as A Luncheon . Planned . . . They ve Invited Guest's . i . i . - . - Mrs. Melvin H. Geist and Miss Bertha jBabock have invited guestf to, "dessert supper Monday night at 8 o'clock at the former's home on West LeffeH street in compliment to Mrs. Robert Rieder of Corvallis. ' f I --'J. - - : Guests will be seated at small tables and pastel spring flowers will pro vide the decorative note. Bridge will be in play during the evening and a shower will honor Mrs. Rieder. " - , Bidden are Mrs. -Rieder, Mrs. Walter H. Smith, Mrs. Francis Smith, Mrs. Ralph E Purvine Mrs. A: Terrence King. Miss Frances Clinton, Mrs. Howard MapleV Mrs. Wheeler1 R. English, Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs. William Speirs, Mrs. Albert Currey, Mrs. Howard Bergman,! Miss Marian Bretz. Miss Rovena Eyre and Mrs." Donald W.Poole. " ' Lt. Nelson to Wed Southerner . . . 1 Salem friends of It Lewis Bryon Melson,' United States navy, son of Mr. end Mrs. Roy Melson, will be interested to hear that he will be married to En sign Mary Katherlne Melton, WAVE, daughter of Mrs. J. S. Melton of Thom son. Georgia, on June 13. The couple's engagement was recently announced : In the south. iMrs. Melson plans to leave early in June , to attend her son's -inarriage. The wedding will .take place In Thomson at the First Methodist i- church. - i I I -. ' ' 1 " ' w ' V;: f. ..-.K,;-r.---VV: "-. ,r't-f VA-- ur&ww) A-Jts ; The bridelect is stationed in South Carolina with the .WAVES. , She at tended South Georgia teacher's college and Georgia State college for women. , Her fiance is a graduate of Salem high school and received his masters degree from Oregon State college. He took graduate work an Annapolis na val academy.' He is now stationed at Charleston, South Carolina. . Homer Goulet sr. and Mrs. George A. White have Invited members of the.Town and Country dub and d group of additional guests to luncheon on Thursday af ternoon at the Barclay House in Oregon City After the lunch eon the hostesses and their guests will go to the Clackamas home of Mrs. White for an afternoon of cards. Bidden are Mrs. William McGilchrist jr., Mrs. Arch M. Jerman, Mrs. Ho mfr s,h. sJ-i Mrs. Frederick Lamport, Mrs. Earl. Enell, MrsvT. A. Lrvesley cjl of Salem. Mrs. Karl Steiwer of Jefferson. Mrs. Clarence Keene. Mrs. lack Currie. Mrs.1 William McGinnis, Mrs. Henry F. Pritzlaff and Mrs. George W, Steelhammer of SilvertonMiss Ruby Archembau. Mrs. norence Stiger. Mrs. . Hugh Williamson and Mrs. H. T. Clark of Portland, and Mrs. George E Emigh of Clackamas. - . v.- . .- 4 EN h . ' 4 ' s. v - " ' - - t 1 y ; J v - t . 'I ' I " ' -X ": . - v;-. .. :.-..::: xi . -. - .-. ..w. -v-v. ... - ;., . ' .- T .-',...4. i . " '-;.;::: : yv. : ; . ''':. :. ,. . .. .-.-. , . , ':. .!. , . v . i 1 4 f v ; f ' l " v . -4 - - , ' - ' x I: J 'a- :'P i V' -'"" -J''- '! k x 4 " - - -- r - ' Society ; " Clubs- V: Music, r ilii II ON M rs. Henry Marcotie, wife of the acting minister of the First Pres- not new to the city. She lived here before her marriage to Dr. Mar-' cotte, and is a sister of Fred Wiggins,, an old time Salem man now living in Seattle. Mrs. Marcotte's family include Mary Isabelle Mar- i cotte of ; Washington, DC, Lieutenant Harriett Marcotte, an armyj nurse formerly serving at AsamI India but now back in the United States, Mrs. William Seleck of Portland and Ann Marcotte also of ' Portland. . One grandson Michael Seleck lives with his parents in Portland. Ibtatesman Woman s, rage photo;. I A. Musical Interlude . i . By Maxine Buren j Statesman Woman's Editor National Music ' week will come jtor a conclusion today, with special programs gives in churches. While ; many large programs were given during the week, the real success of the festival was gained through bring ing some music to almost every person In the city. Small programs planned for churches, i. clubs,' schools "and by music teachers meant that hundreds of persons were not only able to hear music, but were given the opportunity to participate in its presentation. ; Mrs. Walter Denton, diminutive power behind the 1 celebration managed even in this difficult time, to or- : ganizV musical workers into arranging some very fine" , programs. . - .......:. j Every school in the city had at least one special, music program to remind pupils of the significance of ! the week. Junior high schdols put on special programs ' i. and the high school pupils ' gave two evening enter-' I tainments, one by the instrumentalists of the school, "the second by the yocal department Sacred Heart pu pils appeared in two recitals. . i , .. Willamette university students -found time to pre isent a recital at the' music hall auditorium. Practically , every club in fhe city service clubs, ! patriotic organ izations, lodge groups and others remembered trie .week with music meetings. ". " - Nor were patients at the state institutions forgotten. Special committee from the Salem Music Teachers as sociation an-emged -shoft concerts at the various insti tutions, giving opportunity for local musicians to ap ' pear as performers. ; . So it went again, as in previous years, music found ; its special place in the minds of busy citizens who en j oyed a few moments of pleasure as i a break in the Bterner business of the modern day. r - Away for Awhile ... Travel notes this week concern the arrival of vis itors and the south and east bound destinations of oth ers.'" Master Sergeant and Mrs. Ervin Potter will arrive , Tuesday mornning from Fort- Benjamin Harrison,' tin- .; diana on furlough. They will be the guests of Mrs. Pot-.'. ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Minier. for a fort nighL' ,;- - : ':"A:' :- -;AK-- " Mrs. William Conrfel Dyer is entraining Tuesday for Manitou Springs, Colorado, where she will spend f 'several weeks with Jier son and daughter-in-law, Lt and' Mrs. William C Dyer, and their, four-months old sori; William Connell, III. Lt Dyer is stationed at neo. " . by Camp Carson. ' Mrs. Cfearles Pratt and her mother, Mrs. Emma -. Lipp, are leaving tonight for ' Stockton; Calif., to, visit . Mrs. Pratt's sister, Mrs. J. A. Allen. Mrs. Pratt plans to be gone several weeks but Mrs. Lipp will remain for a longer .visit with her daughter. The travelers will also visit in Oakland and other points in the bay area. . Mrs. David Pugh entrained Thursday night for Los ,; Angeles 'ta be the guest of her. daughter, Mrs. Robert -Woods (Vriginia Pugh) for . Mother's day. She plans .. to bo gone a month. Mrs Woods is attending .the Uni-:v . ..::"y cf Cclifomia at Los Angeles while her husband:, is overseas with the Seabees. - v l - i t i , r - : vi k. 1. " - ' i - - . 1 . ' . I ' x r '- ." - 1 - " - - - i ' 1: w w..Mi m mm..m.;vrmt..Mum w w hi 1., ... . 4 ' ' :" - "v "Mrs. . i J. a. .tee"' 1 f - y 3 Ti t x ?! ! :5 f :? : ' " j'- : ., .f .1, w 1 ft 3t Mrs. Helen Goodenough finds a few moments to knit socks . i1-J ii tt t 1 1 ther at Alpha Psi hall,; women's dormitory on the Willamette campus. Mrs. Goodenough is twice a great grandmother, a factj of which .she is very proud Her great grandsons are Da vid Sheldon and John Law Hayes; she has five grandsons in" the service. Her daughters are Mrs. C. H. Ostrin, Salem, and Mrs. Joseph Drysdale, Sunnyside, Wash., and her sons or Bryan Goodsnough,of Salem. Edwin C. Goodenough and Don ald; S. Goodenough both of Oakland, CaliL (Statesman Won an's page photo). . j Chester Gemmell, mother of seven, who has. become an active member of Salem's club life. She numbers-four of her i sons In the . servike; Ronald, former-sports editor oh The Statesman, and jnow in FBI, Lt Gprdon, now in- New Guinea, Pfc Wally with the marines in! New. For Mother's Pleasure . . f By Jeryme English . T . Statesman Society; Editor . Mother's day will be marked by family gather ings, dinner. and breakfast parties.- The. Spinsters will A- JWIrs. Homer Goulet, sr., another prominent Sae . lem mother, is active in club and church woriu She is the mother of Major Homer L; Goulet, serving r now in India Young. Mrs. CJoulet has resided, with"; her sons. Phillip and Garrett in Salem- since "her" husband went overseas almost two years ago. (Ken-nell-Ellis photo). - I ti -. . . i:. .. .. ; . - .' r.- . . V - . Britaiji cmd-Darrell now at boot camp with th marines at ISaivpjego.. entertain at breakfast at the Golden Pheasant at 9:30 Winers m ins lamiiy are Aiian. now. in suiuo ai.neiu, siwjon, - ,. . ; Mrs.1Raym0nd Rees. of Helix and. Mrs. William Schanneo of Portland, v" "r"""1" r ureu ;"a .T. . rut- "T Mrs. iGemmell has two grandchildren. flCennell-Qlis). s . .. : 4 I ' ,on(3 tables will be centered with spring flowers in pas tel shades. ' " . I ; Covers, will be placed for Mrs. Catherine Simms. Miss Margaret Simms. Mrs. foy HT1 Simmons, Miss Bet ty Simmons, Mrs. Stanley McKay j Miss Mary and Miss Stella McKay, Mrs." Robert G. Brady. Miss Carolyn Bra dy, Mrs. Ray A. Yocom, Miss Roberta Jean Yocom, Mrs. M. P. .Duffy. Miss Florence and Miss Doris Duffy. Ms. Gene Vandeneynde, Miss Patricia Vandeneynde, Ms. Frank H.' SDears, su Miss Sybil Spears, Mre. Waldo Mills, Mrs. Dale Shepherd, Mrs. W. H. East, -Miss Em-na Lou: East 'Miss Beryl Holt Miss! Phyllis Fisher. Mrs. Dan Johnston. Mrs. William Dick. Mrs.' Robert E Shinn, Mrs. Harry -Carson, jr., Mrs.' Wendell Wyatt Mrs. T. L - Brabec and Miss Mary Jane Brabec. " - . I Visitors Here for Weekend - -' A gathering at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugen 1 Grabenhorst will include the " latter 's. brother, Mr. George Harris of Wabena, Minnesota, who arrived Sat urday for several weeks visit. Other guests will be Mn and Mrs. Donald Dawson and son. Stephen, of Port land," Mr, and Mrs. William Harris. " William, it), and Mary of Lafayette, and Mrs. Nellie Harris. ' -. ' ; ' " " :.- -' ' ,. .-! . - - Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Price (Lucy Fisher) are here from Seattle for the weekend as the guests of Mr.'and Mrs. Earl Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E Price. Mr. Pric is stationed in Seattle with the coast guard. ' , Mrs. Donnell banders arrived from Bremprton. Frl. day night to spend tha weekend yriih her parsnts, Mr, : and Mrs. Frederick G. DeLano. - if ! Y - News of the Week . . 1 i Salem Junior Woman's club members are making plans for their annual mother's reception on Monday night May 22, at the club house. - : This will be followed by installation of officers by. Mrs. Ruth Lear, president - . of the Salem Woman's club."" " -'' " 1 r ' '. t; r ' - ,V .:",.''.' - ' ' - ? . Mrs. Joseph Felton is chairman and assisting her are Miss Emelyn Frazer, Miss Hattie Bratzel, Mrs. B. C. . Harrison, Mrs. Gerald Fisher, Mrs. Roy, Van Dorn, Mrs." ' Arthur Rothlin, Mrs. Howard Dsmann and Mrs. Paul Silke. . 1 , . t -v! Girls Entertained ' ; :-('-. ' ' ;-', - . , . . , Chi--Omega sorority oh the University xf Oregon campus : is i lentertcdning' d;grbup' of Salem girls, this . . weekend. They include the Misses Trudie Meier," Mary, - Ana Bolinger, Evangelme . MdOnlcry Bcirbctra Craw-- J ford, Patridq Viesko, Nancy Montgomery, JoanBedkey " -' : and Corinn Wade. ,"; ' '.... . 1 I - - a Miss Margaret Cobley. Miss jean Swift' Miss HeV;. ;: f '' .,- . erShepaandMiss.Mdriahn ,&oIsan bie me"iwek-('-J end .sruesis jcfMiss Loi'sTTirin McMWv ;They 0 attended a semi-formal school dance Saturday night . - .1 - : ' .-v I ..: ! --r v ;I - " . ' ' , i ' i ' ,r'- : '.ft. .S.irfrlvii; V: Jj: ; ft -r r-:'i n J : - I 1 ' f . . , fi - I ; ' a y t-'. .1 I I Mr. and Mrs. James Piersoh and children', Stepheri ana Penny, are here from Portland for the weakend as guests at the home of her parentsj Mr. and Mrs. David" Wright . : i Y,r - - : -1. ' JVI rs' L William Thielsen,' poses at the stairs of her attract i ive home oh'.West Hoyt street overlooking ths WiUam- ' ette jriver. ; The Thielsen's son, Hans William" Thielserf is a pet ty officer first class, serving in the Seabees and temporarily stationed at Pasco, Washington. The daughter j-Miss GreJchen Thielsen. is employed in. the Seatile'oifice of th'a 'OPA. (States man Woman's page, photo). -f i . Miss Sally McLelldn of Corvallis is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLeUan. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill have their, daughters for the weekend. Miss bhiriey is hone from Oregon Stat college and Miss Kathryn from Portland where she is a cadet nurse at the University iof Oreaon' Medical schooL '- 1 . 4 Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Bue and son, Steven, of Porl t . . ... i . . m iuiiu uit wets yuesis .01 ner 1 momer, virs vxjuii Sneed and of Mr. and Mrs. Waltes R Minier. . Mrs. J. J, Nunn is in Forest Grove for Mothers day as the guest of her son-in-lgw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Hugh McGilvra. :A : Af-v, iyrA': i.: I Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. jr., and Judith, ol Portland, are spending the weekend in Salem at th homes of Mr. and Mrs. Paul HV Hauser,' sr., C3id Mrsy Louise Robertson.;' S -" .v"1' - - ; Spending the day in Corvallis are Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stockman and Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Harris. They will be guests of Mrs. Madge T. Harris. Joining; them there will be Mrs. Charles Freeman of Portland, daughter of the Stockmans. and Mr. and Mrs. Will Fei rls and Miss Olive Ferris of Portland. . ' ... - i -. T- : Mrs. James' Bennison (leone; Spaulding). of Port land 'is -spending Mothar's Qay.iin; Salem with Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding. ' " i..