MM - Willamette; all ey Me wk t Reports From The Statesman's . Community Correspondents Salem, Orexjon, Sunday Morning. June 4, 1944 PAGE EtEVEH WT3 . , ...... i" .... :c..,r,:rr 4.x ' V--;.': mm i Dubach Talks To Graduates Jefferson Program t Attracts Blany - ' On Thursday . . JEFFEBSON Nearly every seat in the school gymnasium was filled lor the commencement program of Jefferson high school Thursday night. The decorations for the stage were in harmony with the class colors, royal blue and silver, and the class motto. The elevator to success is not running, take the stairs," was beautiful on the background. " Mrs. Loren Luper played the processional, "Pomp and Circum stance," while the class took their places on the stage. Also seated on the stage were M. H. Beat, nrinciDal of the schools; Dean U. G. Dubach, Oregon State college; " Eev., F. Claude Stephens; and W. ' "R. Terhune. chairman of the . school board. . Other numbers on the program were, invocation. Rev. F. ' Claude " SteDhens: salutatory. This Changing World." Wanda Glaser, , trombone solo, "Blue Rata," Jack - KnizhL .accompanied by Mrs. Lu ter: address by Dean Dubach. He . used the class motto as the theme of his address, telling what it ; takes to get upstairs. He said "It takes four things to make the crade: a xerson must have a new respect for himself, a new respect ' for each other, for our nation, and a new respect for God. A clarinet duet, ."Kerry Dance,' ' Lavon Kelly and Billy Hender son: the valedictory, "Education ..J h. Ttnfi WnrM " Mir K. Karg: xylophone solo; medley of songs, "A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening," and "Little Did I Know," Mrs. Loren Luper. E. H. Beal . presented the awards as follows, trophy award for inter-class rivalry, went to the junior and senior class, as ... a . - l . t- I J . A the senior boy and girl for the hichest trades for the fout years, weni to luxmej uikubiu u Marv Kare: citizenship award was g i v e n to Aldcn Sheffield; best attendance during the four ' years, to Lois Smith, Bob Bruce, : senior boy for athletics; awards to Salubtor Wanda, Glaser; Mary Karg,' valedirtotan; .'given the annual award - of a one year .subscription to the Readers Di- Music, awards given by Mrs. . Loren Luper were presented to Betty White for ; her splendid . work in chorus and solo; . Irene - Huber. i or band work and vocali " : W, . R. Terhune, chairman of the board presented diplomas to the following graduates: Jimmie Dean Baxter, Evelyn Mae Beach, .Robert Gene Bruce; Gaynell -V Maxine Cole, Rodney A. Eng dahL Wanda WflletU Glaser, Irene Margaret Huber, Mary Katherine Karg, Marcella Viola , King, Lois Hampton Schwein furtiJ. ' Alden John - Sheffield, " Bette Chilton Sims, Betty Gene Y I i MtMsnf Smith Melva Louise Wattenbarger, Ar- Ine White, Vida Pauline Zimmer man. Members of the class wore blue caps and gowns, with cor- mattom rtf r1C9 fl0Wr. White gardenias and pink rosebuds. . The benediction , was given by Rev. Stephens and the recession al was played by Mrs. Loren Lu per. " . . i . ... .... - - ' -. -..' ' - .. r rpJj, c ,lMto V ' I ' ' ' ' 1 " Enlist in Navy . TURNER Two Turner'hlgh students. Kennet h Young, 1944 graduate and Lee Ritchey,. Junior .leave- f or Farragut Monday, i. Mr; and Mrs. J. O, Russell at tended the high school commence ment at Aumsvllle. She was piano accompanist for the vocal duet by Rev. and Mrs. Gene Robinson and the vocal solo by Mrs. May Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. William Mlcken- haxn of Sweet Home, formerly of . Turner, were Memorial day visit ors in Turner. Mrs. Mickenhamis sister' of Tom, : Hugh and Fay Webb. - ; The funeral of an uncle of Mrs. Virgil Scott of Portland, was held 'In. Salem last week. .Mr. and Mrs. 1 Scott and two' daughters, Patricia f and ; Phyllis mad Turner their : borne several years, while he was 1 principal of tht Turner high school. -. - . Hemorrhoids ;; Tiles Fissure Fistula CnncM Wttfcmt nmftttStMMOm : trLM tt tkM," - ThCM ondltloiu tMcr r mln bMith and nduee l amine. For rear - w bava bcn treating rce- ; , tal aad celoa disorderi t with axccUaat results. . Latest " Appw . : : i Quick Relief I CaS for Extaklaatlaa ar Wrlta lac Fr rseriatta Bklt Dr. E. Eeynolda Clinic . CalrapracUea rhyslclaa v ,y Practolac 1st Crar Comrt n4 LJMfty 8tMe Dayton Eastern Celebration ilttended by 400 i DAYTON More than 400 niversary party of Electa chapter, Order of Eastern' Star lodge of Dayton Wednesday night at the high school gymnasium. Dignitaries were present from Portland Salem, Hillsboro, Jefferson Has Many Changes Portland Family Bays Lunch Room, Will Open on June 10 JEFFERSON Several jpieces of property changed hands dur ing the past - week in Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winfrey sold the Texaco Dinette lunch room to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Meng who plan to be ready for business Saturday, June 10. The Meng family have been living in Port land for over a year, where he was employed in- a shipyard. They are moving back to Jeffer son in their own home on South Main street C G- Pletzer, who has been living in the T. O. Kester house, has " purchased the Humphrey house on Main street and will move immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKee will move into the Kester house. The Humphrey house Is one of the oldest houses in Jefferson and has been vacant for about ten years. ' - - J. R.' McKee purchased the property where the Old Review building stands, from the Hum phreys, and plans to build a house later. T. O. Kester purchased the lots Just north of his property on Main street from the Hogan heirs. Many Return For Holiday UNIONVALE Mrs. Thurston Daniels of Portland, Mrs. Harvey Bates of Oswego, were decoration day guests of their sister, Mrs. E. M. Alderman. Mrs. Daniels re mained for a visit of several days. Many former - residents of this district who have relatives buried in cemeteries throughout Yamhill county returned Decoration day and many family ..dinners were held. C. J. Countiss in his help the winning of war program plowed corn Tuesday. fiKSop a i V Star Party 1 people attended the 50-Year an Forestf Grove, .Oregon City and many other chapters were present including: Phil Schweizer of Mon mouth H, Wayne Stanard of Mc-Minnville- Phil Jones of Portland, all past - worthy grand patrons; Mrs. Mona Hawser of Salem; Mrs. Dora Stipe of j Beaverton; Mrs. Mary Alice Burdett of McMinn ville, all past worthy grand ma trons; Mrs. Myrtle Conner of Mc- Minnville, who attended the first chapter meeting 50 years ago, was present ' - ' . i; The i impressive program: floor degree, opening the meeting, Elec ta chapter No. 29; address of wel come, Harry Sherman; response, Mrs. Dora Stipe of Beaverton; Checowan chapter of Yamhill gave degree, Tribute to the Flag"; two songs, Carol Shear of. Portland; two violin solos, Delmar Maybe pf Sheridan; address, Phil Schweiz er of Monmouth; friendship de gree, Electa chapter No. 29; Mc- Minnville as old chapter which is the mother" chapter and Newberg chapter! Which - is . daughter ' chap ter, to Electa chapter, , put on' a degree telling facts in the 50 years life of, Electa chapter, r - - " j Mrs.' Herbert Baxter, the oldest living ; worthy ' matron- of Electa chapter cut the cake; August Det mering, the oldest living patron, assisted as did also James Cruick shank the oldest member.' Bend Woman Is Visitor JEFFERSON Mrs. Clifford Rich and two children of Bend were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har ry McKee from Friday until Wed nesday. Mrs. Rich taught school at Bend this year and was enroute to the home of her parents in Boring. Rich is in the navy and stationed in Texas. Both are for mer teachers in the Jefferson grade school. , Mrs. Marvin tiutcnings was ; a blood donor for the fourth time for the Red Cross in Salem, Tues UflJ, ; : . ) n . ; . ? .... . J ) Recent dinner guests at the home of Mrs. C M.: Smith were her. brother, John Palmer and Mrs. Palmer of Corvallis and nieces, Mrs. Lawrence David of Wilmington, Calif. ' and Mrs. Le roy Orote and daughter, Brenda of Salem. - , -' . - - . - -f Howes Leave For Longview DeWittes Finishing: , r..lle8Uencobn''Srte''.-' Of Transient Camp MIIXXITY-Mrl and Mrs. Mor ris Howe and son Billy went to Longview, Wash, where they wQl be guests at his sisters, Mrs, Er nest Preston- and family, Thursday they will attend the graduation exercises - at ' the Longview , high school when a nephew,' Melvin Preston, will be' graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Trask moved Saturday to the place recently va cated by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cruson and family. Cruson's have moved to Longbeach, Wash, where he will be employed. Mrs. John Nelson, Norma and Elena left Saturday for San Fran- Cisco to visit Nelson's mother, Mrs. Olga Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gunn (Bessie Klock) of Salem, were weekend guests at the. home, of his parents. Frank -Carter of Stayton'. was here Memorial day visiting his son-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golden.,. - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plymale and two' children.; of Lebanon vvisited Mrs. Plymales parents, Mr.'tand Mrs. Fred Carter Sunday, "-i. Silverton Girl Gets Big Role . SILVERTON -- Miss Angela Fitzke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzke of Silverton,' has been . cast in the role of Juilet In Shakespeare's !Romeo .' and - Ju liet" at the. Pasadena Playhouse. She is one of the regularly en rolled students at the playhouse. Miss Fitzke, , who gained ' con siderable attention by her . voice before leaving for the south, will study voice with Los Angeles teachers as soon as the current term at the playhouse is ended. Mrs. Liudback Will Be Silverton Speaker SILVERTON Mrs. Lisa Lind back,' Norwegian instructor at the University of Oregon, will speak at Immanuel church Saturday night at 8. o'clock as a guest of the Immanuel senior .guild. The talk will be open to the public. Mrs. Lindback, who came from Norway, three years ago, was for merly a newspaper correspondent for newspapers of Oslo. iixminsicr i Jp!; Bug J l-Fv; ' I ! AUamett&lpatUrned, Cj'lT ' , BedrOOIIl Set I yjr rich, glowing colors to - "1 . .yr lend cheer to your liv- Sniart and new, beautiful walnut veneer. You'll like ' 1 ine or dininz roomL 9x12. : this gToop because' of it's good lines wuKgood I ' v " quality. " . C S49S0 (0)J : r,j r .;.f, . I t $61,50 Jl Wit iTO'dk- ' iC" J " 1 Play Pen with Plenty of room for baby to play in safely and securely. Hardwood, full folding, natur- ffft ftF al finish. bXfmSfO i . S3y lliPi Pi - If! i J . f I Svinn Docher HMlBlBllll Wi ill! 5-Picco Bincllo Scl Extension table and 4 chairs. Made of annla wood, it ia sturdy, good looking and long lasting. V- - - - l - . j .... " - - . ..... - '- I. I1 S M r t - - a a i r"" 11 ii ' -niinji jiin.'i ri j-T-Tm-WKm-fr-niYjam-mmmwmmtmmmmmmm .1 i ' n i. . Li w.jl,j u- L Floor Atiratf ve - : i . . i. with drop, side, hardwood, full panel ends. size 30x54. 3JOO 7g p&mmd CcddaU and Cclfso cocktail ! and coffee tables in mahogany and walnut. Period umuea be here Limited quantity so a r S promptlyl " w to Baby Ded $22.50 A constant invitation to relaxation. Covered in colorful,, long - wearing npholstery.' Large size. $49.95 Tallcs DraFsry-Tine! Give your home the color and charm of spring by dramatizing your win dows with these beautiful -- draperiesl Ge : vurtx . presents exciting new designs! 4 rc selection. $7.C5 to $19.53 pair Tardar ' XU U S4JS - -ytr K A Folding Baby Baggy Steel wheels, all (T-rlA "715 weather covering; u)fcOa 9 5 wrap :7rt.ll f'''llr M - .'At . -1 I ill II I J Ssiem, om ai - tl ooica "t: