Th OZTGO:i STATECl.lAlL Salem, Onqon. Saturday Morolng. Mcrr 13. 1S44 PAGS K23 Qiurch Observes : 75tli Birthday Combining Its tributes to the church fathers and to the mothers of men, Salem First Presbyterian church In three services Sunday celebrates its diamond Jubilee and observes Mothers day. ' Church school classes win hold an assembly at 9:45 am. toe the lirst of these programs: - Prelude "Spring 8cgjdertdelssohn Doxology . by the school Invocation. Judge John H Scott Anthem The Word OX God Shan Guide My Teef ;.. ; Conant The Junior Choir SerfttureGlenn Benner. Junior Scot. Prmjftr Tjiura Jean Bates, Collet e- Butlneri Dept. sou "For siy Motner- ifaiotte Virginia Ward Elliott , Our Church "Seventv-five Years Ago and Now" arranged by Lyle jbeignton ana committee Consecration service, led by J. 3. Fitx aimone. suDerintendent Benediction airs. Ada t Condit Poathida "March in G" , Armstrong . Second of the day's observanc es will be the 11 o'clock morning worship service: ' Prelude "Jesu. Joy of Man's - Desiring , ' Bach In Dulct Jubilo Bach Chimes Hymn "faith of Our lathers" Invocation The Lord's Prayer - Choral Response Anthem "How Levely la Thy Dwelling Place , ,, Brahms Scripture: Selections from Hebrews 11 and 12 Pastoral Prayer . Choral Keanonse Re-dedication of church and re-con secration of people, minister and congregation participating. Offertory solo Tor My Motner- Malotte Vlreinie Ward XUiott The Doxology t i Dedicatory prayer -i - Sermofi "Apart txom Us Therefor Let Us Run" .Henry Marcotte, DD Prayer for our nation "America (fourth stanza) fienedictkm Postlude "March Maitari"Chopln The burning of the mortgage on the church, recently paid in full, and greetings from related or ganizations will feature the 7:30 pjrn. services: Prelude Tvenmtf Balls and Cradle Son-- Macfarlane Invocation Hymn "Day la Dying In the West" Scripture: The Acts 2C:tt-20 Anthem "The Omnipo tence' Schubert-Spicker Greetings from Salem Ministerial Association Rev. S. Raynor Smith Greetings from Willamette University. Str. John L. Jtuugni Offertory solo "O Divine Re- deemer" Gounod osephtne Albert Spaulding Sermon "Visions and 1 Tasks" . Henry Marcotte. DD : Male quartet "Bless This House" Bra he i Burning of the mortgage J. T. Ul rich. president of the board of trus I tees, presiding j Doxology 1 Benediction ! Postlude' "Mere March" Mendelssohn Methodist Church 'Recalls Union Now 5 Years Old KANSAS CnY,',Mo7 May 12 Elaborate ceremonies here five years ago this week when 900 legal delegates in the presence of ten thousand visitors voted, to merge the three , long-separated 'major branches . of Methodism were recalled and celebrated by the denomination's . general con ference which has just completed an Il-day session. ; A In the same municipal auditor ium Where in May 1939 the unit ing conference did Sway with the names "Methodist Episcopal Church," . " Methodist Episcopal Church, South," and "Methodist Protestant Church," for the new, Inclusive name, ''The Methodist Church," the representatives of the 42,000 congregations appraised the results of union and plotted , the future course for America's largest Protestant group. Reports showed strong advan ces in membership, benevolent giving and debt payment Lower figures appeared only in the col umns of Sunday school,, enroll merit While this is paralleled in other dtaorninationsy ' the dele- 1.-3 . - -1 .4 m. ajM.A.1 mA-. vance program have set the cor rection of this trend as one goal. Friends Observe Mother's Day - Special observance of Mother's day will be made May 14 at South Salem Friends church.: In -the Junior dopajrtment of the Sunday school the mothers win be asked to visit classes and! observe4 the work the children are doing. In the' senior department there will be readings, spceial music. " " In the 11 o'clock worship ser vice Haxel Cooper of Cascade college will . sing and also the Nordyke trio. John Trachsel win preach on a Mothers day theme. At the 730 service the young people will have short program. Laura Trachsel will give a short message on "Who Loved Mother Best?"... DAN XXASMON F02 CONG SUSS The republican party expects to get our country out of this mess, but if can't do so by re electing the same old crowd of lawyer-politicians who got us In to the. alphabetical, soup. To be progressive, the Republican Party must get the "old timers" out and put some prcfressive men in Congress. DAN HARMON is such a man. He is successful. , DAN HARMON believes ' la thrift, hard work and honesty, as a foundation of progressive ac tion; Irr Congress do we want suc cess or seniority? : Congress has teen full of sen iority (men too eld to put up a good fit) r years let us try success instsad cf seniority for a change. Take a lock at the votert ramrjhlet and listen to DAN IIAR 1.ION epealc over KOIN every Thursicyst D.13 P. M. - Home of 75-yearrbld Church One of Salem's most modern sad hvterfa.iL. house a 7S.tmt.b1i1 observing the anniversary of Its tx7i. rt.-. stale Mntw Thtt roeni nletnr u. m-M At the right a wing booses the stands the manse. v er s To Be Feature The Evangelical youth fellow ship will present a -program , dedi cated 1 to mothers of the congre gaion,' Sunday at 7:30. A sound movies The. Prodigal Son," which is . a production of Cathedral Films, Inc will be shown, and appropriate musical numbers have been arranged.! -, " Of special interest is the youth male i quartet, which will sing two Mothers day songs. The organ and violin offertory. Schubert's Ave Maria," will be played by Germond Lair.fcin and William Fawki The 1 choir, composed en tirely of young people and direct ed by ; John Pike, will sing a spe cial arrangement of "My Mothers Bible,? by TillmrA Lucille Bair will give the dedication, and Bev erly Wadsworth the . invocation, composed by j Phyllis " Launer. Evelyn Halverson will read the scripture. Dianne Riggs and Don na Carr will sing a duet, "When Mother Prayed." The minister, J. Kenneth Wis hart, will speak briefly. Members of the committee have prepared a souvenir booklet for all mothers present Music Concert To Be Presented at St. John's Gmrch A concluding music week con cert "will be given on Sunday, May 14. at 8:15 at St John's Lu theran church, 16th. and A street. Miss Margaret Say, v violinist of Portland, will be the guest artist The local choir, under the "direc tion of Mrs. William H. Fischer, will sing-two groups 'of numbers. William H. Fischer, organist, of St John's, will appear on the pro gram, and win play the choir ac companiments. . The following program will be given: In Hallowed Balls -Harris Agnus Dei Jaet Prelude in A- yiat Batiste William H. Pischer. Let the-Heavens Kejol -Gaul The Lord la My Shepherd Breitenbusch Choir Cavatlna Herd Girl's Dream ... t Margaret Say JLablnaky , Offertory Selected West .Gounod The Lord Is Exalted Unfold Y Portals cnotr 1 Souvenir . DkHa Dclios i Concerto ... ..,,. - Margaret ay, Postlude in E riat u-Ba Offertory Prayer for Our Country .Ixtrens William H. Fischer, organist Largo .Handel . Selma Ptacher, assisted by vloUn. choir and organ - Col. James Dee To Attend Bleeting CoL James Dee, Salvation Ar my divisional commander lor Oregon and southern Idaho with offices in Portland, accompanied by Ilrs. Dee, will conduct the Sunday night service at the Cita del. 241 State street. One of the special items dur- ins the service will be the swear ing in of six new senior members In the-Salem corps. The time of this service "will be 733 o'clock. The rmeral mifclic b iivited to Pay 1 I V I beautiful churches, the First Pre omnfaatlnn which this weekend Is founding. SUaaied at the Inter- -' - ' it.-. v tm f h niiniiM fit tn. rnieinirr. S.KEVIA. MM W . mMMMS I edacattoiial plant In the alcove .! T" 1 B; '.. "' " ; -; :' Mother's Day Mnsic Planned 4 h- - In m combined observance of Motners day and music week the ' : CnoiTOI. lUUgni. Memorial lon- tJIT j Br. iuuu - ing program at the 11 o'clock wor- ship-' service Sunday morning: T The Ch Ir LA" T-.l'. . . ' nariano, aroyi uasnney Anthem "tort iSi meYelr,-Chsrles ' . ' The Choir Solo "Let All My Life Spross - xtm MUSIC ! I Mrs. Joan Kortzeborn Tttinttofh" i Th rhnlr- , .... -h "g S0I4 "Homing' " TVi Riego i Richard smart The choir is under the direction 01 narnett Adams smart. Kev. WUIard B. Hall, the minister. wiUJspeak on "The Homing ln - stinct" v . 57lChildren in First Communion Qass at Mt. Angel MT. ANGEL A class of 57 lit tle s children will receive their first holy communion next Sun day! May 14, at 8 o'clock with the usual colorful ' ceremonies. - The first- communicants, aecotnoanled hv all th rhlMnui k. ..1. anlLTlv Kk a 1 Z j ! sehool at IS jn. D. JiankTaUt aup - andiled by the Mt Angel band.StJf. "iJlT;. 1 .t 7 Will arch from the school- to the .hij it- - . . nua( several -nun- area youngsters will occupy the nunaie pews. . . , The band will play again after t M the children march er bade to the School. - .y.. - vl. . T -1 . .-c : At -230 in the - afternoon the chudrenwijl gather in the church "rLLF1 municants will be enrolled in the scapular. iBewcn, of messed Sacrament Will follow. No devotions will be held Sunday night as customary "u , vusiomary. . . . LoclSC Plan Iriitiafiori At Weclnc8ciay Jleeting ' LXONS Plans were made for iniUation at the meetins rrf Talth Bebekah lodge Wednesday night. Officers elected Were Carnett T).-..4 LT- TT n. . vera. " c vice grand! Goldie Rambo, secre- li:- . wurj, axiu ,xvsv larcssier, rxeasurer. Another benefit card party will be held at the hall Saturday night, with? Hazel ? Lewis, Boss Berry, I- " V J -Helen - Anderson' and Eva - Bress-1 sxxtzer cwion icndat school lev the enmmlttMk In ilnr .Tk - 7 , TOmmittee f or the social hour in - eluded Elizabeth Taylor, Celene Pmin, v.n w.,t. T1 ' -"' mj. , . FL-I Utl fcc!i ; Down town The Tall White' Spire - '.' S:sday - 10:50 r ': The Ilcther and Her' Sen -A Sermon by Dr. J. C Harrison. Holl call cf the ens hundred men and five women cf First Church who axe in the Service cf our country. Churcli Plans For Coiacert ; InSflverlon . SILVERTON Emanuel , i Mans- field, neerti tenor, will sins! Mon- Church auditorium at 8 DJQ. Ad-iC mission wfll not be charge but an off ering will be taken. In-1 rfAA 4K emve Iwk vtll ZZ Zl i rCTT. ZZZ rl are 7-aom u o y , , owmg uw I Sweet Chariot,' and . Nobody Boy Scouts meet at the Methodist I church at 11 o'clock, and choir rehearsal Is Wednesday night at I n'rlock. r t . I Trinity j Mission . circle will meet Wednesday In the church sF-isW pile's wS sodal rooms, with Mrs. L. Ct-Wada Ja 9- Bible study and Goplerud as '- hostess. Choir t re-1 html wfll hm held Thtmrlav at I I 8 o'clock and! confirmation In-1 Btrucuorr Saturday at 990. Calvary 3 Naomi '-; society wni mt Wednesday at 19$ l i miss sessie aregersxHi n ous uu street.: Calvary choir "will 'meet for rehearsal Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, and midweek Bible Study and prayer service will belcial musie by the choir for Mother's held Thursday, at a o'clock. Con- w"u2ft. 1A formation instruction will be held I Saturday at, 10 ajn. ' .' , j. Fellowship dinner WUI be held I at, Imanuel church Sunday lm- j mediately following the morning l services. Hostesses for the Sion are Mrs. S.' Swanson, Mrs. au. n.Ltt & t 1 uwii,: Jan. aukii nenw and Mrs. Lee Ulvin Smith. Tues-Hect. day night at 8: o'clock thereon- uuaing session. ox ine series oil BILL -! s.t .J AM oiuxm iuhucs wuaucieu W Rev. A. R. ! Peterson of the Bible I t InstituU of Minneapolis wfll be Held.- cnou ' , renearsal will . be held Thumrlav nt A o'rWk ind neia inursuay at o ciock ana confirmation class will be ; held I Saturday at 930 ajn. . :.( erance Rally Plaiiiit3d . For Sunday Arrangemen nave oeen com I Dieted f or i a Mothers day citr I Wide temperance rally to be held f33!11 ' 8 Pf4at the I Virt rhii.h if Nmnn. r,Z-l 1 I T 7 'T" uenver tueei av uu. Rev. Wesley Johnson ol Port - iana wiu oe tne speajcer. i Rev. Johnson is the secretary of the Christian Broadcasters as- Oregon nrohihition nartr. and -u: - . u 1 wmii iitaii fJi. uic tuuiuuiiet; vu uiu r1 and cnHal rfnrm nf thti ITnlt. ran ' lemp Evcal Churches Mljgg jXTWV, 1 erica. I r. " - " . . . -J This rally is a part Of the com- m.nit. Mntn nnumm .n4 I wicrueiiuiuiua uuiiiju ai : a ue- anU-Uquor 1 lOTCeS OI rtne Oty, those in charge State. All rs ouu uiuuf tiuufi mis wmuuuj I invited to bring their friends and neighbors. I 77nth TnA sfatA nMeinAnt ; 4i0 aUM w eisH. wiiwuuwui 01 " Uf U, wui mtroauce me 1 BDeaker. aeverai musical num - bers are nlanned. Church Choir Hold . , 1 hursday Picnic STLVERTOK Trinity! choir a . of which.Mrs. Tom Anderson i director, and Mrs. Alf O. Nelson, accompanist, had a picnic sup- per Thursday night before the remilar nrartW hour If TA regular pracuce nour. airs. ya Holden headed the committee ar- raneinff the affair ranging me axxair. , Valley Churches i : I nn inuwii nnnii I. Cni. w ii . hiK : dnwt. Church service conducted by Rev. and lien. fimmm nibnM n.n . k : :: potjb corners branch OP first baptist East Jltate and Clm streets. Sunday pSSt BArasT"" v' 5 ;i?rymiM Khnato towdty ! - - : Brush College schooL Rev. Earl U liillVZS' .l0 "vJli,. rnieSSwTSl nmV people convene at Z JO p.m. j . I EMMANTJEL ' SfBNNONTTB Psntasm. J. H. Turn bull, -paster. Sun- ttcStrW. "The Motherhood of God." "cams fSTL, J.?-S,0, ubject rTbt w - ?mo,XT whkn. West afSJS? aSJsycnooT i T a iKZT'C iSSSi: ZZT7t I .... . I. .. KUT il ts-Z.Z ii7Z ISJtaJrtSo-riTnmC I Jr choir rehearsal. 7 JO p.m. orches- I tra pracuce. weonesaay 7:0 sun. J?LZXZuiJL rSrJTL I hearse. Friday nxi pjn. male chorus I - Keizer school auditor nun. Rev. David 1 ci.. umI ta A.m. fuarainVesrviee et 1L Young people's meeting tattun. At s a musical group from West, ilem . win have, charge 'oC the servioa.1. Salem Ghurches U3XTHSX. BAPTIST North Cottase and D streets. flS aA. Sunday school. 11 ajn. wonhin ervtce. Guest preacher. Bev. Xdward U Allen. T30 eveninf service.- Young People in eharge of Mother's day pro- sr. . wktch meeunc weaneaaay U Trswln. ad tetertm ntor. Sun. .fS J! Twina." Baptist Youtta rnowship at IS30 pja. Kvenlnf service at T30. Ser -lutO Greatest Secret society. - The oldest and younceat 2w15iJlto rric ui be fiest eakiit bnrnJ!t: school s:4S ajn. Mornine service at - 0" supjeci, A Mothers oedl 23J.r? ta i . ntSfAKlaX BAPTIST Wanes C Bale, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn." Morning aerriee at 11. Sermon Sunbject, "A Praying Mother. Young people? meeting at 1 pjn. Robert KXGLKWOOD CHCKCH OF THE UNITED BStBTBSUSN IN CHILIS T - north 17th and Nebraska avenue. J. M. Goodheart. pastor. Sunday school t:4S ajn. Morning service at 11. Spe- Chrur Fellowship. Th minister wui (lead a discussion on the religions of I China and Japan. Evening service at enapal. sermon ; select. t JO tn social rooms in charge of Mrs. oooanean. occa-laimsT immn hutbiin I WS Mlaaton street, ytrman B. Ken' loyer, pastor. Sunday school It ajn Mornine service at 11. Sermon sub- "The Sermon My Mother Would iSom. iVSg w VUVBT ITBSKZ UlSUTlAn ilth at Court street. W. H. Lyman. ministsr. Bible school, aeaembly S:45 L-Z uan ramlly.- christian Endeavor meet F'' '-30 B m- Evening worship at 1 1:30 Touin niht sermon bv navmond Armstrong, associate minister. Mid week church nignt Thursday at aaa. FIRST CHKI8TIAN Corner of Center and Blgh streets. Ihtdley Strain, pastor. Sunday school S.-49 ajn. Morning service at 10:90. ser mon subject, "The Home A priority i Casual tr. At TXO DJn. 13- I minute concert feaUuing the Doeikaen instrumental ensemue. ix -serm I -r,Mn "Tl it m Mm nt Tttm fTJtST CONGKEGATIOMAI. Marion and North Cottase street. David Nielsen, pastor. Sunday school B:o a jn. . Adult ronim speaker. Mrs. Charles Ratcliff. Morning service at 11. Sermon suMeet. "Mother hood May Teach Us." M pjn. League of Youth meeting . T CONGBKGATIONAI. ln. and Ferry streets Willard B. Hall, pastor. Sunday school IS - Sum. ! fLTeor'tos ipugrim League. I saint Paul's episcopal Church and Chcmeketa streets. Kev. i Church school S.-45 ajn. Morning pray er service ana sermon at 11. IOUTH IALXM FKIENDS tors. Sunday school at S.-45 ajn. Morn ing service at ll. Sermon subject. "Mother's God. Evening service st tdO. Sermon subiect. "Which One 1 Thursday at 7 JO pjn. AMERICAN LUTHERAN 343 North Church street. M. A. Get Pton Sunday f ol rsubjcct. Mother. CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) SUte street at 18th. F. H. Theuer, I oesior. oUnaay SCnoot son. JBUtu 1 7 . . W service at ji. vvnuniiauuii vice. Sermon subject. "Be Thou Faith- i" - I 111 IIUIUUU BUIUWU BVl V IVii v fl a eee Battermann. Portland, preaching. PIRST METHODIST v Corner of State end Church streets. J. C Harrison, pastor. Church school 9:43 ajn. Youth, church at 11. The Bev. Paul Jaquith - preaching. "How Our Church Began." Morning worship - at I lUHL. asriTMOaTl IfTTrSsr 1 US1 SBXUUieZST IHer Son." Youth PeUowship S pjn. .T..'eningwor I Sermon topic, "Unbalanced Virtues.' pkkr metbodist ' , Market and Norm Winter streets, R- Stewart." pastor. Sunday school M aJn Morning servtoe at 11. ser- mon subject, "Mother Love." Evening service at 7:4$. Sermon subject, "The ratv rf " Youth arouna meet at I pjn. Prayer meeting Wednesday at pjn. . JASON LEE METHODIST "' North Winter at Jefferson street. S. Majroor Smith; paster. Sunday S4S aJn, Morning servsee at U. Sermon 1 subjeet," pother.' Evening eenrice at 1 ts. sermon subject. -Abundant Uv- "J. tZi SJSl I Peuowahip groups at sae. Brotherhood lTaesaay evening aUSJO. LESLBI SfETHOOIST - . . fiMk ' I" i i ill mw i , " lr rxt. imi .rimi Sdna BoMer. teturned imsslensry jJJ&JZZ 2im sWn aeetpS PiaVi SunSSTpj r1? Aamam? V? "- 4. '"JM2SI.n ca "sunday schooT lVHi ui in enrtce at ll. Young people's meet- tM PJ- rviee at 75. sermons Sondav bv Kvanrelist wu- 1 Mar Bell, amor Cwnfai .ho mt Y!- A brty welcome ewatti you. rvAWCutric tabernacle IAssimblt or son Mother, day service at 1L I opccsai, pel "Mother. Home and Heaven. A moth- I Kboir wia ain- neste the-oktest j the mother Hth nower mrmsmcr Wltn ; ine I most Children. Old tone revival meet- Special for Mother's Day - OTY WIDE miPEIlAIiCE RALLY ; reaturing Rev. Wesley Johcscs - Lecturer and Radio Speaker in a Stirring Address . Liqnor JIad America , Sr.dart 3 P..JL, llzj Hth? CLtareh of ths Nazarene Center St 12 ih Streets , ; An Interdenominational and Unit ed Effort on the part of the Anti LiCiUor Forces to present the Trut. Everybody Welcome i Ing 1M pm. Sermon subject, I Am the iora xny nearer. Hsm- ur. sur tin Luther's translation. Wednesday 1! pja. deeper i hit Bible study, a pan. prayer serriee. , - . :l. j.r ' PsTNTCCOSTAI. IJfGHTHOTJSK . : ' i 443 rerry street, o. M. Kaos, pastor. Sunday school at IS ujo. Morning service at 11. Sermon aubect. "A Tri bute to Mothers.1 young people's ser vice JO pjn. Eveninf service at T Jo. Evangelist Arthur Egbert speaker. Servioas at S each nicht throughout the week, anasrit Monday, with s.van- geJitt Arthur Egbert at speaker. POmUO.UAKE ! . . - ! ' ' i Morn isth at Brevman street, nev. C E. Tate, pastor. Sunday school at 19 ajn, Morning service at 1L Moth era My service.; evening service at 1A. Sermon subject, -The Last Day Church." Tuesday 1:44 pjn. prayer. Thursday T:4S pjn. Bible study. . PENTECOSTAL MISSION j SU'a North Commercial street. George Bacon, pastor. Sunday school S pjn. Afternoon service at S. Evening ser vice at 7.-4J, Tuesday and Thursday night meeting at 19. Special young people s service Saturday at 7:43 Rev. Lester Gibson, guest speaker. PIBST EVANGELICAL ' I - I Corner Marion and Summer streets. Rev. I. Kenneth Wishart, pastor. Sun- aay scnoot s:a ajn. Morning service at 1L Sermon subject.' ! "Mothers. Elect Ladles. Youth groups will meet at S:1S pjn.) Evening service at 10. Special Mother's day service In charge of the Youth Fellowship groups. Prayer and Bible hour Thursday at TM pjn. CHTJKCa Or THE NAZABENE ; i 1 Center street at 13th. Weaver W. Bess, pastor. Sunday school S:4S ajn. Mother's day - service at u. sermon subject "Mother s Crowned as Queen.' Special choir of i mothers. Wives and mothers of service men specially hon ored. 9 pjn. cuy-wioe temperance ralcv. Rev. Wesley Johnson, sneaker. Evening service i at Tao. Sermon i by Rev. Wesley i Johnson. Young people's hour t S0 pjnJ'Wadneaday 70 pjn. prayer service. Saturday S:4S pjn. ra dio service, kslm. , . 1 1 JOHNSON MEM6eZAL SETENTH BAY AOVKNTIST Hood - and North sommer streets. Elder G. T. Dickinson, pastor. Sabbath school S JO ajn. Morning service at 1L Young people's meeting J:lS pjn. Pray ting a pjn. weaneaaay. ! r r.k SALTATION ARMY 241 State street Major Stevens, pastor. Sunday school at It a Jn. Morn ing service at 11. Evening service at TdO to be conducted by CoL and Mrs. Dee of Portland. Tuesday,! Thursday and Saturday services at S pjn. PJB. 1 I- PIBST CSfCBCB OP GOO Cottase and Hood streets. H. A. Schlatter, pastori. Sunday- school S;45 ajn. Morning junior church at 19:45. Sermon subject at 11, "A Tribute to Mother. Unified service at 7:15 pjn. Sermon subject st S pjn. "The Over- comer." - ' . i FIRST CBtTRCtt OP CHRIST SCIENTISTS i : Chemeketa and liberty streets. Sun day school 11 ajn. Morning service at 11. Sermon Subject. "Mortals and Immortals. Evening service at 8. Ser mon subject the same. Wednesday evening meeting at- S includes tesu monies ' of healing. Reading . room at 14S South High j street. . T" CHURCH OP CHRIST South 12th and Leslie streets. Moose halL L. L. rreeman, minister. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service at 11 Song practice at S0 p.m. Preaching at 7 JO. Bible study each Wednesday at ism pjn. 1 I I- FIRST SPIRITUALIST 248 North Commercial street After noon service at Circle at S. Even ing service at 740. Rev. Mary Gerken. speaaer. t ,, , ; . ..... j. CHRISTIAN (aND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 1 Fifth and Gaines streets. C. H. Stein mum, pastor. Sunday school S:45 ajnt Morning service i at 11. Junior young people's service 1:30 pjn. Evening evangelistic service at 730, Wednesday 730 pjn. prayer; . and Bible study, MADISON STREET ONENESS TABERNACLE 1410 Madison street. Ray M. BMxsem. pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Mormne service at 11. Evening service at S. Bible study Thursday at I pjn. j j REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAY SAINTS ! 17th and Chcmeketa streets. C H. Aaher, pastor. Sunday school 10 aun. Morning . service I at 11. Ziona League 6:49 pjn. Prayer meeting at 730 pjn. Wednesday, j TRUTH CENTER! 289 North High! street. Olive Stevens. MsD, pastor. Morning service at 10:43. Sermon subject, proe HirthrighL BETHANY Rv. REFORMED Capitol and Marion streets. X. A Kielsmeier. pastor. Sunday! school 10 ajn. Morning service st 11. Sermon subject, -He Ascended Into Heaven. Silver ton ! 1 Churches , V. CALVARY LUTHERAN I - i i iersey street. O. C Olson, pastor. raunday school 10 -ajn. Morning ser vice it IL giniaosi suoiecT, -Mother and. Prayer. ( Lather league at 1 pjn. Mrs.; Elvia Almqittst. president. 1 seventh' DAY ADVENTIST --'.'l-- f Seoond street. Sabbath -school at : ajn. Mornmg seivlce at ' 1L CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE - Korth Rieoad street. Willises Schwab, Sunday school at IS ajn. Morn- servlce at llv Evening service 1.-4S. FIRST CHURCH DP CHRIST ' " ! ' Park and Pirst Streetsj Russen Myers passor Sunday - school ili lil an. Morning service :at 1L Evening :ser vice t j ' - i ASSEMBLY YOP GOD ' ' j Pront -street. Omer Bailey, pastor. Sunday -school at SS aun.. Morning service- at 1L Evening, service at TAS. ItmAIe'DKtL-i'; J' V' it "?' .'Vi'- , I ' North Church street" L. ' Ahnue.' pastor. Sunday scnoot le ajn. Morn mg aeratee- at 1L - Set mon - subject. -Doers ed the Word. Evenaui service st 130. Sermon subject,! "Broken Lives.' . ; ; -. ; i TRTNrTY ' ' I ' '' , i A aunt Second "streets. M. t, K. Tuhr. pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morn mg service- at U. Ssrmte subject, -Cod. Mother, Home and the Nation." MTTHODXSTv : ':--J ' " ' stske and Mala streets. O." Leonard lenes, pastor, Sunday school st SrtB ajn. Morning service at -11. Sermon suojeci, awnss tmm Evening service at S. Young adults, j subject. "Songs we Love to aiing." Additional Details Add Glory To Collegian 4; Top Honors Additional details regSLrdini the Willamette Collegian have sMathews. She has also been informed that as well as winning the Pacemaker award for the fall semester, that the surnmer . se-! mester Collegian received the All-American rating, making it seven semesteri straight for the) paper to be judged that highj am To Be Started Sunday night at 630, the Bo- glewood United Brethren Youth for Christ Fellowship will begin its spring and summer '0 youth program. "Christian Horizons" is the . name of the program which is divided into two sections. . The first i period, for discussion : Is called "World's Religious Horiz ons. ?, ',. M v r :' In May the topics for discus sion will be around the theme of living Horizons." " In May the topics for discussion will be around the theme of ."Liv ing Faith of Other Nations. In June "Christian Faiths of the World," will be discussed. In July "Protestant Faiths," and In August, "Modern Religious Cults." T he second period, for worship and inspiration, is called "God Moves Across the Horizon," in which! the minister will bring a new series of sermons on char acters and incidents from the Bi ble portraying God on the horizon between heaven and earth, in His eternal quest for man. . The Fellowship of Fun will be held on alternate Sunday nights and .will 'be in the form of di rected recreation and outdoor campfire services. ' '" Service Men To Be Honored First Methodist church Sunday morning- will have a roll call of the 105 men and women, members of this church, who are in. the service. As a part of the Mothers day celebration. Miss Beryl Holt, secretary of . the committee on recognition of service men, will call the roll. Other members on this committee are Mrs. Benjamin Williams, chairman,. Iioyd Lee, vice-chairman, Mrs. j Carle Ab rams,'Mrs. L. S. Covert, Mrs. John Caxkin, Mrs. J. C. Harrison, Mrs. W. C Winslow, Mrs. Henry Car and. Mrs.- Winifred Herrick. This committee keeps in con stant touch with these service men and women, who are in all parts of the world. Dr. J. C Har rison will preach the Mothers day sermon on "The Mother and Her Son," and the choir, directed by Dean Melvin H. Geist, will fur nish appropriate music . - Family Week' To Be Qosed Sunday will climax: Christian family week observance . at the First Christian church. 'The choir will sing the anthem ."Mother, My Dear " by Treharne, and Mrs. Cliff PhiljipA and Mrs. W. R. Tan ner will sing the duet My Moth er" by Ackley. The morning ser mon will : be "Tne Home r . Pri ority or CasMdty.""ijU',"f ; The young people will honor mothers -at a tea given in the par lor at 5 .DO. Before the 7:30 wor ship service the Doerksen instru mental ensemble will be featured in a 15-minute concert John Schmidt will sing "Be Still and Know by Pierson. The sermon will be addressed particularly to those who have loved ones in the service, and is entitled: "Between Me and The." ; - Lyons Afternoon Cord Club Is EnUrtcdned LYONS The Tuesday ; card club held party at the borne of Mrs. George Huffman, Five- ta bles of 500 were in play, Mrs. Everett Crabtree of SUyton " had high score, Mrs. Oscar If sue, low, and the special prise went to Mrs. Arthur Anderson. 1 '-y- '- Refreshments 4 were served to Mrs.-Pat r Lyons,? Mrs. ! Albert Bass, Mrs. Clifford W est , Mrs. Fred Dallas, Mrs. Hal Howard, Mrs. Jewel little, Mrs. ' Albert Ring, Mrav George Hubbard, Mrs. Francis Jungwirth, . Mrs. ' Percy Hiatt, Mrs. Walter Bevier, h Mrs. Floyd Bassett, M r a. Melbourne-: Rambo, Mrs. Earl Miller. Mrs. Lovffle : M21err Mrs., Earl Allen, Mrs. Oscar Naue," Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Mrs. Everett Crabtree and, Mrs.' Huffman. '. v-. -" louinrroer .'TZ:&c! Ruins'' -11 IL El Hear This Unusual Mother's Day Message "Ecili's Grc:U Scad Szij" 7x3 P. II. i t-dvuiy CnIirl Ginrc!i; S. Liberty at Z21er . . . Salem C I Tra win, preaching at tflih services. the Pacemaker'' honor given been received by Editor Nadene Only 0 college papers through- out the country were Judged In ' the "Pacerxuker" class, axording A ' AR i A . Sk .! w ue report receivea oy auss Mathews. The six . were chosen from 17 papers Judged All-Amer-ican in competition with publica tions from 248 schools. The "Pace- - maker" is not a higher award than the Ail-American, itself corsid ered an honor to receive from the Associated Collegiate Press 'criti cal service, but is an added honor for papers that are . so generally excellent that they stand out from . the rest of. the All-Americans, Scorebooks received this week indicate that the Collegian' won superior ratings in originality in ' news values and sources, typog raphy, inside news, page make up, sports page display and edi torial page features.. Of 20 pos- -sible scores, the Collegian was 17 times marked excellent One com ment concerning the paper stated: , The Collegian obviously is edit- ' ed by ir staff alert to the interests' of its campus readers, A . staff , well-versed in the fundamentals of good newspaper work. Con gratulations on your continued success!" rv--- Excellency in editing indicating thoroughness was pointed out and also that the editorials were read able and had a . friendly tone. The. , news sense of the staff was con- f sldered excellent as well sis the society: section - and 'the ' sports -page was described as prof as- -sional in coverage and display. Ensign Herb Rhodes, a member of the summer staff while an ap prentice seaman at the Willamette V-1X unit, wrote most of the head lines which received the', com ment, "Not only . are your bead lines well written, they also have a spark of originality and humor." : Other general remarks stated that the stories go right to the point and present facts in order of their news value and that features were colorful and interesting. In an editorial commenting on the . award, special tribute ; was paid to Prof. Murco" Ringnalda, professor of Journalism, , under whose; guidance . the paper has been built up from a second class paper to one recognized as being outstanding throughout the nation. Mention was also made of the cc- pperation of staff members . r certain news sources as-well as that of the Oregon j Statesman, where the Collegian is printed. Special mention was made in he scorebook , of the outstanding makeup of the paper. I , .; Lutherans Plan p For Mother's Day; . St John's Evangelical Lutheran church, 16th and - A street tbe Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor, in . co operation - with 4000 Lutheran qhurches of the . Missouri synod,' will celebrate Mother's . day by "mothering' her sons in the ser vice. -The. congregation has sent out to; its entire membership a copy of ( the current Lutheran Witness magazine w h i c h gives details as to how the Lutheran church . is taking care of the spir itual needs of the boys oh the far-flung fighting fronts. 5 The-1" lo- cal ; congregation will receive a special Mother's day offering i'fry tms wote as its part in raising over $500,000 needed to carry on this work for ' the coming . year. Pastor; Gross will preach on ."A Mother's Golden Opportunity' 1 to . Bring Peace to Her Son." "' , EveUslic Assembly of G4 Ferry and Uth Streets ' a, . V IIcSicrY Day, Scnriccj, It A. ML,., Sermon by tbtf " ' Pastor ' ' ,MotJier-oiire--l ana xieaven - i .si, Prizes of recognition to the old est mother and to the mother with most children, and to the motner with most sons in me service. . ? : : 7:45 P. IL ' Old Time Gospel Serriee r J ...... wm In, Wai Sirftf n Am the Lord Thy Healer1 be present." - ' f;r L. tv. 1 i