The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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MM -.Willamette? Valley News
Reports From :
Are Observed
Macleay Grange and ;
Its Master Honored
At Birthday Party
MACLEAY Two events, the
44 anniversary of the organization
of Macleay grange and the birth
day of the master, Harry "Martin,
srj were celebrated Friday night
at the regular grange meeting.
A large cake centered the table
at , the lunch hour , with pastel
shades of spring flowers flanked
by tall tapers used as table dec-
During the lecturer's hour Ida
Hartley Tekenburg, only living
charter member, and first lecturer
told of the organization and first
grange meeting which was held
in the hall now owned by the
grange but used in that early day
by the National Guard. The late
Clara Waldo was the first master,
Old Songs on Program
Other numbers, on the program
were group singing of old songs;
a demonstration of the new pres
sure cooker, soon to be put on the
market and the correct use of the
new fruit jar rubbers to avoid
bad flavors by Miss Francis Clin"
ton, Marion county Home Demon
- stration agent; reading by Mrs.
C. A. Lynds. A discussion on "How
is the farmer going to avoid being
the forgotten man in postwar days?
was conducted by Mrs. Tekenburg,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amort; C. A.
Lynds, Willis GoUe W. A- Jones,
A, J. Mader, Mrs. Edith Wilson,
Among points siresseu writ co
. . . . i i . A
operation of farmers, no over pro1
duction of any one commodity
- and advertising of his products by
the farmer. : -
Richard Johnson was given the
third and fourth degree obligation.
Swegle School
Holds Picnic
SWEGLE School closed Fri
day with the children receiving
their report cards, and a . picnic
dinner was served to 1 the chil
dren and their parents at noon
Mrs. Nan I. Denhem will spend
the summer at her home in south
Salem: Mrs. Irene Castle at her
home on the Wallace road.
i - . - - . -
Miss Jeanne Dubuis will go to
Los Angeles to attend Viola col
lege for the six weeks term. Her
plans for the fall are not definite,
She is not returning to Swegle
this fall and two gifts were given
her. one from - the parents and
friends of the community and
one from the school children. She
has been at Swegle three years
has been active in 4H club work,
coached both sof tball and basket
ball teams, worked!: with the
Community club the PTA, and
. led " the vocal choruses of both
boys and girls at school. .
. The name of Joan Stark should
of i been given as the one play
ing the accordion solo at the
eighth grade graduation exercises
Instead of Nola Jean Zobel. The
names of Carol Garrison and
Jimmy Brandt ,should be 1 added
to ; the list of those graduating
from Parrish Junior high school
on Friday and both received first
Grand Island Folk.
At Amity Exercises
ence Rockhill and three daughters.
Myrtle, Lois and Iva and Muriel
and Nellie Ferguson and some of
the Delta Culp family attended
the . Amity Union , High school
graduation exercises held Thurs
day ; evening Miss ,Myrtle Rock
hill played ; the processional and
recessional. . r.
Russell Sargeant-'in the United
States navy training at Farragut,
Idaho was a member of the class.
His recent 15 day leave expired
before the graduation and he re
ceived his diploma at a special
presentation at school.
Sees Friend Graduate
. UNIONVAUB Mrs. Asa Nic
, la' , attended the McMinnville
high school graduating exercises
held Friday evening when her
friend Miss 'Ruth Lambright was
a member of the class.
Ecus Bcsissss - Fadcry Lccr
' ' . ';-": 4'' '- ' . , -
-We fit the correct insurance peliey to' year needs and' i
'y f' yew purse,:
, ; Expert and Dependable Insurance Service
Oregon9s Largest
: Salem and
123 N. Ccaraerdal
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The! Statesman's
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday ilornlng. June 7. 1944
Silverton Legion
Auxiliary Elects
SILVERTON Delbert Reeves
unit 7, American Legion auxiliary,
with Mrs.) F. M. Powell, president,
in charge, Monday night observed
Flag day as a program theme,
with , Mrs; Gladwyn Harare read
ing the history of the flag and an
original poem by Mrs. Earl An
dresen, Salem, president of dis
trict two, as an Americanism ges
ture, arranged by Mrs. Chiton
Officers were elected for the
coming year with Mrs. Maude
Price as j president; Mrs. Alfred
Peterson as first vice president;
Mrs. Gladwyn Hamre, second vice
president Mrs. John Demas, re
elected secretary; Miss Ina Har
old, treasurer; Mrs. Ernest L. Starr,
historian;! and as members of the
executive; committee, Mrs. Clif
ton Dickerson, Mrs. T. P. Heiden
strom and Mrs. Zanta Hutton. The
sergeant-at-arms will be elected
Mt. Angel unit was invited to
attend as guests at the Monday,
June 19, meeting, with their team
to initiate new members for the
Silverton j unit Mrs. C. J. Towe
will serve as program chairman
for the occasion.
Ten members of the unit served
with the 'Red Cross blood donor
service unit during last week's
visit to Silverton.
A special guest was Mrs. Wil
bur Goodall who accompanied her
husband to the joint meeting with
the post, when special honor was
paid SSgt. Goodall who is cited
for 25 missions over Germany and
numerous other honors.
Mrs. Jim Black and Mrs. Lewis
Hall, constitution and by laws
committee, submitted a rewritten
article to! the unit which was ac
cepted. A; revised copy will be sent
the department headquarters.
A number plan to attend the
Marion county assembly at Au
rora on Friday night of this week
Granddaughters of two mem
bers, Mrs. Zanta Hutton and Mrs
C. E. Higinbotham, both born at
the local: hospital, were honored,
and their mothers, Mrs. D. H
Christenson (Julia Hutton) and
Mrs. Albert Canoy (Margaret
Higinbotham), will be sent cards,
Mrs. Jim Black sold the most
poppies. 4U0 is reported oy tne
poppy chairman, Mrs. j-nest u.
Starr. Fifteen hundred-poppies
were ordered this year, a substan
tial increase over that of last year,
Mrs. T, J. Roubal was reported
as having to return to the local
hospital, ias the result of a relapse
from a recent serious illness. She
will be remembered by the unit
Miss Ina Harold and Mrs. Jim
Black were social hostesses to the
post and! unit during the refresh
ment hour.
Hills, Minnesota
Folk) to Picnic
At Evens Valley
-t -
SILVERTON F ormcr resi
dents of Hills, Minnesota, will ga
ther Sunday at the Evens Valley
rural school near Silverton for
their 22nd ' annual Hills, Minne
sota picnic. The meetings were
organized by five brothers, Gil
bert, Helge, Ole, Knute and Sev-
ert Rue Ole and I. Brendo n
Conrad and Bernard Johnson and
the Egili Olson famliies, some of
whom came here over 40 years
ago. . ;)-. ' rr ,
Sunday's affair will be opened
with a basket dinner at noon, fol
lowed by a program and a bus
iness meeting when election of
officers will be held. x -
Present officers are Mrs. Bert
Rue, president; Bert Rue, vice-
president; Charlotte Johnson, secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. Iver Moen,
Mrs. Ole Brenden and Mrs. Clif
ford Almquist, refreshments; Mrs.
Hans Olson, Mrs. Albert Nerison
and Melvin Johnson of Wood
burn, program; Bert Rue, sports,
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dahl,
ice cream.
Swegle Residents
Hospital Patients
SWECLEP-John Marshall sr,
entered! the Deaconess hospital
this past week for a minor opera
tion, but will be at the hospital
severalj days. Mrs. Charles Nor
ton who has been in the hospital
for a major operation; was .taken
to her home this past week, r "
13 m- CHtTT
Upstate Agency
Marshf ield " i
- Salem - Dial 44C3
, - ...
qmmunity Correspondents
SILVERTON . Delfcert Refeves
postjj No. 7 American Legion, had
as special guest at Monday night's
mee ing, SSgt Wilbur Goo iaB,
whd afrived home from his firing
basi in England Monday anl s
wit! jifnembers of bis family, hs
wifi and small baby whom he
sawpor the first time on ariivl
home. feSgt. Goodall modestly ex
plained the significance of hislmf
dal citations which indicated be
hadjibefcn on 25 missions over Get
many fwith success" on these mis
siori s. lie will remain home for la
21-aajf furlough and is to be fn
Santa I Monica, Calif- after I his
homeil'isit. ' '
Qhlf one official contest is listed
in the nominations for the comirig
yealr with election of officers o
be ttt the June 19th meeting. That
is for Jlrst Vice commander whin
Charles Bayes and Jim Black! will
vie fr the position. Gladwin
Hat ire is yet unopposed for com
mander; E. R. Radcliffe, second
vic commander; Pat Grogan for
aajtitajit; Jonn uemas ior unanee
off iter'; F. M. Powell, - chaplain,
and Hans Olson, sergeant at arms.
Thei post voted to anvite th Mt.
Angel post as guests, June 19
E m. Powelk district two torn
maidlr, told of the Thursday
thrftugh Sunday Northwest di?
tridt rehabilitation conference and
seric officers school of the de-
pactment executive committee,
hem it Portland .the past week,
wrachs he attended and at which
the department commander, Dan
Mcpape, presided. Among out
stahdoig speakers was Mrs. Hubert
A papde, national vice chairman
ol irengDiuiaugn.
A ; letter of gratitude is being
sent Alfred Adams, proprietor Of
the Palace theatre, and td th;
Appeql-Tribune, for their inter
est! a4d Personal help in miking
the annual pet parade a success
Foar I hundred and sixty eight
young folk had a part in the pa
rade Friday night and were guests
the Adamses at a special show,
Saturday afternoon.
CliEton Richard DickersonJ cap-
Sl- - V I
tam 61 the Sons of LegionJ will
beikujfcst of the post at Boys State
at fCorvallis this month. I i
M. . . i p
Thj initiation team is organ
ized, fend under the direction 'of
IJhonvale Churcii
Wel Attended; I
Rroeram Planned
ONVALE Ninetyfeight
members and friends attended reg
ular Ihurch services held Suncfay
morning at Unionvale Evangeli-
cSurch. Plans were made and
urlittees appointed for the an
il Observance of Childrenfe' day
iday, June 11. .IE
'lahs are being formulated for
kly-Tuesday evening yodng
nps recreational activities dur
the i summer vacation I hre.
loimcement will be made later
the first meeting scheduled to
head about June 20.
i-; -
Jibfe McGrath Winl
Cup for Music
cGrath won a gold cup kin
primary division of the If 44
Ofegon state musical competition
ieEuyai aj ine ciosmg sessions oi
trie meeting of the Oregon tMifsic
Teachers association and Federa
tidn pf Music clubs, in Portland,
t Saturday night She played
o" by Beethoven, and "the
Elf and the Fairy" by Dudley.
The contest was Judged by Arth
Benjamin of Vancouver, BC
Janie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Keineth McGrath was eight
ytar old June 2. She is a pupil
ol Miss Margaret Hogg, Salem.
ACJMf llf
f j x - J - - , - - - - , : J IT
1 1
TKirty Attend
Bible School.
First Day
JEFFERSON Thirty children
were present at the first day , of
the ' Daily Vacation. Bible school
which started Monday morning.
The group met in the Christian
church for the devotions, under
the leadership of Mrs. F. Claude
Stephens, and then classes met in
the three churches with their In
structors. Mrs. Frank Chrisman is
in charge of the p re-school and
first grades and is assisted by
Viola Johnson. Mrs. C. J. Thurs
ton has the second and third
grades, Miss Helen Kins the fourth
and' fifth grades, and Mrs. Ste
phens the sixth to eighth grades.
Mrs. Irvine Wright assists with
the music and Mrs. C J. Thurston
is pianist. The school will con
tinue through two weeks. ; .
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wickstrom
of Ridgefield, Wash., were Sunday
guests at the home of their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kins,
and Miss Helen Kihs. Other mem
hers of the Kihs family present
during the day were Mr. and Mrs.
Sherman Hofstetter and frnily of
Pratum, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Stet-
tler and Donald and Caryl of Che
mawa, Mr. and Mrs. George Kihs
and daughter Carmin of Marion,
Walter Kihs of Scio and John
Kihs. All members of the Kihs
family were present except Mrs.
John Kihs and son David who are
visiting in Ashland.
Lois Smith, Barbara Miller,
Sara Margaret Hutchings and
Aleen Armstrong are enjoying a
week's vacation at the coast at
Pacific City and are staying at
the Marvin Hutchings cabin. Mr.
and - Mrs. Marvin Hutchings and
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Wright took
the girls to the coast. Miss Anna
Wright went along as chaperone.
Mrs. Vernon Wilson and four
children of Portland are spend
ing the summer with her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Don Davis and fam
ily. They came here to help with
the berry harvest, as well as other
seasonable work, during the sum
mer vacation.
Mrs. C. P. Oleman underwent a
recent major operation at the Sa-i
lem Deaconess hospital and her
condition is reported to be favor
able. She is able to receive visit
John Calahan of Jefferson un
derwent a major operation at the
Salem General hospital Thursday.
Homecoming to
Be Held June 11
LINCOLN The annual Lin-coln-Zena
homecoming picnic
will be held for the seventh coni-
secutive year June 11 at Mickey's
Grove at Lincoln, or in the house
in case of rainy weather.
Old timers, newcomers and
those of adjacent communities
are invited to attend. A basket
dinner will be served. between; 12
and 1 o'clock. Bring table service.
Catch motor bus at bus termin
al in Salem for Lincoln, at 8:30
or about 12.
Frank Munsons Hold
Open House at Zena
, ZENA, June 8. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Munson held open house
at1 their Zena home to welcome
their many friends and neighbors
to their new, modern , home, re
cently. . - j.
Assisting their parents, were
their daughters Mrs. Lucy Mae
Harris, of Portland, Mrs. Evelyn
Norwood, Salem, and Mrs. Mil
dred Herberger ' and Mrs. Ruth
Fritz of Prineville, Oregon. "Liter
a group of 25 relatives gave them
a housewarming. " - - :.J
WEKIf t, tmm- frmmtUf
bmau Mexican
, MT. ANGEL Mt Angel now
has its own Mexican settlement
small ijibst the real thing.,
i Through 'the application mt Fred
J, Schwab; manager ef the Mt.
Aagel , flar plant and the ee
operation et the farm labor
board,' ten Mexicans were Im
ported to help with the work at
tthe plant this 'summer. ' " -
The Mexicans, whe do not
speak English, arrived at ML
Angel last Wednesday, J are,
.housed at the plant and brought,
Into towi to eat at the home of
Mrs. John, IlertL-The arrange
ment hat been satisfactory thus
- ill! - y-'A . . .
The flax plant manager has
had previous experience with
Mexican j help, having had some
; of the Mexicans that were, sta
tioned at Salem help with the
flax last year. The plan has some
advantages as the men had to be
taken back and forth to Salem
each dayi This led to the present
plan. j ; ; l y
Schwab has acquired sufficient
command of the Mexican lan
guage to deal with the men.
H i
Held Friday
JEFFERSON The fifth annual
missionary breakfast r and pro
gram of the Woman's Missionary
society of the Christian church
Was held! Friday forenoon in the
church parlors. Members and
guests were seated around the ta
ble centered with summer flow
ers, guarded by tapers.
The program was presented
while at the table. Mrs. F. Claude
Stephens! offered the 'prayer of
thanks, j followed by the devo
tions byMrs. Ernest PowelL Mrs.
John Calavan gave a poem, "Oth
ers", during the devotions. Mrs.
J. W. Jordan of Silverton. state
secretary talked on the national
projects' Of the missionary move
ment. Following the program, the
new officers were installed by
Mrs. John R- Howard of Corval
lis, state president, at an impres
sive dedicatory service, with of
ficers grouped around, a cross.
New officers are Mrs. Marvin
Hutchings, president; Mrs. Frank
Chrisman, vice president; secre
tary, Mrs. E. B. Knight; assisted
by Mrs. Irvine Wright; treasurer,
Mrs. Eijnest Powell; World Call
and literature secretary, Mrs.
Guy Appperle. Group leaders
are Mrsi Stephens, and Mrs.
Charles Hart
Miss Sara Margaret Hutchings
and Miss Barbara Miller served
the breakfast. Guests were Mrs.
Homer; Davis of Salem, Mrs.
Swan, and Mrs. Jordan and Mrs.
Mrs. ! Katherine Warner spent
Sunday In Salem visiting at the
home of Mrs. Maurice' Mangia
and children.
Miss lora Vaughan has been
confinedj to her home for several
days because of illness. She stays
in Portland most of the time with
her sister Mrs. Ada Golden: and
came to'
Jefferson to look after
her property.
May Term of
Court SHort
ALBANY V- With a docket of
14 cases for the JUay term of
circuit court, only four of the cases
came up for j trial. The remaining
ten were settled out of court.
Of th4 four tried, one was for
forgery! one for possession of
stolen property, one for possession
of a guri, being an exconvict, and
the fourth for larceny not in
dwelling. In - each case the State
was th$ plaintiff. Circuit court
juries returned a verdict In favor
of the defendant in each case with
the exception for the one for for
gery. . !Tjris one the verdict was
guilty aKd the party was sentenced
to three years in the penitentiary,
HcDonald Candy Co.
444 S. Commercial SL
- Salem Distributors
Mrs, G)inwcll Honored
WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs. J.
Melvin Ringo were ' dinner i hosts
l JJ
1 ipi
1 f
GfUs BWfW Ughi..
..I 1.L : d
"ttW8a ""T l;.lar. or shadows . . . redws
ESilCK Him '
two 20-f-aw moiww
Men's Belts
some stol niekel
Choice of aroira w
She OKLT tire huflft with the
f Coring Twlc. m tey whh Ifc. rasJA V Dii.y. )
I R. 7.95, (i48 ( t Dairy Spray
I fy o iw sale Qj t j 'jr ;
I Here's a trim little cart to use in a hundred ways . I . I ' ,F?7 TJlSlI!
1 for haullns leaves. topMlL ferUllxer, ete..StoUy made I V aU baxsi laneto. Kon- ,
of hardwood, with three cubic feet capacity. Two poiaeiMua la jortiei warn , u
strong 10" wheels. -" ..:At Smi ? . i !;
' ' j'-. ' ' ' ' ' ' telleai Slse - (
all d and , t book Hoibnis are nc w
I jS-"" " ' "' i Com la ead Set W fVseh v '
I A Aeest the New D.P.A. I
strong SaraXock, Oma-Dlppad Cord Body; and sjaftttared
ConstTBcUoB for greater strength and longer sofloage,
Corner Center & Liberty:
Sunday to Mrs. BIngos sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fawk
of RickrealL . The occasion was
the birthday celebration pf ; the
. Cost! LSI to Us
as effleUn as tt's good looklngt
- It 60 eycl. AP .arreat Barn.
. -
Tire Istlosisf leasletlass
Buy thm
That Stays Safer
' Longer
: Iwltef AmorkaiUloaV
, Srast I Tiro Cdif6io -
fasoous ax-Orlp Tread; extra
' -iv Tit awsfi -r M I . m
M v'', mm jsasr-m nasi M M : i ' . V
' J Haadsono. saodark saap. 4 1 kalaalls) .1
H Brown slnalatod isatkoE. , 1 ZLum aulekly and eaafly. J
Kinsach width, i v iSarJloVa package I
hosts' daughter, Mrs. Charles
CornwdL who, with her husband
and their two little daughters,
Nancy and Judy, was honored, :
. 4
t uk. Tor '
trim and wire scrnlnf
DriM mlcx2y.
IsMacli aai 3UwA WW
Xeaps year heme eeeler la
summer, warmer la winter.
yUA. terms, rtee ostiaiaU.
X talk t4 w
These 9144
Screen Enamel
It Sun Classes
gate! 00c ?
if Carrescisntlaeolore
)l Solartx lenses ftlUr , out
f harmfol rays. , ' u
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