Pilcher Issues Call for Kid Fisticuff ers : If you're a kid or tent, who thinks you can whip tout weight la wildcats by abiding strictly by Marquis of Queens bury ring rules, or if you're one rwh ' figures I you- can wallop Kyour; way i alone cauliflower . canyon if someone would, only five - you half - a ' chance,' your; . golden opportunity Is here. The .town's : new boxing- promoter, Ira Pilcher, has Issued a formal - Invitation to any and all asplr ; In beakbusters within earshot -to write to him In , care of . the village armory. ' Hell take care - of the rest-. - ;"; ,? -'JJV; PUeher and Tacky .'McFar land, the latter now welt-known la boxing circles hereabouts as Heck div.: Although this, comer, too, is glad Ethan Grant takes along step up the US Employment Service ladder with his promotion to the administrative staff of that organization in Portland, we hate like blazes just as much seeing him leave. Ethan was our hope for coach of the long-coming Junior Legion nine, a job he took care of the last two or three,, semesters the Juniors were in operation in the village ... And just as he knows his government work and columhizing, Ethan - knows his sports, especially baseball. More oh the philosophic side instead of -' the fiery, ' the guy . could have . taught many of our base ball -denied . village kids' much of the game's ABCs. He was also quite .willing, too, until the job. switch came . . . And take it from us, there isn't a gent in the town who can render' more interesting; -yams on the oldtime big league ballgamers Walter '.. 'Johnson, Mickey Cochrane, Lefty Grove, Rube Waddell, Goose Goslin, Babe Ruth, et al than can friend Eth- , an. Just when, the village could stand having a few more like him, . It loses him. Too bad , . . Speak ing of departures, from the looks ETHAN GRANT of the list of residents wholl be amongst those present Monday in Portland when they decide whether it's 4-F or good-bye, could well be called "Salem Day." Really a hefty herd going up, and we're not going along merely to try to keep the boys from being homesick . . V Seeing where ancient Tiger Jack Fox,' dusky darling of the Inland Empire fistic fans, is on the comeback trail at 36 has started a slight buzz along local fistic row. The boys are "remember when"-ing Fox's last appearance here, April, 1941, and are still laughing over the way Th. Tiger toyed with CpL Ben Shave, Seattle boxing instructor, in their 10-rounder. The corporal is still probably wondering how to lay a glove on Fox, the latter was that clever. He'd let him come close, . - but rolled with every punch and the corporal finally wore himself out swinging. The crowd wore itself out "owning" at how close Shave . was shaving but missing the darky had he hit him once with one of - those haymakers he'd have had to help scoop him up somewhere be tween the, six-bit seats and the balcony ; . . If th. Tiger can still ' take care of himself on the defensive thusly, his comeback will be successful for sure . . . F - Col. Bill of the Salvation Army This is a loan from Dick S trite of Eugene, revealing how come ' the "colonel handle preceding one Bill Hayward, who'd probably like nothing better right now than to be herding theU of Oregon track sters for his 42nd year at that post. Quoting without quotes? It came about some 15 years ago when the Oregon football team tramped to Florida, when Colonel Bill was still grid trainer. Cap McEwan was coach at that time,' Bill's assistant trainer was Sergeant Vaughn and the star back on the club was Johnny Kitzmiller (lieu tenant In the ROTC on the campus). With a captain, lieutenant and sergeant on the travelling squad, McEwan commissioned Bill a colonel and he was introduced as such when taken on a sail-fishing jaunt by the Florida governor. - V "; So Bfll sipped mint juleps with the other southern colonels and no one questioned his status until the squad attended a gigantic ban quet in Miami where Bill was surrounded by colonels. One esked, "And what army did you fight for, Colonel Hayward? Bill promptly answered, "the. Salvation Army " which was laughed off and never ' mentioned again. ' . .,' :J- 'Y': Joey Albina Gains 15-Rpund Decision From Mickey Pease PORTLAND, Ore., May ll - shipyard' worker, decisioned Mickey Pease, 156,' Portland po liceman,- tonight in a lS-round middleweight championship. i . ine doui lurnea out w 19 - rounds of probably the most In- ept boxing ever uncovered in the Portland auditorium outside . of. a r preliminary. Both boys found - the . route too Jong and did . the last five frames In -slow motion. : --V The Associated Press score card gave Albina - nine' rounds and f Pease r one;; the fifth.' The lone .- knockdown .came In the third : when pease folded (rom. "'right to. the stomach. Albina was un hurt but Pease's left eye was cut early ; in the fracas. Pease 'was . warned : repeatedly ; against low . - blows..;', .:r-:A:" v Tt' .'V Jimmy LIddelL former protege 4 st Henry Armstrong, was. award ed a technical knockout over Billy McCann, Seattle, In the eighth round of . a ' scheduled ' 10-rouhd semi-windup. . - ' 7SC Takes 9lh in Row ".,. . . , J MOSCOW, Idaho, May " l2-(JPh The Washington x State ;- college baseball . team claimed Its J ninth straight victory v tonight by : de fating the' University of Idaho I to J. ;::,V.V;'''- . ': DAN IIABJION . for. CONGSESS - . .-- - ' . The Republican Party, promisu t:9 people, a positive - progressive re "'xam. To . be consistent with t :cft program, Mhe Republican 1 zrty must elect-a "Progressive C'-rTressmnn" from this. district I AN HATJ-lCN Is such a man. ITt is a rjecessful business man r . I bc:.;..Js. fanner, .the first i ch rrzzi. ty represent us in Con t'j for ever fifty years. Tj re-c'-ct the tsne eld crowd 1 v.h::l-horses to Coni ' t t . . ' l t most inconsistent i j I :-t!ican program of , ) , 3 . - 4 success or scnior- he who fought upwards of 100 . bantam boats In . the ' middle west, holding that weight's tiUe : for two years bi the same place, - and : since ."has notched some - 1308 outings a a referee to his . belt, have ' merged with a plan ? wherein the armory basement Is v to be turned into a Junior grade v Madison -Square 'Garden traln ;i Ing "; bin.; While -Pilcher takes :' care "of all f the promotional angles, McFarland will give off .with .the tutoring showing how and why It's done. Training fa emues -punching bags, Jump ropes, gloves, resin, smelling salts, -tape and. arnica will not be. lacking. ' ; The new and all free ; enterprise, ; aa effort to JPhJot7 Albina, 160, Portland headliner billed for the state Red Sox Snap Losing Streak WitH i j6 Win BOSTON, May lMAVThe Bos ton Red . Sox pounded out 14 hits for 25 bases today to break a six- game losing streak by beating the Cleveland Indians 10 to 9 at Fen way, park. : - Cleveland lit lit Ml- S It S Boston Jl IMltx-ll 14 1 Kennedy, Gremek (1), Nay snlek (7) and Suaee. Haglwea and Wagner. . C . atr' "": i .wr ..5,.-:' V t '-. : . V . 1 - - - f 4, ' X ... - ! i ..r 1 : ;c LO S I R T 0 T 0 K Y 0;i-i7!Uc. a nocreV tie - CL.' 112 It 01 Taiv: &.vttnfS Jt-ir- ' T'i-,.- Ma.Ai. u- : racks stg for Journey closer . r -.. ccbf7 new iucj u give the village and valley box ing enthusiasts wide-open ; chance , to . take . their whirl at the punch and take business, la to be first-cabin In every re-. spectt if Promoter; PUeher has ' his way. ' ' -Prospective students, whether - they he novice or sophomores,; are requested to get in touch with the Promoter immedlatelj. Ho wfll rig up is training sched ule and explain In detail all the necessary Information after said ' prospects have made their con-" , tacts.1? In the meantime; Pilcher j hopes to usher In his second pro ', fight card next Thursday nlghC May 18. . . ; Browns Regain Trim Solons, 6-4; ;v.t' .Yanks Drop to 2nd : - , f - n' 1 WASHINGTON. May l2-JPi The St4 Loins Browns blasted out 15 hits ; to defeat Washington 6 to 4. tonight and regain first place in the American league race. The Brownst replaced New York in the top berth. The Yanks lost to De troit today. ' i : '' ' St Louis teed off on Early Wynn ' for ' five runs in the . first and added a' counter off Milo Can dini in the sixth. It was Wynn's loss. Mark Christman and Frank Mancuso each connected three times'for the Browns. . i Bob Muncrief went the distance for St. .Louis, yielding 10 blows, including Bobby Ortiz's homer in to the left field bleachers in the first.:..-4i S 'd " " : -' ' St L'nls ,500 Ml eOt IS 1 1 Wash.! U 100 111 0004 10- Muncrief and Mancuso; Wynn, Caadint Caraaqnel and Goerra. -l w-i Detroit Dumps) Yankees. 10-4 NEW' YORK, May 12HPhHal Newhouser became the first left hander to beat . the New " York Yankees this season as the Detroit Tigers amassed 17 hits to win 10-4 today before 7192 fans. It was Newhouser's fourth; victory of the year and gave the Tigers two out three for the series. ; : . 'i Four Ihome runs' were hit two by each side, ; but both of f De troit's, iy Pinky Riggins in the fifth and Jimmy Outlaw in the seventh came with two on base. Bud Metheny and Ed Levy hit their's with one on to account for all of the Yankees' scoring. Detroit . 010 030 C0t-10 17 New YorJuJtOO 000 020- ill Newhouser and Swift; Zaber, Bevins and Hemsley. Boston Bounces Pirates, 10-3 .. PITTSBURG, May 12 Be hind the superb pitching of Kate Andrew!, the Boston Braves pounded out 12 hits, Including two home runs,' for a ; 10-3 . conquest over the' Pittsburg Pirates before 2,302., I '."$-" - . BostonI.l 034 000 200-10 12 2, Pittsburg ..200 i 001 000- 3 1 3 , Andrews and Klutts; Eee, Cue . caruUe (3) Wise (I) and Lepes, Cemellf(O). . In Baseball : . - - 'By- the Asrociated Piw8 (Three fcaiers ta eaek learae) Player nl Chta O AB B H Pet. Etten, t Yankees. IS M l SS , .40T Walker, podgers ?JT HUM .400 Swift, .Tlers 14. S : 1 II -;jtM Myatt - Senators . 18 TS IS SS J6S WaadeU. PhUllea 17 81 S3 J77 Adama. Phllliea .1S S 17 SS J73 .. Sin kitted . In: . Aawrku It-' ; NaUoaal Learae Stephens.! Brwn IS chmlts. Codm SI My att. enatra nt, Welntraub. Cnta is R. Johnaon. K.x iLombardi, Cnts It aeerey, isaians i -''Home tans: AmerleajiIiac' --atatleaal Leane Spenee, Senator. S ehultz, Dedgrs 4 beerey, , in. - n ;4 0tt. Giants Llndell. Y? ; (Adams. Phillies t Ettw. fe, - - Northey. Phllliea a Treeky, Wh. Sex S Utwhiler. Cards 4 Hay, mm... , Kurowski, Cards 3 Biepaens,;tiirwQS - .ton. kar t Tcyo ss t'n!tJ Ut:s f it i-;r;3. ; Top Position Viking Chances Fade in State t , ' . 4 Beavers Victory Seen For CorvalKs ' , V t - ' ' Or Jefferson SHS Gang Fails v In Track' Events n : .-',! J , j . By At LIGHTNER ' BELL FIELD, Cbrvallis, May 12 (Spdal)-Thelimb was too thin for the wexperts,,i again, and as the, qualifying heats for the 18th running of the Oregon state high school track - and field champion ships were zipped off here today, they left the prognosticating pack strewn all over this spacious field, all of them now convinced they'd best stick to picking their noses. For whem these qualifying beats were history f the 1 highly .favored Salem high Vikings for one, and the muchly regarded Bend Lava Bears for another, were left with out a chance of t&king; the title which has been sported by Med- ford for the last four years, j : Instead, it now J looks , like it's strictly between Jefferson of Port land, the unsung Corvallis Spar tans and; the; defending champs, Medford. The Jeffersona quali fied three first-place winners to dayDale Leisy. In ' the century, Ray Bering in the low hurdles, Lyle - Schlavin , In , the 220, Glen Leisy, In the high Jump and Art Bakke In the pole vatili. Corvallis came t through ' with blond-headed 'Bob; Labhart lead ing the way by placing first! in the 440 heat he ran in, second. In the 220, and added reasons why they'll be' tough tomorrow is Dick Edmondson's century win, Paul Lee's shot put, Ed Hunter's pole vault and their relay quartet! Medford gained contention when Dale Neidermeier grabbed off a first In a low hurdles heat, placed high in the pole vault heat and displayed a feather-footed re lay team ,f!i' V ,1 Salem, figured as a cinch for from 20 to 24 ultimate points and a cinch win, failed to qualify a single entry in the track events galloped off today. Of course the Vikings have . Benny Lambert and Bob Macy In tomorrow's final 880, and Tom Grimm in the mile but today the Viks just didn't have it and it centered around a bad leg picked up by sprinter Bob Weber. No. 1 disappointment for the Viks came when Weber, nuuiing in the first heat of the century, finished a poor third. He had boasted the best district meet time in the state, :10.1, but a poor start and a sore leg injured during practice this week brought him in In the non-paying show spot ' behind! a winning :10 JS romp. Worse yet, he couldn't take his anchor , spot op the Vik relay team later on, and it lost out In its heat, too. ; ; ' As expected,4 .Willie Bach failed to qualify tathe 220. He man aged fourth in his heat at that Mel Hilficker dropped out of the shot put event when be couldn't get up to the 40 foot mark. And although Don '.Wilson hurled the javelin the respectable - distance of 1S3 feet' 6 Inches, the neces sary six to qualify; for the finals all had 155 'feet or better. Neither Dick Gatke ' nor : Dick. Brown could make It In the high jump," another disappointment. J ;i On the brighter side, however, Coach Tommy .Drynan's gang did come through In the, broad. Jump, poles vault , and I 'eiJti Mill.' feet for, six qualifying yaulters today and Lyle Wflliams, who took Weber's place on the relay squad, , was one of them. Wfber managed a 20 foot inch broad, jump, despite .the bad-leg to qualify second : high .In that event and both Art Gottfried, and Joe Formick came through-splen didly In the 'discus. Gottfried's heave - was good ;forra fourth place f today rind i Formick,- who surprised even himself by spin ning .the splatter 128 L feet aW inches, was right In back of the Viking ace.' Outside "Lambert and Macy in the 880 that's all therell be wearing Salem's S red and black tomorrow in the payoffs. r One new record was set today, and it was a dandy. Bob!Ander son of little Scappoose.high, un leashed : a : discus twirl of '153 feet ly Inches! to shatter .by far "the existing mark ,leld ;by Jim Bocchl of v Klamath Falls, : ISO feet 7 Inches, set last year at Eu gene. 'Another Bob, thia one .Nel son of Junction City, also broke the old mark with his qualifying heave of : 144 feet 0 ; Inches. : - Tight chases' loom .- In most events tomoxrow. The 120-yard high hurdles affair is expected to be corker - between Huskey of Grants Pass and Xeisy'of Jeffer son with Doyle of Hillsboro right In the thick 'of it .Their respect tlve times , were ;16, and ' :15.8. Merle Williams of Chemawa qualified; by placing second to Huskeyin bis heat The 440 looms close also, Klamath Falls' Hen thorne in 3, Labhart of Corval lis In :53 and Arlington of Hills boro In :S3.9 the lads to beat Mo lalla's Verlyn I Kraxberger also qualified In this event And the half mile battle between Lam bert and llarold Elmers of Jeff erson is awaited enthusiastically. Coach - Claude Cook's Lava Bears, who were second to Sa lem In qualifying number of en tries In the meet wound up with only George Rasmussen In the pole vault eligible tomorrow. The " ' - i . - '; . ;" :- - vi - Eds e Today's Preakhess Stars 0 : v- 7 4' PENSIVE (above) , winner of the Kentucky derby last week, and ..Flatter (belew) are Ubbed as the star performers fat today's S4th nasdng et the Freakness' at Ftmllee. EaUblrds say lfa between the two forthe victory. Bears ace high-hurdler, ; Dennis Sullivan, had the misfortune of clipping, a barrier too low today and wound up flat on his tummy half through, eliminated. 4 Here'sj the- manpower' the schools have left for tomorrow's finals: Jefferson 7 men; Corval lis 7 men , and ; a relay, team; Washington of Portland 4; Grants Pass 4; Salem 7; Medford 2 and a relay team; Klamath Falls 6; Bend 4; Molalla 4; Hillsboro 4; Scappoose 4; Mac HI 3; Junction City 3; Albany 2; University 2; Roseburg 2; Beaverton 2; Benson 2; Cottage Grove 2; Parkrose 2 and a relay team; Pendleton 2; Commerce 2 and at least a dozen more . with 1 each. ;, : - Qualifying results: V . 130-yard bisb hurdlea- lt beat) Woo by Huakey, .Grants Paaa. Wtl Uama. Chemawa. aecend: Sudaxm. North Bend, third: Plackh. Trankiin. fourth. Time .-as.ft. v.,v ISO-yard hlh kurdles tnd beat) Won byoDeyteA IIiMahere; 'Ruekert. Aibaay, aaeond; !XreU,aoaeburc, third; Mam, LaCrande, Time USA HO-yard htfh hurdles-(Srd beat) Won by Leier. JefJerson; Lane, Mo-Uua,-eecond.Brown, Milwaukie, third;. ClUette. Grant, fourth.'- Time :HJ. MOO-yard dah (1st heat) Won by aVbnoadsoa. Corvallis; : Parker, -Waafa-kieton.- aecond; - Weber. Salem, third. Tbne '.ilO. ;-. -.- . , . ' . J00-yard dash-(lad beat) Won -by Walker. 'Washington; XeUey, -PndW-tao. eeond; - Grand j A ah land. - third. TlmetfO.S. . 10O-yard 4ash.(Srd beat) Won by Currv. 'raxkroee: Barlow. Commerce. aecond; Oiod. St." Mary third. -Time (Xdmondaon.. Parker. Walker. Kelly. Curry -and Barlow qualify for Satur days.' finals.) - - '-r" -0O-yard da ah (let heat) Won by Henthorne. KlamaOi- rails; : White. University, aecond; Carpenter, Cottage Grove, third. Time OiA. r 440-rard aah itad heat) -.. Won by labhart.' Corvallia; Oawald. Waah ins ton, aecond; -Clark." Bend, third. Time SSje"i' :r't- ! " 40-yard dash (3rd heat) Won by Arrtafton, Hittabero: - Kraxbetfer.- Mo lalla. second; Termer, Jerierson, third. Time - x-. . (Labhart, r Henthorne. Arrtafton. Kraxberfer. Oswald and-White 'qual ify -or - Saturday's finals.) 5.-1 ; ; v j aoo-yard hurdlea 1st haat) Won by KreU,- Roaeburf ; .Gillette, Grant, aecond; Turner, Beaverton,' third. Time - 33X - " " v- , . -. ,:-, . : SOO-yard hurdles. (Snd heat) Won by Neidenneyer, Medford; BronJeewe, Hillsboro. aecond; See, Corvaill,tnim. Time. 34 J. vi j. '4 - SOO-yard hurdles, (Srd heat) Won by- Serins, Jefferson; Huakey, Grants pass, aecona; Brown, Muwauaie, tniro. Tlmea4.S.--. . (KreU, . Gillette, vKeidezmeyerv Bro- leewe, serine ana Huskey quality for Saturday's finals.) - - . : . ; Shot put Won by Sprinter, Bea verton, 4S -feet Sa ' inches; Anderaon, Seeppeose. 4S feet t Inches, second; Switrer, . Benson, 45 - feet Hi , inches, third; Nelaoo. Junction City 44 feet 10 inches, fourth; Austin. Woodburn, 44 feet Inches, fifth; Lee. Corrallia. 44 feet S inches, -sixth.- (All six places qualify for Saturday's finals.) -- 120-yard dah (1st heat) -Won by. Henthorne. Klamath rails; Gandee. Ashland, second; Hicks,- Milwaukie, third. Time StSJ." : 120-yard dash (2nd heat) Won by Walton, Roosevelt: Labhart. Corval lis, second: Kirry, forest Grove., third. Time 23.S. 220-yard dash (trd heat) -. Won by Schlavin. Jefferson; Walker. Washing ton, second; ciara. Bend, turd. Time 23.2. (Henthorne, Gandee, Walton, Lab hart. Schlavin and walker qualify for Saturday's finals.) -.--. r Pole vault Won by Rasmussen. Bend, 11 fet S Inches; Neid-meyer, Medford; Hunter, Corvallia; WiUiams. Salem; Bakke, Jefferson; Switter, Benson. AU . cleared 11 feet (AU six men qualify for Saturday's finals.) Javean on by Coe, Mi-Uirhl'.n, 16S feet S Inches; Vest, l.arsueU, Near Firsti With 7 - l- reee'iiseesjrs '--.y,. :: . -f- . it J X J 1 r 1 " ' How They STTAKDD. I. COAST LBAGtTB W L Pet i W L Pet San Praa H IS .SSelSaif Bief ll IT J14 roruena zi is jsisiiioa Anc is it Seattle 1 IS Mi Oakland JJ SI JS3 HoUywod IS IS ASacramto 33 J0 Last tufhts results: i At Portland f. HoUywood S. At Seattle S-ll. San Pranciaco 13-3. At Oakland 4. Sacramento a. At Los Aneelea 0. 1 KATIONAI7XBAGVB San JHege W L Pet W L Pet. St Louis 14 .700!Broklm J6M PhUadelp 11 S 4T New Yrk 11 .45 t -11 , T .sii Boston - J Uv4Zt Ptttaburgh 8 S f OUcago 14 029 Yesterday's results: i At.Chlcafo S, PhUadelphia t. At Prttabursh. S. Boston 10. . At Cincinnati- S, New York .! At St- Louis T. Brooklyn a. - AMUUCAN . LCAGUK j L Pet . ' ' ; W t. Pet St Louis 14 1 -7Chleago iS 10 New York 10 S 2slPhiladelp S 10 A44 wasnma- a AM Boaton t 11 jag Cleveland 10 1 S00 Detroit ' S 14 JSOO Yeaterday-s -resuiu: At New York . Detroit IS. At Boston 10. 'Cleveland S. ' At Philadelphia 4, Chicago S. At Waahingtotk 4. St Louis S. BALTIMORlHff)-It wasnt age that made . 81-year-old John R. Delaney atop dancing,' the traffic court bailiff declared ' today it was.rtnose darned ; Jitterbugs." Weary of "ribs, gouged by the elbows of those hop -and -jump artists,' the octogenarian said be would keep m form at home with an occasional Irish 1 lisr or a high land fling until :that jitterbug craze Is spent?. '-i i'-:" 7- 14 ' feet S Inches, second; Boqua Springfield. ICS feet 8 inches, third: Kirry,' Preaeott. . 15 feet Inches, fourth; Puddy. Hood; Brver. 15 feet 8 inches, fifth; Bauman. Taft. 1U feet, sixth. (All six places qualify for Sat urday's .'finals.) r - i- . i 880-yard relay (1st heat) Won by rarxroae tuesray,- Jtusa. curry, Kupie); second, Springfield; third, , Pendleton Time I JU . i - v i - - - 880-yard relay (2nd heat) Won by Medford (Dipple, -Beetwick, Doty. Neidermeyer); aecond,; Corvallis; third. nencv-iirne 133.- - 1 t- 880-yard relay (Srd heat) Won by Roosevelt (Mathews; i Glennon. Ver- bout Walton); v second, - Beaverton; euro, saiem.. Tune :i3.z. . (Parkreee. Springfield. Medford. Cor vaQls, Roosevelt and Beaverton qualify 1 or Saturday s xinais. r . Broad lump Won by Lilly, Board' man. SO feet t inches: Webber. Sa lem, 20 feet 8 inches, aecond; Mardock, Newberg, SO feet S inches, third; Mes senger. Knappa-Svensen, 20 feet- 2 Inches, fourth; . Huskey. - Grants Pasa, IS feet S inches, fifth; Vlctorine, Malin, 18 feet, sixth. (All six places qualify for Saturday's finals.) 4. Diacus Won by Anderson. Seap pooae, 1SS feet 3V inches; Nelson, Junction City, 144 feet S',i inches, sec ond; Yank, Klamath Falls, 128 feet S inches, third; Gottfried. Salem, 127 feet V inches, fourth; Formick, Sa lem. 121 feet ' inches, fifth; Uc Clain, Junction City. 123 feet 4 inches. (Both first and second places better Bocchi's state record Of 139 feet set in 143. All six places qualify for Saturday's finals.) - Hlph jump Won I by Spauldinf. Granu Para; Hathaway,: Cottage Grove: Leisy, Jetferaon; ' all tied at S feet 10 Jnc: '.of.t.,rker; Carter, Med ford; Kiiiny, Si. Helens, all tied at 5 feet S lrvnea. (All six places quaLXy for &atarcay's Lr.&U.) : 1 Track Meet Ihieriiis; Fifth in Row - ST.' LOUIS, May 12-iflPV-The National league's "leading pitcher, Maxi Lanier, ' held the ' Brooklyn Dodgers to seven hits tonight and ran his strmg of consecutive; vic tories " to five as ' the ? St : Louis. Cardinals defeated the Dodgers',? to Brklyn 100 010 . 02 1 ; 3 J St L'uis 1 001 120 OJx 7 II 1 - Gresr, Webber and Owen;' Lanier and W. Cooper. . Schanz Ticifls . Phils to 9-3 ; V Win Over Cubs CHICAGO, 'llav.'ii-iiMUte- delphia'a - Phillies fell on "Paul Derringer for four runs before he could retire a man today and went on to beat the Chicago Cub's, 9 to 3. Ron Northey .' and Ted aes lak homered for the Phillies." It was! " the Chicagoans'. 14th clef eat in the last 15 games. Rookie Char lie Schans allowed eight hits in. twirling the Phils to victory. ' J V Phllad. 400 140 0 S 12 1 Chicago , 184 888 02 S - S - -Schans and Fmley; Derringer; -Alderson (S) and noun; Krelt- -ner (7). A's Set Back Chisox, 4-2 L PHILADELPHIA, May. 12 -4P)- Bobo Newsom let the Chicago White Sox down with five hits as the Philadelphia Athletics won their first night game of , the sea son 4 to j 2 before a crowd oof 22,000 tonight -; -; - ' Doubles by Ford Garrison and Bobby Estaella , and a triple by Frank Hayes broke a 12-2. tie. sending two runs across the plate in the eighth. Dick Siebert hit a home run for, the A's to knot the score in the fourth. Lee Ross was the dosing pitcher. . Chicago t2t 808 800-2 S Philadel 818 108 82x-4 f 1 Boss and Tanaer; Newsom and Hayes .-- Coast Eishing Reported Good PORTLAND, May Coastal fishing areas are ap proaching top form; with waters loW and dear, the state-fish and game office said today, i - Generally - good - conditions are on tap for the week end . in the western part of the state. ; Clacka mas 't and Coos counties - report good conditJohs,'Lane and Lincoln fair. - . " '''t ."" - i -s f Eastern ' Oregon f streams-' are high. The Deschutes,- near Warm Springs, Improved .during the last week, and . the . Metolius .river , to Jefferson, county - is ' clearing, , Two "Beavers - Set For Phyisiiials . PORTLAND. Hay 12-Vf or man DeWeese, outfielder," , end rrea ' "Barker: infielder. T of the Portland Beavers were enroute to California' today for ore-induction physical examinations.. -4 -" Business Manager Bin JDepper said Don Pulford- .who tried -out briefly with HoUywood last year in the Infield, has been signed by Portland, and Ed Lussow, short stop, released, Jv ! .1 Twin Daughters Born to Former Albany Woman :'AIJBAOT--AIr. and Mrs. W. L. Jackson of Albany have received s fcablegram from their daughter, Mrs. Gene Burns , (the ; former plga Jackson) : that; she ' was .the mother of - twin daughters' borh Monday, May S, In Honolulu, end that she and the baby girls Were doing fine. Mr. Jackson is co editor of the Albany Democrat Herald.; 7. . . y ! 4. .; ' 4 . Burns, father of the babies, is an ' Associated Press"; war correspondent-and ; is at present be lieved to be either on. the Island of ; Sumatra or on his .way; home to , Honolulu. Mrs. Burns was very popular In musical circles in Al bany ' previous' . to', her f going . to Hondulu. ?. . v ' ' I ili'; 'Q; ;PC3Gjn.in:ou! 1 -' IMMEDIATE SERVICE AVAILABLE TRAINED JIECHANICS - EXPERT CODY MEN Complete Overhauling' 1 .1 Front TVheel Aligning - V J Brake Relinlng . . Motor Analyxlng , Steam Cleaning ' ' Lubrications . .-- S Center Phone C1SS J - L Day Cens ; , , - Cllanotlle Dealer t iy Conds 3. 7-3,for3rd StraieHtMt: , A C-- Roy Helser Pitches"' V Portland' Victory, ! PORTLAND, Ore., May 12-Jrp) The Portland . Beavers defeated league: game, tonight to take alt to' 1 lead in the' current series, f V rTr a SAeeA-s mIaVa4 T9 ; 0m!4-lT : BMW ffVH I V4 V SMVttVU sivu av4AU IS for two runs in the second on a walk,a single by Charles, Peter son and Ted Gallic's double, ad ded" one more in the fifth' an three singles i and three in" the seventh' when Ciccimarro and Gill singled. Barton tripled and Harris singled. .Portland's final run in' the eighth came on O 'Neil's single and a aouDie ny piicner oy r miser. . The southpaw gave Hollywood lis - urn run; in tne . tmra as ne lost control and issued three walks. The visitors tallied their other two in the ninth.wlth two outs. .", " HoUywood 801 000 002-8 $ 1 Portland - 120 010 31x-7 12 0 Seals Split With Seattle s SEATTLE, May 12 - (ff) - T h San Francisco Seals and the Seat-', tie ' Rainiers spUt their . Pacifie Coast baseball league doublehead er here tonight, the" Seals taking the seven-inning: pener, 11 to 2, ' and . Seattle .'capturing the night cap .13 to 3. The split gave Seat tle a two to one lead in the series. Saa Fran. -404 300 000-11 14 1 SeatUe .808 200 000- 2 4 1 Joyce and Sprint; lineup, Elliott (3) and Sueme, Bonar Ire (7). San Fran. .8U 808 808- 3 1 SeatUe - 002 440 03x-13 15 1 V Werle, Flowers (4) and Ogra dowskl; Turpin and Sueme. ; Padres Blank ,1-0 : LOS ANGELES, May 12-()-Chet Johnson of San Diego and Southpaw Ray Prim of Los An geles locked up In a tight pitching battle : tonight, with San Diego pushing across a run In the rdntti for s 1 4o 0 victory. Both pitchers had allowed only two hits each until the ninth, when the Padres banged out three. s San Diego .O00 000 001-1 5 1 Los Angeles 000 000 000-4) 8 0 Johnsosi and Ballinger; Frlm and Fernandes. v Solons Snap Losing Streab ; OAKLAND,' Calif, May 12-JPi -Sacramento, broke a five-game losing, streak tonight by defeating Oakland ,5 to 4 in a 10-inning Pa cific Coast league game. f . . It waa ' the third victory of th. season' for Pitcher. Guy Fletcher and 'the fourth 1 loss (for ; Henry fCotton' Pippen. It was Sacra mento's first series win. SacrssnenU 102 100 000 1-S 130 Oakland 4 000 400 000 0-4 1 1 Fletcher ' and : Rossi; PippesC. and Let-ens. V r lit 11 is riuuuT. vt ui. Trim Cincinnati, 5-3 CINCINNATI, May 12-ffr-The New . -York Giants - finally- came 1L-....L 111. . ltJ .1 1-1 wuwiu witu si vKtuii uicu acv ond in the last ll starts, defeat ing the j Cincinnati "Reds today( 5-3. 0:'::h-!r W. . .: v4 New York 821 ill 808-5 13 CiBcismatl JE08 888 188-3 12 1 . ' Seward, Feldman (t), Adams (t) and Lombard!: neusser. ' Mafley i (4), Kats . (t), rorter 0) and MueUer, Rice (0). . ' -'. '-DTTftrff!il"AN f . All . llrr.TXasnJtJ). OrjCCSasajr -CCXNSS2 Oerbalsts ' tV 2417ferth Ltberty Dpitolrs 'POitland- General ; Cectrlo Co. Office, open - Saturday .only 18 ajn. te 1 pjnj 8 to T pun. Cen tuitation. -filood preaaure and - urine testa are, free of ehana. Practiced since til V - Hi, : t . J .. , M 413 Center rhoae 133 ' LU Vi Victory THm-Holli':. Angels