The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 10, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mrs. Jaeschke
Is Entertained
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Silverton Club Leader
Honored at Reception
. SIT WffBiPnUT ir :
. J aeschke, , out-going - president of
the Silverton Woman'i club, wu
'" honored Monday afternoon at the
annual no-hostess luncheon,? the
final meeting of the year, held In
. the luncheon room of the Eugene
Field building. Mrs. George Hubbs,
a past president, and Mrs. Clark
Bachman, Incoming president, both
paid tribute to Mrs. Jaeschke, and
Mrs. Bachman, in behalf of the
club, presented her with m gift.
As a special feature, Mrs. A. J.
Titus, paid special tribute to mo
thers. Mrs. H. B. Latham, chair
, man of the library board,"gave a
meeting held at Salem Saturday,
Mrs. Tiatham, who is a member of
- the state board of ; directors, re
' Viewed the messages brought by
the Saturday speakers, and also
spoke of the libraries place in post
war work.
During the business meeting, the
' club voted $30 to the 1 i b r a r y's
. book fund. Mrs. Jaeschke served as
Installing officer! Mrs. Bachman.
president; Mrs. George Christen
son, vice-president, Mrs. Ronald
Hubbs, secretary, and Mrs. A. J.
Titn trMiirir. i
A number of guests were pres-
ent, and the hostess committee in
! eluded Mrs. George Hubbs, Mrs.
George Jaeschke and Mrs. Helmer
' Brokke.
New Officers
Are Installed
AMITY The Baptist Mission
Circle met Friday with Mrs. W. H.
Loop west of town. Mrs. J. O. Cas
teel had charge of the opening de
votions. Prayers were offered by
the members present This was the
last meeting of the church year
for missions. V ,
The new-officers were installed
by Mrs. Casteel, retiring president,
as follows: Mrs. E. H. Lehman,
president; M r s. G. E. Gillaspie,
vice-president; Mrs. W. H. Loop,
secretary-treasurer. ;
. Mrs. G. E. Gillaspie and Mrs.
Vernisha Newby gave reports on
the women's mission rally held re
cently in Salem. "Hope" was. the
theme word for missions during
the year just closed and Mrs. E. H.
Lehman,; assisted. by her chosen
helpers, presented a short program
on hope's fruition, and Mrs. F. C.
Fitzpatrick gave a short lesson on
the same" subject. Bev. Tapscott
offered prayer.' . ! !
The "love gift" ' 6 x e s were
opened and the silver offering" was
made for mission "work.1. Twelve
members . responded ' to roll call.
During the social hour refresh
ments were served. The next meet
ing will be held ' at the Baptist
church, with Mrs. G. E. Gillaspie
as hostess, May 26.
Eastern Stars
AMITY Amity Masonic lodge
entertained members of Amity
Eastern Star Saturday in the
Masonic ; hall. The time was
spent in playing Chinese check
ers, bridge and other 'games.
The Sisterhood of the Christian
. church of Amity will meet Thurs
day afternoon. May ill, at the
church, where a special Mother's
day program .will be presented.
Gifts will be presented to the
oldest and the youngest mother
present A covered dish luncheon
will be served . at noon and an
offering f for . missions . will be
made. '; Vi; ; ; t'J- "
Mrs. J. C. Johnson has returned
from Bend, where she visited her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Van Buskirk.
' Mrs. Mary (Aunt Mollie) Loop
Is seriously ill .at her home in the
south part of town.' Mrs. Loop has
been in failing health for sev
eral months. " ,
Bullocks Go
To Kansas
Mrs. Bullock and two children
have gone to Kansas to spend a
few weeks with relatives. Rev.
Bullock is p a s t o r of the local
church. J'.-. '
All the lumber for a new barn
on the August Woelke farm has
been hauled and the work; of
fearing down the present build
lng has begun, woelke plans a
new 30 ' x 60 structure with a
concrete floor and low concrete
wall on the same site as the pres
ent barn. - , -
Silverton Pets
To Parade May 26
SILVERTON The annual pet
parade sponsored by the American
Legion of which C. H. Dickerson
is commander, has been, set for
Friday night, May 29, at 8:30
o'clock, to start from the city park
and go through the main 'Streets
of town. Usually the parade is on
Saturday mornings with the treat
show In the afternoon.' It is un
derstood that the 'show' will be
held as usual on Saturday after
noon. ' ' ; ;- " " , '
The , committee Is' announcing,
that rural schools and community
projects and rural clubs for the
youKjcr folk are urged to be rep
resented in the parade.
Reports From
Marion FU 7 '
Has Meeting
MARION The Farmers Union
met Friday night Visitors present
from Liberty local were John
Dasch, J. Judd and Lewis Jud
son; also C F. French of Salem.
The last two are candidates. Bar
ley Libby a poke on legislative
and public affairs and 'especially
urged members to study the
candidates and to not fail to vote.
Mr, and Mrs. George E. Wil
kenson and, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Weise were taken in as members.
Mrs. Smith said the lounging
rooms at the Farmers Union
warehouse in Salem are com
pleted and invited members to
make it their headquarters while
in town. . r
Mrs. Herman ' DeLangh gave
the report for the flower com
mittee; Homer Smith, Fred
Schermacher reported on the
warehouse; Mr. and Mrs. J. Pal
mer, who have been employed at
the Salem warehouse, are mov
ing to Corvallis, and he will be
manager of the new. cooperative
warehouse to be established
The next meeting of. the local
has been changed to May 18 due
to; the primary election. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Roan are chairmen of
the refreshment committee for
the May 18 meeting.
The auxiliary of the Farmers
Union of Marion local will meet
Thursday with a no-host lunch
eon. -
Many Changes
Are listed
AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Lindroff moved to -Portland the
first of the week where they have
bought a house. They have been
employed in Portland for nearly
a year and recently sold their
property here to Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Wathee, who will move
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jarvis
of California have moved to the
Earl Burch farm north of Amity
and Mr. land Mrs. Burch and
family have moved to the W.. R.
Osborne property of 28 acres . in
the south part of Amity, which
1 1 .1.4. 1 A. 41- ' A
uiey ouugni last uiuiiwju
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Reisinger of
Portland, parents of Mrs. C. H.
Law, have moved to Amity and
are now living in the J)r. C. H.
Law cottage on S Ou t h Trade
street. It was recently vacated by
the William Sproal family, who
have moved to the former W. J.
Udell place on North Trade
Future Farmers
Provide Program
SUNNYSIDE A community
club met Friday at the school
house. The program was arranged
by the Future Farmers of Salem.
It was the last meeting until Octo
ber, i
Mr. and Mrs. H. LMcMillen
from Tacoma, visited Mrs. Rosetta
McMillen and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mealey from
Portland are working oh their
farm. .
Miller's .
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The Statesmai
Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Mornlngi May 10. 1944
Extension Program Planned
For Seventeen Communities
' Projects for the third year of the home extension program in
Marion county were determined when" delegates representing
100 per cent of the units in the county, with two new communi
ties represented met for the1 annual Program Planning Day held
at the YMCA in Salem Tuesday. -Miss
Lois : Lutz, home , manage-
menl specialist from Oregon State
college, representing the state
staff, spoke on "Problems Con
fronting the Homemaker Today."
Miss Frances Clinton, home dem
onstration agent reported inter
est 'in the extension program
growing. .
" The projects . selected for the
coming year by the 43 delegates
representing 17 communities were
as follows: "Housecleaning Aids,
and Care and Pressing of Cloth
ing," two meetings to be conduct
ed by project leaders; five to be
presented by Miss Clinton: "Un
derstanding Ourselves," (part II);
"Forestalling D elinquency ";
"Short Cuts in Sewing"; "Keep
Well with Vitamin, C"; "House
hold Pests, or Repairing Inner
spring Cushions". one to be
chosen. )
A; county-wide officers' train
ing meeting in parliamentary pro
cedure is to be held in the fall.
Invitations are to be extended to
all organizations interested.
Tjuree special schools are to be
scheduled: dressmaking, tailor
ing ;land slip cover making. The
places will be announced later.
Members re-elected to the
county committee were Mrs.
Floyd Fox, Mrs. Harry Martin and
Mrs. i Verny Scott whose terms
expired this year.
A surprise feature of" the day
was' luncheon served at the home
of Miss Clinton on South Summer
street The sun broke through the
clouds and showers long enough
that ( the attractively - decorated
serving table could be placed in
theiyard. Representatives present
Mrs. S. B. Davidson, Mrs. R. J.
Seeger, Liberty; Mrs, V. T. Jack
son, Edena lane; Mrs. O. P. Higle,
Miss Thelma de Vries, Mrs. C A.
Lynds, county committee, Prat
um-Macleay; Mrs. Ora Morris,
Hubbard; Mrs. Ella J. Becker,
Mrs, Hattie Bumgardner, Wood
burn; Mrs. Mollie McKinney, Mrs.
Grace Conklin, East Salem; Mrs.
May ; Crittenden. Roberts; Mrs.
Lee Brown, Stay ton; Mrs. Harry
Maf-tin, county committee, - Prat
um-Macleay; Mrs. James Keys,
county committee, Edena lane;
Mrs. Jessie Carter, Union Hill;
Mrs. Cleo Keppinger, Mrs. John
Cage, Central Howell; Mrs. Ver
ny yScott, county committee, Un
ion.': Hill; Mrs. Helen Wiesner,
North Howell; Mrs. D. E. Blinston,
Service Men
ELDRIEDGE Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Goff in entertained at din
nT; Sunday for Mr. and Mrs.' Ar
thur Brook of Salem. .. .
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Nusom en
tertained fit dinner Sunday hon
oring their son, Don A. Nusom,
USN, whd will report at Farra
gut Thursday after a 13 day leave.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Bruhdidge, Patsy and Gale Brun
didge, Woodburn; " Glen Skeels,
USN; Howard MendenhalL Hu
bert Brundidge, Robert - Heisler,
Don Nusom, USN, and the hosts.
" Mr', i
s Conmutnty Correspondents
Talbot; Mrs. Edna Reeves, Ank-
eny; ;Mrs. P. I'C. SchermackeT,
Marion; Mrs. Francis Porter, Mrs.
Grace Reinhart, Silverton Hills;
Mrs. S. L.Minard, Roberts; Mrs.
George H. McCoy, Marionr Mrs.
u u Bennett, Airs, raw uneo
enow, Mrs. H. E. Gardner, Sa
lem Heights; Mrs. Grace Cramer,
county committee, Hubbard;
Mrs. Helmer Brokke, Mrs.
George Jaeschke, Mrs. Alf Nelson,
Mrs. H. JJ Titus, Silverton; Mrs.
H. R. Woodburn, county commit
tee, Salem Height; Mrs. A. B.
Horner, Gates; Mrs. H. M. Tate,
Mrs. H. F. .Krenz, Union Hill; Mrs.
M. M. Magee, Pratum-Macleay;
Mrs. Floyd Fox, -county commit
tee, Union; Hill; Mrs. P. D. Baker,
Edena lane, i i
Senior Qass
Holds Banquet
aboard n ship was the entertain
ment pi esented the guests at
tending the junior-senior high
school banquet at . the school
Thursday night The school prin
cipal, R. E. Hough, pilot; in
charge of cargo, Mrs. Fitts; sails,
Mark Killinger; rudder, Wilford
La Fountaine; knots, Mildred
Clutter; buoy, Glenn Klein;
crow's-nest, Mrs. Ruth Riches;
anchor, Jim Comstock; all gave
toasts. ' !
"On Board the S-S.," was given
by the senior class. Welcoming
words were said by the toastmas
ter, Blossom Bates, with re
sponse by John Harper.
Decorations for the banquet
were designed to lend realism to
the voyage. ;
Special g u e s t s in addition to
the two! classes were Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Hough, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Carlson, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Wilcox, Miss Alice Jaquet
Mrs. Sehon, Mrs. Fitts, Mrs.
Ethel Sundlie. v
Mt. Angel Academy;
Plans Are Made
gel normal and academy will hold
its annual commencement on the
night of June 1 when 40 young
women will receive their diplo
mas. The; Rev. Bernard J. Mc
Donnell of Salem will be com
mencement speaker.
Silverton Judge - T
Fines Three Offenders -
SILVERTON Clarence Dale
Herr paid $7.50 in city police
court with Judge Bert Terry on
the bench; for alleged destruction
of city property involving a street
sign. '('.
Lawrence Hensler was given a
$25 fine and a 30-day suspended
Jail sentence, on charge of disor
derly conduct
Victor Grossnickle, of the po
lice force,1 made both arrests.
Dinner Parties
Honor Guests
dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Wiesner and Mrs.
R. E. McKee, were Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. McKee of Salem; and Sgt
and Mrs. Elmer Meade of Lone
Beach, Calif. (
Sunday dinner gue its at the
K. D. Coomler home were Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Coomler and children
Diane and Dickie of Silverton, and
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Russ and daugh7
ter Barbara Jean of Labish Center.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mrs. Martha Vinton were
Mrs. Winnie MacKay, and Mr. and
Mrs. William Summerville of Van'
couver; Mr. and Mrs. George Van
Orsdale of Los Angeles. Other
guests included Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Rickard and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Vinton. ;
Sunnyside Qnb
Members Listed
, SUNNYSIDE Winners in the
4-H spring show from Sunnyside
included: " . ' .
Louise McMillen and N o r m a
Russell, Marion county winners in
the 4-H home economics judging
contest and received a half schol
arship each. J Norma Russell and
Maruia snerwood each received a
half scholarship in the style re
vue. Blue ribbon winners were
Donna Pearson in cooking division
I, Mary Koellman, Norma Russell.
Red ribbon winners were Alberta
Black well, Joyce Cpnboy, Donnie
Jones, LaVern Jones, Norma Rus
sell and Charles Sherwood. White
ribbon winners were Betty McMil
len, Louise McMillen, Martha
Sherwood, Charles Sherwood, Im-
ogene McNeil, Louise McMillen
and Donnie Jones. I
' . J f :5:S:: V
uniifl " JC :xx-...-.v.
4-H Club Party
Held Fndayi ;
Central Howell Holds
h Annual Open House, .
Awards Are Blade
nual open house by the 4H clubs
was held Friday night; Officers of
the elub are Eryin Roth,' presi
dent; Shirley . Roth, , vice presi
dent The program announced by
the 'president included flag sa
lute and song, America, by school
and audience: 4H club flag sa
lute; numbers by jthe primary rhy
thm band ledy Mm. Jessie Rains;
a' health, play, TTommy Sees
Doctor, by upper . grade child
ren; marimba solos . by Edward
Strut with piano accompaniment
by bis "mother; awarding of Rice
writing certificates by Mrs. Rains.
Awarding of .4H club pins by
Amos uieriy; songs by primary
pupils; style review by 4H aew-
mg ciud giris oirecteu by leader,
Mrs. Jasper King; song, .Mother
Machree, by Joanne and Shirley
Roth; ' song, Staif Spangled . Ban
ner, by alL
Awards to the 4H winners were
as follows: sewing II Betty Jo
Haverson, first; j Helen Edwards,
second. Sewing III Shirley Roth,
first; Adeline Hanry, second. Art
posters Bruce Beals and ; Ervin
Roth, firsts; Shirley . Roth, - sec
ond. Hobby . , j Maxine Hansen,
first on dogs; Harold Watts, first
on stamp book; Adeline Hanry. and
Bonnie Blaney, second. Sheep
Ervin Roth, first; Harold Watts,
first; Bruce Beats, second. Calves
Dick Bye, first; Mayo and
James Hollin, second. i
Baccalaureate services for. the
eighth grade will be held: the
night of April 14, at eight o'
clock at the Pratum Mennonite
church. . j I
Graduation exercises for the
four eighth grade pupils, Adeline
Hanry, Shirley Rom, Bruce Beals
and Ervin Roth, 'will be held May
18, at 8 o'clockJ v t
The school and community pic
nic will be held Saturday, May 20.
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in making Chesterfields a better cigarette.
Nature, with the farmers'! help, grows the
Worlds Best flbBACCOS.
i Science : then takes a hand
: them together in
.Right! Combination to give
you the cigarette
-t that Tastes
Valloy- Calendar
Union HUl Home Xo ehib. Urs.
Philip rischF.
SUvertoo Home Extraxion unit, Eu
gene Fields school 1:30. j
Hyevill Farmers' UnHm
Gates Woman's club, 1 sun. . .
ntlDAT, MAT 11
East Salem Home Ex tension unit
Swefle. school. 130 pjn.
Ymhill County Homemakers SprlnM
rmwm. aocMianvuM.-. . .
Lincoln Club Plans
Fort Mother m Day
LINCOLN Mother's day
be observed, at the : meeting of
Lincoln Ladies Goodwill club at
the borne of the president," Mrs.
Nels i Yenckel Thursday ; after-
onJ Mrs. Marl Flint McCall
plana to attend and give one of
her interesting travelogues, which
she Illustrates with articles from
countries visited. '
" : ; CALL V-
CDcan-n-GE) 1
foq tqavel mFoannTEon
Telephono 3S4S i
Mofnnner Sdfduht to PorflaiMf, Son Francisco
Los Angeles, Chicago, Now York, Washington, 0. Cl
-;' r- V--!:.: --v -.-v.; - J. vC. f: -
V'; J;' "
Swm gofs lis sham of !
rho best foboeco
"Anybody going' dawn the buying
line at the tobacco auctions can sec howl ,
Chesterfield sure gets its share of the!
best tobacco offered for tate, . ; :
' &mar
Tofcocce Former TanmoMvilla SL
i t j ,
-1 i c ' .... .
and blends
that's Wilder
OrvaL Larsons -
Visit Silverton
, - . ; - - ; ' .
SILVERTON Orval Larson,
petty officer third class, and Mrs.
Larson of Yakima, Wash spent
the, weekend with his father, W. C
Larson at Silverton. Seaman Lar
son has completed boot training at
Farragut and will find out where
he Is to be stationed when he re
turns there ' this weekend. - Mrs.
Larson and their two' children will
remain at Yakima until he is sta
tioned. ; Mr. Larson's sister," Mrs. Alvin
Legard entertained for the visitors
at noon Sunday, and Sunday night
his father and Mrs. W. C. Larson
entertained. Present at both occa
sions were Seaman and Mrs. Orval
Larson of Yakima, Mr. and Mrs.
Merl Larson-of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C Larson and Harold
Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Legard
and Denxel and Harold Legard.