Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salcxn, Oregon. Wtbwiday Moralag. May 10. 1 344 PAGE EIGHT Quotations at Portland East Side Market 1 ; PORTLAND. Ore.. May t. (AP) PortUnd East Sid market quotations: Armies: Wincsapa (Stay man) J .00 box. Asparagus: Canby No. 1, 3.23 pyra mid; No. 3, iM pyramid. Unwrnll- (!rH 1 0O lu ' Cabbage: No. 1 frccn 3-9: ordinary 3.00 crate: red 1.13-2.00 pony crate; savoy (curly) 73c cauliflower crate. Cauliflower: No. 1, 2.73; ordinary S.85-X.75; No. 2. 1.73-2.00. Croatia: Spinach, local 8S-75c orange box; mustard 80c dozen bunches; kale 73e - crate; Swiss chard 70-79 dozen bunches: parsley SO-eoe dozen bunches; watercress 1.00-1.10 doxen bunchea. Onions: Green 75c dozen bunches; commercial trade dry. 50s. 2.70 bag. lunjwin . nra lew ...... ....-, white toe , dozen bunches. - r- . Rhubarb': Field, boxes. 15c. 3-73c; 30s. 1.00-1.10; bunchea M-00c doxen. Root vegetables: Bulk parsnips 73c lug; carrots 73c; turnips 75-80c lug. Sprouts: Brussels 20 flat box; bulk stock 10-12C lb. Lettuce: 1.00; cabbage 1.00: cauli flower 1J0: oeDDers 1.00: pancy 163 flat: marigolds 1.30 box; snapdragons 1.50 nat, v t Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. May API- IB utter: AA grade prints 40c; carton 46'c; A grade prints lic; cartons 64c; B grade prinu 45c; canons 46c lb. Butterfat: Pint quality, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered In Portland 52-52ic; premium quality, maximum of 33 of 'l per cent acidity 53-53'ae; valley routes and country nointa 3c less than first or 50-50' ic. Cheese: Selling price to Portland re 'iailers: Oregon triplets 29:4c; daisies 29 Be lb.: loaf 30 ic lb.: triplets to wholesalers 27c: loaf 28'ic FOB. Eggs: To producers: Nominal prices. case count 28-31c; select henneries 3lc; mediums 24-25C dozen. Ems: Nominal prices to retailers, in eases: Mrr small 23i-24e. 1 Live poultry: Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2', lbs. 27ae: fryers, J' to 4 lbs. 28c; roasters over 4 lbs. 28c; Leghorn and colored hens, 11 weights 24',jc: roosters and stags 20c. ' Rabbits: Government ceiling. Ave rs se country killed to retailers 44c lb.: live price to producers 24c lb. Turkeys: Selling to retailers; Dressed hens No. 1. 39',-43c lb. f Turkeys: Alive: Government ceiling , buying prices: Hens. 42c; tools 3!c lb., dressed basis. Onions: Green 1.00-1.10 doc bunches; dry. Oregon 3.70-3.74; new Texas, Cali fornia 3.75-J.7S. cental; do 2s. 60s, 35c; Klamath. S.75: Deschutes No. 1. 3.63 cental; local 2JO-3.0O cental. Potatoes: New California, whites i.ia per'80-lo. bag; new -lexas -a av-io. Country meats: jtouoaca; prices id retailers: Country killed ' bogs, bert butchers, 120-140 lbs. 17-18c; - vealers 22 22c; A tl'ie; B ls-18ic: C 13 17e; culls 12-lSc; beef AA 21ic; A 20ic; B ltic; C 14c; canner-cutter cows 12-14c; bulls, canner -cutters 14 144c: lambs AA 2c; A. 24e: B 22' ic; C 10-30e; ewea FS 13Vc; medium 13c; R U4C. Wool: Covernment control Cascara bark: 1944 peel 20c lb. Mohair: 1942 13-month 43c lb. Hops: Nominal contract: 1944. 30c UP 1943. 65c; 1940, 60c lb. Hay: Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 2 or better 34.00-33.00; oat vetch 36.00 ton valley points: timothy (eastern Oregon) 33.00-3S.00 ton: clover 34.00 ton; Montana graas hay, (No. 1) 33.50 ton. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. May f. (API Wheat futures unquoted. Cash grain: Oate No. 2-38 lb. white 52.50. Barley No. 2-43 lb. BW 50X0. Corn and flax unquoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1J4; soft white (excluding Rex) 1.56; white club 1.3; -western red 1.36. : Hard red winter: Ordinary 1J4; 10 per cent 135; 11 per cent "147; 12 per cent L59. Portland Lireslock PORTLAND, Ore.. May 9. (AP) (WFA) Cattle, salable 1550.totel 2250; carves salable and total 250. Market active; beef cattle around 23 higher; dairy type cows steady with last week's late advance; bulla stady; vealers 50 cents i higher; good fed steers mostly 15.00-16.00; several loads good-choice grades 16.23; two choice loads 16.75; common - medium steers 11.50-14.50; good heifers 14.30-15.23; coramon-med a arl. liri. 3 A medium I lum grade 9.00-13.50; canner and cut A J W 38c A memum ter rows 5-SO-SOO: fat dairv tvoe cows X DRS. CHAN... LAM Dr.Y.TXainiJ). Dr.G.Cbaa,NXt CHINESE Herbalists 241 North Lfberty Upstairs Portland General Electric Co Office open Saturday only 10 a m to 1 p.m.; 6 to 7 p.m. Con lulUtion. Blood pressure and urine testa are bee of charge, practice lines' 191 1.' , i ter cows 5.50-1 00: fat dairy type cows up to 10.00; medium-good beef cows 10.5O-1Z.00; young cows to 13.00; medium-good bulls- 9.00-11.25; good-choice vealers 13.50-16 50. Hogs, salable 3730. total 3000; market rather slow, about steady with last Monday or 23 below Friday: good choice 170-270 lb. carloads 13.73: 200- 270 lb. truck-ins. also 13.73: few un sold; 170-190 lb. down to 13.00; light lights mostly 10.00-11.50; good sows 9.50 to mostly 9.00; few light weights 9.25-50; good-choice feeder pigs 8.00 9.00. Sheep, salable 500. total 1800; market uneven: shorn lambs and ewes fully steady: good-choice spring lambs 16.00; fed good-choice old crop lambs with Noa. 1-2 pelts 15.00; common-me dium grades I0.oo-I3.3o; good shorn ewes 5.00-50. common down to 3.50, Eggs Wanted Top Prices Paid! Prompt Remittance Ship or Brine Tour Eggs to FBED IIEYEB EGG DEPOT I SSI 8.' E. Alder St PortUnd. Ore. Strictly Private" By Quinn Hall - 'HCW PSCCT VEX EM """ . i.- 1HV THQSEOrEJlJf RND THfcU. .1 . Lji , ll- 1 ,&mfff(zy SCnACWHaTRBft 94 CCtf, PcAU AVCXU:- il ANT LEAtD US WEH mx WW KEADS,TD cinw ni rruikVE) 4 wimo nnwfcr n I i ! :: srrntt ecu '.- Held-Over 1943 Spuds Will Be Bought by CCC PORTtAND, May 9 -VP)- AU held-over 1943 potatoes of a spe cified gride will be bought by the commodity credit corporation, county AAA chairmen were told today, by i the state agricultural conservation committee office. Basic prices were set at $2.30 a hundredweight for US No. 1 bagged; $1.95 bulk; $2.10 for US commercial, bagged; $1.03 for US No. 2 and small US No. 1 in bulk. Slightly lower prices prevail in Malheur Baker, Union and Wal lowa counties. An additional 35 cents a hundredweight will be al lowed for grading, sacking and delivering bulk storage potatoes. (il!im.l!iaAVI;tdljH time-tested Swart Tshtsss tsia the verr faaradMata ohn uad hv f eocton (or anick. Wti nHaf el dw Q raoSrrstioa and apwt Momach. to tolp K feci better, sleep better, sad rsally eamr V list. Micioas tastiag: easy to taka . . . Ik Mbettls; SHia. Gt acairifw Seaart If Tabteta at roar draeeiat at oaca. Only 3Sc, eoe or l.Z0 andsr BMkar-s positive mcar back aaaraataa. ; ' ' I Salem Market Quotations The prices bejow supoUad by a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but,, are not - guaranteed by The Statesman: Cauliflower, crate i 33 and 2.53 Crook neck V Italian squash, lb. JOS Turnips, dos bunches , 1.00 Cabbage, lb. JU Endive, aoz. bun. - .79 Radishes, dos bun. SO Carrots, dog. bun. --- jM Celery, dos. bun. , 1-30 Pumpkin, lb. , , .S3, Parsnips. ' .... M BVTTCa, EGGS AND FOTJLTXY Aadresea'6 Bvyug rrices ' Subject to change wtthoat aotfece) BUTTE FAT .j - Premium , M No, 1 , No. 2 jo BDTTEB PRINTb RATION CALENDAR FOOD - Processed foods Blue stamps AS through US vaud indefinitely. Meat, butter, cheese, etc. Red stamp T8 valid Indefinitely. Red stamps VS. VS and WS valid Indefi nitely beginning June 2, Sugar Stamps nuoroer .10 and 21 good for five pounds sugar . indefi nitely. Stamp 40 good for five pounds canning sugar until March ! 1. 1945. Apply at ration board for more. SBOES Airplane stamp No. 1 and No. 2 valid indefinitely. GASOLINE June 21 expiration date of No. 11 A coupons. May renew B or C cou pons within but not before 1 IS days from date on cover. Value of gasoline coupons: A, Bl, CI. 3 gallons: B2. C2, R and T. I gallons. O. IA gallons: E. 1 gallon FUEL OB ' Period 4-5 , coupons good : through August 21 instead of September 30 as previously announced. Coupons - with gallons printed on the face - valid for amount indicated until ex- - piration date show on coupon sheet. Not more than SO per cent of sea son's rations should have been used , to date. TIRES ! Periodic Inspection of tires ended. Inspection certificates required in obtaining replacements. STOVE . Purchaser must get certificate at ration board for new stoves. , WOOD, SAWDUST, COAL Fuel dealers deliver by priorities based on needs. Order your 12-month supply now during temporary winter storage program. Select Stocks Reach Highs" . NEW .YORK, May MffhBuy ers remained decidedly selective in today's stock market and, while assorted favorites managed to make new tops, for the year or longer, many leaders were unable to crawl out Of the minus column. The Associated Press 60-stock average was unchanged at 51.8 bui the industrial index retrieved the .1 loss of yesterday which was1 the first recession since April 24. Transfers totaled 620,040 shares compared with 585,510 the day before. Petroleum issues were aided by a 25-cent special disbursement of Gulf Oil Corp. Pullman, up 2 in the preceding session following a led era! court order to divorce either the manufacturing or sleep ing car business, lost of a point Austin Nichols preferred dropped 2 as the result of profit taking Brokers noted the short inter- ect'On the stock exchange of 1,- 090,581 shares at the end of April was up only 62,092 from the March 31 totaL At peaks for 1944 in the day's proceedings were Hudson Motors, Great Northern, Standard Oil (NJ) and Consolidated Film pre f erred. 'lt UKE TO PINJD OUT 1 C1 " I ' - S ST irry RARB ALL R4GMT? FIKE-THE DAMES TIME TO 4 GET ME HEAD" BACK Y iv . .. V 7 , 7 ifSd rs TiY , rani THIMBLE THEATRE ME LOOKS SPLEMDID, AMD I UlAGEREO THREE HAMBURGERS IA6AINST Mf n. K In1 Hill, iMm ' HAKRVAPE HAS A BOX OF PEPPER PEPPER? DID SOU SArV PEPPER? I TJOM'Tj - u . - - . I r YtK Kr I t DOH'T GIVE ME FUN MY LOOKS. I DONT WAMNATIEiA ROPE R0UN0 YDL BUT D06S ARE DOGS, CATS ARE CATS AN' BUSINESS IS BUSINESS! 7 nil i ovsincja u f II I I n. . j . J I CU-t ,J -lDUINt--:r A 11 i 1 VVEtL VWT INSIDE THE TUNNEL I I PURDX I I KNOW JANE I K IS DUDE . Y IM SDRRy TO. z4HnY AND HEAR WHAT THE , y HATE TO 1 TOD ME ABOUT WITHIN HIS ASAYX3UCANT . ' jj HBZFF SASjy y JQ THSiy(PlX,E 'S TRCK.1 LEGAL RJGHTgL 1 1 at iv m r ar m jw i n,.i tj shop U4 yjm & ' - " -pi i PLEASE. ZERO DONt START 6R0W1IN iff i - ! imi 4t S" 1 f-j Al I fie LAI I MAI LAUT IO AJ 1 WUJIUWCKJj 6RAND-0AD SEXTHE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT, SO THE CUST0- a A k a Mata I , k 7 TlZUXZ HAllGEH 1 ! '' HrrilTTnCjl Hand Potato tL,:j(; .iliiiWiid! , Planter Grass Seeders Quarters .. EGGS ! Extra large Medium Standards Punets 1" POULT Colored hens. No. 1 No. a. colored bakes Colored trys , i i Old roosters -2S 4 J .us -S 1 Jl M Marlon . Crtsj-err's Boyntg rrlcts (Saajeet to chaste wltaaat atoaeai PODLTRI ;i ......... .. .. -J. - No. 1 springs , , j ., I f No. 1 hens , j,..,. ,..-.': .35, t UVCSTOCK i BuTlna d rices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported! Dressed veal - -I Spring lambs j inn to 19.00 , Yearlings , i f.oo to Ewes MO to .. 9M I' Hoea. rood to choice gradej 170 to 339 '- ' 14-S Sows : y 10.00 to 100 Top veal - Dairy type cows Bulla 13.00 to 14X0 - S OO to S.00 1X0 to SJ0 Grains Show Down Trend CHICAGO, May 9 Rye set an uncertain pace In the grain pits today, weakening, under sel ling pressure and other! grains generally showed fractional losses in sympathy. j j Shortly 'after the opening, sel ling of May rye contracts pushed the price down 1! cents. Some of the loss later was regained. The July contract also j failed to with stand liquidation, j but September and December contracts put up some resistance. Wheat closed unchanged to lower, July $1.69. Oats Were Vt higher to Va lower July 79. Rye was toil lower. May Jl.27. Some of the rye selling Was at tributed to houses with eastern connections. Interest in wheat was limited, with traders apparently awaiting some decisive stimulus. The government's winter wheat and rye crop forecast tomorrow was expected in trade circles to show ; somewhat improved pros pects for both grains. j I Crossword Puzzle 14 " "" Z7 """j" "T" 28 ZTW ZZZTWiZZ. llIllILli 2J 1 .i H I E- "1 lgl li HORIZONTAL 39. slant i. beast of 40. Japanese burden 4. parlor 9. mineral spring 12. illuminated .13. eat away 14. label 15. ahield 17. fissile rock II. lubricates 20. let It stand 21. heavy cords 23. bank officials 28. land. measures ' 27. propagate 28. exclamation of surprise 29. cushion 30. erects 31. Japanese sash 32. neuter pronoun S3, distorts 34. Ireland 35. resolves 37. salt of the peninsula 42. clergymen 45. salutation 48. inclination 48. new: comb. form 41. dance step 50. allays 51. rigid ' ' ' VERTICAL 1. lofty ! . mountain 2. Utle of address j 3. bent over 4. blinds j 5. curves r 6. Biblical character Answer to yesterday's putxle. COT APE a lesteas e lancaH tH Mi rk. a n tT'h A ri C wIVIt-lrMl 1M ml I I .umin r t l pkRj'f W CHAV A NL 1AJB A Niolo NLLrte3 MUSTimLADjl age5 SN A jPAL 38. entrance Averse Uaat at aalatleat M mlaates. Dist. by King reaturea Syndicate. Inc. i S-ii XhypotheUcal j force 8. cuddles 9. declare 10, close comrade 111 grow old j 14. cravats ( 18. retained i 20L prophets i ; 21. swift ' .- 22. declaim ! . 23. snares 'I'' 24. Spring bird 25. glisten ' 27. French up 30. give out rays 31. prayers i 33. broad I 734. geological ' t ages i . 38. minds t 37. feathered! ' 1 vertebrate -' 1 animals h'. 31. scourge 3 40.1id . 4l.eggsfc- t 42. foot-like part 43. born 44. toper 4T.sun god Help Wanted MAN AND wife. asst. art. mtr. Free ant. Man may be emnloyed elsewhere. Ph. .4973. evenings. i . ELDERLY MAN wishes middle ased couple to share home. - rent free, in exchange for board. Phone 7342. i - i HOP TRAINERS: Roberta. Hob Yard. Truck leaves Ladd Ar Bush comr',ao corner Miller At Commercial Sts 7:45 AJ. Tor particuUrs Ph. S-3053 or S423. COLLECTOR Widow or middle-aged man or woman who can work three or more hours a day to collect on regular monthly payment contracts. Must be dependable and pass Surety Company bond. Box (92. Oregon SUtesman.- ARE YOU an experienced meat cut terr If so, Safeway Stores can give you immediate employment. Pleaaant working conditions, modern equipment, steady employment, good pay If you can qualify. See Mr. Miller, Km. 204, McGUchrist Bldav GROCERY checker, male or female, top pay. Saving Center, Portland Road. MEN and Ph. 7S5C, - women for bo yard work Stocks and Bonds May STOCK AVERAGES 30 - IS - Indus Rails Tuesday JU 17.1 Prev. day 71.T 27J : Week ago . . ; , 70 J 27.0 s Month ago 71.S 28.1 Year ago 71.S 28.1 " 1044 high 71.0 25- 1944 low -., . ...68.1 22 J BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Rails Indus 104.7 1OS.0 104.7 106.0 105.0 106.0 , 1053 108.0 105 J 102 S 105.7 108. 104.7 104.7 Tuesday .S8.0 Prev. day S8.0 Week ago 87J Mo. ago 87.4 Year ago 763 1S44 high 88.0 1944 low .79.5 IS Util 35.9 35J 3sa 36.S 36.8 34.S 35.1 10 Util 65.7 S5A 65.7 66.1 61.1 66 2 63- t- ' 00 SUs 51 J 51 J 513 523 523 SOJ 49 A ib rogn 1153 1153 114 9 1153 1143 1153 114.0 Legal Notice i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Mil ton Arthur McClain, deceased, by the Judge of the Probate Court of Marion County, Oregon, and has qualified. j Any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the ffcame duly verified with proper vouchers to this administrator at Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. ' Dated and first published this 10th day of May, 1944. 1 J.DEO McCLAIN, : Administrator. Victor Olliver, p " : " 1 Albany, Oregon, Attorney for Administrator. My 10-17-24-31 J 7. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has - been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of FRANK LYNCH, Deceased, and that Letters of Ad ministration have issued to him. All , persons having . claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified and with the : proper vouchers, to the undersigned Ad ministrator at 285 State Street, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publi cation of this Notice, which first publication is made May 10, 1944. T. M. HICKS Administrator of the Estate of Frank Lynch, Deceased. First Publication: May 10, 1944. Last Publication: June 7, 1944. My.10-17-24-31 J.7. HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) Einria (tsjrtsrt). Tessn u Fistta Smafc dlMrdan Istpslt yoes fcaalta aHieiaacy araiae; pew. For 30 years ra fcae cre IuIIt treated tho d el peopU tor tfc il eats. N kospiUl opeie. ttea. Ne omiimaaamt. Ne Utaa ai Hat horn rk. CaU ior eaamuvattea a saad lac rilX rfaaaxiBtiM SiL fa l raa-ni Ilia W I Jt T Dr. C.J.DEAH CLINIC H. B. Co. g. armsMe aad Otaad Ak. i Telepaeae KAat 3918, Pactlaad, Or-oa j Lenon Juice Recipe ! Checks Rhennalic Pain Qnichly j If you suffer from rheumatic, ar. thritia or neuritis pain, try- tbia simple inexpensive home: recipe that thous sanos aie using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound.: a two-week supply, today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of lemons. It's easy No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 3 tablespoons two times day. Often within 48 hour some times overnightsplendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and tl you do not feel better, return the empty package and Ru-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an abso lute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound ia for sale and recommend ed by Fred Meyer Drug Store and drug stores everywhere. . Livestock and Poultry ; BUY (? " i WARD'S QUALITY ; . CSICKS . vf Come in and place your order today pay later on Ward's monthly payment plan. Chicks shipped di rectly' from hatchery; to you on orders of 100 or more, or pick up at store. All chicks from tested flocks - Oregon hatched for Oregon's climate. Get your chick supplies at the same time. f J -t MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. LIBERTY ST., 'SALEM, ORE. j . PHON E 314 i 283 LEGHORN cockerels 3 wks. old. Also 350 elec. brooder. 3638 S. Summer after 3 PJ4. ; " 1 WANTED: Beef and canner cows, buns and veals. Will caU - at farm. E I. Snethen, 3570 E. Turner Road. Ph. 21343. Morns or eves. j BABY CHICK5 and custom hatching. 23 yrs. experience assures you of test quality and satisfaction. Prepare for better market conditions later. Hatches every Monday and Thursday. Hamp shirea. Ifrhnrni Rri Rirrwl Rwbi day old ckls or pullets. Ph 22861. un naicncry : ATTENTION " Will remove otad & worthless stock In a moment's notice! SALEM FER TILIZES & BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 6000 Collect (No otbtr Phone). - NEW Hampshire laving pullets or ready to lav puikta. Immediate de livery. Choice selection. Ph. 32861. Lee's Hatchery. LEGHORN cockerels 3c. Available twice weekly. Ph. 33861. Lee's Hatchery. Help Wanted Male Workers now employed tn war pro ducUon should not apply and will not be considered for employment by cm. ptoyw advertising in thto secUon. WANTED! Help in Luh. Dept. good pay, steady work essential industry. . .Stan Baker Motors 525 Chemeketa St. Phone 4119 ' TRUCK. DRIVERS AND WORKING men. Good salary. AU expenses. Best of working condi tions. Opportunity for good steady men to make and save money." Apply AR THUR BROS. CIRCUS, Capitola Grds rriday. ; ;; ALL : AROUND maintenance man. Must - be steady. - A Duly in person. Grand theatre. , ." -, EXP. LADY dishwasher wanted at Schneider's Coffee Shop, across from Elsinore theatre. Call in person. SINGLE man on dairy farm. Phone 87F13. J. M. Nichols, Rt. 6. Box 141. WANTED: Meat Cutter. Model Food Market. 275 N. High St. STOCK man, 18 yrs. or over. Saving Center, Portland Road. BOOKKEEPER and Material clerk. Apply Llindy, Dallas Machine 8c Loco motive Works, Dallas, Oregon. Help Wanted -Female Help Wanted ; "Get in on the ground floor ; with a progressive company engaged in vital food distribution. Real opportunities. FOR NEAT APPEARING. AGGRES SrVE. ELIGIBLE MEN OR WOMEN, AGES 18 TO 45. PLEASANT, STEADY. INSIDE WORK. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. EARN WHILE YOU ARE TRAINED. APPLY SAFEWAY STORE DISTRICT OFFICE. McGILCHRIST BLDG LIBERTY 4c STATE. SALEM. Turkey Pickers Wanted: Piece work. No experience neces sary. Now Is your chance to help in an essential industry. -These turkeys are going on government contracts. NORTHWEST POULTRY tt DAIRY 150S N. FRONT I vL - YOUNG LADY for office work, to circulation dept.. of The Statesman. Must be able to take dictation. : See Mr. Clark, circulation mgr. ; EXPERIENCED WOMAN grocery clerk, apply State St. Grocery. 1230 State. - f ' LIGHT COOKING and kitchen work. Night shift. No Sundays. Permanent. Brisht Spot Cafe. 360 Center St. - ) WANTED: Usherettes 18 or over. Ap ply in person. Grand Theatre. ' EXPERIENCED VARIETY "girl. Small store. Good pay Apply 1263 State. " v;-i;: ::'.-".;- j fySC0BOyKa.TH yVlEAR Yl IT AiNT THAT 50WETWN'? J 1OF?J. sySr,' TB0UPE I ' r - ' " I TW 00IN15 ?J. TH JOtNTS J WEIL GIVE TW DOLLS ) 1 1 L-lSAVW ? kf-kATHV, TH COOMV'yEArL AND IT SAi? JUMPN' WITH JIVE wflaA-THIN TO REMEMBER J HE1S ONE Of ) m. VIH' t ONLY ON PANCI THE)r USO-iOHS HS LS By...A gAL T-THAT MEANS' f tzSP m MEM mm. . i SCORCHY SMTTH IMFUNMEL MATIVES VUIP SOME rt Tutrr tu&d ft.rMCM-circ I 111. V W 111"! . (.- W V . W . I IWta wJy$s SHEUL MONEV i oar euwEOu li i -I TMASl'S AHUNNERT 0ULLER5, V fffffi CU2 NOVU. SUOU) WE WUftR - 74 Ul HIDE OUT , y 33 t w n ai . a-.M- It THEV WUSTA BEEN .- . S,r V COUNT ER.F00T J JXx I ' ib Hand Corn Planters i55 173 S. L:rly Zl. S!:a cArjnrr googls .I'm . k Fm Mat, Im., Mmti nitfa nmnti