Tlx OSKSOIl STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, WsdnMoay Morning. May 10. 19U cirid Profit se talesman T 10. 1941 f ' - I : - 1 - ' l ' B Read i and: CJ at m . .." . t Classified og yoaavemence k: ill: Classified Advertising Statesman ' Classified Ads Call 9101 . Three tnserUiie per lint ,, 7 V Six Insertions per line ,, 40c Oat month per line ;,-, l2i Mlntmum charge IStr, 1 tt. min imum 35c; S tt mln. 45c, Mo -T refunds. : . ' "'Copy' tor this pa accepted ua tll 30 the evening before publics , tion- for classification. Copy re ceived alter ihl Urn wCi be rua under tbe heeding TToi Let to Classify , The Statesman assumes no flnaa clmJ responsibility (or errors which may advertisements pub ushed in Its columns and In cases where this, paper is st (suit will reprint that pari of an advertise ment la which the typographical mistake occurs. ' . - 1 The Statesman reserves the right to' reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place . ail advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman boa number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser - and -'must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. - . , Additional Classified Ads On Page 8 ; . V Help Wanted Female WAITRESSES WANTED between ages 18 and 59. Married "er single.'- Full or part time. Exp. unnecessary. Tree meal and uniform furnished. .. Apply Lunch Dept, r. w. wool worm. . SALESLADY: Opportunity for young women with selling ability willing to learn the shoe business. Paramount Shoe Store, corner court and Liberty, WOMAN to care for 2 children. Room, board and wages. Light housework. "Ph. 21684. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Day shift. No Sundays or holidays. Court Street Dairy Lunch, 947 Court St. WANTED: Experienced repair lady. Also 2 girls to work in plant. City Cleaneing Wks, 1245 State. MIDDLE Aged or elderly arty for light bouse work and companion. Write or see Mrs. Alice Bradshaw, Mill City. Ore. v ; ' EXPERIENCED secretary for general office work, payrolls, etc., some typ ing. Interesting: permanent. $130 to start. Average 40 nr. week. , Box 7 Statesman. ... -. . :.:..-,. :---; , - GENERAL office work, small amount dictation. Experience not neceassry Permanent position. Box 764 eta WOMEN watch warehouse - office part time, some- typing Ac booltVMtn Ing desired. Permanent residence. Call 404 besw. and u AJa, tot appt. DISHWASHER AT navy unlL Leu .ansa ban. Willamette uafV. .See Mies pdom ku. ' EXPERIENCED Cashier. Good atari Ing salary. Apply la person. Grand Theatre, " -WANTED: Single-fcady to, do tight cooking, sod assisting la. summer re- Lti ht work, Good -salary. . paid. Box ST. ee . Sitnationr Wanted - CWLDSIH eared for. S sn. older. 1751, S. Church.. On bue line. GARDEN plowingJc discing, ph. 24077 CTTTT.ncH ATT Muraery. We pieaT' up end deUver. 193 Trade, Ptk. 2SSSS. For Ssde-Iiscellaneoue CASH 'WILL BUT BEDROOM SUITE, best springe, mat tress, gateleg table, bookcase, cabinet radio, floor and table lamps, 2 beige rugs, electric . refrigerator, ; electric stove, dinette set, electric fan. large and small 'vacuum deanera, electric washing machine, rosewood end tablet 22 Colt automatic pistol. 334 Jerris. oft S. Commercial ( between ' 11: and o'clock. i ; i H nfiDOD&EDUMtrw late model car as trade in. One 1941 Chev. heavy duty truck, ra diator nearly new. Power take-off for 1941 Chev. Power take-off for kit. -ARNOLD PHILLIPS, Box 21. Turner HAMILTON-BEACH electrle cleaner, in good condition.; Metal stand bridge lamp. Call Thursday, p. in 1327 Mar lon St. ! i ONE DOBRO Hawaiiaa guitar, one National Electrle 1-string; Hawaiian guitar. igSS Court. DAVANO AND chr extension break fast set. Ph. TB82, 1310 N. Winter. ' -BRIGHTEN UP your awnings bad outdoor furniture with new canvas paint. All colors available. Yeater Ap pliance Ce. 235 N. Liberty. NORGE TLSC. range, 6-fL Ctlfillaa refrlg., 2100 N. Com'L .... , y CATERPILLAR CRAWLER tractor, newly overhauled. RC 2. Box 331. Sa- Jem. Ph. 22900, noon or eve, a. caiunv Pit.- . . USED LATHS. 273 N. 18th. ' FLUORESCENT KITCHEN units and desk lamps. Yeater Appliance Co., 253 l. Liberty. - . - GRAY enamel wood range. Built-in (Water jacket, 1st class condition. Ph. 2133. -'. . c cDrtfionStattsaktt ADVERTISINQ ,. ....Western Advertising" , Eepresentativeg . Ward-Griffith Company, lac. San Frandsco , Eastern Advertising Representatives : Ward-Grtfftth Company, tne. : .i Chicagn. New York. Detroit. Boston, Atlanta ' Entered el the Pottotftc mt Saturn Oregon as Second Class Matter. Pub lished every morning except1 Monday. Pusmess ofice. tlS South Cemsser rial gtreet. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES MsO SubeerlptloB Rates to Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. M& (9 cents: ( mo. $3.00: 1 year. 48.0. is where SO cents per mo. or tar I year ta advance; Per copy S cents Bv City Carrier, 75' cents a month, ts.oo a year ta advance tn Uartoa sad adjacent counties. s ( uxmouarax soldiers. TO00RsswPuciTWi5 mJMATTWISS PO J tUtJ&GCtPGF&tSESJ TVCV sAWTAJLLTME USnX(?y . WANTOkXCVi) ; fTT' 'MSfCMeETHOLDQFt f Money- to Loan FREE ' : Financial Advice - . , 1 Sixteen yctrt of financial experience la Salem gives us- confidence that we can help - you If - you- really need money, wet- wui let you nave ai once. No endorsers or Involving of others. Loans made on furniture, live stock, farm . machinery. Company Is locally owned and man- -aged. ?iiviv, GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION lis.. s Commercial St V ' . Phone 9168 ' ' Auto Loins- : ' Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING , LICENSE A M 158 , Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS . N Duncan S Ladd A Bush Bldg For Sale -Miscellaneous -TULL -set of -1st t class , carpenter tools. Box 191. Turner. Ore. WALNUT BDRM. suite. mirror, clock. Smoking cabinet, desk. 1610 Fir. . S-TUBE PHILCO car radio with aer ial. 1338 Km. W. Salem. HAVE 2 two-wheel trailers. 600x16 tires. $75. 2135 Belle vue. Ph. 5043. DUTCH OVENS and 4 types of flash lights, complete with batteries. Yeater Appliance Co.. 253 N. Liberty. - Cab., strawb. plants. Reas. 2250 N. ComX ' j SPRING filled crib mattress, $13. Lady's riding boots. Ph. 3901. SACRIFICE: Entering service, rose colored genuine mohair frieze dav. and chair, almost new. 2410 N. 4th. . . DUMP BOX and hoist. 233 N. Front. Phone 9343. ,-..., , . i FARMERS. ATTENTION I Electric milk cooler; battery and electric fence controls. No priority required. Yeater Appliance Gov 255 N. Liberty. ' PRE-WAR "English style carriage $40. 3-way high chair $15. Newman. 430 S. 20th. Ph. 8569. PRE-WAR bassinette. like new. 275 N. 18th. HOUSEHOLD rural ture. Phone $394 IMPORTED rugs 48x72 and 58x100. Very reasonable. Also a - few lovely tapestries. Phone 5355 evenings. : WE NOW have enclosed high speed units for all - makes of eVectric ranges. Yeater Appliance Co.. 255 N. Liberty. USED PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS. ACME AUTO Jc-TRUCK WRECKERS 3055 Portland Bd, FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant. P. 6353 HTLL grown Bur bank seed potatoes. I1-23. M35 N. 17th. BED, PIN-IT-UP rtnA vanity lamps. Teaser Appliance Co, 255 N.. Liberty. PLATINUM WEDDING -ting with t diamonds. Bess, tor cash. Box 13. Si ' fOTt CERTUriKS Bur bank: pota toes for planting, see Vlck Bros, 208 N High SWSaJenv WIT HAVE hoar wire fbncimt and lisht barbed - wire in ' stock. Montgomery ware at co. - WOOD AND gas ranges. Oil end wood hoaaan. Yeater AppUaace Co, S59 H. Liberty. ATMORAFS OZONE, sell and rent 8. C Pugh Ph .2-245. PJX Box 43 FERTILIZER. 99 H. ComT. Ph. 352X Trade Miscellaneous 1929 CHEV.. WORTH tO0M for late model 2', horsepower Johnson out board motor. Phone 9090. Wanted Miscellaneous We Buy Fiirnitnre TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF. BUSINESS INTEG RTTT OtTHE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED Pianos Furniture and Appliances Call 9149 for appointment HOGG BROS. 26w State St WOOL GROWERS ATTENTION Some hav given the- Impression we are not permitted to buy wool this year. This is not true. We can buy direct from growers and we are la the market for a quantity of medium valley wool. Our price is cash at the time of delivery, 45c for wool or mo hair. Bring your wool and mohair to us. i THOS. KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. 260 So. I2tlt St. , WANTED. ELEC. plate aad dec. hot water heater. Ph. 7113. - ' WANTED GOOD used wood circu lator. Tel. 2-4064. .- . WANT electric water heater. - bath tub and porcelain wash basin. Phone 5353 evenings, WANT- lawn mower in A-l condi tion. Will pay top price. Phone 21730. - WANTED: A twin baby buggy. Ph. WANTED. S ICE boxes. Ph. 730. WOOD RANGES. Used heaters. Ph; 7596. .- -V . i.. , WILL pay Be pound for clean, targe cotton rags, uregoa. statesman. CASH - PAID for upright, spinet er grand ptaaoa Phone S77. CLEAN White rags. Hogg Bros. 280 state. -, . USED FURNITURE Pa S1SS WANT TO Buy, Usee) cam ems w atrKian ntota snop u oute WANT Lady's or man's used bicycle. Reasonable. Ph. S4S1 after PiL, W ANTED: Electrle heating Write . Bt, 2. Box 403B. RABBITS WANTEDS . Top prlcea. Buying every Tues. s Thurs. Harder Rabbit Farm, RL X. Bos 22-4ls miles N. Front St. Ph. 2-1234. f Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY AntQ And - Truck ' Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used ears or trucks regardless of age. . No delay bring ear and title and get the money. You retain possession of vehicle, ijto 13 Jionths to repay. Aftei S o'clock pbone 2381 or 21143 for appointment f ; ROY H. , SIMMONS t I Regulated by atate-i!-138 S. fComX St. Phone 916S (M-1521 erwasesNsvhM PERSONAL LOANS : I sis to $3oo"; m Tartar : iHgamsrnUk 6Trutfigr- YicA t av v o.wae fo w - 6tamlaJl 1AM rup mr rsASivi 'llM IUTVIICU, 07W.WW f in 12 months. Special "Service for Em ploy eas women, come in ot paone. ; - Prsonal Finance Co. Room 125. Second Fir. New Bligh Bldg. K1S tttm fit - Phnn- Salem 3191 : Lie. $422 M-165. N. Anderson. Mgr. - ! I Money to Loan WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans i city or farm properties; loans made as small as $300. See us about re financing your present contract or mortgage. -, . : : . !.- Ileo N. Childs, Inc. 344 SUbi Si. . - Phone 6281 Financial WANTED TO buy for cash, real es tate mortgages & contracts, discount paper etc. We also buy old accounts and pay you -.more money than Collec tion Agencies get for you. ! ; STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. 211-222 - 212 Guardiaa Bldg WahtebV-Miscellaneons WANTED: " Roller skates for 4 yr. old.. Pb 2409. - j v. WANT Piano In good condition, and Venetian blind 28x651 or longer. Call 3779 or. 597 Knapp. j CASH FOR used furniture ft noaae nnld goods R forgey Ph 1444 CASH for used piano at other mu sical instruments Call 441 days oi 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music. Co, 191 8. High. i Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE, tools, bicycles, and lawn mowers. Guns, dishes and elect, equipment Ph. 759. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST i ;f - CASES Brtns or Mall Your Plates tor ftepeb DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bkte State - Corel Pb 231 1 Septic fTanks Cleaned State, wide! Guaranteed work. Gene rite. 42 Edgewater Ph T45 NOW IS the time to roof your build tags, while material is .available. Better prices on new roofs and repair. Ph, 3731. Free estimate. . ' STOVE Parts at Repairing; Woodry Auction Market 1609 N. Suaxnaer. ; For Rent aTpBNDER tar real I Moat gesnery Ward ! GOCft Used pjaaol XL L, ' Stiff. ' TRUCKS tor real You drive He ar LovaO. pboae SeOO - j For RentRooms SLEEPING; room in garage. 975 No. ltth. i , CLEAN, comfortable sleeping rooms. Ph. 2-881.-573 Court. COMBINATION living room and sleeping rm. Ph. 7260. NICE sleeping room for j woman. 988 Center 4. ,inro-ljnjrun,rur,J..-L-J- rURNISHED sleeping room for busi ness girl. Close in. 745 Court St or call 7f75. ' I . .j SLEEP. RM. for men. Ph. 4498. r Fr Rent Apartments PULLMAN I APT., also 2 rms. with kitchenette, adults. 1147 Oak. j 2 HM. APT. 1 woman. Hear Cap. $16.50; Phone 5222. 1 2 RM. FURN. Hot water,! electric washer. 2590 Lee St. Ph. 394. FURN. APTS. UM S. 13th, rum. apt, also sip. rm. 235 S. 15th FURN. Pullman Apt for employed girl. 1145 N.. 14th.' Utilities furn. at S22J0 Ph. 408 for appointment. 2 ROOM Furn, Apt. Pri. bath and ent. 307 So. ComX FU9N. APTS. Ph. 7498. 2 RMS. Furn. 1440 Waller. For Rent Houses NICE MODERN I BR. home, basew furnace, f place, hwd. floors. References. $30. CaU 231 N. High. i 3 ROOM FURNISHED. 845. Inquire 1220 t. 18th. afternoon. .L-.u- 4 RM. unfurnished house, wired far ranges Adults. 3235 Portland Rd. . : , 4 RM. and; utility rm., cedar closet newly; decor for 2 people. Ref. re quired. $47.50. Inq. 1495 N. 18th. EXCHANGE: Have 8 rooms. Fine to cation. i walking distance. Need only 5 or I rooms. Phone 8107 evening. - HS- Wanted to Rent PERM. LOCAL mother and 1 yr. child, furn.' cottage or apt: Ref. Ph. 7174. J - - i .. FURNISHED 8 OR room house, family, responsible party. Phone 8049. S OR ROOM bouse, NS district. Ph. 335. Strictly modern. . , . ONE or two bdrm. house, furnished or unfurnished, preferably south or southeast. J. T. Hardr. 1041 Bo. 12th. VNFURN. modern house, 2 -or g bed rooms; near grade school, about June 1st. E. J. Hagen. Marion Hotel . -. -MODERN unfurn, house in or near Salem, 2 or, 3 B. Rms. E. J. Hagen. Marion Hotel. 1 CANT WE TALK . AWtmlKkS ABOUT ASOUTTME VARAIALLT. NEVEk REPEAT ? IT Wanted to Rent PRIVATE party -wants to rent 3 or 4 bed room, modern, unfurnished ' house. Wired for electric range. Will pay S months or year rent la advance, with the -best of. references. Phone 9692 or 568 Edgewgter. 9 it, a artCiUM hmn iw ant Inr ,Mffrf couple. Phone 21883. t , , For Sale Real Estate 129 N. 24 St Xmmed. pees. 2 bdrms. LJt, DJU kitchen, bath,. Garage. Good condition, $3150. Terms. . i- -. LARSEnT HOME ex LOAN CO. 14 S. Commercial St , . 1 Ph. 4842 CUTE SMALL HOME NJ SALEM Rms garage Sc . celled' 1 rumpus room.- ElecU. ranged , Oil circulator. Elect, .'water beater- Si . rood -daveno goes, with -ptace Large. , lot. 7t? alley. w. umi. sjow, . j -. . ART MADSEN 4 .Ph.'. 8580 , 1328 State St. 1 : : - BRAND "NEW 5 .RM. HOME Full basement with sawdust burner, fireplace es hardwood firs; East Sa lem. $7250r. ; ! ' OLD 3 BEDRM. HOME ' Close in. between Chemeketa and Court Sts Back enclosed yard.' a blka. from State Bldgs. Oil circulator goes with this Price $4200. j 1 . ART MADSEN - 1321 State St ; Ph. 5580 i $4500. East room house with un finished upstairs. Hardwood floorst Fireplace. Near bus line. OLSON at REEVE . 945 S. Comml. ' Ph, 4590 NORTH SUMMER STREET HOME! ATTRACTIVE, WELL-BUILT, IS. R, strictly mod. home, large liv. At din ing. 1 B. R. down, all hwd. floors, wired range, fireplace, wood furnace. Small lot. a good buy at 85250 $1250 down. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 8832 , N. SALEM HOME ' 5 ROOMS. WITH large cor. lot paved sts., 12 blks. out Price $4000 Cash. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St : Phone 4131 S4250. 5 room cottage. Near . Rich mond school. 63'xm' lot Hardwood floors. Priced for quick sale. OLSON & REEVE 945 S. Comml. i Ph- 459 MODERN t R. house. N. Salem. 2 lots, double garage, nuts, fruit imme diate possession. Bargain at $4500 $1500 down. t - 8 R. house, large lot garage, E. Sa lem, recant now. $3100 half down. . 21 A. 4 Mr. ouf 5 R. house, barn, half in cult lots timber. Snap, $2500. 2 good farms for sale. E. B. PERRINE, 370 State St Ph. 9879. 4 B. R. HOME. 2 up. 2 down, excel lent condition, cor. lot: air conditioned furnace, extra well located, j 12 blocks north. Price $5000. Terms. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High 5838 BUY your home site now; We have some very choice view lots. Lots are 80x212 ft. City water piped to lot $50 down, $10 per month. See Mr.. Byrkit with .-!!-.. BURT PICHA, REALTOR 1410 So. 12th Phone 3210 : 2 ML from Salem. Cozy 5 rm. house, wired for range. Bath, laundry, beau tiful setting. Garage, work shop. House for 75 chickens. City water. View. Price 1430. Box 88. Statesman, r 8 RM. home, hdw. floors, oil fur nace, dec hot water, heater, two-car garage- in basement, also extra bed room. House built 9 yrs. Price $5000. 81000 will handle. See- Jack - Hennlngsen STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS in Guardian BUg. Sajse. West, a bed room KeUab. type house. Hardwood floors, i Fireplace. Sawdust furnace. Good buy. OLSON t REEVE. 948 BY Comml. Ph. 590 EXCELLENT HOME VALUE" GOOD 1 R. PLASTERED home, with full cement basement furnace, flre plaee. garage, two lots eat bus liste and near grade school. Price $5000 cash for QUICK SALE. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 13 S. Liberty St Phone 4131 LARGE HOKE, divided Into apart ments, revenue-now $139 month, nice living quarters, well furnished tor $8000 Is cash. North, close in. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High 5838 $3,000. North. Nearly new 2 bed room house. Hardwood floors. Full basement OLSON & REEVE 943 S. Comml , .Ph. 4590 PLEAS, older type horn close in. Low priced. 748 Mill St 7 RM. house. $ rms.' down, 2 up. Dble. plumb. Sawdust burner. Elect, water heater. Restricted district Beau tiful yard. 1 block from grade school. 8 from high. On city bus line. $4890 cash, balance $38 a month. Ph. 461$ for appointment ... 8 ROOM house 1873 N. Front 8 room house. 2 lots. 1825 N. Front Ph. 9662. BY OWNER: 4 rooms and bath. $2300. 190 Broadway. A REAL BARGAIN 4 bdrm. home, Nice location, full basem, h.w. heat sawdust burner, large lot. Owner leavme cltv. Have just cut price from $6009 to $5000 for quick sale. For appt see N. J. Lindgren or Ed Potter. Realtors 175 S. High 1 : Ph. 3630 LEAVING, town : 2 attractive 8 room strictly modern I SOUTH SALEM homes for sate BY OWNER. Large lots, fruit nuts and garden. Phone 5490 for ap pointment xio agents. j -8 ROOM house, located in Cast Sa lem. Full basement hot : water beater, built ta .Frigid aire. Price $7000 $2500 cash. ,, .:...! . See Jack Hennlngsen '' : STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. - : . Ph, 816 . SMALL 4 room bouse, old. large lot with fruit tree. Highland district $1550. Inquire 1295 N. Liberty. - ' V STOCK t GRAIN FARM $78 ACRES NORTH of RIckrealL 125 acres of good farm land, bad. excellent oak timber with lots of pasture. R. house, plumbing, two barns, leased un til this falL Price $12,000. ft cash. oaL 5 tat GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St j Phone 4131 FOB Attractive Locations tn King wood I Heights or Cascade Terraces lovely view, city utilities. See Owner. Phone S41X I IN ENGLEWOOD Dist Modem's Bd. room home with garden. 1845 Grant St 4 ROOMS and nook, utodes a except basement near Englewood school. $4800,. '- ,. 'f -.- 8 acres at Cervmls. all ta crops. Would consider a home in Salem as part payment ' blocks from Cap. Bldg. Good . 8 room house aad large lot $4650. LEON C COONEY, REAL ESTATE 12U State St. Ph, 6781 ec SS1S IF YOU are looking for a-building site, X have one of V A mountain view, city water. This- la a' steal, at $800. See MR. LASSEN Wtth Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Pb, 4108 I- Realtors SU(?-"vaURAt7rrM H Ok wear rrow twe rapo rrs PU9UCPROPERTY--TVEN1 'OJ CAM TALK ABOUT ST: a : a. a m MS sn?e e tVlzM3 at S 3UtT For Sale Real Estate HOMES FOR SALE $700 WILL BUY this 3 bedrra. mod ern home, fully carpeted living room, sawdust burner, breakfast nook, lo- "ifl Englewood district. Lars lot 13.000 will buy this large 1 rm. house, basement furnace, fireplace. 2 lota. Lo cated at 8460 S. Commercial St 1 -$7W will buy this rm. modern home located close in. In S. Salem. Complete sprtaltltagsysteta la yard. ; $350 will buy this rm. home loca. ted at 1545. Elm St, West Salem. Has sawdust burnav. K,um,n wtwi electric range. Hardwood floors la uvmg rm - - s . . aU G. H, GRABENHORST. JR, , Wtth GRABENHORST. BROS, Realtor 134 S.-Liberty St . Jm. 4131 saiaasejasaJM IMMEDIATE POSSESSION CLOSE . JN;' well-buUt residences large cheexfuj . rooms; part arranged- for renUls.-" East front, -lot 70x165 ft Z - paved - allay? 1 garage; butematie sprinkling system. Distant owner says sell for reduced price of $6750 part terms. See LEO N. CHILDS, i INC, Realtors, 344 State St Ph. : 926L -. r: . ..v,u,;, . .- - -t $3300. NICE ENGLISH type 8 rm, house. Living room, dining' room, 3 bed rooms. Full basement furnace. Wired for range. See Mrs. Huff with BURT PICHA, REALTOR 1418 So. 12th f t t j Phone 3210 2'i LOTS. GOOD- 4 room house;' barn and ben house. $2800. C L. Muakers, Amity. Ore. . - MODERN I RMS. & den; DM. plumb, auto, heat Fine location. $7950. WU lamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7UX . , . . 1 - $4200. 8 RM. MODERN, very neat house. 4 blks. north -of State. Lots of shrubbery and large lot This is a love ly small home. Ph. 4466. R. E. Meredith. 3155 Portland Rd. , r 1 ' $4500; TERMS, NEW $ rm, bouse on So. Liberty. See Mrs. Huff with , BURT PICHA. REALTOR 141 So. 12th t Phone 3210 SPECIAL A really true : bargain is . found In this 8 room house In N. Salem; oak- floors in ; living and dining rooms; wood furnace; fire- Elace; 2 bedrooms; garage; nice t with fenced-in back yard. Price $4200. See Lelace H. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS, INC, Realtors. 344 - State St Ph. 926L FINE 2 BEDROOM home. So. Church. Ven. bL. hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement furnace. $5700. Terms, $1,000 down. See Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA, REALTOR 1410 So. 12th Ph. 2210 GOOD BUY In 8 room residence; choice corner lot; both streets paved and paid. Priced low at $2750. See LEO N. CHILDS. INC, Realtors. 344 State St Pb, 926L A 7 ROOM HOUSE south. Close to grade school. Fireplace. . large living room x dining room. 2 bedrooms down. Full basement wtth new automatic oil furnace. Large lot; for quick sale, $5,500. See Mr, Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTOR 1410 So. 12th Phone 3210 $2900. $ RMS, GAR. end another bldg. which might be made -into email cottage. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. 4-ROOM HOME with breakfast nook, electrle lights, bath, -and garage, on bus line. Located ta North Salem. Stove and oil heater inc. Price $4000. W. G. KRUEGEB. REALTOR 14T N. Commercial St . Phone 4728 COMFORTABLE 'HOME CONSISTS OF -4 rooms, large porch, basement pertly furnished, ciean gar den, nuts, -trait at trees. Richmond school dist. Can-be shown aayttono. See LOUIS BECHXKL or MSS. NESDHAM. 341 State St Room 4. Business Cards ta this liretery. rea en a soenthly Basis only. Kate SLZS per line per ittu Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry Oty Model Aircraft 2lst & Market Art Tile BATH Room, drain board, fireplace or store fronts. Ph. 952L Auto Drakes Y GENERAL Motors Approved Dnlngs and methods only Loder Bros ,445 Center St, Salem - HXSRALL-OWENS CO. $35 S Coml Hike'Paaek. 27b-S. Com'L Ph. 8161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist Auto and Truck Service HERBALLnOWENS CO, 238 S. Cam! Factory trained mechanics on all General Motors cars-aad trucks. Pre ference given essential owners.- LODER BROS, 445 Center- SL. "Our 16th Year ta Salem' - '- . Bicycles BICYCLES New and reeondttloned Harry W Scott 141 S tera'cl P 43,6 eBsasBBsSBsaaaBaaasssBBBBBBBsaaBBaa Body & Fender Repairs LOWEST ; PRICES consistent With quality work - LODER . BROS, 445 Center St, Salem. Ore, .--:.- : , - HERRALLOWENS CO. 238 S. Coml Brushes SMYTH'S. Ph. B7J4. 1190 N. 21st Chimney Sweep Northness Chimney Rween Ph 4438 Cosmetics AVON PRODUCTS. Ph.' 21003 Florists Breithauprs 447 Court, ; iJise Front Wheel Alignment FACTORY APPRO VED-apeeiany trained mechante on our Bean front end machine. Save vour tire by keee. tag your wheels properly Hned es LODER BROS, 448 Cate St -. FnnersJ Directors T'srwiinaar Funeral Garden Plowing Ph. 9400. Davis. 3099 Portland Road. Gilts THE At BOM 87 8L: Iioiiery Besl SQk Hosiery MtHs. Pa. FT0L -. Mrs. Moseiey. POTBox 733. Lownmower Shsxpeniirj MACHINE ground. 840 8. Capitol GUARANTEED- WORK en special faetoty grinders, by Harry W. Scott The Cycle Man" 147 8L Commercial &t Fori Sale Real Estate ' CHEEHFtrd. TAMTT V TinN $6150 2 -BEDROOM -HOME, hwd. uoon. oasemeni. zurnace, Jdy. . trays, wired for range. Apt in . basement or can be used for an- othr hailfnflm $425 - T-room , bouse, basement fur nace sawdust burner), ldy. trays,' floored at Uc,. fruit c nuts, garage. . $3850 A nice little cosy home for some one, wim 1 rooms, w we aortn '" part of town. Garage. Close to P. H. BELL J. C. W. BARTLETT ; 402 Guardian Bldg. Phone 489 . . NEWCOMERS t Hera- 'is a t odrrn. plastered , house 1 ready to move . Into. au rurrurure. -rugs - and curtains go. H500 down, bat easy terms. JSecMrs. Hufi. with . T , , BURT PICHA. REALTOR'; 1410 Sy 12th Sti . i Pt. J210 t TIMBER TRACT : t '. ' s $0 ACRES. ALL in fir and oak timber on paved highway. Aft excellent fuel proposition. Price. 83000 cash. ( GRABENHORST BROS4. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty . St ..7 ? Ph, 4131 NICE 6 Rm. home In good! loca tion 'in West Salem. Basement t fur nace. Very Urge living rm. Lot 87 ft frontage. $6300. i 2 BEDRM. NOB HUX 1 ' i Cute - little 4 irm. stucco home in good dist. South Salem, just off High St 63500. Half eash. i ART, MADSEN I 1328 State St - .t Pn. 5580 j . - MODERN home. bdrms, welt fur nished, nice large lot near bus & schools. $400. some terms. See MR. GOODWIN with; .' - Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. i Realtors. After 6, Ph. S715 BY OWNER: 6i rm. mod. home, fur nished or unfurnished, in a restricted district Ph. 4277; for appt ! I FARM! BARGAIN -, i ; 240 ACRES WTTH 150 acres of fine farm land, two barns, large machine shed, old style I B. colonial home, all year stream with irrigation rights, a fine stand of firi timber, lots of good pasture. Good location near Pacific highway, j Price j film A REAL VALUE. I f GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St - Ph. 4131 $2750 buys 4 rmi house with extra tot 83200. Hollywood dist 6 room house. $6300. Modern home, Hollywood dist R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR j 1853 N. Capitol . ; t 4 ROOM, newly decorated house. $3600. Terms. CaU at 1110 N. Com'L , NICE new . home, 2 bdrms, unfin ished attic, full bsmt, fireplace. Vene tian blinds, H.W. 1 floors. ) acres. See MR. GOODWIN with i . Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. ! Realtors. After , Ph. 8715 For Sale Farms 40 ACRES WITH beautiful site over looking Willamette river. mt out on Wallace Rd. This is the best of soil. with a gentle slope to the river. 4 A. in. prunes. 4 A. in pears aad apples. 1 A. ta boysens. AJ ta a vtaeyardu a variety of ether fruits. Good, bam and chicken hse, rest la crops. A beau tiful setting for a eeemtry home. $1260. st X. Meredith. 3X55 Port Rd. Pb, e43 FOR -SALEr This 10 A. farm with 8 TO. howee, J bdnaa, full bsmt, bath as toilet small barn as chicken house, located TS miies 8, nssr Looner sehnnl. Husband going -to army, pesaeasiea at once and priced to sell st 32J0Q. some terms. .See MR. I LAR5EN with Hawkins & Pb, 410 I Roberts, Inc. Realtors Directory Motor Steam Cleaning PROMPT SERVICE aa steam dean tag- motors iltsnis pa 1 is and ete LODER BROS.. 44 Center Street., Painting & ) Paperhanging PAINTING tt INTERIOR DECORAT ING, inside and outside painting, paper hanging. For estimates CALL 8478. Painting and decorating only. Ph. 8058 Painting and paperhanging. Ph. 3983. PAINTING At Decorating.- Ph. 7552. Plumbing John Fisher, specialist Ph, 3019. BOWEN BROS, Plumbing sad Heat ing. 355 N. Coml j Ph 7218. : Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets programs book or any kind ef print ing. call The Staaesman Printing De partment 219 S I Commercial Tele ohone- eiet. . Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO pboae 4SC9 Radio Service 'I A FAST Expert service. Ph. T792. Refrigeration Service HOUSEHOLD and commercial refrig eration. Evening work. Phone 7893. , Sand and Gravel SAND, gravel, crushed rock, loam sand. Waning Sand and Gravel Ph 8561 Septic Tanks Cleaned PERM. RES. - Kenneth BameL 1143 Eighth St,. West 4alem Ph. ! 4450 Transfer Express and light hauHag. Ph. 2-144 U-DRTVS .TRUCKS .FOR KEN1 BUnkcts rura 197 S Liberty pit FOB LOCAL OR DISTANT traafes storage, burner oil. briquets rrreks u. Portland easily. Agent Pierce Auto freight tactucfinp .Calif points Larsaes Traasfer Co Ph tULr . -If--.; Used Furniture DuTRAOTS USED ' fanitture. Ph,! 1782; Upholstery Qeaning BUGS end uphot. cleaned. PhJ 8831. Vacuum .Cleaner Service CERTIFIED CUAJL AO shakes Viaee'a aUeetrte; 181 St LOS. Tat, C2B8, FREX tnsoeeUoe 8 your nornet Au tfaoriieaV lloovar.swte. W service all Hogg Brae Ph. 914 7atc!i & adckiReiraiTins .Decker. Taylor j easnpV State Street Window I Geanins City window cleaners. P. 21458. Fteors wans, woodwork, work guaranteed. ALL work . guaranteed. . Windows wails, woodwork cleaned. Floors waxed Insured workmen. Professional Oeaa- ing Service. Ph. 4457, For Sale Used Cars SPRINGTIME MESSAGE ) FOR ALL GAR OWNERS ? Your" te M1 Fine Vehicle, you know! Surely you wan to keep . it ta Tip-Top Shape - --You will not be able to buy a New Car for several years. Let the man who knows, take care of your car - - Factory Trained Me chanics; Body at Fender Work PataUng Plenty of pre-war Factory Parts. " A FEW REAL 'BUYS IN LATE MODEL CARS 1 1942 Plymouli .V: : ' Radio - Heater' SeaCCoveirs Govv.CeUing Price Need Priority", y 1941J)odge (tonv danrRanio tV&eater K 1941v Mereu ((stom'Sedan Heater , 1941 Pliouth IDcLuxQ Seoanrfect ratape .' " . 1940 Pontiac DeLuxe SedanRadio & Heater ' 1936 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe--Ra(lio & Heater., " I 1936 Ford DeLuxe 2-door Sedan -Radio & Heater, STAN BAKER MOTORS i Dpdge-PljTnoub Dealer 825 CHEMEKETA For Sale Farms HERE is one of the best stock ranches in Oregon being used as a dairy ranch now. with about 6Q head of stock and full line of machinery. 50 A. in crop. baL pasture. This ranch naa several tnousand acres of free out range.; mod. buildings. S23.000 for all. possession at once. See MR. LARS EN with. Hawkins & Roberts, Inci . Ph. 4108 1 . . , Realtors 31 - A. NORTHEAST, near Middle Grove school, road on two sides, elect, dandy ' bldg. site, only S3750. ' terms. Compare this place with others. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High 9838 ONE of the most outstandme: farms of 38 - A. with running water, some timber, all crop in. 6 rm, house with fhreplara. 3 bdrms, small bsmt, mod. dairy barn for 18 cows Ac feed, chick en house, garage and hog house. Beau- tuui setting wua trees, lawn and ttsn pond. If you are wanting a nice place here tt is. priced to selL See MR. LARSEN with , Hawkins & Roberts, Inc, Ph. 4108 . Realtors Acreage r D? YOU are looking for a nice acre age, see this 13 acres Just outside city limits, north on Pacific highway. 6 rm. modern house. Full basement, . Auto matic oil furnace: wired for electric range.' Chicken house., bam, lots of fruit. Call at 140 Gregsoa St. - r 38 A, WITH 18 A. OF filberts. 4 .yrs. okL 11 cultivated and in .good condi tion, only 6 miles east, no bldgs, 84900. LARSEN HOME At LOAN CO. 184 So. Coiarnercial St. Ph. 4643 13 A. CLOSE TO St Louis, 8 rm. pert ly finished , hse, lights, bam 14x30. poultry -bee, aaso another small nse. 11390. mi. to school. i MXLV1N JOHNSON. REALTOK ' 738 Court St. - - - Phone 2723 ISr A. eicht-vnUes from Sakeaw 12-A. In pruaes, some apples, peas,, cherries. filberts and walnuts. 4 8. house wtth electric water- system. Beautiful shrubs. Chertrrw Jiouaa for chickens, fiog house,: garage. - w G. E. VOSBURGH Phone 359 1048 Cascade Drive A. at 370 Maraan Ave. 1 BJt, LuR- lurch, kit. with sink, hot water tank, wired for range, no bath: small chicken bouse. Immee. poss. SJ.70O.0u. Terms, i LARSEN HOME ac LOAN CO. 184 S. Commercial St . Ph. 4M2 HERE is a nice place of IS A. with 8 . rm. house, good barn At chicken house. W. Silt soU. on oil road. North of Salem, and priced to sell. See MR. LARSEN with , . Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 Realtors U A, Silvtn. Rd. Ph. 8002 or 5003. Suburban NEW 5 RMS, sub. Close in. bus. Ph. 1113. h m;- Wanted Real Estate! WANT TO rent or buy 2 bedroom house on y acre or more not over 87.- 500. Write or pnone eveninrs. a. i. Beebe, Marion Hotel. , PBtVsTT TASTY vithM small 1 bed- nrtm . hniiu , wtth nlumMiu in eood location, around S3O00. Must be clean; Box -Stetesman... - i VI HAVE a number of clieats who want to ourchase homes, acreages and farms and we would appreciate your listing your place with us. - ; . r. lL BEU. ti W. SAttiLlii , .., . Realtors 402 Guardian Bldg. - - Phone 4898 NOTICE: XT your property is for sate, rent or exchenge. Ust it with us We have a l Kinds cast ouyers. STATS nNANCE CO, RCAvTUns i i 212 Guardiaa Bldg. , i i LIST WITH Estep. 850 E SL Ph. 8708 Business Opportunities WANT A GOOD chicken ' dinner business? AU real and personal property-for 87300, Wom your considera tion, n- ."..-J . '- . New, well located building in grow ing part of Salem, lot 55x150, now teased for 873. Price 87350. . Grocery store norm, oomg gooa ous- iness. stock at fixtures, aU 82000. C H, SANDERS - 231 N. High - 8838 FURNISHED - APARTMENT house. located 1630 Ferry St. 1 apts, good furniture, good condition, large lot. 100x100. Income 8163.00 per mo. 85900. tor quick sale. - -- -v; -ttv: - LARSEN HOME St LOAM W. 184 So. Commercial SL Pb, 4842 LARGE HOUSE divided Into 4 apt. 80 income -plus a good 8 rm. apt. for owner. Priced at HOOO. SmaU pmt, down and baL at 8. D. A. FXSH, 477 Court. Phone 324 .HOME of three rooms and 3 apart ments brtecine In 860 Per- month. Priced at 84000 fiooe aown ana s fat A, FISH ) 7l Omit Ph. 6594 Lost and Found 1 1 . BROWN LEATHER purse contain ing Parker pen and pencil. Phone 4318, LOST: Lady's Omega gold watch. Ph Mil. newaro. oara. !,..- LOST: Brown leather billfold con taining naoers valuable to owner only; Keep money and return - billfold to 131 nosemant or rn. isee. wonn axuc eny, between 8 AM. and 8 PM. LOST: Cola purse, - Sunday. Call nut. Hcwara... .. - - 1 810 Reward for Information leading to arrest and eonvictiasi of Dartles who stole set of S A E dies. to ta. to- elusive ftm my car. B. cunmngnam. Ph. 21807. . - Wood Sawing "238S Brooks. P. 8808 ' For Sale Used Cartr "A PHONE 411 j For Sale Used Cars . Buy a LODER BROS.- USED, j :C':!v:'CCAR;;-;f: iTops in Quality Reasonable in Price I 1 nowr rrncr a nvit ttttt vrr HAVE LOOKED (OUR STOCK OVER. ! I tin BEST AHU SAVE MONEY 4 -AT- . LODER BROS. ! OLDSMOBILE DEALER v 445 . Center St - Salem. Oregon ! L -' - Phone- 6133 ' ' ' ' FOR SALE. tv mnutwlOH Deluxe 4-door Sedan. Good condition, ' good rubber, radio, heater, fog light, i phone- 498-M. 858 Portland Ave, Bend, motift. a' rnnn' rtt ntnv.m ka, h Excellent rubber. 1405 Gregsoa. .. . i i j38 FORD deluxe. 859 Center. 29 CHEV. aadan tlia- SlnKav V.n.. : gen, . Rt. U Box 246. Ph, 23249. OR TRADE. 1937 Chev. - Hfc ton truck. Hyd. dump box. Good rubber, i n. etn, saiem, . - - L s ' : 1941 FORD Super Deluxe -coaeh. aew i war .ores, sajno actual , miles, mi way. noae rase chev. a. um. . I; very clean, rua extra good. Full price a. uit nroauway. none 1939 PLYM. bustaesa Cpe. Also 199 8 pees. Pontiac Cpe. B-4 Intern. 2 ton track, LWB. James H. Maden Co, 44 Sihrerton Road. ? . : Tt DeSOTO dr. Sew smleeae. (end tires. Glendera Apt. No. 30. Mrs. J. Fredrickson, Evenings. j 193 FORD coupe. Will trade tot! panel. 96 B. Com'L Ph. 7222. , USED PARTS FOR CARS a, TRUCKS ACME AUTO A- TRUCK WRECKERS ' 3059 Portland Rd. i "37 OLDSMOBILE Sedsn. good rub ber. Good buy for someone. Sea at Four Corners Richfield Station.. DANDY ModVl ""coupe f 173. 34 Chev. coach, lust overheuled. bodv in excellent cond. Also Model T road, ster. 6 tires. 4 aew, 875. 1120 E, Turner Boed. Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR CLEAN USED CARS f ALL MAKES A- MODELS 1211 Broadway, Ph. 6666 WE PAY TQPSh j Get every dime, your' ear to srorth. Cash on the Barrcl-Hcad "C' SHROCK ' t SALEMS oldest inopaadeat used ear: HX Comer Church at Cheia Ph' 1922 To Buy or Sell THAT USED CAR SEE STATE MOTORS, INC. Ph. 4438 340 N. High 193 CHEV. 2 door sedaa to trade for later model car. Box 400 Statesman, i : For Sale Wood CAR OF COAL JUST ARRIVED j WE ADVISE you to get your win ter's supply now while available. Lar men Trans, 889 N. Liberty. Ph. 3131, SPECIAL! 30 dr. Double load miU wood 81. 7721 or 8862. GOOD fir and oak wood while It lasts. Ph. 7888. Maker. . ASH. eek. fir 16 tech. Order: vour winter supply now. Charles Simon, 1311 North Liberty. Phone 6685. , v.: -v.. MAY SPECIAL- 'iV- vi ONE LOAD mill wood. S5J0: 2 loads 810. Immediate delivery, v Hollywood Fuel Co. Ph. . 3731. DRY IS old fir 113. 2nd growth 312. Order by : cord. Kurts , Fuel Yd 829 Bth, McMlnaville. - . inua cut sawuust. e n. green aiao. Part dry end green. miHwood. 7721 . aa FRESH cut sawdust for sate Ph -, GH2XN old growth 18- to. sUo, prompt .delivery Pboae 8444. is pi ."' JalmiiliM"pQma. -18- O orut B B. Oasoe, Melisin! : . Personal " x , 'CHILDLESS Couple "Wish to adopt baby, boy or girL Box 85, glaUatnsn. ; LONESOME? Write The Joy Bliss Club,. P.O. Box . 73, Tscoms, Wash. 'WIDOWER, CI. some savings, ear, -wishes . meet refined lady.' Box 96. .1 Statesman. vi--. SALEM LODGE No. 4. AJF. as AJ4, Wed, May 10, X. A. de gree, IM PJL . Pacific Lodge - No. 80. AF Ac AM. F. C degree. Friday, May 12th. 130 p. at. t