The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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Tha OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Orecjota, Tuesday Morning. Mar IS. 1944,
r r t-
Dinner For " ;
. Couple on
Sunday . :
Ensign and Mrs. Bruce Carkin
'. arrived in the capital Saturday
,' for a 'ten day stay with' their
parents, Mr.- and Mrs. JohnvH.
Carkin' and Mr. and , Mrs. Ray
j A.-Yocom. - Mrs. ; Ou-kin went
to San - Francisco to meet . her
: 1 V.k..J.kl..l.. 4 1 "
;' active sea duty. Later in the
rmon'th "Ensign and Mrs. Carkin
- ;Jwiir leave for ; Norfolk, . Va.t
where he ; will : take further
f training.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ray A.
Yocora were guests for a family
dinner in honor of the couple.
. : Places were laid for Ensign and
Mrs. Carkin, Mr. and Mrs. John
H. Carkin, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Yocom, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Os-
terhoff of Eugene, Mr. Ralph
Yocom of Portland, Miss Ro
berta Jean Yocom and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Yocom.
Irma Illert Will
Wed a Sergeant :
- Complimenting Miss Irma II 1
lert, bride-elect of Sergeant
'Robert Unruh ' of the .United
States marine corps, who has '
Just : returned from service in
Hawaii, was the bridal shower
for which Mrs. Ralph Johnson
t was hostess at her home on Fair
mount hilL
." The evening was spent in the
regular business 'meeting of the
Priscilla Guild, of which Miss
Illert la a member, after which
Sharon Johnson and Colleen
ried the rifts in to
' Miss Illert. The bride-elect wu
also presented with a corsage.
A late supper was served from
a. large table centered with an
. arrangement of spring flowers.
Guests of Mrs. Johnson were
Miss TiUIe Albers, and Mrs. Es
ther Battalion, Mrs. Howard
'Bergman, Martha Fox, Elizabeth
Gronke, Irene Larkini, Leona
Noffsiger, Lucille Roller, Mar
tha Theuer, Frances Zamzow,
Lydia Zamzow, the Misses Col
leen Zamzow and Sharon John-
. aon, and the hostess; Mrs. John-
son.: .'. ;.:';
Land Army :
Group to Meet
Two meetings in the interest
of enrollment in the Women's
' Land army will be held today.
'The firsVfor members of the
Salem council of church wom
a. en, will, hear Mrs. Mabel Mack
of the Oregon State college and
Mrs. Gladys Turnbull give com
plete instructions for recruit
ment of women for seasonal
crop harvesting. Mrs. L. H.
Randle is the chairman of this
group. The " 1:30 meeting is
called for the conference room
. of the ! school '' administration
: building.
In the evening representa
tives of all . women's clubs will
-meet for the same purpose' at
the chamber of commerce rooms
at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Herbert Rah
' is chairman for t h women's
" clubs, j
. The Woman's Missionary m-
ciety of the First Presbyterian
church -will hold a mission study
.meeting with Mrs. J. E. Ander
son,, 198 South 24th street from
-10 to 1:15 o'clock Wednesday. A
-no-host luncheon will, be served
at noon. TheTroup wfll study
the book "For AU of Life' by
Dr. and Mrs. -.Wiser, mission
aries to India,' and will com
plete their meeting in time to
. attend the lecture by Lt Har
jriett Marcotte at the church in
the afternoon. -
cm ih & mim?
On K m h tlf mM
Wayne Morse for
U. 8. S e n a t r.
tenlcht hear
Ronald E. Jones,
Manager. Lake
Labith Celerv
.Growers Cooper
ative and Barley
Libbr. s r a min.
e n t Willamette
valley farmer,
KOIN, 6:30
The Openinr of a Repair Shop by
. '. Pluatlsir, netting Water Systems
Ceneral plumbing repair work by the eld reliable Art Skewis
anl Ora Janes, Pamps by Dake Decatur.
New Officers
Of Woman's
Club Named
Mrs.. C. H. McCullah was ;
elected president of the Salem
. Woman's club for the ensuing
year at the regular meeting held
Saturday afternoon at the club
: house.. Mrs. McCullah has served '
as vice-president this yearV "
. Other new officers are Mrs.
George Rossman, vice-president;
Mrs. Frank Marshall," recording "
secretary; Mrs. Clay C. Cochran, " '
. corresponding - secretary; i Mrs.
W. W, .Chadwick, financial; sec- "'
jetary; Mrs.. Guy Hickok,' treas- .
urer; Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy, di
rector; and Mrs. R."D. Paris, '
board of trustees.
: Mrs. Ruth Lear is the retiring
president of the club. Installa
tion of officers Will take place at
the next meeting, Saturday, May
. A musical program presented
by Mrs. David Cameron, vocal
ist, Miss Frances Virginie, ,
pianist, and Mr. Vernon Wiscar
son was given during the after
noon. Mrs. George " Rossman
headed the tea committee.
Mrs., Mudd Back
From Trip .
Mrs. Clifton Mudd is home
from a two months' trip which
took her to New York, Connecti
cut, Washington, DCV Miami and
Gainsborough, Florida where she
visited with her son and daughter-in-law,
Lt and Mrs. William
Mudd. She returned home by
way of St. Louis, Mo., where she
attended the convention of the
General Federation of Women's
clubs. She visited with relatives
in Texas and returned north by
way of Los Angeles. ;
, Tonight Mrs. Mudd has invited
a few of her friends to an infor
mal travel party at 8 o'clock at
her home on North Capitol
street. She will tell interesting
highlights of her trip, and show
Mrs. James Bardie of galea
has been entertaining her moth
er, Mrs. T. W. Reed of Portland,
and went with her to attend a
family reunion party this week
end in Portland. An uncle, Rear
Admiral Daniel Barby, -who has
just returned from Hollandia,
where he' was in charge of the
amphibius forces, was present
. Mfaca Helen Bany el the
SPARs spent the weekend at the
home of her sister, Miss Mary
Bany, She recently finished her
training at Palm Beach and will
be stationed at New Orleans.
Miss Band's mother, Mrs. Grace
Bany, came up. from her home
in Seaside to visit her daugh
ters for the weekend.
Chadwick chayter n. 17, Or
der of the Eastern Star will meet
tonight at the Masonic temple at
8 o'clock. There wlil be a special
Mother's day program.' Serving
on the refreshment committee
are Dr. and MrsJ" Henry Morris,
Mrs. Carl Pope, Mrs. Percy Kel
ly and Mrs. Oral Lemmon.
- Girl's Service organization.
Hunters and Anglera auxiliary. " ;.
WSCS Leslie MeUiodlst church.
ISf John's, church' guild.
SATURDAY, MAT 2 -' ' '
1 to 4 Jason Lee church guild. - '
- 4 to 7 Salem Woman's club. -, '
" 7 to 11 Fairmount Hill group.
SUNDAT, MAT tl - -
: S to . 11 Spinsters. '
It to 1 BusincM menr Arthur
Rahn. chairmam - . ", -
1 to 4 Sllverton Hillf grange. - .
- 4 to 7 Salem Heights Community
'.club: - .... - .' -
7 to 11 Free Lancers .
Study club. -TUESDAY.
yUons club auxiUary.
Women of Rotary.
; ."PEO. - , V .
FRIDAY, MAT- SS - , ' .
BeU Sigma Phi.
c . am -x n i r.. s
- I
JV -
mm I
Salem Miniatera Wives' meet
with Mrs. C. A. Kelli, at YMCA
at 12:30. '
AAUW recent graduates covet
ed dish dinner with Mrs. W. H.
Bradford. S070 Center street.
30 pjn. "
Book-a-Month club with 'Mrs.
A. A. Reed, 1369 Center street,
119 dessert luncheon. ..
WSCS First Methodist church,
til day meeting, 10:49 a.m. -Sweet
Briar club . with Mra.
Lawrence Imlah. Wallace road,
Pythian Sisters, Fraternal tem
ple, S p.m. ,
Salem Writer club with Dr.
and. Mrs. Morton . I. Peck, 1538
Court street, 7:30.. p.m.
I Royal Neighbors 'Sewing club
with Mrs.- Zula Webb. 1265 North
17th street, all day meeting, no
host luncheon at noon.
t ' , ' - ,: I -THURSDAY
' Fidelis class. First " BaptUt
church, X pjn. - ' . -
Past regents,' DAR. with Mrs.
John Carkin, 499 North Summer
street, no-host luncheon, 1 p.m. -Merry
Minglers with Mrs. John
.Woodburn. a p.m.
iWivea of officers of 70th divi
sion, luncheon at 12 30 at Marion
SDeMolay Mothers club, regular
monthly luncheon. Masonic hall.
Salem General Hospital auxil
iary, 10 a m. at YWCA.
Lions auxiliary with Mrs.)
George Rhoten, 1849 South
Church street, a p.m. - -
friendly Neighbors Garden
club with Mrs.'C. D. Anderson,
13JM Fairmount ' street, 1 dessert
luncheon. 1:19 p.m.-
WSCS ef the first Methodist
cn urch will meet all day on
Wednesday with the session be
ginhing at 10:45 ajn. . Luncheon
wu be served at 12:30, followed
by devotions and the program at
2 O'clock. Dr. H. C. Hutchins of
Willamette university will be the
guest speaker and will talk' on
"Minority Groups in the United
Stales.- '
Mrs, Margaret Arehart of 58
North 13th street entertained the
Widow's club Thursday night.
Rosebuds and irises decorated
the! rooms.-''
i - ... -
Thvelve of the 14 members
weije present for the informal
evening, Miss Edith Fanning as
sisted Mrs. Arehart at the tea
hour. . .- -
Mrs. - CUsrlon ' fltaadisk re
turned Saturday from Staun
ton Virginia where she spent a
welk with her army , husband.
Befpre going , to Staunton Mrs.
Stahdish attended the convention
of Ithe General Federation of
Women's club in St Louis, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer . T. Car
penter, Miss Martha Carpenter,
Mrii Ransom Carpenter, and son,
Stephen, were in Portland for
Mother's day as . the guests of
j the Carpenter's son-in-law and
' dauter, Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank
GUert;' ". v- -;. '":'r:.
Mrs. Max A. Bares was h4t-
ess o members of her club Mon
day! afternoon. A luncheon was
followed by an afternoon of con
tract. Mrs." JX-yman Steed was
a secial guest 1 " t
'lrs. J. J. Hague ef Portland
spet the weekend in the capital
wit her son! and daughter-in-lawi
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Hasie, jr. j
Fst Eegealsef Chemeketa
chapter. Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution, will meet with
i John H. Carkin at her home
on North Summer street rnurs
days afternoon for al o'clock no
hosj luncheon.' j
sra. Knaell Mefford and Mrs.
Dalf Shepherd will entertain the
Bet Chi alumnae at the for
merts home, 2495 South High
atret,' Wednesday, n i g ht at 8
o'clock. " . - " "
- , ;-.
Ktiss Patti Holt of Portland
speat the weekend in Salem with
her! uncle and aunts, Mr. ' and
; Mrs," James D. Young and Miss
Berl Holt. ' : . . "
I ; - . and - - .
nary Dsbcr Eddy
Th4 original, standard and
only textbook on Christian
Science, published in 13 dif
ferent -edition , v including
Braffie, may .be read, borrowed
or -purchased - - f
j at the
U48 S. nigh Street
Opin daUy from 11 A. M. t
H XL Sundays and holidays,
S M BL te T.JL
Hostesses to Service Women
y " r ' ' 5 f : What tnoj can do . ,
HoilOnMisS ft Wlll feT'r ddn( "j0" 11
Miss ' Mar y 7 Jane ) Brabec. S,
' bride-elect" of Aviation Cadet-
John Richard elty, will be the '
) honor ' guest ; at a 'smartly - -it-1
ranged party Wednesday night I
? when i Mrs.-" Gene Vandeneynde
f. and Mrs. j-Arthiir-Hay entertain i
at t the . former's 'home ..on i D
;i "street - .- " f .-' ri . '
The "evening" wul be spent In- .'
be served by ."the hostesses. "A
miscellaneous shower will honor
the bride-to-be
of snapdragons
An arrangement
and roses will
center the serving n table" and ;
other 'spring bouquets will dec- ;
orate the guest! rooms. Twenty I
guests have been invited to hon
or Miss Brabec, J '
The bflde-elect and her moth i
er, Mrs. T. J." Brabec, are leav
ing -; Friday for ' San 'Antonio,
Texas, where Miss Brabec and
Mr. Kelty will be married.
. J ; ' j - -
Sgt. Clark Will .
Wed Southerner
. (. ".'..."'... ' i ' - '
Mr. andMrs. Harry S. Van
Huisen (o Sandston, Virginia",
a re announcing the engagement
and 7 approaching marriage of
their daughter, Anna Mary, to
. TSgt ,WUliam Brown Clark,
United States army air forces,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank v R.
Clark, of Turner. . -
The wedding will take place
May 23 at the parsonage of Wil-
lis; Methodist church,! Richmond,
at 4 o'clock. Miss Van Huisen
will be attended by Mrs. Cecil
F, Durrette and Sgt. Clark - will
have as his best man the brofh-
er of the bride, Lt Richard Van
. Huisen. . , i ' '
The ' bride - elect' graduated
from . Highland . Springs high
school and Smithdeal - Massey
Business - college. . For the ' past
eighteen months she has worked
for the US department of agri
culture Vin Winter Haven, Flor
ida, and Gardiner, Maine.
;; T4ie groom-elect received his
education In Salem. He has been,
in the service since 1940, serv
ing two and a half years in
Alaska and the remainder on
the west coast and at Bartow
army air base, Bartow, Florida.
Infomal Party
On Monday
Miss Patricia , Vandeneynde
was hostess for an informal par
ty Monday night at the home of
her parents on D street A late
supper was served after an in
formal evening. 'Bouquets of
' spring flowers provided the dec
orative note.
' - M i s s Vandeneynde's guests
were Mrs. Frederick Brennan,
j-. Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde," Mrs.'
: Robert Boardmaa, Mrs. Irene
Nelson, Mrs. Leon Nelson, Miss
Katie Quistad, Miss Kathleen
Osborn, Mrs. -Margaret Peterson,
Mrs. Ted Lenhart Mrs. Lola
Belle Foster, Miss Edna Dunbar
and Mrs. James H. Nicholson, jr.'
Mrs. Vada TOll
New President
Mrs. Vada Hill took- office as
president of the Salem Rotana
"club at a banquet and install a
' tion held at the Quelle on Sat-
' urday night Mrs. Sylvia Weeks
' of Portland . came . for the ban
quet and presided at the instal
lation ceremonies.
. . Other officers are Mrs. Emma
Drinnon and Mrs. Emma Was
som, vice presidents, Mrs. Flor
ence Donnelly, secretary, and
Mrs. Alfred Laue, treasurer.i N
Ybu MAT wash your drain
board until it looks p?cV-ond-
: ipon.but, unless it Is hygienkoff
clean, you have over looked on
. important health precaution.
It's easy to "make drainboards
hvaienicallv clean bv simDlv
using aoraa Hi routine cleans-'
ina os directed on tha label
- Clorox, a product of modern
i product of modern
wet stains It is!
i oust?. on tkclmive,
, science, dis
izes, yemoyet.
free front '
7Tnii 1 1 rail nnrmi raa ftinKUnYqjH
aiuicAT lAvourt tuuca am Kousntett iBtarKTiirr
li . (Ill
of Mill Ethel
daughter of Mr.
and MrsW, L. Close, 1745 State i
street' to active duty at the chief 1
of naval" operation, office, depot -
bf naval communications. Wash- .
ington,DC,' was reported; today
by Recruiting-Specialist r A; C
Friesen, ; in charge ;! of. the ; US f
.navy recruiting substation at Sa-'
lerhj Which handles WAVES ap-
plications in the Salem area. "
4 Miss Close received the rating
of seaman, second class,; on com-
' pletion'. of her indoctrination j
training at the WAVES school at!
y Hunter college. New York City, i
She is a graduate of the Salem
high aehool and Northwest
Christian college. -
Selection of Miss Gladys Opal
Fletcher, graduate of Woodburn
high school, for advanced train
ing at the WAVES' naval hospi
tal corps school, national naval
medical ; center, Bethesda, MdJ,
was reported today by Special
ist A. C. Friesen.
Miss Fletcher received the
rating of seaman, second class,
on completion' of her' indoctrin
ation training at Hunter college.
Miss Fletcher is the daughter
of Mrs. G. H. Chapman of Port
; land. . ,
' Miss Nellie R. Felton, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Felton,
route 4, box 443, has also been
selected for advanced training at
the capital corps school.
Miss Felton completed indoc
trination training at Hunter col
lege. .-
y A mong the first Oregon
WAVES to be chosen for this
' specialized work in the hospital
corps, , Miss Felton won the se
lection because of her aptitude
for this specialized work. Prev
ious to her enlistment, she was
employed as assistant adminis
trative supervisor with the farm
security administration. She is
a graduate of the Dayton union
high school and attended Mult
nomah college, Portland, Pacific
college, Newberg and University
of Oregon - extension at Port
land. ..' - .. . . .' '.'
i Miss Phyllis Margarette Sor
ensen, former employee with
Reinholdt and Lewis, has been
selected lor advanced training at
the WAVES yeoman's school at
Cedar Falls, Iowa. A
. She ' completed indoctrination
training at Hunter college, with
the rating of apprentice seaman.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter P. Sorensen, 212
North Douglas street" Cottage
Grove and a graduate of the
Cottage Grove high school
Among the WAVES now on
dutyjin Clearfield, Utah, is Miss
Vera. L. Carpenter, formerly
resident of Silverton, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adrian
Carpenter, Portland.
As an enlisted woman in the
WAVES,, Yeoman 3c CSfpen
ter is one of many women who
have been assigned to active
duty to serve as replacements
for navy-men, releasing them to
fight at sea with the fleet
Yeoman Carpenter received
her indoctrination training at the
Hunter college. New York City
and attended the naval training
school for yeoman, Stillwater,
Oklahoma, where she received
training as a specialist
, , :. ' '
Air WAC CpL Eva Koessler
; has come home on "furlough to
J spend Mother's -day with her
: mother, Mrs. Rose Koessler of
; Woodburn. CpL Koessler is sta
; uonea at uoiumous army air
; field in Mississippi, where she
serves, as , court reporter .and
stenographer at the past head
- quarters of the eastern flying
training command installation.
Before joining: the array air
forces, Miss Koessler was em
patented quaUty-feohjre. Us
Clorox for hygienic cleanliness
in kitchen and bathroom and
in laundering. Today at al
ways, Oorox has the same full
irrengtn.ine same mgn qwamy
1 standafds. Thera is only one
. Oorox . . . always ask tor it by
; name and be sura yoe gat
jm M "' " A ;
HA V)"'
L. f W
I V-X ' - l j
Louise Close,
ployed by, the state publi? util
ities commission. A graduate of
Mt P Angel academy, ' she also
studied at the Salem, Secretarial
"school. She enlisted Un the wo
. men's army corps 'while she was
in .Mississippi", - ,';
. . WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs.
. J. 3 J. - Hall have "received word
. of i the , appointment . of t their
' daughter, Pvt' Margaret Hall of
the; WAC, sUtioned at the jEagle
i Pass; army ai. field!
Texas, : as
hospital dietician.
t' We'll; do what the manf ays
and: have eggs 'for Idinnej to
night serving them along with a
favorite spring vegetable. ! ;
Carrot and raisin salad j
V -Eggs with, spinach a la
. ' - martin,; , j j '
French fried potatoes I,
- Canned fruit and cookies1
. , ; -; . - i j
y ;- A LA MARTIN P -
1 cup chopped cooked
' ' spinach '
3 eggs slightly beaten
! V 3 tablespoons hoi water
-.:: teaspoon salt j .
green pepper strips
, 1 tablespoon cooked ham
' ; . cut in small pieces
; ; l'i tablespoons oil
- Add water, j salt peppers and
ham to eggs. Heat pan and In oil,
men aaa egg puxiure. iook .uxx
Frendi' omelet lifting cariefully
from bottom of pan so" eggs Cook
through. Serve on layer of jspin-
... " . . . t . r- 4
acn. serves x.i i - i i
Legal Notice
NOTICE is hereby! given! that
the undersigned has filed in the
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Marion County, Probate
Department his duly j verified fi
nal account as administrator of
the estate of Silas M. Fletcher,
deceased, and that said court has
fixed Monday,! the 19th day; of
June, 1944, at jthe hour of 10:00
o'clock A. M. as the time, and the
Circuit Court Room in the Coun-
ty Court House at Salem, in
ion County, Oregon, as the
for hearing said final account and
all objections thereto.
, Dated at Salem, Oregon,! this
lth day of May, 1844. f
1 Administrator of the Estate
or Silas M. Fletcher.
Helen Cammack Rite
To Be Held Tonight
Memorial . services for Helen
Cammack, who died April 28 in
Bolivia, where she was a mis
sionary for tht Friends church,
will be held tonight at 8 olclpck
at the Rosedale; Friends church. ;
Miss Cammack died after a
brief illness from typhoid fever a
few weeks before she! was sched
uled to return to the United
States on leave. She was a rradu
ate of Willamette university and
Also Hundreds of cokhrful'styles in non-rationed, footwear for street, sport
and dress wear. Sandals, siing; pump's and play shoes. ' Red, green, beige
and white.
4 ioMO,
- N I ' ' . - ' 1 - - - ,
,.,..; . . . . - ......IV. -
. . ' , ' ' ' ' 1 1-. '.-' !- t :'.!- - k
.. . - tO
-,. in . p. m
Style-Arch Shoe Store
' ' ' 1CTATP . '.
. Legal Notice,
a public;, hearing will be held:by
the .undersigned, uirecior oi Ag
riculture of the State of Oregon
at " the ' Chamber of Commerce in
the City of Salem, Marion Coun
ty," Oregon; ton the - 23rd day- of
May, 1844, at tne nour oxiu.-uu
A. M- at '. which time : testimony
and evidence will be taken relat-.
ing to .the following specific mat
ters' concerning Marketing Area
No. 1 v and Marketing Area No-i
of Marion-County, and to amend-
Official Orders No 160 and No.,
182 of Marketing Area No. 1 and
Official Order No. 151 of Mar
keting Area No. 2, to-wn:
-1. To ' establish : wholesale and
retail 'minimum prices ; for .milk
and cream sold in the bottle and
can trade. . " . . . r.; , ;,
2. To establish a uniform min
imum price that distributors shall
pay producers for all milk and
cream used in tne ooiue ana can
trade.' ly
- 3. That all market or Grade C
milk lawfully offered for -sale in
the bottle and can trade in Mar
keting Area No. i 1? of ' Marion
County, be reported to the De
partment ' of t Agriculture ! at . the
end of each pooling period and
that ..the same be subject to pool
ing regulations as now applied to
Grade A mux except that such
market milk or. Grade C. milk
used in the bottle and . can trade'
shall be without quota allocations,
and be subject to no equalization
charges other' , than .the regular
expense for Ihe administration of
the market pooL. . ;. y . K
- 4. To reallocate quotas in Mar
keting Area No. . 1 to '.conform
with the present market Require
ments; to limit the surplus milk
calculated in the basic pool to
5 to take care of fluctuating de
mand of the market and I to vest
discretionary power in the Direc
tor of Agriculture to make allo
cations; reallocations or adjust
ments of quotas in the future as
the market conditions may war
rant .. . .; : ' -. ;.;.;: -j .
S. That any distributor whose
plant is ."located within Market
ing Area Nov 1 of Marion County
who engages extensively in mar
keting of ; milk andor cream in
markets outside of Marketing
Area 2o. 1 shall be required to set
up a distribtuor pool under pool
ing regulations prescribed by the
Department of Agriculture with
quotas allocated to producers sup
plying such distributor pool so as
to limit such production to the
requirements of the market
served outside of Marketing Area
No. 1 of Marion County.
C. To consider the adoption of
additional trade practices which
will further stabilize the produc
tion and sales of fluid milk andor
cream within Marketing Area No.
1 and Marketing Area No. 2 of
Marion County.
, 7. That any distributor located
in Marketing Area No. 2 of Mar
ion County, who purchases milk
from two or more producers for
use in the bottle and can-trade
shall set up a distributor pool un
der the pooling regulations pre
scribed by the Department of Ag
riculture with quota allocations to
producers - supplying such dis
tributor.' ; i- ti,.,:,
Director of Agriculture. '-My-16-17.
taught in several schools of the
mid Willamette" valley before she
went to Bolivia in 1832. .
Selected styles in Iov1 and
high heck. 1 , ;
exferdj in low and ncdica h:cb. Sizes
Rickey Commencement
Held on Wednesday i
RICKEY, Mrs. Ora Mclntyra
gave the address at the . eiglth
grade' graduation exercises last
Wednesday."; Six received "'diplo
mas!' They were Terry j Cannon,
June, James, Robert Brant, Jean-
ette Waser,"Joe Olien and r Helen
Benz. - - ; '" ': - "-:-';
The deoratidhs were blue and
white flowers with' the class inot-
tov HowmgTiot Drifting,,- in' the
background. The girls 'wore blue
suits with 'white accessories.
Announcing the .
A Ilcdern
r (.
Spinel-Styled Piano
With Superb Tone at
Amazingly Low Price of
Here's the piano you've always
wanted . . . an instrument com
bining the rid) and powerful
tone of a baby grand with the
slender grace of . a modern
streamlined spineCv ' ,
Only a Limited Number
515 So. 12th, Near S. P. Depot
j 1 Salem, Oregon - s,
Piano Benches al $12
Also a Few Other
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545 N. Hisli Ct
Phone 6223
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