The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 13, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' Plan -Election
Day Dinner
Turner WSCS Discuss
, Affair lo Be Held .
; At Ilogsed Home
... TTTPMITP TUtrm Tl tit C
( Mrs. W. R. Hogsed, Mrs. F. C.
, attended the executive meeting of
" the " Methodist WSCS society:
Plans were outlined for the elec
tion day dinner. Mrs. Hogsed is
general chairman- It will be held
at the Hogsed hone. Her. commit
tee of helpers will be announced
- Mrs. Frank Armentrout and
Mrs. Viola Fordney of Tillamook
are guests of Mrs. Armentrout's
mother, Mrs. Wallace T. Riches,
and will remain over Mothers day.
r Mrs. Maude B. Bones returned
- home Monday from Portland,
. where she attended , the federal
inspection at Hill Military acade
, my, where her son, Keith Bones,
will graduate this year. Mothers
of the cadets . were -honored with
.a dress parade, v
. Miss Lois Gunning of Portland
was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. F.
C. Gunning, las week. ; .
' Carol Standlcy visited Shirley
Farrell in Salem and returned
Sunday night. ' ' ; V f
Leo . Klokstad returned home
' the last ' of the week; ' after six
weeks at the Salem '. Deaconess
" hospital, 1 where he underwent! a
major operation. He is able to be
up and about his home: '
May Renea, the : two-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Nelson, was brought home from a
:' Salem hospital, where she was ill
with pneumonia, and is conval
escing. ; .f
Godfrey Hughes is a patient at
the Deaconess hospital, and ex-
pects to undergo an operation as
soon as' his condition permits.
- ' ' ' : .
Tii in or YXVrri on
Plan Banquet
.. TURNER The . Sisterhood of
, the Turner. Christian church '; met
Thursday for a "special quilting
-party.' The regular meeting will
- be next Thursday, when: plans
.will be made for the Ninety and
Nine men's banquet to be. held in
the Christian church dining room
May 22. The committees will be
appointed for. the banquet, when
juu men are expeciea xo ne pres
ent" V "."- ';-
Sisterhood members at the af
ternoon's quilting were Mrs. Mar
garet Orr.jMrs. Sallie Esson, Mrs.
Elsie Whiteaker, Mrs. Annie Wjn
dom, Mrs. , Henry Leep, . Mrs.
Charles Standley, j Mrs. Homer
Haggard, Mrs. Frank Parr and
'granddaughter Pauline Denyer of
Portland, Miss Nadine Ellis and
Mrs. George Brower,
Bit. Angel Seminary
To Run All Year
As War Measure
, MT s ANGEL As a temporary
war measure to comply with the
. ! v - m n ' A I 1 i a
wisiica vk me iiaiiuua selective
service act, Mt, Angel seminary
will conduct an additional semes
ter's work during the coming
summer making a full 12-month
year of study for the young men
studying for the priesthood.. The
summer . session will include all
. classes beginning with the college
", ! freshman year. V- r-
" The summer semester begins
on June 19 and. ends September
' 2, giving the students just a brief
' respite from classes between the
summer and 'the' regular spring
and fall semesters.
During the . . summer session,
class periods will be a full 60
minutes and classes wilj be held
-. six days a week.
. All prospective seminarians of
college level are t urged to make
'application as soon as possible.
. Today - Last Times :
Doors Open 1:45 -Continuous
Show Starts 2 P. M.
HUT fl VV1 1
l " J
tim IIoIIa
Starts Tomorrow
Red Skelton In
Co-Featured with
Lam and Abner In
fj This Is lYashlneton"
Reports From The Statesman's Community Correspondents ,
Salem, Oregon,' Saturday Morning. May. 13, 1944
Mrs. Reynolds :
Rites Friday
. ALBANY Funeral services for
Mrs. Lela Davis Shedd Reynolds,
70, were held Friday, May 42, fol
lowed by burial in Riverside cem
etery. Mrs. Reynolds died in the
General hospital May 10, follow
ing an illness of two weeks, the
result of a stroke. " ' - . ?
Bom at Shedd on May. 22, 1873,
Mrs. Reynolds was a daughter' of
Oregon pioneers. She lived in
Shedd until her marriage to Char
les Shedd, which took place in
Albany ori November 21, 1893, af
ter "which she made her home in
Albany. Mr. Shedd died in 1925,
and on October 15, 1932, she was
married to L R. Reynolds in Sa
I em. They also made their home
in Albany. ' ,
Mrs. Reynolds was member of
the Re;:kah lodge and - Ufe aux
iliary mp Phillips, Spanish
American war veterans.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.
Josie Clement of Tacoma and
Mrs. El tha Turner of Albany, and
two brothers, John Davis of
Brownsville and Charles Davis of
Albany. '
STLVERTON SUvertjm's ob
servance of the D day will be
discussed at the May 18 meeting
of the Silverton chamber of com
merce, according to J. W. Jordan,
president.' No plans' for this ob
servance have .as yet "been made.
A speaker is being arranged for
this meeting, and decision' will
also j be taken as to whether a'
June meeting' will -be held or if
no further regular-meetings- will
be held until autumn. In former
years, ; summer meetings have
been - lispensed with,, but some
rr embers favor holding' meetings
this ' si immer because of the ' in
ability to attend meetings elsewhere.
Little Girl Comes
To Stay With Aunt
. SILVERTON Beverly Jean
Rusher; 8 formerly . of Portland,
hag come to make her borne with
her aunt and uncle,' Mr. and Mrs.
William , Rue. Her mother .: died
about a month ago, and her fath
er,; Joe Rusher, Is to be inducted
In he army. He had had a defer
ment because of his wife's illness
and death. ,
Right of
Way Sought
j SILVERTON Procuring of
rigtitof-ways f o the laying "of
the 2.2 miles of pipeline at Sil
verton is now underway under
the 'direction of the city manager,
Harry C.McCrea. As soon as all
right-of-ways have been arranged
for direct surveys for the . line
wiU be made and the pipe will
be I obtained. Arrangements for
procuring 'the pipe was made at
the May city council meeting.
The pipline goes onto " the
Abiqua line, which was laid some
25 years ago, and which furnishes
Silverton's main water supply.
Leakage on. the line. has. been re
ported very heavy by City Water
Superintendent T. I Blust, who
hopes to have the line completed
before the dry season. " 'f'T
Pumping, which for the 'past
year has been - d o n e by diesel
power, will, also be changed to
electric power within the next
few, months,' it is hoped.
,. $t V, " ' 'i'
Quilt Blocks Are Mads
Byt Auxiliary Members $
- SlLVFJtTON;;The -American I
Legion auxiliary sewing ciub met
Wednesday, at the '( HomeXof J Mrs.
E. L. Starr--with seven. members
preieht The time: was. spent ,in
malting quilt., blocks, which -.will.
uter De maae.mto a quut ana
sold for4 . the ' benefit of . the club
members' projects."-' :';'i y
It Ends)
The Best Mystery -wV? I
i rimLJ:
nunn ioiie
Ella Raines'- Alan Curtis
Special- Attraction
March of Time: South American Front"
"Cue tk
.V," Swmm HHmt( Mry
s i y
; Theatre
May 11
May H
: Enlist .
Valley Calendar
; Yamhill County Hoineinakers SDrina
Festival, McMinnville. .
Roberts grant Home Ke club, Mrs.
Herbert Miller, 1 pm. ;. t
TCESDAT,MAT IS ' ' . ' "
Liberty Farmers Union. - .
Union Hill Home Extension unit. Mrs.
W. M. Tate, IM pjn. -WTDNSSDAT.
MAT 11
- Hubbard j Women's , dub. : Mrs. B.
Paulson, 1 pjn.
iPrinfla Community . club. -.Ubcrty.
Women's dub at school.'
rtUDAT, MAT IS , "',.,
Primary election. - f
Roberts Homo Kxtension unit. Un
Roy Rice, i -.. - , i. . .
Silverton Musical
Program Scheduled - j i
SILVERTON The public is In
vited to the annual music, recital
to be 4 given Sunday night at' St
Paul's Catholic hajl at 8 o'clock.
Taking part In the program will
W Brice Brandt, Loretta Toft
Wade Jones, Billy and Beverly
Deggeller, Sharon Sullivan, Na
dlnei Small, Marlyn Smith, Kath-
erme Brandt, Katherine Loe, John
Evans, Patricia ' Brandt, Harold
Fitzke, Theresa Thomas, Kather
ine Bayes and Louise Ulvin. ;
TtlcGreas Visit
Iii Montana
Silverton Manager'
Family1 Follow Him
: To New Position '
. t . i . i - I . ...
7 SILVERTON Bernard, oldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B.- Ben
nett, Is convalescing f r o m an
emergency jappendectomy at the
hospitaL ' j .,, . ' ,
. Raymond Brewer who has
been in - the -marine -hosptial .in
Seattle since January, was able
to go to his jhome at Portland this
week. He is! a son-in-law of Mrs.
Ethel Bockj and formerly lived
at Silverton;
Rev. O. C. Olson has returned
from a circuit meeting: of the
Lutheran Free church held In As
toria. While there he saw Rev.
Borevick, . . a former' Silverton
youth, now j with a service men's
home at. Astoria. I q
Nominations of officers for the
earning year-wCl be held -t
'American -Legion . auxiliary meet
ing Monday night -
Mrs. Harry C. McCrea and
son and - daughter have arrived
in Montana on - their Journey
from BlalrsvDle.Pa to Silverton
to. make their home. They will. I
visit briefly -with-relatively there
before coming on to their new
'home. S Mr. ' McCrea : arrived . here
a month ago to take over the city
managership at Silverton. " V r
- ? Mrs.' C E. Jorgensoa ..has . gone
to Berkeley, Calif, to visit her
son j and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard-; v,,
- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Funrue
have, moved from the old Fun-
rue home to the Halverson farm
which they purchased some time
' Mr. and Mrs. . Otto Lais have
received 1300 baby turkeys which
they hope to raise on their tur
key farm here,'
Donald Miller, son of Mrs. A.
E. RIed, has received 250 baby
turkeys to raise as his FFA pro
Agent at Lyons Sleeting.
LYONS Viola Hansen, dem
onstration agent from Oregon
State college, was at the meeting
of the women's club and demon
strated cooking vegetables to con
serve vitamins cjid minerals. ;
A no-host luncheon was served
at the noon, hour, and the .after
noon was spent in .quilting and
Red Cross work. Mrs. Floyd Bas
sett, chairman of, the Home Eco
nomics club, - was chairman : for
the 1 occasion. Another meeting
will be held later to demonstrate
canning in pressure cookers. "' '
Community Clubs
: ROSED ALE The Community
club will meet at the school house
Saturday night at 8 o'clock. The
main business of the evening will
be the election of officers. The
program is in charge of H. D.
. ' . t . .- . . r t : . " . : i 1 ; ; ' 1 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ; - 1 1 1 1 . 1
'iy : CEtEiira m rac 2S :mmism -:
- i -. . ........ - . . , - . t . .1 1 ... . 1 -, i . . . 1 -
. . "i
' : . " S- . " I
All Salem WAG Mothers
Are Invited to
Be Guests of the
; Salem Theaters
On Mother's Day!
FREE TICKETS available from 12:45 P. M. to 3:00 P. M. today and tomorrow at the
Grand and Elsinore Theatres to all Salem Mothers who can identify themselves as
having daughters in the WAC from Salem. These tickets will be good for admission
to any Salem theatre, any time Sunday May 14, Mother's Day.
Grand-State-Liberty tickets available at Grand. Elsmore-Capitol tickets available at
Elsinore. !
Becrniling Dooih
ill Grand
Sunday !
will be manned by Li. Edith
DiRe, U: S.-Army WAC re
cruiting officer and a ' mem
ber of OCD.
V K .
A ,n v
Decnuiing Boolh
iii Elsinore
: Sunday
will be manned by Sgt. Gara
ReyBolds, U. S. Army recruit
ing specialist and a member
of OCD.
Information Literature and Applications Will Be Available at These Two
Booths on Sunday J.i to All Interested Women
it ic it -it
the h '
.i.- fnflins ot 'nc " " " - :l J2 t,o nrccotca ncr ,-- i ne
Thi. Week mark. he con tw jear. WM ort 80 e "f,
.icepunce "MBy U meant .bat .U rving T" nd
fir winning th. total ary aa.Uon , the 8,0W , Army Corps wUiD. rf jhey
army done can "Uthe t&ZL VoCe eugiWeW serve, andlhu.
!, .bout to celebrateAEl h ha o women o el B fa war
in to say
This tribute is -htowards victory, r. A' a siogJ
oriug j , its, Your -
Women's Army Corps. - m 10. . ;
This is
cue cl a scries cf cdveriissaeals mds csssiile thrrali the ccsperalica cl the fcllanirj
pshlid-spiriled ccncercs and indiyidcals in ccaperalica nilhi U. S.;ArayJUAC necardtis
Andresen & Sons, Inc.
Anunsen Co.
Carl Armpriest,' Rootinf & .
Sheet Metal
Benson Banner Bakery i'
Beutler-QuisUd Lbr. Co.
BUjh BUIiard Parlor '
Blue Lake Producers
Bo6ler Electric Co.' r
Breithaupt florists J
Capital City Laundry &
.- Cleaners .--( '.
Capitol Lumber Ca :
Capital Monumental Works
City Ice Works ' :: .
J. W. Copeland Yards "
i , 349 So. 12th - - , - ' '
IL A. Cornoyer j :
J. W. Copeland Yards
West Salem i.
DeLuxe Milk and Ice Cream
. - i . CO.' . ; . -. -
I Curly's Dairy :
, - Dr. Pepper Bottling Ca
Edwards St Drakeley
' Eyerly Aircraft Co. ;
Eyerly Tractor & . - r . '
7 Equipment Co. , " " " .. '
Chadwick -Hotels
- Commercial Sand & Gravely
Ca ,
"A. C Haat Co.
Halvorson Construction Ca
, Hartman Bros Jewelers
: E. E. Holmes, Texaco
' Consignee -- r.
Hollywood Cleaners
. Hrubetz & Bushnell '
V Jary, Florist
Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Ca
LaChelle's Furs ! .
James H. Maden Company,"
' Farm Implements , .
Marion Creamery it
Poultry Ca . ,
E. C Mennis, Dist Signal '
OU Ca ' .
Dick Meyer Lumber Ca
- B. J Minden Lumber-. Ca .
' Northwest! Poultry & Dairy
Products Ca
" Olson, Florist"-' : ''
, Oregon. Fruit Products Ca .
Oregon, Gravel Company
-. Orey tt Magee Cigar Store
Pacific' Coast Hops '
Paulus Bros.. Packing Co.
Peacock Cleaners . :
The Pioneer Club
Plywood Design Corp.11
A. J. Ray & Son, Inc. .
. Hops . -
Reid Murdoch & Ca
F O. Repine St Ca " " '
J Painting ;
W, T. Rigdon Co. '
- L Funeral Directors "
' River Bend Sand V Gravel
:,-;,, ca.'C r;:;.-,;;;-"' KTf:;-
JohiT J. Roberts St Ca '
The Robin Hood Cafe -'
i Beverages - . ,
W.' W. Rosebraugh Pur- -
a naces, Tanks, Burners
Salem Box Ca " : -
' - .: - v. ' " -'". ---, - '-A
Salem Concrete Pipe St
. . , Products Ca'
Salem Heavy Hauling St :
,; Equipment Ca -
Salem Laundry Ca ;
Salem "Malt Shop -
i Lunches Beverages -
Salem Linen Mills -
Salem Sand St Gravel Co.
Sanitary Service Ca
Silver Falls Timber
' i t: Company Silvertoft .
West Coast Beet Seed a i'
SL A. Simmons, General
Petroleum Distributor
. G. M. Slents Feed St Seed
Co. . ... .
Starr Fruit Products Ca .
H, USUfl Furniture Ca
Merritt Truax OH Ca'
Terminal Ice & Cold j v"
' Storage Ca - r -
JVF. Ulrich Ca Realtor v
'Valley Welding Ca
Viesko St Hannaman
General Contractors
; Walling Sand and Gravel
Willamette Valley Lumber
Ca Dallas
t '