr. cjorydon Blodgett bass.
The interested public is invited
to attend j the recital.
The program is as follows:
Theme Husse L Rachmaninoff
Misses i Wrisley and Mozee
Etude : Chopin
Valse Romantiquc . Debussy
prelude D Malor Shostakovitch
'1 Miss Wrisley
leh llebe Dlch ..... Beethoven
Nature's Adoration .. . Beethoven
n lacerato Spirito (from Simon.
Bocanegro) . L Verdi .
Mr.: Blodgett
: Barbara Diefendorf. accompanist
Toccata rroberger-Bauer
HU1 of Anacapri . v Debussy
, Prelude C Minor ; Gershwin
Nocturne ., Hale
Etude C Major
i i Miss Mozee
. Liszt
An Important meeting of the
Salem . General hospital auxil
iary will be held Thursday
morning at the YWCA at 10
o'clock;- with Mrsr William Burg
hard the new-president pre
: siding, hi . j;. - "
shower was held Saturday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs.
Ross C- : Miles, , honoring Elea
nor Stroud. A dessert luncheon
was served to Mrsi Ray :- Pem-
berton, Mrs. Bessie Cooper, Mrs.
Ray, Barker and Mrs. Lona
Barker, Mrs. .Myrtle Patton,
; Mrs.'- Burton Bell Kappy and
' Mary Elizabei, Miss. Mary
.Laughlin, Mrs. John J. Trach-.
.sel, Mrs. Ruth Chapman, Mrs.
i Sara Wilcox, Mrs. Halbert
I Kemper, :. Mrs. Robert . Dann, 4
i Dorothy Dan, v Mrs. Esau, Eve
' lyn Esau, Mrs. Kenneth Wil
. liams, .Mrs. Joseph Silver, Mrs.
' Rathjen, Dorothy Rathjen, Mrs. '
j Mary Cammack, Howard Cam-
i macK, nars. marj jaexi, tais. r.
C. Miles, Mrs. Alice Edmund
son, Sallie j Edmundson, Mrs.
i Carl Pemberton, Mrs. W. K.
Rush, jr Mrs. Everette Shroud
; and honor guest Eleanor Stroud.
Miss Stroud is leaving this
: week, accompanied by her fi
ance's grandmothers;! Mrs. B.
: C. Miles; and Mrs. Mary Bell,
for , Williamsburg, .Virginia,
. where she , Will, exchange mar-
i riage vow . with "Rodney " R.
: Miles. Mr. I Miles is connected
; with the civilian public service
in Williamsburg and is 'a son of
Mr. and .Mrs. Ross Miles.'1
Phone 3194
t SILVERTQIi.-- Miss Charlotte
Goplerud,: bride-electi . of Mr.
: J r M 1 n M m W
r-j -t
Lutheran church. Misi Gopleru.d
tne -flaugmer pi -oun
flnnlonirl tit SilvertonJ " .
-rz; zi i - .
: The-RevV M. J,
iw f unri wiu
read the douW.e inf
The bride will belgiv
given in mar-
riaee by her brother, Mr.' ?ohn
Goplerud, former 0 SUverton
and Salem, but now. of j Los
Angeles. She has chosen her sis-
ter, .Miss Inga Goplerud as maid
of honor ond Miss Dee Haugue: of
Tacoma, will be. bridesmaid.
Little i Carole J Marie Goplenid,
' niece of the bride jwill be flower
1 girl. Candle lighters ill beMiss
' Eleanor1 Briewick and! Mrs. Nor
man Burmark; of jTaroma.
Mr. Larsen j has chosen Sgt
Glenn Berg of Seattle as best
man and ushers, will ie Norman
Burmark and Allian Clifton of
Tacoma. ' - '
The wedding music will ; be
played by Miss- Peggy Goplerud
and Mrs. Leon Erickson of Ta
coma will be the soloist J
At the reception Which will
follow the ceremohy, Mrs. E. S.
Goodwin of Seattle, aunt of the
bride, and Mrs. E. Olseni, aunt
of the bridegroom, will; pour.
Miss Sylvia Haere will have
charge of the purijch ;bowl. Mrs.
Andrew Haere apd I Mrs. John
Goplerud, jr., will 'cut the bride's
y cake, J - j j .
Assisting about jthel room will
be Miss Clara . Tjerredal, Miss
Evelyn Tiircotte, Mrs. Mildred
Clifton all of TacomaJ Mrs. Nor
ma Hedberg of oocjburn, Miss
Althea Meyer, Mrs. Clifford Ny
bakke and Mrs. Raymond Reed
i all of Silverton,
Congratulations go j to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Heltzel on the
birth of a son, Charles Chris
topher, at the Salem General
hospital Tuesday! morning. The
little boy has an! older brother
and sister, Tommy .and Kathie.
The baby's grandmothers are
Mrs. W. W. Gabriel of Portland
and Mrs. James p. Heltzel.
Mrs. Charles A Spragne, Mrs.
C. W. Noble, Miss Albina Page
and Mrs. George; Rossman will
entertain members of : the
Thursday club at a one o'clock
dessert luncheon jon Friday aft
ernoon at the Sprague home on
North 14th street j j
Mrs. Frank Borllngham t en
-tertained a few neighbors at tea
Tuesday afternoon a her North
Capitol street! hoime fort the
pleasure of her mother, Mrs.
J. G. Weathers of Seattle. Mr.
and Mrs. Weathers are spending
a week at the Burimgham home.
I, j 41 .- - ! r :
The Sooth Salem WCTU will
meet oh Friday ati 2 o'clock with
Mrs. Ted Russell, 2095 ! South
Church street A program is be
' ing prepared. Mrs. C. W. Stacey
and Mrs. Winifred Stevens are:
assiting hostesses J
V i
Mrs, H. G. Maison, who has
been living in Sani Francisco,
has returned lo Salem and 1ias
taken Mrs. F. "A. iUiott'g: apart-
ment at the Ambassador ?for the
gummerr - ' j" I I
I ! -i; i ! 1
Mrs. Maurice Bolton of The
Dalles, is spending a few days
in the capital as the guest of her
sister, Mrs. John jJ. Elliott;
: - ...."j ! .;!..!..
$5.95 yaiues. Faine silk, suede cloth, jersey, f Black, Brown, Navy, Red,
-.1- ! Kelljr Green, Beige, Turf Tan Aqua, Capen Bine.
... - . . j -1 - - 1
Values to
!. t
;1C3 Spun
. . "if ?--! ' t
Ontiommissioii - 'f --fV "...
Ueguard Hired J Bid 1
Allen appointed Rholin ooley to
the city, planning commission
Monday; night to , replace. Lowell
E. . Brown,, whose resignation the
city council also accepted Monday
night , Mr.-Brown resigned , sev
eral weeks ; ago but his resigna
tion9 had not, been, acted, on until
the June, meeting; ' u
The council , also voted to hire
Miss Betty : Heidenstront as life'
guard at the city pool. for the
summer months.! S h e will be
hired at $100 a month for the two
and one-half or three- months
which the pool will operate.
City Manager H. C McCrea re
ported that the progress on the
Abiqua pipe line had been de
layed by difficulty In obtaining a
couple , of rights-of-way and that
bidders,' whose bids were to have
been opened Monday night,' had
been telegraphed: that this' would
Today s-Menii
. Those who have the distribu
tion of foods as their I responsi
bility want us to eat nore on
ions, so here's 'the day's menu
planned to include some: n
Green onion rand orange salad
Mea loaf j j (
New potatoes in cream
Buttered j asparagus i -Frozen
lemon torte t
- , ; 1
; cup vanilla wafe crumbs
3 egg" yolks, well beaten!
4 cup lemon juice I
Grated rind of one lemon
Y tsp. salt-. I
k cup sugar; - ' - I I
S egg whites, beaten stiff
. H cup evaporated milk,
; chilled ; : j
: Line refrigerator tray with
half the vanilla wafer crumbs.
Combine, egg yolks, lemon juice,
lemon rind, salt and sugar and
cook in d o u b 1 e boiler ! until
thick. Cool. Whip the chilled
"evaporated milk and add,' with
, the . beaten . egg whites, to the
.lemon mixture; Pour! over the
vanilla wafer crumbs I and; cov
er with remaining crumbs.
Place, in freezing .compartment,
turn temperature controls low,
-and allow to freeze quickly,
Serve in finger-width slices or
in squares. Makes six to eight
' portions. ' )"' ' 1
WEDNESDAY, J13NB T ,-'f . ni '-
St -Paul's Episconal Junior Guild
Catholic Daughters of America -SATURDAY,
JUNB 1 "i
, 1 to t Laurel Guild, i ,
k 4 to 7 Free Lancers, j ii
7 to 11 Navy Mothers Club. 1
to ll Credit WomeVs Breakfast
club. J .
11 to 1 B'nal.Brith lodje.
1 to 4 Ladies of North
granfe. v -! A 1
4 to 7 Eagles auxiliary.
i i ' - "
i. L
t iw 1 1 mnu ciuD. . f '
. DAR. : . ? ' I
' University of Oregon f Mothers.
Daughters of TJriten Veterans.
WSCS Leslie Methodist church.
St. John's church guild. ; -
Miss Marjorie BeetU has as
her house guest this week,' Miss
Mary Kay Dorris of Spring-
' field.'- . . .-jj i-
$1.95. Cotton mesh, cotton rib,
Thursday - -Friday - r
be postponed,) that they would be
notified of change ,in eloca
lion of the line . and ;- would b -asked.
to bid again. ,
.JTc L Blui "cityi.water; supej-
mterident, "wai, allowed tanaddi..
tipnal488 for "extras-work, during:
the past twb 'monthirMayof ;A1-J'.
Jen . explained'; thaiBlust I had
been 'doing a portion of the work
formerly done' by; Leonard Stro
ble, now in the navy. ' - v
The city council authorized s
Manager McCrea to purchase an; '
addressograph for the use of the
wafer departments Mayor! Reber
Allen reported that thenorthside
resident had asked him concern
ing repairs to ; thehrfcsvater ines
and that he had VeplieS that a
soon as they of ganttetTT district'
the city would discuss'' the re-i
pairs. - . h
Planner Conies' Ifome 1
terfield of the US Maritime ser-!
vice, arrived Friday morning from'
a west coast port where his ship
has docked on its return from'
south Pacific waters He will be
in Woodburn until about the first
of July, before starting on an-j
other cruise with the merchant
marine. He will visit i with his
wife and children at the Lyman
Shorey home, and with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Butter
field. ' I '
Teacher Has Surgery
WOODBURN Miss Mary Scol-
lard, teacher of the third grade
at Lincoln grade school is recov
ering from a major operation per-'
formed at the Deaconess hospital
in Salem. She was brought to the
Woodburn hospital Saturday to
complete her convalescence under
the care of her physician. .
Your handsome chairs deserve
the decorative protection of a
butterfly chair set Here's the
popular pineapple design easy
to do! i
' Butterfly chair-set combines
the practical with the decorative.
Pattern 852 contains instructions
for, set; stitches; list of materials.
Send ELXVF.N CENTS In coins for
this pattern to The Ore son States-'
man, Needlecraft Dept. Salem, Ore.
Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER,
your NAME and ADDRESS.
Fifteen cents more brines you our
New 3J-psfe Needlecraft Catalor
. .-. 133 ilustrations of designs for
embroidery, knituns. crochet. quUto.
home decoration, toys.
r 7&$w$n
cotton lisle.
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