-, . i 1 y FAGS TEN Th OSZGON STATESMAN, Ealem, Ongoxu. Thursday Morning; May 25. 1S44 Quotations at East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore., May (AP) Sid wholesale market - Strawberries CMihy, 100 o- AsMrafua Canny. No. 1. ja 25;" ctbba-3oial. 144. 1 or.n. box. nh'a eM oran,. b: muiurd. 0-7Jc dot. bunchW kale. We crate: Swj-e chard. V- . bunches; parsley. 50c dor. bunches, wa- Onions-Green. f,J,U,nC,S?: commercial rd. dry. SOs. $2.70 lug. Peas Local. 1J-14C 16. . RdUhes-Red. 15c do, bunches: white. 75e dot. bunchea. . Rhub.rb-ri.ld. boxee. 30c. $1.18- Koot vefeUbtae-Bufk parsnips, 79-Xps-Binen. m do, bunchea. tl.50; pepper. $1: pansy, infolds, $1 JO box; snapdras ona IM flat. -: Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, May 24 AP) Butter AA grade prints. 48c; cartons. 4c: Arr.de prints. 4S'c cartons. 4sT2c; B S rada prints 4S',c, cartons, "46C. - Butterf at-Jlrst quality, maximum of 4 of 1 percent acidity.-delivered to PortlandrM-52'ic; premium quality, maximum of 45 of 1 per cent acidity. B3-53kc; valley routes and country points 2c lew than first or 0-50l,e Cheese Selling price to Port Und re tailers: Oregon triplets. 29.4c; daisies, 294 lb.: loaf. 304 lb.: tripleta to whole ulen. 27c: loaf. 27',sC FOB. . - Eeas To producers: nominal prices, case count. 27c: select henneries. 28 29c; mediums. 24c dor. . Eggs Nominal prices to reUilera. in cases: A grade Urge. -J7c; Ajnedlum. 30-32c; smaU. 22-23c. Live poultry Buying prices from producers: broilers up to 2' lba., 27 tic: fryers. 2',i to 4 lbs.. 28c; roasters, over 4 lbs.. 28c: Leghorns and colored bens, all weights. 24,c; roosters and Stags. -uc. Rabbits Government celling; ave- me eounirv Kmc a w icti, .t ! I. -h-MtnAAM X 9Js lh jive pnev w ii vjmws,-- -f Turkey Selling price to reUilert: dressed hens. No. 1. 3i-43c lb. fr..-vAt liua 0nvrnmnt eeiUIlK iuiac;a -.. a Duyuig jpiiwca. Uat dressea oasis. VI1IUI1 ecu, - Potatoes Old local. No. 1. 3.2S per cental; No. 2s. 50s. 75c-100; Klamath, ic. n.aflkiitAa M 1 S 15 cpntal. PMatnM nw California white. 2-75 per 50-lb. bag; 100s A"t 4.75; Texas. 5.75 cental Country meats Rollback prices to ..i.ii.r.. Mutntpv kiVlawl rtoff. boestbut- , gciaiiwjisi .va. j k,.M 19f-latA IKst ia.17? Vsra?rS. AA. fatsi a .w . v-s - - SPECIALISTS CBOICZ1 Use formula sent us by Thornton Be Minor i.iinic. Relieves pile pain, itching, soreness QUICK! Then tends -to shrink rwll .nrLni CZt tt 00 tube Thornton & Minor's Rectal Ointment Or get Thornton at aoinor riecuu suiji ..I. m fui r.ntt mnr.. Trv rmrrnps' w.v TODAY. At all rood drug stores even where In Salem, at Fred Meyer a. till! LC.! X-4ZCiI-3 . n f' ' MICKY MOUSE f y - , -y&--i? L i: A i J TRW MA SPRDslKLl: PEPPER aM "LfVfel EVH V--i6kl 0' Yt f I g j ; THTMBIE TLATRZ 1 it TTn L-i t y jy yw i mh,- .nPJ---i 1 5-Z5 t&m Mt a?aotaoty Jt 1 1 j 1 ' ' I 1 1 LOOK. ZERO. THAT BULLY . 1. 'CAUSE BULLY DOGS HAVE) ) . 'TSTl I WAJT.IERO! WE GOTTA STAY HEPE UNTlLTHAT BIS, BULLy Bll59K ' S 9PiHNERS WHEM JSHl 006 60S AWAY- HE JUST GOES 'KOUNOj SCARIN UTTLE jQ I MICE AN' FRIENDLY-J L DOGS THEiR QWM SIZE , V 1 .wJ - - .. . f : . fM l . UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY . lv4LaV. .-v;"'" IN VEHUVM) WHArrHE-j) vxxswswef- WHO'S gT) p f - vw - r2& rrf - ' - - nJ5,: - ' T M frrrrTr "IB i nand PoUto .J4 Liii--lyUwi4 .? - Planters Portland Sjy.c; A. 11 Her B. lS-Wie; C. lS-lTe: B. 18ic, 14c; cmnnex -cutter cows, 11 14c; bulla. - canner - cutters. - 14-14e; lantoa. aa sec; a, bw; b, ,;, ia-xw waa. rs. lSV-e: medium, lie: Wool Government control. rcra Rark 1M4. neeL 20C lb. ' Mohair 1042.' lJ-month. 45c n. , - j T1-1 . mnt-aj . IMi. aSe up; M4S. lie: 140, 65c lb.; 147. Bee lb. Hay Wholesale pricee nonunu: falls. No. 1 or better. $34-33; oat-vetch. $20 ton. valley point; timothy eastern Orcfon). i $33-30 ton; clover, 24 ton; Montana grass nay two. e--.-v Portland Grain SMTOTf .aXTV Or. . Slav 24 (API Wheat: No futures quoted: . oft white (excluding Rex) IMii; white club 1A6',: western red l-SOlfe. Hard red winter: ordinary 1.38,: 10 per cent 147; 11 per cent 140; 12 per cent 1.024 . Hard white baart: 10 per cent iJti; 11 per cent 149: 12 per cent 1.01. TnlH'iirir. rantnti! Wheat 0. bar ley 2," flour f, oats 2. miUfeed 5. Portland Lireotock PORTLAND, Ore.. May 24 (AP) (WTA) CatUc, salable 200. totel 400; calves, salable and total 50; market close steady; some weakness fat dairy type cattle and bulla; instances 35 cents or, more lower; load common medium " steers 1343. few ' medium good lots 114.25-13.23; mixed steers and helferg 1313; few common heifer f .00- 10.00; caniner and cutter cows 340- 743; shells 340 down; fat dairy type cows 0.00-M; medium beef cows 443- 11.00; medium-good bulla mostly $.50 1040; good-choice vealers steady at 19.00-16.00, odd head to 16.50. Hogs, salable and total 750; market active, fairly steady, instances strong er; good-choice 180-270 lb. truck-ins 13.73: several choice lots 183-213 lb. 1343; load 170-270 lb. 13.75; few 170 lb. truck-ins 13.00-23: licht lights down to 10.00; good sows 8.00-50; light weights to! 9.00; choice 122 lb. feeder pigs 9.00. Sheen, salable 400. total 1250; mar ket slow, weak;- slaughter ewes again under pressure; good-choice .spring lambs 15.00-30 with relatively more at 15.00; common grades down to 11.00; medium-good wooled old crop lambs 13.30; common-medium shorn lambs 8.00-11.00; good ewes 3.50-4.00,- some unsold. i ' Stocks and Bonds i May 24 STOCK AVERAGES 30 13 Rails 28.1 274 27.4 264 264 28.4 224 IS 60 Util Stks 33 52.7 Indus .... 72 8 .72.4 72.0 ..70.1 .72.1 Wednesdays Previous day 364 36.0 354 34.4 37.1 35.1 52.5 52.1 Week ago Month ago 504 514 53.2 49.5 Year ago 1944 high 1944 low ;.73.4 69.1 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 Util Fogn 106.1 66.6 1064 864 106.0 664 1054 1654 1034 394 1064 66.6 104.7 ; 634 R Wednesday Previous day Week ago j Month ago Year ago 1944 high 1944 low i.......79.5 New 1944 highs. 10 tails Indus 804 105.0 . 89.6 1044 MO 104 a ;86.6 105.3 i a in. a i .S94 105.7 104.7 V jlf j till t 1 "Strictly Private" "Vr M fwd our what mms K I 'm lAimS D THL W I GO TD NEEDS A AUAAHAO. Salem Market The prices be:ow supplied by a lo cal grdcet are indicative of the daily market pricea paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but arc not guaranteed by The Statesman i Cauliflower, crate - 2 25 and 245 Crook neck & Italian squash, lb. 43 Turnips, doz bunches - 140 Cabbage, fib. , ,. .02 Endive, dot bun. - .70 Radish... t doz . bun. M Carrots, dor. bun. ' 40 Celery.; doz. bun. ----. 140 Pumpkin, lb. 03',i Parsnips. lb. .,. - , ., 49 BUTTER,: EGGS AND POULTRY, j Andreten's Buying Prices (Subject to change without notice) BUTTERF AT : - , Premium -, ' 44 No. 1 ' , 43. No. 2 ki -j 40 BUTTER PRINTb .46i ,45 V -;.46i 48 44 44 J8 45 41 40 J5 Quarters EGGS v i ; Extra targe Medium i Standards T Pullets. POULTRY Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2. ' colored bakes Colored frys - Old roosters Marion Creamery's Baying Prices i (Subject te change without aetic) POULTRY No. 1 springs ' ' " , 49 No. 1 hens . 45 UVESTOCK Buying pricea for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported: Grass Seeders By Quinri Hall SQMiaaAfpc, aa rokiV. SU3St & H AST AC SCttOOL WEPE,THB MOOR OH Quotations Dressed veal . - 41 -14.00 to 15,00 9 00 to 11.00 Spring lambe Yearlings Ewes 8.00 to 6.00 Hogs, good to choice grade. 170 to 230 lbs. 144S Sowa ',, , , 1040 to 1040 Top veal 13.00 to 14.00 Geiger Funeral Held Monday UNIONVALE Maynard Der- wood Geiger, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Geiger of the Union- vale district died at the General hospital at McMinnville Satur day. '.;,.... , Funeral ; services were held at the Dayton Baptist church Mon day. Rev. R. D. Bennett, the Un ion valev. pastor officiated. Burial was at Evergreen Memorial park cemetery, McMinnville. ' ' Maynard was born September 27, 1929, at Indiahoma, Okla and came with his parents to For est Grove in February 1932 and to Unionvale in January 1941. j tHnLiD Senior Uass : Is-Honored AUMSVILIJE Baccalaureate aervicesor ttue swnior class of the high school were held at the school house Sunday nlghL Rev. Atwood Foster of Salem spoke f " ; Mr: and Mrs, rorrest Murray Of Siletz, former residents of this olace. have announced the birth of. a ? pound son, Jesse Francis, at tha Salem Deaconess hospital Sunday. This is their third child, That other two cbJldren, Dennis and Sara Catherine, , are being; cared for at the borne of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse yiTilCOX, i- 'Ji-: V:fJ Clean up day will be Thursday for volunteer workers at the But ler cemetery here. This is an an nual piece of work donated by interested members of the com munity. Donations of cash are ac cepted from those interested, but unable to work. ' Union Hill Plans For Geanup Day UNION HH-Lr-Clean-up day at the Union Hill cemetery will be Saturday, May 27. All interested are urged to be present. . I George Scott is spending a few days at West Fir visiting with his daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Wallace NeaL Mrs. C. . Heater accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fred B e r g e r of Stayton on a trip to Canada. Mrs. Heater expects to visit a grand daughter ia Canada and an aunt in Seattle.; Louis Wavras Sell Residence SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs Louis Wavra have sold their re cently purchased home on Cool- dge street ' to the . Silver. Falls Timber company and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ryan have rented the place and plan to move into it to make their home. ' .i Mr. and Mrs. .Van Someran, who purchased the home in which Ryans are living on - Main street some time ago, will probably move to this about the middle of June Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wavra are undecided as to their future plans. Mrs. "Wavra is now employed in the offices of the Cooley Gardens. Foirmer Mill City Teacher Dies ; MILL CITY Miss Ethel Hick- ey, 64, a former Mill City school eacher, died Friday at the Oregon City hospital. Funeral services were held Tuesday in Portland. Miss Hickey came to Mill City in 1926 to teach. She became sup erintendent of the Mill City schools in 1927 and held that position un til 1938. Survivors are a niece and nephew in Massachusetts. , i i 1 -1- RATION CALENDAR FOOD : ' Processed foods Blue stamps Al through 04 valid indefinitely. Meat, butter, cheese, etc. Red stamps AS through TS valid indefi nitely. Red stamps US. VS and WS valid indefinltely. beginning June 4. t. Sugar Stamps nunwer; 30 and 31 good for five pounds sugar Indefi nitely Stamp 40 good for -five pounds canning sugar until March 1, 1949. Apply at ration board for mora. .-. '.- '- u. ' SHOKS ' : i Airplane stamp -No. 1 and No." S valid indefinitely. . ' UASOLINB . J , June 21 expiration data of No. 11 A coupons. May renew B or C cou pons -wKbtn but not before 19 days trom date on cover. ; '. - Value of gasoline vcoupohs: A, Bl. Cl. 3 gallons: B,C3. B'and T. S gallons. D. la gallons: E. 1 gallon : ftJaX on. Period 4-9 coupons good through August 31 Instead of September 30 as., previously . announced. Coupons with gallons 'printed, on the face valid for amount indicated until ex Diratktn. data show on coupon sheet jiot more than SI per cent of sea son s rauona anouM nave, oeen usea to date. Periodic Inspection of tires ended. Inspection certificates required -In obtaining replacements, arovaa Purchaser .must get -certificate at ration board for new stoves. - . WOOD, SAWDUST, COAL, -' rvel dealers deliver by orioritiea based on needs. Order your lS-month supply now during temporary winter storage program. ' PMICE CONTKOt. Refer Inquiries and "complaints to price clerk or local war price ana ration poara. - :Hf CAU$Hl! aHAT J FiUTJH RAP'.0 . -A I f..SMJST tt s2lNA . J- NESPC9, WHIN UM C4MC 1 l ftASC fO' TMl.W WtV...rtATW00T PMTO J . , THAT 0T. fy... LOOl AT MM J f DOWN THCR ... Sfi. ''-tZOUIN VINC90ZJ ' '' . OU CldVNA... Cwtl,L,WlVt . C-"S THAT Y.' J l - PlNDS-AUIN, fV-v, ' Uflf T ' ' -jOS...t M ft COT TO 61T s - -' ' COME 04 KL " ' V ( ' sl!'14 ' 7rn:w8 ' H-iSK s"0- PaSV . i . IVi , g 3- X: ML lWtCKERM5MTU J ( WHfCT FEU IS YL 1 - 3 - IS I TH6 fcOOftCiOUS tOJtT J i rVLOMfi Yy " ttlARSHtMT W L Crossvord Puzzle i:il-i-li-7-IT rs j" Wi TP" p - , lIlfZ"Il "1 lil mr 1 1 mr i HORIZONTAL 40. salutation I ' 42. apportion 43. froat 44. action in law 45. military assistant 46. be available 48. wandert , 50. small insect 52. sesame r - - 53. portico ! 54. volcano in " Sicily j 55. lamprey i 1. caressing : touch ; 4. arrive j 8. mail 12. native metal 13. Hebrew - measure 14. river in : Bohemia 15. beaten path iT.eiractnrv ' orran 19. prefix: doubly 20. Prussian town 2L sheath , 22. vitality 23. beast of burden 24. speed Answer to yesterday's puzzle. ORDER IT oT REAR use led fole tern " i d es ,. i 5 -t-t a l pms print a bo ma 'rungs bes"etsUa7eII A L !EP I S"SELL SjTE " ARESLEE HERA RALEVE ER E S T (ALTER, deeHnee jP I ERS ; competition! 25. sailors 26. neuter pronoun 27. painful 28. flying - ! mammal 29. African fly: 31. photographic i device 34. falsehood 35. solitary 36. diminutive : for Edward 37. match 39. song-bird Average UaMe at aelatlea: 28 saiaatea, Diet, by King Features Syndicate, Inc., Peterson Varns Farm Group on Federal sControl The future" of agriculture, and its ability to employ depends to a large extent; on - national poli cies in permitting foreign compe tition, members of the agricultu ral Eub-committee of the state postwar wrnrriission agreed here. Tuesday. j "Certain agencies and groups are already planning for the fu ture of our state's agriculture' E. L. Peterson, state agricultural di rector, said. "Unless real farmers who know its problems plan for the future, we may find our selves operating under conditions and schemes unfitted to our needs and not of our 'making." I . - Subcommittees ' and their re spective chairmen were appointed to 'include: . - t. Livestock, . K. L. Clark; dairy, Oscar Hagg; poultry, G. C. Kee ney; fruit, S. M.iTuttle; seed, Alec Cellers; vegetables, Ronald Jones; agricultural organiations, ean W. A. Schoenfeld. Chairmen! of wheat . and specialty 1 crops sub- Hemorrhoidg Piles 'Fissare Fistu' Corrected Wttbewt er I-MS of Tlaee These eonditiona under- i ltk mm miIiim : earnings. Foe years we have been treating rec tal and colon disorders with excellent results. ..j laieet Appreved - Metfeeda 1 Q-ick Bellff CaB .for Sxa-ainatssw or Write ter . Free Oeacrtptlve Deoklet - j . Dr. B. Beynolds C2inlc Cfe-ropraetlCe Physadaa f " Proctologist Cermer Ceart and Liberty Street - TOL Office S4BS i '.: 4 '! I SS--------BJbjsm SasjBBBBaMBssi-BBBa XRTICAL 1. cooking J utensil 2. stems . 3. sport groups 4. mountain gap ; 5. mystic ejaculation 6. peril ;; 7. appearing ; gnawed j . 8. pastry :; ' 9. bone " 10. Hebrew . festival 11. stumbles 16. exists 18. symbol for selenium - 2L mind 22. head 23. river-island 24. garden flower 25. domesticated 27. agitate - 28. nnancial -institution , 30. Charles Lamb's v pen-name ' - 31. heart 32. day-dream . 33. citrus drink 35. dormant 37. skin-mouths 38. ward off. ' " 39. shelf 40. sharp 42. note in the scale 1 43. within 45. masculine name 46. Greek letter 47house addition 49. international language 51. indefinite article committees will be announced la ter; . John Kelly, secretary of the Oregon postwar commission, ad dressed the group. Attending the , meeting were: Dearv W- A.-Schoenfeld,- Corval- lis; R. I Clark, Portland; E. A. McCornack, Eugene; S.' M. Tut- tle, Medford; G. C. Keeney, Port land; Alec Cellers, McMinnville; G. A- Brown, Portland; E. A. Geary, Klamath Falls; W. B Snider, Paisley; Fred Cockell, Mil waukie; Ronald Jones, Brooks; Amon: Grice, Salem. Silverton Pastors To Attend Convention SILVERTON Rev. S. L. Aim lie and Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr will leave Sunday night for Minne apolis to attend the national Lu theran church convention. They plan to start on their return trip to Silvertoh on June 5. - Nathan Fuhr, who has been visiting at : the home of his par ents, ,.wiu, leave .Wednesday for his encampment in the south. UPERIOR IT R a-e a m; w. SLOW YOU DOWN. Only the condition of your eyes. 1 . DEI. S. JL Phone 5456 -. - t v- -. . - Annual Picnic HeldSiinday , LIBERTY Thai Liberty Sun-." day school and church held its an nual picnk: on the school grounds Sunday. The ' noon - dinner ,. was spread Indoors in the hall fol lowing church. The occasion was used to com pliment the student minister, Ro bert NeaL and his bride-elect. Miss Erma KuenzLwith a bridal show er ofxifts. Their wedding will- be in two weet-ijn suverton. j -: ,The young folk played softball on the ' grounds. Boy and ! girl rM if Ksb-4 m -Vii-hW -.-.-.. . t. queline Judd, assistant girl scout troop leader, told of the part re ligion has in the scout work, i . Legal Notice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTRIX AND : ; executok . .. ; Notice is hereby riven that th undersigned bavebeen appointed by the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the county of Mar ion, sitting in probate, executrix and executor resoectivelT. of the? last will and testament and estate of Etta M. Savage, deceased; ! all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are noti fied to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to me at 205 Oresron Buildina'. a-j lem, Oregon, within six months, from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oreeon. this 4th day of May, 1944. f EVA J. McGILCHRIST, executrix, L. ALVIN SAVAGE, executor of the last will and testament and estate of Etta M. Savage, de ceased." : ' '(". RONALD C. GLOVER. 205 Oregon Building, v Salem, Oregon, Attorney for executors.' ! i i V My 4-11-18-25 Jl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received by the City of Silverton, Oregon for the excavation by mechanical methxi of approximately 11,500 lineal feet of trench, and will be publicly opened and read in open meeting by the Council, June 5th, 1944, at 8 o'clock P.M, Pacific War Time. Separate bids will also be re ceived at the same meeting of the Council for the placing of ap proximately 11,500 lineal feet of 14" Wood Stave Pipe, andv the backfilling of the trenctu Bidding blanks and specifica tions can be obtained at the of fice of the City Manager. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept any bid considered benefi cial to' the best interest of the City of Silverton. - - v- REBER ALLEN, ' Mayor HARRY C. McCREA, My 24-25 City Manager. DRESSED Veal and Hogs Wanted! Top Prices Paid! Prompt Remittance : Ship to Fred Ileyer Ileal Divbica 444 8. W. Tamhfll 8t ce 8. E. S2nd Fatter Blvd. XTcle: VTe eaa accept eoly aaL-aais kiDed to" complLaa with , O. P. ' A KgsUattaL. , . , - - i , T Da Yea "Enjoy Year 7crk? If hot have you ever stopped to find out why? It. may be that the job you have is beyond your -TP ability. It you are unable wm to see clearly and easily any Job becomes distaste- fuL . . . u;;, v f ; tVWJT TTT Vntm FVFS regular examinations ;will reveal niEATLEY Li 148 N. liberty Iland Corn . Planters 173 & tlirrly CL. Zdzn I c.i L t-I-l -.-w cArinrf cooGL.: i i r ' I t ' J - -i