PAGE CGHT xs r: The 022GOIT STATESMAK, Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning, May 14. 1S44 Seniors' Will Be Guests r At AAUW . Miss Margaret Burroughs, dra ma teacher of Salem senior high -school, will read a modem play ; at the tea to be given Saturday, afternoon In the Carrier room of the. First Methodist church at 2 o'clock when members of the Sa lem branch of the American as sociation of University Women -will be hostesses to Willamette, senior women.'' :V:VU-v:y-Miss Burroughs is a graduate of the University of Oregon and last summer attended the Hed gerow school of the theatre, just outside Philadelphia. In addition to the reading Miss Frances Ylr ginie' Melton will speak briefly on music week after which Mrs. Seling Fisher will sing,, accom panied by Miss Melton. Arrangements for the tea art in charge of Mrs. ; Custer Boss, hospitality chairman. War Mothers to Be Guests . The meeting Monday night at the Woman's club, the members of the American Legion auxiliary will honor their mothers and the American War Mothers. Mr. Irl McSherry will deliver a tribute to the mothers. 1 , Board members will be hostess es. The poppy committee, Mrs. E. A. Lee, Mrs. W. L. Osborne, Mrs.": Verne Ostrander and Mrs. Lloyd Demarest assisted by the ' sewing committee, Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. Frank Marshall, ' Miss Jessie Rodman, Mrs. W. H.v , Anderson, Mrs. L. G. Vogt and Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf will have charge of refreshments. . . New members of the Junior auxiliary will be initiated at a candlelight ceremony. , A junior program will include a song by Joan Blaxall, comedy piano num- . bers by Diane Putnam and finale by junior chorus. , A 6:30 covered dish dinner will be held in the Woman's club for the local and "visiting juniors and Mrs. tSanley Krueger. chairman, will have charge, assisted by the girls mothers. Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small and Miss Suzanne Small were in Portland Saturday for the chris tening of MrsT Small's two nie ces Mary Elizabeth and Caroline Dorothy Sewall, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Russell SewalL The christening was held at the Episcopal chapel with Bishop Benjamin Dagwell officiating at 4:30 o'clock. Mrs. Small was Caroline's 'godmother. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Law, jr., of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and - Mrs. Robert Law and daughter, V-nrisunat, vgene are visiuog at the home of Mr. and Mrs; J. E. ' Law. Mr. Joseph Law is sta- tioned at Norfolk with the, navy I and this is the first time his wife i has come west h i Piano pupils of Miss Frances - Virginie Melton will be present- ; td in two spring recitals on Sun- : day afternoons. May 21 and 28 ' at 4 o'clock in the YMCA lobby. Grade school pupils will appear , in the first recital and advanced : pupils in the second. The public is invited to both programs. AAUW radio pregram will be given over KOAC on Tuesday afternoon at z p. m. , wnen ur. . W. Warrington acts as moder ator at a panel discussion on "Is My Health My Own . Business?'? i The subject is being discussed by Dr. Henrietta Morris and Dr. R. W. Ripley. r SWEG1X The May meetimg of the Merry -Go-Round club was held Thursday at the borne f Mrs, Rex Peffer on Holly-. r wood Drive. The afternoon was - spent informally with the : fol lowing members 'and j guests present: Mrs. V. M." LaDue, Mrs. Charles Battorff, Mrs, Harold J Holler, Mrs., Oscar Forgard, Mrs. C J. Pattison, Mrs. Oscar Poe, : Mrs.- Clayton Gibb. Mrs.! Ralph Becker, Mrs. ' Charles ' Thomas, . Mrs. Cecil Frame and her guest, : Mrs. C A. Frame of Salem, '''Jerry Gibb, Stephen Holler and '-: the hostess. i . .;..-..'--; Last Sunday' members of the dub presented Mrs, Lottie Olson - a greeting ; card, basket ' and " flowers : in remembrance j of her 89th birthday. Mrs. Olson is a . member' of the club and -has been ill ' b u t is much better now. Her. guests on -Sunday at - the home of her daughter, Mrs. r Walter Fisher and family,: were her daughters, Mrs. E. Afider son, Portland, - and , Mrs.; Lucile X Wilcox, Medfrod. ; . ftM'!1 it- t-SV7 ' Your eyes are priceletiX Tkey most ! enre yon. . . . far Lfctime. Donl wtstc chsncei with : HAVZ TCUH CYC3 c::r.:..!:::D r:ovi . Dr. l"-rry A. Crown Crljnetrist 1ZI It. Libert St. Z II II I I ' '. - " t ynx j -: ; :X " . . v ' il ... ;l I,- .... Miss Trudie Meier, Miss, Mcgy BoUingfcr and Miss Charlotte Mathis, pictured from' left to right above who have been chosen candidates for the Hi-Y Sweetheart Mho win ner will be determined this week and announcement of her selection will be withheld until the annual semi-formal Hi-Y Sweetheart dance to be given in the high school gymnasium Eriday night The three .Salem Hi-Y chapters have narrowed down their respective can- dictates to the above thrco girls.each chapter having three nominees! at the beginning. Miss Janet Rogers was last year f sweetheart (Kennell-Ellis photos), i WG Camp Tiro Girls Column , Pansy Blue Birds learned how to set a proper dinner table and how to make flower arrange ments during the past few weeks and will show what they learned ' on Mother's day. When the girls met Saturday, they made hold- , ers which are to be hung up to hold the recipe being use. Gift cards were made and the pres ents wrapped for . the mothers. Barbara Bonesteele, chairman, Patsy Snider, Patty Deeney and Julia Ann Miller made up the committee for the meeting. The Isan Camp Fire Girls gave a tea for their mothers on Wed nesday at the home of the guard-, ian, Mrs. H. G. Henderson. Mo thers attending were Mrs. Ed ward Majek, Mrs. E. T. B. Hill, Mrs. Vera Miller, Mrs. Ward Prescott, Mrs. Christina Sim- . mons and Mrs. Kenneth Waters. ' I Girls there were -Jo Ann Ma ek, Joan Marie Miller, Elizabeth Johnson, Marlyn Waters, Eliza beth Simmons,' Wander Tanner, Geraldine Prescott, Edna HUl, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Marie Nothelf er. ' ' Mrs. Waldo O. Mills was host ess, to members of her club at luncheon and bridge Friday aft ernoon : at her home on Oak street jSpecial guests were Mrs Cat Patton and Mrs. M.-P. Ad ams. . v HOPEWELL Beautiful In simplicity was the exchange of vows at 10 ajn. Tuesday, May 9, at the parsonage at Lafayette, when Miss Faye Meiklejohn of Santa Ana, Calif., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mei- . klejohn of Dickey, ND, became the bride of CpL Clair Stephens, of : the United States army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Stephens of 1 HopewelL Rev. S. Johnsons officiated in the presence of the groom's father. i The bride' wore a - brown dressmaker suit with matching blouse and accessories, r CpL Stephens came Friday, May 5 .from his base at Camp Pickett, near Richmond, Va., . for 20 day furlough. ; i The last two years he has been stationed in Alaska after training at Camp Roberts, Calif n where he became acquainted with his bride, who came from her; California home Saturday, May 6V She - will accompany CpL Stephens . to his base and they win be guests of her par ents for several days enronte. In the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ste phens an ft - o'clock wedding i .supper was served. ELO 4m BLOUSE i -With the Beautiful Ve'y don your favorite i&ress neckline in a series of blduti- f ful blouses. Wear them with 1 lovely feminine skirts, ear t h e m. - tol glamourize slacks. With long or short white and colors. B- j CLUB CALENDAR -MONDAY; -v SU Ande's guUd, . with Mrs. Joha Carson, 785 South Commer dl street. X pjn. Whit Shrine of Jerusalem meet at Masonic temple, pjrv. American Legion auxiliary, I p m. Entertain American War Mothers. Gamma Phi Beta alumnae with Mrs. Ivan Merchant, route 4. . JO dinner. Wesleyan Service suild, Leslie Methodist church, with Mrs. Irv ins DeTrance, 1334 Court street, p-m. . t ': Alpha . Chi . Omega alumnae wth Mrs. Monroe CUbert, route 3,st pjn, - . .TtrssoAr ' -:: '-.X Salem Ministers' Wives meet whn Mrs.: C. A. Kells. at YMCA AAUW recent graduates cover- e4 dish dinner with Mrs. W. H. Bradford. 2070 Center street. ' 30 . pjn. , - Book-a-Month club with Mrs. AJ: A. Beed, 1389 Center street, l:t5 dessert luncheon. . , ftT ;s - : 1 WEDNESDAY Salem Writers' club with Dr. and Mrs. Morton E. Peck. 1S9S Court street. 7 JO p.m. Boyal Neighbors Sewing dub with Mrs. Zula Webb. 126 North 17th street, all day meeting, no : host luncheon ' at noon. thdbsdaV , Wives of officers of 70th divi sion, luncheon at 12 JO at Marlon hotel. - - DeMola Mothers' club, refular. . monthly luncheon. Masonic ball. $alem General Hospital auxil iary, 10 ajn. at YWCA. Lions auxiliary with Mrs. George Rhoten, 1S43 South Church street, 8 p.m. Friendly Neighbors Garden club with' Mrs. C. D. Anderson. 1330 r Fairmount. street, dessert luncheon, 1 :15 p.m. Word has been received of the biri of a son to Master Sergeant ' and Mrs. Wilfred R. McKay, of Lorepac, Calif., formerly of Sa- rlemV on April 17. Grandparents are4Mr.-arid Mrs. Frank W. Bell f of ortland and, Mr. and Mrs.; G. A: McKay of Pendleton. Ser- t geant McKay is stationed at Caipp Cooke with the army en- ; : gineers. i ' ! A visitor in the capital today wUl be Mrs. Waldo O. Mills, Jr, . of Portland, who will be the : guest of her husband's parents, ! Mrand Mrs. Waldo O. Mills. She) 'recently returned from Min- i nespta and Pennsylvania where ; shefwas with LL Mills, who is noM? at Louisville, Kentucky. Bfrs. E. A, Boyle of 159 North Winter street will entertain the E t i k t a tclub at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mason Bishop and Mrs. C W. Stacey will discuss post war plans for dubs. Election of officers will be held. Hostesses will be Mrs. A.E. Lee Mrs. W. W. Chad wick. Miss . Antoinette White and Mrs. Stu- i art Johnson, i.'' . Mrs. Kabert DeYIIeg left Wed nesday for San Diego where she! will visit for several weeks with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. DeVlieg. - Mr. and Mrs. Jaases KlehareV t soar- of Portland are spending the weekend in Salem at the home f lr. and Mrs. O. K. DeWItC , Neckline sleevf I in fcar'tS!: f- Ml 'usilTf t V Crescendo Club. Banquet Slated ' Crescendo club of Salem high school will entertain with its an nual banquet on Tuesday night at the Golden Pheasant at 8:30 o'clock.; Installation of new offi cers for the ensuing year will be a highlight of the after dinner program. A musical program will be presented and the sign ing of the history book will be a feature of the evening. Miss Lena Belle Tartar is advisor of the club. Robert Robins will be installed as president of the dub. Other officers are Edith Fairham, vice . president; j Jean Fidler, secre tary; Ardelle Haagenson, treas urer; Joe- Brazie, sergeant-at-arms; George Adams, concert manager; Dorothy Hobson, club historian; 'Jewell Gueffroy, pro gram chairman;, and Joyce Reeves, membership chairman Silver Wedding Dinner Today - . i - - Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lucas will celebrate ; their silver wedding anniversary today at a famOy dinner at : their home on South 23rd street. Cavers will be placed - for 22 ' guests including: relatives and a few friends. : . Mr. and Mrs.' Lucas have three children, Louise, of Salem, Avia tion Cadet: James, who is sta tioned at San Marcos, Texas, and Herbert, a paratrooper who is in England. St. Anne's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will meet Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock: at the home of Mrs. John Carson, 785 South Commercial street. Assist ing Mrs. Carson will be Mrs. Keith Brown, Mrs. Kenneth Wil son, Mrs.. Raymond Bonesteele and Mrs. Wallace Carson. Final meeting of the year for AAUW recent graduates will be held Tuesday night at the home of the leader, Mrs. William H. Bradford, 2070 Center street Members will meet for a covered dish dinner at 6:30 o'clock land tables win be arranged in recreation room. . the Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, Mrs. Paul Bale and! Mrs. Lewis Griffith will 'be hostesses for a dessert supper Monday night for the Al pha Chi Omega alumnae at the Gilbert country home. Any new alumnae in the tity are invited to attend. iy,.i.. ;j :: Ir.y Posh ave r Coipiete- W Open Thurs. Eve. by Appointment - Phone 1SS3 .; SfS Plrs Natkaaal Buk BMg. :',;CastUi PensLtWiTtrs, ' v 1 XT Vf " Palace Prom . Theme for Dance " I y .m j.. . "Palace Prom" Is the theme of : the spring interdormitory formal ' which will Te held next Satur- - day in the Mirror room of the-. Marion hotel. Miss Nadene Ma- -thews, president of the interdor mitory councuVIs general -chair " man for the dance. Arrangements are being made . so that women from each dormi-. tory or hall will have charge of the various committees. Miss Mary Lou Moore of Kappa hall made arrangements for the hotel. Miss Virginia Routson of the same hall is in charge of cleanup and has as members of her com- ' mittee all the other residents. . J Fredrickson women are in charge of refreshments and pro grams. Miss Rosalie Smith is in charge of refreshments and Miss Evelyn Deal will ass is t Miss Zimmerman: with the programs. Music, chaperones and decora tions will be handled by Alpha Psi hall members. Miss Barbara ' Diefendorf and M 1 s s i : Marjory Maulding are arranging the mu-. sic. Miss Doris Holmes, and Miss Nadene Mathews will invite chaperones. - Miss Helen Thomas is head of the decorations com mittee and working with her are Mis" Marian Erickson! and Miss Mary Acheson. : White SHrine to Hear Report Wmaxnette Shrine No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem ! will meet, at the Masonic temple Monday night at 8 o'clock. A report on the supreme shrine held in Chicago will be read. Mrs. Albert C Smith, worthy highT priestess of Willamette Shrine, was the dele gate. :.:-"- Mother's day will be the theme of the program and Mrs. Fern Allison is in charge. A social hour will follow with Mrs.' Pearl Speer, chairman. -' j - Aikens; Hosts At Dinner ! Mr. and -Mrs. George Aiken were hosts for an informal din ner party Saturday night at their home on North Summer street Spring: flowers provided the dec orative note. : ' . Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandenynde, Judge and Mrs. Arthur Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Claude, Mcpherson and Mr, and Mrs. Gepcge Aiken. r,7 - jr. X 5' z: IS) Hewspaper; Garner as Esseslial Id When crorjlTincr olease you. if this Is not possible of consent i Several Oonics OcenlJiine 1st s Carriers assigned to routes in districts in -which I -they, live. -.' . t " .j ".' - - - " 1 t ' ; ',. y ' f Ft:z2 cr Call d Circzhlica : ' ' 'i; x ' Department ' I , ! but . . Heotring about f; the harp, pro gram t4,bo oiven by students of the Sacred Henri rnnslr rferrrrtmerit reminds US of the : many times! we passed the way ta Lianieia, rmn nsara .n lnanjuiu sounds !of theinany instruments, .each prac ticing c ciiiferent piece .ln a diflterent rodm It has always been a symbol of . .' '. - " ':: Uq Moment llfyou saw a Me wisp' .of a womanj buzzing around town last week, with a lot of programs under her arm, you probably : recognized Mrs.! Walter Denton who hds mCtnagd ruxtionqd: Music week for manyimany years, mrough fire,, flood, and war. She simply won't let us go through May without a Music week and if s a good . thing t-o it is so easy tb forget the pleas-, ant things these days, we are so apt to give over entirely to grim business of winning a war. ' j ':X-X'MX yX- A Jbunch of youngsters. .. . The First Methodist hurch probably looks upon the First Presbyterian church as a mere young ster, but when the latter' celebrated' its 75th anniversary it feltjeally grown up. We don't remember pack 75 years,! but we do recall the . oldj hand pump organ and the time we pumped it because the regular man (our old er brother) was indisposed for some reason. It was jquite a thrill to contemplate but not half so) much fun to ortually work at Inci dentally there are some good Presbyterians Miss LeBlond Giveb talk " ' -J r i 1! The Salem! Zonta dub, meet ing for dinner at the . Golden Pheasant ion Thursday night, heard Miss Neva LeBlond give a general talk on music and illus trations of types discussed. She discussed-j music period begin ning with, Bach, and ending with the moderns, jlnduded in the re j cordings jverf numbers by Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikowsky and the modern El Salon Modco by Cop land. ; Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, presi dent of the local dub, reported - on the Portland conference held recently iukl announced election of officers for May 25. CANTEEN CALENDAH i SUNDAY. MAY 14 to 11-rCredit Women's Breakfast club. - I i' i .-. I 11 to 1 B'naJ Brith. ! I 1 to 4 Ladies North Howell grange. 4 to 7 Eagles auxiliary. T to il z.onia ciud. v. I I !1 MONDAY. MAY 15 " ' il Sons of union Veterans aoxnuuy. TUESDAY, MAY 1 Girl's Service organization. il WEDNESDAY, ! MAY IT i I : Hunters urn . , i Mn . . i land jAnslers auxiliaiy. ; ;. THURSDAY, KAY IS I WSCS Leslie; Methodist church.:! raroAY, may! is St., John's church suild. j G. F. French atepobUeaa CaadMste for ' nsprcsonlafive A plain, common; hard working main who win work fori the interests of the plaid, common, hard working people. iLets our; friends and speak to ask. them to help elect him. Adv. i Mm -1 Jcbs ike Classed fho Uar EUcri have parents accompany please bring signed letter J ' who remember asleep between organ pieces. When me or ganist started to play the' bellows slowly school on the emptied- of air cot so good Just AnficixxxSoa always wanted to see '.a wfld -west after . . chow, following the! regulcrr circus perform : ance, but hope never to weaken and see -one. I'm afraid it will be iust dnoiher case erf ' deflation. Wcmtogisameuung and not get , ting it, Is usually more pleasant Chan actual : reaUKrtlon, And noW feat we feink we see- what a wild west show will turn out to be we still want to be deluded into thinking it fs something we will get around to seeing some time. - . i i ..... j Oh goody, goody. . . We called the dentist and got an appointment hat like feat! Of course as long a3 a gold crown on our fa vorite tooth Is loose we were called an em- "ergency case and ddn't have to wait so long as toe; ordinary pafients. The office girl merely asked if 9 o'clock October 9 is all i right and we scdd 4"If you mean October 9, 1944, we hist don't have another thing plan- - ned for 9 a. m." The only thing we are wor ried about is feat rxiaybe all our teeth will have dropped out by that time and; well have to break the appointment ' .- ' ' - j ... Mcndne Buren . 8alem Ministers Wives elation will meet for a' 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday at the home of. Mrs. C A. Kells, Members will meet at the YMCA at 120 o'clock and will ' out to the ' Kells country home together. Mrs. Weaver Hess heads the hostess committee and Mrs. Dud ley Strain is arranging the pro gram. Members are asked to bring their favorite recipes for exchange. Major mad Mrs. J. K. Selnltx , (Mabel Rankin) have been vis-' iting in Salem a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sally Schultz Vn the river road. They' are enroute to Ephrata, Wash, where he will be stationed at the air base. He formerly was at Riverside, Calif.' III 111E .. " - ., 1 "v - Have Necessary j Repairs Made Now j Dental work can often save you discomfort and farther damage to your teeth. Blake First' Visit .Without Appointment . '' ' - 1 - . -' t i- - ". V5 . Whatever dental service you require. Dental plates, . bridge work, filling, inlays, crowns and extractions. Use Accepted Credit to pay as you are paid. r 1m.:, .. .' V. Dentislryr;, With Accepted 5 . Credit PAY BY WEEK OR MONTH'" Terms To Suit You Tor Dental Plates' Pay while -wearing themwitlt. Accepted Credit e - Back The Boys On The Fighting Front Buy More War.;.; v Bonds' And Stamps DR. PAINLESS PARKER, Dentist "-i - 12S LIBERTY ST. CORNER STATE .TELEPHONE SALEM 8825 - Other Offices In Eczene, Portland, Tacoma, Spokane,' Seattle ! : And ia All Leading Pacific Coast GUcs the i time my brother fell while official , pumper The music was then.' .,4 ' . Is a pleasure. . we have . Fireside Today Ai Hdworth's! Prof, and Mrs. C C Haworth will be boats to a group of Wil lamette university students this afternoon at faculty fireside, sponsored by the campus YMCA, at their home. Hours will be from 4 to. f p. to, according to Miss Margaret Forsythe, YW cabinet member in charge of the fire sides. Students invited to attend the Haworth fireside are Miss Isa bel! Roberts, Miss Laura Jean Bates, Mrs. June Haight, George Cotton, Robert Chambers and Miss Thelma Lathrop. The fire sides are sponsored in an effort to enable students and professors to become better acquainted. A r - - ' Dr. Painless Parker Says: "Perhaps your intention was good, but you just never found the! time to visit the dentist. And ailing teeth mean hot only the! loss of teeth, but loss of health. Arrange to take , care of dental costs with Accepted Credit Start visits immedi ately and pay in - budgeting 'amounts." r . Make Your Own Credit Terms, : ' Within Reason E I , . Dental neglect leaves the way open for infection to attack the body: .Your strength is under mined, working energy is re duced. The skilled mechanic . finds his effectiveness is dim inished, his nerves are affect ed. I Yet this can be anticipated by visiting a dentist at fre quent . intervals to see ' that teeth are accorded the atten tion they require. With Ac cepted Credit you can assure yourself of dental care and ar ; range for the cost of your work on terms to suit you. dental plates have ' carefully! blended color i " ' The improved material used by dentists for plate-making, be cause of its reproductive qua lity, achieves more lifelike ef fects.. Plates have a natural design and permanent natural form. They" will not warp or shrink. .They have natural-colored gums and a clear palate ' that reflects tissues. Translucent teeth for dental plates Science has perfected artificial teeth that have the size, shape and shade of fine natural teeth. And because they absorb and reflect light- as do 'natural teeth, they are difficult to detect f