x - i l ; i - 4 - ' ' .. ., " . . ' Mfc-Angel Men Are Visited Vork of Chaplains Ii Recommended by . Assistant Pastor MT. ANGEL Rv. Hildebrand . Melchlor, assistant pastor at Mt Ansel, has just returned from a v tour of army .camps in California. He shared ' honors with Charles Winslow, first class radio operat or on a submarine, home on leave, - at the Business Men's luncheon at tfav ML Ansel hotel Tuesday. Winslow save an interesting ' talk about life on s submarine. He ' has just 'returned from 20 months ' duty in the Pacific and has been ' recommended for a commission. Father Hildebrand talked at length about the camps, the beys and the chaplains, the lat- . . ter being of" the greatest help te him in overcoming the army red tape incidental to eontaet . tag' local boys at the various camps. This helpfulness of the chaplains, ho said, was not eon fined to Catholic chaplains bat was j manifested by ministers of different denominations, the . greatest favor coming- throogh a Mormon chaplain. : Wherever possible, the . boys were taken oat of camp for a real visit and dinner with their ' ' home town sky pilot. Especial ly were the boys in boot eamp delighted to see the man from ' home. Regarding the moral of the boys. Father Hildebrand stated that it was a consensus of opin ion among the chaplains that the men in the army were no better ' and no worse than they had been in civilian life. The biggest problems, he said, that seemed to be worrying the Californians were civilian ones ; -7 .-, , ; ' i : -. ... - - : ' ; r MM Reports From Kleins Visit Baker Relative AUMSVHJLE Sally Klein, who recently accompanied her grand mother, Mrs. ; Elizabeth Lenz of Salem, to Baker, will visit her aunt, Miss Lucy Lenz, a teacher in the Baker : schools. Miss Lenz will accompany her guests back to Salem at the ' close of the schools there and will spend her vacation in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. David Lowe, jr., and daughter Diana of Los An geles were guests at dinner Sun day at the home of his grand parents, Mr, and Mrs. T- C. Moun tain. His uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mountain and son Dj nald, came from Portland and wl re guests at the dinner. Lowe will return to Los An geles May 30 to enlist in the navy. Mrs. Lowe and Diana will be wl th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.I J. Sawyer at Turner, for a time uitil she can rent a house. postwar adjustment and the teen" age delinquency. The lat ter seems to have reached an alarming stage in the crowded areas of California where the de linquents outnumber the housing capacity of the institutions of cor rection. Frank Hettwer, who has just returned from the east will speak atj the meeting June 13. ilia elm The Statesman's Community Correspondents ! Satan. Oregon, Thursday Town of Mt. N etc Priest and ; MT. ANGEL The first solemn high mass of Rev. Dennis Marx, OSB, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Theo dore Marx of Mt Angel, was cel ebrated at St Mary's church Sunday morning with all the pomp and ritual the church re serves for such joyful occasions. ' The newly-ordained priest, clergy and altar boys, fully vest ed, marched from the rectory to the church and thence through the nave of the church to the al tar to the sound of the chiming bells and the tones of the $ipe prgan. ."" -..- ;f Acting as assistant-priest to Fa ther Dennis was Rev. John Cum misky, and Rev. Method Korn and Rev. Albert Bauman I were deacons of the mass. Rt Rev. Ab bot Thomas Meier in cape and mitre attended the mass from his throne within the sanctuary. He Was assisted by Rev. Martin Pol lard and Rev. Vincent K op pert Rev. Robert K ebe r and I Rev. Thomas Brockhaus were the mas ters of ceremony. i : Rev. James Koessler, also a for mer local boy, gave the occasion al sermon, dwelling on the dig nity of the priesthood and the im portance of the priest as the me diator between God and man. St Mary's choir sang the St Cecilia mass by Gounod and Angel f" ii'Z Vail ; Morning, May 25. 1944 Honors h ! il: His Family Rosewig's Ave Maria accompan ied on the organ by Miss Helen Keber. X " ' ; : F - At the conclusion Father. Den nis gave his individual blessing, first to his parents and other rel atives and then to the members of the parish. X H. t A reception followed in the aft ernoon at the home of the young priest's, parents. Among the large number of relatives and friends attending were Sister ' Carmelita Mary O. P., a sister of Theodore Marx, and Sister Therese CeElia, O. P a former schoolmate, both of the Dominican convent Queen of Angels, Chicago, 111.; Mrs. Gor don Bucknam and son, s sister, of Father Dennis; his brother, The odore Marx and family of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Nor mileiand family, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Brows of Aumsville; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hopfer and Mr. and Mrs. Mich ael Hopfer of St Paul; Mr. and Mrs. : Joseph Brock, Wood burn; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manning, Gervais. JEFFERSON Born to Mr and Mrs. Lei and Ammon of Jef ferson, st the Salem General hos pital,' a six pound and 11 ounce son, May 16. This, their first child, has been named Randy Lee. ey" News v PAGE TBSEE Ankney School Program Held ANKENY A special feature of the grange meeting Saturday night was the Sidney school 4H dub exhibit of work. It had been shown at Salem recently and a number received ribbons on their work. An agriculture ' report upon the use of nicotine dust for aphis on peas and dustinc was riven. Lee. islative reports , were heard from Jake Gilmour and J. O. Farr. The Ankeny school closed Wed nesday with graduating exercises and a program given by pupils. Rex Hartley presented the eighth grade diplomas to Dallas Williams and Jean Hagerty. V Mrs J, O. Farr was called to Portland Monday to attend the funeral of her cousin, N. C Soule. Grange Home Economics club will meet with Mrs. John Jehner May 28. ( . Valley Calendar THCmSDAT. MAT SS Brooks Garden club, Mrs. Eva AspinwaJl. Brush College Helpers, Mrs. Frank Kron. z n.m. Howell tewing machine clinic, school nous. 10 30. Cloverdalc Farmers Union. Auxiliary Marion Farmers Union. Spring Valley Farmers Union, Zena icnooi. FKIDAT. MAT 2 Edina Lane Home Extension unit Mrs. j. c Bruneue, 130. I1 X" c5uC3OT PLAY WITH PLAY iTOGS FROM LEONS SUN TOGS areFUN'T3S $5 i f ' 1 Play SUis You Dream Atout .... We have a style 1 and th right jsize, just for eome frpWfa sun 1 I Ml ' : ix BLOUSES and CHUCKERS We have a style for every out any tolor you could fit wish fori le;g----mAke up ife-i 1 ' v 6l95 ifc 2.95 1 I M J ni (if Mi- IT MAY BE : . THE OCEAN IT MAY BE . "YOUR. OWN BACK - YARD " . ... IJUT YOU CAN HAVE ; MORE FUN " WHEN YOU IN THE SUN---- . you - - . j. Shorts & Halters and with Skirts! Have fun in the with Fun Togs! - SLACK SUITS and SEPARATE SLACKS A good-looking, good-fitting Slack Suit - can make or break a vacation - - - - Look your best in a Slack Suit from. Leans. 395 to CASUAL i i r HEAVY ONES - - - - THIN ONES DARK ONES LIGHT ONES ;! 350 to . 1 890 Mi i Von't water spotl " Won t 1 rub off 1 Easy - to -cipply I Just the right shade Large - . . 1 , t . Bottle 090 Plus Tax" ...... . Si n :: i .t SHOES FOR FUN Rationed ' and Un-Rationed 2295 ANKLETS - '-fix ... yr. --. - , ' - - 'i M j ' m -Ml S . l v 'r t . - $ I : T - I ! ..... - " -i-- - : -- "A 1