The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    ILdDtoll FfeYS DBPUCeffS Laclute
7i I Expense Bills
Centennial Luncheon, !f4ay '
The 100th anniversary . of the
JVMCA founding will be celebra
ted with a noon luncheon in the
Yi gym at noon. Dean U. G. Du
bach of Oregon State college is
. the principal speaker. f Participat
ing in the commemoration will be
members of the Kiwanis, Rotary
and Lions club, and Junior cham
ber of commerce who will dis
pense with their individual lun
cheon meetings this week.- For
those who with to make up at-
. tendance,5; however, -the Rotary
will hold a "round table lunch-
eon. Lions m embers win be
"wined and dined by their wives
at a Thursday night picnic at Par
' adise island.
Attractive summer dresses, bun
ftreds arriving daily. - The Smart
Parse Blisslng The purse
Salem, was either -lott or stolen! AwiVA
" It Didn't Happen Here After All
E. H. Showalter, SP&S BR su
perintendent, has discovered , that
the dumping, of gravel on a rail
road crossing did not happen in
Marion county after all. On May
1. he wrote Judge Grant Murphy
that a railroad employee discov
ered the gravel, allegedly dumped
b-r a county trader in - Marion
county, lust in time to save him
self and the train from a serious
accident. Judge Murphy had
thorough investigation conducted
and reported he was unable to de
termine where the incident had
taken place. Whereupon Showal-
ter's reply came in Monday stat
ing that the incident had not hap
pened here.
Shoo Woodrow's for new unpaint
ed book and wall shelves - and
chests of drawers. Also Willard
batteries, Kelly tires, Nason paints
and enamel, auto glass and Kem
Tone wall finish. 325-345 Center
street Phone 5558, Woodrow's.
Ler-Haalin Permits Th
county court issued nine permits
for the movement of logs over
county and market roads as fol
lows: Willard Benson, Star route,
Silverton; Albert DeSantis, star
route, Silverton; H. A. Dyer, box
13. Silverton: C I. Gale, 1178
Sunday afternoon while she was
visiting at the home of Mrs. W. Y.
Richardson, 315 North 20th. The
bag contained 1450 in currency, a
gold hunting case watch received
as a gift in 1902, and ration books.
Mrs. Richardson brought the mat
ter to attention of the dty police.
Mrs. Gilbert though f the bag
might have been stolen if she left
it in her car, or that she might
have dropped it after she left the
car. -
Clearance Sale broken lines of all
spring vcoats," suits and dresses,
Smart Shop. -" ;'--V.; . : ;
. -,, ... .;
Priests on Retreat Rev. T. J.
Bernards, pastor - of. St Joseph's,
Rev. Robert E. Neugebauer, pas
tor of St Vincent de Paul, and
the assistants. Rev. Bernard T.
McDonald' and. BeV. Louis Rada-
kowski, and j the Catholic chap
lain for the state institutions, Rev.
Daniel K. O'ConneQ, left Monday
night for the annual priests' re
treat. Rev. Lawrence Saalfeld of
Mt. Angel, who was ordained in
Portland, will be in Salem this
week while the local pastors are
attending the retreat at Portland
university. " "-;
' -
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 Soutb Liberty.
- Last minute expense statements
of candidates and committees re
ceived i here Monday, in connec
tion with the recent primary elec
tion campaign, aggregated 3845.
71, but made no change in the
amounts of money spent by can
didates for major offices. . - -
The, time for; filing these ex
pense accounts expired Saturday
but election officials accepted
those placed in the mails prior to
midnight A number of belated
statements arrived here Monday.
Revised figures indicated total
primary election campaign expen
ditures of approximately $124,000,
instead of in excess of $125,000 as
previously reported. For the four
republican candidates for United
States senator the estimated ex
penditures still stand at $27,420.-
47 for f Wayne L. Morse, $18,170.
15 for Rufus C. Holman, $24,420.
47 for Guy Cordon and $17,250 for
Charlei A.! Sprague.
Morse and Holman were can
didates for nomination for the six
year senatorial term and Cordon
and Sprague for the four year
term, i.
Expense accounts involving
more than $100 reported Monday:
Mrs.yGeorge T, Gerlinger, Port
land, for republican national com
mitteewoman, $147.20.
Richard Wilmot, Sutherlin, for
delegate to the republican nation
al convention, fourth district
$111.68. j ;
Mrs. Krueger Appointed Dea
coness hospital management an
nounced Monday that Mrs. Stan
ley Krueger, widely - known in
this area for 'her volunteer war
work and American Legion auxil
iary services, has agreed to take
the hospital's desk in fifth war
Irian hMHnnarfnt tr Th Vir
pital is sponsoring activities de-In (lloVCrdalc
signed to sell wortn I
war bonds for purchase of a hos
pital plane.
Pius Avvears
At St. Peters
A. W. Brown vs. Mariorie A. I
ROME, June S -JP Pope Pius Brown; order of default entered
XTJ gave thanks to God before an I for plaintiff.
enormous y crowd including eol-l f John N. Petersen vs. Eleanor
diers of the victorious allied Fifth Petersen; deposition of plaintiff
army in the square before St filed. ., - ..
Peter's tonight that Rome was Credit Bureaus, Inc. vs. Carl A.
spared the ravages of war. h Jackson; complaint seeking judg-
The pontiff also expressed I ments against defendant for var-
thanVff to "both belligerent part-1 ious small sums and interest there-
ies" for saving the city. His I on. j
words, delivered with his hands J W. C Gabriel vs. Evans Lum-
outstretched. ' brought prolonged I ber Co.; amendment to accounting
applause from the multitude.: filed in response to request made
Tt w nrhrm the ereateat open court, changing amount
crowd -gathered there sinceihis asked ry plamtuT from $8234.40 to
coronation. The assemblage tMW-M'
estimated at botween 250,000 and If Hope Bassettivs. Raymond H.
500.000 persons.' j Bassett full, final release rendered
v.i- i , .ftnn r A acn , wau, ana sausiacuon oi
.1 t- Judgment Signed by plaintiff.
w. v ,,T" a Quentini Rowland vs. Sarah J.
pope Would Ro1orddef4ente
v f Harold O. Jacobson vs. Milton
pm. Half ; an hour before thatU wi-jt
time a great crowd was gathered Unlnin Alnint frnm tnakin an
there and long lines of people Ifa distribution of claims of
stul were maiong tneir way u on creditors of Oregon War Wood
foot to tne oasuica. -
distribution to other creditort;
plaintiff sets up aimUar case of
facts to those filed by Harold Ja-
cobson vs. the defendant, -noted
above. ' H-ly-r.
Herbert L. Stiff doing business
as H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. vs.
Earl Miller; complaint for Judg
ment of $145 and Interest, amount
accruing from rental of hospital
C A. Williams Vs. Florence D.
Williams; - property - agreement
Davfenpprts Visit
Special meeting Pacific
-Lodge No. 50, AT & AM,
Tuesday, June 8, 2:30 p. m.
rurieral Brother Theodore Wick-
Fred Schifferer visited with rela
tives in Portland Thursday.
Senate Votes
Subsidy Ban j
WASHINGTON, June- 5-(jP)
Sweeping aside some administra
tion opposition, the senate voted
50 to 22 today to ban food subsidy
payments after June 30, 1945 un
less congress authorizes their con
tinuance through- direct
priations. 1 i
Senator Taft (R-Ohio), author
of the limitation,' said it would
give congress control over future
subsidy policy through the "pow
er of the purse strings. The bah
was attached to the bill to extend
the Drice and wage stabilization
Snell, who attended the recent
annn1 4wte fafaniia a e?TQ 4A ffnimr,
. a vr a - - s sT 1 " -
-xmxa streex, yyesi oio, nori at Hershey, Pa., win return
Minden Lumber Co. 2990 North k v- i a.
Schif f erer's . sister. Marie, who
has been in poor health for a long act for 18 months to Dec. 81, 1945.
time, is much better. Still to be considered was a
Mr ind :Mn. Rmrm Daven- hiehly controversial amendment
tort of -: TWImIa and Mn. Barton bT senator Bankhead (D-Ala) to I . . : ttt -nr
Snell Retmrning-Gov. Earl sledge of Scio visited Ust week force OPA to revise cotton.textfle taS 7Zt
workers, Inc.; plaintiff alleges the
Oregon War Woodworkers, Inc.
located in Portland for purpose of
manufacturing i products from
wood, executed to defendant an
assignment of all its assets in ex
cess or $4000 on Feb. 4, 1943, that
its indebtedness outstanding was of
approximately the same amount
that plaintiff is a creditor and
Stockholder in the company, with
claim of $2718.03, now unpaid
that defendant paid different cre
ditors at different times different
appro- amounts, thus lacking uniformity
that check for $271.80, designated
as 10 per cent of full claim then
payable, was issued to plaintiff on
June 24, 1943, i but payment on
check was stopped by defendant
who refuses to mike any account
ing, and that continuation ot prac
tices will result in' Irreparable
damage to plaintiff.
f David Harvey vs. Milton C.
Bristol; complaint seeks Judgment
of balance due him as creditor and
Cherry avenue, Salem (two per
mits issued); Claude S. Moomaw,
Hubbard; William Shepherd, Mill
City; and Ray J. Walter of Stay
ton. - ' : '
"Cyn" Cronlse Photographs and
Frames. 1st NatT Bank Bldg.
here today, the executive depart
ment announced Monday. En
route home Snell spent two days
in Washington, DC, with US Sena
tor Guy Cordon. While there he
conferred with federal agencies in
an effort to obtain an increase in
the forest fire protective appro
priation for Oregon this year.
at the home of their daughter, ceilings wun a view io uiung u
Mrs. Betty Drager and family, market price oi raw coiwn .wu
Mr. and Mrs. Davenport return- cent a pound, to parity levels.
ed to- Toledo the same- nicht with
friends from Scio, after spending Canadian AgaillSt
several davs here in the vallevi v5 .
with their children and families.; jRetllTn of JapS
$3267 M, and a complete account
ing; alleges defendant mailed him
a check for $362.79, representing
10 per cent of his claim, and men
Stopped payment refusing to pay
plaintiff, yet continuing to make
Gertrude Molly Cathcart vs.
Thomas Vincent Cathcart; divorce
decree awarded plaintiff, together
with custody of minor child, with
right of visitation to defendant
who is to pay, $7.50 per; week to
ward the support of the child, and
$100 court costs plus $50 in con
sideration of plaintiff I releases
certain property. 1;
Nellie Lauinxer vs. Lawrence
Lauinger; divorce decree awarded
plaintiff, restoring her former
name of Nellie Flood
Jane Harwood, ! a minor, by
Grace M. Harwood, guardian ad
litem, vs. James E. Overfield; rej
ply by plaintiff to ! answer of de
fandent denies each and every al
legation except as alleged and set
forth in plaintiffs complaint
Reva Martha Moberg vs. Car
Russell Moberg; ' divorce decree
awarded plaintiff by default; cus
tody and control of three minor
children awarded r to defendant
with risht of visitation to plain
tiff: defendant not permitted to
take children out of the state with
out ! order from court permitting
such action, plaintiff at an times
to he keot informed of where-
abouts of children; property
agreement made by couple Cld
with court. .
George F. Daily ys. Thelma Se-
lina Daily; order entering default
of defendant
Tmi Banner vs. Harold Bon
ner: divorce decree awarded jto
J. N. Carroll vs. Robert S. Far
rell, jr, secretary j of state; cir
cuit and county court cost in the
amount of $23.80 filed by plain
tiff; amended complaint in. inter
vention filed by vmenne m. car
rolL intervenor. j " i
Alton L. Tato vs. rol N. Tate;
order of default entered for plain
Delores L. Morton vs. Vernon A.
Morton; order of default entered
for plaintiff.-; . pi
Josephine June Looney vs. Guy
Allen Looney; plaintiffs motion
to modify decree set fori hearing
tius afternoon at S p. m. before
udge George Duncaa 1 f; '
Cora L. Lanham and Thomas
E. lanham vs. Rich L. ReUnann;
motion for new trial argued on
behalf of plaintiff; briefs- to be
filed by defendant by June 8.
Credit Bureaus vs. G. W. Be-
dient; motion to declare automo
bile exempt from execution ai-
owed; car declared exempt
Katherine Fox vs. Mae Ivy;
case set for trial July 5 by Judge
C M. Page. i,r:;;vv; ;
R. Toliver vs. George Cw Peftson;
set for trial July 7, before Judge
Page. . --r:'W
Henry Palmer vs. Laura 21 Pal
mer; case set: lor trial June
before Judge Duncan. f . (
Traglio vs. ! Lukinbeal; ; set for
trial June 15 before Judge Dun
can. -'-'.A,- .' ir ';" 1
Changes Commissions Fred
Cast, for several years an em
ploye of the state unemployment
Claims fer 8 h e e p Allowed
The county dog license enforce
ment board Monday allowed
claims for 49 sheep killed by dogs
during the month of May as fol
lows: John W. Etzel,' Stayton, 8;
Herman Amort, route 8, Salem, 3;
D. N. Coin, route 5, Salem, 12;
rvMu W: Powell. star route, - St.
Paul, 2; Claude Boone, Aumsvilie, en appointed chief statistician
24. land actuary of the accident com-
Jeffersen Oiling of Streets niisskn. This is a newly created
Mayor T. O. Kester of Jefferson -
Mn. Williams Patient
In Portland Hospital
SILVERTON Relatives have
received word that Mrs. Alvin
Williams is a patient in Good
compensation commission here, Samaritan hospital in Portland,
has accepted a position as comp- Mrs. Williams was taken ill a
trailer of the state industrial ac- few weeks ago but had greatly
Cident commission to Succeed J. imnrnvWd. Lact week her randU
D.. Berwick. Berwkk, who served became critically ill again.
as compvroner since iwt, nas Th exact nature of her illness i
not known but a brain tumor was
feared, j " l ! . ' -
Mrs. Williams formerly made
her home at Silverton. Ludvig
has asked the county court to oil j Announcing reopening of Andy's Meyer and Miss Althea Meyer,
ihrM hlocks on Third street so
that two paved roads may be con
nected." The county will do the
work and be reimbursed from the
town's funds. The county court
will inspect the site today.
Barber; Shop, 182 So. High.
and L
See the picture exhibit by Ralph 1 mand,
r.tfford at Henry's. Things Photo- Monda
graphic, 469 State.
Car Looted While her car was
parked in front of her residence
Sunday night, a manicure et and
automobile tools were stolen from
it, Mrs. Lloyd Reinwald, 148 West in tne
Wilson street, has reportea to my
police. : : . , , ;;;t '; ; .'
Experienced waitress wanted. Top
good shut. Ace com. -
astal Trip State Civilian
Coordinator-Jack Hayes!
Col. C. Y. Bisenius, as-
hief of sUff, G-2, north-
tor, Western defense com-
who came to Salem on
from Fort Lewis, left
afternoon on a routine !
n trip through coastal
both of Silverton, are nephew
and niece of Mr. Williams.
Pensions Minister Ian Mackenzie
said today he would not continue
for 24 hours as a member of any
government or party which al
lows Japanese to return to British
Columbia. Japanese residents Of
this province were evacuated
Iran the coastal areas early ; in
Speaking before the biennial
convention of the dominion com
mand of the Canadian Legion,
the minister said "we want the
fruitiands and fisheries of this
Pacific coast .... for oar own bat
tling, fighting, enduring Canad
ian men."
Clara Crenshaw guardianship;
order discharging George Ei Fur
ber of estate; husband of ward,
James B. Crenshaw, has returned
to the state of Oregon, and alLof
property of ward delivered to him.
Harriet H." Durkheimer estate;
third accounting for period from
Jan. 1, 1942, to March 15,41944,
by Charles F. Mack, executor, lists
receipts of $8530.98 and disburse
ments of $2165.98, or a balance of
$8385; outstanding claims against
estate include Judgment of ; $19,-
000 in favor of Willamette uni
versity and accruing interest char'
ges; order for sale of personal pro
perty to liquidate indebtedness of
William F. Rogers estate; order
approving final account of T. C.
Gorman, executor ox estate; heirs
at law are Ella Maas, sister, Wash
ington, Iowa;! and four nephews
and five nieces
Clotilda DeGuire guardianship
report by Raphael E. DeGuire,
guardian, asks court to confirm
sale of real propeity to Evelyn
B. Halvorsen for $7500 through
broker who asks commission o;
$373. : - ' . I A '
Altha R. Carson estate; ap
praised at $322.50, $200 of which
is in real property, by Lester w,
Starr, Myrtle-N. Shelley and Ea
na Garfield.
ship; fifth annual account by Ev
erett Jt Morley, guardian, lists
total receipts of $6365.07 and ex-.
penditures of $6634, ' leaving
balance of $83023..
J. F. Hughes estate; ordtr ap
pointing Lyle J. Page to act as
one of three aDDralsers of estate
instead of W. S. Walton; who was
prevented from serving because
certain conditions had arisen.
Stella L Parker' estate; final
order discharging adnunistratrix
from her charge.
MAKXIAGK IJrarja3VvJ:;;tv;
Harry S. Stratton, 51, farmer;
May Marner, 45, auto mechanic,
both Port Orford. f . : .
Jerome B. Roshe, 42, farmer,
route 7; Lorena Louise Mock, 38,
housewife, 590 Locust, both Salem.
Robert Edward Robinson; . no
operator's license; $1 and costs.
Roy Herbert Pingel; no PUC
permit; $10 and costs.
Walter G. Harden; false swear
ing;; waived preliminary hearing
and held to answer to grand
Jury; bail set at $1500; committed
to jail on failure to post.
Ernest Maxwell Wflkins; no
PUC permit; $10 fine suspended
and costs paid.
Robert Elvert White; prelimin
ary hearing on morals charge set
for Friday. June 9: committed to
Jail on failure to post $2000 bail. :
Julius Pimental Tumbaga; no
clearance lamps; $1 and costs.
John Joseph Sheehan, 14$
North Commercial street; operat
ing motor vehicle while under in
fluence of intoxicating liquor;
pleaded innocent and posted $250
baiL 1 . :.
Beekman Hall, transient vag-
m a
rancy; SO aays, suspenaea on
condition defendant leave city- .
Glenn W. Willard, Albany; vio
lation of basic speed rule; $5 belli
Gerhardt W. Unrein, 853 South
Commercial street; violation of
basic speed rule; $7.50 bait
- Ernest Joseph Zuber, 1810 13th
street; reckless driving? $50 ball,
i Alfred W. Whitesides, route 9,
Salon; reckless driving and op
erating motor vehicle while driv
er's license revoked; $100 fine on.
both charges.
Lola Mae Bennett 1231 Franle-
lin street West Salem; disorderly
Lloyd Albert Morley guardian- ' conduct; $50 and 10 days.
. rnnrrn ill TXT IIMPM UTmJ n
plained The Fred Slug
Portland, was fined $5u
Multnomah county circuit
court liAst week on a charge of
failure to brand potatoes. The
charge against the company waa
pretenjea by the state agricul
tural oepartmem. The court re-
Albany's; Nursery
School to Be Moved
ALBA NY Albany's Nursery
school which for the past year has
been conducted in the social ball
of the ' Evangelical church was
moved this week to the Central
school ' building. Plans are for I
conducting the school there dur
ing the summer after which it is
hoped that some other building
more centrally located may be
obtained. Mrs. Robert Hocken is i
in charge of the school which is
for preschool children only.
nutted I $40 of the fine on condi
tion of kuture compliance with the Strawberries Ready
Farm Equipment T h e
county court - issued . permits to
George T, Rush, route 1, Gervais,
for moving a hay baler on all mar
ket and county roads in Marion
county. M. H; Robbins, route 1, j qj Tympany's Associated Oil
Turner, receiveu ptrawiuir station at Commercial and Cen
move tractors, baler end combine street5f reported to city police
over MR 35, 2, 32, 40, 41, 67, 88, Monday that a car driven over a
Statien Damased Bill Whit-
more, attendant at the Chevrolet
For Harvesting
CLOyERDALE June Norris
is planning to commence the j
picking! of his strawberries this
week, if weather conditions re
main favorable. He has a good
' '' '1aayy' ' '
Dennis Keller
- - a 1 - - w I - I grTTf fTBT wcucy
85 and 87; and over county roads curbing at the station had struck patch this year and hopes to be 1 2 -year-old son of Mr.- and Mrs.
9Z9, 924, szz .anu m.
wiclmaa '
In una dty- Sunday, Juiaa V Jeo
dor Wtckman- late resident of 0
North S4th street Survived by hU
wife, Mrs. Atiam Wfctanan of Mlani.
and a ton. Vtarl,rotr of lnrrwr.
Wash. Tuneral services wUl b held
TueMiar. Jfuna S. at S pJB-,
T. Risdon compaoy chapel, wim con
cluding services at Mt. Crest Abbey
mausoleum. - ,,
SI al seae s T "
Charles Sehmerber of Genrais. Mon
day, June a, at a If hospital, at
the age of years. Survived by htt
wife. MT- Joaeshina Schmerber oi St.
Loui. Ore.; a san, Loula Schmerber
Zl SC Louis. Or.; and two brothers,
one betef Julius Schmerber ol AUace
Lorraine. Member of the St. .Louis
Catholic church, the FairfWld sranfa
and the rarmers Union. RowwUl
be said at ttoe St. Louia Catholic
4 church Tueaday. JuneS. at S:S0 pjn
land requiem maas wifl be aaW at the
June Vat 11 ajn. Interment mBei
crest Memorial park. Ehrection et the
Howall-Edwards Funeral home (Waia-r-HoweU).
During. May comrhidln rites fojln
door care were held at Mt. Crra
Abbey MaiMaieum t Crematorium for
the fonowmsJ .
Ceorse ,C. March -'
Carlton A. Wyman
Ella O. MCCooia
Cress O. Sheldon
; Nora Ann Winkiey -Z ,
Harry F. HaMaman; -
Graea -Carolina Wilt-'- ""ST
2 Maria lespaclt '
Newton S. Smith
Samuel Ti Bruue -
Seth L.Whlte
John B. Rogrri
: Asa r. Dennett.
' We wish to express .our sincere
thanks and appreciation to neigh
bors and friends for beautiful
floral offerings, sympathy and
kindness extended in the death of
our son and daughter.
and oamaged the wall of a rest
room there either Saturday or
Sunday night Police also con
nected with the erring motorist
i narks indicating that someone at
tempted to jimmy a gasoline tank
at the station.
Beer licenses Issaed Lola Lar
son and Byron Davis received a
license to operate ''retail class A
and pkg. store class 'B' " permii
lor anu dty.-Cal P. Clemens of
fiubbard received a similar per
mit for retail "class 'B and pkg.
store class B.
to get them harvested
hi local help, if possible.
George !W. Kelley,
St, Salem.
1870 N. 19th
; iv;
J '1 1 I '
---'vftJV ijr
nn no rrsli TT I MM
mm -im lira,
GPftSlap Oiisox, 8-6
UP)- A two-run double in . the
eighth inning by tiny Dutch Pal
met enabled Fort Sheridan to up
set the i Chicago White Sox, 8 to
6, in an exhibition game played!
before 3000 soldiers today. The
winners were outhit, 10 to 7.
Kscuver your naby ne
oaajr wis aa mnch aa
(First Prise) of the
effarad for tba bast "Picture
Babies" of 1S44. It aaay a bra
win the Waakly Priaa a 1
Lafe -Shaa Hamd Painted Oil
Na abtttattoe
, Expenses; Filed Roy J. Rice, I
filed with the rnuntv Herk'a. nf-
. a A... - . I 7. " - -
oiuina oieien oevi.eAsper, fice expense account in con-i
1851 South 12th street, has re
ported to city police the theft of
400 feet of red cedar lap siding,
taken from; his residence some
time between May 30 and June 4.
Special hearing aid clinic includ-
nection' with his campaign for
county. Comimissioner in the recent
primary: election. He Indicates ex
penditures of $7.90.
Wife, Daaghter Here Mrs. Eric
A. Allen and six - weeks - old I
Ing free audiometric hearing test! daughter arrived in Salem from
at Salem's only hearing aid office.
June 12th to 16th inclusive. 805
First Natl Bank Bldg., Ph. 6350.
- Bewne at Hospital Clarence S.
Bowne, prominent Salem resident
I who recently had a stroke, ' was
reported in improved condition at
Salem, General hospital early
Monday night. v
KeUU Merchant V. W Tre
maine filed, certificate of -assumed
business name for Tre
maine's, a retail merchandising
business in Woodburn. Tremaine's
post address is 448 N. Front street,
Woodburn. V t'- - - -
; Hospital Patient Mrs. Allyn
Nusom of the Eldriedge district,
is a patient at Deaconess hospital
where .she underwent a. major
operation.- - ' " " . . .
Bakersf ield, Calif, on Sunday to I
Join Allen, new United Press bu1
reau manager here.
- .Hemorrlioirlg
Piles Fissure Fistula
Carraetad WHaaa Hi
aa Laaa mt Ttaaa
These eondiUons under
Bine tjealui and reduce
earnings. For years we
have been treating rec
tal and colon .disorders
with axcelleat results.
Latest Apavava -,
Qaick BeUeT .
Cam far Kxaaaaaatlae ae WrKa fee
Ft OascriBO BaafcJet
Dr; B. Bernolda Qinie
CaJraaractice Paysiciaa
- Practalaetst
Caraer Caart and Ubertr Straat
Saleaa, Oragaa - XaL OOlca sets
- !
to war fto- flt
atf r. rtu at eYSk
f -r-
S'.t; i " s
: " I i
S3 i
i c 3 I 3
j Q. t4 I j
The tvay jim Blake figures U he' net doing anything
worth uniting wp he's no hero. Jim sveilfhu can
mround at a big Southern Pacific terminal yard, put
ting trains together and taking 'em apart.
' But Jim Blake been railroading more; than 30
years, and he knows a lot of answers. Recently when
we've had to train thousands of new railroaders,
Jim's experience hasbeen vary valuable to us.
We depend a lot on men like him to keep the war
trains moving. i
Late In 41 Jim Blake was ready to froit work and switch
onto bis pension. He and bis wife bad a little farm all paid
for. Bat when the Japs struck at Pearl Harbor, Jim talked
things over with his wife and they decided en a different
plan.. --. '. - i.-.1'- J ',
With a lot of the young men off to war, Jim figured he'd
better stick on the job for the duration. His railroad
- wdhUcotmtiymirhtlwne -- - " "
All this explains why Jim Blake Is still a railroader.
- Hes doing his part to help1 win this war as soon as pos
sible. For "Victory will bring the yoany men borne again
m .a and then Jim Blake can get together withj his farm.
Sonth. From Chicago, from the Pacific Northwest and the ,
deep South, Southern Pacific routes converge at Test
Coast porta, bringing troops and war supplies for the war
against Japan, ,;
In addition to this heavy wtibound trafie, we must
move to eastern centers vast quantities of foodraw ma
terials and industrial prodacU of the Vest and South, '
: "i" ' . v ' '
. America's wnrtim transportation needs are ehaBeng
ing the best we railroaders have to give. - -
Our people: work today with the same unbeatable spirit
that built Southern Pacific's western link of America's
first transcontinental railroad. They, along with all other
American railroaders, are doing the greatest job in tran. l
'v portation historyand they are doing it in spile of a great
:: shortage of manpower. ;f r ' " ,
Southern Padfie and other railroads urgently need
thousands of men . and women to 11 thousands of inter- ,
estirrg, good-paying, essential war jobe.
L -
' 1
520 State Street, Salem, Orepn
.? Other Blahee Stadtae
Fartland MahfictdVajweanra-
To Id-timers like Jim Blake the strategic importance of
Southern Pacific's 15,000 miles of line is as plain as two
plus two makes four. Ve serve the great arc of Vest and
Tho friendly Scathcrn Pacific