The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 25, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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- ' V - ; - -. , .. . - . -,. ..- ........ s - . , - - ;
mmmmm , . , , T , , I f - II !
Tea ;to Fete
Mrs. John
A tea hostess this afternoon
, will be Mrs. J. M- Lamb, who is
entertaining for the pleasure of
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. John
M. Lamb, jr., who is visiting at
the home of her husband's par
ents. T.t Lamb is overseas with
the army air corpse and before
coming to saiem Mrs. umo vis
ited in Seattle with her mother,
ier. i
to 5 A
Calling hours are. from 3
o'clock and Mrs. John Hancock
will greet the guests at the door.
Receiving with the honor guest
and hostess will be the latter
younger daughter, Miss Patricia -Lamb.
. ' "-"'k,
; Presiding at the tea urns the
first hour will be Mrs. Harry V.
Co us and Mrs. Karl Kugel and
pouring from 4 to 5 o'clock will
be Mrs. Juanita Casselli us and
Mrs. Meredith Hoggins. -j
. Assisting in. the serving will
be Miss Virginia Pope, Miss
Dorothy Hoar, Kiss Mary and
Miss Emma Lou East. Arrange
ments of pastel garden flowers
will decorate the guest roorr
and tea table. ' .i '
Service Honors
New Members
Recognition of (fifteen new.
members and two re-instate-merits
with the annual Emblem
service, highlighted the May
dinner meeting of the Salem
Business and Professional Wo
men's club held at the Golden
Pheasant Tuesday s night! Mrs.
Margaret K. Jorgenson and Mrs.
Creighton Lawson were the re
Instated members, and the new
.members are Mrs. Grace Chris -tenson,
Mrs. Dorothy Middle
ton, Mrs. K.N. Voorhees, Mrs.
Inez Granger, Mrs. Jessie
Bush Mickelson, Mrs. Emma
Maxwell, Mrs. John E. Versteeg,
Misses Ina Maye Toland, i Irene
Hollenbeck, Hattie Bratzel, Hel
ga Brosten, Mildred Yetter, Min
nie' E. Wehunt, Elda Dodrill and
Mathilda Gilles. ' I ..'
.' !" Readers for the Emblem ser
vice were Mrs. Winifred Her
rickrand Mrs. Esther Little and
the six symbols were portrayed
by Miss Betty Eiofson, Miss
Mary Sheldon, Mrs. Carmalite
Wed die. Miss Ida Mae Smith,
Mrs. Maude Eckman and Miss
Hazel Roenicke. 1
t Reports from the state con
vention held at Klamath Falls
were given by the six delegates.
;Music was furnished by Mr. Mel
vin Gilson, who played a group
of oboe solos, accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. Merviri Gilson.
iUxtT James O. Jolley; gave a
reading. . t
Mrs. Gladys Turnbull, from tht
ifarm labor board, spoke briefly
on : the Women's Land Army.
. Mrs. Margaret K. Jorgenson is
the club chairman for this pro
ject and Miss Josephine Evans
and Miss Mildred Yetter have
been appointed as team leaders.
Guests were Miss Nola Clark,
Mrs. I. A. DeFrance, Mrs. Gladys
Turnbull, Mrs. Kenneth Frad and
Mrs. James O. Jolley.
- ' ' ' . ! I :v "
Sonata Recital
On' Friday ;
The Thomas violin and piano
studio will present Lillian Hoff
man, Joyce Kunke, Delores Hill
and Nola Jean Zoble in a sonata
recital Friday night at the
Woman's club house at S
'clock. " Assisting on the pro
gram will be Phil Ringle, vio
linist. The interested public is
invited to attend.
The program Is as follows:
. , - i I - '
Beethoven Sonata, op. 4 Mo. 1
Nola Jean. Tool
- n
Haydn Sonata No. S
DeJorea Hill
.' Fifth Alrvarie Dancla
' "". ' - Humareaejuo . i. '-
PhU Ringla j
i Uocart Sonata No. X
' r ' . Jojrca Kunko -
j ,. v. i
Beethoven Sonata No. 11, op.
AUtfra-Adig t
tJThan Hoffman
Toddy's Menu -
A pound of beef chuck will go
a long way on today's menu.
Lettuce and green onion salad
French dressing !
Baked beefsteak
New potatoes
Beans with cream I
.Rhubarb pie ;
: ' j "" - '
V .--I pound beef chuck '
Yu teaspoon salt
'r' . Pepper
. 2 tablespoons fat i
I clove garlic
large onion, sliced r
teaspoon chili powder
large tomatoes, chopped
Pinch marjoram ,.'
bay leaf
cup stock (or bouillon - v
cube dissolved in boiling
water) ' ;
Cut tht chuck into : pieces
about i-inch thick and : two
Inches square, then pound tin-
very thin and circular. Sprinkle
wi'saltand pepper. Melt fat in
a heavy skillet. Add garlic and
half of cnica slices. Fry until
sott, then stir in chili powder.
Add beef slices and brown on
toth s:i:j, then add remaining
half cf onion slices and the to
matoes, nrjcra, bay, leaf and
xtot! Turn i."ia a casserole and
ly, c v ... in a moderately
r.'l T) f -r Vt noun
Shower Will
Honor Miss
j Miss Mary McKay will enter
tain at at bridal party Friday
night at her South High street
home for the pleasure of Miss
Pollyapna . Shinkle, bride-elect
of Mr. Robert Sherman Findley,
United States army air corps, j
Bridee will be in dIst durinff
tht evening and a late fupperi
wiu 09 acrveu uj uiv uuavesa. a
linen shower will honor Miss
Shinkle. Pastel garden flowers
will be arranged about tht guest
Bidden to honor Miss Shinkle , .
art her mother, Mrs. Solon
Shinkle, Mrs. Raymond Beard,
Mrs. Bayard Findley, Miss Jane
and Miss Eoise Findley, Miss
Sally McClelland, Miss Emma
Lou' East, Miss Dorothy Estes,
Miss Olent Mehlhoff, Miss
Louise Lucas, Miss Vesta Shinn,
Miss Sybil Spears, Miss Anita
Jannan, Mrs. William Thomp
son, Miss Rosella Bell, Miss Pa
tricia Tracy, Miss Evelyn Col
lins, Miss, Carol Young,' Miss
Maryanne Smith, Miss Elaine
Murray, Miss Stell . and Miss
Connie McKay and Mrs. j Stan
ley McKay. : "
New Officers
Are Elected
Salem council of women's or
ganizations held their last meet- I
ing until October at the YWCA. i
Music was the main subject and
the speaker was Rev. Geo. H.
Swift Musical numbers were
given by Miss Jean Swift and
Miss Elizabeth Nelson. Mrs.
T helm a Andreson, American
Legion auxiliary district presi
dent, gave the poppy story. Ad '
jutant Gleason from the Salva
tion Army explained the USO
rScrap book program and Mrs.
Verne Ostrander was appointed
- Salem chairman.
Mrs. Al E. Walker was elect
ed president for the ensuing
year replacing Mrs. Verne Os
trander who has served as pres
ident for two years; Mrs. Percy
Cooper, sr., vice president; Miss
Gertrude Savage, reelected,
treasurer; Mrs. Reeves, corres
ponding secretary; Mrs. Phil
Goldstein, secretary; Mrs, E. A.
Lee, publicity; and Mrs. Verne
Ostrander, hostess.
Barbara Roth to
Honor Birthday
Barbara Roth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward E. Roth, will
celebrate her third birthday Fri
day afternoon. A group of her
friends have been invited to an
informal garden party at tht
. Roth home on North 21st street
Birthday cake and refreshments
will be served later in the after
noon. Barbara's guests will be David
and Stephen Perry v Jimmy Ter- -rill,
Beth Needham, Gary Gou
let Connie Collins, Stephen
Roth, . Rusty McFarland, Ann
Bokker and Jimmy Roth.
Others attending will be Bar
bara's two grandmothers, Mrs.
M. C' Hemenway of Portland
and Mrs. E. J. Roth and Mrs.
Russell Pratt Mrs. Elbert Rob
erts, Mrs. H. T. Irving, Mrs. Leon
Perry, Mrs. Everett Terill, Mrs.
Robert Needham, Mrs. Homer L.
Goulet Mrs. Carlton Roth, Mrs,
Carl G. Collins, Mrs. Charles
McFarland and Mrs. Wilbur
Au Revoir Dinner
For Carkins
Ensign ant Mrs. Baict Car
kin art leaving tonight for, San"
Francisco and Norfolk, Va,
where Ensign Carkin will take
further training. He recently re
' turned from sea duty and. has
been here tht past ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Yocom
were hosta for an au revoir din
ner in honor of ; th Carkins.
Covers were placed for Ensign
and Mrs. Carkin, Mr. A.-F.
Flynn of Chicago, Miss Helen
Sharp of Portland, Mrs. Cora
Dunaven, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. L.
Yocom, Miss Roberta Jean Yo
com, Mr. Richard and Mr. Ralph
.Yocom and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Yocom. . '',itJ- v ,-. ? v': .
" ii FermaaeBt ;';ft ;;
( j Complete!! S3.E3
, Open Thurs. Eve,
: ' v. i sJ . by Appointment
FW-. Phont SS2J
3SS First KaUonal Cank ii
1 CzzUs Pern. Wafers
III I Mi la f
tti : i ri'Mfcy,-
Lltda Garden club of Salem
Reichta With Mrs. Paul Griebe
now, Talrvlew avenue, 1 o'clock
luncheon. . -
WBC aid society with Mrs. T.
, Hoyt. 753 North Winter
street, all day meeting, no-host
dinner. i
Woman's Bible class of Tlrst
Methodist church meet with Mrs.
James Taylor. 8M North CotUgo
street,'! p. m.
Ann Judson circle. Firsti Bap
tist church, THS pjn. -
-Spanish dub meet at YWCA.
t-JO pjn. ' ' .
Salem Woman's club meet for
dessert luncheon. 1J0 p.m.
SorViCO f WODien
What-they're doing about It
Miss Frances Paris, 2190 South
High street has enlisted in tht
WAVES', announced Recruiting :
Specialist A. C Fries en, of tht
navy recruiting substation. i .
Miss Paris graduated from St
Helens hall high school, Port
land, -and attended St Helens
hall junior college. She also at- .
tended University of Wisconsin,
Madison, and Merritt Davis
school of commerce here. She
has been! employed as a senior
stenographer with the state de
partment of education since Jan
uary, 1943. Miss Paris has been
active in Red Cross work and as ;
a USO junior, hostess here. She
is a member of St Paul's Epis- '
copal church, Salem.
She is the daughter of Robert
D. Paris. I I ' - - .
Miss Shirley Irene Smith, :
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sher
man Smith, 98 Lansing avenue,
has been chosen for training in
the navy's hospital corps at tht ;
naval medical center, Bethesda,
M(L, today reported Recruiting
Specialist A. C Friesen.
Miss -Smith was selected for
this advanced training at tht
completion of her indoctrination
training; at tht WAVES training
school, Hunter college. New
York City, from which she has
just been graduated with tht
rating of seaman, second class.
Seaman, Smith graduated from,
the Salem high echool and at- r
tended Willamette university.
Previous Ot her, enlistment in tht
WAVES, . aht was employed at
the Blue Bird cafe here.
Active Members,
Mothers Meet
Members of the Delta Tau
Gamma mothers' club andactivt
members spent an informal eve
ning, with a no-host supper, at
the YWCA Monday night. At
this last meeting of tht season
plans were made for the com
ing year. S ?
Tht hostess committee includ
ed Mrs.! Oral lid. Lemmon, Mrs. ;
E. B. J Daugherty and Mrs.
George GabrieL Others present
were Mrs. Mary Erikson, Mrs.
Norma Shaw Mrs. C For
sythe, Mrs. M. E. Taylor, Mrs.
Roy Anderson, Mrs. M. M. Ma
gee,' Mrs.; Sam Carter, .Mrs. H.
R. Robinson, ! Mrs. Doris Lee
Cooksey ! Miss Olive M. DaM,
. Alice Fay Daugherty, Marian
Carter, Mary Aplin, Mary Lou
Moore, l Joyce Swan, Margaret
Forsythe,! Marian Erikson, Jane
Hansen,; Peggy Gabriel, Ann
Ruth Gooding, Mary Margaret
' Livesay and Shirley Reko. ,
' - .-i'4 !P '
Social Party for
Hanna .Rose Court Order of
the Amaranth entertained with
a social 'evening Saturday. Cards
were in play with prizes in pin
ochle going to Mcs. R. Heckin-
ger and Mrs. M. Walker. Mrs.
S. Hess- and Mrs. F. W. Farrar
were high in bridge and Mrs. F.
E. Mercer won the guessing con-
The remainder of the evening
was spent In dancing with Jo
anne Twedt fxirnishing jtht mu
sic Refreshments were served
- by the committee , including Mr.
and Mrs, L A. DeFrance. Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Glalsyer, Mrs.
M. Presnan and Mrs. C Ham
ilton, s .
S U IE. )
Yoi eyas are priceless.
They coust serve yo
. . . for a Eletiroe. Donl V
' - laVsi rkmrn" wifk v
- thentl . . i-. ' -. , -.
Dr. Harry A. BrowrT
Optometrist' '
' 11 N. liberty Ct
Parties Are
Events of
Week '
i Social events this week cen
ter around several informal lun
cheons, and bridge parties.
Mrs. TJ. Scott Page has invit
ed guests to a one o'clock lunch
eon on Saturday afternoon at
her North Summer street home.
Mrs. Page Is planning a. similar
Bridge will bt .in play after
the luncheon hour. Covers - will
bt placed for 12 guests and ar
rangements of garden flowers
will provide the decorative note.
BIrs. Miller Feted
; Mrs. J. Deane Patterson win
entertain tonight at her South
Church street home in compli
ment to Mrs. Herman Miller, ;
who with her three daughters,!
Is leaving tht first of Junt to!
Join i Mr. Miller : in ' Olympia, i
Wash. , where he Is - connected
' with tht state. -
Three tables of bridge win bt j
in play during the evening with I
a lata supper following. Bou
quets of spring flowers will be i
used, for decorations.
Mrs. Gadwa Hostess .
; Mrs. M. E. Gadwa Vas host-:
ess for a bridge party Wednes
day night at her FairmountHfll
home in honor of a group of
friends. A late supper was
served by the hostess and the
supper table was centered with,
a crystal bowl of roses flanked
by white tapers in crystal can
. delabras. : ; ,';.-'f;
' Mrs.' Gadwa's guests were
Mrs. Clayboumt Dyer, Mrs.
, Francis Leserer, Mrs. Frank
Chatas, Mrs. Thomas . ; Rilea,
Mrs. James Humphrey, Mrs.
Charles Clarke and Mrs. Oliver
Huston. I
Reports of State
Meeting .Given
I Marion auxiliary to tht Veter-
: ans of Foreign Wars held the
regular Monday night meeting
. under the direction of Mrs.
Charles Hunt, president Mrs.
Arwin Strayer, district presi
dent, later took charge and con
ducted a district meeting.
.Reports of the recent -state
meeting in Portland were made.
Mrs. Russell Mudd, Mrs. Stray
er, Mrs. Dave Furlough and
Mrs. ; John : Peterson attended
from Salem, Mrs. George Watts
of Oregon City and Mrs. H. D.
Peterson, Mrs. Lillian Bflyeu,
Mrs. Fannie Dempsey, Mrs.
Clara Koefgren and Mrs. Gert
rude Dennis were here from Dal-!
las. ' j
. Mrs. Brown Will
Speak Tonight r
Mrs. Leon M. Brown, state fi
nance officer of the American
Legion auxiliary, will speak on
, the weekly auxiliary radio pro-
- gram tonight over KSLM at 9:45 ;
o'clock. Her subject, will be
. "Importance of Promotion of I
. Poppy Sale,
4 The St Paul's Episcopal
church sextet, under the direc
tion of Miss Ruth Bedford, will
sing two numbers. Tht sextet
- includes Miss Elizabeth Nelson,
Miss Addyst Lane, Miss Jean
. Claire Swift, Miss Dorothy Ann
Hobson, Miss Betty Zot Allen
, ; and Miss Janet Rilea.
For you with your
feet on the ground
Spirited, Fun Loving
Tie in Smart Military
Tan Leather .
" - ;
' ' 1 , I ' 8
; $R95
i '
L- Buster Brown
- Shoe Store
Oregon. Thundery Honing. Ifey
, - r : r .- - u
K First WAG MP at Big Ferrying Base Pvt. Ecdn
I. Mott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albin E Johnson,
rural route no. 6, Salem, is me first WAC MR ever to
man the main gate to Roseaans field, a base of the
Ferrying Division, cdr transport command, . ttear St
Joseph, Missouri.-
Pvt Mott, whose htisband, Leo W. Mott,; is also ,
serving In the armed forces, ; arrived' at Rosecrans
field several weeks ago from Ft Des Moinei, Iowa.
Assigned to fiie Guard Squadron as a driver, she later
was shifted to the MP Job. Before enlisting last Febru
ary. Pvt Mott was employed by the HUlcrest iMarket,.
Yakima, Wcohlngton. She is now a permanent cdr
transport command WAC, working in the largest cdr
transport and ferrying system in the world. ' . J .
. Mrs. Max Rogers and Miss Al
ice Crary Brown were among
.those in Portland Tuesday night
to attend tht Patricia Munsel
concert., t
j Mrs. W. W. Emmons tf Chi
cago is visiting at tht homt of
her son and daughter-in-law, Dr.
and Mrs. Carl Emmons, f
Charm ode
Rayon and . cotton knit
Jersey back and front,
with rayon satin center
front panel. Cross stretch
elastic sides with new
patented elastic crotch to
prevent riding up. Perfect
under slacks for work.
sports or general
fdl d:vc!
4S1 SUte Street
- i - - m ! '...!:, :
j! iiii;Mi:nii mi ii ii- wjii ii hi
Hi I i i mu ' ' 11 I ii "
2$. 1341
Mrs. C. E. Lapschies has re
turned from a three weeks! trip
to Duluth, Minn, where she vis
ited her mother, Mrs. M. Wies
inger, and a sister at Lakeview.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert E. Shlmi i
art visiting in Portland at few
days. . . . i -
Mrs. Ilargarel Sitinons
Sears Expert Ccrseliere
Cc, Oreca
a . . ; - M
Suggestions from
K ATS -for...
Monday, Tuesday . any day that's a sxinny day
will bring forth pretty
bare-armed fashions.'
Play Soils
p c--k , m
j Peasant . f
IBlbnses JZr
j m ... I 1 l
young things in these
Dolhing Snils
a? tens
: '$10.95
" - :. ... ...... .
52.98 j
460 State St-