Th OSEGON STATESMAN.' Saltm. Ongcou Thursday Morning, May 25. 1S44 PAGE ELEVDl ok Convenience airld Profit, iEeadii arid Use ssnian Classified iids! IT .'f : )? CUilflc4 AdTerUalnx Statesman rj : Classified- Ads Call 9101 t Three traertli per lin23e Sia. insertions per line--40c On mnatn per line ., 11.13 Minimum chars 23c; 1 tt. min- Imum lie, tL min. 45a No , refund. . i , .... . Copy tot tola pan .accepted oa til 10 the evening before public Hon -.for cla trie ation. Copy re ceived ftcr this tiro wtil b rua under the beading Too Let to Ctassify" : The SUtesman assumes no flnan. elel responsibility far error which mayappear In advertieemerlt pub hshed la -Ma eommn and ta eaaea where this paper U at fault' wUl reprint that part ol an' advertia ment tn which the' -typographical mistake oecura. " The Statesman nerves the right to reject questionable advertising ft further . reserve the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number tor an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by tetter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to taa Identity ef an advertiser using a Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry WARD'S QUALITY CHICKS NOW 1 ' j Come in and place your order today pay later on TTT J L1 Jnn.A.. I ,waru s uiuuuujL l,xj "'--1 plan. " Chicks shipped di- rectly from hatchery to you on orders' of 100 or more, or pick up at store All chicks from tested flocks Oregon hatched for Oregon's climate. Get your chick supplies at the same time, j I MONTGOMERY WARD 133 N. LIBERTY ST SALEM. ORE PHONE 3134 ATTENTION oca 1 Will remove dead & worthless f nFnnnvgZL -- - , - .. T. Collect INo other Phnnel. j I -1 SAL:: K. J. Kea rryerm, arcsseaterty state, saiem. ore. eOC ID.- at larm, SOC OCUWraa. mnr htll. Rt 6. Box 340. E. Center St P. 22329 s YEAR Palomino (elding 3250.00. Jack Lhideman, sears. Boeoucx. Mm Hamnahira lavtns nutlets OT ready to lav puilcts. Immediate de-1 livery. Choice selection Ph. 22861. Lee r I WANTED: Beef and canner cows, hulls and veals. WUl call at farm. E. I. Snethen. 3370 E. Turner Road. ph. 21343, Morns or eves. FOR BALI jersey cow. xresn sno.. Rt. s. Box in. vita uprmjs na. BABY CHIOC and custom hatching S2 yrs. experience assures you of best auaiitv ana umiicuon. mpw. ui better market conditions later. Hatches verv Monday and Thursday. Hamp shire. Leghorns. Bed, Barred Rocks. dav old cxla or pallets, f n xzaoi Lee's Hatchery rOR SALE: A nice Guernsey heifer. just fresh. Hi- - ' I YR. old White Leghorn hens. Ph. E2618. "I rr.HnRN .cockerels Sc. ! Available twice weekly. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. ' 4. ' Help Wanted Rlale Workers now employed in war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment by em ploy era, advertising . tn . this, section : Help Wanted: y Experienced Tire ; - - - Changers f : : ; Experienced Men for ; . . Retread . Section builders or m61d-en or women or apprennees. Inquire FIRESTONE STORE ' 39S H. Uberty i snake-up machine. Fperierice not nec - essary. Benson ataxery. m n. ' WANTED: Theatre. . Janitor, Apply Elsinore WANTED: MAN for Interesting part tune work as theatre door man. Eisi- no re theatre. -.- , ; i 0rt&ons$tate8naii ' AJDVERTISINa Western Advertlsiiia Representatives - Ward-Crlfflth Company. Inc. San' Francisco Eastern AdverUsins; , . , . "; Representatives. Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. . Chicago. New York. Detroit : Boston, Atlanta i " ratared at the Postoffice at Salem Oregon S Second Class Matter. Pub lished every morrtina except - Moitday. Baarnesa office 215 . South r Commer cial Street r SUBSCRLPtlON RATES . Mail Subscription Rates to Advance: Within Oregon: Daily jend Sunday Mo. eo eenhu 6 mos. $3. 00; 1 year. 00. ; an centT oer mo. or 370 I"ri tn advance Per eon 8 cents R f itv umr 11 cents a monui. rj 00 a year tn advanc Marion ana adjacent counties. (I VVASMEP iOUR ClGHTV e w . alt gc-vjtittr t 1 .t . ve . at , "i mjm . 1 iir 111 Fw j. ii 11 i -a - - x-. Money to Loan FREE Financial Advice Sixteen years of financial experience In Salem gives us confidence that w can hem you. If you really need money, we will Jet you have it at once. No endorsers 1 or involving of others. Loans mad on furniture, live- stock., farm machinery. Company la locally owned ana man' aged. .- " GENERAL FINANCE CORKRATION (36 S. CommerMat St. Phono 9108 - I : (3-US) - -- EMERGENCY loan for doctor, hos- avltaL taxes, auto renair. -etc An accom modating, understanding, helpful loan service 4. .'.' v r Capital Loan Company S-2S3 Under State Regulation M M 311 First National Bank Bids'. Ph. 4446 Auto Loam f Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE H M U Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS A. N Duncan Ladd es Bush Bldg. Financial WANTED TO buy for cash, real ee- tot mortgages 8c contracts, discount paper etc we aiso ouy om aocounw and pay you more money than Collec tion Agencies get ror you. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie 216-222 i 212 Guardian Bldg Help Wanted Male SINGLE MAN on dairy farm. Phone erris. j. at. Micaois. hl m. box i. Help Wanted WANTED 1 unholsterer. 3 painters. 2 assistant I engineers. 1 electrical helper, iprumn er's helper, 1 truck driver. 1 mechanic, staadv work. Annhr Engineer. Orecon q- i-a. AUTO mechanic. Tod wanes, your own boss. 80S Edgewater. w. Salem. COOK wanted. Man or woman. The Spa. JANITOR Wanted. Ph. 3141 for appt MEN and women for bop yard work Ph. 7336. ELIGIBLE men or women, agea 13 1 to 43, interested in food merchandis ing. Excellent opportunity for quick promotion to , lndividuau wno cant 1-. J.00-J'"k; 1 ???2 :l3t-; FSi. I arw nauicM m ujwiiii nivurr" I Annlv todav. Sitawiv Stores Uiat AdoIt today. Safeway Stores Diat Of- ioa Rm rm McCilchrist Bide.. Lib- Help Wanted Female WANTED: Lady to care for small girl in my home. Ph. 8850. A' NURSE: Could live hi my home. No hi. wk. Ph. 4536. . '".'-"r EXPERIENCED lady cook at Schnei der's Coffee ' Shop, across from the Elstnore Apply In person. EXPERIENCED housekeeper under 43 years. $100 per mo. Go home nites. No Sunday work. Ph. 4B37. HOUSEKEEPER needed for Mrs. O. H. Schlicht at Waldport. Oregon. WANTED: Reliable woman for house keeping and care of convalescent Small home. 2 adults. Ph. 0480. WANTED. BEAUTY opr., any state I lie., army camp, Will guarantee. Write S. J. Shaw. Rt 4. Box 94. Salem. WANTED EXPERIENCED alteration lady. Ph. 8714 for appointment I arm. rnn and fmmtain I work for night shift Apply after 4 I o clock. Blue Bird. if. lull are a neat ana e mnem n- t t-. i ttt . i Turkey FlCkerS Wanted: Pi. No .xMrlcnee neces- sarv. Now Is vour chance to help in an essential industry: These turkeys are niM nn .nnnunMlt MUltraela. NORTHWEST POULTRY t DAIRY 1505 N. FRONT WANTED: Reliable young lady to work in a Jewelry store. Permanent position. References required. Excel lent salary. Box -40. Statesman. WOMAN for light hsewrk. and care for semi-invalid. PH. 3404. WANTED: Lady to car for 2 pre- school children in our home. : Pleasant I . f ... , . i p ?5I22wndir!: . - K'JiTJ - 1 JVU ' JTi j i ' Cr 4 Jio to S. Statesman 1 ,n atnt tor moot. office, or call 9101 for appt CULL TO STAY NIGHTS and help with - housework.- Some time for out side hour- work. Ph. 4381. Situations Wanted HOUSEWORK by the hour. Ph. 3219 after 3 PJa. . . CHILDCRAFT Nursery- We pick up and deliver. 1995 Trade. Ph. 31829 REST, cook and mgr. available June 1. 12 yr. exp. box 381 statesman. CHILDREN cared tor. Ph. 8643. COMMERCIAL 4c INDUSTRIAL SPRAY PAINTING Preserve and beautify your old roof. LLNDSEY & SON Roofing Ac Painting Contractors. 165 Roberts Ave. Salem. Ore. Call Afternoon. Phoa 9748 For Sale-rMiscellaneous - GRAND PIANO LIKE NEW. mh. finish, with bench; lovely tone. Call after f p. nu at 1760 IN. 17th St UPRIGHT PIANOi sewing machine: Westinghouae elec. range; Havuand china: 13 -sets of fin oooxs. can FULLER Brushes. 1743 Grsnt P. 8357 SUREJ JUST USE ONS, HAM? WHEN I EAT AND KEEP THE OTVCJ? ONE IN MY LAP '." -1 am ww K fm,u V bt, Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY Auto! And Truck Loans -S i . . I Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used can ofl huk. nilHi of us. Na delav-I ; Lriu ear and title and get the money You reUin icsesstoB ef vehicle. i to- is .nonths to resay. Aftei t o'clock ohone 2361 or 31143 tor appointment ROY H. SIMMONS U Rmlatal hv. state . :13t S Cml St Phone SIM (M-IS1 1 PERSONAL LOANS n l $5 to $300 -;. No lone rigamarol. Outsiders not involved. $10.05 per mo. repays 1100 in 11 months. Special Service for Em ployed Women. Come in or pnone.. Personal Finance Co. . Boom 115. Second nr. New Bligh Bldg. 118 SUte St Phone: saiera aisi Lie. S-ltt M-165. N. Anderson. Mgr. For Sale Miscellaneous Am - COMPRESSOR, new Briggs Stratton 300 lb. tank. Rt, 1. Box 36-K. Ph. 2-4133. - BEDROOM SUITE, table, chairs. I dressers. ISM N. Summer. m Trr rp uil.v 19 m Sa. of Saietn. Good rubber. Cabins for rent i sitkttcat l RM. circulator. S20. En amel wood tango $50. 1928 Model T r0rd 150, gas water heater and pip. u5 s. 12th. TRAILER. BRAND new. 1130 N. Church. ;; . s FT. rrieldaire to exchange for or it.ticau evenings a. no. MASTERBILT trailer house, furnish ed. $890. 1170 nWH St. Mm. aeie. 1 G JL U HP, Mi V. 1300 KJMS. electric motor. 1 westmgnouae so ur. 120-440 V 1200 Rl J. -etectrte motor. 1 Westinxhouse generator 3 K.W, 123 vaita nr. :amB. All aniaranteed reconditioned. Bosler Electric. 23 ; State St USED PARTS FOR CARS AND h f TRUCKS. - ACME AUTO at TRUCK WRECKERS 3093 peruana ko. HILL arown ahirbank aeed potatoes. I Sls iu . inn. PRE-WAR davenport and chair. 36 Center. - RADIO. : sable model (SUvertone).esu Ph. 4728. Price 330.00. WILTON Thg 10 ft 6 In. x 13 ft 6 la. 499 N. Cottage. USED upright piano. 1103 8.12a. thjutm hou-a fully -equipped 3128. 1 'b" COLLAPSIBLE b-hy buggy. W tahla nhBoenh. 383 S. Winter St tobto pnonograpn. soa p. wur SO LB. Ice -box. Enamel finish. Lino leum top. (1700 Norway. PIANO, furmtur. -etc. 373 N. Port land Highway, no. 10. MAN'S 'pre-war bicycle like new. Ph. -3683 mornings oniy. FRESH jMir bred Jersey cow. R. W. TavenncT. Rt 4. Box 418. Ph. 17T2. KTTCHETTE set 4 chrs. A, table: cast iron cook stove in good shape. 200 Center. G. W. WaUen. 2-WHEEL trailer? hand truck; screen door; dishes; cooking utensils, misc. items. 30 Elm. Bator m. ... , GOOD rtrrersible disc. See at machine shop, 20 Chemeketa. LARGE i Red Fox fur. reasonable. 1060V, N. 16th. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy and nice I used baby clothing. Ph. BU3Z. - HALLMARK mahoarany buffet: Sim mons studio couch; child's vanity: 2 lawn mowers. 1225 N. 19th. St LARGE 2-wheel trailer, new tires. Ph. 7715,-557 Knapp. SPECIAL Offer: Pre-war davenport set coffee table and 3 occasional tables. 1813 Madison St DRUM trash burner, double coiled. io r, chairs, wood range, mattress.- two 8x10 H bed snrine St l mattress,- two sxiu wool rugs wun pads, child's rocker, high chair and baby bed. 1713, N. Church. r wool rugs - with ,5 I "XX. MISC. '.household furn. Ph. 6285 or BEGINNER'S violin complete with case, $1Q. Ph. 3789. . - Outboard motor. 17 h.P" 14 ft-run- about bqat i with trailer, mixf. caurcn. LADIES' shoe roller skates, six 8. 1920 Chemeketa. CABINET model aedio. Perfect con- dttlon- Evenings only. 2170 Trad. ,,ru.,.,.--r, ta. i wrv llaiu kx uujiwiiR 1 toes for pUnting. see Vlck Bros. 309 I N High St. Salem. - WE HAVE hog wire fencing and light barbed wire in stock. Montgomery ward at- Co. ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and rent H. C. Pugh. Ph 2-2458. P.O. Box 463. Wanted Miscellaneous J wheel trailer, metal wheels, ban hitch, good tires. Ph. 32374. R. 3. Bx. 330 usep rURwmjRx- - pn - sis WANT TO Buy. Used cameras A lenses MeEwaa Photo Shop 433 SUte CASH FOB-used furniture nold aood R.FaeceV- Ph CASH' for used otano at other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days ei 1 9537 evenings Or send description to Jaquith : Music 1 Co. 191 S High. WANTED. 6 ICE boxes. Ph. 7596. CASH; PAID for upright spinet r grand pianos Pnon sm. CLEAN white rags. Hon Bros. 280OrUy 7" yearf old. T. Rm. U Rm.3 1 e.. .:- f, i j ... . . 1ETTT T v Ha; ftAttffwl fawa f seaairi . Isiv-eSa cotton rags. Oregon Statesman. ; . WANTED: Late model electric re frigerator and lectrie range. Ph. 9883 or eseui. -1 ' WOOD RANGES. ITaad heaters. Pit 7598. il 'iiowwixwo WANTED: tricycle. 3 yy. old. Ph. 3161 MDU 6ET IN THERE s( WRlSTal I llir I MIGHT AS WELL TAKE ANDVBOmKANCS ITTOO? 1 OFF ALL MY CLOTHES AND WASH YOUR X VlPT V- AND TAKE A BATH J Wanted Miscellaneous I We Buv Furniture i I : r reputation or business toteo- HTTV IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY I - highest prices paid for used i a Pi Jinn j I ! I ' I ViinM w1 A vrU an m at!" Call tl fc appointment HOGG BROS. t Stot St Highest Prices Paid Used Furniture!- ChristenseU & Bunnell 9M Edgewater - ; Phone sen west &aiera - SaaeaasaaeajeJw"aiet" WANTED. SO-ee Springfield action rifle. Barrel and stock no object J. R. I Sylvester. 1075 McCoy. 4 I I CP. Aluminum drip coffee pot I rn. ww evenings. ' ; Wanted Fiirniture WI MATTE it our husineas to nav I more for -good furniture and appliances. I T Jl . pn s IJrignt & iCaUey 453 Court St Phone 1311 Guns, dishes and I ana wn moweim elect equipment Ph. 7396. BaBBBBBBBBBSBBWaBsaaBSaSBBasSWaWaW Miscellaiieons ' . Dental Plate Repair i TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST 1 CASES Brlnf or MU Your Plates tor RepaU DR. HARBT SEMLZR. DENTIST : Atfokm BWs - SUt A OoinT- Ph 331 1 Septic Tanks Cleaned 1 estate wide. Guaranteed work. Gn fit. -42 Edgewater. Ph. S743. WILL TRADE locker at Boaestoele' for on at City Ic Works. Ph. TIM. , STOVE Parts At Repairing. Woodry Auction Market M03 N. Summer. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING rm. H. at C. water. 633 caattar. ; COMET, at. rm. Coed loc Ph. il443. TURNXSHED sieeplnf room for bust- girl, dose m. ia court sv or 7773. - SLEEP. KM. for men. Ph. 4463. For Renrt Apartments TOR RENT: 3 room apartment Adults. 3806 N. Capitol. CLEAN 3 rm furnished apt Bus line. 1474 N. summer. : ITJRN. ' APTSt" J3WJ Sifla.'"""""" " 3-4 rm. ants. Completely furn. $9 and 3 per week. Ph. 66R. lnoependence 1 3 RM. turn. Adults. M07 S. ComX : 2 RM. turn. apt. furnace heat re frigerator. Adults. 313 water St For Rent Houses HOUSE for sent: 4 rooms furniahed. I $43 per mo. Adults. 210 Tainriew Ave. Ph. 3-1040. 4 RM. unfurn. house with hath. $33 per mo. 1105 B. JSth. .. . . For Rent FLOOR SANDER tor rent Moot-. gouiety Ward GOOD Used Piano. H. L. SUtL TRUCKS for rent You drive Mc- Cune a Loveu. Phone 9600 ) Cabins at Neskowin. Ph. 4422 or 3877. Wanted to Rent i i WANT small furn. or part turn. hse. Reas. rent. 3 adults. Permanent P. 8341 FURNISHED. SMALL apt. wanted by responsible single man, permanent I Write Box 10. Statesman. 1 WATiTrm- smat.t. fiirnl.hjul hmu I or three room apartment for wife and one year old child. Permanent Phoa I .: PROFESSIONAL man with family wants nice s or rm. turn. nous. Ph. 8049. TTa-nf aitns-i ait man laketertsi a Brmff - wants 3-4 room furn. or partly turn, i- modern house for wife and child. Ph. modern house for wife and child. Ph. i rr. siddens. 3311 or 8624. LOCAL couple want 4 or 8 rm. house. Adults only. No pets. Ph. 7177 day time or B383 evenings, wesiay Rieinxie. m a m . t-. iJZrtkX ri.,, ;T erwjj avMii au aa va auuwt -w m i I i nse in sooa location, aaust nave atot 2nd fri7 Salem residents for over a year. Ref. U deatrwi. Ph. 31003.1 For Sale leal Estate PRICED TO SELL 6 ROOM HOUSE, basement, furnace. ldv trays, wired for ranee, trash burn er. 2 rooms In basement., large fruit I room, garage, price S4Soo. . P. H. BELL C W. BAxtTLZTi r , ifiiTrne 402 Guardian Bldg. Phone 48961 NEW. MODERN home. Hdwd. firs. 3 fireplacea. 3 bdrms. large recreation ! rm. all windows and doors weainer stripped: ceilings and walls Insulated. Prica tlSOOO. I S rms. new. V acre. A nic buy. 34,-1 eoo. - - ! R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR I 1853--N. Capitol $2350 win buy thia dandy home. L-R-. n Rm Kitchen, bath. 3 bdrms. Plas tered house. Brick foundation. Double garage. Chicken coup. Lot 75x150. BUKT PICHA. KaALTUH 1410 S. 12th St ' f Ph. 2210 r7aTt Lovelv ' bnu" on the helshts. .. 1 narma. 2 natna. rircDiace. tiawa. xioors. 1 . ' . -i. U..f i With I BlJKT PTCHA, KXALTUJts Hie a. uu ol- . - n. -NORTH COTTAGE ST. HOME I lTta- mama, wired - for Dec. range. eth:Iua:n !JlSd!L epi!' I shade. Small cottax ' tn rear. 1 Shows nly by appomtment Sec Louis I Bechtel of Mrs. xieediiam. 241 state st Room 4. For Sale Real Estate $t iu bur this s m. home in. leatad in K. V i.n,. Ln a. 1.-.. ggre Hg? a-3" -U P11 hi 1 bed room horn 3 - at 1545 Urn St. West Salem. B8J0O will btrv thta a m mArfena home located in. N. E. Salem. - - ' $7,875 win buy this fin rm. mod era home located dos in South. La-. living rm. Nice yard. Sprinkling sys tem. In yard. S7JO0 will buy this fine f rm. mod em horn located' In N. E. Salem. Llvihl room carpeted. Sawdust burn er,1 Largo lot gTJSOO -win buy this I rm, modern home; with Ige. unfinished attic. Lo cated, near Sr. High SchooL . ... IXiOe Will DUV this S Ynv nlaaterMl home with 1 large tots. gU down. Bat tlS per" month. See this -today. , rioa will buy this 4 rm. home with t lot and lare Karaae' $4,750. will buy. this C rm. . .nlasterad home " With"' basement hardwood in Z&TJZZ? -"ZZZZri S wi w... ". . tsono wUl bur this lare 1 rm. home With basement furnac flrsnlaM IM plumbing and two lots, dose to school sno oua. - : call G. H. Grabenhorst Jr. with GRABENHORST EROS, Realtors we . uoerty st .i ,vtk. 4U1 - MODERN house In rood condition! Large liv. rm, din. raw. 2 bedrma. oam, pienxy ez ouut-ins m autcnen. wired for elec range, hdwd. firs, in ."l.i BUM?- wquk iur- Iasssrveat aut VVUU. .aVUVpiaWY Mill UljaMiejaa attic cncloaed back porch, good basem. with laundry trays and show ier garage, lawn and shrubs. Conven ient location in tin neighborhood. sauuu. cau owner lor appointment. nw .sin. $7373 for this original strictly mod ern nome. ljk.. um kitchen, s bed rms. Dbie. plumb. Fireplace. Hdwd. floors with carpet Attic basement laundry trays. Wired for ranee. Lovely isnruDDery ana zruit. Terms. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1410 S. 12th St Ph. 3210 3 LOTS. T rm. house. Hansen Ave, exciustve luting, szsoo. - - W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial .. Ph. 4723 ROOMY HOUSE WITH 2 BEDROOMS, hwd. floors. basement, xurnace. Id v. trays, floored i rue, xxasn ourner. garage, rruit .ana nuts. Lot szxioo. Price $4200. P. H. BELL - C. W. BARTLETT REALTORS - 42 Guardian Bldg. phone 4896 for this lovely home. Only years ead. LJt, kitchen. 3 banns.. rbtn, eement foundation. Wired, for rang. Large lot, 73x200. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1413 S. 12th St Ph. 2210 MPT. house. Furn. Walkme distance to town. Auto, oil heat Corner lot 130. New garages, fruit and garden space, m. ran. 4 RM. house with bath. Abo 2 rm. house, close to bus, school and store. North Salem. Price 32500. i W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 1147 N. Commercial Ph. 4723 $7300. Rome on Market St D. Rm. Breakfast nook. 3'bdrms. Hdwd. flooss. Lovely fireplao. Furnace. Laundry trays. Corner lot. Rents for $73. See Mrs. huii wttn ; BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1 ACRE. 3 ROOM house, east trade. tenn. Owner. Ph. 21930, Business Card In this directory on a meathly basis enly. Kates L25 per line per month. Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry Model Aircraft. 31st At Market : aty Art' TUe- BATH Room, drain board, fireplace or store fronts. Ph. 9521. Auto Brakes - I t GENERAL Motors Approved linings and methods only. i : Looer Bros . eta uenier at. auem HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S Com?. Mike Panek. 27a S. ComX Ph. 8161 I Brake -and wheel aliening.! specialist Auto and Truck Service HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S. Com! Factory trained mechanics on all General Motors cars and ' trucks. Pre- frenc given esaenl owerIX)DER BROS. 443 Center St. fa-; "Our 16th Year in Salem." Bieycles i HICTCLE3. ftsf ana recowuuoTiea Harry W Scott 147 S Com-ei P 43.6 i i , , w, , . jttOtiy Eeiiaer nepalTI LOWEST PRICES consistent with louantv - work LODER BROS. 443 Center St. saiem. ure. . i HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S.Coml Brashes SMYTH'S. Ph. ; 6724. - 1190 N. tlst Chimney Sweep Nerthaes Chimney Sweep Ph 4451 Cosmetics AVON PRODUCTS. Ph. 11003 Fertilizer Sack. yard. load, loos: WO. N. Coral Florists Bretthuprs 647 Court lon tlS Front Wheel Alignment I . - MU mr .J.n. I trained mechanic on our Bean fron. end tnachtne. Save vour tires by keep ing your wheels pioperly Bned wp LODER BROS. 443 C-pteT St f Funeral Directors Terwuliger- Funeral Bom. Pit ' . Garden Plowing . Ph. 3400. DavW 30?5 Portland Gifts THE 'AJ RON ' Shop S7S at- Hlfh Hosiery Real Silk Hosiery MuTs. Ph. fTOt Mrs Moseley. PA Bos 133. Lawnmower Sharpening GUARANTrrD WORK on rpecial tactoiy grinders, fey Harry w. scon 'The Cycle Man' 147 5. Commercial at For Sale Real festatt) I s' YB. old home N.E. 3 bdrms full bsmt. fireplace H.W. floors, auto. sawdust beat. 2 car garage. large i lot. iota 01 snruos, aiso gooa garaen apace. , se hb. uwuwin mu TT-j.i-' . Tila:':: t ' I XiaWKlHS a IXUUeriS, IDC. J Ph. 410a. RealtorsJ After 6. Ph. 713 1 IT vntT ham this homa i can I be yours. LJt bdrauk. kitchen with buUt-ins. Wired foe range. Lot 60x10. I Itlt S? ST BrT9.!. wrtsrs! mm mmin j I WELL LOCATED large bouse, airan-1 fed in small apartments with double I set plumbing; DartJfurnished; baae- l ment; xurnace; mcomc aoo per month PJ" owne".1 SHtrt"- lS(cS.1 tNC. HEALTORS 344 Stat St i H ; - s Phi 8281" I FOR Attractive Locations tn King- wood Heights or Cascade Terraces lovely view..dty utilities. See Owner Phone 841X i. , . - ii HARflATN AIITTi rTWTBT i 16 FURNISHED UNITS. In stood; eon- 4taltal is er aw as a--, and (as sumo. A REAL BUY. Price 1 sia.guu.oo a own.-; -. - . . i . i - - - See Mr. Hum at - I -GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St I . Phi 4131 ATTRACTIVE BUY In neat 4-rooms I and nook cottage. Plenty of buUt-ins. near Salem; trade for or as part pay hardwood floors in part: fireplace: good I ment on town property. Price 3330 r""""m' uiwx-, i Urge lot nicely landscaped. Price.33300. 1 SEE - 'I LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St i , Phi 9281 ITS KEW - MODERN LOVELY 2 BEDROOM home. wood floors throughout automatic oil furnace, beautifully built-in kitchen. 1 acre good soil, northeast New electric range, electric water heater. Venetian bunas, sseoo. i j P. H. BELL - C. W. BARTLETT REALTORS I 402 Guardian Bldg. . Phone 4898 I " .7,' ;.rlInnV" ' t a very tow price ranee, nice . lance lot on bus. store or school. Price , $3400 $1000 Inun. nossessioti. C. H.. SANDERS - 231 N. High f 3838 cement foundation.: Plumb. Built-in. On paved street In W. Salem, Liberal terms. BURT PICHA. i REALTORS 1410 S. 13th St Ph. 2210 I YOUR HOME WITH 3 BEDROOMS, receptkxt halLI hwd. floors, wired for range, basement 1 17 acres of hay. 3 acres of fruit 6 furnac. ldy. trays, an attractive back I room modem, home.' basement fur yard, garage. Price 9300. I ' Inace. a good barn, chicken house, ga- r. tL. bell - c w. baktlktt i REALTORS I 402 Guardian Bid, i Phone 4896 1 SPECIAL i 1 a Deautuui 7 rm. strictly modem home with flowers, ! shrubs & lawn. I has sprinkling system. Hdw. floors, 1 fireplace, nook le R. halt The 2nd floor nicely finished. The basement has automatic furnace, water heater. etc. & is equipped to rive in during warm weatner. Price saaoo. I see Jc a Henmngsen witn STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS . 212 Guardian Bldg. j Ph- ENGLEWOOD Dist: 3 bdrm. ne-1 Hdwd. firs, full basem furnace. Price 35800. ! 347303 rms. bath. hdwd. firs, g- rage, large lot Excel, terms. OLSON and REEVE 943 S. Comt ' Ph. 4590 Directory Motor Steam Cleaning PROMPT SERVICE ion steam clean ing motors chassis i parts and etc LODER BROS. 443 Center Street Painting & Paperhanging Painting and decorating only. Ph. 8058 PAPER HANGING Ph. 2723. PAINTING 4c INTERIOR DECORAT ING, inside and outside painting. Taper hanging, ror estimates CALL 8478. Painting and paperhanging. Ph. 3983. PAINTING at Decorating. Ph. 7552. Plumbing A. L. SKEW IS Se CO. Plumbing. Heatmg. B4 h. High. Ph. ZZ3. j,- John Fisher, specialist Ph. 3019. BOW EN BROS. Plumbing and Heat ing. 355 N. Com'l Ph, 7214. j Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets programs books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing' De partment 319 Commercial Tele phon 910L I v.. Riattresses CAPITOL BED DIN Q CO Phon! Radio Service FAST Expert service. Ph. 7792. Refrigeration Service HOUSEHOLD and commercial refrig eration. Evening work. Phone 7893. Sand and Gravel - . !. . . i SAND, travel, crushed rock, loam sand. Walling Sand and Gravel Ph. 8561 Septic Tanks Cleaned PERM. RES Kenneth HameL 1143 Eighth SU West ;SaJnv Ph. 445 Surveying FARM and city surveys. Registered engineer. Oregon Bldg. Ph. ssox. Transfer V3 1 run. ' sunt Blankets rum 197 S.Mberty Fh-JW rOA LOCAL OR DISTANT trsnfes storaee. burner oil. briquets tack t Portland daOy. Agent Pteree Anas Freight tncludin Calif, poinbt Larmo Transfer co fbj tut, Used Furniture DuFaACTS USED rurbtturw. Ph 8762 Upholstery Qeaningl . RUGS ! antf; uphot cleaned. Ph. 6331 Vacuum Qeauer Service CERTIFIED GUAR eerv. All snakes Vlace's Electric 157 S Libv Tel 6232 FREB- mepecti Ihorised Boov tn rour noon. Au oover aenlc W servtc all makes : cleaners Hogs j Bros- Ph , II 49 v atCH CL UOCJt llepairECS . Decker. Taylor eamp.; State Street Window" Cleaning ' City window cleaners.; P. TltSl Floors waus. woodwork., wore guaxanteea. ALL work guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors waxed insured workmen Piotessionai dean ing bervic Ptv 4451. -For Sale Real Estate 6-ROOM house large lot basement furnace, garage, close in. A real by for - (3350. Terms. - . - - M. B. STEGNER - 320 N. Commercial by owner $5500 for rm, modern house m Walnut Park. t yrs. old, 3 oarms, targe uv. rm, nrepiace, oin. Msenv. auto, sawdust burner. B3S00 on at 3 mo. Ml N, 22nd. Ph. tXO. , ? -r-,. 1 KOOM With UrgeU. fin rental -proposition when redeco- rated. Price $4000. Your owa terms " reason. -, . i ,,,,.;:;,- AU? i"r.T TTTfi - ?7vz .TT.'-y. km trait' k' a. noirvwooTr. for - ecreage North or Northt.1975 Fau - grounos Kd. NEW 2 bed rm. hse. Hdw. firs.,- oil fir. furn. NXast. $4500. $2000 Down. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113.- ; i - .i ;i ' 5 :-.' 3 CITY JLOTS. North Front St Price $1,050. ' W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 17 N. Commercial n. e a Exchange Real Estate l EXCHANGE is inns- Willamette ailt loam: per acre, ijau airs, z-uis wim LEO N. CHILDS. INCX. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9361 LARGE house to exchange for 3 or 6 rm. hse. Call evenings. 2360 N. sth. For Sale Farms A REAL BUY 118 A. dairy 3c turkey farm. Good dark soil. For sale with or without stock at equipment This has new a ' . mflri kftiia. . mh mtu KOlraM house, and a new barn 30x43. Close to town. Price includes 4000 turkeys, carload of feed. cattle an farm machinery. X See Jack Henninesen with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 34 A. 6 mi. from Salem, wim good 17 room modern home. 11 A orchard and fine creek. 22 A. crop included 112.000. D. A. FISH 471 Court Ph. 5S4 33 ACRE farm. 12 acres of pasture. rage, mc BS3UQ. very gooa sou. U acres rich valley soil. 4 miles from Salem city , limits east Very eomxortaoie a oea room piesrerea nome. 90 foot welt automatic oump. barn for cow ana team, double garage, pout try house, fruit room. Cow and two calves, team - horses, mower. : plow. I disc and harrow included. Price 97900. I P. H. BELL C. W. BARTLETT I REALTORS 1 403 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4896 I rn sat.- ma ittm aa in oata and I 9 1 nf hnlUliin-Mr frontaae full lensth. Adapted to stock iw f jt. t -ml nnff. S mil. lion feet timber. Priced stocked and eauinned for auick sale. ' . . . Bad health. i - $1340 No electricity. PAUL P. BATES, REALTOR Corvallia, Oregon 369 ACRES. IS mt E. of Salem. 250 I A. in cult 23 A. in timber. baL pas ture. Year round creek. 1 r. house. I Barn. On paved Hwy. 1 mi. from artinoL - Price S15.750. Terms. ' - 1 - - . ... . S7 acres. Gooa aamr sarm. mi from town. 6 r. house. U A. alfalfa. 1 15 A. In cult 32 A. In timber 6c pas tore. Price 211.000.1 Terms. See Jack Henningsen wttn STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. . . Ph. 4121 Acreage 20 ACRES GOOD bearing walnuts. 1 3 rms. neat house. $300 per acre. 30 acres good bldg., fine sou. East. 48 acres dandy soil. elec. bidgs. north. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol 33000. Suburban home, living rm. nice kitchen wired for range, electric heater, automatic water system, toilet. shower, garage, small barn. $izou Idown. . 19 A. all tillable, about mile from Middle Grove School. $110 per A. - MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3723 . 18 A. WITH-16 A. of filberts 4 yrs. old. all cultivated and in good condi tion, only miles east, no bidgs. $4900. LARSEN HOME At LOAN CO. 164 So. Commercial St Pn. 4642 ACREAGE BARGAIN 4 acres. Rlckreall bottom land. 8 room house, barn. etc. City water, paved St Total price $3500. ALFRED DUMBECK. REAL ESTATE Room J Ladd & Busa ewg. . -10 ACRES 4 RMS, utility rm. wired for elec. range, elec. water system, creek. $4750. $1500 dn. . . iTea luwimi wiui j .. : R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR J, 1653 N. Capitol ACREAGE CLOSE In. CaU 585 S ComX . .. r v Wanted Real Estate ' . . MR. HOME OWNER WE NEED -your listing. You list 'era, we wiU sell tnem. LEO N. CHILDS. INC KEALTU1U 344 SUte St Phon 9261 RETIRED minister wishes to buy 2 I bdrm.. bungalow from owner. Ph. 7203, WE HAVE a number of clients Who want to Durchas homes, acreages'and farms and we would appreciate your listing your place witn us. P. H. X' - J. W. BAJIlliEll . Realtors - 402 Guardian Bldg. ' Phon 489$ notice:. IF roar . property is. tor sale, rent or exchange. .list it with am We have a I ainas casn .ouyers.- STATK FINANCE CO. REALTORS - 212 Guardian Bid. - . Sabnrban 2.1 ACRES. 3 ml. N. from down town IS. blks. from 99E hiwsy. I rm. mod. hsa. Barn, chicken nae. "elec. water 1 m 1, . . . . .. -a M.. n ZXT - I6.L50 '4 acre ' N. E. 8 rm. neariy new. mod. hse. Baaem. furnace, hdwd. tlrs. c elec. pump. . -- .. : OLSON and REEVE 943 S. Coral. ; : ' Ftt. 4S90 1 . - - 1 - ; STIR URBAN HOME A NICE LITTLE 4 room bous. eleo trie : water - heater, wired for range. I Chicken house, garage, ft acre tract Prte $3000 00. j.- 1 j T, H. BELL C W. BARTLETT - REALTORS 402 Guardian Bldg. Phon :i Business Opportunities ' FURNISHED APARTMENT r house, located 162 Ferry St. 7 apts- good furniture, good. - condition, - large lot 100x100. income $163.00 per f mo. $3900, for ouick sale:'': -r --- , LARSEN HOME at LOAN CO. 164 So. Commercial St . Ph. 4642 . am NEW PLACE RESTAURANT nd CONFECTIONERY Ready to open I in dandy little town. Uving quarters. uiness in xamuy reaaun tux : setuu. Would - exchange for small chicken ranch not too close to town: Call r write. TeL Red 22, Dayton.. PXV Box 481. Owner. ' ; - .- -:. . GROCERY WELL located in Salem. I A good buy.- SL A. FUKlUULtf. ItfiAblva 1853 N. Capitol FURNISHED apartment house. $140 u. fiiu. , a aoartment I or 1 owner. See owner at 310 Bellevue St For Sale Used Cars Transportation ; 'J Specialists , 'All Makes it Models. 1 WE WILL PAY CASp . FOR YOUR CAR Our 1 Cars Are. j Guaranteed ' U Down. IS Mo. to pay. 1 s AlX'.lnNDS-OFr. ffi(mNICA BODY ;&FlimW0RK; SkiUed ; Factory Trained ,- ' ' Mechanics . , HERRALL-OWENS XO. 333 S. Coal ' Ph.- 3161 Buy. a. j LODER BROS. USE1 CAR ' Tops in Quality AND Reasonable in Price ' DO NT CLOSE A DEAL UNTIL TOO HAVE LOOKED OUR STOCK OVER. GET THE BEST AND SAVE' MONEY - AT . , : J LODER BROS. . OLDSMOBHJC DEALER ' 443" Center St - Salem. Oregon. : Phon 6133 ?PONTIAC 8 Deluxe sedajaR. H. Ph. 3638. ; . 1936 FORD Sedan. Motor and tire A-l cond. $350. 3020 State St Ph. 66F11. 31 ESSEX COACH cheap. Rt 4. Box 307. Nelli Mann. . . . .. , 1936 FORD 4-DOOR Deluxe. Excel. lent condition. 8 good ttree, radio. heater, sport light, fog light; 1895 N. FOURTH MODEL A Sedan, excellent motor. good tires. $133. Call 3574 after 8 PJh. FOR SALE: 1940 Dodge deluxe tudor sedan, good condition. Might consider cheaper car on trade. Mrs. Freeda Wil son. Turner. Oregon. USED PARTS FOB CARS 3t TRUCKS ACME AUTO oc TRUCK WRECKERS . 3053 Portland Rd. STJMP Trucks" 4 yd . boxea? 2 stake trucks. la too. Ph. 6006. , Wanted Used Cars Bonus Prices FOR CLEAN CARS THIS EXTRA IS IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR HIGHEST - PRICE PAID FOR CARS. SEE US AND GET YOUR PRICE. f. NASH USED CAR LOT 240 CENTER - PHONE 2724 To Buy or Sell : THAT USED CAR. SEE STATE MOTORS, INC. Ph. 4436 j 340 N. High, WE PA? TOPS! Get every dime your ear to wrth.r Cash on the Barrel-Head SHROCK , SALEM'S oldest -ndependent used ear ...-- dealer. - Na .Cornet Church at Chera Ph 7922 CAR WANTED: Good 34 or 33 De- Soto four door. Must have aood Ure and motor, Mrs. Freeda Wilson, Turner, Orecon. . ; . For Sale Wood ASH. OAK and fir. 16 inch. Chaa. F. Simon. 1311 N. Liberty. Ph. 6685. WOOD. Order now. 18"- rreen slab. Approx.-3 cords or more in load $14 a load. Ph. 171M. Dallas. Or. Writ Paul Anderson. 713 Jefferson St.' Dallas BEST Plywood cores $10. Ph. 6663. SPECIAL: 30 dr. Double , load mill rwood $10-7721 or MAY SPECIAL ONE LOAD mill wood. $5 JO; 2 loads $10. Immediate delivery. Hollywood Fuel Co. Ph, 373L FRESH cut sawdust 4 ft green slab. Part dry and ; green millwood. ttu or 8862. V 1 eaasaaaaasayaaeseajaaeaaaseaaeaaasaaai FRESH cut sawdust for sale Ph. 6883. GREEN old growth 16 in slab. prompt delivery Phone 6444. 16 IN MILL wood. Ira. Dei Ph 6683. 1 O G. rm H R CUson. Mehama. Lost and Found LOST: Harval lady's . wrist watch. rose gold. Can. 2-226. . . LOST: May,23- f H. -S; Gym "between ac P.M. con goia "wrut watcn. Please return. Graduation present Lib eral rew'd. Craig Stdgood. R, X B BX.91 LOST: WhU repairing wood chute. pliers with initials J. J. V. 1171 Elm, W. Salem.' ' - LOST in Hollywood, service man's billfold containing money ac leave pa pers.. Reward. Ph. 7372 Nick Serdots. LOST 2 NO. 4 and one No. 3 ration books.- Mrs. Robert Sim 00, Ph. 2-3301. LOST: Diamond earring for pierced, ears. Ph. 3416. Reward. . j. . . Pertonal - LONESOME? Write Th Joy Bliss Club. P.O., Box. 73.. Tacoma. Wash. Business Opportunities RESTAURANT . DOING good bus iness on -north. So. Fred Rawlins with .- R. A.' -FORKNER. REALTOR 1653 N. Capitol SERVICE STATION for lease. 99 S. COm'l. : Ph. FJ54. ,,.;. t. t, Popular PerenmaU : j You ihinkprijnn and deiphinluma: as the popular; per ennials. There: is nothing wrong: with rhuba r b r I horseradish, chives and 'sparaiTua s peren nials, is there? y-V' , T; Lodged A Pacific Lodge No. SO. AT A ' AM. E. A. degree, Friday. Hay