The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1944, Page 9, Image 9

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, Mar 14. 1944
i .
Miss Leisla Dear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Darr, whose engagement to Mr. Clarence H. Weber, pri
vate first class, United States army, Has been announ
ced. Mr. Weber is the son of Mr; and Mrs. Fred Weber
of Freeport, Illinois.! No date has been set for the wed
ding. (Jeeten-Miller). !-! j -
Weekend visitors at the home
of Ernest Wagners were Captain
and Mrs. Robert L. Howard of
Oakland, California. Capt. How
ard has just recently returned
from,: the south Pacific where he
has seen 18 months of service
with vthe Filth air force, and is
now enroute to an air .base in
Officers wires of the 70th di
vision will have a luncheon at
the Marion hotel at .12:30 1 on
Thursday, May 18. Mrs. Charles
E. McFarlane at 21705 and Airs.
Ora Roof at 3041 will take reser
vations.. At Home, Is
Slated for
i Slated for Tuesday afternoon
is the second annual "at home"
sponsored by the Salem high
school Home Economics club. All
mothers and persons interested
in seeing the work of the home
economics department are asked
to call between 1 and 4 o'clock.
In the past the club has spon
sored a style show in conjunc
tion with the Girls League Mo
thers tea. -
; Reference material, textbooks,
pamphlets and charts will be on
display and demonstrations will
be given by the regular classes.
Articles to be on display range
from laundry bags and waste
baskets to tailored coats.; Various
food products will be on exhibit
and the punch and cookies to be
served will be -prepared by the
foods class. 1 '
: Punch will be served in High
Home. and serving will be a
group ' of club members includ
ing Betty Manoles, Colleen Kro
ner, Joan Randall, Pat : Tamil,
Nadine Beach, Margie Smith,
Charlotte Rain, Pat Larson, Glo
ria Evanson, Betty Hill, Delores
Lebold, Joan Smith, Evely a
Stockman and Phyllis Wilson. :
Pouring will be Mrs. A. F.
. Marcus, Miss.. Frances Clinton,
Miss Betty Pierce and Mrs. Wal-
1 ter E. Snyder. ' . -
A feature of the at home will
be the awarding of ribbons to
the honor students of the Home
Economics club: A ribbon and a
certificate Is taking the place of
the pins from the American
Home Economies association
which were awarded in the past
; Miss Margaret Smith is presi
dent of the club and Miss. Iris
Wall, next year's president Miss
Jean Hoffert is chairman of the
at home and in charge of. dis
plays are Phyllis Wilson, Eve
lyn Stockman, Barbara 'Baldwin
. and Nadine Beech. Others assist
ing are Betty Manoles, ' Lucille
Swindler, "Joan Randall, Pat
Larson, Ruby Burnham and Na
dine Beech. Advisors -of the club
are Mrs. Eula S. Creedt and Mrs.
Earl JDooley. s - -
U n't
' ctx
Public Invited
G':zlzztt zt.1 tcrscaal Pupil of Sherwood, Ckicao,
" For Years a Proirunent Portland Teacher - - -
Accredited Teacher of Plana , .
"- -S ?.':! s
Miss Clark, -Lt
To Wed .
? ; t - "
Surprise announcement of the
weekend is the coming marriage
of Miss Georgiana Clark, daugh
ter i of : Mrs. Evangeline Clark,
and Lt! Raymond Lamka, United
States navy, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Lamke, sr. Miss Clark
and her mother are entraining
for New York Friday and from
there wjll. go ' on to- Newport,
Rhode Island, where the young
couple i will be married on
June 1.
While in New York Miss Clark
and her mother will visit with
Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Gleason. The
bride-elect was born and raised
: in New York, coming to Salem
12 years ago. She is a graduate
of Salem schools.
Lt. Lamka is a graduate of Sa
lem high school and attended
Willamette university where he
was a member of Alpha Psi Del
ta fraternity. He wai home on
leave in March after seeing act
ive duty in the navy for the past
The couple, will live In New
- port while Lt. Lamka is sta
tioned i there. Mrs. Clark will
return to Salem after her daugh
tera marriage. .
Mrs. Ivan Merchant will en
tertain the Gamma Phi Beta
alumnae at a 6:30 o'clock dinner
Monday night at her suburban
home. Assisting hostesses will be
Mrs. LeRoy Grote and Mrs. Ri
chard Nelson.
-.-.)'":;. - .- -i -:.: -" ' -:;
- Miss . Beth Slewert ; and Mrs.
Alan Siewert have -left for New
York City - where -they will visit
for ten days. Enroute home they
will stop in Denver,; where Mrs.
Siewert's husband is stationed at
.'a nearby army air base.
For Delegate
rasT eeRctcssMUM. mstmct
Frc3 11. Ccs!lCrJ
- 4- : " t : --, --I. .
Urf Cfvm 19 a term
' Govmmnf "
IHH idwtiMM) v .
' J
" Charier V. Winn. CSJt; -rasadena,
Member of the Board of Lecture
ship of The Mother Church, The
First Church of Christ Scientist
in Boston, Massachusetts.
- In the -CUL'&Cn
Car. Chesaeketo liberty fits.
Under Auspices of First Church of
Christ Scientist Salem.
and Heard J . .
It 1
their Hveddings are Pollyanna
Sbinkle,! Mary Jane Kestly and
Mary Jane Brabec . . Due to
army orders and furloughs the
exact dates cannot bet set . .
Pollyanna and ;Bob Findley plan
to be married the end of May
' after hi receives his air corps
wings . I . If he obtains a leave
they wilji be married at a church
ceremony here . . Mary Jane
Kestly and Jimmy Davis of the
coast guard are planning a June
wedding, the date depending on
his leave:. . . Mary Jane Brabec
leaves next Sunday for San An
tonio, Texas where she will be
come Mrs. John - Richard Kelty.
. The yoiing brides-elect are at
tending fshower parties, doing
trousseati shopping and deciding
what to pack and take for their
first home, even though it be an
apartment or small room ....
Mary Jean McKay left last night
: for R a 1 e i g h; North Carolina,
where she will be married to En-
; sign Elmer Harrold on May 20
. ". . Th?y will be there for a few
months While he attends engin
eering school, i t
NAME CHOSEN . . . Law-'
rence Kenneth, is the name Lt
. and MrsS Kenneth Potts have se-
i lected for their second son, born
earlier in the month in Georgia
... The little boy weighted six
pounds jthirteen ounces and has
a two year old brother, Ronald.
Mrs. James G. Pike is home from
the national convention of the
l General Federation of Women's
clubs at St Louis . . . She re-
ports a streamlined session and
was much impressed - with the
! way business details were taken
; care of ,L . On junior night Hel
en was selected as one of the
models k . Just to show what
other Junior clubs are doing . . .
The New? Jersey Juniors bought
16 ambulances last year, costing
$1353 apiece .!. . Mrs. Clinton
, Standishb and M r s. D e 1 b e r t
1 Schwabbauer $lso represented
i the Salem juniors at the conven
tion . . is: They spent some time
: in Chicago . . i saw Tommy Dor-
! sey and j his orchestra, "Blossom
Time" and- tried unsuccessfully
to get s e a t s for "Oklahoma.
Echo wnt on to Staunton, ViT'
ginia tolsi see Clinton ... She
says it was quite a sight to pass
through ! the Blue Ridge moun
tains which are beautiful ...
lots of trees in' bloom and whole
hillsides !of trilliums.
Kenneth ji Mannings ... They
i are nowlat home with Peter and
Nancy, at 090 West Nob HU1,
their newly purchased home.
RETURNED is Mrs. John J.
Roberts, fwho has been in Jack
sonville, f Florida, with her son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Palmer Dawes (Mildi Rob
erts) and small daughter, Dar
cey, the past two years . . . Mrs.
Roberts visited in Salem last
week and is how in Portland
TT : : :
s: . '
! v ; .- . .... .";
' a,. - .i
furs to Wards for
And bring Ibeni in fodbyf Leave tftem in our modem told
storage vaults all during (he hot summer days , weB
protected from moths and drying heat, safely insured
gainst fire and Iheft. Then when you want ftem
next Fail, meyll be soft and lovely and lustrous.
us give
where she hopes to find a bouse
and get settled soon . It Is
possible Mildi and her little girl
will come west for a visit in the
ward bound is Mrs. Thome H.
Hammond, who arrived in Los
Angeles on Tuesday and after a
several weeks stay there and in
San Francisco, "will come on to
Salem ... She has been in New
York City the past year . . . .
her navy lieutenant husband was
stationed there before- going
overseas . . . In Chicago Helen
met Mrs. Wayne Page, who had
arrived the day before to be with
her army captain husband, sta
tioned at Camp Grant ... In
Los Angeles Helen will visit Mrs.
Robert Welden ' (Maxine Rogers)
and will be the guest ef her bro
ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs.. Al
bert Boardman . . . She hopes
to visit a number of the Salem
people who are now residing
Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren is leaving
'for San Francisco this weekend
to go house hunting so that she
and her young son, Douglas may
next month Join Lt (jg) Nohl
gren, who is stationed at Treas
ure Island. Jean drove down with
their belongings and is coming
back on the train.
Chatted with Mrs. Verlin G
Coleman (Gwendolyn Hunt) who
looked smart in a grey silk polka
dot dress and grey princess coat
... She is visiting at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Hunt but plans to go on to Port
Marion County
Pd. Adv.
nng yo
safe, storage
.... - .
Expert cleaning.and
repairs, too . . all at
low Ward prices! '
rlave your fur coat deemed and re
paired by experhv-SrSng it In I .let
you an estimate of the- cost.
land while her army husband Is
overseas. ;
: Mrs. Steams Eason and baby
daughter, Mary Lynn, are her
from Wena tehee at the David Ea-
, ion, home tmtH the end. of the
" month . She looked smart in .
"a grey three piece suit with
white pin stripe and a small grey
I ''.II i 1 W
... .'IF, . : XK - 52 ;
II V ; -..f i ntitwX 3 1
mm . i ... . ii; i i
.hat with white- bows and white i
dots on the veil. ,
Mrs. Kenneth Golliet (Hattte j
Samp) is back from Seattle at '
the country home of her parents, 1
Mr. -and Mrs. G. A. Ramp . ., . ,;
Ken recently received medical;
discharge from "the . marine re i
serve . . The couple's future k
Not surprising wfien you
on Wards Lay Away
cfiooxt any
October 15
J . -
whift you
What's mort
those prize skins that
sons. It will be
Isn't it worth iuhn,to oak YOUit selection now? Of cbursel Drop in to-
, if , ! ; ' " - ' '".V'
day andlet us show you our beautiful new1944col!ection,ranging from
. A
..lans ar not certain, but depends
on where Sears Roebuck -and"
company locate him . . .-He is
now at their Seattle office. " ,
Mrs. Frank A. EUlott Is leav .
ing today for Portland where she
will spend the summer.--' ' :
bcdydcjg mum
consider how oasy it is to
Plan. Just think, for only
i ' I m f ' . a A ft
coat in Wards stocks and we ll hold
complete your payments.
you'll receive a coat made from only
wear longer and took lovelier over many sea
expertly made, too, with careful attention to every detail.
Mr. and Mrs. G arson have re-
turned from a business and
pleasure trip- which took them '
to .Washington, DC, New York'
and New ; Orleans. They visited
their sonj Private Lawrence
Carson, In. Paris, Texas. They '
returned home by way of Los
Angeles. :
Montgomery ward
pcuq goatt
own a lovely fur
3 down you may
mm . '' t . '.
it tor you until
prime, choice pelts
U Federal Tax.
uiontgomerv ward
Studio: 732 N. Cottaje
155 N. liberlj
Phcie 3194
113 K. tibcrty i phcae 319 i