PAGE TEN Th OREGON STATECIIAN. Salem, Oroaon, krturdar Morning. May 13. 1SU Selling Heavy In Most Grains CHICAGO, May 12-;P)-Seiling ' reached heavy proportions in the grain, market today and wheat and rye prices dropped -to new lows, for the past several months before a late rally cancelled part of the downturn. Commission houses were active in both pits and transactions were much larg er than in recent sessions.' Much of the selling appeared to come from - grain men who had been "long" for a considerable time and were anxious to get out of the market as the day f or al lied Invasion of Europe nears. May wheat, oats and barley were unchanged at ceilings. Ac ' tive wheat futures closed Vi- lower, July 11.66, active oats were -r cent lower, July IZVt, rye dropped -l)4 May $1.24, and barley was off July Stocks Suffer Small Losses NEW YjORK, May 12-(JPy-Stocks - generally shifted to the losing side in today's market and, while most declines were in frac tions, casualties of a point or so were fairly well distributed. 1 Bids were withdrawn and com' mitments trimmed here and there as the big allied drive in Italy brouaht the idea that all-out in vasion of Europe might be around the corner. - The. Associated Press 60-stock average was off .4 of a point at 51.5, largest slipup since April 24. Transfers totalled 746,850 shares compared with 618,420 Thursday. ; Comforting to bullish contin gents was the sale of a stock ex change membership for $53,000, best since April, 1940. Eggs Uanted Top Prices Paid! Prompt Remittance Ship er Bring Tear Eggs to FRED IIEYEB EGG DEPOT SSI S. E. Alder 8t Portland. Ore. "Strictly Private9 By Qiiinn Hall t V XAM2JS. UBW F&CfrftSV t f av PEAR, MOW- THE SAWSE THERES A OUNCE. TO OWE. WASTE EN W A JWM.UE SAV SOU ; take, up thx j Aauchpoom. - i 5-1 Salem Market Quotations The prices be.'o supplied by lo cal grocer art indicative of the dally market; prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: : Cauliflower, crate 323 and S.5S Crook neck 8c Italian squash, lb. .03 Turnips, dot bunches "' 1.00 Cabbage, lb. JB1 Endive, doz. bun. - .70 , Radishes, do bun. ' JO f ..- jIm him J50 Celery.i doz. bun.. 1.50 Pumpkin, lb. ' 03 ti Parsnips. it M BtJTTEB, EGGS AND POULTRY " Andresea's Bay lag Prices -.(Saaject to change wttaeat notice) BUTTERFAT Premium " M No. 1 i JS3 No. 1 . JO butte print a - ; B Quarters - EGGS 1 Extra large Medium Standards Pullets .46i .',' . MA .14 24 ' as ' .13 .11 .11 as Marlon Creamery's Baying Prices (Sakjeet to chaage without aeticc) POIT.TBT No. 1 springs ' .29 No. 1 bens 25 POt'LTBY v Colored hens. No. 1 No. X. colored bakes Colored frys Old roosters ,,, ... LIVESTOCK i Buying prices for Na 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported: Dressed, veal , , 21 Springr lambs 14.00 to 13.00 Yearlings S.O0 to 11.00 Ewes ,'sni.t too Bogs, good tit choice grade, 170 to 130 lbs. II 2i Sows j ' -V 10.00 to 10.50 Top veal . Dairy ype cows Bulls 13.00 to 14.00 S 00 to S 00 1M to 9JS9 Stocks and Bonds . ' - - - May 11 STOCK AVEBAGbii 30 IS t :' Indus Ralls rrkUy 71.s Ml Previous day , 71J Week ago , . .71.7 Month rago 71 J Year ago 70.1 1044 high 73.4 1S44 low 69.1 17.1 212 XI. t 13.4 2S.4 22.9 13 M UU1 Stag 33.7 ''S1.5 25 36.0 Ml 1.S 51.S SIS 33.1 49.9 37.1 531 35.1 4S.S Quotations at Portland East Side Market 34.00 too; Montana grass hay (No.-1) jjo ton. , , t. PORTLAND. Ore. May IS f API Portland East Side market quotations: Appies: wmesaps l stay man) 3.00 box. Asparagus: iCanby No. 1. Z2i Dyra- inld; No. 1. : 2.50 pyramid, r . uroccou: creea,i.oo lug. Cabbage: No. 1 green 225: ordinary 1.00 crate: red 1.791.00 pony crate: savoy (curly 1 . 75c cauluTIower crate. Cauliflower : No. 1. 3.75: ordinary 165-1.73; Noi S. 1.75-aJH). Greensi Spinach, local (S-75e orance box; mustard 90s dozen bunches; kale 75c crate: swiss chard 70-75c dozen bunches: parsley M-Mc dozen bunches; watercress 1.00-1.10 dozen bunches. Onkms: Green 75c dozen bunches; commercial grade dry. 50s, 3.70 bag. Radishes: Red 7 5-90c dozes bunches; white 80c dozen bunches. Rhubarb: Field, boxes. 15c. BS-75c: 30s. 1.00-1 JO; ! bunches 50-60c dozen. Root vegetables: Bulk parsnip 73c lug; carrots 73c; turnips 75-S0c lUg. Sprouts: Brussels I M flat box; bulk stock 10-Uc lb. , PlaiUs: ,j . i ?,:-.;;tit-: 'rt'-K.-' Lettuce: 1.00; cabbage 1.00: cauli flower 130: peppers 1.00; ' pancy 1.63 flat; marigolds 1J0 box; snapdragons 1.50 flat. - - Portland Produce BOND AVERAGES i ' 20 f Friday L-SS.O Previous day . S8.4 Week ago B7.8 Month ago .... .87.4 Year ago .. , i. 75J 1944 high 8S4 144 low .79.5 10 10 Indus Util 105.0 106.0 104.9 104.7 103.4 103.1 105.7 104.7 106.0 106.0 105.S 102.6 106.3 104.7 10 Fogn 66.0 65.8 65.7 65.7 60.5 66.2 - S3.1 PORTLAND. Ore- May 13 (API- Butter: A A grade prints 46c; 1 cartons 46ic; A grade prints 45'ic; cartons 464c; M grade prints 451,ac; cartons 46C ID. . . Butterfat: First: Quality, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 5a-52',c; premium quality. maximum or 01 1 per cent acidity 53-53'ic: valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-50ic Cheese: selling price to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets 29.4c; daisies 29.9c lb.; loaf . 30.2c lb.; ' triplets to wholesalers r?c; loaf 2S',ic FOB. , Eggs: To producers: Nominal prices, case count 26-28c; select henneries 28- 29c; mediums 24c dozen. - Eggs: Nominal prices to retailers. In cases: A grade large 34-36e; A medium 30-32c; smaU 22 23c. Live ' poultry : Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2 ','4 lbs. 27','ic; fryers, 2' to 4 lbs. 28c; roasters over 4 lbs. 28c; Leghorn and colored hens. all weights 24Vc; roosters and stags 20c. Rabbits: Government ceiling. Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.; live price to producers 34c lb. Turkeys: Selling to retailers: Dressed hens No. l, 39a-43c lb. . Turkeys: -Alive: Government ceiling buying prices: Hens. 42c; . toms 36',iC aressea oasis, j . .-, . . Onions: Green 1 tOc-1.00 . dozen bunches: dry. -Oregon 3.70-3.74; sew Texas.. Californla.3.75-3.76. , . . . PoUtoes: Old -local No. 1. 320-3.00 cental; do 2s. 50s. 95c: Klamath 3.75 Deschutes No.! 1. - 343 cental; . local 2.30-3.00 cental. 1- ' 1 , PoUtoes: New California, whites 2.73 per 60-lb. bag; new i Texas 42i 50-lb. bag. . .-...v-- t '.-J 1 " -.V- ; Country, meats:. Rollback, prices .to retailers: . Country ; killed hogs. - best butchers. 120-140- 4bs. 17-lSc: vealers 22 XlVic; A UVc; B 19-Uc: C 15 17c; culls 12-13c; beef AA 214c; A KKc: B 18ic: C 14c: canner-cutter cows 12-14c; bulls. canner-cutters 14- 14ic; uunbs AA 2c: A S4Ver B ZJ'ic; C 10-lOc; ewes;: FS 13Vc; medium 13c; R 184C. - J Wool: Government control. Cascara bark: 1944 peel 20c lb. Mohair: 1942 12-month 45c lb. Hops: Nominal contract: 1944. 80c Up 1945. 6Sc: 1946, 60C w. Hay: Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 2 or better 34.00-33.00: oat vetch 26.00 ton! valley points: timothy (eastern Oregon) 35.00-36.00 ton; clover Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore. May 12 (API- Wheat futures unquoted. - Cash grain: Oats No. 2-38 lb. white B2J0. Barley No. 2-45 lb. BW SOjOO. Corn and flax unquoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft wjilte 1.54; soft white (excluding Bex) 1.36; white Club 1J6; western red 16. Hard red "winter: Ordinary 1.84: 16 ner cent 135: 11 Mr cent 137: 11 per cent. 139, - Todays ear receipts: Wheat u. bar ky l..inlllfeed4, flaxseed 1. Portland LWeslock 'PORTIJUfD.-i.Ore.' May IS API (WFA) Cattle. saUble and total 150: calves salable 33, total 50; four loads mixed cattle , with few. calves not shown; offerings ..mostly odds and ends; selling about '- steady: "week's market -around-. 25- cents hither and active; bulk- good fed steers 13.00J if 22. top 16.75: - good hellers 14.50- 1333:' cutter, and cartner cows salable 1.00-8-5; " fat .dairy type : cows 9.0O- 1030: Yood beef cows salable 12.00-so: medium-good bulls - 9.00-11.15;- few common-medium - vealers 11.001430; good-choice salable 1330-16 30. r 1 . Hogs salable and 100: market active, steady: good-choice 200-240 lbs. 13.75-13.85; 280 lb. "-18.00: - 140-180 lb. 11 J5-1330; good sows 830-9.00; few feeder sias unsold. i Sheep, total 29; few clean up sales steady; - good-choice spring lambs sal able 15.50-16.00; medium shorn old crop lambs 12.00-13.00: good-choice grades held to 15 M: good shorn ewes salable 330 down: woo led ewes quotable to 63U. , - Turner Rehires Its Teachers TIER ' Turner , teachers were hired for the c&ming school rear at a substantial increase In salary it 1 .recent school board meeting. Miss Mildred. Marks of ibe high school did not take up her contract for next year, as she plans to do other work. James O. Russellrwill. serve again as superintendent," and Miss Loraine -Vick . and.- Mrs. -. Sarah Speck, both of . .Salem, - compose the hiith . schbol;: faculty.-. "A suc cessor. tp: Miss Marks has hot yet beeri hired. ' ' ' ": '.' The grade ; school teachers are Miss ' Dessie;'&fcCiay''of Salerai, Mrs.' Leota Sloan 'of Dayton, Mrs. Florence Booth and Mrs. Bernice Barker of Turner. , " ' .1 - J. :.;v:;..l h An.- 'ASHjCAN' EXPLODE S-SaUors t eceirtar fautractlon at the V. 8. Nary saudl craft tnlae , I tor center, XaeseTelt Base, Saa fedra, Calif, watch s depth charge exptostea. i i Meeting !f? AVAST. "YE SNAB. OH-OH- J$ ' j VOU SEEN POlMg?J lf SOME Q'TUIS p ""W-l1 t ' MICKEY MOUSE ... -"v-v-i - - - 1 " D-i .---.-. i Ifr HARD AT Trf WQPES, ZZlii (t 0' (Tj2f' THIMBLE THEATRE , K S s . " TZ I I OlAC - : -es-Me.fe ayi.'iii,,...- ....-- - . ' ' ' - MAYBE I'M 600FY, BUT J BILLY $EZ NOT TD TELL ANYONE J j BUT D0NT WORRY HONEY.) I I 0UNNO WHY, BUT WHEN I SEE 1 SEBILLM I SAWjIT.FOR ITJ Toil i y jc' FORGET ABOUT SEEING IT THAT L0N6 BLACK SPEEDBOAT, rTHAI'HE Hm BR,NS t-HSTI AN NO HARM WILL COME 71 GET SCARED LIKE J ARED, T00r J jmBLBrtKk1 .T0Y0U.r4 ' r 631 j; V-frj -JJ. r 1 1 IF Ws&OrXWN THE RGHT I COMS ON, ftff THE MASKED MANi I J -- IVAVClWE SHERIFF WONT SILVSRU JfS f ) J HiWV FOR MURDER! J tonto,weVe a sheriff's still we A chance to fire r -rfm - zs C3CT TO GET I AT BOTTOM ON U$i r? 7- WfrrlSr ' 4 ' : i Nv ' I . Seeders- fnriiC-V I Salem District TURNER- The Salem district Methodist Youth Fellowship coun cil will be held Saturday and Sun day at Turner for special meet ings and - counseling - with the youth. - ' Rev. Nevitt B. Smith, Turner pastor, has charge of the securing of rooms for the representatives attending. The cabinet will pre sent the Sunday morning worship service at U o'clock, with Rev. John Li. Knight of Willamette university delivering the sermon. The Sunday school hour will in clude a program on Mothers day. A youth rally is scheduled, for 3. A no-host supper at 8, and the evening service will be in charge of the youth at 70. BOSTON. -Vty- Mrs. Mark W. Clark says she often worries about her General-husband, but only once did she offer .him advice. She explained today during a Boston visit, that she once wrote him that she "wished he wouldn't visit the front every day.. And the general answered: - "You turn your lamb chops ov er on the ' stove and 111 run my army. ' i Try ' ase ef ' 'Chlaese' ' resaegtes. Assbig , SUCCESS tor S606 years la . China. . Na matter wrth wait -ailment yea. are AFFLICT ED -dlseraari, saasltis, heart, laag. liver, kMaeys, steeaaeb, gas, eesstipatlom, eJeers, I sUa aetls, lerer, skta, ftsaajg ' eem Charlie Chan Chines Herb Csv Office Hoars Oary Taes, a . Sat, - 8 a, as. te 6 a. as. sag Saa.'- sag --We a. sa. ta It J8 a. 121 N. ComX St- Salem, Ore. (1 Gty Pool Opeiiiiig Eyed SILVERTON 1 Mayor Reber Allen and pity! Manager Harry C. McCrea are Snaking evey ef fort to haye; the municipal swim ming pool opened at Silverton by June 15, and continued through the summer moriths. Paint for the bottom of the bool has already been ordered asj a visibility! safe ty measure and other minor re pairs were made.--; . 1 -. ". - , The big headache to ciJ offi cials is the manning of the 'pool under : present i labor , shortages. with the obtaining of a life guard as the biggest pain. However, they report that every efforjt was made - to obtain a reliable - life guard at a reasonable cost to the city.::;'f I , The pool ! It is felt by ilocal townspeople,!! is very much heed ed for the youth: of the town who are deprived, because of j war conditions. Of many advantages enjoyed .by : youths a few years KO. , :' :'; t i Plant Breakdown Gives Pupils Short Recess . ALBANY-Pupils and teachers in the Madison school had a holi day Wednesday hot scheduled on the regular school calendar j be cause of the; burning out of the oil furnace usedj for heating fa cilities. A new motor was ordered out of Portland and arrived in time; installed so ' regular Truck Operators Given Heavy Fines 1 SILVERTON Silverton . courts are stepping heavily on local of fenders of speed laws and -overloading of trucks. t 4 .- Harley . Chris tener, log ' hauler for the Charles DeGuire Logging company, was fined $139 and giv en a 20-day suspended ! jail sen tence on complaint of "overload ing, and John PhUpoV log hauler for.; the -Hitchman Logging -company, was fined 50 and costs on a charge of speeding, and' $10 and costs on a charge of operating a truck without PUC permit, and $10 and costs on operating a trail er without a PUC permit" . CAMP CARSON, Colo.-;p)-A J' (no ...i . onn ug UUI Ul 4VV IUSMUJS points with a carbine is the re- cora oi vt. oDerx u. tiargrove, jrv NJ and it was snowing at the , tirne.-'- ' :;. ; .' ':y: 'f- ' i. His shooting experience: an oc casional shot in a Coney.: Island gallery , and two dars marksman ship training in the army." ' ? ' Crosswords Puzzle work day could , be resumed Thurs- i RATION CALENDAR : h. pood v : Processed foods; Blue stamps AS through Q8 valid, Indefinitely. . MeaC , butter, cheese, etc. j Bed stamps. TS valid; indefinitely. T Red stamps VS. VB and WS valid Indefi nitely beginning (June 3, ! - Sugar Stamps inumser .10 and 81 i good for five pounds suear indefi , nitely. Stamp 40 good for nvt pounds : canning sugar until March 1, . 1845. ' Apply at ration board for mora. ; i i SKOKS -: ! S- Airplane stamp: Ms. I and No. S . vana inaemutem GASOUNt ''. una SI expiration date of No. 11 A coupons, slay fenew B or C ou - pons within but not before IS days . from data on i cover. - ;j Value of gasoliaa coupons: AJiBl, Cl. S gallons; B3. CJ, It and T. S gallons. D. 1-8 gallons: B. 1 gallon . rvci on, i Period 4-5 coupons good - through August 31 Instead of September 30 as previously - announced. Coupons with gallons i printed , on the i lac valid for amount indicated until ex piration data show on coupon sheet. Not more than 88 per cent of aea . son's rations should have been used - to- date. - .- j j i r - ":- c'-.:,;,i i tikes AvVt z: i . Periodic inspection of tires ended. Inspection certificates required; la obtaining replacements. ' :: , : BTOVE8 - T. Purchaser must i get certificate at ' ration board: for aew stoves. I Fuel dealers deliver by oriorltiea . based on needs. Order your 12-month supply now during temporary winter storage program. . mm 12 15 18 23 30 4 'A 47 so Si 247 VYY, 42 2 21 45. VA 35 38 3i 3r 'A '3 la 36 V. 'A 48 51 54. 7m IS 44 22 -1 40 7 20 32 a3 YA WA 14 VA 37 4? 52 SS YJXX. m 17 33 'A 2d 4S 29 mm 49 HORIZONTAL 1. heart 8.thlnf (law) S. strike. . ! breaker 12. affirm r': 13. ornamental i spire 14. weight of ) India 15. Scandinavlaa Smyth " 1 l. Isolated -18, springy 20. accumulate 21, winL ! Instrument 22. serpent 23, busybodies , Slvend- 30. part of ito be, SLamalLKorth- African plant 33. born 34. tablets 38. United States president (1925-1929) 38. raw metal 40, title 41. father- . 44. storm 47. a dtlxen of the United States 49. river in - England ' 50. vex . fiLbOW Cl continued (abbr.) 53. high 1 54. golf mound 55. woody plant VERTICAL ' l.bOX i: -..V 2. elliptical 3. observed 4. effaced ' 5. abode - Answer to Saturday! puztle.' 4lrtlPf lslplAt "QRAfT FamF h 5D HIe n a fiPERTURE DANK P1AIN "N T E R. " L AE "AH Tf UR I " SpfA T P 6fU t 2 ES SegeanJ r epent 0e r an5 eTd lUDIDlY JBI EidE CUR WEAR Irff TgIo U N I fJS T pfpttjElD IlE ffe n iuTffEiP PIOINIYt lElRrGi JTlrtlPls Average tlase at aetasleai 17 aUaates. Diet by King Testures Syndleate. lac 5-15 6, poem ?. transgress 8. truncates 9. tropical African tree . 10. exclamation 11. prohiWU lT.fuel 18v tissue 22. resemblance I In sound 23. chart 24. age ' 25. river (Sp.) SToindertake v 28. limb 29. Confederate ' " general 32. kingdom S. . - of Assyria ; 35. yellowish brown color 37. collision ' 39. Brazilian coin 41. separate 42. bowfln -,- 43. valley 44. odd 45. departed " 46. grafted (Heraldry) 48. feline animal T- SAMAAYlff aaa'-T NOT POlN UP THAT CCOlClff, J ! SO BAD WUE5ELP, THOSE 61'S iBSOTHESKZeS Clu WON KAJH 1 ECO-CHY S2.HTI1 A 4i ftfc 11 r i. FUNNY I TH0U&HT THAT OOO TONC WOUU? BET YOU OUT OF MY SYSTEM UT IT - BACKRREP WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, KATHYf l 27 A6KTH8. r-i. - n TIB ' : - wr " "T 'II nand Potato .i uJ.JLuLwJ - , Planters you s'pose cewi japs? 1 ..v'l f wiwr 7 y4 y BOSS SMUFFV ; f SNUFFS 0' JL. . v 1 I- tr - w. , .... r z r Hand Corn Planters Lo35 1 173 G. Li.:r!7 CL, 2n 1 ,,. f EAEISY GOOCLZ t . r Z-TT - 1 ' j 1 - - - ' '- 1