The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 25, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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ILaDcBsafl IBfMs
Scotit Head
Th OREGON STATESMAN, Saltm. Oregon. Thursday Morning. May 25. 1S44
Plan Convention Members of
the executive board of the Oregon
Baby Chick association, in session
here Wednesday night, laid plans
for the association's annual meet
ing to be held June 30 on the
Oregon State . college campus at
Corvallis. Mrs. H. A. Witzig of
Roseburg is president of the or
ganization; Ambrose BrownelL
Milwaukee, vice president; " Frank
O. Erickson, Hillsboro, secretary
treasurer, in whose absence Mrs.
Erickson served - .Wednesday as
secretary , pro tern; Lloyd Lee of
Salem, Fred Cockell of MOwau
kie, William Chase of Aurora, L.
E. Cave of McMinnville and P. T.
Gent of Eugene, directors.' '
We have plenty of poultry peat
moss left. Northwest Poultry and
Dairy. 1503 N. Front Ph. 7007.
Ulrhwaymen Return C. B.
McCuUough, state highway- de
partment bridge engineer, and IL
G. Smith, highway department
construction engineer,' returned
Wednesday night from Grants
Pass, where they had gone to con
fer with members of the facilities
committee of the war production
board relative to. the three war
time highway projects now under
consideration in Oregon, the Sa-
lem-Jefferson, Halsey-Harrisburg
and Wolf Creek-Grave Creek
" shortening " and- straightening
plans. All are on stretches of state
highway over which army con
voys move, i ' ". " i
Cook wanted, man or woman.
Spa. -- : , ; .- ' 1 , -
Urge Increased Insurance The
county court Tuesday morning
heard a four-man committee from
the Salem insurance men's asso
ciation urge that the insured value
of the courthouse structure be in
creased, in keeping with the sharp
rise in the building's present va
lue because of increased building
costs. The committee "urged 100
per cent insurance rather than the
90 per cent coverage now in ef
fect The 1942 depreciated value
of the building was set at $114,
188, as against the original cost
Of 1228,338. ;
Now is a good time to get aspara
gus for canning and freezing.
Bring containers: Fiala Vinyards,
3 mi. north in Polk Co. Ph. 23072.
f . v
- .- : .-r..'
idL-1 I
Wgh's newly elected student body JVllClielSeil
uixicers were idzuiucq i ivin
services in the school auditorium
last week. They are Bill John
ston, president; Joan Hoereth,
vice-president; Joan Smith, secre
tary; Don , Young, sergeant-at-arms;
Julian Gartner, yell leader
and Betty Meyers, song leader,
Here Today
Harry I Michelsen,' newly ap-
Several of the new officers made I I VlZ y Z i
wxu cure i uie uecuuvc coounu
tee of the Cascade Area council at
talks on subjects of student inter'
. Seont Campers Way Up Camp
registration for the five one-week
periods have reached the . high
limit of 325 already, announced
Lvle Leiehton. scout executive.
The executive committee,- how
ever, is considering adding a fur
ther week to the Camp Pioneer
activities from July 23 to July 30,
and possibly -will act to Increase
the registration of scouts from 65
to 80 for "each of the other camp
"Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Barfk Bldg.
Examine Water Ditch Mem
bers of the county court and En
gineer Hubbs inspected the West
Stayton site where Willamette
Valley Water company seeks per
mission to run water from its
main ditch at the Aumsville-West
Stayton road to furnish water to
two bean patches 1000 feet away.
Bean acreages are 20 and 25
acres. Clarence Brown, secretary
- of the company, filed the request
Deafened: SDeclal .hearing aid
clinic including free Audiometric
hearing test at Salem's only hear
ing aid office, Wd- Thurs., Fri.,
May 24, 25 26. World renowned
Acousticon, 90S 1st NatX
bldg.. Phone 6350. -
New designs, new low prices in
Unpainted Furniture. R. D. Wood-
nw SIS Fenier Kt
Mneller Ranks Hih A. O.
Mueller, Salem district agent of
the Lincoln National Life Insur
ance company, has won member
ship in the Circuit Rider club, one
of his company's top sales honor
organizations. In recognition of
this achievement he will be award
ed war bonds by tne company.
This marks the third time that
Mr.) Mueller has qualified for the
company production clubs.
A Salem lady takes subscriptions
or renewals for Children's, Activ:
ities or any magazine desired. Ph.
Councilman Takes Seat Ed
ward W. Acklin, elected alderman
from the first ward in Friday's
city election, will take his seat at
next Monday night's council ses
sion, since he succeeds, James H.
Nicholson, recently resigned. The
council at that time will meet
with members of the citizens' bud
Louise Bonner vs. Harold Bon-
ned; defendant's answer, to com-,
plaint i admits certain allegations I
and denies all others. , - .
Oregon Bonded Credit Bureau j
Inc. vs. Olin J. Winney and Mrs. j
Olin 3l Winney; judgment entered
for plaintiff by default in amount
of $344.28 plus interest, and costs
of 820.85. . - - '! i
Marjorie J. Mentzer vs. Milton
H. Mentzer; divorce decree award
ing plaintiff custody of two minor
children, with right of visitation
to defendant and . Ins consent ne
cessary before children can leave
state; $30 per month for. each
child to be paid to plaintiff and
$20 monthly alimony; - $100 court
costs allowed; personal property
except automobile to go to plain
tiff and property settlement pro
vided for; defendant to pay bait
ance of $556 for medical service
at rate of not less than $45 per
month.; . ' . , .
Myrtle LeCiaire vs. Edward Le
Claire; complaint for divorce, al-f
legihg cruel and inhuman treat
ment and asking right of visita
tion to minor child and privilege
of . taking child into her custody to
accompany him to all proper place!
of his education, entertainment
and amusement; couple were mar
ried.Feb;J21, 1934, at Centralis
Wash. ;
- Martha L. Smith vs. unknown
heirs oEfastus B. Wood, deceased,
et tl; order for services "of sum
mons on defendants in-Jefferson
Review; for four successive weeks.
.Ernest H. Aerni and Carl C.
Aerrii vs. unknown" heirs of Eras
tus B. Wood," deceased," et al; or
der for service of summons Jin
Jefferson Review for four succes
sive weeks.
Charles K. Spaulding Logging
Co., vs. Lorah Spaulding, execu
trix of estate of Charles K. Spaul
ding, deceased; order continuing
above case until August 1, 1944
Jane Harwood,' a minor, by
Grace M. Harwood, her guardian
ad litem, vs. James E. Overfield,
defendant's answer to complaint
admitting certain allegations and
Fox Valley Residents
get (committee to continue the task Killed 111 Accident
of making budget estimates fit the
possible city income for the com
ing iyear.
i -
Rummage sale Fri. & Sat., 332 N.
trrrkl TlAannnAce YTsiemital A 11 Y
Held Following Collision Law
rence L. Flank, 190 East Uusn
street was fined $100 in munici
pal court Wednesday on a reck
less L driving charge. The ' court
appearance following an accident
in the 900 block of State street
Tuesday night when Plank's car
allegedly struck a parked auto
mobile belonging to Robert E.
Lantz, 1910 Laurel avenue.
today's . noon luncheon . at , the
Golden Pheasant ' The group will
discuss the scouts' camp program
for. this summer.
Later in the day, Michelsen will
accompany Lyle . Leighton, execu
tive iecretary, to Portland where
the': quarterly regional conference
of Scout executives will be j held
at the Benson hotel Friday and
Saturday. . .,
MrS. Michelsen will .accompany
her, husband down from Everett
Wash., where he. has been work
ing as field executive for the Boy
Scouts in the Evergreen council
Michelsen graduated from the
national training school for scout
executives at Mendham, NJ, Oc
tober 13, 1942. He had been
scoutmaster of the Jaycee scout
troop for two years, was general
chairman of the Lions' sponsored
Boy', Scout circus and camporees
rtf 1Q3R-3Q-4ft 9n1 oVialrman nf
h.' mr;mii. r!f r-t denying oiners, maKing iunner
minor plaintiff, approximately six
years old, was not exercising de
gree of care a child of her age
should have exercised and was
guilty of negligence which contri
buted to accident in certain par-
FOX VALLEY Fred Basseti, ticulars.
Fox Valley resident employed by L. R. Kern and Valley Mills VS.
the Mill City Manufacturing com- Albert W. Gentner et al; order
pany, was killed in a logging truck I extending time for tendering pro-
accident Monday night - I posed bill of exceptions to July
Survivors include the widowj9, 1944; issued upon petition of
board in 1940 and 1941.
three sons, two daughters and a
brother, S. M. Bassett of Lyons.
" No Fingerprinting : Because
Mrs! Willow Puah' '- Evans, who
handles the fingerprinting for
Marion county civilian defense Men s U women's tailoring, altera-
' council, ia taking her vacation, no tionl& repair work. Jack Mollard,
f inaerorints of civilian defense re- "The Fits-it Tailor, A. A. Cloth-
cruits. wlil " be ' taken until after
June 22, : CD- offices ; here an
nounced Wednesday. Mrs. Evans
plans to spend ' the early : portion
of her vacation in Bremerton with
her daughter.
Cook wanted, man or woman. The
121 N. High.
defendants to effect that tran
script by official court reporter of
testimony and instructions in tn
al not yet prepared.
Lawrence Geren vs. Yvonne
Geren; divorce decree awarded
plaintiff with custody of minor
child; defendant to have right ol
C. Clark Morton and Lucille A.
Morton vs. Clark Carroll Morton
and Robert Eugene Morton; decree
to plaintiff allowing them to sell
Attend SUverton Meet Carl real property at BrooKS avenue
W. Hogg, president of the Salem m north end of Salem; plaintiffs
ONPA Manager Here, Carl
Webb, manager : of : the, Oregon
Newspaper Publishers association,
was 1 in Salem from Eugene on
Wednesday. The annual conven
tion of newspaper man and wom
en will be held in Eugene on June
16-17, Webb announced.
Day Is Speaker Earl Day,
member of the Oregon state tape
commission, will speak on "The
Public Land Question in Oregon"
b .uwu umhiu va wet-
chamber of commerce, was accom
panied by Manager Clay Cochran,
Frank. Doerfler, Ralph Campbell
and Linn Smith when he went to
. Silverton oh Wednesday night to
address the Silverton chamber, f
Beard Members Reappointed
Reappointment of Mrs. Meredith For auto
lem Lions club. He will be intro
duced by State Director of Agn
culture Ervin L. Peterson.
allowed to withdraw, their exhibits
3 and' 4; defendants appeared on
ly by. counsel. . - " r ; i
Charlotte Nettie Martin by Ira
K. Margaret McAllister, guardian
ad litem,' vs. Franklyn L. Martin;
complaint for annulment of -mar
riage which took, place Feb. '3,
1944, at Sioux Falls, SD, and ask-
Partial Change in Ownership-
Marvin W. Olin has filed with
the countv clerk's office notice nr in restoration of plaintiffs for-
suppUes, ' mufflers, sharing ownership of Salem Vin- mer name Charlotte Nettie Ellis;
Bailey, Sisters, as . a member of sparjc plugs, tail pipes, seat covers, tage s store, located at 149 North guardian alleges plaintiff now 17
the Oregon state iiDrary Doaru 01 lamp bulbs, on zuters, etc., see
trustees, was announced by Gov. Stevenson it Mefford, 619 Court
Earl Snell here Wednesday. W. W,
Parsons, Baker, was reappointed
a member cf the Oregon board of
pharmacy; for a five-year term,
retroactive as of May 21.
For home loins see Salem Fed-
' Clab ' Meeting Townsend club
no. 4 wiU meet at the E. H. Earl
r residence, , 2125 North Fourth
tref Salem. ' Thursday at 7:30
pjn. -
Albert Robinson, UU resident of MS
North Commercial street at a . local
IiospiUl M.y IS. ased SI J," k. ..iri at St. Joseph's Catholic
-huM-h. vt I4th. at t a. m. Direction
Walker-HowcU yuneral Home.
Extradition Asked Gov. Earl
Snell Wednesday asked California
officials to surrender George Mc-
Kinney, who is wanted in Clack
amas county for non-support He
is under arrest at Martinez, Calif.
Officers were to leave for Cali
fornia Wednesday night in quest!
of the prisoner.
I wish to take this opportunity
to thank the voters" and my many
friends in Marion County who so
willingly gave me their time and
support in making me their can
didate for Sheriff in the Primary
years of age, that couple are first
cousins, that marriage took place
without consent of plaintiff's par
ents, that plaintiff has never lived
with defendant as wife. - . f J
Michael (Mike) Wetzel guard
ianship; order to Mrs. John HertL
guardian,' to sell ward's property
in Marion county for cash. ' f !
Theodore Roy Urban guardian-
as the Marion County Amusement ship; final decree approving guar
company at 868 Youna street dian's final account and closing
Woodburn ' guardianship; Carey t Martin,
guardian, i listed total receipts Of
Expense Account E. E. Howell U400 from sale of land, and dis-
has filed an expense account f or j bursements of $345.35, or balance
u cuuuTCuon ! who us cam-1 or S53.65: guardian to aaa .xo Dai-
High street, with Bernadine N;
Olin. i
Called to Fire City firemeii
were called to the Joseph Baum
gatner residence at 785 North
Summer ; street at 7:55 o'clock
Wednesday night while' a flue fire.
was underway there.
Assumes '"Business Name Mar
shall R. McKee is doing business
ance of estate distributed to Le
ona Russel, widow vof the de4
ceased.'-: ; rt': v'T;; A
Martisha Curl estate; fmal ac
count of SVacci C Oxri, admin
istrator, approved and confirmed;
sole assets of estate consisted of
inventoried reaj property, togeth
er, with cash rentals insufficient
to pay expense of administration,
and necessary sums advanced by
administrator who died; court
then appointed Emma" E. Ander
son administratrix, and she also
died before c'osing of said estate;
no "other successor administrator
appointed; administrator and ad
ministratrix - and v bondsmen re
leased from all further, liability;
sole heir of deceased was said
srancis 1 curi. ' ) - -
Henry .. Stute estate; final ac
count of John Stute, executor, ap
proved; heirs at law of deceased
axe John and William Stute, bro
thers, Woodburn i and - Tacoma,
Wash., respectively, rand S Carrie
V.- Wilkins, sister, Portiand." !!
Howard Hiday estate; '. Nellie
Yana, appointed -administratrix,
discharged from her duties, and
bondsmen exonerated; former ad
ministrator filed petitioL-for. such.
discharge. stating .that at: the .time
she , filed original petition for . ap
pointment, she. did not know, there
ere others available to undertake
the . said trust - that investigation
has' ascertained Patricia Pearl Hi
day to be widow of deceased; also
states no property has come into
her possession, nor . has she, per
formed any official act other than
to secure, appointment of apprais
ers end. make and file federal in
come and victory tax. returns.
Walter E. Jensen estate; order
closing . estate and . discharging
Hans 0. Vigeland from duties as
In the matter of the estates of
Frank G. Franklin and Viola Price
Franklin, husband, and wife, each
incapable of conducting his or her
own affairs; order appointing Roy
M. Lockenour guardian cf the es
tate of Frank G. Franklin and Vi
ola Price Franklin, husband and
wife, requiring filing of bond for
$5000; W. E. Keck, A. W. Smithers
and Chester Luther appointed ap
praisers of estates; petition for ap
pointing guardian filed by Maude
Price, stating that two wards
incapable of caring for themselves
by reason of advanced age and ill
ness, and are now in the Deacon
ess hospital.
Cornelia A. Davis estate; order
that Turner Memorial Home, a cor
poration, as trustee of estate, be
authorized to pay monthly . into
original fund of Turner Memorial
Home for purpose of conducting
its home operations such ' sum
which would approximate $700 s
may from time to time be deter
mined necessary by trustees In
their discretion; petition filed by
trustees stated property in Tur
ner, Ore., used as home for needy,
active operation of which depends
upon donation, contributions from
various sources other than above-
nomed estate, which it adminis
ters and. carries pn. its .books, as
the original fund"; keeping two
funds ' separate makes cumber
some bookkeeping.
In the matter of , the application
of Effie Belle Girch for order to
change .her name to Effie Belle
Stump: citation to appear in Ger
vais Star for four successive weeks
beginning May 26; order filed up
on petitioner's motion that error
made " in publication of . previous
citation and therefore necessary
to start said publication over
again. ' i J
cr,l m v i w: j, tt fict leaves Sunday for San Fran
G. Pedro Cabrat tn thU cttj Jl . . r e
roirfMit of Polk county. HedtaUon 1
tha Vnurr was held at S PJn. Wed1
nesday. May J4. at the W. T. Bifdon
-1 ui iMiiimi mtn Thursday. May
is. at t a m. at St. Joseph's Catholic
church. Interment in St Barbaras
cemetery. DirecUon ol W. T. Rlgdon
Election last Friday. Denver Palgn for the office of justice' of J ance sufficient amount to purchase
Young. the peace at Jefferson in the re- J for minor war. bonds of $25 de
nomination sufficient to aggregate
$100 face value, and deliver same
to mother of minor. Caroline Ur
ban Taylor, to be kept for him.
B. F, Russell estate; final ac
count of Leona Russell approved
acording to terms of will, Louis
Quine, Helen Russell, Anita Bus
Cemetery' Cleanup Pianned--lil nd Zane Russell, daughters
.To San Francisco Miss Hazel
Harper, secretary in. the Marion
county-Salem civilian defense of-
ln Bel-1
- Pivmond Wickmsn. late res
ident of B10 North 17th street Msy U. home!
wleVmS o7s:r7-. Ulness.
14adln Wlekman of Salem. Services
m w hjid Thursday. May SS, -at a
mm the cioush-Barrtck eom-
with Rev. M. A. Genen
4nr officiattnf. Interment
erest Memorial park. 1,
Mrs. Betty Lee Wlekman. late resl
lent of 810 North th street - !
IS1 'hospital. M-y JiHTJV
on, Raymond Duane Wicknian of Sa-
ton of Portland, and two brothersj-t
R. D. Ruahton ol the mjrtn iJ c?2!
Snd Dl Rutof Portland- Atoo
survived by frandmothers, Mrs.
I. , V Urt Unmim Luck-
cisco . to attend the Western States
Conference of Civilian War Ser
vices to be held there May 31 and
June L
Crawford at Office Postmast
er Henry Crawford is out again
the peace at Jefferson in the re
cent primary election. ; j .
Otii Rock Crashing , Begins
City Engineer Hubbs states that
crushermen at the Walling crush
er near Jefferson are about ; to
begin crushing oil rock for roa
in the south end of the county, i
Annual-clean-up day at Mt Hope j
cemetery has' been set for Satur-
after Ihavinf been confined to his day, May 27, in preparation for
for several days because of Memorial day.
Lautermans Home Mr. and
TwnwnJ ri.a. if Tnomun I Mrs. jonn Lauterman nave re-
club no. 16 will meet at the home turned to their home in Salem af
of Mri Arnold at 2256 Ford street ter passing the winter in Los An-
tonight" : x';;-.; '.. :vAi:v-'
and son respectively of deceased,
receive one dollar each, and bal
William Findley, 21, US navy
Silverton; Violet L. Eagle, 20, of
fice worker, Spokane, Wash.
8 Ll
Office Supplies
Lea&er Goods ' '
Filesj Chcdrs
Greeting Cards
Books Gifts
Picture Frames
Wedding .
Writing PortfoUos
Stationery Co.
370 State Street
mJ, Jt- U. M. mt DJB.
1 MnmnT enapei
M '- cetxendaner officUttaf.
EiunneS to Belcrest Memorial park.
f pecial nearing Aid Clinic in-clai'-r
Free Audiometrie Hear-
lar Test at Saiems eruy new
au Office Wed.-Thnrm.-
I rl, 117 24-25-2$. World Ee
rawned Acocsilcon.. $35 - First
-,mtI Eank Elds'.. Ph. 659.
If yem have a HEALTH FB.OBLEM
- er any ether problem HEAR -
fibm 'where I sit y Zoe Marsh
Light Words aro
'Gravo Words
Outstanding Authority on Nutrition,
Psychology, Health Education .
Learn an entirely NEW SYSTEM of scien
tific eating (food values measured electric
ally, showinr the; iiht and wronr feeds
far each individual) and Uvlnr that re-.
builds health with amasing speed.
Your mental and emotional problems, tee,
eaa be solved quickly. Plan new to hear
every ene M :::' -l
V mm" iLitM J W 111. ' - ' SMIMah SSBSBSSSM -
3 Dyrctnic UdhmlSSSSr FHEB
Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, May H, H, 21 - : P. M.
There's a poster on the wan
of Sam Abernathy's store that
doesn't say much. It Just shows
a cross, with a Yankee helmet
on it-and the caption: "light
trorda.afe "grave words."
that algal means. Loose talk has
dag a lot of graves... and done
a lot ef harm here at home, too.
And still 70a hear it. ;
' Yom hear, for instance, talk
about our soldiers drinking and
carousing around Army Camps.
Of course, when you get j the
- facts there's not an atom of
truth in it," A V. S. Government
survey found our soldiers were
the soberest, the best behaved
in hlstory-with most of them
drinking nothing stronger than
a moderate glass of beer. , ,
- Front when I sit, that kind of
"looee talk'' eaa do Jast as amach
te vndermlne saorale any
ramor that the Axis could ta
Teat Aad It's ap to every one el
s to spike that kind of sabotage
before it spreads '
-7 No.83efStrie$
Copyright, 1944, Brtwing buhutry FtmUatit
IlcSShinzsnl Jnsl irrivcd!
i ' i 4 4 .v "
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