The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 13, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OrSGOlT 5TATCMA1L Solan, Oregca, Sctsrday -MonSag. May 13. 1SU
pags czvni
X ' f i i
W HEBRIDES NUT SU. R. service see don't e Both for eeeoarts. a4 left ttU Im
pressive pn ea Espirita SuU for Frtach and native coconut fanciers.
British Mother,
Names Child : .
After jeep Z::
Mrs. J. Anthony Nunn (Nadine
Orcutt) has received an Interest
ing clipping concerning her hus
band's jeep, which it named "Na
dine." LV Nunn is stationed in
England and th US army news
paper "Stars and Stripes" report-
ed that a British mother, filling
out a food ration application, gave
her ' infant daughter's name as i
That's an unusual name," said
the clerk.: fls it French or Rus
"I donl know," replied the
mother, "I got it off an American
Lt Nunn has been overseas 18 ;
months and had his jeep, f 'Na
dine," with him in the Africa and
Sicily . invasions.
dentified horseman rode his steed
through a hotel dining hall and
tan "room." drivma patrons, before
him, then vanished into the night.
Where They ArerWhat They Are Doing
:--- I Mrs. Roger Mything, who now re
1 I sides In Seattle. He recently re
ceived his pilot s wines . and is
enroute to Florida.'
St Est. Arthur L. Friesa has
returned , from F-nglawd and : is
here, on a 21-day furlough at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur A. Priem. Sgt. Friem is a
gunner on a flying fortress and
I has completed his missions. He
has been awarded the air medal.
three oaueax dusters, and the
I distinguished flying cross, He will
report to Santa Monica, Calit, for
further orders.
Mrs. Harry T. Carson. Jr. '"re-
I ceived word Friday, that her hus
band has been promoted from
Herd Warn Ishasa. sea tl Mr.
: and Mrs. Fraak Ishasa. reste 1,
Br oaks, has casnpleted Us traln-
i in as tanner's saaU at Far-
! rant and has been asslxned to
! doty at Bremerton, Wash.
Manael Hadley, stationed with
the army air corps at Dyersburg,
Term- has been promoted to ser-
ceant. according to information
received by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Quillen A. Hadley of Salem.
Sgt. Hadley was graduated from
Salem high school in 1943.
I first lieutenant to captain. He is
nowlin the Hawaiian islands, and
has' seen action in the Aleutians
and the South Pacific His wife
and daughter. Letty Diane, reside
here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Robert . Shinn.
Circus Thrills Salem "Kids"
From 2 to 90 at Two Shows
The umi old thin?, vet alwavs new. is the circus. Salem
youngsters by the hundreds, mostly accompanied by obliging
' m, a ' VI 4 . A
parents, iouna ineir way ine circus grounos on inaay uiex-
Animais, from the tiny trick dogs to the huge elephants,
shared top honors with the trapeze performers, trick riders and
. f . ' .
One of the best acts of the
show, although one which receiv
ed little fanfare, was the dog and
pony show, in which half a dozen
fuzzy Jdogs went through their
speedy act with the eager energy
that characterizes well trained
dogs. They rode the ponies, jump
ed through hoops, walked on bind
and front 7 feet, and clowned
through their paces in good style.
The ; elephants, without which
no circus would b real snow.
included the two young twins.
Joe and Moe," who went through
their paces with great skill for
such youngsters.
The ton horse act was the Cri
olio stallions, trained and shown
by Capt Jergen Christiansen, in
one of those performances which
Charles Kelley. USX seeaad
E class petty officer, spent four days
with his wife in Chicago recently.
Mrs. Kelley, HBO Columbia, ar
rived home Thursday from her
brief visit with her husband who
came to Chicago from Norfolk,
I Va. on a nine-day leave.
r Fhil A. Williams has been pro
moted to petty officer first class.
according to word received by bis
wife, Zllane Williams of 1160
South , 14th street Williams en
tered the US navy a year ago and
Is now stationed with the con
struction battalion somewhere in
tHe south Pacific He is the son
of Mrs. Eva Williams of Salem.
! TSti. and Mrs. Ferry Thraop
rm now. in Everett Wash- the
home of Mrs. Throop's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Eilestoesser.
Throop. is on a, 15-day furlough
between assignments, and .the
young couple were visiting in sa
lem with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C P. Throop. For the last two
years Sgt Throop has been sta
tioned with the 4th bomber com
mand in San Francisco and now
goes to Moose Lake, Wash. His
wife will make her home with her
John S. Crowdon of Washinkton
and Ruth Virginia Lupoid of
Pittsburgh, both 30, went to di
vorce court today to get mar
ried. .
After listen injz to tales of mari
tal woes, they looked at each
other, and stepped before Judge
William H. McNaugher to assure
him their determination to wed
was unaffected.
Tnen. iner were mam ecu A
Legal Notice
Seiice Men Visit
With Families
LYONS Pfc Earl Bassett and
bis bride, Pvt Rose Marie of
Camn White spent the weekend
at the home of his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Bassett, while en-
routefto Springfield, Ohio, where
they will visit her parents. They
also visited at the home of Mr.
and ftps. Floyd Bassett
Pvt James Nye, son oz Air. ana
Mrs. Ray lye of Stayton and
Dorothy Bassett, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Bassett of Fox
Valley, i were married in Vancou
ver Saturday. They spent the
weekend at the home of her par
ents, IMr. and Mrs. Fred Bassett
: Mrs. Morgan of Aumsville vis
ited this week at the home of -Mr.
i and Mrs. Curtis Dietz. Mrs. Dietz
is a daughter of Mrs. Morgan.
astounds tha audience by the I
seeming ease with which the ani- j
mals accomplish the tricks at Just
the right instant: v
The famous Poodles Hanneford
and : family of bareback riders!
presented their act one which has
been seen by hundreds of Salem
folk In the past and which still
brings forth many laughs. -
"The Man co the Flying Tra
peze" appeared in to persons oi
the Eacalantes. who threw each
other from bar .to bar. turned dp
flops tn the air and did the other
breath-taking tricks on the swing
ing bars that produces the great-1
est thrills of the dreus.
The Acevedo family of men and
women shewed their precise bal
ance by a tight rope act Juggling
stunts And performances on long
poles, balanced on the heads of
one f the Derformers. '
It was a smaller circus than in
pre-war days, and with less young
men in the acts,; but there j were
pnmwh thrills and sdQIs to send
the audience away with ttt prop
er amount of wonder at the feats
of skill and daring that make for
a successful snow. ,c .-.".,
' lvt El don E. Berry new wears
the wings and boots of , the US
armv paratroops, alter success
fully completing four weeks f
lumn trainina: at Fort-Benmng,
Ca. During Thipefiodhe made
' five lumps from place in iugni.
The last lump was a tactical one
at night involving a combat prob-
' lem on landing. . ' T
Berry's ' Wife,.' Mrs. Nellie M.
livM at 240 North 4th
street Salem. - ' : V-'
. Fvt Lrle H. Sellers Is receiv
ing additional radio training at
navi" Calif. -He is with
romoanv A ; of the first signal
. training battalion of the WSCS.
SSrt and Mrs. sV W. Espey
-are visitinz at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Espey
f 1697 North Capitol street They
came in from Camp Phillips, Kas.
Espey studied at Willamette uni
versity. .
Louis Bonney, who has been hi
England, is home on furlough and
' has been visiting with his grand
- parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Town
SR5 South Commercial
. street He has gone on to Seattle
and will report for duty at yir-
' snia. ';;-;
Stopping la Salem far a few
Jim mam former Salem coy, Lit.
United States
Marme Corps. He Is the son of
that hv an order of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Marion, in roDate,
duly made and entered on the
twentieth day of April, 1944,
riulv anrjolnted as executrix of the
last will and testament and estate
of JENNE- V. BRIGGS, deceased,
land that said Valerie Bonesteele
has .duly quaUQed as such execu
trix. All nersons havin2 claims
against said estate hereby are re
quired to present them, with prop
vnucherm. to said executrix at
214 Pioneer: Trust Building..: Sa-
'ln Orwnn. within sbt months
after the date of the first rpubu-
tainn rit this notice. - r; --. l i'
Tlatpd and first nublished the ,
j twenty-second day of April, 1944 ,
Executrix aforesaid .
Attorneys for Executrix
azz-zs- My o-ia-zu
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oreccn." for Marion County,
- - - rVirieinn ' t
In - the Matter of the Estate of
Elizabeth . Rullman. Deceased. -
KAtW U herebr sdven that the
undersigned, - as administrator of
the estate of Enzaoetn Kuuman,
deceased, has filed his final ac
count in the Circuit Court of the
State of - Ot e g o n for Marion
County, and that Monday, me
15th day of May, 1944, at the hour
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day and the Court Room of
said Court has been appointed by
said court as the tune ana piace
. h tiMrinf of obiections
thereto and the settlement there-
Dated and first published, April
15, 1944. - - - -
Date of last puoucauon .
13, 1944. ..
"Administrator. -
A 15-22-29 My-
ERIE. Pa.PV-Judae Miles B.
Kitts told the May grand jury to
inspect the Erie county court
house! Here's what the jurors re
ported: ! ii ::- i .
"Vfi find everythini all that
anyone could hope for under pres
ent conditions. Some things could
be done if there were nothing else
to do and we had someone to do
it So, as bad as it might we are
pleased to find it as good as it is.'
!4T.ili!M -MI)
3:15 KEX
Charles W.
President :
(farmer and nurseryman) y r ,'
US North Setileraler Avenne
CasdIIste for r.gpublicaa Noraiaation
In out adreruaing (taking the citizens oi Scdem
to : support our HH to provide a pension fund lor :
nremen.j --r .. .!".;. , .
The rst ad appeared yesterday, and already a
lot ot people have asked for details. So they are
mterested-and we are (confident of their action if
they understand the proposal. They .are. asking
about ages, costs, etcV s ' " ' ' . ( ' " i
There Is Just one 'member , of the present fir de
partment who has served 30 years. The average age .
of the firemen now on duty is 44 There are three who
cae under 30, 12 who are under 40, 15 who are under.
50. nine who are under 3. and 4 who are more than
CO years oUL Under our proposed plan each fire
man will pay Into the fund. $10 each month, the' ,
balance to be provided by the city budget wi& no
tax levy tor the purpose. A computation of agee and
years of service discloses that each fireman will
racks this Individual pcrymenl of $10 a month to the
fund for an average of sixteen years before he be
comes eligible to its benefits. - " .
: Ask us some more questions. We want
you to know all about it Tomorrow ice will
tell you about the organization plan end
hoto it is to be' administered--unless you
ash us something more important in the
meantime, .
Pali adr.
3 n)
fffW f? Af Tl PlL
C ! . JVJ CearcncPVct
O Thins viih Vcrter
O Si.T.p!5 o Apply
OVashsbJo RrJsh
ONoPebty Odor
t your ewn deearator with this maaje
wall Knlah. It's ae easy te apply that
van a chits can hslp. Gat started new
whit thta amazing cJaaraaee price le
ffaivd. Soft partal tenea eraatad te
blend beautifully with draperies -end
woodwork, te racket Qflht without glare
and to bring a eubdusd restful effacL
Water cloans your brushes.
om E-30uai
Standard paint thinner and fine for clean-
ing orusnes. cxonomicai. r
Master Mixed "
life IB
Mai's of the finest Ingres!
nts obtainable ani new
mere economical tna evar.
For extra years of beauty
and greater protection.
Extra Savings 0t3 C0L0E1FAST 1l"JALLE?APER
4 At it IS'
mm I t J S
Purchase 1st Room
iic37L at Regular Price!
2 V0 QET TE1E' 2oe3
Master Art HUGH? -TOSTE
Mix with water . . won't lump, slip; or stain.
wr.Kv,ij .o fulfill " r 1 fi- c
Cf.ccco Frcnii An Assortment of
Dcccratcr Approved Patterns
j Suitable fcr All Your Rooms
-lb. DAG
111 V'
1 ( I
i i 1
B. O. raurht rira Cepartment
- v,r 1523. XZZ1 and 1S29 IiCtlsiaiarw
rd. Adr.